• Published 11th Nov 2016
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Grave Parallel Universe - PioneerofImagination

Twilight Sparkle is gone and 3 years later an army of robots have attacked Equestria in an attempt to take it over. An army of merciless machines vs the ponies of Equestria who 's gonna win.

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Chapter 3 The Damage Done All Over

Author's Note:

I made a blog about this but just in case you didn't read it this story takes places in an alternate universe from the first story. Both a continuation of the original story by Dark Colt Sabata, near the end of the 1st story almost all the robots are sucked into an alternate universe and that's where this story takes place. It's a weird idea but I really wanted to do this to give the 2nd story more of a darker nature that the original author was going for. But the author's heart wasn't into the idea but I said I'd do this so I'm gonna do it.

Equestria the land of harmony where many ponies live in peace, but not after today an army of merciless machines have invaded. Ponyville was able to defeat their invaders but was in shock of the fact that the robots had Twilight. They also wondered about the robots attacking other parts of Equestria. In fact the robots were attacking other parts of Equestria and some parts were doing better than others. Appleloosa had defeated almost all of the robots attacking them but still had a hoofful of robots to fight as well as 1 or 2 fires to put out.

Braeburn and several other ponies were fought as a group against a rather nasty robot known as FireMan.EXE.

"Keep it up everypony we can't let this robot anywhere near the apple trees," Braeburn said to the others.

"What about the others robot still running around?" One of the other ponies asked.

"Sheriff Silverstar is leading some other ponies to deal with them," Braeburn answered, he then charged right at FireMan.EXE and bucked him in the chest but it didn't seem to do much damage. FireMan.EXE tried to counter attack but Braeburn dodged the fire. "Sheesh that didn't even slow him down," Braeburn said catching his breath.

"We need a plan Braeburn," said another pony in the group.

"Well that's good," Braeburn replied noticing that his last attack made a bit of a dent. "Because I got one follow me!" Braeburn then charged at FireMan.EXE and the others followed but he created a fire aura. "Scatter!" The ponies didn't even question it and did as Braeburn said to avoid the fire.

"Now what?"

"Keep running around it but not too close and get together when I say so!" Following Braeburn's command the ponies ran around the machine. FireMan.EXE couldn't keep track of all the ponies running around it and when the fire around it's body finally vanished Braeburn called them all together. "Aim for the dent!" In the confusion FireMan.EXE didn't have time to react as all the ponies bucked him right in the dent and the combined attack almost broke him.

"All right it worked!" Braeburn said as the dent almost became a hole right through his chest "We got him on the ropes!" FireMan.EXE then planted his feet and blasted and a fireball into the air.

"What's it doing?"

"SCATTER!" Braeburn yelled once again and the ponies did just that allowing to dodge the attack and another that followed. "The fire is getting closer to the apple trees we gotta stop it now." As the group was about to charge it again they noticed other robots that came around FireMan.EXE.

"Where did they come from?"

"These robots were some of the ones Sheriff Silverstar was fighting," Braeburn answered.

"Now what? The fire one was bad enough."

"We might need to get some help of our own." Suddenly the ground started to rumble a bit and before the robots knew it they were all smashed as the buffalo stampeded into the Appleloosa. As the buffalo stopped Sheriff Silverstar and other ponies found them and Braeburn's group.

"Braeburn are you okay?" Sheriff Silverstar asked.

"Yeah sheriff, we're fine."

"That's good some robots got away from us and we were worried they'd get to you."

"We're fine the buffalo came here and took care of the robots."

"Actually that was my next question Chief Thunderhooves why are you here not that I'm not ungrateful or anything?"

"We sensed a disturbance," Chief Thunderhooves answered.

"That and we saw the smoke from the fires," Little Strongheart added.

"Well thanks for crushing the fire robot and his friends."

"Perhaps you can help us somehow I'm going to Canterlot to tell the royal pony sisters about this and I'd like you to come with us in case there are more robots out there."

"Should I come too sheriff?"

"No Braeburn, you and my deputies should stay here and help the injured and repair and the damage most of which done by that fire bot."

"We find that to be a good idea we may not see smoke from other places but we sense other disturbances. This may very well be an Equestria wide problem," Chief Thunderhooves replied.

