• Published 15th Sep 2015
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Bringing evil ideas to Equestria - reader8363

a human has a crappy day, then fall into a manhole, and lands into equestria

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Nurse, Rainbow Dash kicked me

I was walking on the streets of ponyville when a pony slammed into me. I got off the ground and said, as I dust myself off. “Watch where you are flying. You could have killed me. and I have an important role in Equestria.”

Then I heard a voice say, “Yeah, so do I. I’m going to become a wonderbolt.” I turned to see Rainbow Dash dusting herself off.

I thought in my head, This is my lucky day, then I said, “Oh, Rainbow Dash, sorry, I thought you were somepony else. I held out a hoof, my name is Eric Lumber. I don’t mean to sound mean, but will you please join me for a drink?”

Rainbow Dash looked up into the sky, like she was thinking, then she said, “Alright, but you have to beat me in a race.”

I said, “I think that would be unfair, only one pony can keep up with you on the ground and I’m a unicorn.”

She said, Oh, right. Guess you win.” She followed me to a seat, where we got our drinks, then she excused herself. I took that opportunity to slip some trust potion and a dash of relaxing powder into her drink, and quickly hid them right before she came back. She sat down and took a few gulp, then said, when she saw me staring, “Do you need something?”

I said as I grabbed my drink, “No, nothing at all.” Then I gulped down my drink. After I was done, I said, “Rainbow Dash, Is it fine if I can you Rainbow for short?”

She said, with a shrug, “I don’t see why not?”

I said while screaming in my head, “Ok, I was wondering if you’ll be able to follow me into the forest, I need some help with setting a camp?”

Rainbow finished off her drink and said, as she got off the seat, “Sure, let's go.” I was thanking the potion for working, and Zecora for making it. When we got there, she stopped. I looked at her face, it had terrified all over. Who can blame her, changelings were everywhere? She said, “I can’t believe we didn’t notice this many changelings around. I have to warn Twilight, so she can send a message to Celestia and Luna.”

I tackled her to the side, pinned her down, and said, “Not yet, I want to see what they are up to. How does Twilight send messages?” She kicked me off which made me crash into a tree, and black out.

I woke up to me being shaken. I opened my eyes, Fluttershy was shaking me. She kept saying Master. When I opened my eyes, she gripped me in a hug, and said, ‘I thought you were gone. Don’t try to move, the changelings went to the castle to hide while Vinyl and Octavia goes to get help.”

I said, with a weak smile, “Now why would I need help?” I tried to move, but I felt a sharp pain in my back. I reached a hoof behind and felt something hard connecting me and the tree. Then it dawned on me what it was, a branch. I quickly looked at my hoof to see blood. I leaned my head back and said, “so this is how I get hurt, being kicked into a branch.” Then I heard hooves coming towards me. I looked towards it. Vinyl and Octavia were running towards me, along with a white earth pony with a light pink mane.

She said, “My name is Nurse Redheart, this is going to hurt.” Then she pulled me off the tree. I clench my teeth. When I was off, I was on the verge of passing out in pain, I could barely hear anything, but a sharp pain kept me conscious. After the pain was done I fell asleep.

In my dream, I heard laughing, the ember pony appeared and he said, “You're on the verge of dying by a tree, you’re pathetic.

I said fueling all my rage, “I got an army already. Now are you going to help me or not.” Then I was ripped out of my dream by shaking. I opened my eyes to see Nurse Redheart gently shaking me. I said, mostly to myself, “What is with me being shaken?”

She said when she saw me open my eyes, “You know it’s dangerous to sleep when you are on the verge of death.”

I noticed a changeling hiding behind a tree, I mouthed “Kidnap her, I will need medical help.” the changeling nodded then ran off. Leaving me with Nurse Redheart. I said, "Where are Vinyl, Octavia, and Fluttershy?

Nurse Redheart said, “Vinyl and Octavia said something about gathering up stuff, and Fluttershy said, she was going to check on her animal and meet you at the castle.”

I nodded and said, “Can you grabbed my drink, it in the tent with the flaps open?” Nurse Redheart walked away and I said, once she was out of earshot, “Changelings, I need help to get to the castle, could you grabbed me, gently, as you’re grabbing Nurse Redheart?” I heard a familiar hiss and saw about six of them , two of them walked in my tent and I heard screaming and saw Nurse Redheart being dragged out and brought her to me. I said, “Nurse, just look into my eyes and they won’t hurt you. Nurse Redheart struggled a little, then gave in looked my eyes. After a few minute the changelings, that were holding her, let her go. She didn’t even try to run off. I said, “Nurse Redheart, you will answer me when I call you nurse. When I say sleep you will into this trance. and when I say awake you will return to normal. Do you understand?”

She said, in a monotone “yes.”

I said, “Awake, Take her to the castle, and carry me there.”

She shook her head, then said, “You’re in league with them.” Then she ran off but didn’t get far. Two changelings grabbed her and flew her to the castle. The other four grabbed a hoof and flew me there as well.

When we got there, I was placed on the throne. Fluttershy came up and sat right next to me. I heard Rainbow screaming/yelling, “Fluttershy, what is wrong with you? What did you do to her, you psycho?”

I turned to her and said, “I did nothing, I just gave her a little more freedom. Like I’m going to do to you.”

Then I heard a voice quietly say, “Rainbow Dash, no.”

Rainbow must have heard it as well, cause she said, “Twilight, get out of here and send a message to Celestia and Luna.”

I said, “Take her to the dungeon, the rest of you, find Twilight.” Once they were all gone, I said, “Luna, find a book, that Twilight doesn’t have, on memory erasing, and keep up the good work.”

Luna came out of the shadows and said, “Yes master.” Then disappeared.

Then I heard a voice that made me want to kill myself for my stupidity. I turned to see Nurse Redheart being held. She said, “You got to Luna as well. I must warn somepony when I get out of here.”

I said, “Sleep.” Her eyes became glazed and unfocused. I said, “You are my nurse, You will obey all my commands, without hesitation. When I say awake, you will go back to normal, but you will obey me and call me Master. When I say Sleep, you will return to this mindless state. Once you go outside this base, you will return to normal, but still obey me. You will live with me, until I say so. You will forget that I control Luna. Do you understand?”

She said, in a monotone voice, “yes master.”

I said, “Awake.”

She came up to me and said, “turn over so I can see how the stitches are coming.”

I turned around and I heard her gasp. Then I said, as I turned around, “What, why did you gasp?”

She just stared and said, “Y-y-your stitches, they are disappearing. What is that?”

I turned to see the ember pony standing there. I turned to him and said while waving the nurse away, “What do you want.”

He said, “We didn’t get to talk when you were sleeping. How do you like your gift, and I think you know what the gift is, I thought it would take you longer to get an army. “

I said, “Thanks, I like it, now go back to wherever you live. My army will be back any minute with Twilight and I don’t want them to think that I’m not on top of the chain.”

He raised his hooves and said, “Ok, but a friendly warning, an army only has one in control. Who is it you or Chrysalis.” Then he disappeared in a fire, leaving that thought sitting there in my head.