• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,058 Views, 13 Comments

Rainbow Spark Rocks - Shadow Master

The Dazzling takes control of the Canterlot High School. Twilight and her friends teamed up with Autobots to defeat them. But a true sinister plot is about unfold...

  • ...

Chapter 7: The Spirit of Music

Two hours had passed since Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle had their time together on the bed, they both slept together gently, calmly, passionately and happily. They also hugged each other in keeping each other's company and warm. They also had a blanket covered them. As Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle slowly opened their eyes, they looked in front of them. They gasped in shock as they yelped and got up at once.

Twilight covered herself with the blanket. Shadow Dragon got up and looked away from her.

"Oh my god!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed in shame while looking away from her, "What have I done?! What was I thinking?!"

Twilight sighed as she looked away from him, "I'm sorry. I really am! I don't know what came over me. It was so stupid. I'm so stupid!"

"No. We both are fools..."

"To think the face we had for each other, we truly and actually in love."

"Yes. You were right about that, Twilight. The face we saw, we couldn't bare to ignore it so much."

"We both came from different realm and yet... When we looked at each other's face, we felt like that they were there for us. You remind me so much of him. I wanted him to be there for me. I really loved him so much..."

"I know what you mean. I felt the same way for my Twilight. Ever since Iris died, Twilight came and take care of me no matter what. She was kind and lovely girl I ever count on. She's also very smart and understanding too, much like you. I loved her very much."

"Yeah... My Shadow Dragon was the reason why I became so brave and determined. He was the reason why I'm a skilled fighter. He was the reason why I able to solve the problem. And he was the reason why I loved him."

"Even though we told them that we had our mission to do..."

"We were so lonely and despair without them..."

Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle spoke at the same time, "We let it clouded our judgment and make terrible mistakes."

Shocked and surprised by the answer they gave, Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle looked at each other as they smiled weakly yet calm. They slowly moved and approached to each other while looked at each other.

Shadow Dragon cleared his throat a bit, "Whatever had happen before, let's forget about it."

Twilight nodded her head, "Yes. We should. The last thing we want... is hurt the loved ones we love so much. I can only hope... they understand about it when this is over."

"Good enough. While we're glad that we had good items to prevent a risk," Shadow Dragon sighed before smiled, "I'm truly enjoy it much. It does calm me down from PTDS. I was hoping that once the mission is over, I can go back to my Twilight. I can have some time and fun with her."

Twilight giggled in amusement, "Yeah, I did promise to my Shadow Dragon too about it. But I'm really enjoy it too. And of course, nothing bad had happen. I took the pill while you had the suction thingy."

"We'd better get some sleep and forget about having 'that' again."


Shadow Dragon took the lavender nightgown from the floor. He passed it to Twilight. She did the same as he passed his white pants and black T-Shirt to him. They both got dressed up immediately while looking away from each other. They were about to depart. She turned and looked at Shadow Dragon.

Twilight asked, "Can I sleep here? I promised that I won't do... something stupid. After all, we both needed each other's company for the sake of our loved ones."

Shadow Dragon thought for the moment of the offer. He knew she was an honest person. He smiled, "Of course, you can."

Twilight smiled as she tucked herself into the bed before Shadow Dragon did. They both smiled and looked at each other.

"Whatever happen just now... I had the feeling something make us do it because of our... despair and struggles," Twilight said in concern.

Shadow Dragon nodded his head, "You're right about that. Who or whatever it was, it wanted us to be blind. We've been drugged ever since we looked at each other." He scoffed, "Well, we're not going to fall for that again."

"Agreed," Twilight nodded before kissed on his forehead, "Goodnight Human Shadow Dragon."

Shadow Dragon smiled, "Goodnight, Pony Twilight Sparkle..."

Both Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle had their eyes closed while smiling as they took a good night sleep from crazy time. Hopefully, they won't do that again or things got complicated...

Within the Girls' Bed Chamber, most of the girls were sleeping and snoring. Main Five; Rarity and Pinkie on their beds while Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy on the floor, moaned and groaned as they struggled to sleep when they heard a slight yet soft voice...

"All your friends are more concerned with their personals than the mission," The voice spoke darkly as Applejack groaned angrily as she struggled while shaking her head in denial, "They don't care... To save the world, you're gonna make them to do the mission!"

Rarity moaned in pain as she heard the voice, "Your creativity and fashion are very impressive, but wasted for no one to appreciate it. Time to show them that you're the best designer. Show them all that you're the one."

