• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 365 Views, 4 Comments

Trus and Luna - Trus

Trus who lives the life of a Deus Ex Machina runs into Luna on another dimensional trip after another one of his deaths. Disclaimer: This was pretty much just written as a personal story.

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Chapter 11: So Emotional

Trus and Luna

Chapter Eleven

So Emotional

With contact with it, came a large surge of emotions.

Trus was no stranger to intense emotions. He knew of their power and even of their rare cases of lethality. He even had plenty of experience silencing his own emotions.

As it was, it was never a picnic to go through any kind of emotional attack and there was something new to this mix that made him feel all too unwell.

He began with the familiar feeling of fearing for the life, peace and sanity he had, although he knew well by experience that it would probably be fine afterwards. However he had no memory that would come to mind, of going through such an event while falling, or floating, without any physical contact and surrounded by an absolute numbing darkness that now was present.

He felt a choking, suffocating and paralyzing amount of fear. Some good degree of seething hate and anger, but it seemed far to tame in comparison to what he was used to for him to give it much of any attention. The loneliness mostly silenced it anyway! It was cold as the touch of dry ice!

Then there was the one thing he wasn’t used to and it was by far the strongest and the most nauseating. It didn’t feel cold, but he did feel an immense sickness throughout his entire body because of it. It almost seemed like hate, but he already had the seething block of brick stuffed in his chest and it didn’t feel quite right for it to be that anyway. His mind was starting to get shut down by all of the emotions as he tried to figure it out.

Thinking usually had problems beginning with having a mental thick black curtain, of sorts, in front of one’s mind soon falling in on his mind. This time however, that curtain hit him, seemingly, like a sky high wall of stone!

He felt like he was waking up, but he had no idea if he had even gone unconscious or not; or if he had, how long he had gone unconscious for.

The emotions were still there and all around him there was still nothing but thick blackness. His mind was telling him that his eyes were drying out and shriveling, but the moment he thought it he knew it wasn’t true. That is until he realized that he couldn’t feel his eyes at all!


The word in his head made him realize that this time he may actually be more vulnerable to his emotions than ever. He had no actual sensations of his actual body. All he felt now all seemed to be memories of how it felt to have a body! As he thought about it now, he felt like what he felt didn’t quite match the body he had now anyways! This was not fun.

His thoughts were slapped away by the still rampaging emotions that had decided to bulldoze his mind again! This time though he was able to keep sense of himself and even turn his thoughts back on those feelings that were trying to crush and force his mind to flat line again! He caught hold of the one strange one and tried to figure out what it wanted… …Want? Want?... It wants!? He could sense himself grimacing, but couldn’t feel it or feel his teeth clenching hard against one another.

He snapped his mind back into focus!

Hate and want?! What is that?!!!...

…Jealous? Jealous?!... Jealousy!?!...

…That’s it isn’t it? He began to relax his thoughts some. Once he knew what emotion he was up against he could fight it off.

He decided to let the emotions just run their course while he barricaded his mind against them.

Then a world suddenly appeared before his eyes stunning him! Nnnnhhnggg…

He was lying on his side on stone and was surrounded by stone rubble. He recognized it instantly as the small bridge that Luna had crushed the railing to.

His mind jerked and stopped as though he had tried to use it to break said stone.

As his mind tried to process the new information along with the information being forcefully sent from his chest and…shoulders? He crashed!

He was now more aware of a more physical sense and could see and feel himself lying still and paralyzed while looking out blankly as his mouth tried to decide whether it wanted to clench shut or open wide to scream.

As he laid there longer, his mind began to spasm a bit and then continued to do so more and more until it snapped itself into a deep focus. He felt the blood beating through his eyes. Or at least, he thought that’s what he felt. A sense of confusion began to top the emotions inside him and he began to panic.

He was still lying paralyzed on the ground, but he knew he had to do something about his panicking. What tricks he knew of to calm such a panic in himself though, he feared might cause him to become un-paralyzed and might cause him to go into a frenzy of some sort. As he simply thought though, his panic began to subside.

And so he simply laid there letting the alien emotions pound on him…and they pounded…and pounded… And pounded away and away… He began to cry…

Then as he cried his paralysis left him and he began to sob.

That’s it. Let it out… The voice in his head told him…

Then he felt a hoof touch his side…

At first it didn’t seem like much, though it did quiet him. But then it just stayed there…doing nothing.

