• Published 11th Jul 2016
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Mr. and Mrs. Cake's foalish adventure - Foal Star

Twilight Sparkle helps Mr and Mrs Cake get better aquainted with their foals.

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Chapter Four: A eventful evening

Chapter 4

“A eventful evening.”

The day passed and by the time Celestia’s sun was setting, the four foals were together in their high chairs, as the four mares (who were all exhausted) were happily feeding them dinner.

Twilight had Mr. Cake (who held Mr. Snuggles sitting next to him) smearing foal food on Mr. Snuggles face as if he was trying to feed him. Rarity had Mrs. Cake who was the most calm of the four, she seemed tired as she lazily ate the foal food, as Rarity ( with some relief) just smiled at the little foal.

Fluttershy had Pumpkin Cake in her pink highchair babbling away, as Pinkie Pie was smiling and feeding Pound Cake, who was doing the same, as if the two were trying to tell them about their day. Pinkie giggled, “I’ve never seen them so excited before and that’s saying something.”

Fluttershy (with a lazy smile) placed a spoon of foal food in Pumpkin Cake’s open mouth and cooed, “I bet they just love having their parents be foals forever.”

Rarity cringed at the thought while placing a spoon of mush in Mrs. Cake’s mouth “Please, let’s hope that’s not the case. I don’t know if I can handle looking after all four of them until they grow up.”

Twilight giggled, “Come on Carrot Cake, you need num nums too.” Mr. Cake looked at Twilight and opened his mouth. Twilight placed the spoon inside and even as he spat some of it out pouring over his little mouth, Twilight dawwed at him as she wiped him clean, “He’s a little monster, yet I can’t help but melt over him.” She then said to the girls, “Well I still think the spell was a success. Other than the Cakes being rambunctious foals, they don’t seem to have any physical problems. They wet and messed themselves like normals foals would, and they’ve had no trouble keeping their food down.”

Pinkie nodded as she wiped Pumpkin’s mouth, “Everything went fine, it’s getting late and soon they’ll be asleep.”

Rarity let out a small sigh of relief and whispered, “Thank Celestia.” She continued to dip her spoon into the jar of foal food.

Just then, the four friends heard a knock on the door. Twilight turned to Pinkie and asked, “Did you place the closed sign outside?”

Pinkie nodded and replied, “Yeah Mr. Cake even told every pony who came by yesterday that Sugarcube Corner was going to be closed today. Good thing too, taking care of four foals and running Sugarcube Corner would’ve been impossible. She then bounced to the door and opened it outside stood Sweetie bell, Scootaloo and Applebloom.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders greeted in unison, “Hey, Pinkie Pie!”

“Hey you three, any luck finding the headless horse?!” Pinkie asked.

The crusaders all looked down and sighed together “No.”

Scootaloo muttered, “We kept checking the spot where the old mare supposedly ‘saw it’ and we realized it was a just shadow from a lamp post,.

Apple Bloom (who was the most disheartened of the three) whined, “The worst part, is we looked for days.”

Rarity eyed Pinkie and replied, “So that’s why they were out late the last few nights.”

Pinkie Pie just hoof bumped the three, as they friends squeezed past and gasped at seeing Mr. and Mrs. Cake in high chairs, being fed by Twilight and Rarity.

“Wow! Twilight did you do that?!” Sweetie Belle asked.

Twilight nodded as she placed another spoonful of foal food in Mr. Cake’s open mouth and said with a bit of pride, “Yep, that’s why we closed Sugarcube Corner.”

Apple Bloom daawed at the two foals, Mr Cake was still rubbing a hoofful of green mush into the mouth of his bear and Mrs Cake who was playing with the foal food on her tray.

Scootaloo’s eyes grew wide as she asked, “Can we help care for them, please?!”

Rarity smiled, “Well after we finish feeding and changing them, I was going to dress them in the new line of foal clothes I made. Maybe you’d like to help me with that?”

Sweetie Belle muttered in replied, “You turned the Cake into foals and you didn’t tell us?!”

Rarity tried not to glare at her sister “I hope she doesn’t want to pick a fight, I really hate arguing with her.” she thought, before she took a deep breath and pleaded. “Sweetie Bell, please, I didn’t-”

Sweetie Belle interrupted, “You thought I was going to mess up! You still don’t trust me, do you?”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Sweetie Belle, not now.” she thought, but replied with, “No that’s not it all. “

The other foals got a bit startled and started to cry from the commotion. Twilight sighed, “I think they’re ready for a change.” she spoke up. Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie proceeded to pick the foals up and carry them upstairs.

Rarity came up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders and she asked, “Apple Bloom, Scootaloo would you mind if I talked to Sweetie Belle, alone?”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at each other, then at Sweetie Belle, who sighed, “Go on you two, I’ll catch up.”

