• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 4,874 Views, 78 Comments

Of Eclipsed Moons and Broken Stars - Harmony Pie

Twilight spends one last night with her dying mentor, Nightmare Moon. But can the unicorn truly accept what the Queen asks of her?

  • ...

Wings of Tears

The hall was silent, its late night shadows stretching across the royal red carpet. All of the guards were absent, leaving only an eerie chill.

Twilight Sparkle made her way down the hall, breathing erratically with each step. "It's alright, Twilight," she reassured herself, although her voice came out distorted. "Perhaps she just wants another paper written, a book read to her, or a cup of chamomile tea." She forced a smile upon her face, albeit a rather twisted and fake one.

"Oh, who am I kidding?" She paused her walk down the dusty carpet to wipe at her cheek roughly. Twilight Sparkle may have been a lot of things, but she was not in any way a liar. What purpose did it serve to create a façade? Sighing in resignation, the lavender unicorn flattened her ears.

The Queen was not well.

If she tried to convince herself otherwise, she would end up a naïve foal, always waving away the facts that stared her in the face. She had tried at first, playing the part of an ignorant and hopeful student, bringing her mentor food and drinks whenever she needed it; telling herself it was simply a cold. But, it hadn't worked. The Queen had shut herself up in her chambers, slowly but surely refusing food all together, and sleeping the night away. Thinking about the reality—the cruel, awful truth—made her stomach cramp up in such a way that she could hardly speak.

The whole castle had felt the sorrow that sank it, the sorrow that made the maids whisper forlornly to each other during the late hours of the "brighter night." Even Rainbow, the arrogant bodyguard of the Queen, had grown quieter over the days.

Twilight cursed under her breath, biting hard down on her lip. No, she was better than a simpering fool. She opened her mouth, before quickly closing it again. "You will help," she whispered. Whatever she wants, you will help in any way you can.

Twilight approached the deep blue door silently. She stared at the intricate designs curling across its thick surface, and her mentor's symbol of the moon in the middle. Raising her hoof, she slowly creaked the door open, hardly drawing breath.

She stepped into a darkened room, a king sized bed sitting in the middle of its large interior. The small bit of light from the hall sliced through the darkness, directly on the pillow. The empty pillow.

Twilight's mouth dropped open, and she felt her heart begin to beat of a song of panic.

"Queen Moon?" she cried out, her throat dry as she stumbled into the room. She reached blindly forward, a headache already throbbing around her horn.

"Twilight," a voice replied smoothly and calmly from the shadowed corner. Twilight froze, letting out a sigh of relief. "Moon," she murmured, lighting up her magic. She found the Queen sitting placidly on her favorite chair, a blanket draped across her legs.

Twilight, swallowing hard, stepped forward. She perched next to her mentor, and looked deep into her aqua colored eyes. "I take it..." Twilight began shakingly, before clearing her throat. "I take it you're not feeling your best."

Nightmare Moon chuckled weakly. "Oh, really? Honestly, I tried, but you know me too well, my dear Twilight," she said softly.

Twilight shifted, grasping her hooves together. It may have been hard for anypony else to notice, but as close as Twilight was, she knew the signs; the way Moon's star dotted mane hung limply against her black coat, the glint lost in her eyes, and her weakened strength—it was obvious to her.

"I'm sorry," Twilight whispered, careful not to touch the Queen beside her. "I just didn't want to get my hopes up."

Nightmare Moon creased her brow, grimacing slightly. "My most gifted student. You must not act like I will break at the smallest touch. You must relax." She placed her hoof over Twilight's.

Twilight blushed, although it was covered up by the dark. "Of course," she replied, brushing her bangs from her forehead.

Moon tilted her muzzle towards the hearth. "Will you light a fire up, Twilight? This room could use a touch more light." She winked, but her lips pulled down.

Twilight nearly jumped up. "Oh, yes! You're absolutely right, Queen Moon," she said nervously, almost tripping over her own hooves. With a flick of her violet head, Twilight shot a glowing orb of fire into the hearth, which landed on the logs with a sizzle. Within just a second, Twilight stood before a blazing, hot fire of orange and red flames that licked at the bricks around it.

