• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,048 Views, 13 Comments

Rainbow Spark Rocks - Shadow Master

The Dazzling takes control of the Canterlot High School. Twilight and her friends teamed up with Autobots to defeat them. But a true sinister plot is about unfold...

  • ...

Chapter 4: Alliance

The Helicopter was flying and heading straight to the KSI Headquarter of Chicago. It then landed on the landing platform. The Military Soldiers were armed with their devastating and effective weapons and guns, as well as mounting on their Antiaircraft Turrets and Machinery Guns Turrets. They were in high alert and serious in protecting the person-in-charge.

Within the Hall, the navy Military Army Squadron were gathered on both sides while wielding and holding their guns up. Joshua Joyce headed straight to the lift as he was waiting for someone to come in.

For the moment had passed, the door was opened automatically and revealed Azure Phoenix himself. He entered the area and walked together with Joshua Joyce to the elevator. When reached to the lift, it closed down and headed straight down as well.

Joshua gulped in worry as he nervous of facing Secretary of United States but he knew he had to speak, "Mr. Secretary, thank you for coming to my headquarter again. I am relief and honored of you, sir."

Azure Phoenix nodded his head, "The only thing I'm truly honored is the captured intruders. Where are they now?"

Joshua cleared his throat, "They're at the basement. Commander Shadow Dragon is keeping an eye on them. And I'm truly surprised that he was treating her... her... her..."

Azure sighed in annoyance, "That girl is the doppelganger of my student. I know that. But I can only hope that he wasn't distracted by his past and present of love."

"I'm sure he wouldn't. He is your trusted Lieutenant of the Operation."

"Joshua, I had a mission for you and Mr. Yaegar to do something for me. This is very important, and only you and him can do it."

"Sure... What is it?" Azure passed the small thumb-drive to Joshua. The latter took it and said, "Whatever it is, I'm sure KSI can handle it."

"You better, Mr. Joyce. The last thing I want was letting this planet being invaded by my enemies. Find out of how to solve the Sirens' problems, so my Black Ops can be more prepared for this mission. I want those aliens terminated."

"Understand, sir. It will be done. I will do research on it before figure the solution about it. And as for the intruders, Mr. Strikespell and Professor Schemetrick were researching and working on the aliens' stuffs and supplies."

"Good enough. Here's my stop now. Take care of analyzing and working the solution on Siren's problem."

"Yes sir..."

Upon reaching to his location, the lift opened and allowed Azure Phoenix to enter and headed straight to the laboratory chamber while Joshua Joyce headed straight down. On his right sides, the rest of science laboratory chambers revealed the human form of scientist Strikespell and his scientists were checking and researching on Main Five's bags of supplies and works as they hoped to find what they were looking for. And another chamber revealed another human form of Schemetrick and his scientists were checking on Spike, who was chained down and growled at them angrily and furiously.

Upon reaching to the end, he spotted Human form of One-Eyed Anger standing neared to the gate. The latter saluted to the former before entering the chamber.

Upon waking up from her discomforted sleeps, Twilight moaned and groaned painfully as she slowly got up. Before she could do anything, she heard the metal clinging and clanging. She gasped in shock as she looked down and found the metallic yet advanced handcuffs on her hands. She then looked around of her surroundings: her friends and family were down within the empty white chamber.

"Oh no..." Twilight said in fear. She turned to them, "Everyone, get up! Wake up now!"

Main Five, Crusaders, Sunset, Lance and Nyx moaned and groaned painfully as they slowly gotten up and regaining their conscious. They checked on their hands and found themselves trapped on their handcuffs. They complained angrily and upset as they tried to get out from the handcuffs as well as about their stuffs and belongings been taken.

"Okay... This is so not good," Lance said in upset, "My first mission became the worse..."

Nyx sighed in upset, "Tell me about it. But who and why did to us?"

Twilight shook her head hard, "We need to get out of here. We need to deal with the Dazzlings at once before things could get ugly." She groaned angrily as she struggled to get out of the cuffs, "Come on! Get off of me! I need to help the others from school!"

