• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 1,159 Views, 5 Comments

Equestria Girls: Sword Coast Adventures - King Cuddles

When Shining Armor agrees to DM a game for Twilight and her new friends, The girls spend a weekend at Twilights' discovering the magic of D&D....and friendship.

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Chapter 6

Sword Coast Adventures

By: King Julius I

Chapter 6

Helder Was almost to the boat, staring off into the horizon, when the sound of Rainbow Dash shouting Twilights name brought him back to reality. When he turned around he saw the creature he believed to be dead, standing over Twilights body with an arm hanging from its mouth. “Son of a...” In a flash, Helder pulled both of his pistols out from behind his back and put two holes in between the creatures eyes. He then put away his weapons, then with the girls close at his heals, he ran up and held the wounded Twilight.

“TWILIGHT....TWILIGHT!!!” Sunset shouted, trying to get her to open her eyes. “WAKE UP TWILIGHT!!!”

Rainbow looked to where her friends arm used to be and almost gagged when she saw almost nothing left but a bloody stump.

Applejack unwrapped a cloth that was around her thigh and tied it around what remained of her arm. “We got to get her back to the ship.”

Helder held her up to Applejack and watched her carry Twilight to the boat. He thin looked back to the body of the creature, bent down and removed Twilights severed arm from its mouth. The arm was was to badly damaged to be reattached, but he took it anyway. He started to walk away but stopped and turned back towards the creature. He then moved his right arm under his coat and pulled out a short handled hammer, raised it in the air and with as much strength as he could muster, reduced the creatures head to a mass of mushed meat.

Back on the ship the others were anxiously awaiting the return of their friends. Not minutes before, they had been roaming the ship in an attempt to keep busy, when they clearly heard the sound of Rainbow shouting out for Twilight followed by a distant clap of thunder. Rarity paced back and forth While Fluttershy stayed close to Persephone and Pinkie played a soft rhythm on her lute.

Almost fifteen minutes passed before the dingy came into view. They all ran to the side of the ship, waiving and shouting with joy at there friends return, until a cold shudder ran through Rarity. “Somethings wrong.”

“What do you mean?” asked Fluttersy.

“Twilight,”, She can see that Twilight is lying down in the boat and her friends are frantically tending to her, “Something happened to Twilight. Pinkie, is your healing spell ready?”

“Yea but..” Pinkie said before Rarity cut her off.

“Fluttershy, find any healing potions and herbs you can.”

“Um...o-okay.” Fluttershy answered before running bellow deck.

As Pinkie double checked that her instrument was properly tuned, Rarity watched the small boat approach with a scenes of dread crawling up her spine.

Once the away group gets aboard, Rarity and Pinkie soon became aware of Twilights condition as Applejack moved her to Helders bed, and try everything they could to help their friend. Rarity found a clean piece of cloth to wrap around the wound, Pinkie began to play her healing music. Fluttershy however, having found a few healing potions around the ship, was crying into Persephones fur, not able to do anything more than whats been done.

Everyone leaves the Cabin once their sure Twilight is stable.

“What Happened to Twilight? Where's her arm?” Rarity asked wiping the tears from her red eyes.

“We thought the creature was dead,” Helder began, “But when we got back to shore, it came up from behind her and....” He was quiet for a few seconds. “I made sure it was finished this time, and on our way back we used every healing potion we had just to close the wound and stop the bleeding. Unfortunately the arm was to badly damaged to save.”

The group is silent as the tension, and gloomy atmosphere weighs heavy on them. Fluttershy continues to sob and Helder, deciding to get as far from the island as he could, grabs hold of the helm and soon moves the ship back towards the coast.

“There has to be something we can do.” Rainbow sits against the outside wall of the cabin.

“Ah'm not sure.” Applejack leans against the the wall beside her. “What do you think?” She asks Sunset.

“I don't have, or know anyone who knows any magic that could help.” Sunset sits on the stairs.

“There must be something.” Rarity almost pleads. “We cant just leave her like that. How do you think she'll react when she finally awakens. What do we tell her?”

Another uncomfortable silence fills the air before Helder speaks up. “There may be something.” Everyone, in an instant, was glued to him. Satisfied with the course they were on, Helder moves away from the helm and moves down the stairs to join the group. “well, on my travels of Fayrun I've encountered and befriended many strange and interesting individuals.” he moves over to Persephone and runs his hand down her back, “One such individual, is a dwarf who prides himself as being an expert in construction magic, perhaps he can do something to help her.”