"For ponies sake all over I hope that's not true," the sheriff said as he ran toward Canterlot as the buffalo followed. They passed not only Ponyville but also Dodge Junction that like other places were under attack. Since Dodge Junction was smaller than other towns the number of attacking robots were smaller as well.

"I just don't get why these things are doing this but I won't stand for this kind of behavior. And I especially won't let it go unpunished," said an earth pony that went by the name of Cherry Jubilee. Who was with with several other ponies that lived in Dodge Junction and also helped her with her work as they fought a robot named WoodMan.EXE.

"I think this is the last one the others either got broke or ran off," one of Cherry's workers said. WoodMan.EXE then summoned several logs that were rolled at the ponies and wooded spikes that came out of the ground. Before long the ponies were knocked out or injured and when he saw backup arriving WoodMan.EXE decided to stop fighting for now and picked up the knocked out ponies before running off. After leaving Dodge Junction WoodMan.EXE ran into 3 other powerful robot that attacked other parts of Equestria. From Manehattan SharkMan.EXE

the robots he lead suffered heavy casualties but several handfuls made it out with ponies bound and gagged, from Fillydelphia StoneMan.EXE

half of the robots he lead were defeated but the other half himself included captured a lot of ponies, and from Baltimare SkullMan.EXE

he captured many ponies and left the city in ruin with almost all of the robots he lead.

"Were those the only ponies you were able to capture?" SkullMan.EXE asked.

"And are you the only robot that made it out?" SharkMan.EXE asked.

"Gok Gokgok Gok?" (And weren't you sent to one of the smaller towns?) Asked StoneMan.EXE.

"If all those are the case we should get going before other ponies from there show up we all sort have are hands full," SkullMan.EXE said.

"Yeah you have a point there let's get going," SharkMan.EXE said.

"Gok Gok Gok?" (If a captured pony falls off the top of me can one of you grab it and put it back on?) " StoneMan.EXE asked.

"We all have our hands full," SharkMan.EXE said somewhat mad. "If that happens you'll just have to help yourself."

"Gok Gok," (Fine see if I help you,) StoneMan.EXE said mad himself. The robots then went to their lair together and managed to avoid any other ponies meanwhile on the other side of Equestria the cities of Los Pegasus and Vanhoover were attacked as well. The attack on Los Pegasus was lead by BombMan.EXE

and the attack on Vanhoover was lead by ClockMan.EXE.

Much like SkullMan.EXE they did a lot of damage to the cities they attacked with many captured ponies and few defeated robots. Equestria had taken much damage but quite a few ponies were able to put up a fight.

From Cloudsdale the robots were barely able to do any damage mostly due to the fact the place was made of clouds. While some ponies were hurt none were taken and the Wonderbolts lead the fight against the machines. Only ColorMan.EXE and a handful of robots were able to escape.

Meanwhile both Canterlot and the Crystal Empire where dealing with robots lead by 2 robot masters. At the Crystal Empire the royal couple had their hooves full because each one was fighting the robot masters directly. Princess Cadence was fighting with the robot master known as Pharaoh Man.EXE.

"The Crystal Empire will not fall tonight!" Princess Cadence said to her opponent.

"We'll see about that," Pharaoh Man.EXE said, he then summoned several coffins that each fired lasers at Cadence who created a barrier to protect herself. She then fired magical beams at Pharaoh Man.EXE who dodged them with no problem. "You'll have to do better than that."

"I plan to." Cadence then used her magic to summon crystals around Pharaoh Man.EXE to make it harder for him to dodge then fired a stronger magic beam that hit him dead on and forced him to the ground. Pharaoh Man.EXE got himself back up and floated above the crystals.

"So you can do better but so can I." Pharaoh Man.EXE then summoned a statue of Anubis and suddenly Cadence felt pain and even fell down.

"What did you do?' Cadence asked.

"Poison Anubis," Pharaoh Man.EXE answered. "It's a way to hurt my enemies indirectly." Fighting the poison Cadence got back up and fired another beam that hit Pharaoh Man.EXE and slammed him into the crystal she made earlier. "That one did some damage time to finish this." Pharaoh Man.EXE summoned more coffins that fired lasers Cadence was about to make another shield but the poison weakened her again and she was hit by the lasers.

"Those lasers are powerful," Cadence said as she struggled to get up. "I don't think I can take another hit like that or anymore of that poison I need to stop this fight now." Cadence then flew up and fired several beams from her horn before the poison hurt her again and made her fall down. Sadly none of the spells hit her opponent and instead blasted the crystals she made causing bits and one huge chunk to fall off.

