• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 1,159 Views, 5 Comments

Equestria Girls: Sword Coast Adventures - King Cuddles

When Shining Armor agrees to DM a game for Twilight and her new friends, The girls spend a weekend at Twilights' discovering the magic of D&D....and friendship.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Sword Coast Adventures

By: King Julius I

Chapter 4

Two days later Twilight sat in the Solmant archives looking over scrolls and books. The Party had made another attempt to fight the horseman in the town square, but ended much like the first, so they decided to lay low while Twilight searched for anything that could help them. She has searched half the archives so far and hasn't found anything of use, until while searching one of the back shelves she spots a small leather bound book tucked behind a stack of scrolls. “Hm. Twilight sets the book on a table close by and pulls out her spellbook. Finding the spell she needs, she places one hand on the small book and casts Identify. After casting the spell she can see that the journal is written in a language she doesn't know. Flipping to another page in her spellbook, she casts Comprehend Language. And soon she can read the book as if it were written in common. She puts her spellbook away and begins reading what seems to be a journal. As she reads page after page her expression takes on that of shock, she then closes the book and rushes out of the room.

Fifteen minutes later she bursts into the mayors office, who was startled awake after having dozed off an hour ago. “I found it!” twilight shouts, slamming her hands on the table.

“You've found what?” The mayor asks, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“This.” Twilight places the journal in front of the mayor. “You said your name was Crane, correct?”

“Yes.” The mayor picks up the journal and flips through its pages, not understanding a word of what was written.

“This is the journal of an Issac Crane. Who sought to make pacts with demons for unlimited power. In exchange for that power the demons wanted souls, a lot of them, so he thought to sacrifice the citizens of his home town that he left behind. Now...” Twilight placed another, very large, book on the desk and opens it to a bookmarked page. “In this town ledger it says that your grand father Iccabod Crane had a brother named Isacc.” She grabbed the journal from the mayor and opens it to the last page where a few pages are written in Common. “It seems that Iccabod discovered Isaccs plan and confronted him. He found his brother at the top of a hill and tried to reason with him but in the end killed him in a fight. During the fight Iccabod severed Isaccs head, which fell down a deep hole and Iccabod couldn't find it. He buried the body in the graveyard, telling the undertaker that he was killed and the body sent home. I believe that the demons he made a pact with created this creature in an attempt to collect the souls they were promised.”

The mayor sat stunned, “Well then how do we beat it?”

“The Horseman himself is a manifestation created by the demons so even if we managed to beat it, there's no reason that another wouldn't appear later. But, if they're using something as a catalyst or focus for summoning him then destroying that should get rid of the horseman.”

“So how do we find the focus?” The mayor pulled out her pipe.

“Considering that the horse is headless, I thought it might be the body of Isacc. But my friends said that when they got close enough to get a good look at the horseman, that underneath his clothes was nothing but a mass of darkness. And the undertaker hasn't reported any uncovered graves, so perhaps the focus isn't so much the “Body” as it is the missing head.”

“So we find the head and then what, destroy it?” The mayor asks.

“Perhaps. But first he have to find the hill. It's exact location wasn't in the journal.” Twilight takes a seat in one of the chairs across from the mayor.

The mayor sits in silently puffs on her pipe for a few minutes until she adopts a look of realization. “I never knew my grandfather, but my father used to say that on the same night every year his dad would visit a lone tree on a hill to the north. He never said why he did it but perhaps thats where it is.”


“A little ways past where your friends were attacked the first time. Its at the top of a hill on the left side of the trail.”

Twilight jumped out of her seat and ran out the door, leaving the mayor to doze off again.

Two hours later the Party was standing it the area where Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity were attacked. Sunset turned to face the group, “Okay, so the plan is to distract the Horseman long enough that twilight can make it to the hill. Any questions?”

“Um.” Fluttershy raises her hand but nobody notices.

“Okay the lets get to it.” No sooner that sunset speaks, the sound of hooves can be heard coming down the trail. “Alright girls her he comes.”

Everyone gets into position as the horseman emerges and heads straight for them.

