• Published 11th Nov 2016
  • 1,171 Views, 3 Comments

Grave Parallel Universe - PioneerofImagination

Twilight Sparkle is gone and 3 years later an army of robots have attacked Equestria in an attempt to take it over. An army of merciless machines vs the ponies of Equestria who 's gonna win.

  • ...

Chapter 5 Final Robot Rumble

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone here's the rest of a story about robots fighting ponies.

After a while the Robotic Guardians made their way to Canterlot where the royal guards quickly surrounded them. They quickly surrendered and upon interrogation told the royal pony sisters where the robot HQ was and that they wanted to do everything in their power to help them fight the robots and bring order back to their land. "It's rather hard to believe that you 3 would like to fight back against your own kind," Princess Luna said.

"We understand, we aren't quite sure about it ourselves but we just don't feel the same as the other robots. We don't want to hurt and destroy," GutsMan.EXE said.

"We even defeated 3 other robot masters to help with your fight we were going to bring you their robotic heads to show our desire to help but our fights got a little out of hand," NapalmMan.EXE added.

"But we did make quite a mess in the process," IceMan.EXE said.

"He's right," GutsMan.EXE added "The damage we made to the HQ will keep the other robots confused for a while this will be your best chance to attack and rescue the ponies."

"What do you mean rescue?" Princess Celestia asked clearly taking interest.

"The robots were given orders by Metallic Devil, that's the name of our leader by the way or for the 3 of us former leader but he's the leader of the other robots-"

"They get it IceMan.EXE," NapalmMan.EXE interrupted.

"Right," IceMan.EXE continued. "He ordered the attacking robots to capture the ponies while invading and take them to HQ-

"What about a unicorn with a lavender coat and purple mane and tail with a red stream?" Princess Celestia interrupted rather loudly.

"Y-Yes actually she was our first prisoner," IceMan.EXE answered. Upon his answer the robots were expecting the sun princess to respond again but she was quiet for a while clearly thinking very seriously. Princess Luna was about to say something to her when.

"Luna I want you to gather all ponies willing to fight against the robots."

"Celestia wait!"

"Luna I know what you're going to say, yes it is risky to trust these robots right out of the blue no offense."

"None taken," The Robotic Guardians said in unison.

"But this is a chance we have to take to stop these robots who have nearly torn this land apart." Luna then took a deep breath and responded.

"All right sister if you feel this is best then I'll trust you it won't be easy leading this attack from here though."

"I'll be going as well Luna I won't stay out of this we all need to pull our weight on this."

"But sister we haven't recovered from our last fight."

"I know but," she paused. "I want to see Twilight again as soon as possible."

"All right sister but be careful and don't push yourself."

All the forces willing to fight were soon gathered together to attack the robot HQ, from Canterlot to the Crystal Empire to parts of Equestria and beyond. The idea was to bring as much as possible so if it was a trap it would be easier to fight back and escape. The robots prepared to counterattack with several Robot Masters leading it, SkullMan.EXE did some damage with his ghost fire but when he launched his own head upward and enlarged it in hopes of dealing a whole lot more damage. However his head was quickly crushed by an earth pony who jumped up and crushed his head and on her way down she also crushed his body into bits and then stared at the rocks nearby. "Hmm sedimentary."

"What?" Asked a royal guard.

"These are sedimentary rocks," The mare responded. The other ponies decided not to question it and simply charged forward the other 2 Robot Masters tried to hold off the attacking ponies but that wasn't working so well. The Robotic Guardians decided to gang up on ClockMan.EXE. while a Robot Master named QuickMan.EXE quickly got into a one on one fight with Rainbow Dash.

"I had no idea any other creature was capable of keeping up with me," QuickMan.EXE said.

"I'll do more than just keep up!" Rainbow Dash responded as she charged straight at the Robot Master. But just before the impact hit a barrier surrounded QuickMan.EXE and protected him. After Rainbow Dash bounced off the barrier QuickMan.EXE threw his boomerang that Rainbow Dash was able to dodge. As an experienced flyer she's an expert at monitoring everything in the sky and on the ground as well as adapting in the air.

"Not bad," QuickMan.EXE said as his boomerang returned. "But let's make it a bit more challenging." QuickMan.EXE then threw 2 boomerang that Rainbow Dash quickly dodged and tried to attacked again but the barrier appeared again and Rainbow Dash backed up before the boomerangs returned. QuickMan.EXE then tried to attack Rainbow Dash with the blades on his arms but she moved so fast he couldn't even scratch her.