"Don't bother," The voice spoke firmly and seriously. Twilight and her friends looked up and found the Black Ops Soldier standing before the glass case while looking at them. He continued, "You won't be going anywhere unless I'm told to free you. And by the way, I wouldn't push yourself too aggressive or you get zapped."

Twilight gasped as she heard and recognized the voice somewhere but spoke calmly, "Who- Who are you? And why?"

Rarity nodded her head, "Indeed! We're innocents!"

"Until proven guilty!" Pinkie playfully exclaimed.

Rainbow groaned angrily, "Not helping, Pinkie!"

"But the point is," Applejack said angrily, "you should be ashamed of what you just did to us and the young ones! We didn't do anything wrong!"

Black Ops Soldier sighed, "My orders are clear. We were ordered to apprehend and taken any custody of aliens that posed Humanity's Threat."

"So, you're saying that we're the ones?" Fluttershy asked in shock.

"But we didn't do anything bad," Crusaders exclaimed in worry and fear.

Sunset nodded her head, "In fact, we were trying to stop something bad from happening before it's too late!"

"I've heard of that for thousand times. And you expect someone to believe in you," The voice spoke firmly and darkly. The Black Ops Soldier turned to his right and saluted to the arrival of Azure Phoenix, who looked at Twilight and her friends, "Hello there..."

Twilight gasped, "Lord Azure?"

"Lord? In modern days, there were few countries has the monarch to be called by that. But in America, we called them 'Presidents'," Azure spoke calmly and seriously, "And now... I demand some answers... Who are you? Why have you come here?"

Twilight gulped in worry, "I... I don't understand."

"Don't pretend, Subject Twilight. I know you, Nyx, your dog and Sunset Shimmer don't come from this world."

"Prove it."

Azure Phoenix took the pad out. He shown the left picture of Twilight Sparkle's group arriving at Canterlot High while the right one shown Twilight and Nyx having ice-cream to eat. Twilight and her friends gasped in shock and worry.

"Was I right? It was the same day where Twilight and Nyx were having ice-cream on their day-off while you had arrived on that High School." Azure turned and looked at Sunset Shimmer, "As for this one, I have my team investigate on her background and found nothing about her. That was where my suspicious begins that she did not belong to this world. She tried to invade our world for her own conquest..."

Sunset looked down in upset of what Azure Phoenix had said. She sighed in defeat, "He's right. I did tried to do that."

Twilight gave Azure Phoenix a firm and serious expression, "Please, sir. Stop. Sunset Shimmer is no longer the enemy. In fact, we did not come here to invade. We came here to help our friends. Because there's a new enemy to deal with."

Azure nodded his head, "Yes... I am aware of that. But before we go to that, give me proof and reason why did you come to our world in the first place."

"When Sunset was an enemy, she came to her own home to get the crown from me to control the students from Canterlot High. Me, Nyx and Spike were forced to go after her and get the crown back from her. We've managed to defeat and reform her to the better one. And we got the crown back to our home."

"So, tell me... Are you saying the truth or deception?"

"If I'm lying, I wouldn't have told you my existence, now would I?"

"Hmm... Perhaps you were right... But tell me, if the power you possessed in defeating Sunset, did you know that power could have attract other any suspicious enemies? Or was this part of your invasion?!"

"To be honest... I didn't know it because Sunset was the only pony I thought be here. I didn't expect or realized that the Dazzlings would be here as well. And I would never tried to invade this world. Honest!"

"Fine. How will you achieve your mission in defeating the Dazzlings as the reports claimed to be... They told me that they have some kind of hypnotism ability through singing. And I wondered how you deal with it."

Twilight gulped in worry as she remembered what Shadow Dragon had told her about it. Humans didn't believe in magic and mythological creatures, "Well... It's... It's complicated..."

"Simple! We used Magic! Our Magic of Friendship can beat anyone and any monsters!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

Twilight gasped in fear and worry, as well as Nyx and Lance. Azure Phoenix's eyes narrowed in suspicious and annoyance as he spoke angrily and firmly, "Do you take me as a fool? This is reality, not fairytales! All of you think 'magic' can defeat the Dazzlings?! What a joke. Your world would be easy to deal with."

