• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 3,163 Views, 35 Comments

An Alicorn Baby Sitting Adventure - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Baby Flurry Heart's flying caused herself, Starlight and Sunburst to end up in the world of Canterlot High

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Chapter 1: Dinner Party Take Two

A few weeks after the incident with Trixie:

It’s a beautiful day and everyone in Ponyville is as happy as can be, doing their everyday routine, and doing something new.

In the castle hallway:

Starlight Glimmer is walking around the castle, but now she is able to remember all the rooms and where they are. Starlight opens the doors to the dining room to see Twilight and Spike setting plates, utensils, tea cups, tea pot and napkins on the table. Starlight remembers that Twilight is always making sure that everything is perfect and always want to make sure it goes good without a hitch.

“Morning Twilight. Morning Spike,” Starlight says with a smile.

Twilight and Spike hears Starlight and is happy to see her.

Twilight happily says, “Morning Starlight, how are you doing?”

“I’m doing okay,” Starlight answers happily.

Spike get hold of some of the tea cups and says, “I see you got used to finding your way around the castle now.”

“I’m glad too, it was getting annoying getting lost all the time,” Starlight replies with glee.

Starlight can see that Twilight and Spike are continuing setting the table and wonder is something special is happening today.

Starlight asks, “What are you doing?”

“Spike and I are getting another dinner party set up for us and Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart and Sunburst are coming too,” Twilight answers as she sets the plates on the table.

“Really!” Starlight says surprisingly happy.

The reason why is because Sunburst is coming to visit. She hasn’t see him in some time now

“Yep,” Spike responses.

Starlight is glad to see her old friend Sunburst and really like to spend some time with him.

Starlight then starts to get a little worried and asks, “Is the dinner party is going to make up for last time?”

“Yes, in a way, but this time you can get another new friend since Trixie is still on her tour,” Twilight answers feeling a bit nervous since that little incident with Trixie and Starlight upcoming friendship

“I know, I miss her thought. I wish I can see her again soon,” Starlight answers feeling a little sad for missing Trixie since she left to travel around Equestria.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure she is doing fine… and hope this dinner will go on without any problems,” Spike says reassuring Starlight.

Starlight starts to feeling a lot better and is glad that she is going to have a new friend of her choice coming too, but the question is, who is she going to take.

Just then Twilight, Starlight, and Spike hear laughing and giggling and from the sound of it, it sounds like a baby.

“Is that…” Spike is about to asks until…

A baby alicorn crashes into Twilight, causing to fall on her back and screams, “Woah!”

After the fall, Twilight can see that the one who crash into her is her nice baby Flurry Heart. Flurry Heart is giggling and hugging Twilight on the neck. Twilight then use her hoof to grab hold of the baby and give her a kiss on the cheek

Twilight happily says, “Hi Flurry.”

Flurry simply laughs and use her hoofs to grab a hold on Twilight’s face. Spike and Starlight simply smile at Flurry good relationship with her aunt and can tell she is very happy to see her.

Then a familiar stallions voice says, “I guess Flurry couldn’t wait to see you,”

The girls and Spike turn to see Sunburst coming through the doors.

Starlight is so happy to see Sunburst that she comes up to him with a smile on her face and says, “Hi Sunburst.”

“Hi Starlight, how are you doing?” Sunburst replies with glee.

“I’m fine, how’s watching Flurry?” Starlight answers with a smile on her face.

Sunburst simply laughs and happily says, “I’ll tell you one thing, watching her is always interesting and kind of heard when she flies around a lot.”

Twilight, Spike, and Starlight, along with baby Flurry heart laughs a little and can tell it’s true, with Flurry heart being a baby alicorn she can be quite a handful.

Then Twilight says, “I can imagine.”

Just as things are going well, Cadance and Shining Armor also enter the dining room and can see that Flurry hearts already made things interesting.

“Hi Twilight,” Cadence says.

“Hey Twily,” Shining Armor replies.

Twilight shows a smile on her face and says, “Hi Shining Armor. Hi Cadance.”

Twilight comes over to them and gives them a hug.

After the hug, Twilight happily says, “I’m glad we can come over to dinner tonight and some ponies get to spend some time together.”

“I know me and Flurry and Starlight and Sunburst,” Cadance replies happily.

Sunburst and Starlight having a good time seeing each other again and are glad to see each other since the Crystal Empire.

Sunburst then notice something odd about the table and says, “Princess Twilight.”

Twilight turns to Sunburst and says, ”Yes Sunburst.”

Sunburst then use his hoof to point to the table and asks, “I know that Princess Celestia Cadance, Shining, Starlight, Spike, the baby, you, and me are going to be there for dinner tonight, but who is that 9th one for?”

“That something Starlight is going to make,” Spike answers.

“What do you mean?” Starlight asks looking very confused.

“What Spike means is that… well… Twilight wants me to make a new friends and bring him or her to the dinner party tonight,” Starlight answers feeling a bit worried about bringing a new friend to the party.

Sunburst understands what Starlight means and thinks it’s a good idea for Starlight to have a new friend join them.

Sunburst happily says, “Make sense. It’s good to have a new friend.”

“Yes and I’ll make sure not to have any problems with it, not like last time,” Starlight says showing a smile, but yet feeling unsure.

“I remember from your letter, it was pretty interesting that your friend Trixie was able to have the courage to do that trick,” Sunburst replies.

Starlight then smile and says, “I know and I helped her with the magic since she never knew how he did it.”

Everyone is glad that they get to have some fun and are able to have some quality time for a while. While they are not looking, Flurry heart is happy that she is in a new place that she decides to go fly around the castle and go have some fun.

Starlight then notice that there is one pony missing from the group.

Starlight then asks, “Where’s Princess Celestia?”

“She busy with her royal duties at Canterlot and won’t be here until the afternoon,” Shining Armor answers.

“Oh so I guess we won’t see her until later then,” Twilight replies feeling a bit sad that she won’t get to see her until later.

“I guess so,” Spike adds.

Even though they do need to wait for the princess, but are glad they get to have some time with friends and family.

Sunburst then notice something is not right and can see that someone else is missing from the group as well.

Sunburst worriedly asks, “Where is the baby?”

Twilight and the others look around to notice that Flurry heart is missing and are starting to get worried,

Starlight then worriedly says, “I thought she was with Twilight.”

Twilight looks around the dining room to find Flurry heart.

Then she turns to Starlight and says, “She was here.”

“She must have wonder off somewhere,” Starlight says panicking.

Just then, everyone in the dining room starts to hear Flurry Heart laughing and can tell that she is somewhere in the castle.

Sunburst then notice that the doors to the dining room are open and can tell that Flurry Heart’s laughter is coming from the hallways in the castle.

Sunburst screams. “This way!”

With that the ponies run to the hallways hoping to find the baby before she gets into trouble.

Spike is left at the dining room and somehow not too surprised since he know that baby can be very curious and always like to see many different things from all around them.

Spike facepalms his hand on his head, groans and says, “Not again.”

Then Spike joins the others to get the baby back and now everyone is worried that her excitement might cause another magic surge just like what happened from her crystalling.

Author's Note:

I thought it will be a good idea for Starlight to meet another friend with a similar situation like the episode but will get to spend some time with her old friend too. I also like to add Flurry Heart to the story because she is so cute and adorable when she flies around.

Next Chapter will involved a crazy chase and Flurry's flying caused some trouble for ever pony.