"Too slow!"

"That's the first time I've ever heard that, but it seems we are it an impasse neither or us can touch the other."

"Yeah so I guess I'll have to go faster." Before QuickMan.EXE could respond Rainbow Dash flew off so quick she vanished in the time it would take the Robot Master to blink. At first QuickMan.EXE thought she simply ran away but then he saw her charging straight it him so fast that she even made a sonic rainboom and hit her metallic foe so hard his barrier was immediately broken on impact. After hitting QuickMan.EXE Rainbow Dash turned and bucked him as hard as she could and sent QuickMan.EXE flying straight into the robot HQ and broke to pieces on impact.

"You'll have to do better than that!" QuickMan.EXE said and suddenly notice a small storm cloud right above him. "Where did that come from?" Rainbow Dash then stomped on the cloud making it hit QuickMan.EXE with a lighting bolt that nearly short-circuited him. In response QuickMan.EXE lunged at Rainbow Dash and they exchanged a series of hits, In the end Rainbow Dash dealt a mighty karate kick and knocked his head clean off and made the rest of him blow up.

"Piece of cake." Meanwhile the Robotic Guardians were still doing what they can to defeat ClockMan.EXE. GutsMan.EXE hit him with 1 mean punch but he got hit by a laser and from a warp hole. IceMan.EXE was fighting Rouge

while NapalmMan.EXE was fighting a crimson dragon

both were summoned by ClockMan.EXE. "This is what happens when you turn your backs on us. No mercy for traitors."

"No mercy for invaders either!" Said Fluttershy who tackled ClockMan.EXE from behind before he could even turn his head. ClockMan.EXE then found himself on the ground with his legs behind his back because Fluttershy was holding them there. "Give us back Twilight you overgrown watch!" She demanded with pure rage in her tone.

While she was doing that Rarity and Trixie used their magic together to make a spell strong enough to restrain the crimson dragon so NapalmMan.EXE could blast it. Applejack and Pinkie Pie on the other hoof helped IceMan.EXE fight Rouge, Applejack bucked the robot right into Pinkie's party cannon who used it to blast Rough right at IceMan.EXE who hit his opponent with a powerful ice attack. "This won't stop me!" ClockMan.EXE said as he got Fluttershy off him then unleashed a fury of laser attacks that hit everypony and robot in the area. "This ends now!"

"I couldn't agree more!" Said another voice ClockMan.EXE then looked around to see where the voice came from but saw nothing. "Down here." ClockMan.EXE then looked down and saw Spike who breathed so much fire on him half of his body melted.

"This won't, be enough to stop me," ClockMan.EXE said when Rainbow Dash then flew down and landed on him crushing what was left of him causing Rough and the crimson dragon to disappear.

"Hey what did I miss?"

"Rainbow so I guess you took care of that other robot?" Applejack asked.

"You got that right and all the others took out most of the robots out here. So we should go right into their headquarters."

"Yeah we're coming Twilight!" Fluttershy said as she flew towards the robot HQ.

"Fluttershy wait don't fly straight into danger that's my thing," Rainbow Dash said as she chased after her and the others followed. As the ponies and other creatures made it into the robot HQ and even managed to free some of the captured ponies such as Cherry Jubilee and her workers who while helping fight back caught up with WoodMan.EXE and took him out. They each took a turn at bucking him which made him fall several stories causing him to break on impact with the ground.

"Looks like his luck finally ran out. Come on let's help the others and beat these machines." As they ran off another Robot Master. Shining Armor found the robot that hurt his wife MagicMan.EXE and blasted him away before he could even say anything.

"That may have taken a lot of my magic but it was well worth it!" The prince said.

"A lot of your magic huh? Good to know," PharaohMan.EXE said as he approached Shining Armor.

"You? I know you you're one of the robots that lead the attack of the Crystal Empire."

"Not quite I'm the new version."

"What do you mean?"

"Why should I explain it to a prisoner?!" PharaohMan.EXE then fired dozens of lasers at Shining Armor. Some he dodged some he blocked but others hit him a few grazed him but a few more hit him dead on. "Guess you shouldn't have used up so much magic." Suddenly PharaohMan.EXE was impaled from behind with a sword with a powerful bomb connected to it.