She took in her creation, a spell she had learned when she first met Nightmare Moon. The waves of heat washed over her body, reminding her how much she needed a little warmth.

When Twilight finally tore her gaze away from the fire, her mentor gave an assuring nod. "That will do," she managed to say, the light dancing in her tired eyes. "Come here, my dear," she intoned in a whisper.

Twilight stomach dropped, and she physically forced herself not to fall to the floor. She knelt down across from the alicorn, her ears flat against her mane. The two ponies indulged in a deep silence for a minute, to which Twilight treasured. If she didn't open her mouth, perhaps she wouldn't do anything she would regret.

But she couldn't hold it any longer, when Moon was staring right back at her, with that same, wonderful smile on her face.

"Queen Nightmare Moon—" she stammered, a heavy lump forming in her throat. "I—I..." she broke off when she realized she was shuddering. She reached a hoof up to her cheek, and it came away wet with tears.

Twilight felt a large wing wrap around her torso, and lift her into the air. She looked up at Moon, who placed her on her lap. "Twilight," she said. "Tell me."

The unicorn didn't move, her heart pounding in her chest. And then she broke.

"Please! Please! Moon, I don't know what to do! I can't do this—you have to... and—" she hiccuped, sobbing into the Queen's solid shoulder. "Why—why does this have to happen?!" She let out a strangled cry, shrieking out mixes of incoherent words as she drenched her mentor's coat.

Nightmare Moon rubbed her back, vainly trying to quiet Twilight's cries.

Suddenly, she he was a foal again, held tight against her mother's chest, who smelled of the rosemary shampoo she always kept in the bath. Her mother was whispering words of comforts, as she cried senselessly. The reason why didn't really matter. Perhaps she had gotten a bad grade in science, after studying for a week. Or maybe some bullies refused to give her back her books at school. But her mother was there to help her, to tell everything was alright.

When Twilight opened her red eyes, the figure of her mother was replaced by the dark Nightmare Moon, hugging her tight.

She finally managed to pull herself together, wiping at her nose and her flushed face. She wasn't a foal anymore.

"Moon," she whimpered, hating her overwhelming helplessness. "I'm scared." There, she had finally said it out loud.

Nightmare Moon pushed back Twilight's hair from her eyes. "I know," she murmured, moving Twilight off her hind legs. "I know."

She turned to look directly at the smaller mare. "And I am too. I am more scared than I have ever been in my life. But I know this is the best thing to do. Do you understand?" she asked.

Twilight's eyes widened. "No! I don't! I don't understand at all! Can't you just bring... bring her back?" Her breath caught in her throat.

Moon's wing flared. "No, no. It's quite alright. You may say her name now," she told Twilight.

Twilight furrowed her brow. "Celestia," she breathed. "Why don't you just bring her back so she can help you? Please," she pleaded. She had met Celestia once, when she had tried out for her School of Gifted Unicorns. Celestia had dismissed her when she had failed to hatch the dragon egg. Although she had not wronged her personally, Twilight had grown to hate the elder sister due to past events with Moon.

Nightmare Moon face darkened, and she gazed into the fire. "Do you trust me?"

Twilight watched her from the side. "Of course I do, Queen," she responded sincerely. "You are the best—"

Moon held up hoof to silence the smaller mare. "I am very thankful for your loyalty. However, did you trust me when we first met?"

Twilight fumbled with her words, as one lone tear slipped down her cheek. "I suppose..." she sighed. "No, my Queen."

Nightmare Moon nodded. "Certainly, child, that is quite alright. You were scared and ignorant of the beauty of the night, were you not?"

Twilight nodded quickly.

"But do you trust me as a pony, and not a Queen?" she asked solemnly.

Twilight grew still. "I trust you as a pony, and for who you are, Moon," she answered wholeheartedly, leaning forward.

Nightmare Moon attempted a slight smile. "That is wonderful to hear, my gifted student. Yet, there is a reason why I ask this. I need you to trust me when I say; I simply cannot return my sister to Equus."

Twilight didn't say anything, but she was sure her face conveyed her broken horror. She had prayed she could help, despite the inevitable truth.

