• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 1,137 Views, 28 Comments

Bringing evil ideas to Equestria - reader8363

a human has a crappy day, then fall into a manhole, and lands into equestria

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taking Canterlot and getting a surprise

After a few days of planning, we were ready. I woke up to see the sun was just barely rising. I got and went to the door. When I opened the door, Twilight was standing there. She jumped and said, “I was about to come get you. Everyone is waiting for you in the throne room.”

I nodded and said as I passed Twilight, “Thanks, Twilight.” I as I was walking to the door, I heard hissing, screaming, and shouting, but once I opened the door, it went quiet. It sounded like no one was breathing. I walked into the room and sat down in Twilight’s chair, Discord took Fluttershy’s, Chrysalis took Rainbow Dash’s, Sunset took Rarity’s, Luna took Applejack’s, Cadence took Pinkie Pie’s and Twilight took Spike’s. I said as I looked at Discord, “What is Discord doing here? If I recall, he wasn’t part of the plan, and that includes Cadence.”

Luna leaned on the table and said, “I agree with Eric, Discord will ruin the plan, even before it is even made.” Almost everyone agreed.

Discord got up, snapped his claws, and he was in his general outfit. He said as he paced back and forth, “I know all of you think I ruin everything, but I have changed.”

I flipped in the chair, my hind legs dangling off the arm rest. I said as I laughed, “Sure you have, you made me drop Chrysalis.”

Her eyes widen and she said, “Wait, what. When did this happen.”

I waved her off, and said, “It doesn’t matter. Do you all get my point?” Everyone nodded.

Discord sighed and folded his arms. He said as he sat down, “Fine, I messed up once or twice, but that doesn’t mean that I will ruin the plan.”

Rainbow came in and said, “Do you want me to throw him out?”

I sat in the chair and said, “Rainbow, were you waiting outside the door and listening?”

Rainbow said as she came up to the table, “Yes. Now do you all want me to throw him out?”

Everyone murmured and nodded in agreement. Discord said, “I can throw myself out.” He snapped his claw and disappeared.

I said as I turned to Twilight, “Could you grabbed the train schedule, a map of the Canterlot and a pointer.” She nodded and ran out of the room. I turned to the others and said, “Cadence, do you mind stepping out for a moment?”

Cadence slammed a hoof on the table and said, “I’m here because I want in.”

My mouth open and I looked at Luna. She shrugged her shoulder, saying you can’t change her mind about this. I sighed and said, “What do you want to help with?”

Cadence looked at me and said, “What, you aren’t going argue, telling me to stay?

I said as I watched Twilight walk in, “I won’t try to force you to stay here. I will ask you again, What do you want to help with. Thank you, Twilight, could you bring them over here?” Twilight nodded and brought them over to me.

Cadence sat down and said, “I would like to help with medical.”

I nodded and said as I opened the map, and train schedule, “Chrysalis, tell your changelings to choose a pony and follow them to find out everything about them, then to report to the train. and repeat the plan to all of them.” Chrysalis nodded and I said as I pointed to the to the map, “The changelings are to split into groups, using the forms of their disguises, and take the train at different times.” I pointed at places on the map. “I want a group in one of these places. When the sun hits the ground, the changelings will strip their disguises and take down all the ponies, but don’t kill them and if they get hurt help Cadence with medical. Tell me when you are done.”

After a few minutes, Chrysalis said, “They know now.”

I nodded and said, “Luna, you will go home and watch Celestia as she meets Sunset and if it goes wrong, you will do the task we talked about. Chrysalis, you will pose as the guard, Luna will fill you in. Sunset, you will act normal as you meet Celestia. Is that clear?” Everyone nodded, I said, “Rainbow, could you bring Vinyl and Octavia here.” Rainbow saluted and walked out the door. Everyone got up and worked on their part of the plan. I placed my hooves on the table and closed my eyes.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock and the door open. I opened one eye and saw Vinyl and Octavia walking in with Rainbow. She said as she stopped at the table, “Sir, I have brought them to you.”