"Guess you shouldn't have let your guard down," said ColorMan.EXE.

"ColorMan.EXE what are you doing?"

"The right thing!" ColorMan.EXE then rolled over to Shining Armor and got him out of the way before the sword blew up and destroyed PharaohMan.EXE. "This may come as a shock to you but I'm on your side."

"Works for me," Shining Armor said with relief. "I'll question it later by the way do you know where my sister is she's a lavender unicorn with a purple mane and tail with a red stream?"

"That does sound familiar." ColorMan.EXE then took Shining Armor to the area where the prisoners were kept. However when they almost got there they had a huge problem many other ponies including the royal pony sisters made their way to that area as well and were faced with a huge machine composed of severed robot parts.

"Is he the leader?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Yes," GutsMan.EXE answered. "Metallic Devil once known as Yellow Devil when we came here he somehow obtained the power to absorb other machines and create new ones from the parts he absorbed."

"How right you are," Metallic Devil said as he placed his hands on the ground and his robotic skin began to move and then when Metallic Devil raised his hands slowly 2 robots formed from out of his hands.

"What in Equestria?" Shining Armor asked as he and ColorMan.EXE watched from above.

"It's what he can do now."

"You mean he couldn't always do this?"

"No he couldn't but somehow was able to do it when we were brought to this Equestria," ColorMan.EXE said.

"Wait what do you mean this Equestria?"

"I wasn't exactly there but from what I hear we tried to invade that world but were somehow sucked into this world. An alternate universe to say when Yellow Devil and the robots at the time arrived he came upon this ability. I'm still sketchy on some of the details but I think it went something like he wanted to get stronger so he trained himself to absorb machine and robots and even became able to create robots of his own."

"Wow that's a lot to take in."

"Yeah it is isn't it?"

"Maybe we should talk about this later, come on let's get down there."

"Wait!" ColorMan.EXE said in a somewhat commanding tone. "Let's stay up here for now and see what happens."

"I think I'll name the one on the left Bass.EXE and name the one on the right ProtoMan.EXE." Metallic Devil said as they were near completion.

"Come on we have to attack now," NaplamMan.EXE said. "They're still weak in this state!" Hearing that the royal pony sister charged the 2 robots and impaled them with their horns and charged their magic in them and caused the robots to explode.

"Nice work!" IceMan.EXE but after that 2 other robots appeared next to Metallic Devil.

"Oh boy that's not good," ColorMan.EXE said.

"Who are those 2?" Shining Armor asked.

"Treble and Life Virus some of the strongest robots here."

"I think it's time for us to make our move."

"I think so too. Let's go behind them and then attack."

"I think it's time we stopped these ponies once and for all," Life Virus said as he and Treble got ready to fight them.

"I couldn't agree more," Metallic Devil said and then started to absorb the two robots next to them. They entered his mechanical anatomy before either of them could do anything about it and then Metallic Devil stretched out parts of his body all over that found robots from all around the base and pulled the robots into himself. The Robotic Guardians however were protected with a magic barrier the 2 princesses made and Shining Armor did the same for ColorMan.EXE. When the other robots were pulled into him Metallic Devil's body then started to change from connected parts to complete and smooth metal skin all over.

"Wow Trixie did not see that coming."

"On the plus side it does move the climax of this story forward quite a bit," Pinkie Pie added and as Metallic Devil launched an attack on the ponies and they were barely able to dodge it.

"I've had enough of you robots trying to hurt my friends," Spike said.

"Oh really you think you can do something about it?" Metallic Devil asked.

"Well not me but I did bring a friend." And as Spike said that former Dragon Lord Torch broke through the wall and attacked Metallic Devil with all his fury. "I saw that huge robot and told Torch to wait until I said that for dramatic effect."

"Come on we need to help them now!" Shining Armor almost begged.

"Hold on!" ColorMan.EXE said almost ordering. "There are a few things I need to tell you please. Then we'll fight."

"Okay but please be quick."

"First of all the PharaohMan.EXE you fought and the PharaohMan.EXE your wife fought are 2 different robots that were once one robot. When Pharaoh Man became PharaohMan.EXE he was split into 2 robots because Metallic Devil thought he would be too powerful as a whole."

