• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 2,763 Views, 13 Comments

The Spiral Notebook - BlueRangerPower

While thinking over whether to stay in the human world or go back home to Equestria, Sunset Shimmer finds a spiral notebook filled with memories of her friends.

  • ...

No Matter What Untraveled Road

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

It's been awhile, huh? I'm sorry for not being able to write to you as much lately. You see, graduation is just around the corner, and we've all been busy preparing for it.

You should see them, Twilight. You'd be so proud of them, especially Rainbow Dash. Once she found out that she wouldn't be able to play college ball with a 2.7 GPA, she began hitting the books as soon as she'd get home from practice, and now she's graduating with a 3.5 GPA. Amazing, right? Just goes to show that you can do anything if you set your mind to it.

And because of that, she's been offered a soccer scholarship from the University of Fillydelphia, so she'll be moving up there within the next few months.

Both Rarity and Fluttershy have been accepted to a private university in Baltimare, which has top programs in both fashion design and veterinary medicine. They're going to be sharing an apartment off campus.

Pinkie Pie has a full ride to the University of Manehattan because she's graduating fifth in our class. She's going for a degree in business and wants to open up the biggest candy store in all of Manehattan. The Cakes are also planning on giving their store here in Canterlot to Pinkie after she gets her degree, too, so that she can get some experience under her belt before she opens up a store of her own.

Applejack is staying behind to continue helping her family run Sweet Apple Acres. Between Big Mac getting married pretty soon and Apple Bloom horsing around with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo most of the time, she's going to have a lot on her plate for a while, and of course, she'll tell you it's nothing she can't handle. Most people would see that as her being stubborn, but I see it as determination.

You see, it's written in Granny Smith's will that Applejack will inherit Sweet Apple Acres once she passes on, and I think Applejack knows it. Mac will be too busy raising a family of his own to run it, and Apple Bloom will be going off to college in a couple years. I strongly believe that's why Applejack is taking on all of the work right now. Because she knows Granny Smith may not have much longer. She's been stressed out about it since the beginning of the year, Twilight. So stressed that she considered dropping out and getting her GED so that she could focus on the farm.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie both managed to talk her out of it, though. Told her she would be setting a bad example for Apple Bloom if she dropped out.

This world's Twilight is graduating at the top of our class. Not that much of a surprise, huh? Even though she just transferred here from Crystal Prep a year ago, she's managed to leave a mark on a majority of the students and staff. Principal Celestia seems to be attached to her the most. There's some irony in here somewhere in case you haven't noticed. Insert winky face here.

She finally decided that she was ready to turn in an application to the Everton Independent Study Program (without Principal Cinch's "help"), and got an acceptance letter in the mail three days later, which was sooner than we'd expected. I'm pretty sure they just wanted to hurry and snatch her up before anyone else could get to her. That kid's a genius. They'd be crazy to turn down someone as smart as her.

As for me, I'm graduating second in our class, directly after Twilight. It was so much fun competing with her for the top spot, and also a bit of a challenge. But in the end, the best woman won, and that was Twilight.

There's something else that's been bothering me. I haven't said anything to the others about it because I don't want to discourage them, and I don't think they'd quite understand it. You're the only one that I think will understand, Twilight. You and I are alike in more ways than one, anyhow.

You see, watching them all plan out what they're going to do after high school gives me this...feeling. I'm not sure if it's sadness, envy, or some messed up case of nostalgia. They all have something out there in this world waiting for them.

I...don't have anything.

When I think about it, I've done pretty much all there is to do for a pony-turned-human in this world. I've fallen down, got right back up, backslid a few times along the way, and have risen higher within every small setback...

All over the course of three years.

I feel as if there's nothing left for me here. Like I said, I've done pretty much everything there is to do. Learned everything there is to know.

Could it be possible that my time here is over?

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight.

They'll all be moving on to bigger and better things. They'll be going away and living their lives the way they're meant to be lived. If I stay, I'll be all alone...