"No one's enjoying the fun, Pinkie," The voice said gloomy and upset making Pinkie groaned in upset as she scratched her messy and funky hair hard as she listened, "It means their happiness was destroyed. And you had to help them regain it by getting more fun. TELL THEM IT'S ABOUT FUN!"

Fluttershy sniffed and sobbed in pain and despair as she listened to the voice, "Shy, timid and weak... No wonder people never accept you. You're too scared to be on stage. But no more, show them that you had the beauty voice and song. Show them that your song is the best. Show Rainbow Dash that you wanted to be appreciated."

"Are you a winner or a loser, kid," The voice asked before chuckled evilly as Rainbow Dash groaned in pain and upset, "Your friends don't even appreciate and accept you as the leader of the band. But they're wrong. It's time to remind them of who is awesome to build this band!"

Sunset breathed heavily and painfully as she listened to the voice, "They will never accept you, Sunset. You are nothing but a monster - desire of powers and fame for herself than friendship. You want to prove yourself as one of them. Show them. Remind them. Let them know that you were the true one who understands friendship than these pretenders! Make them yours! Or else, you will be ALONE!"

Sunset yelped and screamed in fear as she got up. Wheelie and Brains got up as well from their metallic box. They turned to panted Sunset who breathed slowly. Blocked by his former friend, Wheelie groaned in annoyance as he pushed Brains aside hard.

"You okay, Sunny?" Wheelie asked in worry.

Sunset nodded her head, "Yeah... Thanks for asking, Wheels."

"So, what is it, Sunny? You know you can tell me. We're buddies."

"I guess... Wheelie, do you think I deserve of friendship? I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I want to do the right thing, like what Twilight did before."

"Why the heck you asked that?" Wheelie asked sarcastically. He then whacked Sunset's head hard, "Of course, you do! Why the heck you asked stupid?!"

Brains nodded, "Besides, you're the only one who want to start a new leaf. Wheels and I used to be the Cons."

"Yup. We're still getting used to being good guy. Did I tell you of how we rescued the Autbots when they were Soundwave's prisoners. HA! we screw their fleet up. It was epic," Wheelie said happily.

"Yeah. The Autobots appreciated our efforts. Sure missed them... a lot..."

Sunset giggled, "That was quite adventurous and amusing for you both to do silly but great stuffs with your 'Goddess of Warrior' and Sammy-Boy. And he said that he couldn't live without you because you're his best friend and brother." Brains looked surprised as he turned and looked at Wheelie. With a glare and sound of scoff, they looked away. Sunset sighed in disappointed, "Maybe not. But I'm sure you both will realize of how important your friendship were. You both were very closed."

After some thinking, Wheelie and Brains sighed in annoyance, "Maybe..."

SWOOP! Sunset, Wheelie and Brains yelped in surprise and shock like something had passed them by. Frightened and scared by the attempt, three of them quickly woke the rest of the friends up. As the girls woke up, they heard more of moving sounds like someone or some group were stalking on them.

Crusaders whimpered in worry as they hugged together while cowered in fear. Flare Tiger, Icy and Aquastroke came closed to them for protection. Wheelie and Brains; shaken in fear, slowly lowered their heads and bodies down within the box. Main Five, Tessa and Sunset stood up as they looked around in finding of whom were making the noise.

As they turned their flashlights on, they spotted a horrified vampire, Frankenstein, werewolf, mummy, scary clown, fire demon, red devil, Chinese Vampire and four Undead Robots surrounded the chamber's area. The girls screamed in fear and worry as they encountered the monsters in front of them. The monsters continued approaching them while giving them a frightened sounds and faces.

"We've got company! Multiple contacts!" Icy exclaimed in fear.

Aquastroke groaned in annoyance, "Just what we need: Monsters in the House." She had her fists slammed and clenched, "I can't wait to knock them out!"

"I thought Decepticons are too scary to deal with," Tessa exclaimed in fear and worry.

Flare Tiger smirked, "You and me both, partner. Whoever they are, they mess with the wrong neighbor!"

"HELP US!" Crusaders screamed in fear.

"What are we gonna do?!" Rarity screamed in fear as she held her sister tightly.

Fluttershy cried and sobbed in fear and despair, "I don't want to died!"

"We've gotta do something!" Applejack exclaimed in worry.

Rainbow groaned, "Like what?! I don't want to be bitten into a monster!"

Pinkie took a pillow out, "Pillow Fight?"

"Seriously?!" The girls asked in shock. The monsters growled and roared wildly and loudly. They screamed in fear and worry, "Better than nothing! PILLOW FIGHT!"

