• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 363 Views, 4 Comments

Trus and Luna - Trus

Trus who lives the life of a Deus Ex Machina runs into Luna on another dimensional trip after another one of his deaths. Disclaimer: This was pretty much just written as a personal story.

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Chapter 4: Adventuring on Your Own

Trus and Luna

Chapter Four

Trus started walking, deciding that he would find something to do rather than wait for something to happen. After a short walk though Trus stopped. Wait I have something to do already. Well maybe… I have that proof stuff to do with Luna, but Celestia let me go. Then again she didn’t talk to Luna so…Can’t go near the castle, but that’s no reason to not contact her. She should be-

Trus stopped thinking for a second when he noticed shadows around him moving irregularly quickly. He looked around and noticed that the sun was going down. However it was going down fast and when Trus saw it he went wide eyed thinking it was literally falling out of the sky. It dropped so rapidly that the world was covered in darkness and shadows in a matter of seconds. Then the moon rose just as rapidly until it was well up into the sky and then stopped there.

“Ah…” was all Trus could manage. He just sat there for a while, letting it sink in. So they literally raise and lower the sun and moon. Trus thought to himself once his thoughts had caught up. Does that mean they aren’t the same kind of sun and moon? Whatever I have Luna to find.

Trus opened his wings and took flight. Well the wings are definitely magic. They’re too small to fly with otherwise. Wait, He stopped flying forward, I can’t go to the castle and she probably won’t see me in the dark so I’ll need to find a way to get her to notice me. Trus landed again and began a search for something he could use.

He found a unicorn.

“Hey can you use magic?” Trus asked the unicorn.

“Uh not really my thing, sorry.”

“S-all-right.” Trus said. “What’s your name?”

“Yellow Lily.” She indeed was yellow. Her coat was a bright yellow and her main had two colors. One was white and the other was a few shades of yellow going from light pastel at the stem of her head to a darker shade at the tips. Her eyes were a pastel green. “And yours?” She asked.


“Is that short for anything?”

Trus opened his mouth to reply but stopped and closed it again. He tilted his head and began thinking. The names here seem to reflect what the ponies look like…and in Luna and Celestia’s cases reflect what they do. My name actually may fit here.

“Trustin.” Trus finnaly said.

“He, he, did you need to remember it first?” Yellow Lily asked.

“No I just don’t usually use it.” This feels almost tailored.

“Hmm, fair enough.”

“So Yellow Lily.”

“You can call me Lily.”

“Ok. Lily, do you know of anypony that does have a thing for magic I could talk to?”

“Well there is the princesses or Starswirl, but they wouldn’t be having company right now. For that matter, almost everypony will be going to sleep now.”

“Ah…” Trus sighed.

“What were you looking to get form a pony with magic?” Yellow Lily asked.

“I need a light source that won’t go out when I fly.”

“Hmm, I don’t think I can help you with that, at least not at the moment. I mean, I can light up my horn but I don’t think you would like flying me around. And I don’t really want to go flying right now.”

“You can light up your horn?” Trus asked a little hope rising in his voice.

“Yes but I don’t know how that can help.”

“Could you show me?”

“Uh…I suppose so,” Lily said somewhat nervously, “but what would it do?”

“I have a bit of a skill in reading magic,” Said Trus, “So if you allow me to I might be able to figure out how it works, modify the spell, and teach you how to cast it, if you’re still interested in helping me some more.”

Yellow Lily looked away “Well it is late and I should be getting home…”

“I’ll be alright whatever you decide.”

Yellow Lily looked back at Trus. “Well I guess I could light my horn for you before I go,” She said, “but I’d rather not try to learn any spells. Magic and I haven’t mixed well in the past.”

“That’d be great.”

“Ok.” Lily said as she lowered her head a little. Her horn lit up slowly, but brightened up enough to light up the two ponies so that they looked like they were standing on the only spot of land in a sea of shadows. A pastel green aura lighter than Lily’s eyes surrounded her horn.

Trus put a hoof to his chin and hummed curiously. Then he reached out the hoof at his chin a bit as though to touch Lily’s horn and stopped mid way. “May I.” Trus asked. “I can usually tell more if I’m in contact with an aura.”

“Uh sure…” Lily said not actually sounding too sure.