Sunset stands up and descends the stairs, and meets everyone’s eyes before turning to Helder. “Please, Help her.”

Helder pulls a small stone out of his pocket and walks to the front of the ship. He spends almost two hours talking into the stone, seeming to carry out conversations with different people, in different languages, before finally returning to the party. “All right, a few of my contacts say that he's been seen in a few taverns along the coast, but recently he's been seen around Balder's Gate. Are you sure this is the course of action you want to take?” He looked from one girl to the next, receiving a nod from each. “Well all right then.” He climbs buck up the stairs and grabs hold of the helm, and turns toward Balder's Gate. “Off to see the wizard!”

It takes two days to reach the city of Balder's Gate. The day before Twilight had awoken and has since spoken very little, her body still week from blood lose and the shock of her situation. Sunset told her that they were about to look for someone who could help her but her mood remained the same. Helder pulled the ship into the Grey Harbor in the Lower City.

Once the ship was secure the group, minus Persephone, Twilight and Fluttershy, moved onto the dock and made their way into the city.

Helder turned to the others, “I've got some things to look into so this is where we part ways.” He handed Sunset a letter and a folded note. “In the note is the location of a Bar owned by the guild and the name of the Dwarf you're looking for. Give the letter to the bars owner, it explains you're situation, and they can help you with Twilight and give you a place to hold up.” he looks over the group, “Best of luck, and I hope to see you again soon.” He then tips his hat to them, turns away and disappears into the crowd.

Then, After a few seconds, Sunset opened the note. “ The Gold Dragon Inn, Stoneheart.” She turned over the note but there was nothing else. “I guess were looking for the Gold Dragon Inn.” Rarity asked a passerby and learned that the Gold Dragon was only a short distance up the street. “Alright then, lets go.” Sunset looked back and saw that Applejack saw staring off to where Helder had left. “Applejack, you coming?”

Applejack snapped out of her daze, “Yea, Yea ah'm coming.” and after glancing back once more, followed the others to the Inn.


“And that's were we'll stop.” Shining Armor said as everyone seemed to snap out of a daze.

Twilight was the first to object, “We can keep going Shiny, don't worry about us.”

“Twily, It's almost five in the afternoon.” Shining said, you all have school tomorrow.

“Oh my.” Rarity said, looking at her watch, “He's right, I should get home.”

Applejack was the next to stand, “land sakes, Granny's gonna kill me, Ah was supposed to be home three hours ago.”

“And we have homework for miss, Cheerilee to finish.” Fluttershy started to gather up her things.

“Man,” Rainbow wined, grabbing her things as well.

“What about next weekend?” Sunset asked, causing everyone to look at her, then to Shinning.

He looked to each girl, until he found himself staring into Twilights best puppy dog eyes. “Well...” He rubbed the back of his head. “Cadance wont be back from her trip until next Monday, and the guys are working for the next couple of weekends so...” He paused for dramatic effect, “Sure, why not.” To which all the girls cheered.

“Oh, we can have a “second weekend together” Party.” Pinkie shouted, before rambling on about what she would need for it an Rainbow pushed her up the stairs. Followed by the rest of the group.

“Thank you Shinning.” Twilight said before giving him a hag then showing the girls out.

It was business as usual for the next week. The gang would hang out at Sugar Cube Corner for a few hours after school before going home, doing homework, and preparing for the next day. During lunch they might briefly talk about the game, then about the usual gossip. But once Friday rolled around the game was at the forefront of their minds. As soon as class was over they each rushed to their homes, grabbed their things and headed of to Twilights house.

Shining and Twilight had just finished setting up when the girls arrived. They greeted Twilights Mother then headed down to the basement.

“Okay girls, remember where we left off?” Shining asked once everyone was seated.
“We beat the shark monster and are looking for someone who can fix Twilights arm.” Sunset answered, receiving a nod from shining.

“That's right, while Fluttershy and Twilight wait on the ship, the rest of you make your way to the Gold Dragon Inn.....”


The small group eventually finds themselves in front of a three story building with a small sign that read “The Gold Dragon Inn”. As they move inside they see that unlike the bar in Waterdeep, this one wasn't as rowdy. There were a few patrons sitting at tables and benches carrying on conversation and a group in a front corner gambling, but all in all the atmosphere was very laid back.

