• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,048 Views, 13 Comments

Rainbow Spark Rocks - Shadow Master

The Dazzling takes control of the Canterlot High School. Twilight and her friends teamed up with Autobots to defeat them. But a true sinister plot is about unfold...

  • ...

Chapter 12: Fate of Humanity II - Race Against Time

At Canterlot High, Anger, Bladestrike and Master James had their men to overlook and check on them, making sure they were healed and also in steady and good state from the shocking event.

As several military helicopters and transports arrived on the scene, three Phoenix Generals headed to the landing area as they were meeting up with their superiors. They revealed to be Azure Phoenix, Schemetrick, Joshua Joyce and Dary as they came down from the helicopters. They looked around of their area. They found out that civilians were in deep shock and traumatized from the event. Azure Phoenix sighed in relief for seeing they were saved and secured from danger.

Azure Phoenix turned and looked at his three Generals, who saluted to him. He saluted back to them. As they were done, the former demanded Shadow Dragon's location and the event.

"We had informed you of the enemy's location while told to stay put for your arrivals," Anger explained before he sighed, "Unfortunately, Shadow Dragon and his team refused to wait. So they headed off to the area."

Bladestrike looked down, "Forgive us for not stopping them in time. They insisted to do it. They claimed that they have to rescue their friends and defeat Dark Curse."

"Teenagers... So rebellious and troublemakers. When they ever learn to take orders seriously," Master James complained.

Simmons smirked, "Trust me. They'll be fine. After all, these kids are special. It kinda reminds me of the old days before we got attacked by the Backstabbing Attinger."

Azure Phoenix sighed in annoyance as he shook his head, "It doesn't matter. We need to make haste. As soon as you're all done with helping and treating the students and staffs, -" He turned away from his generals, "- I want all forces headed straight to the Ellis Island. We're going to put an end to this terrorist once and for all..."

"Yes sir!" Anger, Bladestrike and Master James saluted.

As Azure Phoenix headed straight to his personal helicopter; Schemetrick, Joshua and Darcy followed him while talking with him.

"Sir, what should the rest do?" Schemetrick asked curiously.

"My friend, you will follow me to the battlefield. I require your advice and strategies for the battlefield. The enemies would not let us off that easy," Azure Phoenix said firmly and seriously before turned to Joshua and Darcy, "Mr. Joyce, I want you and your employees of KSI remained here to help and treat the CHS students and staffs. And keep on contacting Cade Yeager or anyone else. I wanted to make sure that they were safe and secured. And tell them that reinforcement are on their way and guide them in the mission."

Joshua nodded his head, "Understand. Hopefully, they're okay."

"I'm sure they were. Shadow Dragon and his team are not my concern," Azure Phoenix said seriously, "It's Twilight and her friends. Dark Curse wanted to use them for his purpose. Whatever it was, we cannot let them be victorious."

Joshua and Darcy nodded their heads in understanding before they departed from Azure Phoenix and Schemetrick. They were helping and checking on the students and staffs.

Spotting Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna stood before them, Azure Phoenix and Schemetrick remained firm and serious yet silent. Both Azure and Celestia had not seen each other since the losses of their beloved daughter, Iris Crystal.

Celestia was about to speak, Azure Phoenix was passing her by. She sighed in defeat as she knew that he didn't want to talk about or even talk with her.

Celestia's eyes narrowed in firm yet despair as she spoke, "I hope you understand why I kept this a secret from you or any of your soldiers."

"I do now," Azure Phoenix said softly. Celestia remained silent and quiet. He sighed, "I'm not blaming you because of our Iris's death. I was hoping you can take care of her, so I could never bring harm to her."

"And I failed."

"No... It's because of Dark Curse. Some Humans evolved into Mutants. And he wanted the world to become us by taking something powerful and effective genes to experiment and turn it into his nightmarish world."

"Iris Crystal was the victim. And she's gone. Now he's experimenting on Twilight and her friends for who knows what plans he had."