Twilight sighed in concern, "But what Pinkie had said is true. Believe me. The world where I came from had everything exist in that world than this one. But please, leave them alone. They had nothing to do with this. They're full of innocent creatures. I beg of you don't!"

Azure Phoenix did made his eyes flinched or narrowed. He looked at Twilight's Human Friends, who nodded their heads in agreement with her story. He sighed and groaned in annoyance as he gave some thoughts to think about it. He then spoke, "I wasn't sure if I wanted to believe it or not. But I do know one thing. If you can defeat, then I shall reconsidered about not attacking your world."

Twilight sighed in relief, "Thank you, sir. I'm relief."

"But... You'll be watched by my Elite Squadron called Dragon Strike Force. And I shall be the judge of your action. Is that clear?"

Twilight gulped and nodded her head, "Yes- Yes sir."

"Get both her dog and their belongings back here," Azure Phoenix contacted his com-link before turned to Black Ops Soldier, "Shadow Dragon, let them out."

"Shadow Dragon?!" Twilight asked in surprise.

Black Ops Solider removed his mask and helmet off and revealed the face of Shadow Dragon with his short spiky hair. Twilight gasped in surprise. He approached to the cell as he opened the gate and then opened their handcuffs. The scientists brought and gave both Spike and her friends' belongings to both Twilight and her friends.

"Spike! You're okay?" Nyx asked in worry as she nuzzled Spike's face gently.

Spike nodded his head, "Yeah, I'll be fine. As long as I don't get myself stung by the injection, somehow I really wish my scale would be here to protect me."

Lance helped Twilight up and asked, "You okay, mom?"

Twilight nodded her head, "I'll be fine."

He sighed in concern, "Something tells me that this Human Azure hates us a lot..."

Twilight sighed in concern, "No, Lance... We just need to win his trust. I read all about Azure Phoenix. When you joined or earned his trust, you need to prove to him that you can be trusted and relied on. And something tells me that winning his trust could be the problem and especially when we had Human Version of your Dad to deal with."

Lance nodded his head, "No kidding... This is going to be pain of the neck."

Twilight and her friends had their stuffs and belongings packed up in their bags. They were ready to move out.

Shadow Dragon nodded his head, "Alright then... Let's get move on. And one more thing, I want to introduce you to my team first and especially Autobots. And of course, all of you are going to have some tour around at KSI Headquarter until the time of returning to the High School."

Twilight's Human Friends exclaimed and cheered happily about meeting the Autobots.

"Cool! I've always want to meet the Autobots especially Hound and Crosshairs! Both are the best!" Rainbow exclaimed happily.

"Me too!" Scootaloo said happily.

Fluttershy sighed happily, "I've always want to meet Bumblebee. He's so cute and cuddly."

Rarity sighed, "Hopefully one of them is a pleasant and gentle as Drift."

Applejack had her eyes rolled up, "I doubt of that since I saw how rough and tough Hound can be."

Shadow Dragon sighed in annoyance, "Let's move out, everyone."

Shadow Dragon exited as Twilight and her friends followed him and left Azure Phoenix behind. He gave a long sigh about the situation he was having. He hoped his decision was right.

Shadow Dragon guided Twilight and her friends through the use of lift as they were heading straight to another level. Upon reaching to the top, they exited it. They had arrived on the large hallway of NEST Team's property, Cybertronian Artifacts, Earth Weapons, and statues of Human Heroes and Autobots. Canterlot High Students gasped in surprise and shock as they quickly headed straight and looked around of their surroundings.

Twilight turned and looked at Shadow Dragon, who then walked straight. She, Nyx, Lance and Spike followed him while looking around of NEST Team Property and Artifacts. Twilight and her family looked amaze on the artifacts.

"These artifacts... They're amazing..." Twilight remarked impressively. She then turned to Shadow Dragon, "They all looked like an ancient weapons, but with more alienated and techno-thing patterns. They're incredible."