"Too powerful what do you mean?"

"Metallic Devil didn't want any robot in his army to be stronger than him so he downgraded the more powerful ones."

"And now he's absorbed almost all of his army."

"Yeah so now we're basically fighting a one robot army though I got to say that dragon is doing pretty good." But as ColorMan.EXE said that Metallic Devil released a series of powerful attacks that sent former Dragon Lord Torch to the wall and was nearly knocked out. "Okay I guess I spoke too soon there."

"Though it looks like Metallic Devil took quite some damage," Shining Armor pointed out. "It's time I finally attacked!" Shining Armor then fired a powerful beam at Metallic Devil as his wife Princess Cadence fired beams as well.

"Looks like my husband has the same idea as I," Cadence said as they continue attacking Cadence in the air and Shining Armor by the ledge.

"Try not to push yourself too hard remember you used up a lot of magic destroying MagicMan.EXE."

"Right," Shining Armor replied to ColorMan.EXE. As the married couple continued the royal pony sisters fought as well and the mane 6 plus Trixie did what they could as well as the Robotic Guardians while Spike helped the former Dragon Lord get back up. While they were doing that a royal guard pegasus flew to Princess Celestia.

"Princess we found all the captured ponies."

"You have!"

"Yes we aren't sure how it happened exactly but the robot army was taken away by strange cords so we took this opportunity to find the captured ponies and we freed all the cells."

"Well then it's time we finished this then!" Celestia said as she fired a magical beam that hit Metallic Devil in his eye. "Send everypony else out and I mean everypony."

"Many of them have already left to get the captured ones out I'll see to it the rest get out." And with that the guard flew out.

"This isn't enough to stop me!"

"Why do you even want to rule this pony land anyway?" GutsMan.EXE asked him.

"It's what my programming tells me to do I don't care why!" Metallic Devil answered as he unleashed a series of deadly and powerful counter attacks. After that the guard from before flew in and told his princess that all other ponies and allies outside the room were out of the HQ then flew away.

"Good to know seems we can use them after all," IceMan.EXE said as he froze Metallic Devil's feet.

"Yes I believe you're right," NapalmMan.EXE said as he revealed 3 red devices that resembled metallic backpacks.

"What are those?" Trixie asked.

"Bombs we made," GutsMan.EXE added. "The original plan was to use them if fighting the robots became too hard but when you brought such a huge army we didn't think we'd be able to use them."

"But now since it's just us we can use them after all," IceMan.EXE said.

"Wait those were in the room the entire time?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The writer must really want to get this story over with," Pinkie Pie said.

"Is she always like that?" NapalmMan.EXE asked.

"Sometimes," Rainbow Dash answered. The Robotic Guardians grabbed the bombs and soon surrounded Metallic Devil and told the ponies and ColorMan.EXE to get out of the HQ so they won't get caught out in the explosion.

"What no what about you 3?" Princess Luna asked.

"Don't worry about us we're stopping all the suffering he's caused," NapalmMan.EXE said.

"Even you won't be able to withstand the blasts," IceMan.EXE told the robot giant.

"Why are you 3 doing this why are you giving your lives to defend these creatures?" Metallic Devil asked with panic in his voice.

"It's what our programming tells us to do we don't care why." GutsMan.EXE then broke the floor with his punches making Metallic Devil and the Robotic Guardians fall then as the bombs went off the alicorns teleported everyone in the room out including ColorMan.EXE and former Dragon Lord Torch out. Outside the ponies could see the few remains of the robots HQ.

"I guess that's it," Rainbow Dash said.

"What happened?" A guard asked.

"We'll explain later for now where are all the freed prisoners of the robots?"

"All here princess." With the robots defeated Princess Celestia looked around where the escaped prisoners were to look for Twilight Sparkle her dear student, but couldn't find her.

"No, no please," Celestia said as a feeling of fear filled her heart. The thought that Twilight was caught in the explosion almost made her heart stop as she went to the guard. "Where are the rest?"

"There is no rest this is all of them."

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure we got all of them."