"Not if Dragon Strike Force and his team stop him first... Rest assure, Celestia. I will make sure that all of them will be back home safe. I'm doing this for Iris..."

Celestia smiled calmly, "I know... Take care, Azure."

"You too as well," Azure said firmly.

With the last words they had given, Azure and Celestia turned and hugged each other for the moment before they departed. The former and Schemetrick headed to the helicopter while the latter and Luna went and checked on staffs and students. The fate of the Earth was about to begin...

Upon arriving on the island, Dragon Strike Force and their allies snuck into the enemy's base. Both Tailtech, Icy and Shorty Thinking shot their snipers at the Dark Terrorist Snipers from top building's rooftop. Terrorcreep came out from the shadows and attacked on distracted and non-serious watch guards. Blazefist and Saber Dragoon; through using their martial arts, took most of their enemies to the ground. Aquastroke and Flare Tiger punched and kicked the vanguards down and quick.

Dragon Strike Force and their allies quickly entered the building at once through Tailtech's hacking on security door.

As they entered the building, they armed themselves with their own weapons. Flare Tiger and Yeager Family kept their sharp eyes on Lance, Spike and Crusaders. The Autobots kept their weapons up in guarding their allies and watch out for their enemies. Dragon Strike Force and some NEST Team were on the front and rear in ready to fight for any sign of their enemies.

So far, there was no sign yet quiet. Too quiet...

"I don't like this," Blazefist said in concern, "This is too easy."

Saber Dragoon nodded his head, "This could be an ambush. Whoever it was, we had to be prepare for it."

Shadow Dragon nodded his head as he turned to Lance, Spike and Crusaders. He spoke, "Stay close together. We don't know what we're dealing with."

"Okay," Spike gulped while nodded his head.

Tailtech gasped in shock, "INCOMING! TAKE COVER!"

BOOM! The ground exploded in front of the team of heroes. Shocked and frightened by the attack, they quickly hid behind the crates, pillars and boxes from the attack. They took a peek on their enemies. They found Machine Dragoon, the crimson humanoid dragon robot - MechaInfinite, the humanoid yet muscular armored robot - Sevenstrike, Lugnut and their Vehicons and Humanoid Androids emerged from the walls while firing the blasters and guns at them.

As the team of heroes took cover while firing back at their enemies, they were unable to pass through their enemies' barricades. The elevator was in front of them.

"Damn it! We can't wait too long to take these guys down!" Aquastroke said in fear.

"We need to get to the lift and rescue the girls," Tailtech exclaimed, "But we need someone strong and tough to stay behind while dealing with them."

Hound roared in anger as he took and activate his grenade. He threw it right in front of his enemies. Seeing a grenade on the floor, both Vehicons and Dark Terrorist Androids quickly dodged and left the spot.

BOOM! Most were caught by the blasts while some got injured and Sevenstrike was injured and wounded by the attack. As the rest of them continued firing, Hound charged in and fired his Gatling Blaster at them. Most got shot, killed and wounded by the attack; making most of them to hid behind the pillars and hidden passages.

Hound yelled angrily as he continued firing his Gatling Blaster at them while called to his allies, "Go! I'll cover you!"

"But Hound-!" Crosshairs was about to argue.

Hound interrupted, "Get the hell out of here now!"

"If he's staying, I'm staying here too," Saber Dragoon exclaimed, "Besides, we've got more of Androids to deal with. And we can't afford to let some to follow you."

"I second it!" Laxtinct agreed.

"Lax, you're sure about this," Blazefist asked in worry.

Laxtinct smirked as his body was slowly covered up by his harden rock armored, "Don't worry about me, bro. Go and rescue them. We'll hold them off."

Knew the risk and consequence, Blazefist nodded his head in understanding. He turned and gave a nod to Shadow Dragon; who returned a nod too.

