• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 363 Views, 4 Comments

Trus and Luna - Trus

Trus who lives the life of a Deus Ex Machina runs into Luna on another dimensional trip after another one of his deaths. Disclaimer: This was pretty much just written as a personal story.

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Chapter 8: Everything You Knew

Trus and Luna

Chapter Eight

Trus had a smile upon his face. It was combined with a look of awe and adoration for the idea Luna had thought up.

She had been quite unimpressed with Trus’s idea for a prank. He hadn’t had much experience in coming up with any ever, so his first thought was the old and simple bucket of water over the door of the bathroom.

Luna said to it “I expected something far more creative from thee.” Trus had shrunk away to her comment with an awkward smile. Then after sitting for a few seconds of thought she told him that they were going to play on the idea that he, Trus could have actually just been a lucky pony who lied about being a dimensional jumper to get closer to her…

“Are you sure he can take that sort of punishment?” Trus asked, after Luna had finished explaining the plan to him and his initial excitement over it had worn off.

“Oh yes. That pony could hold his posture if all of Equestria was on fire.”

Trus was quite skeptical. “…He broke pretty easily at the mention of hay…”

That seemed to get Luna thinking as she sat in silence for a moment. “If it goes too far then I suppose the worst that could happen is we would have to apologize.” Trus wasn’t convicted, but he didn’t voice his concern. “Come we do not have time to dawdle!”

“Thou must hide thyself and we must make the room to look as though there has been a struggle!” She said standing and lighting her horn to move things around in the room. She picked up Trus and his cushion as well toppling them over in the air and setting them down, cushion on top, behind Dark’s cushion. “Now there is something I must tell thee so thou are not so confused when I speak to Dark. This is a dream. And I know that it is tempting to think about and that thou will have many questions about it; and its detail. But hold them until after the prank is over, when we have laughed a little more and I will answer all thy questions.” She was throwing things around the room as she spoke.

Trus simply sat there unsure of what to do. So he quietly obeyed. He watched her positioning the last few bits of observatory room items that the room had so neatly held before being turned into a tornado alley and with all its carnage.

Being obedient and not thinking about what she had just said, he was left with only one thought left on his mind. “Are you sure he’ll be alright seeing this?”

Luna held a firm, focused look on her face, her ears pointed at the door. She took a moment to respond and when she did, her expression did not change. “He will be alright. We will be fine.”

Trus stared at her for a second longer, certain that something was more than just a little wrong. But then he smiled and said with all the cheerfulness he could muster, “alright! Let’s do this!” He tucked himself under the large cushion and gave himself only a small hole between the floor and the cushion to see the door through. Luna started the illusion of him being defeated in combat where he had previously been sitting.

He was worried about Luna and how Dark was going to take the surprise. But for now he felt that Luna just needed a little moral support, before he asked her why she was acting so aggressively in the idea that a prank was what was needed to happen. And as for Dark, I hope he can take a joke…

And so…they waited…

They didn’t wait long before the sound of Dark’s hooves could be heard, even though there was carpet on the other side of the door. Wait if this is a dream then why is there that much detail?

Trus’s thoughts were interrupted by Luna clattering a few things around to make it sound like a fight was going on. Then the door opened and there was a flash of light from Luna’s direction…

Dark stood in the doorway dazed for a moment and then he saw the illusion of Trus turning into glowing wisps of dust, the way Trus had told Luna it would look like if he died.

…This was a horrible idea. Trus thought to himself as he watched it play out. Why did I think it would be fun?

He could see Dark’s expression through one eye under the cushion. For all of the composure Luna had said he had, Trus could only see a slight bit of that. Dark looked absolutely mortified. His eyes were wide and terrified, his ears strait back. Trus was about to get up and end the prank right then, but two things happened that stopped him cold. The first was a chill that ran down his spine, paralyzing him, and the second was Luna speaking softly.

“Dark… It would seem that Trus was not here as our friend.”

Why can’t I get myself to move? And why is Luna continuing this?

Dark had turned his head to face Luna directly. His mouth was now slightly agape in an open frown.

…There was silence that seemed to take an eternity…and then.

“No,” Luna said “I am sorry. Trus come out.”

The ice in his spine cracked and he was able to push the cushion off of himself so he could sit up. He gave a short, weak smile to Dark. “We wished to play a trick on thee, but it would seem we let it go too far, far too quickly.” Luna continued to say. “We apologize.” She bowed her head. Trus followed her example.

…Dark let out a burst of air in a huff. “Wow…” He said. Trus looked up so he could look at Dark properly. Luna however kept her eyes closed and head bowed. “You really had me going! I didn’t know what to think when I first saw…all…that! That was amazing; totally had me spinning loops in my head!”

Trus let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. He can take a joke.

Luna sobbed a laugh. “I am glad that thou are not troubled by our...” She paused and took a gulp; not looking up. “By our…foalish prank…”

There was a moment of silence where both Trus and Dark just stared. “…Luna?” Dark asked, beating Trus to it.

When she didn’t respond, Trus felt something kick his insides and he pushed himself up. He moved to one of Luna’s sides and put a wing on her back; just barely reaching it. Dark followed suit on her other side. “Luna?” Trus asked this time. “What’s wrong?”

…And she sobbed…

Dark opened his mouth. “Luna…” he simply said.

She opened her wing on Dark’s side of her gently. Yet, when she did so Dark lifted off the ground like he weighed no more than a feather.

Trus watched him and then felt Luna’s other wing push against him. He however didn’t move an inch. A moment later she stopped trying to push him away and threw her head around to look directly into Trus’s eyes, looking both spooked and surprised.

Trus’s eyes darted around the room trying to avoid her uncomfortable gaze, but he only lasted a second or two before he was looking right back into her eyes.

And then he woke up.

Author's Note:

I went back to the previous chapter 8 and hated it. So I tried to fix it up some and relized that I didn't want the story to go along the way chapters 8 and 9 were written at all. So I scrapped them and am trying out a new path!
...Hopefully it works out better.

Comment or critique if you feel inclined!
Or wish me luck that I don't have a heart attack over getting the feels from writing this...