Would it be for the best if I just...came home? To Equestria?

I don't even know. There's so many thoughts running through my head this evening, it's exhausting just trying to get my head wrapped around them all. There's no collateral in any of this.

What do you think I should do?

Your friend,

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset placed her pen down and closed the journal with a sigh. She knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that this was going to be one of the hardest decisions she would ever make in her life.

Hopefully, Princess Twilight would be able to help remedy the situation once she found time in her busy schedule to provide her input, but until then, Sunset would be battling the war inside her alone.

She leaned back in the desk chair and crossed her arms, looking up at the cream-colored ceiling that she had found herself taking an interest in for the last three days. Normally, Sunset wasn't the type of person to spend all this time in the bedroom of her apartment thinking over her life plans. Instead, the redhead would normally be found at Rainbow Dash's house, where she and said girl would stay up all hours of the night playing video games while surrounded by Doritos and Mountain Dew, or she would wander over to Sugarcube Corner and assist Pinkie Pie in closing up shop.

But that was when Sunset's future didn't hang in the balance. That was when she didn't have to worry about her friends going off to college and leaving her behind.

Breaking her gaze away from the ceiling, she slowly spun around in the chair to where she was facing away from the desk and bent over to stare at the floor.

Like she had told Twilight in the journal mere minutes ago, there were so many thoughts running through her head. Running so fast that she couldn't discern even the slightest one. It was beginning to frustrate her. Not to the point of throwing a temper tantrum, but rather to the point where she felt the need to pace back and forth.

So, the flaming-haired girl stood from the chair, stretching her arms out a bit and popping her back a few times for good measure before she began what looked to be another night full of angsty pacing.

Not even one step into it and her booted foot accidentally kicked something that had been protruding out from under her bed, sending the object sliding across the hardwood floor even farther under the bed.

Sunset immediately stopped and looked at said foot with a raised eyebrow. "What the hell?"

Kneeling down beside her bed, the redhead grabbed a hold of the orange bedskirt and lifted it up, catching sight of what looked to be a lone spiral notebook in the center of the floor.

She quickly reached under, her fingertips grazing the cold metal of the spiral that binded said notebook. Finally, she managed to get a good grip and pulled the object out into plain view.

The notebook's condition appeared to be a bit worn down. Cracks and wrinkles adorned the cover, evident by the small skinned lines of white. It's red color, once shining brightly, had long faded into a dull shade of cherry red. In black Sharpie, the word 'Memories' had been written neatly upon it in cursive.

Sunset placed a hand on top of the notebook, sliding over the roughness of it's wear and tear.

To say that she was shocked was an understatement.

She was downright stunned.

What Sunset and her friends once thought was lost had been found. It had just been hiding out under her bed this whole time. For a whole year.

The redhead slowly stood up from the floor. Not once did she take her eyes off of the object clutched in her hand.

She took a seat on the edge of the bed and ran her hand over the worn cover once more. A small case of nostalgia began creeping in as she remembered the many things that had been factors in shaping the notebook into it's current, poor state.

The rules had been that all six of them would take turns with the notebook each day, writing or putting whatever they wanted on one of the one-hundred pages it contained. One page per day.

Another rule was that the notebook was supposed to have been treated with care, until one day when it was Rainbow Dash's turn with it. The rainbow-haired athlete ended up bringing it back to them the next day, it's once fresh pages stained with coffee.

From that day forward, it had been through a whole string of accidents. Pinkie Pie had accidentally dropped it into the dishwater at Sugarcube Corner, Rarity had accidentally fed it through her sewing machine and had to detach it from the dress she was making by hand, Fluttershy had accidentally let an animal from the shelter get a hold of it, Applejack had lost it out in the orchard where it had been waterlogged by a rainstorm, and Sunset had hidden it under her bed and forgotten about it for a whole year.