Shadow Dragon and his team charged out and headed straight to the elevator. As the Dark Terrorist Androids emerged and fired their blasters back at the charging heroes; Hound, Saber Dragoon and Laxtinct moved to the front as they battled and fought against their enemies. Hound firing his Gatling Blaster at his enemies while Saber Dragoon used his speed in charging and swinging his Twin Dragon Sabers at his enemies; and Laxtinct blocked the blasts and punched at his enemies as hard as he can.

Upon reaching to the large elevator, Shadow Dragon and his team quickly entered it at once. Blazefist took a glance at his younger brother. He gave a worried look. Aquastroke patted on his shoulder gently while nodded her head firmly. Laxtinct nodded back to him. Blazefist nodded his head. Both Blazefist and Aquastroke quickly entered it.

With the lift headed off to the basement; Hound, Saber, Laxtinct and five members of NEST Team armed themselves on the battlefield. Hound armed his Gatling Blaster, Saber held his Twin Dragon Sabers, and Laxtinct worn his harden Earth Armor. As both Machine Dragoon, Lugnut and their minions were ready to battle; they stood firmly and positioned themselves for battle.

Machine Dragoon roared in anger, "We shall crush you all! Go forth! Tear them apart!"

"For the Glory of Lord Galvatron," Lugnut cried wildly.

Decepticon Troopers and Dark Terrorist Androids cheered wildly, angrily and determinedly as they all charged straight at their enemies. As they got closed to the latter; Hound, Laxtinct and NEST Team fired the shooting rocks, blasters and guns at them. As most of them injured, shot and killed; the former fired back at their enemies. The latter quickly hid behind the pillars while firing back at them.

As Dark Terrorists and Decepticons got closed to them; Saber Dragoon and his team fought and battled against them had and quick. Saber Dragoon; using his Dragon Speed, charged and swung his Twin Dragon Sabers at the Androids in pieces while blocking and deflecting the attacks from his enemies. Laxtinct punched and kicked his strong hardened gauntlets at them. Hound fired his Gatling Blaster at his enemies while swinging and slamming his gun and fists on them one-by-one.

As both sides continued battling with each other, three heroes fought and battled against their enemies. Lugnut charged and slammed Hound to the ground hard. Lugnut punched his fists on the Autobot's head for five times. Hound groaned in anger as he used his knee in kicking the Decepticon's flank off. With Lugnut kicked to the front, Hound quickly got up and readied to fire but got blasted instead to the entrance door. Lugnut roared in anger as he charged straight at Hound who dodged to his left; allowing him to slam on the walls hard. He slammed Lugnut to the walls for four times before the latter jerked him off. Both of them punched while blocked from each other hard and quick. Hound slammed his fist on the Decepticon's head but missed in hitting on the walls. Lugnut punched on his stomach three times before held him up high for the moment before slamming no his knee. Hound dropped to the ground hard. He then slammed his transforming gun and fired on Hound's stomach for ten times. Hound gasped and coughed heavily before spilling out his bluish Energon.

"Foolish Autobot! You're no match against me; Lugnut, the loyal servant of glorious Lord Galvatron. Without your loyal and fierce leader Optimus Prime, this world will be easily turned into the image of my master. All those fleshlings shall obey to him and him alone as he is the great and true leader," Lugnut bragged arrogantly. As he continued bragging, Hound coughed heavily as he slowly held something from his back. He grabbed and held Hound up, "And for now, I shall crush you for the glory of Galvatron. Any last word, Autobot?"

Hound huffed angrily before spitted his cigar out. It flipped around to its back before got bit by him. He took his grenade out, "Eat my guts, punk!"

He blew his cigar out in firing his powerful bullet shot on Lugnut's one-eye. The latter screamed in pain as he let go of the former. Hound quickly pushed his grenade on Lugnut's mouth. As the grenade slowly beeping, he quickly dodged to the back. BOOM! Lugnut's head blown into pieces before his body fell to the ground hard.

Hound moaned painfully as he slowly got up. He glared at Lugnut's dead body. He spitted water at the latter while remarked, "Piss off, dead con."