Twilight Uses Witch Bolt and an arch of energy connects with him. While Rarity and Rainbow fire of a few arrows that hit home. Pinkie Pie curses him with Bane and Sunset hits him with a Fire Bolt, while Applejack and Fluttershy prepare themselves. The Horseman powers through each hit as the girls prepare their next attack.

Twilight continues her Witch Bolt as Pinkie runs into the path of the Horseman and with a strum of her lute causes a shock-wave that staggers the horse and knocks of the rider.

“Twilight, go.” Sunset shouts.

Twilight runs towards the other end of the trail, giving the Horseman a wide birth as he rose back to his feet.

As soon as twilight was out of sight the fight continued.

After leaving the fight, it didn't take long Twilight to find the hill. At the top was an old dying tree. As she approached it she searched the area of any holes. She must have looked over the whole area twice, yet she couldn't find anywhere the head might be.

“It has to be here. It must me buried or...” She moved closer to the tree. With each step it felt like something was crawling up her spine. She pulled out her spellbook and casts Detect Magic. As soon as she does, she begins to see a massive aura of dark magic radiating from the tree and flowing into the ground around her. “It's...It's IN the tree.” she searches its surface until see finds a small knot hole, shoved her quarterstaff inside and began to chip away at the bark. She soon had a large enough hole inside that she could look down inside, and at the center of the tree was a skull. It was surrounded by vines and roots, bones crawls across its surface and a deep red glow emitted from its eye sockets. Tacking a few steps back she held her open book in one hand and three bolts of energy emerged from the other, flying into the knothole and reducing the skull to dust. And just for good measure she held her arms out, connected her thumbs at the tip and cast Burning hands.

Applejack picked herself up of the ground, she was scratched and blooded. Rainbow, who was kneeling right behind her covered in burn marks and bits of pumpkin, wasn't doing much better. Fluttershy and Sunset were tending to Pinkie and Rarity, who were close to unconsciousness.

The horseman was full of arrows and had a hand ax stuck in his back. His horse had left after Fluttershy managed to knock him off the second time. He was bearing down on Applejack when suddenly he began to thrash around. He swung his sword as if attacking an invisible enemy until he fell to his knees, dropping his sword.

Applejack looked back at Rainbow who just shrugged her shoulders. She turned back to the horseman and with her last hand ax walked up and stood over him. He didn't move as she bent over and took his own sword in her hands, and with as loud a scream she could muster, cleaved the Horseman in two.

Early the next morning the group of friends attended a party in their honor. Some of the townspeople wanted to have it as soon as they heard the news of the Horseman's demise, but the mayor thought it best if the town got a good nights rest.

Everyone was laughing and having fun, pinkie joined the band in playing joyful songs. Fluttershy was surrounded by small woodland animals, which drew the attention of some of the children. Rarity was making “smalltalk” with some of the shop owners. Rainbow was showing off her Archery skills, involving an apple and a drunk citizen who tried to get a little to friendly with her, while Applejack sat on a bench polishing her new souvenir. Sunset and Twilight stood under a large tree in the middle of the town square talking with anyone who walked up and briefly thanked them for what they did.

Sunset sat on a small stone bench beside her.“Well, the atmosphere has certainly improved.”

“Yea no kidding.” Twilight looked out over the celebration. “It's like a whole different town. It was a bit scary there for a bit but I think it was worth it.” They sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying the view until Twilight continued. “I wonder how long we have until our next job?”

Sunset was about to say something when she saw the Mayor walking their way. “Oh, I'd say about twenty seconds.” Twilight looked down to her with a confused look, which faded as she saw where Sunset was looking.

The mayor hips swayed side to side as she walked, drawing the attention of most of the men and even a few of the women. She stopped just in front of the two girls and held out a folded note. “This arrived a few minutes ago.”

Sunset took the note, unfolded it, and then read it out loud. “Waterdeep. The Salty Wench.”

“Another city?” Asked Twilight.

“Another bar.” Replied Sunset.

Once the party died down, or half the town was too drunk to stand, The seven adventurers gathered their things, Thanked Amber for allowing them a place to stay and then headed off to Waterdeep.