The two scrambled up the steps, while Rarity tried to control her temper “Sweetie Belle how many times do I have to remind you of manners?” she scolded. “You know better than to shout like that.”

Sweetie Belle retorted, “Well I would act more like an adult if you trusted me and my friends more!”

Rarity sighed, “Darling, it’s not that I don’t trust you. If it was just foalsitting the twins, I would have asked you to come help. But I’m having trouble just helping to take care of four foals. Besides, I made a ‘Pinkie Promise’ to The Cakes that I would watch over them and keep them safe, not to mention keep this all to ourselves.”

Sweetie Belle groaned, “You’re going to make us leave, aren’t you?”

“Oh no, of course not. Just as long as you understand that you’re not to tell anypony about this,” Rarity replied. “Now, do you still want to help me with The Cakes when they model their foal clothes?”

Sweetie Belle’s face lit up, as she looked around Sugarcube Corner and said, “Well to show off your spring lineup we’ve got to make it look like a fashion show. We can move the tables and set up some blankets across these two high chairs here.”

Rarity nodded and went to her saddlebag. She shifted through it and took out a giant camera, then she told Sweetie Belle, “I’m not much of photographer, so I would like it if you could get some pictures for me.”

Sweetie Belle took the camera of her sister’s hooves and jumped up and down shouting, “Thank you, Rarity! I take back all the mean things I said, you’re the best sister ever!”

“Sweetie Belle, be gentle with it!” Rarity cautioned. “That cost a lot of bits!”

Sweetie Belle stopped jumping and blushed, “Sorry.” she apologized.

When Twilight Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy came down the steps, the saw the tables, and chairs all moved to the side of Sugarcube corner, across two wooden posts was a thick baby blue blanket and in the front was a small chalk board that read: “The Cake’s Fashion Show”.

Scootaloo had Mr. Cake and Mrs. Cake who were both giggling as Scootaloo glided down the stairs, buzzing her wings to occasionally hover for a brief second.

Fluttershy gasped, “Be careful, Scootaloo! You need to take extra care when handling babies!”

Scootaloo landed near the bottom and muttered, “Fine.”

Applebloom bounced down the steps more carefully, holding Pumpkin and Pound Cake on her back. She cooed at the twins, “I bet you’re snug with those cute diapers. You probably want to stay them in forever.” The twins just babbled something, as they were given to Rarity.

“Okay Darlings let’s get these foals dressed.” Rarity smiled, as she gently lifted all four with her magic, over the other side of the blanket. She then took the foal clothes from her saddlebag and dressed the foals. She slipped a foal’s sailor suit over Mr. Cake’s head, and placed a white sailor hat with a blue ribbon tied on it around his neck. He giggled as she slipped his terry cloth from his waist and strapped a bright blue plastic diaper around his waist, then slipped blue foal booties onto his tiny hooves.

Next, Rarity went to Mrs. Cake, and slipped a pink petticoat around her head. The coat had a white frilly lace that went around the neck, and Rarity complimented it with pink foal booties and a pink foal bonnet with white frills on the end. Lastly, she slipped Mrs. Cake white terry cloth from her rump, pulled a pink frilly terry cloth under her rump, and carefully threaded her tail through the back end.

Rarity then turned her attention to the twins, starting with Pound Cake. She helped unstrap his terry cloth from his waist, and placed a yellow diaper with safety pins on the side on, decorating the front with cuddly duckies and rabbits. She then placed a yellow onesie over his head, then buttoned the flap around his crotch .

Rarity admired her work on him before moving on to Pumpkin Cake, she took off Pumpkin’s white terry cloth and slipped a powder blue terry cloth with pink rattles decorating the front onto her.Then Rarity put a frilly light blue dress over Pumpkin’s head, it puffed out near her diapered rump.

Rarity couldn’t help but daw at the foals, now feeling and kicking their legs in their new diapers. She sighed and thought “Why can’t foals just be cute and cuddly all the time? Why do they always have to make messes and cause problems?”

Mrs. Cake crawled in her petticoat, which gave her legs plenty of room to crawl, as did Mr. Cake’s outfit.

But Mr. Cake was being pouty, he didn’t like what he was wearing. “I be I wook wediculows.” His wife giggled, touching the texture of her fluffy blue buttons and delight in the feel.

Then their children crawled up to them and Pound Cake giggled , “Dada ya wook silly.”

Pumpkin bounced up and down and shouted, “Ya dada, ya woke wike a puffy cwowd.”

Rarity then came over to the foals and cooed, “Ok darlings, let’s go one at a time and show every pony how cute you are.” Rarity opened the curtains a little, and Pumpkin and Pound crawled through, then they came down the make-shift walkway to see the smiling mares dawwing all at the same. time.