Laxtinct encountered two officers of Machine Dragoon. Sevenstrike took his blasters out and fired at him; making him to block and deflected the bullets off for ten times. He charged and swung his punches at the latter who dodged and fought back for few times. Sevenstrike quickly kicked him off. MechaInfinite caught and grabbed his head. MechaInfinite slammed and struck Laxtinct to the ground hard for ten times before grabbed his leg and swung him on the ground and wall for six times. He then thrown him to back walls hard. MechaInfinite kicked his leg on Laxtinct to the walls hard before slamming his hard punch on the latter very hard. Sevenstrike charged in and gave a hard kick on Laxtinct's stomach hard. As MechaInfinite let go his prey, Laxtinct fell to the ground hard as he breathed heavily.

"Any last words, fool..." MechaInfinite mocked before chuckled evilly, "Do you truly think that a Siren would love you? How foolish you truly are? Siren would never love someone like you."

Sevenstrike nodded his head in agreement, "Indeed. Once we're done with you, we'll go after Sonata Dusk. That brat will pay for her failure. We'll tell her that you hate her a lot."

Laxtinct growled in anger as he got up and grabbed both MechaInfinite's and Sevenstrike's necks tightly, "You're not sorry for this, pal! Eat my stones, punks!"

Laxtinct screamed in anger as he thrown both MechaInfinite and Sevenstrike to the walls hard. He charged in and started punching very hard and quick on them for hundred times while not giving them the chance in blocking and deflecting. As the punches ended, they both fell to the front. He slammed his fists on their backs very hard while pulling the electrical spheres-like out.

Laxtinct breathed heavily, "I'd never hate her. I LOVE HER, MORONS!"

Saber Dragoon kept on dodging and moving away from Machine Dragoon who continued firing both right-armed Machine Blaster and back-armed Missile Launchers at him. As Saber Dragoon kept on flipping and moving backwards as fast as he can, Machine Dragoon slammed his left-armed claws at him. He jumped over and climbed up to the top while Machine Dragoon struck his Machine Blaster on Saber Dragoon for three times. Upon reaching to his head, Saber Dragoon struck his first saber on Machine Dragoon's left eye as the latter screamed in pain. Machine Dragoon tried to shake his head hard and quick for three times before slammed his Machine Gun on steady yet held-up Saber Dragoon. The latter jumped up and on Machine Dragoon's head before got himself hit, Saber struck his Twin Dragon Sabers on his head. Machine Dragoon screamed in anger.

Saber quickly jumped over and landed on the ground before turned and glared at the angry Machine Dragoon. The latter screamed in anger before slammed his blast at him for five times and then swung him off. As Saber Dragoon turned and tried to escape, Machine Dragoon slammed his right foot on the former to the ground hard.

As Saber struggled in escaping, Machine Dragoon growled loudly, "I will make you suffer, Human!" He chuckled evilly, "And I heard that you and Aria Blaze used to be together and especially having time alone on bed. When I'm done with you, I shall slaughtered that witch to pieces. Never again she ever let her face to show to you."

Angered by Machine Dragoon's insults, Saber Dragoon screamed in anger.

SLASH! Machine Dragoon lifted his right foot up and found Saber Dragoon missing and disappeared. Feeling his body attacked and slashed, he gasped in realization. Saber Dragoon continued swinging his Sabers in striking and damaging him for the moment. His body's parts slowly reduced to pieces. Upon reaching and attacking his Spark, Saber Dragoon destroyed it. Machine Dragoon screamed in anger and pain. Coming out from Machine Dragoon's left shoulder, Saber Dragoon's body glowed in greenish as he unleashed his spiritual dragon. He charged straight at Machine Dragoon's face as the former gave multiple slashes and strikes on the latter.

Saber Dragoon landed on the ground hard. With him sheathed his sabers, Machine Dragoon's face and body broke into pieces and fell to the ground.

"That's for peeking on me and Aria's alone in the room, Bitch," Saber said angrily.