Sunset opened up to the first page and looked at a picture of the six of them, standing side by side in front of the Wondercolts statue. The footnote below the picture read, 'Friends Until the End! Forever & Always!' followed by their six, unique signatures all in different colors.

For the first time in days, the flaming-haired girl let out a small chuckle. One that was real and not forced.

She turned the next coffee-stained, waterlogged page and read what Rainbow Dash had written in blue ink.

Hey, guys!

I'm sitting in Geometry, bored out of my skull. Ms. Cheerilee is nice and all, but right now I really don't give a flying rat's ass about complementary and supplementary angles. Anyways, Sunset, I gotta say you're really out of it today. I've thrown like fifteen paper wads at you, and you still haven't woke up. I mean I get that you're really smart, and that you have no reason to pay attention because you've already learned this back in Equestria, but come on! I need to be entertained ASAP!

- Rainbow Dash

And underneath the rainbow-haired girl's inscription was a copy of a detention slip for throwing paper/objects stapled to the page.

Sunset let out another chuckle. So this is what Rainbow did to her while she slept in Geometry? Not that she could remember anyway. She had been asleep most of the time after all.

Again, she turned the page and found an inscription from Pinkie Pie written in pink marker.

It's my turn with the notebook, you guys!!! Woohoo!!! :3

I just want to say that I love you guys with all my heart! You are always there for me when I'm down, and you have no idea how much I appreciate it! I hope that we can stay friends even when we're all grown up and married with kids! Love each and every single one of your adorable little faces! :*

- Pinkie <3

P.S. I think Rarity farted in English just now, but she's too prissy to admit it! (I love you, Rarebear!)

Sunset backtracked to the very last part of Pinkie's inscription and all but bursted out into laughter. That was their Rarity alright. Sunset and the others wouldn't have her any other way.

Another turn of a page, and speak of the devil. She was met with the elegant cursive writing of the fashionista herself.

Good evening, darlings.

Rarity here.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, I must say that you both act like two savage gorillas whenever you play Mortal Kombat or any other game for that matter! It is quite entertaining. However, that is not my purpose for writing this entry. I am writing to inform you all that you inspire me in more ways than any of you will ever know. Not only do you inspire me to be better as a dressmaker, but you inspire me to be better as a person. For that, I will always be forever grateful. No matter what untraveled road our lives may lead us down, our friendship will always remain strong.



P.S. Pinkie Pie, dear, for the last time, a lady does not fart!

Sunset reread Rarity's statement over and over again.

"No matter what untraveled road..." She said aloud almost as if testing the words out on her tongue.

The next page belonged to Fluttershy, where a picture of six newborn baby rabbits had been taped to the top.

Oh my goodness! You will never believe what happened to me! As soon as I got here and began my shift, Mrs. Rabbit went into labor! I helped her give birth to six, beautiful, baby bunnies! I'll attach a picture once I'm able to get one! It's moments like these that make the world a beautiful place to live in! And it's friends like you that make me happy to be alive! I love each and every one of you, and I hope you all have a great day!


Sunset smiled. It was adorable whenever Fluttershy got excited over animals. She really did have a big heart.

Another page turn and the flaming-haired girl was met with Applejack's sloppy yet legible chicken scratch.

Howdy, y'all!

Today has been one hell of a day out in the orchard! I'm sweatin' so bad, you'd think I was a sinner just gettin' out of church! All in a day's work! When we're done with this year's harvest, you bet your britches I'm gonna make sure you all get the first batch of cider! I'd love to stay here and write more, but I need to go eat supper before Granny comes a lookin' for me out in the orchard with a hickory. And trust me, I wanna keep my hide for a little while longer.

- Applejack

Sunset flipped to the next page and found her own writing on this one.


We're almost done with our first rotation, you guys! Now all we need is Pinkie Pie to set off one of her party cannons in celebration of this moment. I have a lot to say, but I'm gonna try to keep it short and sweet with the limited amount of space that I have.