Shadow Dragon sighed in annoyance, "Yes... they are, Twilight. They are very rare yet dangerous. They all needed to be cautious and taken care of, otherwise they would put everyone in danger."

"I see... So, I was told that you came to school. So, were you there for study?"

"We were there in research, search and capture of you, Twilight. And so far, we nearly wanted to give up until the Dazzlings came into the show."

"In other words, you used that as a bait to trap me?"

"Yes... But effective."

"Listen, there's something I need to ask you." Twilight said in concern. Shadow Dragon gave a nod for her to speak. She continued, "I was told by my friends that you wanted to be alone because of your PTDS. That must have hurt you a lot."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "You had no idea. For a year, I've tried to overcome it but it continued return and hunt me down. It never leaves me."

"Was it because of Iris Crystal?"

Hearing the name, Shadow Dragon gasped in shock. He witnessed something shocking and scaring him a lot: his past. He saw himself being trapped in the water canister as he was being electrocuted and experimented by the blackish scientists in their radioactive suites. He was fighting and battling with the scared and wounded Drake Blackstar, along with some soldiers. He saw Iris Crystal dressed in white T-Shirt with yellowish short pants screamed in pain, along with his best friends. He held deceased Iris Crystal to him while crying in despair and pain.

Shadow Dragon clenched his head tight when it gave him a big headache while breathing heavily. As he continued to struggle keeping himself together, he was about to fall down. Twilight and Lance quickly grabbed and held both of his hands up. Shadow Dragon continued breathing heavily. He took a deep breathe before letting it out.

"Mr. Shadow Dragon, are you okay?" Nyx asked in worry.

Shadow Dragon nodded his head as he got up. He shrugged his arms off from Twilight and Lance's grasps. He turned and glared at her before snapped, "Never do that again! You almost got me killed!"

"I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to," Twilight said in concern.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "How did you know about my past so much?"

"That was simple... Because my boyfriend is you; your pony counterpart."

"That's no surprise since your Human Counterpart is my girlfriend. Let me guess. He told you everything about me?

"Yes. He told me about him - I mean - you, your past and Iri- I mean your relationship with someone. But he never developed any kind of PTDS before, unless..."

"He manage to control that past well... Impressive. I wish I could do the same thing."

"Look, I'm very sorry for what I just did. I didn't know that... using her name could affect you. So, what happen? How did you developed the PTDS?"

"I rather not talk about it. It... It was too painful for me to handle it."

Twilight looked upset before looking down, "I... I understand. I'll wait until you feel better."

Nyx smiled, "Besides, we'd be honored to help you get comfortable and good."

Spike smiled and nodded his head, "You said it. We're the team and friends now. And we're working together to get rid of the Sirens at once."

Shadow Dragon sighed in annoyance, "Don't get comfortable. My pony counterpart maybe nice and gentle to you kids, but here-" He gave them a stern glare, "- I won't be very pleasant friend to make with. Make one wrong move, or I'll give you a hard time."

Nyx and Spike gulped in worry and concern. They looked at each other before they nodded their heads in agreement for best behavior.

Lance gulped, "Something tells me that this one could be difficult."

"I have to agree with you for that one, Lance," Twilight agreed.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "Come on. Let's continue our tour as well as visit to our guests before we returned to Canterlot High."

"You're all gonna love it here." The gentle Taxes's voice spoke.

Turned and looked at the familiar face, Twilight and her family gasped, "Flare Tiger! You're here?!"

She smiled, "Good to see ya all, partners."

Shadow Dragon narrowed his suspicious eyes on her, "You actually knew about them? And you kept them from me and us?"

Flare Tiger smiled and shrugged nervously, "What can I say? I can't help it. I promise my other self that I make sure the Equestria's Portal is safe and sound. And I make sure that no one tells you about the incident or Twilight and her friends."

Shadow Dragon groaned in annoyance, "Thanks for the help."

Nyx approached to Flare Tiger, "Were you from the future to help Shadow Dragon?"

Flare Tiger giggled happily, "Yes, but not from the future. I'm Shadow Dragon's distant cousin. I promised his loved one to help him through his pain and sufferings. I just need to make sure that he's an okay boy to be healthy and good state."

