• Published 29th Oct 2015
  • 2,050 Views, 10 Comments

A Mare with few words (in mind) - fluttercord45

Marble has been thinking a lot of what to say or do with big mac attention.

  • ...

Thought can't escape in mind

“Big Mac...Marble pie....you’re team one,” said Pinkie Pie, before she quickly rushed off.

Big Mac and Marble Pie looked at each other for a moment before they looked away with small blushes on their faces.

Oh my, I'm teamed up with Big Mac,” Marble Pie thought to herself. “What am I supposed to say or do? I've never been with a stallion before...

Marble slowly took a quick peek at Big Mac through her mane. She could see Big Mac was looking at her with a small, yet nervous smile.

"Hi…” Marble said almost at a whisper.

“Hi…”Big Mac replied softly.

They both stayed silent then turned away from each other again.

Well...so far so good,” Marble told herself. “I think?

Once everypony was split into their respective teams, they began to search for the stone. With each team splitting off in different directions, Big Mac and Marble began their search around the house. The two teammates didn’t say a single word the whole time, they just walked in an awkward silence. They then split up to cover more ground. While looking for the stone, Marble began scold herself.

Come on, Marble. You got to say something to him,” she kept telling herself. “You’re beginning to make this difficult for yourself. Just talk him.

The shy earth pony mare tilted her gaze toward Big Mac, who was scanning the ground to see if he could locate the stone. He then looked up, to see that Marble was staring at him. She quickly looked away, and continued to look for the stone as well.

Say something…” she groaned.

She then looked back to him.

“Mmhm…”Marble said.

“Eeyup?” Big Mac responded.

She turned away again.

Smooth marble…” she sighed. “Let’s try that one more time.

She then turned to him again.

“Mmhm…” Marble muttered with a smile. ‘I got nothing to say to him,

As he looked at her in confusion, her smile quickly faded into a frown.

This isn’t going very well.

“Eeeeeyup…” Big Mac responded with a glance from out of the corner of his corner

He then went back to looking for the stone.

This isn’t what I had in mind talking when it came to talking with a stallion,’ she sulked. ‘Well, here goes nothing…

Marble then walked over to him.

“Um, Big Mac…” Marble said soft quietly to break the silence


“I was wondering…”Marble began to hesitate and slowly shake.

“Say something…anything…”

With an audible gulp she spoke.

“Maybe…once this is over…if you want…would you like to see my marble collection?”

She was elated when she saw the stoic stallion give her a smile.

“Eeyup!” he replied with a nod.

“Okay then…” she uttered quietly.

They then stared at each other for a moment with nervous smiles and awkward silence before turning away from each other again.

Well, at least I talked to him,’ She said a bit proud with herself. ‘Now… to show him my prized marble collection. I hope he’ll like them once I show him.


Once the search for the stone was finally over, Marble lead Big Mac upstairs into her room. Well, it wasn’t exactly her room at the moment, she had to share it with her other sisters while the Apple Family were visiting. Marble stepped inside and headed to the bed. Once there she crouched down and reached under the bed.

“So, what are you looking for?” Big Mac asked a little curious.

She then pulled out a small granite box that had various little crystals around decorated along its borders. It even had her name inscribed on top of it. She opened the stone box to reveal a small brown sack inside it.

“Is that your marble collection, Marble?” Big Mac asked.

“Mmhm…” she quietly responded.

Marble then opened the sack and slowly poured it out on the bed. Big Mac saw all the many colorful marbles that were variant in sizes. She picked up a small marble was dark and slightly light yellow in color.

“This one is a called Yellow Pear,” Marble said with a soft voice. “When I was little filly…Maud gave this to me…when I was sick…”

Marble put down the small marble and then picked up another one. This one was big with gray and light blue in color.

“This one is called Soap Bubble. Limestone gave me this when we were learning how swim…I wasn’t very good at it,” she said with a sheepish smile.

Big Mac looked around at the various marbles on display. They each seemed to be more interesting than the last. Just then, one particular marble caught his eye. He picked it up and showed it to her. It was a smaller marble that was clear but had as light pink swirl in the center of it.

