• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 1,160 Views, 5 Comments

Equestria Girls: Sword Coast Adventures - King Cuddles

When Shining Armor agrees to DM a game for Twilight and her new friends, The girls spend a weekend at Twilights' discovering the magic of D&D....and friendship.

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Chapter 3

Sword Coast Adventures

By: King Julius I

Chapter 3

Early the next morning, the seven girls arrived at the local Hobby store just minutes after it opened. After rummaging through the dice section, the girls soon found the minis. Two whole aisles of mini figures stretched out in front of them. There was only a small section of prepainted figures so the girls decided to quickly find a figure they liked, get a small paint kit and hurry back in time to paint them before it was time to play. Unfortunately the “short trip” turned out to be an hour long hunt for their ideal characters, with that particular section of the stores usual socially awkward visitors staring in disbelief as these seven girls took such a keen interest in their hobby. After about twenty minutes of gawking one of the braver ones walked up to one of the girls and nervously asked if they needed any help.

“Oh, Thank you very much darling.” Rarity batted her eyelashes out of reflex. “Actually we just started playing last night and we're trying to find something that fit our characters.”

“Well um, w-what...um, what kind of character are you playing?” The young man asked.

“Oh, a Rouge.” She answered.

He went on to explain that he worked at the store during weekend afternoons and he arranged the figures by categories. The figures that were used for Player Characters were just behind her and that the Rouge was near the end.

“Why thank you so much,” She turned to look through the section he mentions before turning back. “Um, you wouldn't happen to know what kind of paint we should get would you?”

“Well...Um. If your going to play in a few hours them Acrylic should work for the moment. And then when you have more time just use some finger nail polish remover on it and then use a longer lasting paint.”

Rarity grabbed one of his hands and thanked him before turning back to the minis. He then turned around and walked back to his group of friends, and they all shared a round of High fives and Fist Bumps.


After lunch, the girls all joined Shinning downstairs with their new minis.

Shining stood behind his screen as everyone found their seats and placed their new mini figures proudly on the table. Each one had been painted to look mush like their player, except for their outfits. Rarity had a white shirt and a deep purple corset with matching leggings and high healed boots. Sunset's had a reddish-orange, sleeveless, knee length dress with matching shoes and a belt with a pouch strapped to the back. Twilight's had dark purple and violate robes, and a spell book in one hand. Pinkies had a pink, sleeveless, tight fitting shirt with a small jacket, dark leggings and boots similar to Rarity's' and a lute slung over her back. Fluttershys had simple leather looking armor, a staff and what seemed to be a small white bunny behind her leg. Rainbows was an archer with a leather breastplate that only covered her chest, a leather skirt that seemed to have metal plates hanging off the hips and groin, and leather boots. Lastly Applejacks was wrapped in cloth that covered her chest, stomach, shoulders, wrists, hips, and shins, with a long loincloth, shoes and a large, two headed Ax resting on her shoulders.

“Wow. That's, um” Shining took a second to admire their hard work, “Right,Okay so last night we left off with you talking to The Hooded man telling you about your first mission as monster hunters.”

“Did the Hooded guy ever tell us his name?” Asked Sunset.

“When you asked him, he told you that his name is hard for most people to pronounce so you can call him whatever you like.”

“How far did he say the town was?” Rarity asked next.

“He said it would be at least a twelve hour walk.”

“Hm.” Rarity thought for a second, “we should probably get supplies in the morning. We can walk most of the way, rest for a night, and then get there around noon the next day.”

“Wow Rarity,” Twilight adjusted her glasses. “That's a pretty good idea.”

“A Lady must have beauty and brains darling,” Rarity replied with a wink.

“Okay, so you wake up the next morning, resupply and then leave.” Shining continued. “After spending a night at The Three Legged Gob, The party resupplies the next morning and head out towards the town of Solmnant. You stop for one night to rest and then the next day you finally come to the road leading to the town.”


“Okay everyone,” Sunset looks over the group. “This thing attacks people on the road so keep a sharp eye out...” Before she can continue a scream can be heard from ahead.