Trus put his hoof to the glowing aura without touching Lily’s horn. He was almost expressionless with only a slight look of concentration. Lily on the other hand was starting to look quite nervous. Then Trus put his hoof down and smiled “Thank you,” he said nodding his head as a quick bow, “I should be able to figure something out.”

Yellow Lily smiled back, lifted her head, but kept her horn lit.

“Sorry for being so unsettling.” Trus said closing his eyes and giving the warmest smile he could. It seemed to work as, when he opened his eyes back up, Lily was giving a warmer smile right back.

“It’s ok.” She said. “Well I’d better be heading home. Good luck to you.”

“Have a good walk home” said Trus.

Lily trotted away leaving Trus in the dark. He watched her go for a few seconds before turning his head to look around for something else that might be helpful. When he didn’t find anything he figured that he might as well take to the air and try to find other light sources that could lead him to someone that could get him what he needed. He took flight and easily found an area that was lit up not too far away. He headed there and found that it was a small area dedicated to stores. Some looked like they were closing down for the night while others seemed to still be open for business. He went in one that was still open. It turned out to be a book store where he spotted a few more unicorns. Trus walked up to the nearest unicorn he saw.

The first two unicorns he met didn’t know anything useful for Trus at the moment. The third one he came up to he said “Hello, do you happen to practice magic or know if anyone else here does?”

“Oh umm, yes I do. Why do you ask?” Replied the unicorn. This unicorn was a mare with a brown coat with white patches and spots on her head and down her back. Her mane was brown with a white streak through it and her eyes were a calm green.

“Well I need a way to signal someone and my idea to do that is to get me glowing.”

The unicorn looked rather amused at this. “Well I’ve never made a pony glow before, but it could be fun. Why do you need to signal someone by glowing?”

“Well it’s not very complicated,” Trus began “ but I can’t get anywhere near her place, all I need to do though is just get her to see me so she knows where I’m at.

“Oh…OH! I get it. I’ll be glad to help! But let’s go outside for this, I don’t want to damage any of the books in here if anything goes wrong.”

“Ok.” Trus said rather cheerfully. “But it’s not a love interest or anything like that.” He said getting more serious as he said it. Why am I assum-


“I-I got sent out of the castle by Celestia without her telling Luna about it, for all I know.”

“Uh huh.”

“I told Luna I would do something with her, but now I can’t go near the castle. So I need to get Luna to see me and come to me, so I can keep my end of the deal.”

“Huh…and what’s the deal?”

“She wants me to prove something. I’d rather not go through the long explanation again, especially since it’s hard to believe anyway.”

“And why should I help with this?”

“It would be an act of service, and instead of letting you believe it was just a love interest I told you the truth.” When the unicorn didn’t respond Trus decided to add in a little more incentive. “It would also probably be a lot of fun to make another pony glow like…uh something.” …why am I so friendly lately…

She snickered. “That does sound like fun… Ok I’ll help.”

“Nice!” Trus said with a wide smile. “Could I get your name first?”

“Cleft, Magic Cleft.” She answered as they began walking towards the exit. They stopped once they were standing out in the middle of the walking street in-between shops. “Alright stand there.” Cleft said pointing at the ground in front of her. Trus stepped onto the spot and stood there looking happily at Cleft. “Give me a second to focus.” Said Cleft as her horn began to glow. She closed her eyes and her horn slowly got brighter. Then her horn quickly went out and she opened her eyes again. “Alright, ready?” Trus nodded. “Here goes.” She said as her horn began to glow again. It got brighter and brighter and then Trus realized that it wasn’t the horn. He looked at himself to see his entire body glowing. “You look quite dazzling.” Said cleft sounding a bit awed, her horn no longer glowing.

“Thank you.” Said Trus.

“No really,” she began giggling, “you’re quite the spectacle with your mane and tail glowing the colors of the rainbow, and your eyes shining that orange…” She started to look a little lost for a second. She shook herself out of her oblivion, blushing. “Sorry, sorry, you don’t need me awkwardly drooling over you when you have Princess Luna to meet.”

“Don’t worry about it. And thanks for all the help.” Trus opened his wings preparing to fly.

“Good luck.”

“Thanks.” He said with another smile. Then he flapped his glowing wings and was off… Why has it been so easy to get so…totally friendly...?