You guys have changed my life. All for the better. I'm including you, too, Princess Twilight, just in case you ever manage to somehow get a hold of this. You guys have changed my entire outlook on life, and I can honestly say that I cannot thank you enough. Before I came to this world, I always thought that a heart was supposed to be filled with power and determination, not love and friendship. I'm not blind, anymore, and I'm glad you all were able to chase me down and break in before I truly got out of hand. You guys have given me a reason to change.

Thank you.

With every ounce of love that my heart can hold,

Sunset Shimmer

Tears slowly began to well up in her eyes as she read her heartfelt entry over and over again. Of all the times Sunset had ever questioned whether or not she had a heart, this right here proved that something was beating inside of her.

She quickly turned a few more pages, skimming the entries and doing a once over of the pictures those pages contained before coming to the blank pages of the notebook and shutting it, placing it beside her on the bed.

Bringing a hand up to wipe away the tears that were now falling freely down her face, Sunset felt the thoughts in her head begin to slow down. They weren't running anymore. And for the first time in days, the redhead could actually think.

Once her friends were gone off to college, they wouldn't be around for her to rely on anymore. Plus, she knew that if she stayed in their way, it would only serve to hinder their success in school. She wasn't the type of person to be selfish.

Not anymore.

Sunset sniffled a few times before adjusting her sitting position on the bed to where she was now laying down, looking up at the ceiling once more.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she had really changed. She wasn't the power-crazed maniac that she was once before. Now, she was a humbled, caring, passionate teenaged girl, and it felt so right to her.

Before she stowed away into this world, her heart had been missing a few pieces, and she automatically assumed that those pieces could be replaced by power and ambition.

Boy, was she wrong.

It was only until she met them that the pieces in her heart were filled completely with love and friendship.

It was only until she met them that her life made a complete U-turn.

It was only until she met them that she found a reason not to cry for yesterday.

Sunset heard the sound of something vibrating and turned her attention to the journal that had once been setting dormant on her desk was now glowing and rattling like crazy.

She quickly stood up from the bed and made her way over to the journal, opening it to the page where Princess Twilight's writing had etched itself on the page.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I understand perfectly. No need to apologize whatsoever. Graduation is indeed a big step, and it needs some time and preparation applied to it.

I'm proud of all of you for making it this far, but be warned, it can be overwhelming a bit at times. All of the hard work and effort you have all put into this one moment is finally paying off. That alone is a reward in it's own right. Go Rainbow Dash!

As for your problem, it's not my place to say anything, however, I will give you some advice, but it's up to you if you choose to take it or leave it.

The way I see it, if you truly feel in your heart that there may not be another purpose for you in that world, then chances are, Sunset, there isn't.

Watching them prepare for their futures has shaken you to the point where you have realized that while their time at Canterlot High is almost up, your time there is almost up.

You're right. You've done everything there is to do. You've defied the impossible, Sunset. You helped to defeat the Sirens, you competed in the Friendship Games, you showed my counterpart the magic of friendship.

But here, in Equestria, there is a lot more to be done. There are a lot of ponies who have no idea what the magic of friendship even is. Perhaps if they were to see how much you've changed, then they may change as well.

Besides, there's someone over here who would very much like to see you.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and that Twilight are all growing up. While it may be a depressing thought, it's life over there. They're going to be the people they are destined to be.

You are not native to that world, which means you are not included in that world's destiny. While they are off fulfilling their destinies, you are going to choose to stay behind because you know deep down that there's nothing more you can do for them. Just like you know there's nothing left they can do for you.

They showed you what friendship is, Sunset, and you showed them that a person can change, but only if it's their will to change.

The decision is up to you. Whether you choose to come home or stay there, I'll stand by you.

Come home, and we'll take you just as you are, or stay there, and find your own destiny.

Your friend,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

It was at that moment, Sunset felt her resolve steel itself. She turned back toward where the notebook lay on its spot on the bed where she placed it moments ago.