"How ironic the crystals you made earlier to stop me from dodging acting as a shield for me now." Pharaoh Man.EXE then floated near Cadence and noticed her horn light up again as the poison hurt her again. "Want to fire another beam you can't even stand up to do it can you? I guess it's time I take you out of here now."

"I don't think so!" Just then Pharaoh Man.EXE was impaled from behind by the crystal chunk Cadence was moving with her magic.

"Those last few beams missed me on purpose so you could do this." Cadence then removed the chunk and used it to crush the statue of Anubis which removed the poison from her giving her the strength to stand up.

"Ah that feels much better."

"What a shame going through all the trouble of a redesign just to lose my first battle," Pharaoh Man.Exe said and before Cadence could even ask Pharaoh Man.EXE blew up.

"Well that's one less robot to worry about. I better find Shining Armor maybe I can help him use the shield spell he used to defeat the changelings." Cadence then started flying high enough to avoid other robots luckily her guards defeated most of the flying robots. Shining Armor meanwhile was fighting the other robot master MagicMan.EXE

he got the drop on him and damaged his horn. With his horn damaged he couldn't use magic but still had all the fighting abilities he learned as a royal guard and has several guards helping as well.

"Come on stallions we got this robot on the run," Shining Armor said to his guards and for good reason. The Crystal Empire defeated almost all the robots.

"You think you will win you think all will be well but when we return you won't fell so swell," MagicMan.EXE said clearly planning to retreat.

"You're not going anywhere!" Shining Armor told the robot as he prepared to continue the attack. Suddenly Cadence was spotted in the air flying towards her husband. The royal couple were able to determined which 2 robots were leading the attack and decided to each fight one then meet up with the other when they defeated said robot, so that could only mean one thing. "Well it looks like my wife defeated your friend and is here to help me fight you."

"I don't think so my foe." MagicMan.EXE then shot at Cadence with fire which made her fall. Luckily she wasn't that far from the ground and glided down to safety.

"CADENCE!" Shining Armor yelled as his husbandly instincts took over and he ran towards her.

"I'm fine Shining Armor get the robot." As he turned around he saw that MagicMan.EXE was running away. The guards didn't give chase because they were concerned about their princess just as much as their prince was.

"Don't let that coward get away!" Shining Armor ordered and the guards ran after the robot master.

"Keep them at bay so I can get away." Following the robot master's order's a dozen robots attacked half of them dog piling on Shining Armor. By the time those robots were defeated the robot master was gone.

"Next time you won't get away that's a promise." Shining Armor then returned to his wife to make sure she was all right. "Cadence are you sure you're fine?"

"Yes I'm fine. I got hurt a bit from flying that walking talking coffin but I'll live."

"She still looks pretty hurt we should probably get her inside the castle," said a guard that went by the name Flash Century. The fighting didn't last much longer afterwards the robots that didn't run off were destroyed. Finally the capital of Equestria Canterlot had quite a hard time with robots as well. The royal guards not only had to fight robots but also made sure the residents of Canterlot made it to their homes safely. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stepped in as well to stop the robots from attacking.

"We've taken down about half of them sister," Princess Luna said as she and her sister were in the sky together.

"Good but we still need to stop the other half," Princess Celestia added.

"Yes I've noticed something else those 2 robots down there seem to be the ones leading the attack if we take them out the remaining robots will most likely get confused without their leaders."

"Good idea I'll take that one you take the other." The royal pony sisters then flew down to fight the 2 robots. Princess Luna fired a spell that directly hit NumberMan.Exe.

"So stronger than you look are you one of the leader of these robots?" NumberMan.EXE didn't answer and instead threw 3 balls at Luna and she destroyed all 3 of them before they got near her.

"Pretty good reflexes," the robot said.

"So you can talk."

"Oh I can do much more." NumberMan.EXE then threw 3 more number balls that Princess Luna blasted but as she did that NumberMan.EXE threw a time bomb that she wasn't able to hit ironically in time. The bomb blew up right in front of her and knocked her into a wall and was bounced back and forth between 2 walls before falling to the ground. Upon hitting the ground NumberMan.EXE threw a dice bomb that like the time bomb blew up in her face. NumberMan.EXE then jumped down near Princess Luna as it seemed she was finished.

