• Published 11th Jul 2016
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Mr. and Mrs. Cake's foalish adventure - Foal Star

Twilight Sparkle helps Mr and Mrs Cake get better aquainted with their foals.

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Chapter Five: An Interesting Night

Chapter 5

“An Interesting Night.”

“Dada, watch thi!” Pound Cake called, as he flew into the air a bit and landed himself into the river of filth. The four foals were now in the stream of sewers connected throughout the town, and they were playing in the mess as if it was a swimming pool.

Mrs. Cake and Mr. Cake (after overcoming their shock at getting flushed) were giggling and splashing the brown water screaming in glee.

Pumpkin Cake was levitating the dirty water and throwing it all over the dark sewer walls. The place was illuminated by a grate above with the light of the moon shining down.

The foals thought they were alone, and at first they were. But before long, somepony would find them.

Big Macintosh was trotting down the road of Ponyville after a long day of plowing ,with the moon glowing down on him. He sighed as he looked up and wondered, "I wonder where Fluttershy was tonight? It’s strange for her to be away from her cottage this late at night. She didn’t leave a note or anything, and none of her animal friends seemed to understand what I was talking about.” He then heard the sound of giggling foals beneath him, which was odd since he was standing over a grate and shouldn’t have heard laughing as if foals were playing.

Big Macintosh took the cover off with his strength and saw four foals. They were playing in the mucky water in the sewers, clearly unconcerned about where they were. Two of them seemed recognizable, but the other two seemed really weird. But he couldn’t worry about that now, horrified he shouted, “Wait there little uns, I’m comin’ to save you!”

Big Mac quickly bucked the grate beneath him, it came down with a crash him falling right along with it, and causing a wave of filth to cover the foals, making them squeal! He got up as they all laughed as he was now covered in the filth. The smell was so bad it made his face turn a sick green and the foals just laughed. He cringed as he stepped through the muck, not even cleaning the pig pens was as disgusting as this, but somehow he managed. He quickly grabbed the squirming foals and placed them on his back as they started to cry releasing the fun was over.

Then Big Mac realized something that he hadn’t thought of in his haste to retrieve the foals, “How do I get back up?!” And now that he had a good look at the foals, why did two of them look like Mr. and Mrs. Cake? Something was not right!

Back at Sugarcube Corner, Twilight was hyperventilating. “The foals are missing, the foals are missing, the foals are missing!”

Rarity was waving a hoof in Twilight’s face in a vain attempt to calm her down, “Darling, are you okay?” she asked.

Twilight smiled with a bit of crazed expression, “I’m fine just fine, if you overlook the fact that I’ll be sent back to Magic Kindergarten, or imprisoned for negligence for ten or twenty years. I mean, it’s only two toddlers and their foalified parents I let this happen to!”

Pinkie shouted, “They’re not gone forever! They just went down the toilet, they should be alright as long as they can keep their heads above the water.”

Rarity sighed as she slapped Twilight across the face Twilight shook her head and said,
‘ Thanks, Rarity, I needed that.”

“It’s okay, Twilight, now we need a plan to find the foals, fast!” Rarity declared. “We know they got flushed, we just need to figure out where in the sewer they are, and how to get them out!”

As Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity were talking (as well as Fluttershy) Sweetie Belle was in the back of Sugarcube Corner crying, “It’s all my fault, I let them go down the drain! I should’ve stopped them!”

Scootaloo whispered, “It’s not your fault. We all agreed to watch them, and we all failed together when they got flushed.”

Applebloom shouted, “Yeah, it’s like that one story, The Three Muskamares: All for one and one for all! Now, while the older ponies are talking let’s go find them foals! This was our mistake, and we owe to the grownups to fix it!”

The Crusaders went galloping off, but as Rarity looked their way she shouted, “Hey, where do you three think you’re going!”

Sweetie Belle shouted, “We’re not going to find the foals sitting here! We’re going to find them, no matter what!” And she continued out the door!

Rarity was going to go after her sister, when Twilight replied, “Rarity wait! Your sister is right we need every pony to help us find The Cakes. We’ll start by searching every square inch of the sewers.”

Rarity’s face grew green, “The sewers. Oh, how horrible! You know what goes down there!”

“But we have to find the foals!” Fluttershy said with determination. “There’s no telling how far they’ve gone since the flushing!

Pinkie shouted, “Alright, then let’s go!”

All started to gallop away as Rarity thought “The sewers, of all places why the sewers?!”

