• Published 11th Jul 2016
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Mr. and Mrs. Cake's foalish adventure - Foal Star

Twilight Sparkle helps Mr and Mrs Cake get better aquainted with their foals.

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Prolouge: Mrs Cake's idea


“Mrs. Cake’s idea.”

One sunny afternoon in Sugarcube Corner, Mr. Cake was wiping down tables as Pinkie Pie was trying to sweep up the place as fast as she could. Mrs. Cake was sitting on a stool feeding the twins who were in their high chairs.

Pumpkin Cake was sitting in her pink wooden high chair, memorized by Pinkie Pie’s sweeping and was rocking side to side imitating her motion. She was wearing a cute pink bib, and a small terry cloth diaper that wrapped snuggly around her flank. Her brother Pound Cake sat in a blue wooden high chair. He was bouncing excitedly, and flapping his wings. He had blue bib and a snug white terry cloth.

Mrs. Cake slowly lifted a pink rubber spoon, then cooed, “Here comes the aeroplane.”

Both foals opened their mouths as their mother placed the spoon into Pumpkin Cake’s mouth first. As she took the spoon from her mouth (and accidentally getting some of the foal food on Pumpkin Cake’s chin) Pound Cake crossed his front hooves and babbled gibberish. Mrs. Cake chuckled and said, “Ladies first Pound Cake.” She then placed the pink plastic spoon into the mush and resumed the same procedure of lifting it up.

This time Pound Cake opened his mouth as she placed it in his mouth and he quickly closed his lips around it. Mrs. Cake then pulled it out (also leaving some goop on his chin), she then carefully wiped both of the foals faces with a wet cloth she had next to her. Throughout the feeding in between each bite, they would babble gibberish to each other or at her. After the two finished the entire jar of foal food Mrs. Cake sighed, “I wish I knew what you two are talking about.” she thought to herself. Alas, she could only

Pinkie Pie bounced up to Mrs. Cake as she shouted, “I’m done with the chores! The Cutie Mark Crusaders and I are supposed to go on an expedition today! Can I go?!”

“Of course you can, dearie. Just be careful, and don’t stay out too late.” Mrs. Cake replied.

Pinkie shouted, “Yippee! See you Pound Cake! See ya Pumpkin Cake!”

The foals giggled and started to bounce in their high chairs, imitating their hyperactive pink big sister. As Pinkie Pie bounced out of Sugarcube corner though, the two foals soon realized their favorite energetic pony had left. They soon started to whimper, then the bawling began. Mrs. Cake calmed the crying foals as she thought, “They really do love her.” Her husband came over to take Pound Cake out of his high chair while Mrs. Cake did the same for Pumpkin Cake. She sighed after lifting Pumpkin Cake and seeing her once white terry cloth was now wet and stained yellow. In a tone of defeat she said, “I’ll bet Pound cake is dry.”

Mr. Cake examined Pound Cake and his little terrycloth was also stained yellow, but also had a smelly lump. He groaned and muttered, “Nope, you win this round.”

Mrs. Cake laughed and the two took the foals upstairs to be changed.

That night, after Mrs. Cake got the foals to sleep, she came down the stairs and found Mr, Cake sitting at one of the round tables.

Mr. Cake was looking over bills and writing down checks with a quill. Then he looked at his wife and chuckled, “So, what’s the record tonight?”

Mrs. Cake sighed once again. As much as she loved her children, they were always a hoofful “They were so energetic, and it took me three hours to finally get them to sleep.”

Mr. Cake chuckled and replied smartly, “I’ll bet they got that from Pinkie Pie. They really love her.”

Mrs. Cake sat next to her husband and replied sweetly, “Yes, they’re more rowdy, but they’re so full of life. They’re curious, smart and social.”

Mr. Cake let his wife lean on him as she whispered to him, “Have you ever wonder what foals actually talk about?”

