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Chapter 5: Urza

Canterlot "Castle Garden"

"What the hay is going on?!! princess luna is gone, discord is loose, again and this guy named bolas is here to continue the war?" said twilight with a confused look and clearly distraught and in a panic.

"settle your horses miss twilight...no offence every pony" said Chandra

"none taken sugarcube, just fill us up with what you've got, cuz we nid some explanation" said applejack

"Everypony, please take a seat, i will tell you all about what happened in the war of '67" said princess celestia

and with that everypony and everybody sat down and all eyes was on princess celestia.


The Year was 666 a year before the war, everypony was led by the awfull draqounicus Discord, we where about to start a revolution and overthrow discord, but you would think that me and luna had originally have the elements, no history book or archive told about how we acquired the elements.....

It was the help of the Planeswalker Urza that we acquired the elements of harmony, it was a battle in winter. Me, luna and discord was atop a mountain that is now a gourge named the "ghastly gourge", before the gourge was there, there was a mountain in place of it and at the top of that mountain was where the battle took place. being Alicorns we had the power of both unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies, but discord was a draqounicus, which is part of a many creatures, even if we are alicorns we were no match for him, we also found out that he was a Planeswalker, having the power of spells and magic plus his race, we were at a disadvantage.

We were at the brink of death when we discovered that we had the spark of the Planeswalker, with the sudden realization of power and discord was about to finish us with a spell he called "Damnation" we accidentally Planeswalked out of harms way and thus the mountain became ghastly gourge with the sheer power of that spell.

After Accidentaly Planeswalking to a different Plane all in itself, we met Urza, he is a planeswalker from Terisiare on the plane of Dominaria the plane that we accidentaly planeswalked to, he was in battle with Yawgmoth and the plane of Phyrexia. The reason behind this was Urza realized that, after he had destroyed his brother, Mishra had been completely corrupted by the black mana from Phyrexia. This realization filled Urza with grief, and pushed him to begin his lifelong hunt for retribution against Phyrexia, and its demonic ruler, Yawgmoth.

Yawgmoth tried to invade Dominaria using the land-based portal in the Caves of Koilos. Urza, determined to never allow him re-entrance, resolved to stop him. All of the forces of Dominaria banded against Yawgmoth and tried to push him back. That included Me and Luna, The elves of Llanowar, Metathran (artificial humanoids created by Urza to emulate Phyrexian physiology; much stronger, faster, and smarter than humans with certain other biological modifications), and Gerrard Capashen (commander of the Weatherlight & inheritor of Urza's Legacy) banded together. At the head of the Phyrexian troops was Tsabo Tavoc, one of Yawgmoth's generals. She has a mechanical torso with 8 spider legs, segmented insect eyes, and a detached mouth (could open larger than humans) and poison injectors attached to her torso.

Even with these numbers Urza wanted to win so he made the 9 titans. The nine Titan Engines were huge artifact creations that were built by Urza to assist in the attack on Phyrexia. Each titan was controlled and powered by a Planeswalker and as such, they grew to emulate that planeswalkers' characteristics. There was one titan engine for each of these nine planeswalkers but excluded me and Luna due to us being begginers and Urza was just teaching us about how to use our powers/Spark of the Planeswalker. The Titan engines were huge constructs with a vast arsenal of weaponry. They contained aeries of falcon engines (artifacts created by Urza to detect glistening-oil, dive towards it, and then once inside the Phyrexian, burst apart and destroy it), rocket launchers located on the wrists, mana cannons, as well as colossal hands and feet that could crush hundreds of Phyrexians at a time. These weapons, combined with the formidable power of the planeswalkers themselves, made each and every titan engine a force to be reckoned with.

Entering Phyrexia, using the powers of the Titan Suits, the Nine Titans began to destroy the artificial plane in a final gambit to protect Dominaria. However, over time, Tevash Szat began to betray and kill his fellow planeswalkers, turning to the side of the Phyrexians. At one point, Urza was able to defeat him, and used the power from his life force to charge together the soul bombs that he planned to use to destroy Phyrexia for good. While Barrin had argued with Urza that the power source for them, the life force of a living being, was a punishment not worthy of even the worst crime, Tevash's betrayal was so devastating to the fate of Dominaria that Urza declared his use for the soul bombs a form of "justice." Unfortunately for the remaining Titans, as well as Dominaria itself, Urza found himself unable to complete his lifetime goal of destroying the artificial plane, when he found himself becoming fascinated with the fact that it was something that had been created completely artificially. Unwilling to destroy a place full of such potential knowledge, he dismantled the master soul bomb, which would have been able to set off all of the others, creating a ripple effect that would have decimated Phyrexia to the point of no return. After destroying it, he surrendered himself to Yawgmoth and we never saw Urza again.

Unbeknownst to us, Bolas who we were told was in his Meditation chamber was watching over us, as we returned to our own plane after a very long time, discord was winning, feeling grief we mustered all of our power and knowledge that we gained through urza's mentorship and made a titan ourselves, this "titan" we made was not close or even in par with the titan urza made, but when we battled discord at the everfree forest he was accompanied with bolas or rather his avatar, clearly they have known about our visit with the plane of phyrexia and dominaria, we where told that he and discord was the one that implanted urza's brother with the purest of black mana, without urza's knowldge and with the power of both of them they dismantled our titan. But we had a trick up our sleeve that won us the war, a part of the soul bomb was embedded in our titan, it was given to us by urza, he called it the "Elements of Harmony". and with that power we had imprisoned Discord and Exiled Bolas's Avatar, but it affected our battlefield and it is now the everfree forest that you know now.


"you mean to tell me that in addition to being an Alicorn, you're a Planeswalke r too? much like these guys?" said twilight

"yes twilight much like sir Gideon and the others, but not as powerfull as our dear friend Urza or Bolas" said celestia

"so how in the HAY are we gonna defeat this Bolas guy?" said rainbow dash

"with the Elements of Harmony" said twilight

"were'nt you listening dear? they used the elements to drive off bolas and defeat discord, much like what we did before" said rarity

"but surely they have some sort of assistance, i can sense them" said jace

"jace,use clairvoyance and give us there position" said Gideon

"i've done it already, one is at ghastly gourge, the other at ponyville lake and....." said jace

"....and what jace?" said elspeth

"it's her....."

"her? who is it jace? cmon spit er' out!" said Chandra


"...is it Lili? jace?" said Elspeth


"Liliana! Liliana Vess?!...that WITCH!!" growled Garruk, fluttershy was surpriced by the sudden outburst of garruk

"ummmmm, garruk.....is-is something....wrong?" said the frightened fluttershy

"that witch?! where is she? where is she jace?!"

"i don't know, she disappeard without a trace, he was with somepony else" said jace

"LIES! tell me where they are?!" screamed garruk

"Easy Garruk! we are not enemies here....." said Gideon

"That blasted witch slayed my friend and gave me this curse!" said garruk while suddenly he fainted.

"Garruk!?!" everyone was surpriced

Everfree Forest "Ruined Castle"

"hmhmhmhm, seems like the chaos is welling up inside them"

"your chaos never seizes to amaze me old friend,hmhmhm"


To Be Continued