“Well that certainly was an adventure.” Said Rarity as she looked over her new gems she had talked the price down on.

“Yea, it was pretty cool.” Rainbow walked in the back with Fluttershy following close behind. “At least one of use got something out of it.” She nudged Applejack, Who's new sword was in a sheath on her back.

“Now Rainbow.” Sunset called from the front of the group. “You know very well that were all getting paid.”

“That's not the point.”

“As the group talked amongst themselves they didn't notice Fluttershy starting to lag behind a bit. She started to feel cold and couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. She looked around but didn't she anything until she looked to where they had come from. Standing on an area of the trail shadowed by trees stood the form of a large black horse with a fiery main and piercing red eyes. The look of shock overtook her face as she ran up and grabbed Rainbows arm. “Rainbow look it's....” But as she looked back the trail was empty.

“What is it Fluttershy?” Rainbow looked at Fluttershy as her expression changed from fear to confusion.

“It...Um, Well.....Never mind.” Fluttershy let go of rainbows arm, stared down the path a few seconds then turned and walked to catch up with the others.

Rainbow looked back down the trail, shrugged, then ran to catch up the everyone.

The mayor of Solmnant told the group that it would be quicker to follow the river rather than going back to Amphail and taking the road, since the river came out close to Waterdeep. And true enough after camping out for one night they got there the next evening. They entered through the south gate at the docks, which turned out to be where they needed to go. After about ten minutes of walking they found The Salty Wench. The tavern was noisy and full of drunken sailors picking fights, playing drinking games, and singing sea shanty's.

Fluttershy made her way to the bar while the rest of the group found an empty corner bench. Dodging and weaving through the other patrons, she eventually made it to the bar. She stood quietly and waited until a pail elf woman with shoulder length black hair and gray eyes approached her, “Hey sweetie, what can I get you.”

Fluttershy ducked a little behind her hair. “Well, um. Me and......um, my friends and I are looking for someone. We.....We don't know his name or what he looks like but, he wears a brown hooded robe.” she then reaches into her bag and pulls out a pendant the size of her palm. It had a sunburst, with two crossed swords in front of it. All seven of their group was given one to signify their membership in the guild. “He wears something like this.”

The Elf looked over the object then back at Fluttershy before leaning over the bar, “You're friend isn't here but if you like I could join you for a bit, maybe we can find a way to help you come out of your shell.”

Fluttershy's cheeks shown a bright red and she started to stutter incoherently until Applejack came up behind her and placed her hand on Fluttershys shoulder, “Sorry, this one ain't on the market.”
Applejack said with a smile. “Do you have any rooms available?”

The Elf smiled and leaned off the bar , “We have a large room available that should be big enough for all of you, if you don't mind doubling up.”

“That'll do. How much?” Applejack pulled out a sack of gold.

“Don't worry about the price.” The Elf holds her hand to her shirt and pulls it back a little to reveal a a small tattoo in the same shape as their pendants on the inside of her left breast. “I'll let your friend know where you are when he gets here.” she turns to Fluttershy, gives her a wink, and then saunters off to tend to other customers.

“Well that certainly was nice of her.” Applejack smiled and walked over to the other with a fiercely blushing Fluttershy in tow.

But just before they rejoined the group a thought stuck her, “Um, Applejack. What did she mean by doubling up?”

The room was spacious and the view of the dock during the last hours of day was beautiful, the only downside was...

“There are only three beds.” Fluttershy said for a third time in the last two minutes.

“Yea Fluttershy we noticed.” Rainbow tossed her bag into a corner. “There's a couch too, so one of use can sleep on that and the rest of use will have to share.”

There was a sudden knock at the door followed by the Elf bartender and The Hooded Man entering the room.

“Well it seems you lot had your work cut out for you.” The Hooded Man looked over the seven girls in front of him. “But it seems you've once again proven that I've made a good choice in recruiting you.” he turns and gestures towards the Elf standing beside him. “This here is Elysia, shes a member of the guild like you.”

Elysia gives the group a graceful bow.