Pound babbled, “Hey Pumki, why te gwon ups act weird wehne we dwess up?”

Pumpkin giggled, “I don know, bu I be they wike it if we cwaled awound.”

Rarity smiled as the two foals twirled around in their onesies, while Sweetie Belle made the camera snap a picture at the very sight.

The twins parents followed suit as Twilight and her friends nearly melted from the cuteness.. Mr. Cake tried to cover his diapered rump, but it made the cloth stretch over his blue plastic diaper, causing him to tumble backwards. Twilight helped him back up with her magic.

Pound and Pumpkin were too busy chewing on their new clothes to notice, but Mrs. Cake liked all the attention, as bounced happily in her dress, and got up and trotted around, waving her cushioned rump in the air, receiving claps from the ponies as Sweetie Belle made the camera flash.

The twins looked at the camera and gasped at the flashing. But Mr. Cake babbled, “Is cawed a camewa, and we can have picuwes of us togetha. Tat way we can wemember these moments.”

Pumpkin looked confused and asked, “Wha’s a pictuwa?”

Mrs. Cake jumped up and down as she answered “A picwa is a papa with uh us on it.”

Pound babbled, “Wait, wike the ones upstaiws?”’

Mrs. Cake giggled as she was chewing on the neckpiece of the petticoat and asked, “Ya wike the ones upstaiws.”

The twins got curious, so Pumpkin flew up to Sweetie Belle with her magic, and grabbed the camera out of Sweetie Bell’s grasp, only for them both to fall towards the ground!

Twilight caught the camera and Pumpkin Cake in her magic, as Rarity sighed in relief.

Twilight mumbled, “Okay, I think it’s time for bed.”

Sweetie Belle then eagerly shouted, “We can get them to bed for you!”

Apple Bloom nodded and asked, “Yeah can we?”

The three fillies gave the mares puppy dog eyes, as Pinkie laughed, “Why not?” she replied. “Come on.”

Rarity sighed, “First, let me gather my foal clothes. I appreciate that they wore them for as long as they did.” She took the clothes off with her magic and placed terry clothes on their rumps, then placed them onto Pinkie’s back.

Pinkie then carefully trotted up the stairs, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders following her.

Twilight was a bit nervous and asked, “Uh, Pinkie, you sure this is a good idea? The foals have been troublesome all day.”

Pinkie smiled, “You all deserve a break, I’m sure we can handle getting them to sleep.” She continued the trek upstairs, as Twilight came back down and found Rarity placing her clothes in her saddlebag nicely folded, then she took the camera, and inspected it.

Twilight came to Rarity, who was taking the photos and dawing at them, “Hey come look at these.” she encouraged. Fluttershy and Twilight came around her shoulder to see the developed photos of The Cakes as foals.

“So Rarity, want me to turn Sweetie Belle into a foal?” Twilight teased.

Rarity gasped, “Twilight, don’t you dare!”

“Relax, I would never do such a thing without your permission, I figured you’d say no.” Twilight replied.

Upstairs, Pinkie and The Crusaders were placing the four foals in their crib and placing pacifiers in their mouths.

Apple Bloom was studying them and whispered to Pinkie, “They’re so small, how can they cause so much trouble?

Pinkie grinned, “They may be small but foals don’t know much and usually find themselves in all sorts of trouble as a result. Trust me, I speak from experience.”

Sweetie Belle slipped Mr. Snuggles into Mr. Cake’s hooves, who hugged it tightly as he wrapped himself around the stuffed bear. Sweetie Belle daawed, “They’re, so cute.”

Pinkie giggled, “I wonder, if we turned Big Mac into a foal, would he act the same way with Smarty Pants?” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle laughed, thinking it was a joke.

Apple Bloom paused and looked at Pinkie with an eyebrow raised. “What was that you were sayin’ about my brother?” she asked.

“Just that I think he’d look cute as a baby, cuddling up with Smarty Pants,” Pinkie replied. “It’d just be for 24 hours, like with The Cakes.”

Seeing the foals just babbling under their pacifiers, Apple Bloom asked, “What if we could care for the twins for a day?”

Scootaloo jumped up and down, “Yeah, Pinkie can we take care of the twins for one day? Please? I’m actually surprised we never tried to babysit them when we were searching for our cutie marks.”

Pinkie thought, “You three have no idea what you’re asking for. I learned the hard way how much responsibility babies require.” But she replied, “Sure, but me or the Cakes will have to supervise. That way we can step in if things go wrong, and trust me, things will go wrong the first time.”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both shouted in glee, “Okay!.”

“We don’t need supervision.” Sweetie Belle grumbled, but no one heard but her.

