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Chapter 13: War


Canterlot "Strategey room"


"War....It was inevitable, wasn't it sir Jace?" said Princess Celestia as she stood infront of a window in the strategy room. "To think that get to witness this kind of violence, again"

As Celestia's mood went down under, sighing every now and then, Jace Beleren approuched her and gave an assuring hand and said "War is apart of life my dear Princess, you off all should know that. Peace is but the calm before the storm of life. It is cruel, that is true, but, as long as there is good, there will always be evil, wherever in the Multiverse you may be"


"I know it to be true, I knew this will happen again, and I was prepaired. But, it just that-----"

"Speak no more princess, Is this how a Princess should act? A war is at hand, many die fighting for peace, true I have said that It was Inevitable, But! that is why "we" are here, that is why "we" are helping you, because life is but a cycle, and with that, let us end this bad part of our cycle so that we could continue with our moment of Peace"

And with that, Celestia's mood began to turn for the good. It is true that in life, there will always be conflict, but that is why "she" is Princess, that is why "she" was prepaired, that is why SHE must win this war.


Canterlot "Battleground"

The Dead Littered the streets. Molten, ruptured, Dismemberd and plain old lifeless. Both parties suffered alot, Phyrexians, Eldrazi and Ponies alike, lay lifeless in the battlefield that is now Canterlot. In a large part of the area near the castle of the Princesses lay a huge barracks/haven where all of the troops and civilians reside, it was heavily protected and is the main center for the side of good. In the much general end of the entrace to canterlot was the main area of the enemy, there a huge portal was open, an eye-like portal where both phyrexians and eldrazi alike keep on coming to this side of equestria from both Mirrondin and Zendikar.

As the Group of Elspeth in the main barracks gathering forces, training and giving prayers for the insuing battle just outside of the walls of the said barracks. A group of ponies, most notable for wearing necklaces that shone ever so brightly gave the civilian ponies in check and care. Giving laughter, kindness and positive vibes, these 5 ponies are: Pinkiepie who is the one responisble for sweet treats and giving everyone a happy smile that could light up any downed spirit, Rarity who was the one responisble for all of the warm clothes and covers for both young and old, Applejack who for one is the main cook for the soldiers and giving them wonderful inspirations as to not lose hope, Rainbow Dash is the one incharge of scouting the inner walls as to no unseen threat be a problem and is the one coralling up unstable and panicked once high and uptight ponies of canterlot, And finally, Fluttershy who's job is to take good care of the fillies and colts who where either orphaned, lost and left by their parents to join the battle.

these 5 ponies, never losing hope and keeping the light alive and well, for they are the Elements of Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, Honesty and Kindness. And as for the Element of Magic...


Canterlot Castle "Section IV, Starswirl The Bearded Wing"


"Oh dear me, and you call yourself the student of a great Planeswalker and Princess of Equestria" Said a bearded stallion sipping a glass of tea. "Don't tell me an aging spell is to hard for you?"

"I'm......sorry....just....one...more try....please" Said Twilight as she tries to catches her breath, from Mass teleportation to Gravity Manipulation, Twilight was training with this bearded stallion while wearing her Element of Magic. The element indeed gave her amounts of magical energy, but to control it properly will need a great amount of knowledge for kind of spell to use.

"Listen to me deary, you have a great learning capability, but how you execute your spells are a bit off, I mean, my dear Clover the clever can do aging spells whiles eating dinner." said the stallion as he trotted next to Twilight and pointer his horn at her. "It's quite simple really, just do the basics willpower, imagination and focus"

And with that, Twilight aged to a more younger filly and in a split second became normal again.

"Listen my dear, I could clearly see it in your mind that you are not focusing, tell me, what is in your mind?" said the stallion.

"It's just that, all of my friends are out there trying to protect equestria and ------" Before she could finish her sentence she was cut off by the hoof of the stallion and said.

"My dear Twilight Sparkle, do you think what you are doing now is a waste of time? or are you mad at yourself for not being able to finish faster and help them immediately? For what ever reason it is, Do you think that the current you would ever help the Planeswalkers and the other ponies more? you would die instanly the moment a Phyreaxian as much as scratched you! much less the pressence of an Eldrazi with in fact instills fear the moment they lay eyes on you...now tell me dear will that help equestria?

Twilight Sparkle did not speak and only turned away out of her own dissapointment, the stallion only gave out a smile and said. "I think it is time to get serious is it not, my dear?" And with those words, Twilight stood up and you can clearly see the motivation in her eyes, giving the stallion an even bigger smile.

"I think it is time"


In an instant, A blinding flash covered the room and faded, in the ground lay Twilight, Unconsious, not breathing and the Element of Magic shattered. The stallion only stood with horn and eyes glowing and began trotting to the door.

"A Being generally only becomes a planeswalker through a traumatic experience. Some sort of incredible stress, like the loss of a loved one, a near-death experience, or an astonishing revelation, shocks their planeswalker spark to life, and kindles in them the potential to walk the myriad planes of the multiverse" Said the stallion as he opens the door and leaves the lifeless body of the Element of Magic.

This the only way....forgive me miss Sparkle.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Hi Everypony!!

It has been a while since I updated this Story, sorry!!! I was busy with a game called life lol.... jokes aside, I was really busy, now thos story is almost at a close, I do hope you guys continue reading for the conclusion, and again


Comments ( 3 )

one of the few original Planeswalkers

And a sick bastard who makes the Joker and Kharn look like really nice guys.

Good story I like it

:rainbowderp:Please make more

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