He flew around for a while through the night sky streaking rainbows and the green of his coat everywhere he flew. After a while though he started to get a little tired, so he just started gliding around until he tried to go through a cloud.

He had gotten a bit sweaty and hot so he decided to cool off by flying through one of the cool water filled clouds. But the moment he came in contact with it he found out it had some resistance. He ended up lying down in the middle of the cloud wondering what just happened.

“Huh.” He said after taking a short look around. He took his time standing up, but once standing he began hopping around and laughing. “Fun.” He said once stopped. With no show of Luna Trus decided to just lie down while he could and take a look around.

After a quick look he decided against it. The fact that his eyes were glowing severely hindered his night vision and he could only see things near enough for the light from his body to illuminate. With a sigh he plopped his head down and decided to take a short nap, but his glowing eyes quickly put an end to that. “Oh you’re brilliant.” He said to himself sarcastically.

“Hm, hm.” Someone laughed.

Trus lifted his head and looked around, but saw nothing except cloud, shadows and the small lights below. “Somepony there...?” there was no answer. “I’m kind of blind out here at the moment so if you’re out there I’m not gonna find you…” there was no immediate reply, but shortly afterwards Trus could hear flapping. He smiled and tilted his head “ears seem fine though.” He got up and moved toward the sound of flapping. The flapping moved behind Trus so he turned around and started running in that direction.

All of a sudden there was no more cloud and Trus started falling. A quick recovery, with his wings, later and he headed back up to the cloud. He started circling the cloud and after finding and hearing nothing besides his own wings, he broke off in a random direction. He flew for a short distance and then slowed down to a slow glide.

“He, he, he.” He heard to his left and took off in that direction. More laughing burst out and then someone else started laughing in another direction. And then another. There were three flying around Trus and laughing. Two of them sounded female and one male. Trus started following the closest laughter until he lost it and then would follow another when it got close. Among the laughter Trus could hear armor clanking every now and again as well as catch glimpses of movement here and there. Eventually he caught onto the laughter of the one thing he had been able to spot and was able to catch up enough to see it. It was over at that point. The moment Trus could see the Pegasus ahead of him he put on a burst of speed and caught up with no trouble at all. He tagged them on the back “Gotcha,” he said.

“Awe” wined the Pegasus playfully. “All right, I guess the game is over…” The Pegasus was one of the mares Trus had heard laughing. She headed towards a cloud and plopped down on it. Trus followed her example and plopped down next to her.

“So what’s your name?” He asked. The mare looked a darker shade of green than Trus in the light coming off of Trus, but he guessed that wasn’t the actual color of her coat. Her mane as far as Trus could tell was blue. He couldn’t make out the color of her eyes at all though.

“Grey Sky.” She replied. Just as she said her name the two others landed next to them. And Trus still had trouble seeing them. Their shape gave them away however, “Luna and Dark Sentry.” Trus said “No wonder I couldn’t see you. You blend in so well with the night I’d never be able to spot you like this.” Trus motioned to himself trying to emphasize the glowing. Grey Chuckled.

“I actually just came up here to watch you,” said Grey, “but then Luna and her guard showed up and said we should play a game.”

“And a game we had!” Trus said happily closing his eyes and then opening them right away. “Wow that’s weird.”

“What is?” Dark asked.

“I can see the back of my eyelids when I shut my eyes…” Trus explained, “because my eyes are glowing and all.”

“Well whose idea was it to turn you into a rainbow colored star?” Dark asked.

“That was mine actually.”

The others chuckled slightly. “Would you want to stop glowing so?” Luna asked.

“Yeah I’m pretty tired of not being able to see anything now.”

Luna chuckled. “Ok she said.” She lowered her head and put her horn on Trus’s head. The lights went out and Trus couldn’t see anything. “Better?” Luna asked.

“Yes, but now I can’t see anything at all.”

“How is that better?” Dark asked.

“I’m not blinded by the light?”

The others laughed while Trus just smiled, feeling foolish.

“If it makes you feel better I can barely see anything now too.” Said Grey.

Trus chuckled “Yeah I guess that does make me feel a bit better.”

Author's Note:

Comments and Critiques are welcome! Minus strait hate of course.