Spike sighed, "Yeah... Like that's gonna happen when Shadow Dragon is still pissed off."

"Spike, that was very rude," Twilight scolded Spike while turned to Shadow Dragon, "Sorry about that."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "None taken. Come on, let's keep on moving."

Shadow Dragon headed off. Twilight and her family followed after him as he showed around the area and the artifacts for them to watch. They then approached to the Monuments of Human Heroes and Autobots: Jazz, Arcee, Elita-One, Chromia, Jolt, Skids and Mudflaps, Jetfire, Ironhide, Sideswipe, Mirage, Wheeljack, Roadbuster, Leadfoot, Topspin, Ratchet, Sam Witwicky, His parents, Mikaela Banes, William Lennox, Robert Epps, Leo Spitz, Dutch and NEST Soldiers.

"Oh my gosh... These are..." Twilight asked in surprise.

Shadow Dragon sighed as he answered, "They were the monuments of all the heroes that had fought besides with us. Most of them had died in battling and fighting with Decepticons until this year - it was the worst. Most of Human Allies and Autobots were killed by Cemetery Wind."

"Why would they do that to them?! The Autobots risked everything to protect the Humanity from danger. And this is how the Humans repay them: death and destruction?!"

"I used to think that, Twilight. I wasn't very proud of what Cemetery Wind did. They killed the very heroes who saved the lives of Humanity and everyone. The Humans risked their lives to save their friends. But at the very end of Summer. The Autobots saved the World again and Cemetery Wind had been disbanded and arrested for attacking both Autobots and Humans."

"Serves them right for what they had done."

"Indeed. I'm glad they deserve the long punishment. I was so relief that the Autobots are freed and safe from danger again. Now both Azure Phoenix's Military and NEST Team are in together again with Autobots. And this time, Decepticons gets what's coming."

"I see. Evil doesn't pay," Twilight nodded her head, "Can you tell me how Humans and Autobots work together?"

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Sure. It all started with someone who is older than me..."

Shadow Dragon continued explaining the story to Twilight, Lance, Nyx and Spike about how Autobots and Humans work together as one team. Her Human Friends and Sunset looked around of both artifacts and monuments of NEST Team and Autobots. But at the same time, they were discussing and chatting with their very own guardians.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were talking with Aquastroke; her very first childhood friend yet sister-like.

Scootaloo whistled happily, "Rainbow Dash! You never told me about Aquastroke, the best and greatest Athletic Woman in the world. That's so awesome!"

"Well... Yeah, she and I are the coolest and best athletes and team. But we'e got a little sidetrack because-" Rainbow sighed in upset, "she was very busy with her 'stuffs'. I always thought that she and Blazefist got the thing together."

Aqaustroke sighed, "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I really am. I really do liked Blazefist. He was the best guy I could ask for, but that doesn't stop me of thinking about you. You did pretty well in your sports. And you're pretty mad at me."

"Pretty 'mad'? I was upset and angry," Rainbow snapped a bit upset before sighed and then smiled, "And yet... Proud and happy. I'm glad to know that my very own couch and sister was the Military Ops Soldier. That was awesome. If we had never met, I wouldn't have become the best and awesome athlete today like you. And not to mention, I've showed those boys of who they're messing with. And I've got my own fan. Coz Rainbow Dash, Aquastroke and Scootaloo are the best athlete team for those punks to mess with."

Aqua giggled before laughing happily, "You bet it is, Rainbow Dash. I've got something just for you and Scootaloo! Noogie Time!"

Aqua grabbed both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo on her right side as she gave them both a noogie . They all laughed happily.

Looking at Monument of Sam and Mikaela hugging and looking at each other, Fluttershy smiled happily in looking at the the statue. Both Angel and Naughty the Vampire Bat came out from the bag and looked at the scene. They both chatted happily about it. Terrorcreep approached to her from her behind. He had his head land on her left shoulder before nuzzling on her left cheek gently and passionately while hugging her stomach.

