• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 1,159 Views, 5 Comments

Equestria Girls: Sword Coast Adventures - King Cuddles

When Shining Armor agrees to DM a game for Twilight and her new friends, The girls spend a weekend at Twilights' discovering the magic of D&D....and friendship.

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Chapter 2

Sword Coast Adventures

By: King Julius I

Chapter 2

After refuelling and resting the girls joined Shining Armor at the table again. “Alright, Everyone ready?”, He asked, flipping through his notebook.

“We're ready to kick some butt!” Rainbow exclaimed, slamming her right fist into her other palm as if getting ready for a brawl.

The others shouted there approval and the game continued.


The party travelled north for several hours, picking off the occasional zombie along the way, before coming to the top of a hill. Below them seemed to be the remnants of a forgotten graveyard. Vine covered Mausoleums and crumbling gravestones dotted the landscape, and the full moon gave the area an ominous atmosphere.

“Oh my, Isn't this place just Dreadful.” Rarity looked over the area, Her Elvish vision helping to pick out forms moving around the area. “It seems our host is expecting us.”

Sunset kneels down and puts her hand on Rarity's shoulder, “That's okay, You remember the plan?”

“Of course darling. I sneak down and have ten minutes to have a peek and remove as many “obstacles” as I can before the rest of you follow.”

Rainbow held up her bow,“And I'll watch your back. If you get into trouble we'll charge in.”

Rarity gives a small nod before Starting for the graveyard.


Shining moves the previous map and replaces it with one of a large graveyard. He places a number of zombies, a few skeletons, and a robed figure on the map. “Okay Rarity, this is how were going to play this out. You will have a turn and then all of your enemies will. Normal damage rules will be changed. This is going to be kinda like one of those stealth video games, If you can sneak up on an enemy unseen and roll above there Armor Class we'll consider it an instant kill. Now these things may not be the toughest enemies you'll face but they have good vision in the dark and are dangerous in this number so this won't exactly be a cakewalk, but you have the chance of making the fight to come a little easier. The moment your spotted you'll have to survive a few rounds before the rest of you're party can come to help you. Do you understand?”

“Yes of course.” Rarity replied proudly.

“Okay the,” He places her figure at the end of the map. “To start I want you to roll stealth.”


Shining begins, “You manage to approach unseen and crouch down behind a tombstone, Thirty feet in front you is a zombie.”

Rarity sits silently for a moment, “I'd like to take a few seconds to look around, watch how they move.”

“Not bad,” shining says, “roll Stealth and move to where you want to go.”

Rarity moves behind one of the mausoleums and watches a few of the undead walk back and forth. She thin pick her first target and rushes forth. And in a flash brings down her first target.

She spends the next few minutes repeatedly sneaking around and backstabbing zombies before she spies a skeleton on top of a mausoleum.


“Has it seen me yet?” Rarity looked over the field.

“Not yet. There's a zombie between you and the skeleton, and its visual range is Pretty huge. What do you want to do?”

She looks over her sheet then asks, “How far away is it?”

“about forty five to fifty feet. Why, you have an idea?” Shining asks with a knowing smirk.

Rarity picks up her d20, “I'm going to try to hit it from here.”


Rarity strings an arrow and thin lines up her shot. As takes a few calming breathes and the lets the arrow fly. It soars through the air and strikes its target dead on, causing the creature to fall to pieces. She takes a moment to silently celebrate but before she could take in the moment, a skeleton emerges from the other side of the mausoleum holding the skull of Rarity's resent kill. It lets out a shriek and then heads her direction, two zombies in tow.


Up on the hill Rainbow watches the seen with a huge smile on her face. “Nice shot Rars!” a few seconds later she faintly hears the shriek of the Skeleton, “Uh Oh. Hey Guys.” She turns to her friends, who were preparing to attack after Rarity's time is up. “We need to move, NOW!” Everyone quickly garbed their supplies and rushed down the hill.

By the time everyone arrived Rarity was backed into a corner, with a zombie to each side and a skeleton in front of her, poised to attack. As fast as they could Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie did away with her assailants.

“OH, Thank you for the rescue. I thought I was done for.” Rarity breathes out a sigh and Joins her friends. “I took care of a few of those creatures but a handful remain, including that cloaked villain.”

“Don't worry, Were ready” Applejack strikes a brave pose.

“That's right,” Added Twilight, “We've just got to follow the plan and we'll beat him in no to.”

“Okay everyone,” Sunset moves forward. “Lets do it.”

Everyone follows Sunsets lead and gets into position, Fluttershy's pleading to return to town going unheard.