The emotions still in his chest and shoulders seemed to shiver and they made him tighten up. He continued his sobbing.

The hoof that was there still didn’t move. Trus didn’t look up at it, but it was beginning to get annoying as it just sat there.

The emotions that hadn’t quite faded yet sent spikes out at that hoof on his side. Trus ignored them, but they spiked towards it again with more fury and fervor! Again Trus ignored them. Then a third time…and Trus ignored it again. Then they were silent…and Trus began to enjoy their absence.

After a time he closed his eyes and relaxed…

Then they returned screaming like banshees and threatened to burst through the skin on his side! His eyes shot open and then he shut them tight again as he began spinning over! He knocked his two front hooves awkwardly against the one that was now falling off of him and begun half pushing against it, half flailing against it until it was taken away entirely from him.

He opened his eyes and took a jagged gasp of air, followed by several deep jagged breaths. He continued to breathe until he was calmed. Then he breathed deeply even after the emotions had calmed.

Once they, and he himself, had all been calmed down he threw his foreleg that was closest to the ground under him and tried to push himself up.

It was slow and he was still recovering from it all, but soon he was off the ground for the most part. He turned his head slowly in small amounts that followed the pattern of his breathing until he was looking back behind him. There he saw Luna who was mostly turned away from him, sitting and looking down at her left hoof… She was softly tapping and rubbing that hoof with her right one…

Trus watched her for a few seconds and then forced himself up... He haggard his way over to her and sat down next to her.

She set her right hoof down onto the stone and became very still. All the while, she continued to look down at her hooves…

“Sorry.” Trus said through a breath. “I was dealing with some…” He stopped to think of how he might describe it. “Some emotions from…somewhere…they…didn’t seem come from me…”

She made a noise that Trus couldn’t quite make out as if it was supposed to be either a laugh or a sob. However, judging from her expression he guessed it was the latter one…

“They were probably from me…” Luna said quietly.

“…Oh.” Trus replied, nodding slowly… The note hung for a bit as Trus tried to think of something he might be able to say…but his haggard mind refused to think…

Then the thought came to him of what she might have been trying to do when she had put her hoof on him. He looked up at her breathing just a little deeper than normal, and eventually said, “I won’t push you away again…if you…uh…yeah….” He grimaced at his own lack of confidence, but to his surprise she turned to him and looked at him with a sorrowful, guilt ridden and confused face. That took what was left of the wind out of his sails. “Sorry that was awkward… S-still stands though…” …yeah… He slowly dropped his head a bit at a time until he dropped it altogether and was looking down at his own hooves…

There was another long period of silence.

“Why did you do that?” Luna asked.

Trus looked up at her, a bit confused. “…Do what…exactly?”

“Fly up to me and hug me while I was…” She grimaced “I was…” She began to cry.

As she did so, he began to cry as well, which came as quite a surprise to him. The crying continued and he slowly reached out to put one of his hooves on hers.

She took notice of it and scooted away, then continued to cry some more.

Trus sat there with his hoof hanging slightly above the ground unsure of what to do next. That didn’t work… he thought. He tried to think of anything that had happened before that might help him make a decision…but he couldn’t think of a thing. So he just decided to do Something he usually did when someone was upset and simply scooted up to her, sat there and wait with his head down.

He let loose a few more tears too which he still found odd. Normally he couldn’t shed a tear at will if his life depended on it. However, now he just seemed to be doing it…

Luna’s sobs lessened over time…and then suddenly all, but disappeared.

Trus finding it odd how suddenly she stopped blinked and turned his head, staggering the movement only once, to look at her again.

She was looking at him with that sad expression again; although she seemed slightly less depressed then before for some reason.

She stared at him…and then turned her head to the stone floor again. “…How does one…attempt a hug?” She asked, turning back to look at Trus.

Trus’s mind went absolutely blank, yet some words seemed to come out of him anyway. He removed his eyes from hers as he said them. “I suppose it’s something you just do…I guess.” He looked back at her after he said it…

A second later she grabbed him in her forelegs in a mighty hug.

After the initial shock, Trus put his own forelegs around her to return the gesture.

Then Luna, sounding much happier said. “Of course. How could I have forgotten?”

That sounds so sappy…I love it anyways.