That very object was proof that the flaming-haired girl had, indeed, done everything in this world. She had made friends, and she had made memories with them. That, alone, was everything to her.

Now, it was time for her to move on. Time for her to go somewhere else and help spread the magic of friendship there.

Back home.

She felt in her heart that she was truly finished here in the human world. There was nothing more for her to do here. It was up to Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight now. There was an ordinary world out there for them. A world that they would find soon enough. They would learn to survive without her.

There was an ordinary world for Sunset, too. Back in Equestria. She was needed there. Princess Twilight needed her to help spread friendship across Equestria, and she was going to do it.

She would learn to survive without her friends.

Of course she could come back to visit them. Once they could all agree on an arrangement, then Sunset would be more than happy to oblige.

'Besides, there's someone over here who would very much like to see you.'

Celestia. No doubt about it. That's who Twilight was talking about.

Sunset released a sigh she had been holding in. Once she came face to face with Celestia, there wouldn't be no more running. She had to face her sooner or later, and it had been a long time coming. Things needed to be patched up. Once and for all.

She stood up from the desk and walked back over to where the notebook set, slowly reaching out to pick it up and look over the cover once more.

It was at that moment, clutching the notebook to her chest, Sunset finally realized what the answer to her haunting question had been all along.

She was going to go home where she belonged. Where she was needed. Where her destiny awaited her.


Author's Note:

Yeah, yeah, I know there's probably a lot of fanfics out there pertaining to this topic, and I know I'm late to the party. But it doesn't matter. I'm proud that I made this. I think it's actually my best product yet. :pinkiehappy:

- 54

Comments ( 13 )

Honestly, I think this is a perfectly good story and it tackles the matter very well, without being overly depressing. Is it sad, yes but the subject matter itself is sad as well.

It's something we've all been thinking since Rainbow Rocks, namely what is Sunset gonna do when Graduation comes around. We know it's gonna happen at somepoint and it will be heartbreaking. In Equestria, people live so close together and with teleportation and everything, distance accounts for jack, while in the Human World, Graduation is often the point where Friendships end and lives change, so it's a big step and I think you handled it pretty well, especially with the journal thing, because in the end while Sunset and her friends won't be together forever, the memories will keep them together.

As for Sunset's decision to leave, really I think that's probably the best option. She has no real reason to stay in the human world after that, her friends will all move on to have their own lives and pursuits and staying there alone would be painful to the extreme, so it makes the most sense. Plus I think making friends in Equestria would probably be easier, since Friendships there seem almost impossible to break.

Anyway I'm rambling, overall I think this story is good and I give it


Nice and slow, letting the emotions of the moments sink in. Good work! :D

(I'll try to draw up some cover art for you if I get a chance!)

Out of all the stories on this subject that I've read, this one actually felt reasonably paced. It wasn't ridiculously fast, and I appreciate that. But uh, this took me right out:

Insert winky face here.


Good story. One tiny quibble.

It was up to Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Twilight now.

What about Fluttershy?

I'll admit it, I had to hold back a few tears because that was beautiful. Only thing that disappoints me is that I was hoping to see the reuinion of Sunset and Celestia. I have a feeling that many manly tears would be shed.:raritycry:

Excellent work, a mere 30 likes is an insult. Have another and a favourite to go with it.

Shit I'm crying :fluttercry:

Omg this was so heart warming…I-I'm just crying because of it. Great story now I shall go try to think of happy thoughts

Wonderful story! And I liked the "Ordinary World" reference in there.. :raritywink: Great song, imagining it in my head while reading this gave me some hella feels.

this..this is an amazing story. I teared up while reading it. :fluttercry:

:trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:This is one of my most favorite stories about sunset shimmer!!!

Principal Chinch is that one downvote.

Actually there's less stories about this out there than you'd think most of them one-shots or short stories but yours is really really good.

I really like this, you've shown everyone's character and experiences very well.

I consider this to be the closest we’ll ever get to a true official ending for Equestria Girls.

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