“Okay, Everyone takes there place and prepares for the attack.” Shining moves the minis around. “Sunset, remember what I said about you magic?”

“Don't worry, I remember.” Sunset replies.

Twilight looks over to her. “What does he mean?”

“Well,” Sunset pulls out her player handbook and flips through to her class page. “When I chose my Bloodline I picked Wild Magic. When I cast a spell I have to roll a d20 after and if its a 1 something random will happen.”

“That's interesting,” Twilight scribbles something down on a piece of paper.

“All right.” Shining looks over the group, “We have Pinkie and Twily coming in from the left, Rarity and Sunset on the right, then Applejack, Rainbow and Fluttershy in the middle.” Shinning makes a show of cracking his fingers, “As you approach you can see the necromancer standing on a large stone slab, there is a skeleton and a zombie between you and him. He looks towards you, “My, It seems I have some heroes in my midst, I promise to take excellent care of your bodies.” he then kackles madly and throws a hand forward, sending his minions at you. Okay Roll for Initiative!”


Applejack goes into a rage, rushing forward and dealing the zombie a devastating blow, which unfortunately its not enough to finish it off. Twilight takes the opportunity to cast her spell, holding her hands together at the thumb and casts Burning Hands. Applejack dodges just in time to watch the zombie go up in flames. Sunset moves forward and launches a ball of fire at the skeleton, the flame strikes it in the ribs, but only angers it. Pinkie pulls out her Lute and casts Bardic Inspiration on Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy scooted a little closer to Rainbow Dash and ducks down behind a tombstone. With Fluttershy Knelt down beside her, Rainbow pulls back her bowstring and lets loose an arrow that lodges itself in the skeletons forehead. Rarity swiftly launches an arrow of her own which shatters the skeletons head.

“Well, well,” the necromancer calls, “looks like you girls have some spirit. Lets see what I can do about that.” He holds his right hand out towards Twilight and launches a volley of energy bolts. The three bolts strike her in the chest and send her toppling to the ground.

“TWILIGHT!” Applejack screams, she then turns towards the necromancer with hatred burning in her eyes. She runs forward, grabs a Javelin and hurled it at her enemy. In flies through the air and embeds itself in the necromancers leg, causing him to scream out in pain. Sunset lines up a shot and casts a ray of blue-white energy from her hand, Which strikes one of the necromancers other leg and encases it in a block of ice.

“You big MEANY!!” Pinkie shouts as she unsheathes a dagger and chunks it at the immobile figure, striking him in the shoulder.

Before anyone Realized it Fluttershy leaped over the tombstone she was hiding behind, darted forward and launched a long thorny vine at the necromancer, which wrapped around his waist and pulled him off his pedestal right at Fluttershy's feet.

Before the Necromancer could react, the Pink haired Druid picked him up by the collar and glared into his eyes with a stair that could make a Fire elemental's blood run cold. “HOW DARE YOU HURT MY FRIEND!!!!!”

It didn't take long before the others gathered around. Sunset placed her hand on the enraged Fluttershy, “Go check on Twilight, we'll handle him.”

Snapping back to reality, Fluttershy released her grip and ran over to her wounder party member.

Applejack grabs the cultist by the front of his cloak and raises his to just over her head, the hood of his cloak falling back to reveal a dark skinned elf. “Why are you doing this?”

The Necromancers expression changes from one of worry to smug. He then shouts, “WHEN THE SUN IS OVERCOME, THE CREATURES OF THE NIGHT WILL RULE ONCE AGAIN!” He then begins to cackles madly as Applejack releases him and he bursts into flames.

After the fire dies down and nothing seems to remain but ashes the girls huddle around.

“What was that all about?” Asked Applejack.

“I'm Not sure darling.” Replied Rarity, “But it did seem like a dreadfully dramatic, and horrible, way to to.”

“And what exactly did he mean by “the creatures of the night will rule again”?” Kinda Ominous.” Sunset looked over towards Where Pinkie and Fluttershy were taking care of Twilight. “How does she look?”

Fluttershy looked back over her shoulder, “Shes stable, but we need to get her back to town.”

Sunset turned back to the others. “Applejack could you carry Twilight? And Rainbow, would you lead the way and keep an eye out?”

“Sure thing.” Applejack headed over to get Twilight.

“You got it.” Rainbow gave a salute before walking of with Rarity in tow.

Before following them, Sunset looks down at the pile of ashes.


“I want to see if there's anything left.”Sunset says to Shining.

“Okay.” Shining looks over his screen, “Make a perception roll.”


Sifting through the ash, a slight reflection of light catches Sunsets eye. She reaches down and picks up what looks to be some kind of metal pendant. On a long chain is an emblem of a skull with greatly exaggerated fangs. “Hm.” she places the pendant into her bag and heads off to follow her friends back to town.

