• Published 11th Nov 2016
  • 1,173 Views, 3 Comments

Grave Parallel Universe - PioneerofImagination

Twilight Sparkle is gone and 3 years later an army of robots have attacked Equestria in an attempt to take it over. An army of merciless machines vs the ponies of Equestria who 's gonna win.

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Chapter 4 The Robotic Guardians

The robots that attacked Equestria were on their way to their headquarters after either leaving their target in ruins or were forced to retreat. At the HQ were quite a few other robot masters that were planning on leading the 2nd attack on Equestria. However 3 robot masters were different IceMan.EXE,


and NapalmMan.EXE

these 3 robots didn't want to invade the ponies. Together the 3 call themselves the robotic guardians and in fact they wanted to help them and they made a plan to show the ponies that, when the surviving robot masters returned these 3 would each defeat 1 and head to the capital of Equestria. There they would tell the ponies where the headquarters is and they could launch a full scale attack on the robots.

They wanted to defeat other robot masters to convince the ponies they could be trusted as well as convince themselves that there is no turning back from this plan. For when they do this they will become traitors to their kind. "The other robot masters should be returning soon," GutsMan.EXE said to the other 2. "We should decide who will fight and defeat who."

"And when?" IceMan.EXE added.

"I have a plan just wait for my signal and then attack you'll know the signal when you see it," NapalmMan.EXE said, soon the robots made their way back in the headquarters and the robot masters decided to compare notes. "Wait I don't get it ColorMan.EXE you say you couldn't get to cloud country or whatever the ponies call it but the jet pack you were given is clearly in mint condition," SkullMan.EXE asked but before he could get an answer NapalmMan.EXE set off several explosives he planted earlier.

"I guess that's the signal," IceMan.EXE said.

"Yeah," GutsMan.EXE added and the 2 jumped into the middle of the confusion. The robot masters scattered during the explosions making it the perfect time to attack.

"First you then soon the other robots that wish harm on the ponies," NapalmMan.EXE said to his target.

"Gok?" (What?) Was all StoneMan.EXE could say before he was blown to pieces. IceMan.EXE decided to fight WoodMan.EXE When WoodMan.EXE ran away from the explosions he ran into a corner so IceMan.EXE figured that would be a great spot to fight.

"Just you and me," IceMan.EXE told him and then shot a shard of ice that hit WoodMan.EXE dead on but after hitting his opponent IceMan.EXE was grabbed from behind and then thrown down a hallway. "What happened?" IceMan.EXE said as he got himself back up.

"I happened!" SharkMan.EXE answered. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm stopping you from hurting the ponies."

"Oh yeah we'll see about that." SharkMan.EXE then tried to hit his opponent with a shockwave that came from his top fin. Luckily though IceMan.EXE was able to dodge it before long their fight fight took them to a room with a pool of water in it.

"What the?"

"You know this place don't you this is my part of the headquarters." SharkMan.EXE then jumped into a pool of water. "Now that I'm in my natural element I can, why did I do this?" SharkMan.EXE asked himself that for he knew what was going to happen. Before he could do anything about it IceMan.EXE froze the water trapping SharkMan.EXE in solid ice with no means to escape.

Elsewhere GutsMan.EXE had selected his opponent BombMan.EXE. The robots were still distracted but GutsMan.EXE didn't want to waste anytime and quickly attacked his opponent with almost every attack he had. Pretty much different but not so different types of punches but BombMan.EXE endured them and tried several explosions that GutsMan.EXE endured. "Is that the best you can do?" GutsMan.EXE then delivered one final punch that shattered BombMan.EXE. "I guess so."

"Nice work," NapalmMan.EXE said as he and IceMan.EXE reunited with GutsMan.EXE.

"We each defeated a robot master it's time to get out of here," IceMan.EXE said.

"Right but the robots are coming together and I heard WoodMan.EXE telling them about IceMan.EXE attacking him," NapalmMan.EXE said. "How does he know that?"

"I attacked him first but then SharkMan.EXE jumped me from behind," IceMan.EXE answered as the robots began to gather around the area.

"Oh no what do we do we can't fight all of them? We need another distraction!" GutsMan.EXE answered.

"NapalmMan.EXE I froze SharkMan.EXE in his own pool," IceMan.EXE told him and he knew exactly why he told him that. NapalmMan.EXE fired at the ceiling causing the ice to fall down and made another hole in the floor. The 3 robots then jumped into the hole and when GutsMan.EXE saw SharkMan.EXE still frozen but in a smaller block of ice he smashed the frozen robot master to make sure he wouldn't be a threat later. During the new confusion the 3 robots made their way out of the headquarters.

"Well no turning back now," NapalmMan.EXE said.

"Right well let's get going we have a long walk to get to Canterlot," GutsMan.EXE said.

Author's Note:

2 down 1 to go.