Meanwhile, down in the sewers, Big Mac was drudging through the muck back and forth with his face still green. The foals still crying on his back. “I wanted to see Fluttershy, then snuggle with Smarty Pants. How the buck did I end up here?” he thought.

“Big Mac, is that you?” Fluttershy called, standing over the open grate.

Big Mac stood there quivering, “Eyyup.” Was all he could bring himself to say.

“Don’t worry, I’ve brought help!” Fluttershy shouted back “Just try to stay where you are now!

Big Mac nodded, even though he thought “Me, stuck in the sewers with four crying foals. She probably sees me as an idiot.” He sighed and waited patiently, then he heard Twilight’s voice.

“Oh, thank Celestia you're all okay,” Twilight said with relief, upon seeing the foals clinging to Big Mac. Then to Big Mac she asked “Can you hold onto the foals for a little longer?!”

Big Mac nodded his head, “Eyyup.”

Twilight shouted, “Don’t worry I’ll get you all out of there! Just hold on!” Her horn glowed brightly, and with a lot of straining and groaning, she levitated big mac and the foals out of the sewers. The gunk that now covered them had a stench that started to flow through the air, and as they did Pinkie and Rarity (who were nearby) all held their noses.

Even Twilight gagged, “We need to give all five of you a bath. The foals especially so they don’t get sick.”

Pinkie shook her head while holding her mouth, “If we take them back to Sugarcube Corner they’ll stink up the place. Not to mention the fact that the bathtub will need to be cleaned out afterward!”

Fluttershy turned her head to a fountain and asked, “Well nopony is around, why not bathe them there?”

Twilight looked at the fountain, “Well…I guess. Hold on, I once taught myself a spell that could shut off faucets. I think I can apply it to the fountain temporarily.“ With some assistance from Rarity, Twilight shut the fountain’s pouring mouth of and settled the four foals into the water. Big Macintosh reluctantly joined them, relieved that the fountain water wasn’t very deep.

Rarity nervously spoke up, “Um, they’re going to need soap and shampoo to get that smell out. And we’re going to need gloves after where they’ve been.” She quickly fled the scene as Pinkie laughed, then gagged. The smell was still potent.

Fluttershy blushed, seeing Big Mac, dripping in filth, now lying in the water with the foals, who were playing in the water.

The foals crawled around and splashed the water at Big Mac. Big mac chuckled and tried to splash them back. Then Pumpkin Cake summoned a huge wave to hit Big Mac, causing him to fall backwards. Then the foals all crawled on him and he laughed out loud, as they started to poke and prod his body with their hooves.

Pound Cake was tickling Big Mac with his wings as he giggled, “Who is thi funny ponie?”

Mr. Cake was touching big mac’s huge hooves and cooed, “He’s bi mac and he’s jus a bi foal!”

Pumpkin giggled, “Ya he pway wike us he’s so cool.” They crawled onto his stomach and squealed as his chest went up and down.

Mrs. Cake was interested in Big Mac’s face as she crawled onto his nostrils (with the filth still all over her) making Big Mac’s face go back to being green and causing him to gag. He suddenly dropped Mrs. Cake in the water, and she began to cry, “Bi Mac dwopped me.”

Mr. Cake came up to her and giggled, “Cause ya stinky.”

Mrs. Cake glared at her husband “Well I wouln’t be if ya did n had us pway ‘Cath us Pinkie with the CMC, and wet us get fwushed down the dwain!”

Mr. Cake crossed his forehooves and babbled, “Weww I wnaw’d to pway, whats wong with tha? Besides, dun act wike you knew the twins would twy to fush themseweves and us wit them. At weast now they wun do it again.”

“They bettew not, but I tink we bettew cwose the bathwooms when we get back to nowmaw, just to be safe,” Mrs. Cake replied. “We jus wucky Bi Mac came by and found us. The whowe being fwushed ting has been the wost pawt of an othewise gweat day.”

“Is ouw faut, Daddy and Mommy, we just got cuwious about the towiet aftew you showed us what it did,” Pound Cake apologized. “We did n know fwushing owuseweves woud make us aww stinky.”

“We pwomise not to touch the big potty tiw we owd enough to use it, bu maybe oue diapess contents can be fwushed down ut fwon now on?” Pumpkin Cake asked. “We stwiww wanna stay in ouw diapees, but ta big potty dun wook so bowing anymow and maybe we eventuwway get used to scawy noise?”