The sun hadn't even risen by the time they made it back to town. The Mayor ushered them into his house and told them to lay their wounded friend on his bed to rest. After Twilight was situated, Ironcliff thanked the adventurers for their help in freeing the town of its fate. The conversation went from the towns future to sleeping arrangements before Ironcliff seemed to remember something. “I almost forgot.” he walked over to a drawer, retrieved a folded letter and then presented it to the group. “A Hooded man came by moments after you left. He told me to give you this and offered his congratulations.”

“Congratulations?” Applejack said.

“He must have had a lot of faith in us.” Squeaked Fluttershy.

Rarity retrieved the letter, and opened it. “Amphail, Three Legged Gob.....What on earth is that supposed to mean?” She checked both sides of the paper but there was nothing else written,

Ironcliff sat down in his rocking chair. “I'm not sure about any three legged gob, but Amphail is a town to the south. Its where the rich children of the Waterdeep nobles go when they want to act a fool without ruining their parents images. If you leave tomorrow morning you should arrive just before nightfall.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Sunset stretched her hands above her head, “But right now I'm going to bed.”

“Same here.” Came Rainbows voice as she and Applejack went of to find somewhere to sleep.

“I don't suppose you have another bed?” Rarity asked Ironcliff.

“Sorry lass, It's just the one. But your free to take the couch, it isn't much but its somethin.”

Rarity looked over the couch, “Well, I suppose it will do. Fluttershy, Two of us might be able to fit if you like?”

“No thank you, I'm going to keep an eye on Twilight, If thats okay with you?”

“Oh, me too,” Pinkie bounced. “It'll be like a slumber party.”

“That's fine Dear. What about you Sunset?” Rarity turned to her other friend.

After a seconds thought she decided, “sure, why not.” the two of them lay down at opposite ends and after a few minutes they soon fall to sleep.

The next Twilight was healed and ready so they left the Town behind and headed for Amphail.
And just like Ironcliff said, They arrived just before sundown. They entered town without any trouble but know they had no idea of what to do.

“Alright, were here.” Rainbow stated, “Now what do we do?”

“I believe I can handle this.” Rarity said as the others watched her walk of and struck up a conversation with a random woman. After a few minutes Rarity returned, “It would appear that The Three Legged Gob is the name of a bar not to far from here.”

“Good job Rarity, lets.....”
Sunset paused and stared at her. “What are you doing?”

“Rarity looked up from the emerald necklace see had just fastened around her neck. “Hm, what? Oh, Just admiring my new jewelry, I got it very recently in fact,”


“Really?” Sunset gave Rarity a flat look from across the table.

“What?” Rariry asked innocently, before her expression shifted into a sly slime. “I'm just playing my character.”


It took half an hour and asking three more people directions before they finally found the bar. It was a somewhat well kept, two story building that doubled as an inn for those to drunk to find their way back home after a long night of debauchery.

“My, such a charming looking little establishment.” Rarity fiddles around with her new bracelets, and earrings.

“Whelp.” Applejack takes the initiative, “No time like the present.” The girls follow her into the bar and set about looking around. The large open hearth in the centre of the room roars with a large fire, the walls were adorned with the trophies of the hunt and air was thick with booze. While the others found a booth in a corner, away from prying eyes, She and Rainbow headed to the bar.

An aged Halfling was whipping down the counter when he heard their approach. “Evening ladies, What can I get for you?” He asked with his most winning smile.

Rainbow leaned on the bar-top, “Just looking for someone.” She said, picking up an forgotten shot and finished it off.

“He wears a Brown hood, kinda mysterious looking. Seen anybody like that?” Applejack asks.

“Sweetheart that describes at least seventy present of my customers. Anything else?” The bartender refiles Rainbows glass.


“Was there anything else about him?” A.J. looks around the table.

“You can roll intelligence to remember.” Shining offers.


Applejack thinks for a moment, “That's all I can remember.” She looks over to Rainbow, “What about you?”

Rainbow tosses back her new drink, “Nope.”

“To bad.” The bartender pulls out two pints of ale and places them in front of each of them. “Your welcome to stay as long as you need, just let me know if there's anything else?” He gives the two another smile, jumps down from the stool he was standing on and goes to attends to the other patrons.

The girls grab their pints and rejoin the party.

“Any luck?” Twilight asks.

“No” Applejack pulls up a chair, “He doesn't stand out to much so its kinda hard to describe him to someone. What about Yall?”