Everyone runs towards the direction of the screaming until they eventually come upon the sight of a young girl being chased by a large animal.

“A Bear! Rainbow!” Sunset shouts, signalling Rainbow Dash to take are at the animal.

“No what!” Fluttershy puts her hand on Rainbow's shoulder and then runs towards the girl.

The girl trips over a stone and falls to the ground. Turning back she sees the bear raise up on its back legs preparing to strike, when the figure of a pink haired Elf steps into her vision. The Elf holds out a piece of food in her hands and begins to speak in Elvish. The bear is momentarily caught off guard, but soon recovers and lashes out at her. Grabbing her arm in its mouth and bitting down hard. The Elf screams out in pain as a paw catches the side of her head and sends her tumbling to the ground.

“FLUTTERSHY!!!” A voice screams from her left as an arrow flies through the air just barely missing the bear and embedding itself in a tree. The bear looks up towards the approaching group and quickly runs off.

Rainbow runs over to Fluttershys body and turns her over. Blood pours from the gash in her arm and deep claw marks on her face. “FLUTTERSHY?!....FLUTTERSHY!!”

Pinkie walk up beside Rainbow and pulls out her lute. “It's okay Dashie, I can heal her.” Standing over Fluttershy, Pinkie begins to Cast healing Word. After a few seconds the wounds on her face and arm mend themselves and she begins to stir into consciousness.

“That wasn't very nice.” Fluttershy says weakly and tries to stand but has to lean on Rainbow dash to keep from falling.

“Here.” Rainbow reaches into her bag and pulls out a small bottle filled with a red fluid. “Drink this.”

She weakly takes the bottle and slowly downs its contents. She soon finds the strength to stand on her own. “Thank you Rainbow.”

“Well,” Rainbow replies. “Don't run off like that, you had me worried.”

“Sorry.” Fluttershy squeaked from behind her hair.

“Oh, Thank you.” The girl runs up and takes both Rainbow and Fluttershys hands in her own. “Thank you so much, I thought that was the end of me. How can I ever repay you?”

Sunset steps forward, “Well, were headed to Solmnant and our friend could use somewhere to rest and recover.”

The girl held her hands together and took a small step back, “I live in town and would be happy to offer you somewhere to stay, but are you sure you really want to go there?”

Getting a closer look, Sunset can see that the girls eyes have heavy dark bags under them and she appears rather thin. “You mean the horseman?”

The girl cast down her eyes and nodded her head.

“We were sent to investigate and help if we can. Can you tell us any thing about it?”

The girl gestured for theme to follow her. “Not much. Only that he mostly comes out at night, but he will appear during the day. Every few days he'll ride through town but he hasn't attacked anyone unless their outside or on the roads leading out of town. And....and the pumpkin.”

“Pumpkin?” Twilight had her parchment and quill in her hand. “What Pumpkin?”

The girl visibly shivers as she recalls the memory. “It carries a jack-o-lantern around in its hands, I can see its burning eyes and sinister smile every time I close my eyes.”

Rarity and Rainbow gave each other an uneasy look. Behind them Applejack carries Fluttershy on her back. And pinkie brought up the rear, playing a soft tune.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in town. Around them were a number of townspeople who seemed to just wander aimlessly. Everyone looked like they hadn't slept or ate in days, if their bloodshot eyes and slender bodies were any indication. Trees were scattered all around, the canopies had all grown together to cast a giant shadow over the entire town. They passed one building aster another until finally coming to a small house near the centre of town. They follower the girl inside and Applejack laid Fluttershy down to rest.

Rarity sat down on a couch in the main room of the house and watched the girl as see seemed to tidy up.“By the way, we never got you name.”

“Amber” She replied, continuing in her task.

“So, is there anyone around who might know more about the Horseman? Twilight asked.

Amber looked back at her, “The only person I can think of is the mayor, Shes in the large building just across the street.”

Sunset looks out the front window an sees a large two story Building across the town square. “Alright, Twilight and I can go see the Mayor. Pinkie, why don't you stay and look after fluttershy.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie” Pinkie walked into the room where Fluttershy is resting.

“Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow can have a look around town, maybe someone knows something.”

“Sure thing.” Rainbow left with the other two close behind.

“Okay, Lets go Twilight.”

Sunset and Twilight had been sitting outside the mayors office for about twenty minutes before they were called in. When they arrived and asked to see her, the mayors assistant had asked them to wait until she finished with another meeting. As they entered the smell of smock was in the air. Book and papers were stacked on shelves and tables on either side of the room and at the far end was the mayors desk. The mayor was a human woman with long, raven black hair that partially obscured her right eye, her lips were a deep red, her eyes were lined with midnight black and she has a figure that would make an hourglass jealous. Her skin was pail and a beauty mark sat on her left eye, which was a brilliant blue. She held a long thin pipe in one hand and her other held a scroll just bellow her face. “Come in.” she said without looking up.

Twilight and sunset approached the desk and sat in the two chairs provided. “Um, My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Sunset Shimmer. We were sent to investigate the creature that has been terrorizing your town,”

The mayor sat down the scroll she was looking over and with a puff from her pipe, gave her full attention to them.

“We were told that you might have some information we can use.” Sunset waved some smoke from here face.

“It's been Almost a week and a half since that thing started appearing in and out of town. I have been searching for any reason it might find an interest in our little town, or a way to destroy it but so far I haven't found a thing.”

“Is there anything you can tell us, anything at all?” Twilight almost pleaded.

The mayor took another hit of her pipe, “I've been searching the town archives.” she gesture to the books scattered around the room. “you're welcome to perform your own search if you like. The archives are upstairs.” She picks up the scroll she was previously reading. “Now if you'll excuse me I have work to to.”

“Oh, Yes, of course.” Twilight stood up and motioned for Sunset to do the same, who gave a slight nod and then headed for the door. She then looked back at the mayor.


“Do I notice anything else about the mayor?” Twilight asks.

Shining look up to her. “make a perception check real quick.”

She rolls her d20, “Okay that's a 16, plus........it's a 17”

“Nice. On closer inspection you notice that the makeup shes wearing under her eyes seems to be covering dark bags, she probably hasn't slept in days.”


Twilight moves to close the door, “Thank you very much ms...”

“Jessica Crane” The mayor said before Twilight closed the door and left her to her work.

Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity wondered around town for a while trying to find information, but everyone they talked to couldn't tell them a thing. They eventually found themselves outside of town walking a trail that followed the river.

“Well that was a bust.” Rainbow said as she played with a small braid in her hair.

“Ah know.” Applejack was in the front of the small group. “But that one guy at that fruit stand said that the Horseman is mostly seen to the north so ah guess we should have a look there.”

“Well I for one think we should wait for Sunset and Twilight.” Rarity argued. “Going to far from town without them isn't the wisest idea.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “We'll be fine, You've got me here.” Rainbow stood flexing one of her arms and her other hand on her waist.

“Oh, My hero!” Rarity mocks before her expression falls flat. “All I'm saying is that our last two fights ended with at least one of our friends almost dieing. We don't exactly have the best track record so far.”

As the two continued to walk and argue, they hadn't noticed that Applejack had stopped walking and was looking around.

“Well with me and A.J. here.....Applejack?” Rainbow turns around to see her with her eyes closed and completely still. “Applejack? Are you okay?”

“Shush.” Applejack stood silently for a few more seconds before turning to her friends. “Do ya'll hear that.”

Rarity listened and heard nothing but the wind. “I don't hear any thing.”

“Just listen for a second.” Applejack closed her eyes again.

Rainbow and Rarity exchanged a look and then did the same. For the first couple of seconds all they heard was the leaves blowing in the wind and a few singing birds. But then they began to hear it, the faint sound of running hooves. The air became cold and the sounds of the wind and birds faded away.