“What about this one?” he asked.

“Oh, that’s my favorite! It’s the very first marble I’ve ever gotten,” she spoke with glee. “That’s a crystal marble called Party Groove. Pinkie gave that to me when she threw her very first party and showed our family what it meant to have fun.”

“Wow…” Big Mac said smiling.

Marble couldn’t help but smile.

I think he likes them,” Marble thought.

As she saw his earnest interest in her marbles, she thought of an idea.

“Y’know, if you want one you can one. I won’t mind.”

“Eenope,” Big Mac spoke as he shook his head. “Ah don’t want to take away any of these precious stone from a young mare who treasure them the most.”

Big Mac then went back to looking through her collection. Marble was taken aback with how much he understood how near and dear her marble were to her. This caused her to slightly blush.

He’s such a thoughtful stallion…” she thought as she rubbed her foreleg.

She then spoke up.

“So, do you…collect anything back at your farm?” Marble asked.

“Eenope,” he responded. “Ah’m too busy with mah chores and family to have time for collectin’ anything.”

“That’s a shame…” she muttered to herself.

While he kept looking at her marble collection, the shy mare began to observe the red stallion. She noticed his green eyes shine that seemed to shine like a polished emerald, his rugged yet smooth orange mane and his big strong muscle that looked if they could pick up Holder’s Boulder with ease. She then let out a quiet sigh.

He’s so…handsome!” she cooed to herself. ‘I think…I kinda like him.

Marble then moved a bit closer to him.

“Uh…Big Mac…”

He then turned to see that was now a little bit closer to him, which he caused him to slightly blush.


The two gazed into each other’s eyes. A strange feeling began to swell up as they found themselves becoming lost in the other’s eyes. Before another word could be spoken, Limestone busted open the door and angrily glared at Big Mac.

“What do you think you're doing in our room?!” Limestone angrily asked. “And what do you think you’re doing with mylittle sister?”

Big Mac then scooted off the bed and took a step back.

“She wanted to show me her marble collection,” He explained, as her pointed to her collection thaw was spread out on the bed.

Limestone turned to her sister.

“Is that true, Marble?”

“Mmhm,” she answered with a slow nod.

“Well, next time don’t bring anypony in our room! I don’t like anypony touching our stuff, Especially what’s MINE!” Limestone spoke with her usual abrasive tone. “Anyway…Dinners ready. Downstairs…Now!”

Limestone grabbed her sister and drug her out the room. Big Mac peeked his head out of the room to see that Marble turned her head back to him, looking a bit sad. When she turned back around, she let out a defeated sigh.

I was so close… Well, maybe things will be better tomorrow.’


(The Next Day)

Or not…maybe it’ll be worse.

The Hearth’s Warming decorations destroyed and scattered all across the yard and the Pie Family’s precious stone, Holder’s Boulder, was now down in the quarry. Marble looked up at the window and spotted Big Mac looking solemn. She sighed deeply as she went back to cleaning up the mess his sister Applejack had caused. After a while, the Pies were finished repairing the damage. Marble’s heart was filled with sadness and she looked up once again at the now empty window were the Apple was. They were now on their way to the train station to head back to Ponyville. As they were leaving the farm, Marble walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. She could tell from the look on his face that he was very sad.

I hate seeing him like this.

She shifted around a little, as she tried to find the word to say.

“Um…Big Mac.” Marble muttered.

“Yes?” he said sadly.

“I’m so-”

“Marble!” Limestone shouted from across the yard. “Get away from them and come help us get Holder’s Boulder out of the query. Now!”

“Hmh,” she responded.

She slowly frowned as Big Mac and his family left the farm and headed for the train station. She hung her head as she followed after her sister.

There goes my one chance at getting a stallion to have as a friend,’ she sadly sighed.


“Come on…Together… PUSH!” Limestone ordered.

They all pushed with all their strength, but sadly Holder’s Boulder didn’t budge.

“Come on…you…boulder…move!” Pinkie huffed.