Celestia found herself in tears and flew to the remains of the HQ. "TWILIGHT WHERE ARE YOU ANSWER ME IF YOU'RE HURT I'LL HEAL YOU TAKE CARE OF YOU SO EVERYTHING CAN GO BACK TO HOW IT WAS!" No respond nopony talked as they didn't know what to say. "TWILIGHT PLEASE ANSWER ME I'M SORRY FOR WHAT I DID 3 YEARS AGO I DON'T WANT IT TO END THIS WAY I-I LOVE YOU LIKE A DAUGHTER I'D DO ANYTHING TO TAKE BACK THE PAIN I GAVE YOU!" She then landed and nearly drowned in her own tears until a faint voice caught her attention.

"I don't want it to end like this either." She turn around and looked at the a lavender unicorn with a purple mane and tail with a red stream laying down on the dirt.

"TWILIGHT!" All her loved ones yelled as they all gathered around her with a group hug.

"Twilight don't just lay there give us a hug too," Spike said.

"I can't my legs are numb I've been locked in a small cage for 3 years. I got only escaped recently when that robot on the ball opened my cell door and took off the anti magic collar, he then told me to teleport as in my condition I couldn't really fight. I thought I'd come across somepony when I got out but I guess I teleported to the other side. It took all my strength just to do that but after a while I was able to teleport to the other side." All of Twilights loved ones then turned their heads and stared at ColorMan.EXE.

"Oh did I forget to mention that sorry my bad. The plan was to free them all and attack inside and outside but I only had enough time to free her."

"Speaking of things not mentioned," Spike said. "Why were the robots attacking and taking ponies?"

"I think my former boss wanted to steal your magic, or make you his slaves to make more robots, or both. Whatever it doesn't matter they're gone now.

"Well I guess that means it's time for us to go home," Princess Celestia said as everypony, dragon, griffon, and so on agreed. "ColorMan.EXE-

"ColorMan is fine."

"ColorMan you're more than welcome to come with us."

"No thanks I'll stay here and rebuild make it a house fit for a robot."

"Are you sure you can do that alone?" Shining Armor asked his new friend.

"Oh Shining I'm never alone." ColorMan then created mini versions of himself and got to work. While Shining watched taken quite by surprise.

"Not even going to ask." Shining Armor then hugged his sister again almost squishing her. "I thought I'd never see you again. It's so great to see you again Twilight."

"Thank you Shining Armor." After that all the creatures that fought the robots went home and back to their normal lives. Princess Celestia would be sure to give the Robotic Guardians statues so all would know of their bravery but for now she carried her student to Ponyville where Pinkie Pie threw a huge welcome home at last please forgive us for being a bunch of jerk wads we love you Twilight party extravaganza. From there all those who wronged Twilight told her how much they were sorry and how much they love her. The party covered all of Ponyville and Twilight's family came too along with her old friends from Canterlot and the royal pony sisters. At the end Princess Celestia took Twilight back to Canterlot to watch over her until she was 100% again.

"I'd thought she'd stay here longer," Rainbow Dash said.

"She probably wanted to but the princess insisted on taking her to Canterlot," Rarity pointed out.

"Yeah more than and, you know I'm too tired for countryisms. I'm going to hit the hey. Huh guess I'm not as tired as I thought," Applejack said.

"Well I'm just glad Twilight's back and we don't have to worry about those robots anymore," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah everything's worked out happy holidays to all!" Pinkie Pie said.

"What?" Trixie asked.

"No idea why I said that," Pinkie said meanwhile back at Canterlot Twilight Sparkle was in the bed of her teacher.

"Comfy Twilight?"

"I've been forced to sleep in a cage for 3 years this feels great."

"Has any feeling come back to your legs?"

"Yeah a little?" Celestia then stroked her students mane a little.

"Your friends and family might think it a bit selfish of me but I'm going to keep you to myself for a while. Though I guess not completely since Spike insisted on coming to help your recovery." The princess of the sun then went to the window and lowered the sun and got into bed with Twilight pulling her into a hug. "I may never let you out of my sight again just so you know."

"I kind of figured."

"I'm so happy you're back Twilight you forgive all of us don't you?"

"It still hurts and it might take time for me to forgive you all but I'm sure I will." Twilight then got a little closer to her teacher as she hugged a little tighter.

"That's good to know, bless your heart of gold." The 2 then prepared to go to sleep and as Twilight saw her teacher was already asleep she said to herself.

"It's good to be home." As Twilight went to sleep as well. She still had a few more issues left to work out but in time would forgive her those who hurt her in the past, but that's another story.

The End

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