Fluttershy giggled happily as she turned and looked at Terrorcreep. She smiled while having her hands wrapped his neck, "I miss you so much."

Terrorcreep sighed as he placed his forehead gently on hers, "I know... I'm sorry for everything. You must have been in pain and suffered from the bullying..."

Fluttershy nodded her head as she shed some tears out, "Yes... I was so lonely and scared before I met Rainbow Dash and others. They were great and best friends I could count on. But you..." She cried and sobbed before hugging him, "You're the best I could ask for. Ever since my family died, no one bothered to care about me until you came and see me. You checked on me. You brought me home, foods, gifts, birthday, school, pets and even my happiness. I was so happy to have you. I thought of you as my brother. But I know what I want and liked about you. You're my boyfriend."

Terrorcreep smiled, "From here and now, I'll be there for you, my dear Fluttershy."

Terrorcreep gently pushed his lips on Fluttershy's lips as she gently pushed hers back. They both kissed together happily and passionately.

Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Short Thinking were having discussion.

"It's very hard to believe that you were actually a spy while working for our dad as his employee," Sweetie Belle commented, "It's so amazing and surprisingly."

Short sighed, "I'm truly sorry for everything I did to you, Rarity. I hope you forgive me."

Rarity gasped, "Forgive you? Why? Because of you being a spy?" Shorty nodded his head. Rarity sighed before gently placed her hand on his left shoulder, "Shorty, it's okay. I understand why you were so... distanced and busy. You were the spy and scientist for the government. I was so upset and disappointed that all three of us never get a chance to have fun together. But at least, I know what was really going on."

"Well, at least, secret is over. But I'm glad that you were safe from danger. I never wanted to part from you again."

"I'm glad you thought of it. Though I was hoping your friends would be more gentle with me and my friends..."

Shorty chuckled nervously, "Sorry about that, Rarity. Black Ops are meant to be rough and tough on the mission."

Rarity sighed, "Thanks for the info."

"If it makes you happy," Shorty took a pad with pen to Rarity, "I've brought you a latest version of pad. That would help you much on your design."

"Ooh! That's even better and good!" Rarity said happily.

Pinkie randomly and happily bouncing around on the area while making both Blazefist and Laxtinct followed and chased after her as they had to make sure she didn't make mess on the area. While she looked around of her surroundings, she turned and talked with her friends.

"It's so hard to believe that you both were actually the spies. Wow, that is so awesome," Pinkie said happily, "I mean - I already know that Blazefist is one serious and unhappy man who is always about the work and work. But at least, I've got one customer that makes me happy and proud to be the party planner. And that starts with 'L'. He's the clown. He's the inspiration. He's the best comedian! And he's my number one customer: Laxtinct."

Laxtinct breathed heavily, "Really? Thanks, Pinkie. You're the best party planner I could count on. I'm really proud of it. Thanks!"

Pinkie giggled happily, "Don't thank me yet. While in this story may not have make Blazefist to propose marriage to Aqua, but that doesn't stop me said 'Happy Marriage to you Two'!"

Blazefist sighed in annoyance, "Pinkie... You're so random. We've just become a couple, besides... I rather not talk about our other stuff."

Saber Dragoon approached to both Applejack and Apple Bloom as he gave them apple cider to drink. Three of them drank three drinks up.

"Thanks for the drink, Saber," Apple Bloom said happily, "Wow, our close partner was the farmer, but now, he's the spy. Who wouldn't thought of that?"

Applejack nodded her head, "Yeah... You always taught me to be caring and loving daughter for my own family no matter what. And I did. I always thought of you to be a best brother and friend I could count on. I wasn't expected you yo be government spy."

Saber Dragon shrugged, "Sorry about that. You know the 'classified' stuffs as usual. But what can you expect? When you're a spy, you've gotta be classified and stealthy-type agent." He sighed, "I'm sorry about lying to you, A.J. I really am."

Applejack smiled as she hugged Saber gently, "It's okay. I know you didn't mean to."

Saber hugged Applejack back. Apple Bloom hugged them both passionately and gently.

