• Published 12th Feb 2016
  • 10,794 Views, 62 Comments

RGRE: Dungeon Crawler - Dark Java

Another human tossed into another Equestria. Hey, it happens sometimes. Our hero adjusts well enough and just wants to disregard mares and acquire treasure. But he soon discovers that in this land, the guys are treated a little differently.

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Comments ( 24 )

How long till the moronic ponies realize human culture is way differet than theirs?

benevolently sexist

Is that actually a thing?

love it, the opposite sexism is just awesome. looking forward to another chapter

Continue the story

I want a scene where the towering alien goes hunting in the Everfree for some much needed protein (not gonna find much meat in the markets around a town called "Ponyville", after all) and comes back with a headless bloody mess (immune to the effects of cockatrice stares, humans find these otherwise highly dangerous pony-nightmare-fuel creatures delicious) and a smile on his face.

He comes back with a headless, stealthy, super-predator and a happy/innocent looking grin at the thought of his next meal and ponies would start to reconsider the otherwise innocuous looking alien who apparently thinks cockatrice is "easy pickin's out there".

Much like the "humans can withstand more alcohol than ponies" attribute they have in this story, the "your magical-dangerous wildlife is easy to kill and a preferred meal" aspect of humans hunting would also play well to his favor... among the mares at least.
The stallions might start freaking out over be a little nervous about the alien (which likes to eat hyper-dangerous predators like they're an easier food source than getting apples in the market) brazenly walking around town like it's nothing out of the ordinary. :rainbowlaugh:

Really loving the story, hope the author does come back to it.
Faved and tracked.

Oho, this is an interesting story. Here, take my like.

Fun, though it's a bit of a shame it's dead. RGRE is always interesting.

Loving this story, hope it continues!

Holy crap, chapter 2; I'm hooked.

You've gotta keep going with this story man!

Sir, you must continue this here story.
You've got me completely hooked, to not update would be a tragedy.

Lol. That was pretty interesting.

Most likely some kind of magical pony condom. Or hoof armor, fingers are too squiggly for it to activate. Either way, might be worth something, take it and if needed toss it for space. He should know that already.

Please retake this, it shows promise!

Too bad the story died

i think it's more along the lines of the writer died

True True I wonder if it’s possible someone else to come and pick up the story where he left off

Aaaand again an interesting story dies

I'm enjoying it so far. Here's to hoping that another chapter appears soon. *walks in the tall grass searching for a WILD CHAPTER*

But why does it have a sock... oh. :rainbowderp:

Hey so.. You alive or what?

Story is dead isn't it?

Ah so it's a friends with benefits type of relationship then.

Ah, so basically the old "I have a boyfriend" excuse but in RGRE.

Man, such a shame the story died here. It was getting real interesting, too. The RGRE dynamic between Adam and Dash is really good; it's obvious that they're from different sets of thought, but neither really pushed it beyond a point where it's truly cringe to read.

The chest was unlocked and gave a high pitched creak as I hefted the lid open. I extracted from the chest a strange object. It was what looked like a silvery metallic ring with a lacy semi-transparent sock of fabric attached. Dash watched as I lifted it up and stretched the fabric a few times.

I shrugged and tossed it back into the chest, "Meh. Junk."

Dash laughed at me, "What? You really don't know what it is? That's a nice set of armor."

I frowned, "If we found another one, I'd have a pair of weird socks. I don't think it's armor."

"It's stallion armor. You could at least try it on." Dash said.

I bent and picked the 'armor' up, shoving it onto my fist and gave Dash a stern look for a few seconds before tossing it back and closing the chest.

Oh dammit, Adam, you could've taken it to sell or something.

It's the woes of reading fanfiction. Only the good die young.

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