“Nothing” sunset rested her head on her palms. “I guess we just sit and...Oh, wait.” She reaches back into her bag and pulls out the necromancers pendant. “I found this on the Necromancer, But I don't recognize the symbol. She slid it to the middle of the table so everyone could see it.

“It certainly is ghastly looking” Commented Rarity.

“Let me see that.” Twilight picked up the pendant and turned it over in her hands.


“Have I seen anything like this before?” Twilight asked Shining Armor.

Shining looked over Twilights' character sheet, “You can roll Arcana or History.”


“Hm, It looks familiar but I can Exactly place it.” Twilight sets the pendant back on the table.

They all stair at it for a few seconds before a voice speaks up, “Well well, That's certainly unnerving.” Everyone jumps back in surprise and turns to see the Hooded man standing over them. “Haven't Seen this in a while.” he reaches down and grabs hold of the pendant.

“So you know what it is?” Sunset asks after a few calming breathes.

“Somewhat.” He answers. “I've seen pictures, but I've never seen it in person. In fact this symbol hasn't been seen in quite a long time, so I cant say much more about it than that it's not good.”

“Well,” Rainbow started, “We beat you're test and almost lost a teammate because of it.”

“Yes, but I had a feeling about your group.” The Hooded man defended.

“That was obvious my your message.” Rarity retorted, “But I do believe we deserve something for our efforts.”

“You're absolutely right,” He reaches into one of his robe sleeves and pulls out a large bag, which he places in the middle of the table, “50 gold pieces for each of you, and if your still willing, you've proven yourselves and you're first mission for the organization is right here.” He waves around a folded piece of paper.

The Party each take there share of the treasure and then huddle together for a quick conversation.

After a few minutes of whispering, Rainbow turns to him, “Okay, But first we want to know more about this “Organization” of yours.”

“Very well,” The Hooded man looks over the group and the begins to explain. “I am a member of a Guild that sneaks out and destroys the things that lurk in the shadows. Wherever there are undead, demons or other nightmarish creatures, we will be there to bring them into the light. As new recruits your job will be hunting down and destroying any who threaten that light or seek to do the innocent harm. In an nutshell, were monster hunters.”

“Monsters?!” Fluttershy almost dives under the table.

“It okay Fluttershy, This will be a piece of cake.” Pinkie pauses for a moment before disappearing under the table and reappearing an instant latter behind the bar. “Hey mister, you got any cake?”

“We'll I guess helping the innocent is a petty good cause.” Applejack thought out loud.

“Especially if were getting paid for it.” Rainbow finished.

“I suppose a journey could be enjoyable.” Rarity turned to Twilight, “What do you think?” To which Twilight took a moment to think.

“Well, It could be an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge about Fayrun. Okay, I'm in.”

Sunset stand from the table, “Looks like were all in.”

“Excellent” The Hooded man hands her the note, “To the East of here, along the Dessarin River is the town of Solmnant. In the resent week a horseman has been terrorizing the town and attacking anyone who travels the roads. The fear of the townspeople have lead to nightmares and have robed them or sleep. We wish you to go to this town and ride them of this terror.”

“Why would monster hunters go after a bandit on a horse.?”

“Simply put, he's headless.”


“And that girls, Is were we leave off for the night?” Shining said, rising from his seat.

“What?!” Cried Rainbow Dash, “It's barely dark outside.”

“Its nine o'clock” Shining closed his screen and placed it on top of one of the tubs.

“Oh, My.” Rarity looked outside one of the slim basement windows and saw nothing but black. “It would seem that now would be a good time to turn in for the night.”

“Well, can we keep playing tomorrow?” Rainbow asked Twilight.

“That's up to Shining,” Twilight looks over to her brother. “Would you mind?”

Shining Armor looked around the room at the expecting smiles of Twilight and her friends, Rainbow had on her best “Puppy Dog Face”. “Well,” He thought for a moment. “Cadence is out of town and all my friends are working this weekend so.......Sure, Why not.” Receiving a small cheer from the girls. “But when do you want to start?” Everyone thought for a moment.

“Well, I would like to visit that hobby store again, I saw quite a few of those mini figures and I wanted to browse through them.

“Thats a good idea.” Sunset held up the figure she had used for tonight game. Maybe we can find some that look more like our characters.”

“Exactly darling.” Rarity beamed. And if we leave early we can get back before lunch and start around noon.”

“Sounds like an idea to me.” Shining grabbed the notebook and headed upstairs. I guess I'll see you girls tomorrow.” And with that he left the girls to their own devices while he went up to his room and prepared for round two.

Exp: 146

Treasure: 50 Gold (Each), Mystery Pendant x1, Guild Pendant x1 (Each)