Nightmare Moon looked pained. "Before I banished my sister," she spat the word. "She cast a curse on me. A curse so foul that only a few powerful beings know of its existence. This you already know, Twilight. Celestia is the only one who can remove it."

Twilight blinked over and over again in an attempt to block her tears. "But..." she prompted in a strangled voice.

Moon nodded. "But, why did I stay stranded on the moon for 1000 years straight? Why did I spend all that time plotting and planning for my rightful revenge? For Celestia to allow the beauty of night to shine forever more? Why do I sit before you, in a castle of my own beloved kingdom?!" Her slitted eyes flickered. "Was it all for naught?"

Twilight fliched at the malice written on her face. Nightmare Moon quickly softened. "I did it because it was my destiny. It was my time to rule my own kingdom, and to overpower my sister. Shall I take it all away?"

Twilight swallowed hard. "But is it really worth your life?" she inquired, hardly above a whisper.

Moon drew back. "I have wondered that many a time, Twilight, ever since I detected the curse. And I... I would say yes," she responded, wiping at her forehead.

Twilight's mouth fell open, and she shook her head vigorously. "No! Moon, you can't!"

Nightmare Moon looked down through half-lidded eyes. "Do you know about alicorns, my dear?" she asked suddenly.

Twilight, taken aback, bit her lip, as she raised a hoof to her chin in thought. "I know... that they are the most powerful and astounding beings in the whole universe," she said, almost in a monotone.

A look of annoyance flashed across Moon's face. "No. I am not fishing for compliments, Twilight," she stated. "How do we compare in our life spans?"

Twilight Sparkle studied her mentor carefully. "Alicorns... they live much, much longer than regular earth ponies, unicorns, or pegasi. From what I have learned from some research, they seem almost immortal."

Nightmare Moon leaned back in her chair. "Ah. But that is where you are wrong, my student," she intoned. "We alicorns are not immortal, contrary to many beliefs. We simply have extended life spans with all the energy we possess."

Twilight muzzle scrunched up. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" she whispered.

Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow placidly. "I am not you, my dear. I don't know what your thoughts are. But, if I had to guess; I would say hardly."

Twilight rubbed her eyes. "Hardly. Hardly! Why bring this up? Do you feel like because you're not immortal that you deserve to take your life away?!"

Moon grimaced. "Not at all. The lack of immortality is just a side point. I am merely saying that since fate decided I wasn't immortal, that I must not need to live forever. I have lived a long, full life. Why must I continue it if it's for the greater good?"

Twilight whimpered. "Greater good? Moon, what about me?"

Nightmare Moon pulled the smaller pony closer. "I care greatly about you, Twilight. But I know you will be strong. For me. For Celestia's punishment. And for my kingdom."

Twilight sat straighter. "Of course. Of course, I will protect your kingdom," she choked out.

Moon wrapped her arm around Twilight. "Because, you see, if Celestia comes back, she will turn this beloved night into a burning day, and undoubtedly murder me in my sleep. Believe me, I have searched for any other possible way out of this. The truth is, Celestia cannat be trusted. Twilight, do you want to be left a hero in my kingdom without me, or a slave to a horrible monster?"

Twilight shook her head, and then nodded. She had tried to understand. "I—just let me help, Queen," she murmured finally. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks

It was the Queen's turn to look nervous. Her dark features creased into an expression of worry. "You will be strong?"

Twilight closed her violet eyes. "I will," she promised.

"I need you to rule the kingdom in my absence."

Twilight doubled over. "What?" she cried out, horrified at the proclamation. "Rule?!"

"Who else better to manage my ponies? Truly, there is no pony as kind and intelligent as you," Nightmare Moon said gently.

I can't! I can't! I have to rule a kingdom without you?! She wanted to scream, but she held it in against her bile. Moon was right, she was the best pony for the job.

"I," she stuttered. "I accept."

Nightmare Moon stared off behind her. "There is still, one last thing, my dear," she said. "How will you stay alive for our ponies?"

Twilight stopped breathing, and her eyes shrunk to the size of pinpricks. "You mean, with an extended lifespan?" she hissed. Her face shone in the fire light.

