• Published 15th Sep 2015
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Bringing evil ideas to Equestria - reader8363

a human has a crappy day, then fall into a manhole, and lands into equestria

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As I put them away, I decided to run experiments on how mind control affects the mind. After I got done, I turned to a really pissed off pony made of embers standing there.

My body started burning, as he said, “I sent you here to cause chaos, not making servants.”

I said, “I AM NOT just making servant, what would cause the most chaos?”

He said, “Making Ponyville fight itself?”

I shook my head and smile, out of sheer joy that I know something that he didn’t, then I said, “You’re thinking too small, no wonder you haven’t brought Equestria to it’s knees. I was talking about taking Celestia’s place, she ruled Equestria for more than a thousand years. So, if I take her off the throne, Equestria will fall.” I materialized a pair of tinted safety goggles, then said, after I put them on, “Just think about it, ponies fighting, friends becoming enemies, The Element of Kindness becoming mean, The Element of Honesty lying, The Element of Generosity becoming greedy, The Element of Loyalty running away from her friends and everyone, the sun and moon are gone, eternal darkness. raining fire, sea level lowering, the complete chaos package. Now, go back to your place, I have experiment to do.”

I left him stunned, as he tried to comprehend what I said. Then Discord said, as he followed me to the study, “Wow, you silenced him, but that’s not going to work, I tried it, worked for a bit, but Twilight freed them.”

I said, as I walked into Vinyl’s study, “That is why I’m going to test some stuff. Mainly, how far my control over them goes. If I’m going to do that, then I should start with Derpy, and if I start it with Derpy, I’ll need a muffin. By any chance could you get a muffin, Derpy, Octavia, and her cello? After you give me those I need you to wait outside the house, and look for a opened window.”

Discord grunted as he disappeared, then a few minutes, he appeared, carrying a muffin and Octavia’s cello. Then he said, as he set them down on the desk, “Here is the stuff you wanted.”

I said, as I written what I was going to test, “Where’s Derpy and Octavia?” He opened his hand to show two little figurines, when I looked closely at them, I found that they were exact replicas of Derpy and Octavia. “If you turned them into figurines, I will teleport you into center of the planet or the sun.”

Discord made the figurines disappear and said, “You can’t take a joke. They are already on their way.” Right after he said that, I heard the front door open. As I watched Discord, I called Derpy into the study.

Derpy came in and said, “What do you need me to do master? Hello Discord.”

Discord nodded as he left the room and closed the door, I turned to Derpy and said, “I called you in here to do some testing. Sleep.” Her eyes became glazed and unfocused I walked around the study, thinking how to start my testing. Then I got the perfect idea. I stopped and said, “Derpy, when you wake up, you will have no desire for muffins. Do you understand?”

Derpy said, in a monotone voice, “Yes Master.”

That made me forgot the pain in my neck, from him using the invisible chain around my body, I said, “Awake, Do you care for a muffin?” I levitated the muffin in front of her, but not too close that she can take a bite out of it. She shook her head, and looked at the muffin, then she said, “No thanks. Is that all?”

I nodded my head, then derpy opened the door, to see Octavia standing at the doorway. She said, as she got out of the way for Derpy, “Hello Master, Derpy, Discord said you wanted to see me. Is there something wrong.”

I shook my head and said, “No, close the door so we can begin” She nodded and close the door. When the door was closed, I opened the window, levitated her cello, and said, as I turned to Octavia, “I was wondering what do you think about me dropping your cello out of the window?”

Her eyes widened with fear, then she ran to grab it away from me. I quickly said, “Octavia, sleep.” Her eyes became glazed and unfocused. I set the cello down and said, “You don’t care about the cello, in fact, you never owned a cello. Do you understand?”

She said, in a monotone voice, “Yes Master”

I picked up the cello and said, “Awake.” Once Octavia was awake, I said, while slowly bringing the cello closer to the window, “What do you think of me dropping this cello out the window”

She just stood there and said, “I don’t care about somepony’s cello.”

I dropped it out the window, she didn’t even move. Her eyes never shown fear, worry, and sadness. I looked out the window to see Discord holding a trash can with the cello in it. I didn’t question how it was able to fit, cause of Discord, but I was fuming at the fact that he thought I wanted it thrown away. I teleport next to him, he just said, casually as he put the lid on the trash can, “When you told me to stand outside the window, I wasn’t expecting you to throw a perfectly good cello away.”

I levitated myself, so we were face to face, and said, channelling all my anger of him, “I wanted you to catch it, not put it in the trash. I thrown it out the window for my experiment on Octavia. Now, I’m going to teleport Vinyl and her equipment, I want you to catch it, not throw it away. And get Octavia’s cello out of the garbage, I want them to still play music, after I gain some ground in this soon to be war. Got that?”

Discord laughed, pat me on the head, and said, “Wow, you’ve grown, You almost sound like the princesses, when I have fun. Okay I will stand here a catch it.”

I said, just before I teleported to the roof, “You better.”

I was standing on the roof, taking deep breaths, then I teleported Vinyl and her dj equipment onto the roof. She said, once she was on the roof, “Why did you call me up here, Master?”

I stared at her for a minute, why does she think I called her when I teleported her? I said, “What would you do if I was to drop your dj equipment off the roof.” I levitated her dj equipment to the edge, where Discord was standing below. Her face changed to shock and fear, then anger, then she charged at me, I levitated her to a stop, then I said, “Sleep.” Her emotions went away, as her eyes became glazed and unfocused. I said, as I set down the equipment and Vinyl, “You don’t care about this equipment, you were never a dj. Do you understand?”

She said, in a monotone, “Yes Master”

I levitated the equipment and said, “Awake.” Once she was awake, I said, “What would you do if I was to drop this dj equipment off the roof.”

She just said, “I don’t care.” then teleported herself into the house. I forgot about the equipment, I stopped my magic and let it fall. I ran to the side, to see Discord holding the equipment. I sighed, then I teleported the three test subjects, and their stuff, into the livingroom. I quickly said, “Sleep.” Their questions fell off their tongues, as their eyes became glazed and unfocused. I took a deep breath and said, “The last programs I gave you never happened, You will be the same as this morning. Do you understand?”

They said, in unison, “Yes Master.”

I said, as I check the clock, “Awake” They shook their head, and went on their business. I walked out the door, turned the corner, and said, to Discord, “Lets go see Fluttershy. With you by my side, I think she’ll be okay. The way today went, I really need a pet.”