• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 3,164 Views, 35 Comments

An Alicorn Baby Sitting Adventure - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Baby Flurry Heart's flying caused herself, Starlight and Sunburst to end up in the world of Canterlot High

  • ...

Chapter 5: New Place Familiar Face

Back at Canterlot High:

Starlight and Sunburst are trying to figure out the ways of the world they now in, especially the new for they are in right now. Right now, they need to find away to get back to Equestria and the only why how is to find someone who knows how to open the portal to get home.

Just as they are walking by, they start to hear some whispering sounds from some of the students who lay eye on them. Sunburst and Starlight are curious of to why they are looking at them that way, but they think they know why because of two reasons: one they never been seen at Canterlot High before and two: they are with a baby and they are like these students age in this form. All Flury Heart is doing right now is smiling and looking at her surrounding. She is also sucking on her new fingers in her mouth.

One thing they do know that they need to find some help and fast.

Sunburst then has and idea and says to Starlight, "Well maybe this will be a good time for you to make new friends."

Starlight says."I guess you're right."

Then Starlight starts to get very nervous and looking around the hallways. Then Starlight says, "But, where do I start?"

Sunburst and Starlight looks around to see if they are anyone they can introduce themselves to.

They turn to see a girl with puffy pink hair.

Sunburst says,"How about her?"

Starlight turns to see the girl Sunburst point to. Starlight and Sunburst can see that she is getting stuff from her lockers. Starlight and Sunburst think it might be their chance to get some help.

"I guess," Starlight nervously says with a smile.

With that, Starlight starts to make her way to meet the girl and hopefully get some help, but then stops in her track. Starlight then realized that she is about to get help from a complete stranger and a creature that she never met before.

Sunburst starts to take notice and decides to see if Starlight is okay. When he get a good look at her, he can tell that Starlight is showing a nervous look on her face, in fact Starlight is very scared.

Sunburst worriedly asks, "What's wrong?"

"Meeting new ponies is one thing, but meeting a new creature is another," Starlight answers sounding a bit scared of meeting someone who is a completely different creature than a pony.

"I'm sure they'll be friendly once we get to know them," Sunburst says reassuring his childhood friend.

Starlight turns to see Sunburst giving her a smile It seems to help her boost her confidence. Then Starlight and Sunburst look to see that Flurry is now sleeping in Sunburst arms. Starlight knows that they way to get back home is up to her making new friends and ask for help.

Starlight shows a smile to Sunburst and happily says, "Right."

Starlight comes over to the girl feeling a bit confident now.

Starlight happily says, "Hello, my name is Starlight Glimmer and…"

The girl turns around to face her locker and to Starlight's surprise the girl she is meeting resembles a friend of her's back in Equestria.

Starlight surprisingly says, "Pinkie Pie?!"

Pinkie looks at Starlight with a surprised look on her face and with that she grabs Starlight from the shirt with a surprise glare.

"Are you psychic?!" The Human Pinkie asks.

Starlight get's a bit nervous since the girl that resembles Pinkie is staring at her with a shock look on her face.

Starlight nervously says, "Um no, of course not, unless that something you can do here."

"No, not usually," Pinkie answers as she lets go of Starlight's shirt.

Starlight takes a breather for a minute before she can talk to Pinkie again.

After calming herself down, Starlight says, "Well me, Sunburst, and baby Flurry Heart are here to get some help."

"Really now!" Pinkie says happily.

"Yes. You see, we were at Princess Twilight castle and then…" Sunburst tries to explain until...

Pinkie eyes widen when Sunburst mentions Twilight's name and surprisingly says, "Wait, you know Twilight?!"

"Yes, and this is Twilight's niece, Princess Flurry Heart," Sunburst answers as he is showing little Flurry Heart to Pinkie Pie.

"Really!" Pinkie says cheerfully and loudly along with sparkles coming from her eyes with excitement.

"Yes," Starlight answers happily.

Pinkie then see Flurry hear who is still being hold by Sunburst walking up from her short nap. When Flurry Heart sees Pinkie, she smiles at her and tries to reach Pinkie. Pinkie put her hands out so Flurry can grab hold of her fingers. Slurry manages to grab hold of Pinkie's fingers and starts to play with it."Aww, she is so cute!"

Pinkie then decides to have some fun with Flurry Heart and to make her happy.

Pinkie takes her hand away from Flurry Heart so she can have some fun with her. Pinkie covers her eyes with her hands and says, "Where's Pinkie Pie?"

She then spreads her hands out and screams, "Here I am!"

And with that Flurry starts to smile and laugh a lot after getting the peek a book trick. Pinkie likes seeing anyone smiling and laughing so she decides to play Peek A boo with Flurry again.