“We see when we go back to being abwe to using it,” Mr. Cake replied. “Just pwomise us you wun evew fwush yousewves or anypony ewse evew again.”

“We pwomsie.” The twins agreed.

Just then, Rarity came back with a basket full of soaps and shampoos. She then poured some of the bottles of fruity soap potions into the fountain, causing it to froth with pink bubbles.

The foals, now seeing the pink bubble,s climbed off Big Macintosh and began swimming in the suds, laughing and giggling. Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were now grabbing the foals and scrubbing them down with scrub brushes. It was a very difficult task that took a lot of scrubbing, but eventually the four foals stopped smelling so badly.

Big Mac smiled, before Fluttershy came up to him and whispered, “Um… would you mind if I... cleaned you? I mean, not that I’d mind if you didn’t, I just thought I’d offer.”

Big Mac smiled sheepishly, “Don’t worry, I can clean myself.”

Fluttershy whispered, “Okay.”

On seeing Fluttershy trot away, Big Mac couldn’t help but feel guilty a bit. He groaned and thought, “What am I, doing it’s just a bath? It’s like she’s going to see anything she hasn’t seen before, besides I already kind of cleaned the ‘personal areas’.” ”Um… wait,” he called out. Fluttershy turned back around and smiled, as he nervously blushed, “You can clean me if ya want.”

Fluttershy smiled, and motherly cooed “Okay, ‘Big Mac’, hold still and let Mommy clean you up.” With a scrub brush, she started to scrub the filth from his coat and flowing mane in the back, all but covering him with soap suds.

Big Mac started to chuckle again, as Fluttershy started to scrub deep.

The foals looked up at the stallion, and Pumpkin Cake asked, “Is Bi Ma a fowl?”

Mr. Cake giggled “Na he adwlt wike us, bu I hewa he sometimes secwetly acts wike a fowl. I tink they caww that Aduwt Foaw or someting.”

Pound Cake eagerly shouted, “I wanwa pway with Bi Ma as a fowl, tat would be som much fun.”

Pumpkin Cake laughed and shouted, “Ya dada, we wawna pway with Bi Ma. But as an actuwaw foaw not a big foaw.”

“Weww, some adut foaws dun use the big potty, and go poopies and pee in diapees. But we see wa Twilight can do,” Mr. Cake promised, he then turned to Twilight, who was now finishing scrubbing the filth that splattered on her. Pointing to Big Mac, Mr Cake babbled, “Twiwight, can ya tuwn Bi Mac imto a fowl? We wana pway with him, bu not as a big fow wike he sometimes acts..”

At first Twilight didn’t understand what Mr. Cake was trying to tell her, but as he kept pointing at Big Macintosh she quickly realized what he was trying to say. “We’ll see.” she told him, patting him lovingly on the head.

“It wouwd be nice if ouw babies got to pway with mowe foaws besides us.” Mrs. Cake sighed, regretting that she and her husband would turn back to regular adults in the morning. Part of her missed being a foal and not having any responsibilities, even though she knew somepony had to keep running Sugarcube Corner, and it was selfish of her and her husband to stay foals forever.

Fluttershy was now using her hooves to clean Big Mac’s back, as she was washing out the soap and the last of the filth she whispered, “Um…Big Mac, I need to apologize.”

“About what?” Big Mac asked.

Fluttershy whispered, “Um…well….I told my friends about how you like to sleep with Smarty Pants.”

“Wha…why?” Big Mac blushed, hoping she hadn’t blabbed much else. He’d only confided in The Cakes and Fluttershy about sleeping with the doll, and they were likewise the only ponies who learned of how that had led to his interest in being an adult foal (which he still kept secret from his family, though he suspected Granny Smith at least might know).

Fluttershy whispered again, “I’m…I’m sorry, we were talking about turning The Cakes into foals and it just slipped out. I’m sorry.”

Big Mac sighed, “It’s fine, I ain’t mad at you.”

Fluttershy smiled and continued to wash Big Mac’s back, as she did so she told “My friends aren’t angry or disappointed that you sleep with a doll. Actually, remember what you told me about how you wish to be a colt again? Well Twilight’s age spell worked for the Cakes and at least for me it’s been an enjoyable day, at least until the whole flushing thing happened.”

Big Mac’s eyes grew wide, “Wait …What are you sayin’?” he asked.

