• Published 25th Apr 2016
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The Chronicles of a Lost Angel [Refined Edition] - Nova Borealis

Dive into the story of how an AI designed for combat learns what it means to be alive. New friends are made, yet a few enemies make their way to Equus. Will she survive? Will her creator find her missing angel? And lastly...what caused this chaos?

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[26] The Hunt For Angels

The Pure Fire of Innovation: bridge

Shortly after Nova consulted the terrorist leader

I fly back to the bridge after dealing with those rebel scum. Upon flying near the hard light wind shield it vanishes only to reappear behind me when I enter the room. I let my self fall to the gyroscopic cockpit, the controls light up before me as the ship is ready for action.

"So? What's this about a planet that having an unusual signal coming from it?" I say to V.

"I picked up the signal, at this range it's rather distorted but I can track it from here." says V as she displays a local galactic map with a highlighted dot in a far off galaxy.

"Excellent work, but I advise we tread carefully from this point on. Serena's personality matrix is primitive and thus subject to destabilization." I say as I fire up the ultradrive once more, making the dimensional turbine in the back of the ship glow brightly as it starts to approach light speed, a humming sound can be heard through out the ship as this happens.

"Do you...think she's safe?" asks V with a hint of worry.

"With Epsilon on the loose? Yeah, but if she did indeed find Serena I'm not entirely sure who would win." I say as I recall not uploading Serena's felid data into Epsilon's database. I warp us to a strange world with vast liquid water oceans, green lush land masses, tipped with mountains and caped with ice. A proximity warning goes off, alerting we are close to a solid surface. This world has one moon, only 10 miles away from colliding with my ship. I activate the phase generator, making the innovation completely undetectable. The proximity warnings vanish as part of the ship starts to phase through the Moon.

"Scan data does indeed confirm that Serena is in fact on this planet, but I think you may want to see this." says V as she displays a 3D map of Ponyville with accurate textures as the HUD fades to black. The town itself has no power lines at all, or any form of modern technology.

"So this world hasn't developed past the point of interstellar travel, why show me this?" I ask with curiosity. As this happens the kinetic energy that effected the ship while the phase generator was not active causes the ship to become submerged inside the moon. V activates the starboard thrusters to slow this. V says nothing as the image zooms out to reveal the area surrounding the small village. One massive building surrounding the Sirus is present.

"So she built a base around the Sirus...I can only deduce that she did this because the ship must have been unable to fly when it warped here." I say as I go over the possible causes of this.

"That is correct, I've accessed the automated system program of the base, this building was designed by Serena to protect the Sirus and conduct scientific research." says V as the schematics of Alpha Base is shown on the HUD.

"Be sure to not let yourself be known to Serena as of yet, I want to go down there to investigate the area." I say as I ease the thrusters forward to slowly phase out of the Moon.

"That's not all...this natural satellite has been fired by the prototype neutrino cannons." says V.

"And we both know that Serena is the only one who could have done this...I may need to infiltrate her base to gather more data." I say as I form a plan.

"Are you sure that's wise?" asks V, clearly wanting to send a sentinel.

"Yes, in fact if anyone should do this it's me, I made her. And I'm the one who can unmake her if I need too. Keep the coms open, but use stealth mode." I say as I rise out of the cockpit, ready to launch myself to the planet below.

"Don't blow it." says V with playful caution.

"Please, it's me we're talking about here." just as I finish that statement I launch myself out of the bridge and in seconds enter the atmosphere over a vast ocean, my HUD changes to atmospheric mode as I'm covered with warm and relaxing flames, evaporating the water as I fly just above the surface in an epic display of steam. V uploads all the scan data she got from this world and Alpha base so I can navigate, I turn around and fly towards the west coast of Equestria. Land peaks over the horizon fast as my perception of time slows to a halt. I enter a state of mind that only my kind can enter, hyperthought. Making me and my tech the only thing that can keep up with me at the moment. I scan the land in front of me, 4 sentient life forms, small equine with unreasonably huge eyes. My armor ejects from from my body in shards as the pieces fall into tiny wormholes, after this my nano suit dematerializes, leaving me completely naked. My body glows white as I turn into a alicorn. My fur is white with my hair remaining unchanged, my tail is of the same style as my hair as my headset remains unaffected by the change in head size. Time resumes normal and I suddenly change my trajectory to the small beach where those ponies are. I land with a thud as the sand under my hooves turn to ice due to a mass conversion spell so I do not harm the ponies around me. They all stare at me with wide eyes as they notice my wings. Still unchanged from my human form. The ponies before me seem to be unicorns of various brown shades with a blanket tipped with food on it. I check the the local time in my HUD, it reads 6:25PM.

"Evening" I say simply as I walk past the utterly shocked family. They all stare at me with wide eyes and gaping mouths at the sight of a strange pony falling out of the sky that was once covered with flames and managed to land right in front of them with out an impact crater but a plate of cracked ice. Only to simply walk past them with a peaceful expression as if she's done this many times before.

"W-who are you?" says one of the ponies behind me as I stop and turn my head to them.

"Just a traveller." I say with a gentle smile, they ease up a little. I begin to walk away. I look around at my surroundings to find I'm standing before a dirt road between a beach and a vast corn felid with a large city off in the distance.