Sunset Shimmer was talking to both Tailtech and Icy while looking at the glass case of all Cybertronian Artifacts and frames of all Autobots and Heroes in the battlefields or trips.

"So, you both were actually became the youngest members of science," Sunset asked in surprise. Both Tailtech and Icy nodded their heads. She smiled, "Wow... That was impressive. Both of you sure had the best future ahead. I sure wish I could have one."

Icy smiled, "Thanks for the comment. And don't worry about the future, you'll get the chance to prove yourself worthy."

Tailtech smiled, "You just need to be patient."

Sunset smiled as she looked up. She gasped in surprise. She approached to the glass case where two familiar characters were arguing and fighting with each other. Twilight, her friends and Dragon Strike Force approached to the glass case as they watched and saw both Wheelie and Brains arguing and punching at each other's faces about 'incident'.

"It wasn't my fault!" Wheelie argued.

Brains huffed angrily, "Oh yeah?! If it's not you, then who, buddy?!"

"Don't look at me! After you got left behind, Simmons and I got sentenced to jail! A JAIL! I can't stand of that! Luckily, Simmons figured it out of how to get out! I was lucky!"

"Oh yeah! What about me?! I was working for those KSI! They threaten and used me like a machine! Blasted KSI! Kick their asses! But first, you're the one needs to be kicked off!"

"Hey!" Sunset called. Both Wheelie and Brains turned and looked at her. Wheelie gasped in surprise. She smiled, "Hey there, Wheels."

"Goddess of Sun! You're back!" Wheelie exclaimed happily.

"You know him/her?!" Everyone asked in surprise and shock.

Sunset smiled, "Yeah. I've saw Wheels been 'tortured' by some kids. So... I kinda... 'scold' them back."

"Hey, it wasn't our fault," Apple Bloom insisted, "we didn't know that toy was alive! Yeesh! You don't need to be mean to us for hurting 'Simmons' toy'." She huffed while smirked, "I didn't know you had soft spot for a toy."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded their heads before giggling happily and amusement.

"Hey!" Wheelie exclaimed in anger while Brains chuckled happily. He continued, "First off, I'm not a toy! I'm a Transformer! Second, watch your words! One insult to Sunset, you're gonna be sorry for that! You got it?!"

Spike chuckled happily, "And I thought I'm the only one who got crush on Rarity."

"Tell me about it," Brain said in annoyance, "Did I ever told you that Wheelie had actually had someone he loves?"

"Back off, Brains! Or I'll kick your ass!" Wheelie exclaimed in anger.

"Make me, Twerp!" Brains exclaimed in anger.

Wheelie and Brains fought and battled against each other hard and quick for few times while leaving the rest gave annoying and concern looks. Someone shouted angrily in making two Minicons from arguing and fighting. Rainbooms and Crusaders gasped in surprise and shock upon seeing someone dressed in white working shirt and black long pants they knew.

"Mr. Seymour Simmons?!"

Simmons gasped in shock, "You've gotta be kidding me! Of all the people, you're the ones?!"

"You know him?" Twilight asked in surprise.

Applejack nodded, "Eeyup. Our both Discipline and Detention Teacher. He is not one nice guy."

Rarity nodded, "Especially Rainbow Dash did nothing but break the glass when she played her soccer! And all of us get the detention - a lot!"

"Hey!" Rainbow exclaimed in anger and upset.

"Well... It is true," Fluttershy said in upset.

Simmons groaned angrily, "Would someone tell me why?! And I thought dealing with the kids was the worst!" Shadow Dragon explained to Simmons about the situation. Simmons groaned in annoyance, "Just what we need? Another Alien to deal with. And I thought NBE-1 is the worst. And now, we've got some crazy 'magical' girls to deal with. This gets any better..."

Shadow Dragon sighed in annoyance, "What is it that you want, sir?"

Simmons explained, "A report from Mr. Joyce. He said he found some solution to our problem, kid. So, go ahead now."

"Yes, sir." Shadow Dragon saluted.

Shadow Dragon guided his team, Twilight and her friends to Joyce's location as they may had some answers to deal with their enemies...