Nightmare Moon stood up, wobbling on her hooves. "Yes. Twilight. Come stand before me," she instructed with a wavering voice.

Twilight stumbled forward, and turned to face her mentor with a trembling gaze. "Okay, Moon," she gulped.

Nightmare Moon quickly lowered her horn, not wanting to dwell on the moment. "Close your eyes, my student."

Twilight obeyed without hesitation, her heartbeat pounding in her ears.

It started with a tingling up against her sides, that dug its way into her hip bone with a ferocity. But the strange sensation soon lit up into a fiery pain throughout her whole body, causing Twilight to gasp loudly.

It felt like a claw was piercing into her flesh, dragging the blood and bones into a mass of something... wrong. Twilight cried out, falling onto her knees; but the agony persisted, driving her further in a sobbing mess. It hurt like Tartarus. She wriggled, pushing at her sides in vain as Nightmare Moon's anxious voice blurred into the background.

The pain finally ceased at all once. Twilight curled up into a fetal position, shuddering. Her sides seemed as if they had been dosed in a cooling balm. She cracked open one eye to see Nightmare Moon let go off her magic, and rush beside her.

"Are you alright?!" she shrieked, her deep voice panicked. Moon rubbed her hooves over the mare's body, each touch bringing out a sigh in Twilight.

"I'm—I'm fine," she mewled, pulling herself up into Moon's embrace. "The pain... it's gone."

Nightmare Moon brought her face into the smaller pony's chest. "I am so, so sorry. Alicorn spells are very unstable."


Twilight stood up slowly at the thought, jerking her head to catch a glimpse of her wings. The purple, feathery limbs jutted out from her torso unnaturally, long and regal against her plain fur. The alicorn could hear the blood rushing past her veins as she gaped at the sight.

"My wings?" she gasped. What happened to Twilight Sparkle, the student? Twilight Sparkle the unicorn?

Nightmare Moon backed up, tilted her head down low to the floor in a sweeping bow. "Princess Twilight Sparkle," she breathed.

Twilight stiffened. "No, no. No. Me?" she mumbled, trying vainly to stretch out her wings. They didn't obey, and instead clamped tighter to her sides.

"Nightmare Moon? Do you really think I can do this? Moon? NIGHTMARE MOON?!?!" Twilight screamed, immediately forgetting her ascension. Her mentor lay sprawled out in the rug, her eyes closed and chest hardly rising.

Twilight heart stopped cold. "Moon? Are you okay?"

The black alicorn stirred slightly, and her eyes fluttered. "Twilight," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Please, get me in bed."

Twilight nodded, wrapped her forelegs tightly around Moon's thick shoulders and pulled up. She froze when her hoof made contact with a sticky, warm liquid. She jerked back in revulsion, bringing her hoof up to see it in the firelight. It was red.

Twilight shrieked, spreading the fresh blood across her forelegs, which only made her gag. Nightmare Moon groaned, muttering something incoherent. Swallowing her rising bile and tears, Twilight quickly lit up her horn and encased Moon in her magenta glow.

Finding it much easier than before, she levitated the mare under the warm covers. Twilight fell across from her, shuddering.

"Moon?" She caressed Nightmare's face, only to cease. Blood dripped from the alicorn's mouth, spreading across the white sheets and staining her pointed teeth. Twilight brought her hoof to her own mouth, resisting the urge to throw up.

"What did she do to you?"

Nightmare Moon pulled Twilight closer. She pushed her hair back to look into her eyes. "Some details are best left unknown, my dear student," she croaked. "But... it's all on the inside; the part Celestia believes is my most twisted."

Twilight buried her head in the bloodstained pillow. The smell alone was enough to bring another gag. She coughed, looking up. "How long have you been hiding this?" she asked.

Nightmare Moon closed her eyes tightly.

"How long?!"

Moon shifted in the bed. "I didn't want to tell, you, Twilight. It was best you didn't know," she said.

Twilight sniffed. "Best I didn't know you were in pain? You were hiding it?"