Saber Dragoon and his team had defeated Machine Dragoon's and Lugnut's wave. They sighed in relief as they were catching some breathes for the moment before they could assist their allies and friends...

Arriving on the first basement, Shadow Dragon and his team exited the lift as they continued in moving out while searching for their friends from their enemies in the large Communication Center. As they were about to move to the western door, shooting and blasting sounded in the area. Five soldiers got shot. They quickly ducked and hid down the communication center at once.

"Hid all you want, fools," Sauron's voice shouted angrily, "Thou cannot be hidden from us too long! All shall feared and died for nothing. The Age of Men ends tonight. The Age of New Men shall rise."

"Better surrender now while you're still can," Breakdown's voice mocked arrogantly, "But what the heck. Shooting you is more fun! And I'm the best shooter of Cybertron. I'm even better than you are, Crossy."

Shadow Dragon and his team groaned and moaned in annoyance as they mumbled angrily. Not they had another wave of the enemy to deal with.

Crosshairs groaned angrily, "Just what I need - another ass to deal with. I'm so sick of it now! I'm sick of someone tried to compare my shooting skills. I'm gonna show that punk of whom he's messing with. It's personal now!"

Terrorcreep nodded his head, "I shall assist you in the battlefield. Sauron wasn't alone. Two familiar enemies are here. It's time for me to finish what I've begun."

"Myotis... Master Monk..." Shorty said calmly and firmly. He turned to Shadow Dragon and his team, "Shadow Dragon, you and your team find Twilight and her friends. Terrorcreep, Crosshairs and I remain here and hold them off!"

Knew what Shorty had said, Shadow Dragon nodded his head, "Alright. Take care, my friend."

As Shorty and his team got out from their hiding and fired their blasters at the demonic and monstrous Dark Terrorist Demons, Shadow Dragon and his remaining team quickly moved to the western gate and escaped the battlefield.

Crosshairs fired his Twin Blasters at two to ten Decepticon Shooters on their heads, chests, limbs and legs from the two to three platform levels. As the Decepticon Troopers continued firing their blasters at him, he dodged and rolled over the blasts while firing back at them.

As Crosshairs continued dodging the attacks while firing, his head got knocked and fell on his back. He groaned in pain while glaring at smirking Breakdown. Breakdown was about to fire at Crosshairs but got kicked off. Upon getting up, Crosshairs was about to fire his Twin Blaster at Breakdown but punched them aside. He then aimed his blaster at Crosshairs. He knocked it aside before aimed his gun at Breakdown, but got knock aside. Both Crosshairs and Breakdown continued aiming and firing their guns but missed as they continued punching each other's hands aside for 20 times. Crosshairs and Breakdown aimed their guns at each other before blasted off. Both of them got pushed aside very hard.

As Crosshairs was about to attack, Breakdown slammed the former to the walls hard before punching and kicking on him for few times. Breakdown grabbed Crosshairs up and thrown aside to the ground hard. Crosshairs was about to aim his gun at his target but stepped down by Breakdown who aimed his two blasters at the angry Crosshairs.

"Told ya I'm the best," Breakdown bragged arrogantly while making Crosshairs angry and annoy, "Besides, you're dealing with best sharp shooter, Crossy. Before I shoot you to death, any last words you want to make?"

Crosshairs chuckled a bit, "See ya around, A-hole!"

With Breakdown confused, Crosshairs activated his parachutes out. Blew by the wind, Crosshairs got blow away and up from Breakdown. As far away from him, Crosshairs took his blasters out and fired at Breakdown for few times. As soon as he got up, Crosshairs landed on the ground. Breakdown fell his back on the ground.

Crosshairs smirked, "Who's the best shooter now, A-Hole?"