“Ya'll grab a seat, Ah'll talk to the barkeep.” Applejack instructed as she made her way to the bar. She waited a few minutes, until an old, well dressed man with slicked back white hair and a white moustache came from a back room carrying a small barrel. He switched out an old barrel with the new one before walking up to Applejack.

“What can I do for you young miss?” he asked with a smile.

Applejack placed the letter on the counter, along with her guild pendant. “Captain Helder sent us. This here will tell you everything.”

The bartender picket the letter up and began to read it. Every few second he would say, “Mhm” or “I see”. Once he was done with it, he placed it in his vest pocket, then poured a round of drinks for the group. “These are for you and your friends. I shall get someone to retrieve the other two from the boat while I prepare your room.” He then went to whisper into one of the waitresses' ears, who soon left out the door, then went up stairs.

After a short wait, the Bartender returned and showed the group to their room. It was spacious, with five beds, a couch, a few dressers, and a privet bathroom.

“You are welcome to stay as long as you like.” The Bartender spoke up, “Your friends should arrive in a few moments, once they do I shall show them up. Will there be anything else?”

While everyone else settled in, Sunset took the opportunity to ask him a few questions. “Were looking for a Dwarf named Stoneheart, have you seen him around recently?”

“Yes madam, he has frequented this bars in the area. In face if he keeps to his usual schedule, he should be by tomorrow morning, if you would like me to inform you upon his arrival?”

“That would be nice, thank you. Do you know why he's been coming here so often?” she asked.

“Far be it for me to spread rumour, but he seem to be searching for someone, an apprentice I believe. It seem that he stole something of great importance from Mr. Stoneheart, and he has been searching the local are for clues to the apprentices whereabouts.”

“Great. I think that's it, thank you for the room.” Sunset thanked him with a warm smile.

“Not at all ma'am,” he gave a smile of his own and a slight bow in return. He started out the door, but was stopped at the last second by Sunset.

“I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.” She said.

“Edmond, Ma'am.” he replied before closing the door.

After fifteen minute, Fluttershy and Twilight entered the room and situated themselves. Despite Pinkie getting her to smile a few times, Twilight remained rather crestfallen throughout the night. Rainbow had taken the breastplate she found to a local blacksmith and payed him to make it similar to the leather one she wore now. The metal would ad a little more protection, but the size would allow her to remain quick in combat. Pinkie played soft music, Applejack maintained the weapons, Rarity looked over their money while Fluttershy checked the equipment and Sunset went down stairs a few times for food and drink.

Early the next morning Sunset awoke to the sound of light tapping at the door. Being sure not to disturb the still sleeping Twilight, whom had shared her bed, she walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Edmond.

“Mr. Stoneheart is at the bar ma'am, I will try to keep him here until you're ready to speak with his.” Edmond informs her, then leaves to tend to his duties. As Sunset closed the door she was met with a stretching Applejack, who had once again slept on the couch.

“Who was that?” Applejack asked, stretching her arms above her head.

“It was Edmond, he says that Stoneheart is at the bar.” she replied as she began to get dressed.

“Need me to come with you?” Applejack stood and made her way to the bathroom.

“No, I think I'll be fine. Let the girls sleep a little longer, I'll be back soon.” Sunset was met with a grunt of acknowledgement before she made her way out of the room and down to the bar.

When Sunset got down stairs, the only other people there was Edmond, who was polishing a glass behind the bar, and a red headed Dwarf with a glass of some unknown liquor in his hands.

She approached the Dwarf and sat in a stool beside him. “Are you Stoneheart?” She asked.

“Who wants to know?” replied the dwarf, after downing the remainder of his drink.

“My name is Sunset Shimmer, we have a mutual friend, Captain Helder.” she answered.

“You just a friend, or one of his guild mates?” He asks, tapping the bar for another round.

“Were in the same guild, but what does that have...?” But Sunset is cut off as the Dwarf turns his cup upside down before Edmond can refill it. He throws a couple of gold on the bar, gets up, and heads for the door. “Wait!” she calls out and jumps out of her stool. “Please, its my friend.” She manages to block the Dwarfs path before he can get out the door. “Please, our friend's hurt and the Captain said you could help.” She stands between him and the door waiting for a response, then after a few moment he speaks.