Moon did not reply, but her silence answered. She took a deep, shaking breath as the blood trailed down her chin. "Twilight, the Mortem Spell," she said.

Twilight paled. "Of the Starswirl Period?" Her eyes dilated, and her breathing grew shallow.

"Yes," Moon muttered. "Please, my dear," she begged.

Twilight wanted to bawl, collapse and be comforted by Moon, telling her it was all a bad dream, a horrible nightmare. But she couldn't, not when Moon was suffering right before her.

"Moonie," she said, holding her tight. "I love you."

Nightmare Moon moaned. "Cast it," she hissed, tears cascading down her cheeks in agony. "Do it now."

Twilight gritted her teeth, stepping back. She muttered the incantation beneath her weeping, and her horn ignited with a green and black aura.

"It's alright," she soothed, even though it wasn't. Not even a little bit. Not at all.

Her vibrant incantation wove its way into the air, slithering like a snake that coiled around Moon's neck. It tightened, and sunk through into her dark skin. Twilight yearned to yank it out.

Nightmare Moon turned her head to get one last look at her student. "Twilight, my dear, gifted student. I love you, too."

Twilight watched the light fade from her slitted eyes, and her head roll back into the pillow. But she still looked breathtaking.

"I promise to take care of your kingdom. Don't you worry at all, alright?" Twilight smiled, her face soaked with new tears.

"Goodnight, Moonie," she whispered, kissing her on the forehead as the flames died out.

A blood-sodden and tear-stained alicorn dragged her hooves down the silent hallway. She bore bloodshot eyes and a grim face.

Twilight wiped the fluid furtively from her cheek, her hooves leaving marks in the red carpet. Without a sound, she turned to the left, stepping out onto a hallway balcony. The cool night air whipped back her mane.

Twilight sighed, bearing a cracked smile at the stars.

The moon looked beautiful tonight.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading:heart:

Comments ( 78 )

sad story but it was good

Great story, let me know if you need another idea

THE FEELS! THERE TOO MUCH! *died* :applecry:

Hm. This looks like a good story. Maybe I'll read—

I was really hoping Twilight could find a cure..

Aaand I already know it has the ending I didn't want it to have. Of course.

Seriously, I don't understand bittersweet endings. I mean, I would if you took out the "sweet" part. Because there's no "sweet" in bittersweet. Only "bitter". These type of endings don't feel like "It's not perfect, but there's something to keep going for". It just feels like the story smacked me in the face and said "That's life, bitch. Get over it" and there's no way for me to smack back. It could be anything, good or bad—My Little Dashie, Pacifist Undertale, etc.—it's all or nothing. Happy ending or unhappy ending. There's no grey for me. No in-between.

That said, downvoted.

Wha? I had a sad ending

You're confusing me. So you didn't like the story because it was "in between"... but it wasn't, which is worse? Did you even read it?:rainbowhuh:

7120988 Thanks to the comments, I already know how it ends, and it has an ending I hate. And for me, a good ending is everything, so if the ending is bad, chances are, it makes the rest of the story suck.

Alright then. If you hadn't noticed, it had a tragedy tag... which implies the fact that, yes, the story does not have a happy ending. *Sigh*

But, fine. If you want to judge a story without actually reading it, go ahead:ajbemused:

7121001 Contrary to popular belief, you can in fact judge a book by its cover.

Or in this case, how it ends, which is in a really shitty way.

Edgier, but sweet. I like it. :yay:

man that was powerful! what emotions and feels! bravo to you for this very fine story!

You could try reading a story without looking at the comments first?

7121492 or you know skip to the end and see if twilight killes her self some how to save nightmare Now I may go back and read the story as I now know it won't send my into a spiraling pit of depression because stories were twilight dies permanently have done that to me before


Is that a type of fruit?

Anyway, congratulations on getting your first commenter dipshit. It's the writer's version of getting period cramps. Unwanted, but it somehow comes anyway.

As for an actual, legitimate criticism, it doesn't really hold up. Moony's always been a darling of the fandom, but here she absolutely needs to get pathos more than anything. Thing is, she doesn't get it. There is so little time to develop and distinguish her as a character, what comes up feels too thin. More often than not, whenever Twilight is studying under Nightmare Moon, she's the consciousness of the queen, the Little Sister to Moony's Big Daddy. Holy shit, I would read the fanfic where Nightmare Moon is a Big Daddy.