At the large and long science lab, Twilight and her friends had been gathered at the area. They spotted and met up with the Autobots and Yeager Family.

"Hey, you're the people and Transformers that rescue us!" Lance exclaimed in surprise.

"That's us, kids," Crosshairs nodded his head, "Nice to meet you for real, Magic Girls."

"You knew about us?" Nyx asked in surprise.

Hound chuckled happily, "Of course, little girl. We knew about it. Azure told us about you." Twilight and her friends looked worry. He smiled, "Don't you worry about that. We know you didn't mean to do that. You were just doing what you had to do."

Cade nodded, "Hey, sorry for what those Black Ops did to you. I tried to talk. But Military-" He chuckled a bit, "Crazy... They just like to do the rough stuffs."

Twilight smiled, "Apology accepted. But introduction would be nice."

Twilight and her friends introduced to both Yaegar Family and Autobots as they made the important acquaintance. Joshua and Darcy came in the room as they made the room turned into black while leaving the projector shot straight to the long blank screen. Joshua and Darcy made introduction to them.

"As you all know about what was really going on, Dazzlings' singing voice will affect on the Humans' ears and turned them to slaves," Joshua explained calmly as he gave them the screen of a test subject becoming more aggressive and angry when it was played by Dazzlings' song. He continued, "The more angry and negative you had, the stronger these witches get."

"Yeah, we get that part," Rainbow said in unimpressively, "So, what's the point?"

With the screen of Crosshairs and a Humanoid Fish Subject, Joshua cleared his throat, "As I was saying, the only creatures are immune to their songs are the Mutants and Transformers. Transformers are completely immune to the songs but Mutants can be immune as long as those Dazzlings don't get stronger and powerful."

Everyone muttered and mumbled in concern and worry since Yaegar Family were the only Humans and soon they will entered the competition as the judges while leaving Transformers and Dragon Strike Force were immune to the song.

Joshua smiled, "Don't worry. There was a way to stop that." He held the headsets, headphones and earplugs up, "These little things maybe small, but helped us from stopping those Dazzlings' beauty voice in entering your ears. So therefore, all of you will be saved when you go to the... 'Battle of the Bands'. I think that's what they called it."

"BATTLE OF THE BAND?!" Rainbooms and Crusaders exclaimed in shock and surprise.

Everyone had forgotten about that. They had to be there and stopped the Dazzlings at once. They muttered and chatted in concern and worry as how they were able return to the school and stop their enemies at once.

Drift smiled, "Do not worry, my friends. We shall help you to get there."

Bumblebee nodded his head in agreement, "You've got that right, bud."

Hound smirked, "So stand back! We're gonna on the ride. We'll be there soon!"

"Transform and Roll Out, Autobots," Crosshairs exclaimed before chuckled, "Always wanted to do that."

Four Autobots transformed into their vehicle modes: Drift as blue and black car, Crosshairs as greenish and blackish car, Bumblebee as yellowish car and Hound as the greenish military truck. Rainbooms and Crusaders awed and exclaimed in excitement and happy as they always wanted to drive in the car. Everyone got into the transports.

Yaegar Family got into the Camaro Car, along with Shadow Dragon, Flare Tiger, Twilight and her family. Saber Dragon, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sunset Shimmer, Simmons, Wheelie and Brains entered Military Truck. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Pinkie Pie, Shorty Thinking, Laxtinct, Tailtech and Icy got into blue and black car. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Aquastroke, Blazefist, Terrorcreep got into greenish car. They were headed off to the Canterlot High.

Twilight and her friends must stop the Dazzlings before things would have had gone wrong...

To be continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1) From original plot I gave for JusSonic's plot; Simmons, Wheelie and Brains were supposed to be part of his Remake Version but got rejected due to him focused and followed the original film of Rainbow Rocks' plot. But here, I've made my own rules.

2) Yeah, I'm not 100% sure of whether or not the Human Casts from First Transformers Trilogy had survived or not. But here is not the pretty one. And yes, I know that Carly is Sam's new girlfriend and wife but I'd prefer Mikaela than her.