As the monster continued growling and roaring in anger, the girls took the pillows out from the beds, couches, chairs and sofas. The latter screamed wildly and determinedly as they threw the pillows at the former as hard and quick as they can. The monsters grunted and groaned painfully as they slowly falling back.

Spike barked loudly, wildly and angrily at the monsters while Wheelie and Brains threw the stationary stuffs and rocks at them as well.

As the girls continued throwing rocks and stationary stuffs at the monsters, Aquastroke swung the pillow right at the fire demon's face very hard.

"OW! That hurt!" Fire demon complained painfully.

"Wait! Say what?!" Aquastroke exclaimed in surprise. She took the mask off of his face. She gasped in surprise of what she saw, "Blazefist?! What the hell was that?!"

Blazefist smiled sheepishly, "I wasn't the only one..."

The girls looked confuse and concern. Blazefist turned to the monsters; giving them a nod while they nodded back. They slowly removed the masks and revealed themselves. Vampire was Terrorcreep, Chinese Vampire was Lance, Frankenstein was Saber Dragoon, Mummy was Shorty Thinking, Scary Clown was Laxtinct, Werewolf was Tailtech, Red Devil was Shane and Undead Autobots were Drift, Hound, Bumblebee and Crosshairs.

The girls gasped in shock and concern of what they just saw. The monsters were boys from the beginning?!

Icy had her eyes and mouth in widened shock, "Oh my god..."

"You've gotta be kidding me," Flare Tiger said in shock.

"Hey there," Shorty greeted nervously, "Did you all enjoy the scary party?"

Saber Dragoon shrugged nervously yet scared, "Guess didn't expect that, did you girls?"

Drift bowed, "We're truly and deeply apologize of our action."

The girls looked angrily as they glared at the boys. The latter gulped in worry while showing worry and scared expression. Tailtech chuckled, "I think we're in big trouble."

"Care to explain of what was going on?!" Tessa asked angrily, "Are you trying to freak us out, Shane?!"

Shane chuckled sheepishly, "Don't look at me, babe. It was Lance's idea."

The girls turned and glared at nervous and sheepishly Lance Justicestrike.

"Lance's?!" Nyx asked angrily. She turned and glared at the sheepish and nervous Lance. She groaned in annoyance, "Care to tell me of what was going on? And why would you do that?! You gave us a heart-attack!"

Spike nodded, "Yeah! Think that was funny to scare us?!"

Lance smiled sheepishly, "Cool it, bro and sis. I give the idea of scaring you girls was to cool you down from stress and pressure. I thought this would cheer you up. I hope you're not upset and mad at us about it."

"Mad?" Nyx asked in surprise before she giggled, "No, we're not mad."

The boys sighed in relief while commented happily and relief. They then looked up and spotted the slyly and gleefully girls holding the pillows tightly while smirking and smiling at them. The boys gulped in fear and worry.

"In fact... We're happy to return a favor to you," Nyx smirked slyly.

Spike imitating of blowing the trumpet, "PILLOW FIGHT!"

"CHARGE!" Wheelie and Brains exclaimed wildly.

The boys and Autobots screamed in fear and worry as the girls charged right on them, with their pillows at their weapons.

Bumblebee beeped in alert, "Uh-oh. We're in troubles!"

"I knew this is bad idea," Crosshairs said in fear.

Hound nodded his head, "Yup, this is definitely bad idea. Bad idea for making the girls mad!"

"We're gonna die, guys. It's good to know you all!" Laxtinct exclaimed in worry and fear.

Terrorcreep groaned in annoyance, "I tried to warn you, and no one listen to me. This is what we get for scaring those girls. They're pretty sensitive and upset of what we did."

Blazefist sighed in worry, "This is going to hurt us a lot..."

Fluttershy attacked on Terrorcreep from his back. Aquastroke and Icy attacked on Blazefist and Tailtech on the front. Applejack threw the pillows on both Saber Dragoon and Crosshairs. Rarity slapped her pillow on Shorty's face hard. Sunset, Wheelie and Brains jumped on Drift's back when he turned and attacked on his head. Crusaders threw most of pillows at Hound. Pinkie slammed Laxtinct to the ground hard before hitting her pillow on his head hard. Flare Tiger grabbed Lance from his back, Nyx slapped her pillow at him while Spike barked at him. Tessa attacked on Shane's face hard.

The girls continued attacking on both the boys and Autobots as the latter yelped and screamed in pain while begging mercy and stop. As everyone continued their fun, they screamed and laughed very loudly, wildly and happily.

