• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 1,903 Views, 50 Comments

Mr. and Mrs. Cake's foalish adventure - Foal Star

Twilight Sparkle helps Mr and Mrs Cake get better aquainted with their foals.

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Epilouge: More Foals?

“More Foals?”

One week later...

Big Mac was quivering, as the entire Apple Family were sitting around their living room. Big Mac was on the couch with Fluttershy at his side, Granny Smith sat in a rocking chair, while Applejack and Twilight were sitting across from each other, and Apple Bloom was sitting in Granny’s lap.“So what’s the meetin’ all about?” she asked.

Big Mac gulped as Fluttershy giggled. Twilight then replied,”Well I’ll just come out and say it, Big Mac has agreed to be turned into a foal for a week.”

Granny Smith rubbed her eyes, as both Apple Bloom and Applejack burst out laughing!

“Big Mac a foal, that’ll be quite the sight!” Applejack chuckled.

Apple Bloom cooed, “When were you gonna tell us, Big Mac? After you’d already gone and done it?”

Big Mac sighed, “Well I was gonna tell ya’ll sooner, but Twilight wanted to be sure she could pull off the spell first. It’ll only be for a week.”

“Wait, a week?!” Applejack realized, her laughing fit drawing to a close. “So that’s why ya been plowin’ day and night. So the work can be done and you’ll have the extra time to turn yourself into a foal?”

Fluttershy seemed to grow worried, if the look of anxiety on her face was anything to go by, “Oh Big Mac, you didn’t have to do this if you had so much work to do.”

Big Mac nuzzled Fluttershy’s mane, “It’s okay. It’s not the first time I pulled off all nighters. Besides, as a foal I’ll get plenty of rest.”

Apple Bloom smiled and asked, “So, Fluttershy, ya goin’ to be his mommy?”

“Yeah, for an entire week. It’s what he wanted.” Fluttershy explaied.

“So does this have to do with that doll?” Granny Smith asked. “Ever since Big Mac found it, he’s always been cuddlin’ up with it. Reminds me of when he used to need a night light to fall asleep.

Big Mac blushed “Buck, they knew all this time!” he realized “You know about that?” he reluctantly asked, not considering that it might have been a trick to make him confess.

Granny Smith sighed, “Big Mac we all know, we just wanted to wait for you to come out and tell us yourself.”

Big Mac confessed “Alright, look ever since the Smarty Pants incident years ago, it brought me memories of my colthood and I really wanted to relive those memories. In the time since, I've been what most call an ‘adult foal’. I just feel comfortable acting like a foal when I’m alone sometimes. I kept it secret all this time, ‘cause I knew you’d all think I’m weird.”

Granny Smith replied, “Oh Big Mac, you’ve worked the hardest of all your siblings. It ain’t that weird you’d want a chance to be feel young again. What with caring for Applejack and Apple Bloom, along with helpin’ run this here farm. I understand that ya need some of that private time. Goodness knows how much I’d give to feel young again myself, but we all know what happened last time.”

Big Mac’s head went low, prompting Applejack to smile, “Big Mac, that ain’t an insult, It’s a compliment. We’re all happy you finally told us. It was kind of hard to pretend not to notice the diapers ya kept tossin’ out. At least the dirty ones made for good fertilizer.”

Apple Bloom shouted, “Yeah, and besides, when you’re a foal I’ll be able to prove I’m a good foalsitter, unlike Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo!”

Fluttershy looked at Apple Bloom “If you do I’m going to be watching you like a hawk!” she thought to herself, but politely whispered, “Um, sure, that’s fine. Just please be careful.”

Big Mac then continued, “Also, I’ll be stayin’ at Fluttershy’s for most of the time I’m a foal.”

“But I’ll bring him by as often as possible.” Fluttershy promised.

Granny Smith chuckled, “It’s fine .About time our bachelor got hitched.”

Big Mac blushed “Really, Granny?!” he thought angrily, but after regaining his composure he mumbled, “Um, Granny, we’re not even in a relationship yet.”

“So, you’re trustin’ her with takin’ care of ya while you’re a foal. Sounds like the beginnin’ of a relationship to me,” Granny Smith teased. “I can hardly wait for the day I become a great grandmother.”

Twilight coughed and everypony turned to her as she continued, “Well, we would like to perform the spell before today ends. It's extremely complicated and I would love to get results as to Celestia as soon as possible.”

The Apples turned to Granny Smith as she replied, “So how’s about ya do it here? I still got plenty of supplies from when my grandkids were foals, ya never know when they’ll come in handy.”

Applejack eyes went wide, “Here?! Now?!”

Apple Bloom got excited, “Yeah, right here! Where better to prove I’m a good foalsitter than my own house?!”

Fluttershy cooed at Big Mac and whispered, “Come on, Big Mac, aren’t you ready?”