Fluttershy replied, “Um…well…I really would like you to be a foal for a day too. It could just be between the two of us if you like, you being the foal and I being your mother. You don’t even have to be a foal, you could be a little colt if that’s what you want.”

Big Mac blushed as Fluttershy laid him down into the water and started to scrub his under belly. Chuckling, he asked, “So when do you want to do the spell? And a foal’s fine, I already sometimes act like one, might as well look the part.”

Fluttershy was now cleaning out Big Mac hooves, as she asked “You really wouldn’t mind being a foal again?”

Big Mac looked at Fluttershy and happily told, “It would be a dream come true. When Ma and Pa passed away shortly after Apple Bloom was born, I had to grow up faster than I would’ve liked.”

Fluttershy smiled at the thought of Big Mac turning into a foal for a day and cooed, “Let’s discuss it later, and thank you.”

Big Mac was going to reply but Fluttershy poured more water over him water. Then she saw Rarity and Pinkie were picking up the four foals, who were now scrubbed cleaned.

Twilight came up to Fluttershy and teased, “Is our big foal all cleaned?”

Big Mac tried not to blush, as Fluttershy helped him up and replied, “Yeah, he’s clean as a whistle.”

Twilight then turned to Big Mac, “So uh, Big Mac, I want to thank you again for diving in to rescue the foals. That was a very brave thing to, even if you ended up getting stinky yourself”

“No problem, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Nopony should ever have to go down into that place.” Big Mac nodded in reply.

Twilight then asked, “Well seeing as the rest of the girls don’t mind why don’t you stop by Sugarcube Corner before setting off for home?”

As he climbed out of the fountain, Big Mac looked at the young princess and asked, “What do you mean?”

Twilight used her magic to restart the flow from the fountain, and was magically removing the suds and filth from the clean water. “I’ll tell you on the way back.” she answered.

The girls came back to Sugarcube Corner, relieved that they had managed to find the foals and get them cleaned up.

As Fluttershy went up the stairs with the foals, Rarity sighed, “Hopefully we won’t have to do that ever again. It’s a good thing Big Mac showed up when he did.”

Twilight had a towel wrapped around Big Mac, who sat in one of the chairs, shivering a bit.

All of a sudden, Sweetie Belle and her friends burst into Sugarcube Corner, clearly exhausted!

“Big Mac, what are you doin’ here?” Apple Bloom asked, surprised to see her big brother at Sugarcube Corner.

Big Mac grinned, “I could ask you the same thin’. Granny Smith was gettin’ mighty worried and I went to go look for ya. It ain’t good to be out so late at night all the time.”

Apple Bloom replied, “Well my friends and I only came back for some water. But I can’t go back yet I gotta help find some lost foals that got flushed!”

“We already found them in the sewers, quite dirty I might add,” Rarity groaned. “They discovered quite the interesting smell.”

Twilight whispered something in Rarity’s ear. Rarity turned her head, still a bit angry, as Twilight approached the trio fillies and said kindly, “Thanks for the help, but you three should get going home it’s really late. And don’t beat yourself up too badly, Sweetie Belle, it could’ve happened to anypony. Just be prepared for next time.”

Sweetie Belle nodded her head, still sad at her failure in looking after the twins and their foalified parents. “I just wish I hadn’t let them get flushed,” she said glumly. “I don’t think I’ll ever be trusted to look after foals after this slip up.”

“Hey, it could’ve been worse, like the first time I tried foalsitting somepony,” Scootaloo replied, cringing at the painful memories. “So many diapers! I thought I was going to lose my mind.”

“Wait shouldn’t you be goin’ back to the farm too?” Apple Bloom asked her brother.

Big Mac was going to reply, but Twilight spoke up first, “He’s going to stay and help watch the foals, just tell Applejack and Granny Smith he’s at Sugarcube Corner, and will be staying for the night.”

“Wait, is that true?” Apple Bloom asked.

Big Mac nodded and replied, “Eyyup.”

“Alright Big Mac, but watch them troublemakers close!” Apple Bloom vowed.

The Crusaders turned around and started to leave the shop, each of them preparing to go their separate ways.

“Sorry sis. Guess I really screwed up, huh?” Sweetie Belle said glumly

Rarity hugged her little sister, “It’s fine, darling. You did alright for your first attempt. I once accidentally flushed you while trying to clean you off with the toilet water. It gave me quite the fright, and I thought for sure Mother and Father would hate me forever because of it!”

“I don’t remember that happening to me.” Sweetie Belle replied.