Mr. Cake was hugging Mr. Snuggles as he cooed, “Ya wike ya foo, I hope ya had enough.”

Mrs. Cake giggled, “Honey Mw. Snugges isn’t weal.”

Mr. Cake felt offended, “Yeah he is, he’s my bwest fwiend.”

Pound and Pumpkin Cake starred at the three fillies in confusion. Pound Cake asked, “Mama, Dada, who awe they?”

Mr. Cake looked up at there fillies who were now talking amongst themselves and babbled, “Well the owange filly is Scootawoo, the whi one is Sweetie Beww, and the yewwow one is Abwe Bwoom.”

Pound Cake asked in confusion, “Bu, why they putting us to sweep?”

Mr. Cake shrugged, “I don know? Bu we can twust them they fwiends of Pinkie’s.”

Mrs. Cake nodded in agreement and added, “Awso, they wike helpin otha ponies.”

Pound Cake whined, “I don cawe, I’m not tiwed yet.”

Pumpkin giggled, “Yeah wet’s pway ‘catch us Pinkie’ with them! Wet’s see how good they awe.”

Mr. Cake giggled, “Yeah, wet’s pway! The wast time was so much fun!”

Therefore, the game started out with Pumpkin unlatching the hooks on the crib and the four foals scrambled out of the crib and into the hall as Pinkie groaned, “Not again!”

The Crusaders tried to get The Cakes, but the foals shut the door on them, and they giggled happily as the continued to crawl away, leaving Pinkie behind!

They came into the Cakes bedroom, and trotted into the bathroom. Mr. Cake giggled, “How wong do ya tink until they find us?”

Mrs. Cake giggled in reply, “Who knows, maybe we can have a date whiwe they gone?”

“Sounds goo, what do ya tink Pound and Pumpkin? Mr. Cake asked.

The twins didn’t answer, something else had their attention. Having finally learned about the great white bowl thing called “the towiet”, they were most curious about how such a thing worked. Their parents explanations didn’t do much for them, but they also had no intention of taking off their diapers to see if their parents were right about what it did.

“Mommy, Daddy, whewe does the watew go when ta big potty makes that woud noise?” Pound Cake asked, eying the water and the small hole at the bottom of the bowl.

“Down the dwain, awong with whatevew’s in the boww,” Mrs. Cake replied. “Whewe you’s tinking of twying to use it fow the fwist time?”

“Nah, we not weady to give up ouw diapees,” Pumpkin Cake declared. “We just cuwious how da big potty you caww a towiet wowks. When the watew goes down the dwain, whewe does it go fwom thewe?”

“The pipes, and eventuwway, to the sewews.” Mr. Cake explained.

“So ten, how does it wowk? Pound Cake asked his parents.

“See tat silvwy object off to youw wiwght?” Mr. Cake asked, to which the twins nodded. “Tat’s the handew that makes the big potty fwush. You just have to fowce it down.”

“Wowks wike a big tub to me,” Pumpkin Cake commented. “You suwe it just fow doing what you do in diapees? Sounds wike a waste if you ask me,” Then Pumpkin Cake got an idea. “Can we see the sewews?”

“What?!” Mr. and Mrs. Cake asked, shocked at such a question.

“The way you dewscibe evewting, it sounds wike a fun watew swide!” Pound Cake exclaimed. “We want ta go on it, but onwy if you go wit us!”

Our children want to flush themselves down the toilet, and take us with them?!” Mr. and Mrs. Cake thought nervously. “We’ve got to talk them out of it!

But just then there came the sound of hoofsteps, Pinkie and The Crusaders were drawing close.

“Thewe’s no time, we gotta go now!” Pound Cake protested, grabbing his parents. “Pumpkin, you figwue out how to push the handew down, then jump in the boww!” And before Mr. and Mrs. Cake could get a word in, Pound Cake was already lifting them up and flying into the toilet bowl. They all landed with a splash, while Pumpkin Cake had levitated herself onto the seat, and was struggling to surround the handle with her magic.

Please, hurry Pinkie!” Mr. Cake mentally pleaded.

However, just seconds after hoping for that, Mr. Cake and his wife heard Pumpkin Cake eagerly claim. “I got it!” Right before the toilet let out a tremendous roar (no wonder it was so scary to foals)! Pumpkin jumped down into the bowl, as the water began to spin around with all four foals inside it.

“Wee!” Pound and Pumpkin cheered, as the water spun faster and faster.

“Oh boy.” Mr. and Mrs. Cake said at the same time, holding each other tight for comfort!

Sweetie Belle dashed into the bathroom, just in time to see the faint trace of Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s hair disappear down the drain. “Pinkie, I think I messed up.” she said nervously, as she eyed the empty toilet bowl as it refilled with no trace of the foals.