“Geth's a nice guy, most of the higher ups in his guild might see be as a potential problem, so he keeps his mouth shut about me.” He pulls out the chair of a table beside him and sits down. “If you can give me your word that you wont tell anyone about me or anything....then I might be able to help you.” Sunset's expression starts to brighten up. “But first,” He continues, “you gotta help me.”

“Sunset takes on a more business like attitude, “What do you need?”

About fifteen minutes after leaving the room, Sunset walks back in with a dwarf in tow. Upon entering, sunset can see that everyone is awake and trying to find something to keep themselves occupied, even Twilight seems to be up and about. “Everyone,” Sunset announces, “This is Stoneheart, he'll be helping up with Twilight.” Everyone gives a short greeting before Stoneheart steps towards Twilight.

“You the one?” He asks

“Um, I guess so.” Twilight answers with a bit of confusion.

He then carefully removes the wrapping around her missing arm and examines it. “Hm. Yea, this looks pretty bad. But I believe I can make somethin for her.”

The atmosphere in the room seems to lighten at the news. “Make?” Twilight asks.

“Aye, I'm an Artificer young lady, I do stuff like this all the time. Just got to find you somethin that feels right and put it on.” Stoneheart backs away from Twilight and sits down at a small table in the corner of the room. “That is of course, if your friends can hold up their end of the deal.”

“What is he talkin about Sunset?” Applejack asks with a clear look of confusion.

“As I told your friend here.” Stoneheart gestures to Sunset, “I've got a little problem of my own and she tells me that for helping your wounded friend, ya'll can do a little job for me.”

Rarity sits on the edge of the bed closest to the small table. “What kind job?”

Stoneheart looks around the room, “About a month ago, an apprentice a had been training for a number of years decided to steal one of my book and learn the craft on his own.”

“What kind of book?” asked Pinkie. “Was it a cook book? Or a story book? Or, Or...” Rarity quickly covered Pinkies mouth.

“The magic I specialize in it constructs, mostly made of metal or other ores. But in my younger...darker, days I experimented with the creation of constructs made of living tissue.”

“What asked Rainbow.

“Flesh Golems.” He answered. “I hide the book away but he stumbled upon it one day and since then it consumed him. I tried to stop him but he fled with the book and I've been going from one town to the other looking for him.”

“Do you have any clue where to look.” Rarity asked

“Over the past few days I've managed to learn that he's in a small abandoned castle north east of here. If you can find him and retrieve the book, I'll see what I can do about your friends arm.”

The group sits in silence before Applejack speaks up, “Ah say if it's to help Twilight then we go for it.”

Without another thought the rest of the group stands up and cheers in agreement.

“Alright then.” Stoneheart stands. “I'll begin work starting tomorrow, oh and I'm going to need one of you to assist me while I work, it doesn't really matter who.” he opens the door and steps into the hall, “See you tomorrow.” and then shuts the door.

“Well I off to check on my new breastplate.” Rainbow heads for the door.

“I'll go with you.” Sunset follows her, “We need to stock up on supplies.”

“Ah want to look at the weapon shops.” Applejack jumps of the couch and runs out behind them. Leaving the others to their own devices. After leaving the inn the three girls spit up, going down different streets.

When Rainbow arrived at the Blacksmith's shop, she was pleased to find that her new breastplate was finished a day early. She holds her new piece of armor above her and examines it, then turns to the smith. “Is there somewhere were I can try this on, make sure everything...you know...fits.” The smith directs her to a small room in the back where she might change, and after a few minutes she reemerged in her new breastplate. Much like her previous piece, this left her stomach and arms mostly exposed, aside from a guard on her left shoulder with her insignia of a cloud and lightning bolt on it. Unlike a normal breastplate, there were two plates covering her chest instead of just one, one on each side of the chest with thick leather underneath. “This is awesome. I cant believe how good it turned out,” she reaches back and pulls out her coin pouch. “How much do I owe you?”

After walking through the street of the Lower City for a bit she stumbles upon what looks like an old magic shop. Stepping through the door she here's the ringing of a bell above the door, followed by someone saying, “Be there in a moment.” coming from the back. She walked around the store looking at the different odds and end, magic scrolls and the like.

