• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 362 Views, 4 Comments

Trus and Luna - Trus

Trus who lives the life of a Deus Ex Machina runs into Luna on another dimensional trip after another one of his deaths. Disclaimer: This was pretty much just written as a personal story.

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Chapter 5: Big Dippers and Northern Lights

Author's Note:

I went through and fixed up Trus's thought moments so now whenever he get's into his head you can see them in italics. I'll be looking for anything else that didn't copy over so well in the future.
Again feel free to comment or critique.

Trus and Luna

Chapter Five

After a bit the laughter had died down and Trus had started to get his night vision back. The conversation had gone from making fun of Trus’s idea to turn himself into a live pony version of a star, to talking about the night sky. They were all looking up and Luna was telling them about the constellations. Trus was just looking at the moon because he still couldn’t make out the stars yet.

“That one I made for Starswirl for all he taught us about magic and all the magic he brought into the world.” Luna explained.

“What about that one.” Grey asked pointing at some constellation Trus couldn’t see.

“That one…” Luna began, “That’s the one for me and my sister…” Luna trailed off. Dark and Trus seemed unfazed while Grey looked down uncomfortably in the silennce.

“That one is Pegasus.” Luna said trying to move on.

“I think I’m going to head home now," said Grey. “It’s getting really late and I should get some sleep.”

“Thou doesn’t want to learn more about the night sky?” Luna asked sadly.

“No,” said Grey, “I mean yes, but I should really get some sleep I, uh, wouldn’t want to worry anypony back home.”

“Oh…very well. We would not want that would we…”

“Sorry,” Grey apologized as she got up, “it was great hanging out with you princess and all, but I really should get back home.”

“Ok, be safe on thy way home.”

“Thank you princess.” Grey said just before taking to the night air.

Trus listened to her wings beat until he heard Luna let out a small sigh. “Well thou are still here.” She said.

“I guess you don’t get much time to just have fun huh?” said Trus.

“No.” She sighed. “It is usually just me and the stars. The other ponies of the land sleep though my night…”

“So rather lonely without the night guard?”

“Yes. They don’t speak much when I speak to them anyway.”

“Well Dark here talks a ton when you get him started on hay.”

“Hey.” Dark said… Trus and Luna laughed. Dark joined in himself a bit after them. “I do talk about other things.”

“Yes, I was joking…but that was funny.” Trus said.

Dark didn’t seem to respond, but Trus gave him a smile anyway.

“Oh, that constellation is called the big dipper!” Luna said pointing up at the sky. “…I don’t remember why…now that I think about it...”

“There’s a constellation called that where I’m from.” Trus said looking up at the sky. “Too bad I still can’t see anything yet…”

“You still cannot see?” Luna asked looking toward Trus.

“Besides the moon and a few faint stars, nope.”

“But you’re sight is getting better?”

Trus took the time to turn and look in Luna’s direction before he answered in a bit of a surprised tone “Yes.”

“You are sure?” She said sounding a little more concerned than before.

“Yeah, just…not used to that kind of attention.” He shrugged, turning his head away and into the sky.

There was a long moment of silence where nopony spoke after that. Then Dark decided to break that silence. “So…are we just going to wait for Trus to get his sight back or what?”

“Perhaps.” Luna responded, but shortly spoke again. “Trus?” Trus looked away from the sky and back in Luna’s direction.

“Yeah?” He said when he noticed she wasn’t looking at in his direction. Oh hey I can see her outline.

“Do you enjoy the night?”

“…Oh yeah I love it! Well besides it getting colder during the night that is. Everything else I love.”

Luna turned her head, though Trus couldn’t tell if she was turning to look at him or to look farther away. He decided to smile and shrug just to be safe. “…thou say this, but according to thee, thou choose to wear the colors that are only present in the day.” She said rather sweetly.

“Huh?” Trus responded not quite dropping his smile at first. “Oh… well there’s always the aurora borealis, but yeah I suppose so.”

“An aurora bor…”

“-ealis. They’re lights in the sky that sometimes show up at night in the cold north.”

“The Northern Lights?” Luna asked.


Luna didn’t do anything for a moment and then slowly started to laugh. Trus turned to look at Dark, but found that Dark was much harder to find in the darkness than Luna seemed to be instead. He ended up just looking back towards Luna and decided to just wait for an explanation.

“What’s gotten into her?” Dark whispered right behind Trus.

“I don’t know.” Trus whispered back.

Luna began to calm down from her little fit of laughter and turned again to either look at Trus or away from him. “If you truly love the night what is it you love?”

“Stars, Moon, the planets, the fact that I can get a glimpse of the other worlds out there, and I love the darkness.” Trus paused for a moment, but when nopony else spoke he continued talking. “The darkness, because it turns familiar things into unfamiliar things that I can explore or use to have an adventure, because of that darkness. It’s an adventure or things become an adventure because I get to explore using my other senses. I just find it fun to not use my eyes sometimes…”

After Trus stopped talking no pony spoke for a time.

A while later that felt like a time where everypony had begun a segment of personal exploration of their lives, Luna spoke up again. “Trus thank you for being so friendly.”


“I’m very glad I could have met you and I hope we can be friends.”

“…Huh?” Trus felt like knocking himself in the back of his head.

Luna chuckled at bit “let me guess, you weren’t expecting that?”

“…Huh? I mean yeah. I mean…yeah. I’m also not used to having friends.”

There was a short period before Luna spoke again. “I find that hard to believe. A pony like you seems like they would have many friends.”

“Well yeah I…guess…” Trus said “There are probably lots of others that consider me a friend, but I usually don’t consider them to be my friends.”

“Why not?” Luna asked.

“Well…it…” Trus took a breath. “I usually don’t get to see them again or if I do I usually don’t remember them when I do, so...”

“You don’t want to get hurt…”

“…Yeah…” no one has ever noticed or cared to…to…what’s the word…

“Then I will be your friend,” she spoke softly “and you will see me again…do your best to remember me after you leave.” It almost sounded like a question.

Trus only took another deep breath and looked down. Then he looked up to the sky and began trying to think. No thoughts would come though.

“Please?” Luna said.

Trus looked to her. No way. “Sure…okay…yeah…I’ll try.” He saw a smile on her face. I’m such a horrid liar…

Luna just kept on smiling for a bit before she exclaimed, looking at Trus “Great! Now let’s play a game of hiding the northern lights from my sister!”

Trus had a hesitant moment of epiphany, before he smiled and stated a long “oh…h”