Heard the loud and wild noise, Shadow Dragon groaned in annoyance as he got up from his bed. Exited his room, he noticed and spotted all of his friends were having pillow fight?!

He groaned in annoyance as Shadow Dragon climbed down the stairs and headed straight to the girl's chamber. Before he could demanded on what was going on, a pillow threw right on his face hard while yelped painfully.

Everyone from the girl's chamber stopped from playing the pillow fight. They yelped and gasped in shock, worry and feared. They slowly turned to their backs and found Shadow Dragon was standing at Living Chamber.

The pillow slowly dropped to the ground as Shadow Dragon showed his crimson face with the mask of anger, rage, tempered and annoyance. He was also had his face and mouth covered by more feathers. He spitted them out while removed them from his face and hair. Everyone wore the masks of shock, feared and worried expression. They gulped in fear and worry.

"We're so in trouble," Shane said in fear and worry.

Crosshairs nodded his head, "Yup. Definitely in trouble."

Shadow Dragon hissed, "Would someone tell me -" He screamed in anger, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?!"

Frightened by his scary yet tempered voice, everyone shook their heads from the scream before they explained frantically and fearfully about the girls been scared and shocked by the boys and then having pillow fights with each other.

"We swear of it!" Lance exclaimed in worry, "We didn't mean to do anything stupid! Honest!"

Nyx nodded her head, "You had to believe in us. We... we were just having some fun."

Spike nodded his head, "Yeah, totally. After all, we do need some stress down."

"FUN?!" Shadow Dragon demanded angrily. Everyone yelped in worry. He continued, "You're telling me that you make some crazy noise because of FUN?! I'm not amused..."

"What's going on," Twilight's voice asked in shock. Everyone looked surprise and shock as they looked up and found her coming down the stairs. She looked confuse and concern, "Is there something wrong?"

"Ah mom... Why were you at Shadow Dragon's room?" Nyx asked in concern.

Spike nodded, "Yeah... What were you doing at Shadow Dragon's room during nighttime?"

Shadow Dragon and Twilight yelped in concern and worry as they were been questioned by their friends. Everyone looked at them closely and carefully; wondering of what was going on between Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle while making the latter nervous and concern about it. Everyone then gasped in surprise and shock as they knew what had happen.

"Did you both sleep together?! Did you really do it?!" Lance asked in surprise.

Everyone awed in surprise and shock about it. Both Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle blushed in red of being embarrassed and worried about it. Everyone then whistled and awed in surprise and sly about both of them while chatted and muttered about them. They looked away from each other about it.

Shadow Dragon cleared his throat, "That was an accident. I don't know how or what! We've somehow got drugged."

"DRUGGED?!" Everyone asked in concern.

Twilight nodded her head, "But it's not drinking 'drug', it's more like something drugged us from the outside."

Shane nodded his head, "I get it. Something inject when you both talk."

"Then, fallen for each other because your view of that person is the one you loved and thought you could do a 'thing'," Tessa completed the sentences.

Everyone awed in surprise and understanding.

"So, who did that," Blazefist asked in concern.

Shadow Dragon sighed in concern, "I don't know. Whatever or whoever did it wanted me and Twilight to against each other. I just hope that none of you plan to spread the rumors." Everyone answered in denial about posting and spreading the rumors about Twilight and Shadow Dragon. He nodded his head, "Good. Now get back to SLEEP! We've got some serious work to do! I don't want some slackers!"

"YES SIR!" Everyone saluted.

"Hey, what's going on over there?!" Cade called from the boy's chamber. He approached and glared at Shane, "Are you planning funny?!"

"No, sir. Nothing funny. I promise you, sir," Shane denied in concern.

Tessa smiled, "Shane's telling the truth. All of us were having fun together."

Cade groaned in annoyance while having his hands crossed, "You'd better... Time to go to bed."

Everyone chatted and muttered in agreement as they departed and separated in returning to their own room for sleeping. Shadow Dragon and Twilight looked at each other for the moment. They both gave a calm nod before departed.

Twilight was about to go to bed but stopped by Lance, Nyx and Spike as three gave her a concern yet suspicious looks. She looked worry and concern by their angry looks.

"So, what are you saying is the truth," Lance asked suspiciously.

Twilight nodded her head, "Yes... I checked on Shadow Dragon to see if he's okay and if there's a story of how he and his friends became Mutants. And the last thing I remembered was looking at each other's eyes before I saw your father from my view. And the next: I end up being naked with his Human Counterpart. I don't know how!"

