• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 3,155 Views, 35 Comments

An Alicorn Baby Sitting Adventure - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Baby Flurry Heart's flying caused herself, Starlight and Sunburst to end up in the world of Canterlot High

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Chapter 2: Catch that Flying Baby

Everyone are now in the hallways looking for the baby alicorn, but so far no luck. They know they need for find her before she leaves the castle and go to a different part of Equestria or something.

Twilight screams, “Flurry!”

“Where are you?!” Cadence screams worried about her daughter.

Just then, everyone hear Flurry laughing and sounds like she is having fun.

Starlight looks to hear that the sound of laughter is coming from the throne room.

“She’s in the throne room!” Starlight screams informing the others.

When Twilight use her magic to open the doors, they can see that Flurry is having fun with the ornaments gems from the tree chandelier on the ceiling of the room.

Shining Armor sighs with relief and says, “There she is.”

But the moment didn’t last long. Flurry then flies through the doors and out of the room and might go to a different room.

Starlight sadly says, “And there she goes.”

With that, everyone starts to chase Flurry all over the place, and everytime they try to grab her she teleports herself to a different location.

Flurry is happily flying through the hallways with Twilight right behind her. Twilight tries to catch her but for some reason she is flying faster that she is.

Just then Starlight teleports herself right in front of her and says, “Gottcha!”

And with that, Flurry teleports herself behind Starlight, but Twilight ends up crashing into her. Flurry heart sees this and starts to giggle for a bit before she flies away.

Starlight sees Flurry flying away and bluntly says, “Or not.”

In the hallways where some of the rooms are:

Spike and Shining Armor can see Flurry traveling to different rooms, they try to catch her but keep missing every time. It’s hard to catch because she has wings and magic, so she can teleport herself and fly away when she wants to.

After the crazy chase:

Twilight, Spike, Cadance, Shining Armor meet each other in the dining room and they are very tired.

Twilight falls flat on her stomach and tiredly says, “This is getting ridiculous.”

“I know, Flurry is very hard to catch,” Spike agrees feeling so tired that he falls on his back.

“I know Flurry can be a handful, but I’m sure that when she gets older she’ll have better control of her magic,” Cadance says calmly.

“Yeah. The sooner the better I think,” Spike says with frustration.

Everyone simply stares at Spike and they can tell that Flurry can be a bit out of control.

Shining Armor notice that not everyone has come back to the dining room.

Shining turns to his sister and asks, “Hey guys, where Starlight and Sunburst?”

Everyone else looks to see that Starlight and Sunburst are not here and wonder where they could have gone.

“They might still be searching for Flurry,” Cadance suggests.

“I think so,” Spike says agreeing with Cadance’s suggestion.

Twilight then gets up from the floor and heads towards the doors.

Twilight turns around to face the others and says, “I’ll go find them.”

Then Spike gets up and says, “I’ll come too.”

With that, Twilight and Spike leaves the dining room to find Starlight, Sunburst and the baby, while Shining Armor and Princess Cadance stay here in case they come back.

In one of the hallways:

Starlight Glimmer is still looking for the baby and finding her is almost close to impossible, especially she is having so much fun playing.

“Flurry where are you?” Starlight says worriedly.

Starlight then hear Flurry Heart laughing and it sounds like it’s coming right towards her. Starlight then decides this is her chance to catch her before she gets away.

Starlight hides behind one of the curtains waiting to catch Flurry Heart and put the end of her nonsense. Just then, Starlight sees Flurry coming. At that moment, Starlight jumps from her hiding place and catches Flurry Heart, but that didn’t stop the baby alicorn, Flurry is flying so fast that she ends up carrying Starlight through the hallways.

Starlight starts to get scared that nothing they do has stopped the baby alicorn from having a fun spree.

Starlight screams with fear, “Flurry stop!”

Starlight isn’t sure what do with Flurry and since she is an alicorn it might be to hard to get her to calm down. As things can’t get as bad, Starlight ends up seeing Sunburst in the hallways and in Flurry’s way.

Starlight fearfully screams, “Sunburst look out!”

Sunburst hears Starlight screams and turns to see what is going on. When he did, Flurry flies right at him and caused him to grab a hold on Starlight and being carried by a baby.

Sunburst surprisingly says, “Starlight!”

Starlight laughs nervously and feeling a bit embarrassed.

Then Starlight sheepishly says, “Oh… hi… Sunburst.”

Starlight and Sunburst can see that Flurry isn’t going to stop until she tired herself out and at this case is going to take a while before she can rest.

“Where is she going?!” Sunburst asks raising his voice.

“I have no idea!” Starlight answers while screaming.

At that moment, Flurry ends up flying herself and her passengers to the library. Flurry is flying around the library and carrying Starlight and Sunburst with her.

Just then Flurry then starts to head start to the portal and is too busy having fun to stop.

Starlight screams in horrors, “Look out!”

But it’s too late. Flurry ends up traveling through the portal and taking Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst with her.

After falling through the portal, Twilight and Spike comes inside the library unaware the event that has happened. Twilight and Spike think they hear something coming from the room, but can see that no one is in the room at all.

Twilight asks. “Did you hear something?”

“Hear what?” Spike says questionably.

Twilight looks at Spike with a concern look on her face and answers, “I thought I heard Flurry, Starlight, and Sunburst in this room.”

“It’s probably your imagination,” Spike suggests.

Twilight simply nods her head agreeing with Spike, but she also believes that. Twilight then notice that the book that she use to contact Sunset Shimmer is on the device that helps activate the portal

Twilight worriedly orders, “Spike take the book off the portal!”

“Right, we don’t want anyone falling through the portal, especially Flurry,” Spike says as he takes the book from the portal.

And with that the portal has shut down, so that no one can enter into the other world.

As Twilight looks around the library, she asks, “Where did she now?”

“Let’s try one of the other rooms,” Spike suggests.

“Right,” Twilight replies agreeing to the idea.

With that, Twilight and Spike leaves the room and the portal to continues looking for the baby princess. What they didn’t realized is that they accidentally locked her, along with Starlight and Sunburst in another world.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure that the Spell that Sunburst used on Flurry Heart is permanent or not, but either way Flurry was quiet a handful at her Crystalling.

Next Time: Starlight, Sunburst, and Baby Flurry Heart wakes up in the world of Canterlot High, see you there.