Rainbow and rarity pulled out their bows. Rainbow strung one of her arrows. “Where is it coming from?” The three turned and stood back to back, the hoof steps began to slow but seemed to grow heavier and heavier. The air was so cold that each of them could see their breath and the evening sunlight seemed to fall away. Their eyes were darting back and fourth trying to catch sight of their enemy. Rainbow turned to see Raritys terrified face. Her eyes were wide but her pupils were almost to small to see. Looking to where Raritys eyes were fixed, Rainbow caught sight of their enemy.

A pitch black horse with razor sharp teeth, glowing red eyes and a main and tail of bellowing fire approached from not far down the trail. Its flaming hooves taking slow, methodical steps that echoed throughout the surrounding woods. On its back sat a rider wearing a chain shirt and a black overcoat. Where his head should be there was nothing. In his right hand, dangling by its stem, was a jack o lantern, Its eyes and mouth looks as if they had ripped themselves open, its massive, jagged smile seemed to grow as the rider approached and its eyes glared into the girls souls. a hellish flame spilling out as it was raised above the riders head and a fusion of an insane laugh and a scream pierced the air.

“Rarity.” Applejack grabbed Rarity by the shoulder and gave her a firm shake. “Rarity, snap out of it.”

Rarity blinked a few times and looked to Applejack, “Sorry Darling, I lost myself for a moment.”

“Well get ready.” Applejack brandished her Ax. “Its time to fight.”


Okay, You three roll Initiative.” Shinning said, Rolling a die of his own behind his screen.

“My, That was certainly a colorful description.” Rarity looked over to Shining.

“Oh, yea, It just kinda came to me.” a slight blush hit his cheeks. “Alright Rarity, Your up.”


Rarity fires an arrow that flies right past the Horseman. “Drat.”

In a burst of speed the horseman gets half way to them, the Jack o lantern continuing its laugh.

Rainbow releases her prepared arrow that sticks in the horseman's chest, but doesn't seem to slow him down.

Applejack grabs a Javelin and lands it mere inches from the arrow.

Rarity string another arrow, lines up another shot and with a smirk shouts “Natural 20!” The arrow embeds itself in the horseman's shoulder and knocks him of his horse. The horse continues to run right past the group and seems to disappear in an explosive fireball. The girls turn their attention back to the Horseman who has picked himself up of the ground and removes the objects in his chest and shoulder. He picks up his Jack o lantern and continues towards them.

Rainbow puts an arrow in his other shoulder, but again the rider seems to ignore it. “Whats with this guy?” She shouts preparing another arrow.

Applejack goes into a rage and charges forward. Spinning for momentum, she makes contact with the Horsemans stomach.

The horseman is momentarily stunned, giving Rarity an opening to attack. She lands another arrow in its chest.

The Horseman, not seeming to not even flinch from the arrow, unsheathes a longsword with his free hand and forces it through Applejacks stomach.

Applejack releases her Ax and staggers back, the sword slides out of her body and her blood glistens on its silvery blade. She clutches her stomach in pain and falls to a knee.

Rainbow runs forward and manages to put an arrow through the jack o lantern, shattering it and distracting the Horseman. She then grabs Applejack by the arm while Rarity comes up from behind grabbing her other arm, together they pull her back in an effort to retreat. But before they can get far they here something from behind them, looking back they can see the Flaming horse charging straight at them.

Frantically looking around, Rarity turns towards the river. “Hurry, into the water!” Without a word Rainbow help Rarity to the edge of the water, and they jump in. As there heads come up they can see the horseman standing at the rivers edge, Applejack's Ax in his hands. He stands there for a moment before getting back on his Horse and ridding off to the north.

After floating down stream a ways, they come to an area close to town and climb out of the river. Dragging Applejack out, they give her a healing potion and wait until she can stand on her own.

“Are you alright? That wound was terrible.” Rarity asked as Applejack steadies herself.

“Ah guess that was kinda stupid.” Applejack fells her stomach, “And Ah lost my Ax.” They start walking towards town.

Rainbow walks just behind Applejack and Rarity, “Yea, that headless jerk took it with him.”

“I hate to say I told you so,” Rarity begins trying to fixing her ruined hair. “But I told you so.”