Mr. Cake laughed, “Probably about their messy diapers? Or who can cause the most trouble? Or perhaps what makes that awful noise that comes from the bathroom?”

Mrs. Cake muttered, “I’m being serious. What if they know things and they can only babble because of that?”

“Come on you’re thinking too much about it. Foal talk is just gibberish.” Mr. Cake replied.

Mrs. Cupcake retorted, “What if it isn’t just foal talk? I mean wouldn’t be interesting, even for a day, to get to talk to your son or daughter as a foal?”

Mr. Cake replied nervously, “Well yeah it would…but that’s impossible.”

Mrs. Cake rolled her eyes as she got up. Mr. Carrot Cake was stunned for a second, trying to grasp what his wife was implying and then his brain clicked as he realized, “You want us to turn into foals?!”

“Come on honey, don’t tell me you at least thought of being a foal at least once since we had the twins?” Mrs. Cake said with a grin. “Besides, they could use some playmates besides just Pinkie.”

Mr. Cake looked at the bills on the table, and for a second he thought about the twins. He thought about how they got to be spoon-fed, nap, and play without a care in the world. While he worked all day, worrying about bills, and keeping Sugarcube Corner running. He blushed, suddenly realizing how jealous he was of them. Of course, he knew it was selfish to neglect his responsibilities forever. But just one day off wouldn’t hurt, right? His mind made up he mumbled to his wife “Alright you win on that one. But wishing to be a foal for a day, and actually doing it are completely different.”

Mrs. Cupcake replied smugly, “Not when we have one of the most powerful alicorns living in our town, and being a friend of Pinkie’s.”

Mr. Cake laughed and asked, “Do you honestly think that Princess Twilight Sparkle will actually will say, ‘Sure I’ll use an advanced age regression spell’ Just so we can talk to our foals?!”

Crying then echoed from upstairs, “Thanks for waking them!” Mrs. Cake said to her husband, as she left the room.

Mr. Cake blushed and bent his head as his wife muttered, “Just think it over, okay?!” she then marched upstairs as Mr. Cake sat back on the table and sighed. Eventually he got up and followed his wife upstairs. He waited outside the twins’ room and listened to his wife as she sang them a lullaby.

After another hour or so Mrs. Cake trotted out of the nursery door. As she left the door ajar her husband apologized, “Look, I didn’t mean to make fun of you.” he said to her.

Mrs. Cake looked at him and asked, “But you did think about it?”

Mr. Cake nodded and said to her, “If it means that much to you, asking Princess Twilight can’t hurt.” That prompted his wife to hug him and whisper, “Thank you.” Mr. Carrot Cake hugged her back as he thought, “Hopefully she’ll just say no and that’ll be the end of this.”

The following night, both Mr. and Mrs. Cakee were sitting at a table on the lowest level of Sugarcube Corner.

Suddenly Twilight came trotting in, with a saddlebag bursting with books. She sat down across from them and sighed relaxing her wings across the chair as she started to explain, “Alright, I’ve searched my library and I found a spell that can change you two into foals for twenty four hours.”

Mrs. Cake shrieked, “You did?!”

Twilight nods and replied, “It’s a pretty advanced spell but the process is simple. It will change you into one-year-old foals for exactly twenty-four hours and when the twenty four hours are up you will return to normal.”

Mrs. Cake’s eyes glowed wide with excitement, while Mr. Cake sank a bit in his chair.

Twilight waited for the news to settle in, then continued, “However, you’re going to be foals through and through. Which means you both will lose most of your cognitive abilities, you’ll be incontinent, and you’ll have the same primal judgement of a foal.”

Mrs. Cake replied, “I have no problems with that. It wouldn’t be a true experience without being a foal entirely.”

Mr. Cake gulped then asked, “Will we be able to retain our memories?”

Twilight nodded,“You’ll retain all your memories after the transformation and you’ll retain the memories with your foals even after the spell wears off.”