"2 bombs right in my face unbelievable," Luna said as she picked herself up.

"Still able to stand huh?" NumberMan.EXE then got out a tenbou. "Do you know what this is? It's a tenbou a stick used to record scores in Japanese Mahjong but I normally use as a bat or in this case a sword to cut right through-" NumberMan.EXE was cut off when Princess Luna blasted off the dome part of his head.

"I'm almost out but I figured even in this state I couldn't miss that giant head of yours."

"Should have did instead of said," NumberMan.EXE said barely able to stand or move. "Now can barely do or motion." Luna then charged the magic in her horn for a stronger attack then fired her charged magical blast right at NumberMan.EXE who was blasted to pieces. After defeating the robot the princess of the night flew up so other robots wouldn't find her. "I think I can fight a little more I just hope my sister had an easier fight than I did."

"Keep pressing forward my fellow robots," ElecMan.EXE said.

As he was about to attack several royal guards Princess Celestia landed near him.

"You guards fight the other robots I'll handle this one." The guards moved on to fight the other robots without question.

"Well if it isn't one of the alicorn sisters," ElecMan.EXE said.

"Yes I am Princess Celestia who are you?"

"ElecMan.EXE and we've come to take over Canterlot."

"That is something I will not allow."

"As if you could do something about it. I carry with me the power of lightning itself the power of electricity is the greatest power!"

"I know something stronger." Princess Celestia charged her robot foe who countered the charge with a thunderbolt that hit her dead on and knocked her into the ground. "Is that it? Too easy."

"Not quite!" The princess of the sun fired a magical beam that hit ElecMan.EXE dead on and pushed him back.

"Not bad but I'm just getting started."

"So am I!" Princess Celestia fired several more beams these ones only grazed her opponent. As she kept trying to hit her opponent she got too close and was grabbed by ElecMan.EXE who sent electricity from his hand into Celestia's body. She got free and she fired another beam that nearly took off her opponent's head but ElecMan.EXE was able to dodge and wasn't even grazed.

"Normally I just use a finger to stun but I figured I'd use the whole hand to stun you."

"Well it wasn't enough."

"No matter I have quite a few more tricks up my sleeve." ElecMan.EXE then summoned storm clouds that were about to strike down lightning but Celestia flew up and bucked the clouds away. "What the?"

"I am part pegasus so I can manipulate weather."

"Very resourceful but I have a back up plan." ElecMan.EXE then summoned tesla coils that wrapped around the princess and she was hit by another thunderbolt. After fighting the urge to black out a bit she used several beams to cut the coils then fired a beam that broke one of the chargers on ElecMan.EXE's back. "Again very resourceful." Princess Celestia flew around ElecMan.EXE and fired half a dozen beams that all hit dead on.

"Still standing let's fix that." Celestia then fired another beam that knocked her metallic foe flat on his back.

"I think that time you really did some damage. Now let's see how much damage I can do with this!" ElecMan.EXE threw a ball of electricity that hit her not once but twice and made her fall down as she struggled to get up. "I'm surprised your heart wasn't stopped by now you are tough but perhaps you'd like to surrender." Celestia responded with a beam that blasted one of his hands clean off his arm.

"NO! 3 years ago I failed to protect the capital, it was saved but I lost somepony very precious to me. Ever since then I tried to be stronger ready for any other attacks that would come my way." After that she used numerous spells of different natures to deal damage to ElecMan.EXE. "It's time to end this."

"I couldn't agree more." ElecMan.EXE created a sword made of electricity and charged at the princess who charged in return. The two impaled each other ElecMan.EXE with his sword and Celestia with her horn. "Perhaps you do carry a power greater than mine."

"If only you realized that sooner for your sake." Princess Celestia charged her horn with magic to force ElecMan.EXE to explode after her win she fell down and once again fought the urge to black out. Since the sword was electricity she wasn't bleeding but the voltage from all the attacks she endured did more than a lot of damage. Other robots made their way to the Princess Celestia to try and carry her off but luckily her sister Princess Luna arrived just in time to fight them off, royal guards would arrive soon to help get the royal pony sisters back into the castle. There they would recover while the guards fought off the rest of the attacking robots and afterwards Luna and Celestia would wondered if the worst was behind them, but in fact the worst was yet to come.