I nodded and said, “Thank you, Rainbow. Vinyl, Octavia, please sit down.” They sat down and I continued, “Do you remember when I said that I want to hire you. Well, tomorrow I’m going to hire you, but before you leave, need to do something. Rainbow, bring the elements, Luna, derpy, and Zecora, and get me a piece of paper and a writing utensil.” Rainbow saluted once again and left to find the others.

Vinyl said as she shrugged, “That’s great. Why do you want them all here.”

I said, “I will tell everyone when the rest come.”

I woke up the next day without memory of what happened after I sent Rainbow to collect the others and some stuff. I got out of bed and walked to the throne room. Everyone was there, and they had a look on their face that said they don’t remember anything as well, except for Chrysalis. She pocketed a few books into a bag and gave to one of the changelings. I said as I walked in, “What time is it and does anyone know what happened yesterday?”

Everyone shook their heads, but Chrysalis said, “I do, but I was told not to, even if I am demanded to tell, I will not tell anyone. Oh, it’s noon, we should get going.”

I nodded and said, “Okay, come on everyone, let’s get going.” We walked to the station, there were about half a dozen groups of duplicates around town. We got in and headed to Canterlot. I said as I looked out the window, “Luna, Chrysalis, I will be joining you into the castle, but I won’t take abrupt actions, like what I did with Ponyville. Celestia will be strong, even without her magic, so I need a whole army to take her down.”

My eyes slowly drifted close and the next thing I knew I was being shaken awake. I lifted my head a little and opened my eyes to see a spear almost touching my nose. I screamed and fell off. Then I heard a familiar voice come right behind me, “That is the way to wake up a guest. Eric, are you alright?”

I turned to the voice to see that it was Celestia. I scrambled to my hooves and said as I bowed, “Princess Celestia, I wished to see the inside of the castle and to watch the meeting with you and Sunset.”

Celestia said as she headed down the hall, “You don’t have to show me that much respect if you don’t show it to Twilight. You are welcome to join us. Come you must be hungry after the trip. Luna said that you all woke up at noon, so let’s have some lunch.” She led us to the dining hall and my jaw dropped on the floor. The table was filled with food from one end to another. I ran to a chair and sat down, then I started eating. I came up for air to tell her thanks for the food. After that, Celestia took me on a tour of the castle and the gardens. After she was done giving me a tour, she looked at the and sun and said, “I need to be going, the meeting with Sunset Shimmer will be happening in a few minutes.” I looked at the sun. It was about an hour from the land and the invasion 2.0. I nodded and followed her into the throne room I walked in to see Luna right next to Celestia and a guard looking at me, then winked at me.

I sat down at the bottom of Luna’s throne, then a knock came at the door, a guard poked his head in and said, “Your highnesses, Sunset Shimmer in outside the door. Are you ready?”

Celestia said as she straightened her back, “Send her in.” The guard nodded and opened the door wider. Sunset was standing there, looking around. She walked in and bowed. Celestia got up and went over to Sunset. When she was towering over Sunset, she looked down at her and did the one thing Sunset was probably not thinking of. She wrapped Sunset in a hug, including her wings. Celestia said as I watched the guard levitate the ring towards Celestia, “I’m so sorry. I kept wishing that you would come back, but the more I waited, the more I thought that you weren’t going to come.”

Sunset had a surprised look on her face, then she closed her eyes and said, “It was actually my fault. I should have come earlier, but I was afraid of what you might say.”

I was practically biting on my hoof to not scream in anticipation. The ring was getting closer to her horn. Once it was placed on her horn. Screams filled the air. Celestia cut the hug short and said as a guard came bursting into the throne room, “What is going on out there?”

The guard collapsed on the ground and said, “It’s the Changelings, they are attacking again.” The rest of the guard ran up to the one that collapsed and started asking questions.

Celestia, Luna, Sunset, and I ran outside. There were shadows dancing along the walls. Celestia looked confused and said, “That’s odd, why can’t I use magic.” Then her eyes widened like it finally dawned on her. She rubbed her horn, from the tip to the bottom. When she reached the ring, she started shaking really bad, muttering over and over, “No, this can’t be happening.” Then she ran in.

After a few minutes after Celestia ran back into the castle, Chrysalis came out and said, “The guards won’t be a problem anymore.” I nodded and said, “Let’s go find Celestia and force her into the throne room.”