Mrs. Cake gazed at her husband and said eagerly, “Did you hear that?! We’re going to be the first ponies in history to talk to their children as foals!”

When he noticed Twilight jotting down notes, Mr. Cake replied meekly, “Are you’re going to record this?”

Twilight nodded and explained, “You two are helping me with age spells. It’s an advanced study of magic, and rarely used since mishaps could have dire consequences. However, I’m sure everything will go as planned, I’ve practiced on plants, and I’m pretty confident I can do it on ponies. Worse comes to worse, Princess Celestia or Princess Luna should know how to reverse the effect.”

Mrs. Cake nodded then asked, “Alright, and when we turn into foals will there be any after effects when we turn back into adults? You know, like we may not fully return to normal right away?”

Twilight shook her head, “No, I think I’ll be able to perform the spell perfectly and when it’s over you’re both going to be just as you are now, two normal adults.”

Mr. Cake anxiously asked Twilight, “Can you tell us when you’re ready? We’re going to have to close the store for the day when we do this.”

Twilight nodded and replied, “Of course,and we’re also going to have to get some extra help. Not only will you two be foals, but Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake will still need to be watched over. Fortunately, I have just the pony in mind, she’s got plenty of babysitting experience already.”

“You’re going to turn the Cakes into foals?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed once Twilight and The Cakes informed her of their intent, and that they were going to need her help.

“Come on Pinkie, I wouldn’t do this without your permission as well.” Twilight insisted

Mrs. Cake apologetically spoke up, “Pinkie Pie, it will be the only chance we have to talk to our children as foals. I’m sure you can take care of the four of us for just one day, right?”

Mr. Cake quickly added, “Also you’re not going to be alone, Twilight is enlisting Fluttershy’s help, and Rarity’s. That way, if the twins get anymore surges, you won’t have to face them alone.”

Twilight was going to rebuttal the last statement, before Pinkie Pie sighed in relief, “Okay then, that’ll be a big help. I thought I was going to have to care for the four of you by myself.”

“So, are you ready to help?” Twilight asked Pinkie.

Pinkie laughed, “Okay, Twilight!” Then s.he quickly bounced up the stair

“We don’t say this enough, but she does a good job with the the twins,” Mrs. Cake commented. “It’ll be great to see her skills first hoof.”

Twilight smiled at Mrs. Cake and replied, “I know she’s a great foalsitter. Now, before I turn you two into foals, I’m going to need you to sign something. She went into her saddlebag and pulled out a piece of parchment. Twilight declared, “This is a legal paper stating that I have the authority to turn you two into foals for twenty four hours, and that if anything happens I’m going to be held responsible.” She then took out a quill and a spare inkpot and gave the stationary to The Cakes to sign.

After reading it over carefully Mrs. Cake signed it, “I doubt anything will happen to us. You will keep an eye on everypony, correct?” she asked.

Twilight nodded, “Of course, I’m performing the spell so I won’t leave until you two are full grown adults again. That means I’ll also be on hoof to help Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity take care of you all.”

Mr. Cake looked over the parchment and said to his wife, “I’m sorry about last night, I’m just really nervous about this.”

Twilight eyed Mr. Cake as he signed the parchment “What is he so nervous about?” she thought, but she replied, “It’s fine, there’s nothing to worry about. Spike and Starlight are going to help me perfect the spell until we’re sure it’s ready.”

Mr. Cake then handed Twilight the parchment. As Twilight placed the parchment in her saddlebag, she got up and said to The Cake, “Well it’s official. I’ll come by when I’ve perfected the spell then we can set a date for the transformation.”

Mrs. Cake shook Twilight’s hoof eagerly. “Thank you so much!” Her husband brought out his sweaty right hoof and Twilight quickly shook it.

As Twilight left Sugarcube corner Mrs. Cake hugged her husband and giggled, “This is going to be so much fun!”

Mr. Cake nodded as he blushed and thought, “Yeah, fun.”