Terrocreep and Myotis pale Vampire in blue gentleman's suit with black cape were flying on air as they battled against each other hard and quick. Terrorcreep wielded his Terror Bat Axes while Myotis wielded his Crimson Lightning Whip. They both swung and stroke at each other for ten times before Terrorcreep swung his axes at the dodging and blocking Myotis for five times. As he was about to swing his axe at Myotis, but got caught by the latter's crimson whip-like. He was thrown and swung to the walls and tables hard for ten times before throwing Myotis to the large command center's monitor hard. Myotis jumped to the top as he launched his crimson whip on Terrorcreep for few times before the later grabbed it. Terrorcreep pulled it towards him before punching him for five times. He then kicked his former father off. Terrorcreep charged right at Myotis. As both of them continued fighting and battling with each other for few times, Myotis and Terrorcreep had their weapons clashed at each other hard.

"Impressive... Most impressive," Myotis remarked calmly, "But pity that you had to fall in love with a Human. And you heart had soften even more. Well... As soon as I subdue you, I will take of that whiny little brat."

Terrorcreep groaned in anger, "Leave her alone!"

Terrorcreep roared in anger as he took a large bite on Myotis's left shoulder as the latter screamed in pain. The former departed as he kicked Myotis off. He threw his axes at his former father's chest hard. And he then unleashed the flock of Vampire Bats charging and attacking Myotis.

Shorty Thinking fired his Gatling Gun at the demonic yet muscular monk Master Monk who was blocked and protected by the purplish barrier. While continuing firing his blaster, Master Monk fired and launched the beeds at the former. Shorty Thinking was forced in dodging and avoiding the attacks from him while shooting back at Master Monk who was still blocking and deflecting the blasts. As both continued firing and blasting at each other, Shorty Thinking dodged and hid behind the tables, walls and pillars while charging straight at him. As soon as Shorty got closed to Master Monk's Barrier, the former had his blaster transformed into his Blazing Sword. He thrust it right on Master Monk's chest hard.

Instead of feeling pain, Master Monk chuckled evilly as he unleashed the thousands of tentacles. They caught and grabbed him from moving or escaping from him. As Shorty Thinking struggled in escaping, Master Monk chuckled evilly.

"You've been quite a nuisance," Master Monk said darkly, "Was it because of your friend? She disgusted me. She's nothing but a spoil brat. When I'm done here, I will take care of that brat and her family."

Short hissed in anger, "Not if I blow you up first!"

BOOM! Master Monk's body blown up. Short Thinking quickly departed with his both hands safe while holding his Blazing Sword tightly. It burnt fiery and darkly. Master Monk moaned painfully as he had only upper torso and left arm in flesh while bottom one and right arm was bones.

Sauron's eyes narrowed in anger as he saw the battlefield gone wrongly. As his minions and officers were down and defeated including dead Breakdown. His eyes revealed the dark crimson eyes as his armor slowly launched the black mists. It then headed straight to his allies and enemies. As soon as everyone were engulfed by the dark mists, Sauron chuckled evilly.

"Thou may had won this fight," Sauron said darkly as soon as his allies' shadowy figures faded and disappeared away from his enemies' sights, "But thou and thy kind shall meet its terrified fate. Extinction is upon the Age of Men now. The End of this World is coming..."

Sauron made his last long chuckling before it echoed across the chamber. As soon as the black mists dispersed, Shorty and his team were standing and found dead Dark Terrorist Demons and Decepticons including Breakdown. Sauron, Master Monk and Myotis were nowhere to be found. They all sighed in relief as they had survived the attacks...

In the Military Underground Training Chamber, the team of heroes had arrived at the area. They encountered and found another group of their enemies to battle with. Drift, Aqaustroke, Blazefist and 12 members of NEST Team battled and fought against Shredkiller and his army of Dark Terrorist Ninjas.

Starscream; in his jet mode, rammed Drift to the rooftop before transformed and landed on the large platform while letting the latter dropped to the ground hard. Shredkiller struck his claws at Aquastroke who blocked and dodged the attacks while fought back at him for few times. As she was about to attack but grabbed by the blondy gangster female dressed in red vest with bellybutton to show and her long brown pants. Shredkiller charged in and punched on her for few times. Blazefist dodged the elastic demonic gauntlet by the pale demonic ninja Demon Assassin. He soon got surrounded by the fiery and blazing fires as he looked up and found the radioactive suited with his mechanical jetpack with wings. NEST Team fought and battled against the ninja suited Dark Terrorist Ninjas.