Everyone nodded and we split up, I check the north part, Luna checks the south, Sunset checks the east and Chrysalis checks the west. I checked the rooms, ran into some maids and guard, but the guards encased in green gunk, but no sign of Celestia. After I was done searching, I walked to the front of the castle and sat down in front of the door, then I heard yelling. I looked up to see Celestia sailing towards me. I jumped out of the way as Celestia smacked into the door. When she hit it, something cracked and her breath left her, then she slumped on the ground. I looked up to see Luna landing. She looked at me and said, “She was trying to escape, to get Twilight or Cadence to take off the ring.”

I walked over to her and said as levitated her head, “How long will she be out of it?”

Luna shrugged and said, “It could be a half hour to an hour. Judging by how she hit the door.”

I nodded and levitated her onto my back. I said as I opened the door, “Hm, she’s pretty light for being taller than me and having more mass.” I walked up to the throne and placed Celestia in Luna’s seat. Then I sat down in Celestia’s just as Chrysalis and Sunset arrived. I said as I levitated the banners down, “Chrysalis, have some of the changelings bring the banners and guard uniforms here and have one come here and give me the damage report.”

Chrysalis nodded and left. A changeling came in and said, “32 were injured, all were minor scrapes and bruises. no casualties. We handled each one in care, even the elderly, we didn’t scare them badly.”

I nodded and said as looked at Celestia, “Good you may go now and start taking the guards to the dungeon.” Celestia had her head hanging to the left and her mouth was slightly opened. I rolled my eyes and closed her mouth. Then I heard the buzzing of changeling wings. I turned to the noise to see a group of changeling carrying a box. They set the box down and opened it up. The banners were dark red with an outline of black, and my cutie mark. I said as I hung them up, “Call for the rest of them and tell them to come here and grab a uniform.” The uniform was red with a black outline. When it was happening, I saw Celestia stirring. I turned to her and said, “Celestia, are you alright?”

She looked at the changeling in uniforms, the banners, and said as she turned to me, “what is the meaning of this. Twilight trusted you as her friend and now you’re trying to overthrow her teacher. What about Ponyville, they trust you as well.”

I nodded and was about to say something, but Sombra came into the doors and said as he looked around, “Wow, so this is Celestia’s and Luna’s Castle. I thought it would be like the Crystal Empire’s.”

I said as I watched Celestia for any action, “Sombra’ s fine now, I got rid of the dark magic inside of him. I reformed his and Chrysalis as well. Chrysalis has a home in Ponyville now. You decided to reform Discord, but you didn’t try with Sombra and Chrysalis. You are selfish and cruel. I’m going to replace you and resume the clock that you have stopped. Guards take Celestia to the dungeon.” A group of changelings grabbed Celestia and dragged her away. I said as I got off the throne, “I suggest we get some good night sleep. tomorrow we’ll fix up Canterlot and started heading to the Crystal Empire.”

I walked to Celestia’s room and laid down. Then I heard the creaking on the bed. I opened my eyes to see Fluttershy curling on the bottom of the bed. I smiled and laughed softly, then I went back to sleep.

A few hours later, a loud crash jolted me from my sleep. A group of black wearing ponies stood there with Discord behind them. He folded his arms and said, “He doesn’t like to be betrayed and neither do I. You should have let me be apart of the plan.”

The ponies came up to me and grabbed me. I said as I was dragged past Discord, “I will get you back for this and tell him that he’s not safe from me as well.”

I was dragged out down the hallway and into the throne room. Celestia was standing there. She said as she looked at me, "I guess that you made more than one enemy. Take him to the dungeon

Author's Note:

I know it's a cliffhanger and/or it's not the ending you expected. I will be writing a sequel to this story. I don't know when

Comments ( 4 )

I would just like to ask: how exactly is it that his plans get completely uprooted in like 5 seconds?! Also while your note may say that the ending might not be what was expected, thbeats true, but the ending is only unexpected because it's very, VERY, unsatisfying.

he went to bed, then woke up later

Why does this story have so many dislikes? I mean, it can't be that bad, right? ...Right?

maybe the grammar of it

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