“She's one of a number of our members who watch over safe houses. At least one bar in every major town or city belongs to us. If you ever need somewhere to rest or resupply just go to one of them, present you guild crest and they'll take care of you.”

“Sorry about the room.” Elysia said, moving a little closer to Fluttershy. “I figure the six of you could take the beds.” She reached behind Fluttershy and ran her finger along her right ear and whispered into her left, “And you and I could take the couch.”

Just as Fluttershys checks began to flush red again, The Hooded Man grabbed Elysia and pushed the whining and pleading Elf out of the room. He then turned back to the group, “Sorry about that. Shes a little eccentric, but her hearts in the right place.

The girls shared a laugh at the bewildered Fluttershy before Sunset continued, “So, whats our next job?”

“Right into it I see, I like that. But first lets get your pay from the last job out of the way.” The Hooded Man reached into both of his robe sleeves and pulled out two large bags of coin. “Here you are, 100 gold a piece.”

The girls set the money aside then returned their attention to their guest.

“Firstly,” The Hooded Man began, “I was late because I had to meet with your contact. You'll be needing him on your next mission so I had to make sure he wouldn't leave without you.”

“Who is he?” Asked Twilight.

“He's the head of one of our guild houses. There are two main halls on the Sword Coast, one in Baldur's Gate and the other in Neverwinter. He's supposed to watch over the one in Neverwinter but he usually just leaves that to his first mate, and wonders off in search of some new adventure. Recently he's been making a deal with the Elves of Gwynneth in the Moonshae Isles. In exchange for clearing out some of the hostel elements around there, he's been given permission to construct a secret guildhouse on their island.

“What do you need us to do?”

“Well, a couple of days ago he got word that some large sea creature has been attacking and sinking boats along the coast. He sent us word and has been waiting for an answer. The Other heads of the guild aren't a hundred percent sure if the creature is doing it out of malice or if something else has provoked it, but if he says something up, then something up.” The Hooded man pulls out a piece of paper. “This is where you'll find him. Just make sure you get there before noon. He's usually still sober around then....Usually.”

Twilight looked over the piece of paper. “Captain....Worg?” she gave The Hooded Man a confused look.

He chuckles, “It's a name the locals gave him, You'll understand After you meet him.” He turns towards the door, “Oh, and I'll be gone for a bit so I'll sent him word of your next mission, Good luck.” He opens the door to reveal Elysia looking through the keyhole, “And you may want to barricade your door.” then he left, dragging Elysia with him.

Over the next fifteen minutes everyone except Rainbow changed into a spare seat of clothes.

“Okay,” Sunset looked around, “Who wants the couch?”

“Ah'll take it.” Applejack replied as she flopped down and stretched out on it.

“You sure.”

“Yup, is better than sleepin on the floor...or with Rainbow.”

“Um, Okay.” Sunset turned to the others, not understanding the Rainbow comment. “I guess Pinkie and Rarity can take the left one. Me and Twilight can take the middle one. And Fluttershy and Rainbow can take the right one. Sound good?”

Everyone nodded and headed to their for-mentioned places. Except for Rainbow, who was facing the wall with her back to Fluttershy and looked to be fiddling with the front of her breastplate.

“Um. Rainbow, aren't you coming to bed?” Fluttershy asked a she pulled the covers over herself.

“Yep.” was the only reply Rainbow gave.

“Well, aren't you going to put on your pajamas?”

Suddenly Rainbows breastplate slid off and hit the floor, revealing her bare back. She looks at Fluttershy over her shoulder, “Pajamas?”


“And that girls, is where we stop for the night.” Shining stood and stretched the stiffness from his legs.

“What?” Rainbow shouted.

“It's almost 8 o'clock and if ya'll want to finish the next mission before you leave tomorrow then you need to start early.” Shinning folded his screen and got up from the table. “Oh, and everyone gets....let me see here.” He picks up his notebook, flips through the pages until he finds what he need and does a little math in his head. “ Five hundred and sixty experience for beating the horseman. Which, if I remember correctly, brings the party up to level two.”

“AW YEAH!” Rainbow shouted and grabbed her character sheet. “Time to level up.”