"Scan data reads that only ponies of royalty have wings and a horn, and I'm not even counting the fact that we're countless eons ahead when we compare your cybernetics to Equestria's prosthetics." says V from my headset.

"Is that the name of this nation?" I ask.

"Yes." says V.

"So I'll half to choose between a unicorn or a pegasus if I wanna keep my cover. And given it's literally been about 153 megacycles sense I've even used natural biological wings. My skills with using those flimsy things are that of a novice...well...this is going to hurt." I say with a hollowed joyish tone. My 10 large black cybernetic wings suddenly separate from various shards of itself. The countless shards of my wings each get sucked into tiny wormholes into my personal pocket universe, leaving my true wings to be present. I wince in pain as this happens, on my back are 10 ultra thin and smooth colorful fairy like wings at the base of each wing the color intensifies to black with the edges of the wings fading to transparent on the very end of their surface. Inside of each wing are seemingly delicate veins that glow white, indicating of the amount of power flowing through them. The mix of colors is far darker then my hair color, almost as if these delicate things could have been so much more if my life turned out differently from a very early part in my life. I wince slightly in pain as I expose them to the uncontrolled conditions of this environment. My 10 wings start to merge into 2 single wings on either side of my body, after this happens they the air around them bonds into more particles as new elements form, feathers start to materialize around my wings, hiding their majestic appearance to the world. To the undiscerning eye, one would spot rings on all four of my hooves and neck, the shade is gray so dark it almost seems black these are clearly not normal rings. My cutie mark is an atomic symbol inside a magic circle indicating the 6 basic elements of magic, fire, light, dark, water, rock, and electricity. The horn of my head vanishes, making me a pegasus.

"It's been so long sense you've changed your form. Your vitals are fine but I'm reading irritation in some areas. How do you feel?" says V as she checks my vitals.

"Like a human who just got sent through a furness with out dieing." I reply as the pain subsides, V giggles at this. I teleport across the country on top of a mountain not too far from Ponyville, from here I can see a small village with a noteworthy crystal tree house inside it. Of to the side is a vast apple orchard. On the other side of town is another large forrest with about a 3rd of it being eclipsed by Alpha Base. I can see the defenses of the the base are well put together with defense towers, a bubble shield, an anti teleport felid, and thick wall surrounding the base. I do a structural scan next to get map data of it. Over all the base is well put together, all but one critical flaw in her defense.

"She forgot to add defenses to the lab. I may not be able to telepo-" I begin only for V to interrupt me.

"Wait...I found Epsilon." says V with a disturbed tone.

"Here!? in THIS star system!?" I say with shock as I look back towards a mountain range with a small spark of dark magic in that area.

"This star system is identical to the Sol System where Earth 1 is located in. Epsilon is inside the core of the 5th planet from the sun. Jupiter." says V as she displays a map of the star system on my HUD.

"How did she manage to get in there..." I say as I trail off in thought.

"I have no doubt that Serena is the one that put her there." says V.

"You may be right about that...if this is true then I can only hope that no one was hurt in the battle." I say with a heavy heart.

"Some one did get hurt." says V bluntly.

"Of corse! Ok, who got fucked this time?" I say as I really shouldn't be surprised at this point.

"A large amount of equine life forms are inside Alpha Base, their set up is that of a refugee camp. An entire city is displaced with in those walls." says V as she highlights the base on my HUD to display scan data on the ponies.

"Ok, thats horrible and all but we've seen worse. What are you getting at?" I say to the confident MEAI.

"Almost all of them have a large amount of magical residue that radiates from only 2 other locations on this planet, one of them is far underneath the base and the other is here." says V as she highlights a waypoint in the far north.

"And this...is a visual." says V as my HUD vanishes as a 3D image of the ruins of the Crystal Empire form around me. I stand in front of a ruined city with a crystal tower toppled over, shattered buildings, and dark crystals growing everywhere. I notice most of the rubble is on one side of the city, as if it all forms a single structure in the center of the city. I come to the conclusion that something huge must have collided with the structure from the side to make it shatter, only this object is not here.

"No...Serena must have activated Sky Queen mode! The White Phenix isn't even fully tested! This must be where Epsilon made her attempt on Serena's dark energy core." I say as the 3D image of the ruins disappear for my HUD to reappear as the world around me comes back into view.

"Indeed, though I imagine things didn't play out in her favor. Serena some how managed to trap her inside the core of Jupiter." says V as she begins to calculate the situation at hand.

"And Serena is letting the homeless equines stay at her base until she can find a solution...that other magical signature you detected earlier must have been critical to that city. What's the climate in the area of those ruins?" I ask with curiosity in my voice.

"On average the area has a temperature of 278.15 to 261.16 kelvin. The fact that the whole area is in a mountain range doesn't help." says V as she displays numerical data relating to average temperatures that are most likely to occur in that location.

"Serena is isn't hurting anyone...no, she's helping them rebuild their home by researching the power source that made life possible for that city..." I say as I begin to realize just how much of a saint she is.

"Her personality must becoming increasingly more complex." says V.

"You use to be like that you know." I say as I reminisce back when I first activated the Ultra Core.

"I know..."

Author's Note:

Vocab words are discontinued, however the Archive will be updated for future development. The words just won't be found down here anymore.

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