“I’m pushing as hard as I can,” Maud calmly stated.

Marble tried pushing with all her might, but her mind elsewhere. She kept thinking about Big Mac leaving the rock farm with his family.

I hope I can see him again someday. If he were here him and his family could’ve easily helped us move this boulder,’ she thought.

Limestone let out an annoyed groan.

“Ugh, it’s hopeless!” she bellowed.

The Pies then stopped pushing the boulder and frowned.

“Need a little help?” spoke a voice.

They turned to see the Apple Family had returned.

“Apples!” Pinkie said happy.

Big Mac…you came back,’ Marble internally smiled.

After Applejack apologized for her actions, the two families proceeded to work together and pushed Holder’s Boulder back up to the farm. While they were doing this, Marble would occasionally look up and smile at Big Mac. As he saw her smile he would return it.

“Thanks for coming back and helping us,” Marble muttered.

“Ah’m glad we came back,” he happily responded.

They both then blushed they went back to pushing the boulder up the hill.


As both families were now enjoying their time together, now embracing each other’s different cultural differences and traditions. While this was going, close to the fireplace, the two quiet ponies sat next to each other. The two were looking in opposing directions with a small smile on their faces.

"You can do this Marble!,” she said, trying to will herself on. "Just talk to him! Start a conversation! Do something! Give him a wink, a hug, a small kiss on his cheek…anything!”

The two then turned to each other and were about to speak ‘til Pinkie Pie appeared between them and wrapped her hooves around them to bring them in close.

“Marble Pie, you want to wish Big Mac a Happy Hearth’s Warming, don’t you?” Pinkie Pie said, as if she were reading her mind. “And you do too, right Big Mac?”

“Mmhm…” Marble responded happily.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac smiled.

Once Pinkie Pie left them alone, they turned and gazed into each other’s eyes.

“Big Mac...” Marble spoke with a melodious voice.

“Eeyup?” Big Mac responded with soft tone.

A light blush snaked across her muzzle as she looked at him. Takin a chance, she leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. This caught the stoic stallion off guard.

“W-What was that for?” he asked with a blush.

“Just a thank you for helping us with Holder’s Boulder,” she replied.

It was then his turn to catch her off guard, as Big Mac gave a kiss on the cheek as well. This caused her face to glow bright red.

“Well…that’s just a thanks for welcoming us into your home.”

She then hid behind her mane though it didn’t hid the smile she had on her face. She then peeked from behind her mane.

“So…um…would you like to…come back for a visit?” she timidly asked.

“Eeyup!” he answered with a warm chuckle.

Before they could continue, they were interrupted by Apple Bloom.

“Attention everypony!” Applebloom declared, as she tried to get their attention. “Maud wants to sing some Hearth’s Warming Carols that she wrote.”

They all then start to gather around Maud.

“Want to listen?”Big Mac asked.

“Mmhm,” Marble nodded “Um…is it…okay if I sit beside you?”


With a small smile, she moved closer to him and leaned her head again his shoulder. He then wrapped a hoof around her to pull her in closer.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Marble,” he before giving her another kiss on the cheek.

She smiled and nuzzled his neck.

“Happy Hearth's Warming, Big Mac.”

While they sat and listened to Maud’s carols about rocks, Marble felt herself melt into Big Mac’s embrace.

This is…the best Hearth’s Warming ever!’ she stated with joy.


Author's Note:

I know its shot short story,but head i had to get it out my head.I Like this shipping Better than Fluttermac and cheerimac.Sorry for those who are fans of them.
Maybe next time I'll make this one a good long one,IF i get an idea coming into mind of them.

Comments ( 9 )

Cute and simple. Thanks for sharing :3

don't worry i ship them harder than cheerimac and fluttermac too



This is the only Big Mac shipping I like...

CUUUUUUUUUTTTEEEE!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :raritystarry:

That was a cute story.

I ship this so much...heck its one of my fav ships now!

Super-cute! Nice work!

Aw, this was super adorable! This is one of my favorite ships too :heart:

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