• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 364 Views, 4 Comments

Trus and Luna - Trus

Trus who lives the life of a Deus Ex Machina runs into Luna on another dimensional trip after another one of his deaths. Disclaimer: This was pretty much just written as a personal story.

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Chapter 1: Oh, Hi

Trus and Luna

Chapter One

Consciousness filled his mind. He was relaxed due to his last death being calm and foreseen.

Trus smiled for a moment and then it quickly turned into a look of puzzlement. That smile didn’t feel right. As a matter of fact his whole body felt off. He hadn’t opened his eyes yet so he hadn’t seen himself, but since he was in such a good mood at the moment, he decided to figure out why he felt so weird simply by feeling his body through the use of his nervous system and muscles.

His head felt way too big for his body, but it oddly felt plenty light enough for the rest of his form to support. He felt wings a tail and what felt like a mane, and then he noticed a lack of fingers and toes. Where’s my phalanges’? he thought to himself, getting excited and more curious rather than more puzzled and confused.

He started thinking through all his forms (more specifically his newer ones) and after a brief moment one struck him. Pony! That’s it! His eyes shot open with the realization and he viewed his newest form excitedly.

I’m in the land of ponies! He thought, now getting filled with the wonder that almost always came with going someplace new.

He got up from his place on the unfamiliar floor he had been on and his excitement and curiosity both got shot down the moment he realized he was in someone’s room… And they were asleep in bed… And it wasn’t an ordinary bed.

The bed, and the rest of the room seemed quite regal, though the color scheme seemed a little dark for royalty. The colors matched those of the night sky and there were even objects in the room that were either in the shape of the moon or had the moon engraved on them. Blinds were covering up windows, making the room even darker and blocking out the sun that was about to start setting.

Trus figured that the pony had recently gotten to bed, due to the sun going down, but then came a knock at the door.

“Princess,” a feminine voice called, and Trus’s heart sank. Princess? You’ve got to be kidding me!

“Princess Luna,” the voice called again, “the sun is about to set. We need you up to raise the moon.” Wait what?

“Alright, alright we are up.” the pony in bed groaned. “Tell my sister that we will be there short-”

Trus had frozen sitting and staring at the door, but he knew that the pony in the bed, Princess Luna, had just noticed his presence. Well, here we go…

In a situation like this Trus usually decided to get as much info across to both parties as possible, and to do that he’d need to get the princess to listen. His best idea for that was to do the least expected thing he could think of. He turned his head to look at Luna, raised a hoof, smiled, waved and said “Hello” loud enough for the pony outside the door to hear. “I’m Trus,” he continued “and…I’m sorry for being in your room. I apologize sincerely.” He stood and bowed. “I-” He got cut off by the door to the room being swung open, as a female guard burst in and began glaring at him.

“Who art thou?!” She asked sternly and full of authority.

Trus, turning his head to look at her, but not getting up from his bowing position, stared back for a slight moment before answering. “Trus, Trus Nam.” He then stood and continued. “I’m a dimensional time traveler whom pops in wherever I can help. Though no, I have no idea how this situation can help.”

“Help?” Princess Luna piped in, sounding un-amused. “How could a mad colt such as thou help?”

“I don’t know.” Trus answered seemingly unaffected by the insult. “I don’t see where I’m going to end up or what the problem could be until I get to where I’m going.” He smiled. “Sometimes I never learn what the problem is. I just go where my magic leads me.”

“Oh sure mister time traveler,” said the guard obviously not believing it, “I’m sure you can help out from the dungeons. Now come with me.”

Trus took a second and then in a completely calm and somewhat peppy tone said “Ok.”


The dungeons weren’t so bad. They seemed to be well maintained and there was plenty of hay around to…eat or sleep on…Trus didn’t know.

He had been placed in a small cell with no window, but a good amount of that hay he didn’t know what to do with. He had spent his time there thinking about what had happened or getting comfortable with his new form.

On the way down Trus had tried with a little success to get the guard who lead him down to the dungeons to loosen up a bit. He had found out that her name was Golden Shield and that she liked to play along with jokes (which is how he had gotten her to loosen up). Her main and tail were the color of gold and her coat was a beautiful silver, which, Trus thought, looked absolutely amazing with her matching gold and silver armor. Her eyes stood out as the only un-matching color of royal purple.

Luna’s colors had been hidden by the shadows of her room so Trus couldn’t quite tell what they had been.

As for himself his coat was a pastel green, his main and tail were the six colors of the rainbow, and he had wings that looked too short to fly with. As for his eyes he hadn’t gotten lucky enough to find a reflective surface nearby to check. Though, three colors came to mind when he thought about the time he had come up with the idea for the form.

There was one thing that Trus had noted as odd when they were heading down. Just before they had left the sun was still quite high, but a few minutes later he had gotten a glimpse outside and it was completely dark out.

Trus had gotten a glimpse of the world once, just before he had created his pony form, but he hardly knew anything about it. All he really could remember was that it seemed like an exciting place full of interesting ponies and that it might be fun to go there. Other than that he didn’t seem to know a thing.

After a while Trus started a conversation with another guard asking him what the hay was for. He learned that it was supposed to be just for bedding which was surprising because there was already bed in his cell. The guard admitted being confused as well about that. He said that his name was Dark Sentry.

Dark was right! His whole body was black, along with his mane, tail and a pair of wings. The only things that weren’t black were his eyes. They were a calm, light, pastel purple. And of course he wore black armor of all things.