But before she could write anything Applejack grabbed the sheet from her. “Shining's right Rainbow we should get ready for bed. Early to Sleep, Early to rise. We can do this tomorrow.”

“Fine” She groaned. Then with a burst of speed she took off from the table and almost knocked over Shining Armor on her way up the stairs. “First one upstairs gets the bed!”

Twilight quickly chased after her. “But Rainbow, its my room!”

The others shared a laugh before following them to bed.


“Rainbow, get up.”Applejack gave the still sleeping girl a few shakes.

“Alright, alright, I'm awake.” Rainbow rolled around under the covers.

It was early morning when the party woke. The spell casters of the group prepared their spells, Rarity and Applejack looked over the equipment and Rainbow had remained in bed.

“So, I wonder how this mission's going to go?” Twilight asked, placing her spellbook into her bag.

“Ah don't know.” Applejack had just finished packing the last of her things. “But it sounds like its goin to be out at sea so ah'm not sure how much help ah can be.”

“Don't talk like that Applejack.” Rarity moved over and placed a hand on Applejack shoulder. “Were going to be on a ship so I'm sure there will be plenty of work for.....RAINBOW!!!” Rarity shouted, causing everyone to turn and look back.

In the middle of the room stood Rainbow Dash. Her Hair looked like a rats nest, her eyes were still half linden and she had her breastplate draped over one arm and her skirt over the other. “Anybody seen my bag?”

After leaving the bar the Party decided that they had enough time to spare so they all went off to explore the area.

Applejack and Rainbow found a weapons shop. While Rainbow didn't find anything that particularly caught her eye, Applejack found a large Warhammer. While I didn't compare with her new sword, after loosing her ax she thought it better to have a backup just in case.

Twilight and Sunset looked around some shops that sold magic items and potions, buying a few healing potions and browsed through some of the strange items.

Pinkie found a shop that sold exotic instruments. She left with something that resembled a lute, but its body looked like a flattened drum.

Rarity browsed some of the clothing stores, acquiring a few different outfits for a number of situations.

Fluttershy spent her time in an exotic pet store. Looking over and memorizing some of the strange creatures.

An hour after splitting up the Party met back at the docks. Ships stretched from one end to the other and the area was full of sailors and dock hands moving about, loading and unloading cargo, resupplying and other various tasks.

“Pinkie, what is that?” Rainbow asked as she approached the Bard sitting on a wooden crate.

“Do you like it?” Pinkie Beamed. “The guy at the shop calls it a “Banjo”.

“HEY!” a voice shouted over the crowd.

Rainbow and Pinkie turned to see Applejack waiving them down with the rest of the group behind her. After the group was all together they began to walk down the line of ships, searching for the one belonging to their contact.

“Look at all these ship.” Twilight's eyes wandered over the different variates of vessel that made port in Waterdeep.”

“Yea”, Sunset walked along side her, “they've got ships from all over Fayrun. Everything from small fishing boats to huge galleons and Man O' Wars. I wonder what the ship we'll be on is like.”

“Whatever we end up on I just hope the sea air doesn't do to much damage to my hair.” Rarity said while trying to put her hair up in a ponytail.

“I'm sure it will be nice.” Fluttershy commented from behind her.
“OH, OH,” Pinkie pie jumped up and down. “I think that,s it.” She then ran off into the crowd.

“Pinkie wait for us!”Applejack shouted, but pinkie didn't seem to notice.

Eventually the caught up to her and stood staring at the ship before them. It wasn't very big compared to the larger vessels, but if the row of cannons were any indication, It looked like it could hold its own in a fight. Walking down the pier, they got a better look at the ship. The sails, which were tied up, seemed to be made of a blood red fabric which matched the paint that started from the bow and gradually faded back to the hulls original brown as it got closer to the stern. The figurehead of the ship was a woman wearing a dress of the same red, a crown sat upon her head, and a two headed Greataxe was held in each hand that crossed at her chest. As they looked around they notice that no one was boarding of leaving the ship. In fact, everyone seemed to be avoiding it entirely.

“Should we get on?” Twilight asked, getting an unsettling feeling about the ship.