“You weren’t much older than the twins are now when it happened,” Rarity admitted. “After that, I made sure to learn all the information I could about what to do and what not to do with foals, so that mistake wouldn’t happen again,” She then held out the big basket full of her left over shampoo.” “Can you bring this back to the boutique on your way home?”

Sweetie Belle smiled, “Sure thing, sis. Thanks for cheering me up.” She then galloped off with her friends.

With Sugarcube Corner now a bit less crowded, Twilight went up to Big Mac and explained “Look, we’re all exhausted after what happened and the foals are still kind of riled up, and they really seem to like you. So, would you mind spending some time with them? I need to rest before I ever attempt that regression spell again.”

Big Mac smiled and said, “Sure I’ll play with them a bit,”

Pinkie bounced up to Big Mac shouting “Thank you! It’ll mean so much to the twins!”

Big Mac just whispered, “Eyyup.” and climbed the stairs.

Fluttershy gently placed the foals in their playroom.

As they were already busy amongst themselves, playing with their toys, Mr. Cake sighed, “to ba by tomorrow ya mom and I wiww be big ponies again.”

Pound Cake shook his head, “Na, we wan ya to be foals foreva!”

Pumpkin Cake got sad too, “Yeha, we du wan ya ta gwow up! It been fun pwaying with you!” They came over to their parents hugging them and crying.

Fluttershy was shocked and tried to calm them down, “It’s okay little ones, don’t cry.” But they just bawled louder, as Mr. and Mrs. Cake joined in the crying.

Just then Big Mac came in and the foals turned their gaze to him. He smiled, crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue!

The foals giggled as Pound Cake shouted, “It’s the big fowl!”

Big Mac then crossed over to the foals location and plopped down with them.

They all giggled as Pound Cake babbled, “He wants to bwil bwocks.” Pound Cake put a block in his mouth, as the other foals started to collect blocks and dump them into Big Mac’s lap.

Big Mac then started to carefully construct a tower and the foals looked in amazement, as he used every block to build the tower. All the while Fluttershy just watched Big Mac with a smile.

Pumpkin Cake cooed, “Dada why ya and Mama nevea bwil d bwcoks wike that?”

Mr. Cake laughed, “I not a weal fow,l I a big poni,” feeling guilty he added. “Bu alwight when I gwow up, I pwoimce I’ll pway woth you two mowe.”

“And so do I. We weawwy shouda been pwaying with ouw childwen mowe often than Pinkie Pie.” Mrs. Cake promised.

The twins both shouted in glee as Pound Cake asked, “Well when ya gwow up again, ask Twiwlight if she ca tuwn Bi Mac into a fowl fow a day. He;s weawwy coow as a adwlt, but he’ww be a wot cower if he’s a fowl.”

Pumpkin Cake squealed in laughter as Big Macintosh started to tickle her and blow raspberries, making her squeal with delight. The foals got in line as he blew raspberries into each of their stomachs, soon he was blowing raspberries over and over,until he was gasping and out of breathe.

Then Mr. Cake shouted, “The bi fowl is weak, get him!” They all clambered onto Big Mac, and lie before began crawling over his body. Poking and prodding him, as he made an exaggerated groan. The foals giggled, and he let his face fall to the ground with his tongue rolling out of his mouth.

The foals gasped, before Big Mac woke and made another silly face! The foals squealed in laughter, rolling over his big belly.

Big Mac then cooed, “Alright you four, time for bed.”

The twins looked at their parents and started to tear up a bit, “No! We still dun wan ya to tuwn big!”

“Bu somepony needs to make suwe Sugawcube Cowner stays open, so we have a woof ovew ouw heads, and food on the tabe.” Mrs. Cake replied.

Fluttershy quickly helped place the twins in their crib, and Big Mac took the Cakes to the master bed, pulling their two small foal blankets over them. “Oh, uh, I forgot.” Fluttershy blushed, coming into the master bedroom, revealing that her breasts were really full from the pills. Big Mac looked up at Fluttershy’s face instead, as she blushed at his modesty. She then snuggled between the foals and allowed the two to latch onto her nipples.

As the Cakes started to suckle, and Big Mac was about to close the door Fluttershy whispered, “Big Mac, thank you for all your help today.”

Big Mac just nodded modestly and with a simple “Eyyup.” he just closed the door and slowly went back downstairs. Tonight had a very unexpected night, but it was one he wouldn’t trade for anything.