They talked for a while and Trus kept on getting lost and had to ask a lot of questions when Dark started talking about just about anything that had to do with anything outside of the dungeon. So they mostly talked about what the hay could be used for… But Trus did get to find out that Luna would raise and lower the moon and her sister Celestia would do the same with the sun, (Which explained how it had gotten so dark so fast) along with bits and pieces of what the land (known as Equestria) was like. There was a lot more problems in Equestria than Trus had ever cared to imagine.

While they were talking and laughing at the crazy hay ideas they had been concocting someone else had decided to pay a visit.

“Excuse us,” said a voice beside the two that both Dark and Trus recognized to be Luna’s, “we would like to talk to the prisoner in private.”

Dark turned around and bowed, “of course your highness.” He said, before trotting away.

Trus waited for Luna to stand in front of him and start the conversation. She didn’t look happy. Trus noted it, along with the colors of her person, the fact that she both had wings and a horn and that she stood twice a tall as he did. Her coat was a deep blue. Her mane and tail were slightly lighter hue of the same color, they had what looked like tiny stars shimmering in them and they flowed like ocean waves in slow motion. Her eyes were also blue and lighter than the rest, but still wouldn’t be considered bright.

“We have some questions for thou and thou will answer them as they are asked.” Luna demanded.

Trus’s eyebrows raised, as he responded, “Sure.” He said.

“Good.” She said flatly. “How didst thou get into our chambers without alerting the guard?”

“I probably just materialized and woke up directly into your room. Sorry about that again…”

“Why dost thou continue thy lies?” She asked, annoyed with his response.

“Would you rather I lie? I’m not very good at it by the way.”

“Silence! There will be no more of thy mockery.”

“Ok…I’ll try my best.”

“How didst thou get into our chambers?” She asked again.

Trus rolled his eyes, tilted his head and sighed. “How about I just tell you everything?”

Luna looked very displeasingly at him for a moment before responding, “Very well…” she said slowly.

“I’ve told you that I’m a dimensional time traveler,” Trus began, “but I am also a shape shifter. And I do neither at will. I…live many lives and when I die I usually jump to another place in time, space, or another dimension, unless I jump right back to where I was before. Usually when I die I come back to the place I died just as it happens later in my existence. So if I died right now you’d see me come back right when it happens, but for me it’s probably been so long that I won’t even remember you. Also when I go to another place I take one of my forms that best fits the place I go to.”

“Now when I come to a place my magic takes bits and pieces of the world around and it forms a body for myself, and when I die those pieces go back to where they were before. The same thing happens to parts of my body if they get disconnected from the rest of my being.”

“Now when I’m traveling from one place to another I’m not conscience,” Trus continued, “and my magic takes me wherever I am able to help out the best. I don’t control it beyond setting it up to work that way. So I have no idea where I’m going to end up. That’s probably how I ended up in your room since I remember waking up on the floor there…” Trus finished and waited for Princess Luna’s response.

During Trus’s explanation Luna’s features had hardened and then softened into a, still hardened, more quizzical look.

“You expect us to believe this?” she asked in a much softer tone than Trus was expecting.

“Ha, no.” Trus chuckled, smiling weekly. “No one ever does.” Trus looked away still smiling “But I like sticking to the truth anyway… As I said before, I’m not a good liar.” He looked back to the princess, his smile going away. “I can prove the part where my body returns to the places, where my magic took the pieces it took to make my body, from. All I need is to get a cut and any blood that comes out will change back and go back to where it came from.”

Luna looked somewhat disturbed by Trus’s offer at first, but her face hardened again and she nodded. “All thou needs is a cut?”

Trus nodded, “Just a big enough one to draw blood.”

She nodded and her horn began to glow.

Trus nearly fell over as one of his hoofs involuntarily lifted on its own. After stabilizing himself he looked up wondrously at Luna’s horn and then down at his lifted hoof. “Heh, cool.” He chuckled, looking back up at Luna.

Luna only reacted by looking up at Trus’s face and then back to his hoof. They stayed that way for a bit, Luna apparently turning something over in her head. Then she let out a breath that she had been holding and her features tightened again.

Trus felt a sharp, shallow cut being made on his leg and looked down to see a small amount of blood starting to flow out.

Luna moved in to get a closer look and Trus held out his leg a little bit farther for her.

At first nothing happened, but once the blood had started to run it started to change from red to a pure, radiant white. It began dissolving, floating into the air and fading off as it got farther away.

Luna was wide eyed, her mouth hung open and she had backed up some, while Trus just stared off behind her and off into oblivion.

There wasn’t much movement for a while. Luna would occasionally follow a drop of glowing…whatever it was now, until it disappeared into the cool dungeon air and then would look back at the cut where it sourced from. Trus would only snap out of oblivion for a second to check up on Luna’s reaction and then find a new place to look so he could zone back out.

It continued like that and then Luna started to close and reopen her mouth as though she were trying to come up with something to say. But instead of words she closed her mouth and relaxed a bit as her horn began to glow.

Trus snapped back out of oblivion for the last time as he felt something happening to his cut. He looked down to see it closing up and vanishing from his leg as though it had never been there. Once it was healed he put his hoof back down and looked up at Luna, who was moving in close again.

“Other worlds,” she said, barely above a whisper, “what are they like?”

Author's Note:

If anyone has any critiques to give I'll be glad to hear them! Even if I might struggle taking them in or replying to them...