Eventually and old man came from behind a curtain that led to the back of the store. He wore dark blue robes and a pointy hat, each covered in stars and bells. A long white beard hung down to his waist, barely obscuring a gentle smile that his eyes seemed to match. He slowly approached Sunset, “Hello there young lady, my name is Starswirl. I'm the owner of this shop, is there anything I can help you find?”

Sunset gave the old shop keeper a smile of here own, “No thank you, just browsing.”

The old man simply nodes and walked over behind his counter. “If there is anything, just ask.”

“Thank you.” Sunset replies before continuing to look around. Eventually she comes to a small rack a back corner covered in robes and hats. She searches through and tries on a few, but none of them seem to catch her eye, until. “Hm, whats this?” She pulls down a couple of robes and finds a small bag hung at the back. She pulls it down and examines it, its brown, with blue-turquoise and red accenting edge of the flap and body. While the flap has an image that resembles a smiling face. “Excuse me sir, what is this?” she asks, holding it up so the old man can see.

He looks at it for a moment, “Oh, that's a Bag of Holding.”

“A Bag of Holding?” she asks.

“Yes. It allows you to carry a great quantity of things while remaining only fifteen bounds, quite a useful item.” He replies.

“maybe this would cheer up Twilight a bit.” she says to herself. She then walks up to the counter. “How much?”

Starswirl thinks for a few seconds, “well, I've had that thing for quit a while. The man who sold it to me seemed eager to part with it and only took a handful of gold for it, and that was almost twenty years ago. The fact that nobody else has bought it yea is also very strange, so how about....twenty gold. It's extremely cheap, but if its for a friend then how could I not cut you a deal.”

“How did you?” Sunset begins to ask.

“I may be old, but I have ears like a bat.” he chuckles.

Sunset smiles and pulls and pays for the bag. She then leaves the shop and goes about finishing her errands.

Applejack's Search however didn't go as well as here friends. She found a few weapon shops, but none had anything better that what she already owned. And spent some time just wondering the streets. She visited the occasional food vender, and watched a few entertainers playing on the streets. But soon found herself board and decided to return to the Inn. On her way back she bumped into Rainbow, whom was wearing her new piece of armor, but was walking like the life had been sucked out of her. “Hey Rainbow.” she called over the crowd, but didn't get a response. She rain up to her friend and grabbed hold of her arm. “Hey Rainbow, you alright?”

Rainbow finally looked up to see Applejack. “Oh, Hey A.J.”

“Whats wrong Rainbow, Ah thought you'd be happy after getting that new armor fixed up.”

“I was, until...the Gold.” Rainbow replied

“Gold?” Applejack asked. “You mean payin for it?” Rainbow just nodded. “How much gold?”

Rainbow Dash suddenly grabbed Applejack by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes, “ALL OF IT!”

Once the three met up again they headed for the Inn. It didn't take them long to get back, and once inside they ordered dinner from Edmond and headed up to their room. Sunset gave Twilight the new bag, which put a smile on her face, and Rainbow showed of her new breastplate, until Rarity asked how much it was, then she slumped onto her bed and mourned the loss of her money pouch.

The next morning Stoneheart arrived bright and early to begin work on making Twilight a new arm. “Now this is going to take time.” He began. “I'll have to find a proper material to use and attune it to you, so it would be best if we head back to my shop and have everyone meet us back there.”

After Stoneheart told them where his workshop was located, He then told them about the castle he should be in, and though his apprentice may not be a master, his constructs are not to be taken lightly. Soon after, He, Twilight, and Pinkie, who decided to go so that she could try to keep Twilight happy, left and headed for the workshop.

The rest of the group gathered up their supplies and headed off to find the Artificers apprentice, and retrieve the stolen book.

Exp: 170

Comments ( 2 )

Looks pretty decent so far, but you could do with someone going over it for spellings and grammar, I noticed multiple occasions where you missed out or misplaced apostraphies or capitals and you constantly spell the world's name wrong, it's Faerûn not Fayrun.

I'm sorry, I couldn't even make it through the first chapter. You really need to have someone check the story over. There's the usual spelling and grammar mistakes, but also the use of past and present tense mixed together every other couple of sentences, and it's making it impossible for me to read through this. Which is a shame because I like a good tabletop gaming story, and this sounds like it would be a fun read. But as it is right now its a bit of a mess. :ajsleepy:

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