Spike shushed her gently, "Okay, we get the point, Twi. You're innocent. There's definitely something wrong alright. It's like you and him were in depressed and feel so lonely without the loved ones."

"And the next, you saw our dad right in front of you," Nyx finished Spike's theory.

Twilight nodded her head, "I don't know or why. But Human Shadow Dragon and I agreed not to go through that again. We have our own loved ones to take care and love for. I promised to your father that he was the one I loved, so no one and not even his other counterpart."

"Agreed," Three Siblings agreed.

"Whoever did it to you, he must wanted you and Human Shadow Dragon to be distracted from what was important," Lance suggested in concern.

Nyx nodded, "It looks like it worked perfectly."

"But not this time," Twilight answered firmly, "When I find of who did it, that person is gonna be sorry!" She sighed in pain, "But I need to talk with your father. I had to tell him the truth about it."

Spike nodded his head, "Yeah. Come on, let's get some shush eye. Like Shadow Dragon said, we don't want to be slackers."

Twilight, Lance and Nyx nodded their heads in agreement as they returned to their own room for some shut eyes. Tomorrow they had an important mission to do...

In the early morning, Shadow Dragon and his team guided and took both Canterlot High Students and Autobots to the western wing chamber where it has the large studio for both music and voicing. Surprisingly, Shadow Dragon's home had such place like this.

Dragon Strike Force and Yaegar Family were on the computer room while Autobots were outside as they watched and listened from the large screen as Twilight and her friends began playing the music.

Twilight: Hey, hey, listen
We've got a message for you

ZAP! Heard that sound hurt Twilight's ears and her friends' ears a lot. Everyone from the computer room and even Autobots could hear that painfully. Rainbooms continued playing the music as hard as they can.

Twilight: We're not all alike
But our friendship is true
Yeah, we're really different
But we still get along

Fluttershy played her tambourine while Rainbow played her guitar hard as they can. The former looked concern and scared but the latter continued playing hers as hard as she can.

Played the right note as they can, both Applejack and Rarity spotted the magical light on their heads sparkled. ZAP! The magical ears disappeared as they both looked worry before shrugged. They turned and looked at bored and unfocused Pinkie Pie. They gave her a stern look as Pinkie quickly played the drums hard.

Twilight: So hey, hey, listen to our song
You may think you're in control
But we're here to prove you wrong
And the friendship in our music

From above of music studio, three storekeepers groaned painfully as they tried to cover their ears tightly. Tao complained angrily as he took the piece of papers and put it on his ears tightly. Mighty Heart put on his headset while taking the tray of drinks before used the lift. Dragon Kick groaned while screamed in annoyance as he tried to cover his ears as hard as he can.

As the Rainbooms struggled yet endured in playing the music, Rainbow continued playing hard on her guitar. Her ears sparkled to nearly pony's completely ear form.

Twilight: With the power of our song
Gonna stomp our feet, clap our hands
With the magic of friendship
Gonna stop your evil plans

With the music done, Rainbooms checked on themselves if they had something changed or not. Rainbow was the only one able to gain her pony's ears. They looked upset and disappointed that they still unable to get the right song.

Everyone from the computer room looked worry and concern about using the music.

Shadow Dragon put the speaker on in communicating with them. Spike cleared his throat yet nervously spoke, "Eh, that sounded... way better than the last... five times you've played it. Heh heh."

"I don't think so," Mighty Heart denied as he came out from the lift.

Wheelie and Brains nodded their heads, "Agreed. And it stinks."

Spike whimpered in fear and worry. Lance and Nyx sighed in concern, as well as Crusaders and Yeager Family. Dragon Strike Force turned looked at their leader for answers but received a shrug. Autobots looked concern and worry about it. Mighty Heart passed the drinks of tea, water and sodas for everyone to drink.

Rainbooms Members gave some thought about the song and even themselves as they recalled of what the voice of their own dream had spoken. They feared that the voice was right about their own friends...

"I think it's pretty obvious what's going wrong with this counter-spell," Rainbow spoke dryly.

Applejack groaned in anger, "You're turnin' what should be the chorus into a five-minute guitar solo?"

Rainbow's eyes narrowed in anger, "I have to pick up the slack somehow! Are you guys even trying?!"

Fluttershy protested softly, "I'm trying."

"Perhaps we could take a short break, try on some of the wardrobe choices I've put together?" Rarity suggest as she took out her sketchbook. She opened it and shown her friends about the design of marching band's suit. She smiled, "I'm particularly fond of this one. Eh, of course we could always go with something a bit more modern."

