• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 1,137 Views, 28 Comments

Bringing evil ideas to Equestria - reader8363

a human has a crappy day, then fall into a manhole, and lands into equestria

  • ...

Getting set up

I turned to them and said, “What about them?”

Luna looked at Cadence and said, “Celestia won’t be thinking straight. So you can get her easily, but don't try anything dumb, she'll use her magic.“

Then an I had an idea. I said as I smiled, “it's there a magic inhibitor ring that is strong enough to stop Celestia’s magic.”

Luna looked surprised and said, “there is, but she'll see it if Sunset tries to put it on her horn. “

I said as I looked around, “We could have a guard put it on from the back. Could you put a barrier up for a 10 mile radius and make our that no one can teleport in or out.”

Luna nodded and a dark blue dome appeared, then she laid down and said, “it's done. Why did you want it done?”

I said as I listened for any steps, “I had a feeling that we were being watched. I know the barrier took a toll on ya, but can you slowly shrink it and make it that everything, but ponies, able to pass through it.”

Luna looked at me and opened her mouth to say something, but closed it and nodded. Her horn glowed once more. After a few minutes, she said as she looked up at me, “I think you are right, there is a pony banging on the barrier. I don’t think I will be able to hold it any longer.”

I got the message and said, “Do you know which way.”

She said as she lowered her head in exhaustion, “Back the way to Ponyville.” I nodded and took off running.

After a few minutes, I saw an earth pony in armor bucking the barrier. I walked up to the pony and said, “Hello, may I ask what you are doing here?”

He turned around and said as he tried to back up, “I heard your plan. I’m going to tell that you, Luna, and Cadence are going to overthrow Celestia.”

I said as I sat down, “Maybe you heard wrong. Do you really think that we would be able to overthrow Celestia with just the three of us?

He stopped for a moment and said, “No, I guess not, but I still have to tell Celestia.” When he bucked the barrier, a small crack appeared. As he kept bucking the barrier, more and more cracks appeared, until it could hold. The barrier shattered and he said as I levitated a rock above him, “I hate to cut this conversation short, but I need to get to Celestia.”

As he turned around. I brought the rock down on his head. There was a sickening crack from the contact of the rock and his head. I didn’t care, All I cared about was that he wouldn’t be able to Celestia. I return to the others while dragging the guard by the back left hoof. When I got to the others, Cadence was sitting next to Luna, who was laying there not moving. When Cadence saw me she said, “Eric, thank Celestia you here, I’m afraid our plan might be found out. The burden of maintaining a barrier that big has left Luna unconscious and not able to use magic for a day or two.”

I nodded and said, “Come on, let’s get back to the castle. Do you think you can carry Luna?” She nodded and levitated Luna on her back. Then he headed back to the castle.

When we got to the castle, Spike was at the door. He said when he saw me, “Welcome back Eric.”

I smiled and said, “Do you know where Twilight is? I need to ask her a question.”

He said after a few minutes, “I think she’s in the library.”

I said as I made my way to the library, “Thanks. Cadence could you take Luna to a guest room.” I walked into the library to see Twilight surrounded by books. I walked up to her and said, “Twilight, do you know where I can keep this guard?”

She said as she levitated the guard down a hall, “I’ll keep him in my testing area.”

I nodded and headed to my bedroom. When I got in, I shut the door and got in bed. It didn’t take me long to fall asleep, but I wish it did. I was back in the void, the head appeared from out of the darkness and said, “What are you doing with your time? I wanted you to cause chaos, and all you have been doing is making it easier to live, and giving villains a second chance. If you don’t hurry this up, then I will kill everypony that you have control of, that includes indirectly as well.”

I bolted upright in bed. I looked around to see if he was around. I sighed when I didn’t see him. Then a knock made me jump. I got out of bed and went to the door. Rainbow Dash was standing at my door. I sighed with relief and annoyance for me forgetting. I forgot Rainbow Dash was my personal guard. I said as I opened the door more, “What do you need, Rainbow?”

Rainbow saluted and said, “Sir, Twilight says that Sunset has come early and is holding her in the library, waiting for you to get there.”

I nodded and said as I got out of the room, “Ok, thanks, Rainbow.” When I got there, Sunset and Twilight was sitting at a table. I walked in and said, “Sorry I’m late.”

Twilight looked at me and said, “It’s fine, we had to catch up anyway. I need you here, cause Sunset’s nervous of Celestia.”

Sunset nodded and said, “Yeah, I heard that you could help me with that.”

I nodded and said as I sat across from Sunset, “Yeah, all you have to do is look into my eyes.” She looked at me with confusion, then after a few minutes, she finally decided to look into my eyes. Her eyes started to slowly become glazed and unfocused. when they were done, she laid her head on the table. I turned to Twilight and said, “That was subtle.” She just shrugged. I turn back to Sunset and said, “When I say awake, you will wake up as yourself again, and when I say sleep you will fall into this deep trance again. You won’t find it weird about a ring sliding on Celestia’s horn and you won’t be nervous about seeing Celestia. Do you understand?”

She mumbled in like a sleepy voice, “Yes, I understand.”

I turned back to Twilight, she looked confused as well, then I said as I looked at Sunset, “Awake.”

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be the ending of the book,