"Where's Pinkie Pie!"

"Here I am!"

"Here I am!"

"Here I am!"

"Here I am!"

Sunburst and Starlight is glad that this Pinkie Pie is a lot like the Pinkie Pie they know back in Equestria and they can see that Flurry Heart likes to have fun with Pinkie Pie.

After playing Peek A Boo, Pinkie happily says"She is so adorable when she has a big smile on her face.""

"Yes she sure is," Starlight says happily.

"And can be a handful," Sunburst adds with a smile.

Then Pinkie, Starlight, and Sunburst start to giggle at Sunburst's words. After a little laugh, Pinkie decides to see what Starlight, Sunburst, and Starlight are doing at Canterlot High.

"So you two know Twilight?" Pinkie says with a cheerfully look on her face.

"Yes, I'm kind of her student and my friend Sunburst is the Chrysler and Flurry's babysitter," Starlight explains.

"Really," Pinkie says looking very surprised yet holding a smile on her face.

"Yes, but the portal to Equestria is closed so we can't return to Equestria," Sunburst adds the details with a worried look on his face.

"And we don't know how long the portal will be closed," Starlight adds.

"Is there anything you can do to help us?" Sunburst asks.

"Usually is closed for about 30 moons, until Twilight use her egghead-ness and genius-ness to fix the portal so she can open it any time," Pinkie explains.

Sunburst and Starlight sighs with relief realizing that there is a way to get back home.

"That's good," Starlight replies with relief.

"But, Twilight doesn't even know we're here," Sunburst reminds Starlight of the situation.

"Don't worry I have a friend who have connections with her and can talk to her any time," Pinkie explains happily.

"Are you sure?" Starlight akss with concerns.

Pinkie giggles a bit and says, "Don't worry, it's lunch time right now so we can meet her right now."

Sunburst and Starlight is starting to feel better and can see that since Pinkie knows Twilight, they know she can be trustworthy and can be someone fun to hang around with.

Starlight says, "Okay, lead the way."

"Okay then. Follow me," Pinkie replies with happiness.

With that Pinkie starts to head to the cafeteria by skipping with Sunburst caring Flurry Heart and Starlight right behind them.

Sunburst leans over to Starlight to whisper to her ear and says, "This Pinkie Pie is as much fun as our Pinkie Pie."

"You don't mean to tell me twice," Starlight says happily whispering to Sunburst.


Back in Ponyville, Twilight and the others has been searching for Starlight, Sunburst, and Flurry Heart all morning, but so far no luck at all. After looking around town they decides to meet back at the throne room to discuss about the situation.

Twilight is the first one back along with Spike and they are waiting for the others to get back. Twilight has been passing around the room while Spike is sitting on his throne next to Twilight's throne and looking at her with a worried look on his eyes.

"Twilight you been passing like this for a while," Spike says worriedly.

"I know, but can't seem to figure this out," Twilight replies worriedly.

"What's that?" Spike asks with curiosity.

"Is about the noise I heard in the library," Twilight begins explaining.

Spike groans with annoyance and says, "Oh. You're still on that."

"Yes. I can't seen to figure out on the noise that I heard before Starlight, Sunburst, and Flurry Heart disappeared," Twilight explains.

Spike starts to think about the noise that Twilight. He believes that Twilight has a point after hearing the noise the three ponies has somehow vanished into thin air.

Spike says, "Come to think of it, that is strange."

As Twilight and Spike think about the situation, the doors to the throne room opens. Twilight's friends, brother, and sister in law have enter the room and they are looking sad and worried.

Twilight walks over to them to ask them how did the search go.

"Anything?" Twilight asks with a worried look on their face.

"No," Applejack answers sadly.

"Not at all, darling," Rarity says sadly.

"We looked everywhere and we couldn't find them," Rainbow Dash says sounding very upset.

"Oh, where can they be?" Fluttershy replies feeling very worried.

"I know, but this matter has gotten serious," Twilight says sound more upset than anyone.

"What matter gotten serious?" Twilight eyes widen hearing that familiar voice.

Twilight and the others turn to see Princess Celestia entering the throne room. They know that Princess Celestia has to be filled in on the situation as well.

"Princess Celestia!" Everyone say surprisingly.

Twilight is starting to get nervous. She realized that Princess Celestia may have heard of what is going on and now she has to be the one to tell Princess Celestia what is going on.

Princess Celestia walks over to Twilight and asks, "Twilight is there something wrong?"

Twilight is starling to get very nervous and sweating a little. Twilight nervously says, "Oh… well… it's kind of hard to explain."

Author's Note:

Pinkie to the Rescue. :pinkiehappy:

Next time Starlight and Sunburst meet the rest of the gang and Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst are in for a big surprise.

See you there.