Applejack groaned in annoyance, "We're tryin' to save our school here. Enough with the costumes!"

Rarity gasped, "You can never have enough costumes!"

Pinkie sighed in upset, "She just wants to make things fun! Isn't that what being in a band supposed to be?"

Rainbooms argued angrily and upset. Twilight looked worry and scared while the rest looked worry, doubts and concerns about the band. Annoyed and disappointed by Rainboom's performance and lacked of teamwork, Shadow Dragon stood up and shouted:

"ENOUGH!" Everyoned yelped in concern as they turned and looked at him. Shadow Dragon continued, "All of you are a team, not individuals! If you keep on like this, then it's impossible for you to deal with the Dazzlings. So knock it off!"

Rainbooms sighed in defeat as they apologized to each other about it. The phone rang. Shadow Dragon answered the phone while put it on loudspeaker as someone was talking and speaking to them.

Tao's voice spoke, "May I suggest a way to perform a good music?" Everyone answered calmly in agreement. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Music isn't always about yourself, but your self-discovery, your journey, your lessons, your feelings, and your heart... Music is harmonic and love of your life, soul and heart. If such music ceased to exist, how can there be a beauty of song?"

Everyone chatted in concern and thoughtfully of what Tao had said.

Twilight spoke and asked, "How can we discover it?"

"Expression, Twilight," Tao answered calmly, "Shadow Dragon, I believe you should you used the song that you and your last girlfriend sang. It's truly harmonic and beauty of it. It's also a romantic."

Shadow Dragon thought of the moment before sighed in concern. He opened the drawer as he searched and looked for the music notes had kept for a long time. He took it out and headed to the recording room. He gave the music notes to them.

"Just follow the notes, and you'll get the right one to get your Pony Forms. I promise you that," Shadow Dragon instructed.

Rainbooms nodded their heads in agreement as they played the instruments. Both Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle looked at each other for the moment. They both nodded their heads in agreement. They looked at the notes as the song played...

Shadow Dragon: Freed me from this endless nightmare
The shooting stars come with the gentle wind
You and I can live in peace and harmony
Two hearts united as One...

Shadow Dragon: Believe in my never-changing heart
I promise you that I'll be there for you
No matter how harsh the journey takes me
I won't leave you behind.

Twilight Sparkle: You can hold my Light putting on your heart
Please don't forget the faithful moment of our loves
Because so loving you let me fell so suffering
Even not say I love you but we'll keeping in love

As the Rainbooms continued playing their instruments, the magical yet sparkling pony ears and tails appeared on Main Six's bodies while Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy gained their wings. Everyone gasped in surprise and shock by the event.

Rainbooms managed to gain their Pony Forms. Everyone continued to watch and listen to the music as Rainbooms continued to play the song.

Shadow Dragon: Every night I felt my heart pains
I never stop thinking of you
My loneliness has been in Darkness for too long
But I'm freed from it...

Shadow Dragon: Believe in my choosing Destiny
I won't abandoned my painful trial
Only your faith and Light can save me
From this endless curse

Twilight Sparkle: You can hold my Light putting on your heart
Please don't forget the faithful moment of our loves
Because so loving you let me fell so suffering
Even not say I love you but we'll keeping in love

Duet: Let our love be a Blossoming Flower
Through this endless cycles
I will always be there for you
And our dream can finally come true

Rainbooms: Because so loving you let me fell so suffering
Even not say I love you but we'll keeping in love

Duet: Let our love be a Blossoming Flower
Through this endless cycle

Rainbooms: The promise I've made for you
Will not be forgotten

Duet: Only true love guide us to be together
Through this endless time and space
Even can't say I love you but we'll keeping in love

Shadow Dragon: The Love of My Heart I had for you...

Twilight Sparkle: In the never-changing of Our Legends...

As the music had ended, their pony forms disappeared from everyone's sights. Everyone was amazed, surprised and touched by the romantic song. They gave the applause to Twilight and her friends as well as cheering.

"Now, that's the music," Lance commented happily.

Nyx nodded her head, "We may had the chance to win the round."

Nyx gave Spike a scratch on his head while he complimented, "Yeah... This will be piece of cake."

Rainbooms returned the song notes to Shadow Dragon. He then passed it to Twilight Sparkle. He nodded his head in agreement. She smiled in relief. They had their chance in defeating the Dazzlings and freed everyone from Canterlot High.