And yet, the story's given out in a very bare bones manner. If the explanation about Celestia was removed in its entirety, her personality is just about identical. There is so very little distinguishing Moony from Celestia other than she is not Celestia. I just didn't get the hook here. It didn't draw me in. Why should I feel for her? As it is third-person limited, we get to see Twilight's love for her, but we as the audience don't. Twilight loves her, but we don't see why she loves her.

It is a tragedy, but it's not all that tragic. The Celestia angle's too thin to hold interest and feels little more than a passing thought. It at least explains why NM is here at all, but it doesn't make her any more likable. Not that she's unlikable, but there's nothing there to latch onto.

Ok, thank you for your comment!:heart:. I knew I definantly need to work on that. Umm... where was "the fruit?"

(I'd appreciate if you didn't swear tho:scootangel:


I haven't had a chance to read this, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the several harsh comments I saw from people--there's a constructive way to deliver criticism and a way that's just rude and people complaining for the sake of hearing themselves talk. Anyway, I think you've been responding with a lot of patience, and I just wanted to congratulate you on that :)

Take care!


7123038 Oh, thank you! I hope, that if you decide to read it, you enjoy the story:heart:

And thanks for the follow! One more closer to 300!:yay:

7123389 You are very welcome! :twilightsmile: And good luck on getting to 300!

I liked it. I love stories portraying NM and Twilight in those roles so my opinion is obviously biased. It was a good story considering everything.

The feels took care of marking the pace of the story, though I have to agree with some of the comments about the lack of character development.

I really liked your work here. Take my like and my favorite.

7121021 You can't really judge a book by it's cover. I did that with the Witcher books a few years ago.

Needless to say, I missed out. Big time.

So, please, take those needless comments you spouted out and shove them up your arse.

Or! Better yet! Actually read the story.

7125586 Nah. Covers exist for a reason.




7125842 Yup.

I judge books by their covers, and I'm usually proven correct. Besides, I already know how this is going to end, so why bother?

7125846 I can't really accept I'm wrong when I'm not. :twilightsmile:

7125847 Because your too lazy to come up with any arguments?

Yera, why bother?

I WILL BREAK YOU!!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

7125853 There's nothing to really argue about.

I mean, I judged a book by its cover less than twelve hours ago, and I was on-the-dot right.

Of course, the author then proceeded to call me a hypocrite when I stated my reasons for not liking his story without backing anything he said up.

Can we just stop this conversation, please? It's not going anywhere:ajbemused:

7125861 But isn't that insensitive to the author? At least give it a read and give your impressions of the first few paragraphs or the first chapter.:unsuresweetie:

Just because something sounds bad doesn't mean it's bad. Your gut instinct isn't going to be right the whole time, y'know?

7125885 It usually is.

And I usually find out the hard way.

7125983 Not rusting my gut, going through with it, and then as it turns out, my gut was right.

I take a bite out of food that looks gross because people keep telling me to try it, and when I put it in my mouth I'm willing to eat bath salts just to wash it down.
Somebody tells me to take a risk I don't like, so I take it, and all my effort put into whatever I was doing is reversed.
Someone tells me that an online story is actually really good, so I read it, and I want to slap the author for creating such an abomination.

Etc. etc.

7126017 Ah, I see where you're coming from. Yera, I'm sorry going full rage mode on you. I was just angry.

You're sound out. We good?

7126084 We were always good.

You'd have to be a legitimate assfuck for me to not be chill.

7125849 Jesus Christ, did your mother ever love you as a child, why are you being a fuckwad?

Holy Celestia, why are you swearing?:ajbemused:

Well comments are interesting... right time to actually read the story now.

7137549 YouTube drama is bad, but arguing in a Fimfiction comment section is just stupid.

Yep, I agree. Oh, and thx for the follow!:heart:

7137564 No problem I always follow the people with great content.

Well fuck... You basyard near brought me to tears.. Good job..

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