“I guess so.” Sunset looked over towards the pier number. “This it the right place so...” She took a few steps onto the gangplank. After feeling confident she wouldn't fall off she lead the group onto the deck of the ship.

Standing on the deck they looked to the stern, where they saw a set of stairs on either side of the ship leading up to the helm. Between the stares was a set of double doors, which the group assumed was the Captains cabin. In the middle of the ship was the main mast and behind it was a large square grate that most likely lead bellow deck.

“Um...Girls.” Fluttershy squeaked, but went unheard.

“Where is everyone?” Rainbow asked. “It Deserted.”

“Ah Don't know.” Applejack replied “Maybe there all out.”

“G-Girls” Fluttershy tried again.

“They cant be all gone.” Rarity spoke up.

“Yea.” Twilight agreed, “Shouldn't there be someone guarding the ship or something.”

“GIRLS!!” Fluttershy whispered as loud as she could.

“Whats wrong Fluttershy.” Sunset looked back to see Fluttershy looking towards the front of the ship. Looking over Fluttershy's shoulder, Everyone saw what caught her attention.

Curled up against the foremast of the ship was the biggest wolf any of them had ever seen. Lying down, it was the size of a large, full grown brown grizzly bear. Its body rises and falls with each breath. Its ears and closed eyes being the only part of its head visible.

“Okay girls.” Sunset said slowly. “Off the boat.”

“But.” Rainbow began to argue.

“Off. The. Boat.” Sunset repeated as everyone began to back away.

Suddenly the strumming of chords comes from behind them. When they turned around they saw Pinkie Pie with her new instrument in hand, who simply says “.....Banjo.”

Turning back towards the front of the ship, the group is met with a set of piercing golden eyes. The Huge wolf stayed in its curled up position holding eye contact for a moment before rising onto its legs. The beast stalked forward its massive paws sending a small tremor through the deck boards with every step until its terrifying form stood only a couple of feet away.

“Fluttershy?” Sunset look the the druid. And with a single look, understood what Sunset wanted her to do.

Fluttershy slowly reached into pouch on her wast and produced a small bit of food. Holding it out in an outstretch hand, she prepared to resit a spell to calm the large animal. But just before the first word left her mouth the deck bellow them shook as the beast let out a thundering roar, its open maw revealing its dagger like teeth.

Once the shacking stopped the Party prepared themselves for a fight. But just as the Wolf readied itself the strike, a shrill whistle pierced the air, prompting it to relax its stance, back up a few feet and sit down with an audible 'thud'.

Looking between each other the girls started to relax and look around for the origin of the whistle. Looking back towards the helm, they saw a figure walk up to the railing.

He wore dark brown pants, a white shirt and a long black sash wrapped around his midsection, with the ends loosely hanging at his knees. Over top of that he wore a long, deep red captains coat, and a black bandanna kept his short brown hair out of his eyes.

“Who the hell are you?” He asked as he downed the rest of the contents of the bottle he held in his right hand. “And what are you doing on my ship.”

There was a momentary silence before Sunset took a step forward. “I'm Sunset Shimmer and we were told to meat someone here.”

The strange man leaped over the railing and landed on the deck.

“Are you,” Sunset continued, “Are you Captain Worg?”

The mans half drunk expression became a scowl. “What did you just say?” He began to approach them.

“Well, We were told to meet someone called Wrog.” Sunset pulled out the note they were given and handed it to the man.

He took it and looked it over. “Ah, so your the new recruits.” He said handing the note back to Sunset.

“So, you're Mr. Wrog?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“First of all.” He turned towards Rainbow, “my name is Helder, Geth Helder. And secondly,” He leaned it to look her in the eyes, “It's Captain.”

He turned around and headed towards his cabin. “There,s plenty of space to put you're stuff down bellow. The galley has plenty of food and water so help yourself, but if you touch any of my rum your loose a hand. Well be under way in about an hour, so we'll talk about the task ahead once we leave port.” He went to open the cabin doors, but then stops to look over his shoulder. “Oh, and welcome aboard The Red Queen.”