As everyone continued chatting with each other, Brains yelped painfully like something hit him. He turned and glared at Wheelie who was holding a flyswatter. The latter chuckled uneasily. Brains groaned in anger before jumped and attacked Wheelie. As they continued to punch each other, Wheelie accidentally slammed Brain's left-armed canon and fired right at the music notes.

The music notes burnt to ashes. Everyone gasped in shock and fear. It was the only counterspell song they had to face the Dazzlings. They turned and glared at both Wheelie and Brains who laughed nervously and concerned.

Sunset groaned, "Way to go, guys... That was the only music we can use to fight the Dazzlings!"

"Sorry," Wheelie and Brains apologized.

Everyone awed in concern and feared about of how and what they can do.

Twilight turned and looked at Shadow Dragon, "Do you have the copy of it?"

Shadow Dragon sighed in concern, "I'm afraid not. That was the last one."

"Oh no... What are we gonna do?" Twilight asked in concern and feared, "If we play our counter-spell in the first round and it doesn't work, the sirens will know what we're up to and make sure we don't get a chance to play it again!"

Everyone turned and looked at Twilight. They then looked at each other for the moment. They knew what she had said was true. They needed more time to finish her 'counterspell' song. She was the only one who knew about the spell. They nodded their heads in agreement.

Applejack nodded, "Then we'll have to buy ourselves some time so you can keep workin' on it!"

"How're you all gonna do that?" Shane asked in worry.

Drift nodded his head, "Indeed. We cannot convince everyone to give up the show early."

"I say we blasted those bitches now!" Hound exclaimed wildly.

Rainbow shook her head and explained, "We compete in the Battle of the Bands for real! I take over lead vocals again and we stay alive until the finals! We unleash the counter-spell then!"

Cade nodded his head, "Autobots, Shane, Tessa and I will be the judge. We'll had our ears to covered up from hearing the Dazzling's voice. We'll try out best to keep you girls reached to the top. You all had to be ready for it. And trust me, we won't let those witches get to us so easily."

"Yeah. Give it all we've got," Bumblebee radioed wildly, "Those witches are so ugly! ZAP! They're going DOWN!"

Nyx smiled, "The Crusaders will help too since it was part of the competition. If we can get through the competition, then we'll try to keep up with you until the finals."

"YEAH!" Crusaders exclaimed happily.

Lance nodded his head, "If not, then some of us will keep an eye on Dazzlings' tricks. We'll try to avoid that on Rainbooms."

Rainbooms nodded their heads. Everyone but Cade, Bumblebee looked worry and concern about the idea of going to 'Battle of the Bands'. Their former Canterlot High students and bands will stop them from reaching to the top since Dazzlings had put them under the spell in wanting to win the competition.

Shadow Dragon nodded his head, "Dragon Strike Force and Agent Simmons will help as well. We'll make that no interferes Rainboom's performance." He turned and looked at Twilight, "Can you finish it by the finals?"

Twilight gulped in worry as she was about to answer. Spike spoke up confidently, "Of course she will. Twilight Sparkle's never met a problem she couldn't solve. Right, Twilight?"

Twilight gulped in worry as she spoke unconfidently yet uncomfortable, "Right..."

Rainbow Dash smirked, "Then let's go win us a Battle of the Bands!"

Tao's voice sighed happily, "Good luck. And remember... Magic must defeat Magic. Beauty song must defeat Dark Song. Always remember that."

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered wildly and happily.

"AUTOBOT VICTORY!" Wheelie and Brains exclaimed happily and wildly.

Everyone but Twilight and her family exited the music studio and headed to the elevator. Autobots transformed into their vehicle modes.

Twilight sighed in concern, "Do you think I can make it?"

"Come on, Twilight. You can do it. After so many adventures you've been through, you survived and overcome it. No villains can beat you down that easily. So, there's nothing you can't handle," Spike said confidently.

Lance nodded his head, "I promised my dad that I will help and protect you and my family. We'll get through to it."

"Lance's right. We can do this. We can pull it off. No matter how dangerous it gets, we'll overcome it. Believe in it," Nyx smiled.

Inspired and encouraged by three children, Twilight could not help but smiled, "You're right. We pull this off. We can do this. Friendship is Magic. It always has been since my journey begins. Let's do this!"

"YEAH!" Lance, Spike and Nyx exclaimed happily

Twilight and her family immediately exited the music video and met up with their remaining friends from the ground. All of them got into the vehicles before drove and headed off to Canterlot High. They had the competition to compete with...

At the School's Gymnasium, Canterlot High students and staff members had been gathered at the area. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna stood up on the stage as they made some announcement.

