• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 365 Views, 4 Comments

Trus and Luna - Trus

Trus who lives the life of a Deus Ex Machina runs into Luna on another dimensional trip after another one of his deaths. Disclaimer: This was pretty much just written as a personal story.

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Chapter 10: Count Your Curse- Blessings!

Trus and Luna

Chapter Ten

Count Your Curse- Blessings!

After getting over the small bruise, getting up and getting over the fact that he had bruised his nose in a dream, Trus headed to the observatory.

He didn’t find Luna there. Though, getting a good look at it again, he realized that it wasn’t actually much of an observatory. It was basically just a tower with one small telescope and a really wide roof that might block out some of the light from below when you stood on it. However, even with the not so grand observation Luna was nowhere to be found in the room. So Trus went searching the halls again…

There were no guards around this time so Trus had to simply take guesses as to where he should look. He found her bedchambers again, and from there was able to get to the dungeons. Neither held the luck he was after.

He decided to check the front door from there and, for a number of his own reasons, he hoped she wasn’t in the throne room. He followed the rout that Light and he had taken before, making sure to check all the little places they had previously passed.

The kitchen was clean of ponies, as was everywhere else. Trus only had a hall of pony’s armor left before he got to the throne room, the one place everyone thinks of for royal, worst case scenarios…

As concerned as he was however, he couldn’t help but to let his mind wander and wonder at all the current events; with some completely random thoughts thrown in as well.

He had just learned about people, or ponies in this case, who lived in dreams, though he figured that he might have already learned about that before as he took note of how Dark had stressed that he would forget. As an afterthought however Darks comments might just be part of the dream poking his interests which would leave him with some odd joke about a race that were said to exist, but that didn’t really exist. Bah, this is hurting my head!

On another note, he had also just learned that he was in a dream of a former princess that had tried to betray their sister. On top of that he had been sent by none other than one of those supposed ponies to help said former princess… My head…ehhhhhhhhhhhh…

Help how? He didn’t know. He figured he might be helping to lift some kind of emotional burden or possibly by simply putting her out of her misery…by some other crazy accident of his…

He hated it sometimes…his life destined to turn out for the best for the places he went… It didn’t mean happy endings. In fact it mostly just lead to really good learning experiences…for others. That or he would end up getting someone killed by some crazy accident that would end up aiding the rest of the world.

He smiled and laughed quietly. Some people say they feel like their life is toying with them. That is my life…how it is now…

He tried to think of all the reasons why Luna might have to go. The primary reason he could think of was that she was supposedly some sort of monster called Nightmare Moon in reality or whatever.

He also tried to think of all the ‘happy’ reasons why he would need to be around that hopefully wouldn’t end in her dying… The only thing he could think of was that somehow something he might do, might lead her to defeating that Nightmare from the inside out, or something.

He had passed the hall of armor now and was coming up on the throne room just around the next corner. He turned passed it and spotted not just the large door to the throne room wide open, but of course none other than Celestia standing right outside it, looking as though she was about to go in.

In a dream, with the one she betrayed being the only one currently around and standing in front of a rather important room… Whelp, that’s got to be where she is… I hate throne rooms…

Celestia walked in. As quietly as he could, while trying to hurry as well, he followed her in.

His mind kept telling him to turn and run, but it wasn’t something he was used to following anyways as his wellbeing usually didn’t matter. Besides, something in his head and heart told him it would all be alright, even if he didn’t dare believe it.

Celestia didn’t seem to notice him standing right behind her after getting inside the room. But that wasn’t actually of much concern to him anyways now that he thought about it.

He looked around, but there didn’t seem to be anyone else around besides the two of them. Huh…

Getting a good hard look this time, he could see that there was a discernible split in the room, starting with the two thrones. One was blue one golden. Each had a banner over them, one blue with a depiction of the moon and stars, the other golden with a depiction of the sun. Both thrones had their own staircase leading up to them and they were connected by a small bridge; railing and all. There were also other places where the imagery was present such as on pillars that went all the way down the sides of the room, on the actual walls and on other pieces of tapestry, but every image and depiction corresponded with what side of the room they were on. The left was blue with stars and the moon while the right held the color of gold and the sun.

That wasn’t the only thing that seemed off though. He thought back to the first time he had seen the room wondering how he had missed just about every single detail he was now seeing. When he thought back to the first time he had seen the room he recalled one throne and that it was… ‘nice’… Seriously? It’s like I was just looking at my own idea of what a throne room would look like… Hold on.

“Not another step...” Luna’s voice called out from the far side of the room, shocking Trus out of his thoughts. She stepped out from behind the blue throne and stepped in front of it. “Did you really think that I would sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?”


She walked onto the bridge. “There can only be one Princess in Equestria!”

What? Wait! Trus had a single realization run through his head. This is when she betrayed her sister!... His mind went back to moments ago when he had spotted Celestia standing outside of the throne room. Oh…right…duh.

“And that princess” Luna continued, rearing up on her back hooves “will be me!” she smashed her front hooves down onto, and through the railing. Then oddly enough, the wall behind her cracked and smashed open into a gaping hole!

In that moment Trus’s mind went blank.

Then with a glow of her horn Luna rose up into the air!

Through the newly opened hole the sun could be seen as well as the rising moon that came up until it blocked out the sun! Trus watched it all in a complete stupor.

Luna came back down to stand once again on the broken bridge when a blackish smoke like substance quickly came in through the hole lifting her up into the air once again as it began to surround her.

He felt something in his head snap, but he still seemed to be in some sort of mental oblivion. And then something else snapped and he charged forward with little thought while running past Celestia.

He picked up speed incredibly fast and so fast was he going that when he tripped he soared through the air! But though hooves weren’t something could rely on, he was used to wings never failing him!

He blazed up to Luna in a gust and grabbed her neck in a hug just as the darkness closed off the world around him. What am I doing?

The black that was starting to turn red, spun around them. It didn’t slow and looked quite violent. Trus however had faced and felt death far too many times for it to really concern him. He in fact was calm as a meadow with a cool breeze as he watched whatever it was, swirling rapidly around them.

“What are you doing…?”

The words were spoken calmly, but Trus’s heart sank. He didn’t know the answer to that. He looked up at Luna staring down at him barely an inch away from his muzzle. Uh, I don’t know… He thought knowing that she couldn’t actually hear him think. As it was, he couldn’t find the strength to even open his mouth. Great! Anxiety again!

She seemed just as calm as he was, though his heart was starting to beat heavier and heavier.

“Trus?” She said, her expression not changing.

He couldn’t think of anything to actually say. Instead he ended up thinking about how Luna might be feeling after getting a rather random hug… He figured it probably felt rather awkward so he let go. Problem was, he had forgotten they were in the air and he quickly realized that the dream wanted to continue playing along with the idea of gravity!

He fell…and met with that black and red raging tempest.