Blazefist turned to Shadow Dragon who led most of his team escaped the Transport Chamber. The latter looked worry and concern. The former cried firmly, "Don't worry about us! Go! Go find Twilight and her friends! Stop what Dark Curse was planning!"

Angered to leave his best friends behind, Shadow Dragon left no choice but to do it as he immediately left the area and headed off with his allies in finding Twilight and her friends. As soon as they left, Aquastroke and her team continued battling and fighting with Shredkiller and his minions.

Shredkiller threw Aquastroke to the walls hard. Poisonserpent hissed in anger as she jumped and about to scratched her by using her poison nails. Aquastroke quickly launched her Hydropump at her to the walls before jumped and kicked off her Firebeam Blasts at Shredkiller. As more of Dark Terrorist Ninjas wielded their swords up and battled against her, she punched and kicked against at them one-by-one while using her four Elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air to face them off. Blazefist continued dodging and rolling away from his enemies as both Demon Assassin and Blazing Insect continued firing their Demonic Gauntlets Strike and Blazing Flame Blasts at him. NEST Team soldiers fought against the Dark Terrorist Ninjas by shooting and combating with them.

On top of the training platform, Drift swung and stroke his Twin Katanas at Starscream who kept dodging, avoiding and flying away from him. While unable to attack Starscream, Drift tried to avoid the blasts and attacks from the latter while defeating some of Decepticon Troopers from the ground and air. As Drift continued battling with the Decepticon Troopers, Starscream had his right arm transformed into his long sword and stroke at the former's back while pushing him to the ground hard.

Starscream grabbed Drift's back and thrown him to the walls hard before slashing and striking his long sword at the latter for 11 times. On the 12th attempt to attack, Drift blocked his left katana before swung his right on Starscream's stomach and then kicked the latter off. Drift yelled in anger as he charged in and swung his katanas at the screaming and frightened Starscream who dodged and blocked the attacks while fighting back. As Starscream continued dodging and avoiding the attacks, his Decepticon Troopers charged in and battled with Drift who dodged their attacks and defeated them. As he had manage to defeat most of the troopers, Starscream and his five Decepticon Troopers aimed their blasters and guns at him before firing.

After receiving so many hits, Drift breathed and panted heavily before dropped to the ground while his Samurai's helmet dropped to the ground. Starscream grabbed him before slammed him to the walls as the former gave Drift a snarl.

"Look how mighty had fall. Pity to see you so easily defeated by me," Starscream mocked sinsiterly while chuckling. He cleared his throat, "As your Second-in-Command, I'm willing to give you a chance, Drift. Return to our forces and today... is the end of our enemies. They will pay for everything of what they had done to us and our home. This will be your greatest and glorious honor to return to the Decepticons, comrade."

Drift yelled in anger, "NEVER! I will never rejoin you! There is no honor of destroying one or a thousand lives, even they had harm my brothers. But never again, I will let dishonorable foul monsters like you to harm them!"

Drift took his dagger out from the back and poked it on Starscream's left eye. The latter screamed in pain as he let go of the former. Starscream continued screaming and shouting in pain while running away from the Autobot, Drift quickly took his katanas up. Decepticon Troopers aimed their blasters and guns at Drift. Before they could do it, the latter disappeared from their sights.

SLASH! Decepticon Troopers fell to the ground as theirs bodies cut and slashed into pieces. Drift reappeared on the defeated Decepticon Troopers' back while sheathed his katanas. He turned and glared at the retreating Starscream who fired his missiles and machine gun at the former who dodged and avoided the attacks while looking at the latter in escaping to the door.