"Welcome to the first ever Canterlot High School Battle of the Bands," Principal Celestia spoke firmly yet calmly, "I believe I speak for everyone when I say it is by far the greatest thing we have ever done here at this school!"

Students cheered wildly and happily about the announcement that Principal Celestia had made.

Principal Celestia continued "We are so glad our three newest students-" She pointed happily at happy Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk who waved back happily, "-encouraged us to turn this event into something exciting!"

Vice Principal Luna nodded her head and took the mike up, "But, as this is now a competition, we can only choose one winner. Who is it going to be?"

The angry and raged students glared as they argued and shouted at each other while the greenish aura emerged from their bodies. The Dazzlings smirked darkly as they let their rubies taken and absorbed all of the aura in. With the absorption completed, the Dazzlings looked at each other and smirked darkly.

"You feel that, girls," Adagio asked calmly. Both Aria and Sonata nodded their heads. She continued, "Our true power is being restored."

Aria and Sonata giggled happily and evilly. The entrance door opened and revealed Rainbooms, Dragon Strike Force and Crusaders coming into gymnasium. They all looked worry, nervous and feared in seeing the students fighting and arguing against with each other. Adagio smirked darkly and evilly. She gestured her hand down in silencing both from giggling.

"And that's before we've tapped into the strongest magic here. Twilight Sparkle and her three brats of Equestria and her Human friends. They're perfect..."

Aria scoffed, "But the Rainblossoms, or whatever they're called, aren't under our spell. How exactly are we supposed to get to their magic?"

"The Rainbooms are just as capable of falling apart as anyone else. They just need a little... push in the wrong direction," Adagio smirked, "I have a feeling everyone here is going to be lining up to give them a shove. And once we're done, seven of them will be delivered to both Dark Terrorists and Decepticons for their uses..."

Dazzlings smirked darkly and evilly as they can't wait to start and getting something from Rainbooms.

As everyone gathered and sat on benches or stood up in front of the stage, both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were about to make another announcement.

"Let us begin with the audition. Vice Principal Luna and I shall be the judges," Principal Celestia spoke calmly.

Vice-Principal Luna took over, "But let us honor our special honorary guests as your judges. Please, welcome Yeager Family!"

Canterlot High Students cheered wildly and happily as the entrance was opened. Cade, Tessa and Shane entered the gymnasium. Three of them waved to the cheering crowds. Shane gave them a kissing gestures to the students. They then sat on their seats and desk in front of Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna.

"And here are the Autobots," Principal Celestia spoke as she pressed the remote's button - revealed four large High-Definition Wide Screen coming down from the ceilings, "Since they're too big to fit in, we give them a good view from our HD Wide Screen! Please welcome them!"

Four screens turned on and revealed the images of Bumblebee, Drift, Crosshairs and Hound standing on the soccer field. They waved to the Canterlot High students as the latter gave the loud applause and wild cheering to the former.

"And don't forget me, baby!" Simmons's voice shouted. Everyone awed and groaned in annoyance and frustration. Simmons knocked the door and entered the area. He smirked as he approached and sat on his seat, "Your Secret Agent, Discipline and Detention Teacher Seymour Simmons is in the house. Tell everyone - let's tango."

Everyone remained silent and quiet. Simmons scoffed in annoyance as he waved his right hand down before sat properly.

Principal Celestia smiled, "Now without any further a due, let the 'Battle of the Band' begins!"

Everyone but the protagonists cheered, applauded, screamed and whistled wildly and happily as they prepared for the 'Battle of the Band' competition by going through the audition first.

Shadow Dragon placed his com-link to his team and allies as he spoke calmly and firmly, "Listen up. Whatever happens now, do not remove your earphones or earplugs. The Dazzlings are in the control of the events. And they will control you by their singing. And most important of all; do not unleashed your pony forms. All we can do is play along until Twilight is readied with her Counterspell Song. This competition will be our greatest challenge to face. Do your best..."

"Yes sir," Protagonists exclaimed and shouted in agreement.

Twilight and her remaining yet uncontrolled allies looked up and stared at the stage. They had their eyes narrowed. They were deeply anxious, feared, worried and scared yet excited and determined of what had happen next as the 'Battle of the Band' was about to begin...

To be continued...

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Author's Note:

1. One of original idea is that Rainbooms practiced their songs and music was supposed to be at music studio for JusSonic's Rainbow Rocks Remake but got pushed to other side since he still followed the original's plot.

2. Reminder again: 'Endless Love (MLP)' is based on original 'Endless Love' from Jackie Chan's Film called 'The Myth'.