Big Mac rolled his eyes, “Alright, might as well get this over with.” he thought, as he stepped into the center of the living room and sat down.

“Alright everypony, stand back!” Twilight declared.She lowered her horn and tendrils of magic wrapped themselves around Big Mac. As soon as they were lifted Big Mac looked up at his family, all daawing at him.

He rubbed his face and realized his forelegs were smaller and stubbier than they were before.Twilight came over him and lifted him with her telekinesis and looked him over. He still had his red coat and his orange eyes, but his orange mane and tail were just wisps, and flowing down his ear and his tail was a small stub of hair.

He was very chubby with his limbs and body making Big Mac look like a big red pillow. As Big Mac opened his mouth he saw he had no teeth.

“So Big Mac, how are you feeling?” Twilight

Big Mac answered, “I doin’ oka.” But instead of words, a stream of gibberish came out and every pony dawwed at him. He felt a rush of excitement and nervousness causing him to start peeing.

Twilight realized too late as his urine started to go all over her, having forgotten to diaper Big Mac in her haste to perform the spell. She groaned “Ugh! At least this time Fluttershy promised to care for him.”

Fluttershy looked at Big Mac with huge eyes full of love and care, “He’s even more adorable than I could’ve ever imagined.” she thought to herself.

Applejack put her hooves to her face, “I’m going to make sure I get some pictures, and make sure he never forgets this. Finally, I get to have a little brother!”

Apple Bloom was bouncing up and down, “I want to take him to my class so badly!” she exclaimed. “It’d totally freak their frizzes, and Miss. Cheerilee would practically be speechless.”

Granny Smith looked at Big Mac and dawed, “I almost forgot how chubby he was as a foal. Good thing they made diapers for heavy little ones like him.”

Twilight just sighed as she levitated Big Mac over to Fluttershy who was now laying on the couch, “Alright, Fluttershy he’s all yours for the next week. Take good care of him.”

Fluttershy took Big Mac into her hooves and cooed and nuzzled him, “Alright ‘Little Mac’ let’s get you into a diapee before you make any more messes. Maybe later you and Smarty Pants can stop by Sugarcube Corner to play with some new friends?”

Big Mac blushed as Fluttershy placed him on the couch and started to lift a big, white, plastic diaper over his rump. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that diapers even bigger than it needs to be, even for a foal like me.” he thought.

Meanwhile, Twilight was concerned about the sneezing from Mr. Cake Pinkie had told her about. It had stopped by the time a full day had passed since he returned to normal, but the sneeze had seemed almost magical. “I just hope Mr. Cake didn’t sneeze on anypony else,” she thought. “If he did, we’re going to need a lot of foal supplies, especially diapers!”

Author's Note:

This is my second completed work. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing

Comments ( 10 )

Good luck trying to break the curse of Crusaders foalsitters, Apple Bloom. Considering Scootaloo went through a ton of diapers, and Sweetie Belle was outsmarted by four foals that then got flushed, you've got your work cut out for you. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, do I smell a sequel with somepony other than Big Mac? :trixieshiftright:


The sequel is going to have a few more foals....:raritywink:

7440912 Well, at least Pound and Pumpkin will have some new playmates.


They will have six new playmates to hang with in the next adventures. Also the CMC are going to play a bigger role so Apple Bloom is going to have her work cut out for her.

A sneeze that turns ponies into foals? I sense a sequel! :pinkiehappy:

7441077 Don't tell me Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle get affected as well?

7441104 It's like the flu, except instead of making you sick it turns you into a foal.


No the ponies I'm planning to regress are all adults. The CMC though are going to try to "help" Fluttershy.:facehoof:

Thanks for linking me to this story. It was very enjoyable with a lot of fun elements in it that I've noticed others have hypothesized about regarding characters like Flutters and Big Mac.

Something I thought was very fun was the scene in the sewers. The way they got there had a genuine, cartoon feel about it. The story certainly earned points with me as you definitely wrote a most playful, foolish adventure.

It also appears you are foreshadowing to either a future story with Flutters, or are looking to align your tale here with other stories in relation to Flutter Mom and/or Little Mac. In either case, or if there are other ideas you're working with, I know they will all turn out as fun to read as this one.

Lastly, I like how you incorporated Twilight's studies on magic in this story. The opportunity for her to grow with far more advanced magic, like age spells, definitely shows growth since the episode "Magic Duel". You also did well with the CMC. In particular, in my opinion, Sweetie Belle who, to me, has always been the most caring and sensitive of the trio. :)


Thank you for the advice but you do realise i made this 7 months ago.

There are also a lot of spelling and punctuation errors, too many for me to try and write them all in here.

BTW any idea on a timeframe when we can expect the sequel to this? Like say sometime at the end of the year, sometime next year, or what?

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