Blazefist continued firing his blazing fire blasts at the charging Dark Terrorists Soldiers while punching and kicking at them quick hard. At the same time, he continued dodging the attacks from both Demon Assassin's and Blazing Insect. Demon Assassin grabbed Blazefist and landed on the ground before launching his Thousands of Demon Punches on his faces. As he continued punching, Blazefist quickly kicked and shot his Firekick on his face. Blazing Insect took over as he fired and launched the powerful Demon Flamethrowers at Blazefist who quickly deflected and blown them aside as he quickly as he can while firing them at charging and dodging Demon Assassin for sometimes.

As Blazefist continued deflected the attacks from Blazing Insect while shooting them at Demon Assassin. The latter jumped up higher before hovered and landed his Demon Gauntlet's Claws right on Blazefist's chest to the walls hard. Demon Assassin clenched and twisted his right gauntlet tightly, Blazefist screamed in pain. As Demon Assassin departed from the attacks, Blazing Insect charged in and fired his Demonic Blazing Beam on Blazefist. As the fire swallowed Blazefist up, both Demon Assassin and Blazing Insect smirked proudly as they had achieved their mission.

As soon as the flames dispersed, Blazefist held his hands up in holding the powerful fires up to the ceiling. It shocked both Demon Assassin and Blazing Insect.

"You do realize that I am the Fire Mutant," Blazefist asked calmly. Both of his enemies nodded their heads before he launched the powerful Phoenix Firestorm at them before they screamed in pain. He sighed, "Some mutants never learn..."

Aquastroke dodged down from the kick by Poisonserpent before punched on her stomach for three times while punching and kicking all of Dark Terrorist Ninjas off for few times. Poisonserpent quickly jumped up on her body as the former had her legs crossed and grabbed the latter's neck while her hands grabbed Aqua's hands for the moment. Aquastroke coughed painfully as she struggled in getting out. As Poisonserpent was about snap Aquastroke, the latter blew the air out; causing both of them charged straight to the walls hard. As Poisonserpent let Aquastroke out, the latter turned to her enemy. Aquastroke launched the transparent sphere of air, harden solid rocks, blazing fiery shots and the powerful wave of hydro water in knocking Poisonserpent out.

As Aquastroke turned to Shredkiller, he punched on her face hard before punching on her body for Thousand Times in Punching. After receiving the beatings, Shredkiller grabbed her neck in suffocating her up. He then struck and stabbed his right claws on her belly for ten times. He then thrown her to the ground hard before stepping his right leg on her face hard and painful. As Aquastroke mumbled and moaned angrily, Shredkiller chuckled evilly and darkly.

Shredkiller remarked, "Look at yourself. You thought you could defeat me?! Fools! No Humans or even Mutants could harm me! I am an invincible and powerful!"

Aquastroke groaned angrily, "Want a bet?!"

"I dare you, fool! When I'm done with you, your friend Rainbow Dash will died! Her effort for our victory will come true!"

"Not if I kick your ass, freak!"

Aquastroke screamed in anger as she gave kick up; causing a rock launched and shot at Shredkiller's armor hard. As soon as she got up, she launched and fire thousands shots of Fireballs at him. He deflected and blocked them aside as quickly as he can before got blown by powerful water and air current like to the walls hard for the long moment. As the current ceased, Aquastroke punched right on Shredkiller's face hard to the walls. He fell to the ground hard while she smirked proudly.

Shredkiller moaned painfully, "You may had won, but the war is far... from over... Ninjas... Disappear..."

As the word had given, the black smoke bombs were thrown to the ground. They launched and emerged the black smokes in covering all of the Dark Terrorist Ninjas while giving Aquastroke and her team some coughs.

As soon as the black smoke dispersed, Dark Terrorist Ninjas disappeared from sights. Aquastroke and her team sighed in relief. They all had exhausted from the fight. They decided to take a break before they could proceed and joined up with their allies...

Entering the Transformers Military Factory, Shadow Dragon and his team encountered more of both Decepticon Troopers and Dark Terrorist Warriors. Decepticon Troopers fired their blasters and guns while Dark Terrorist Soldiers charged into the battlefield as they attacked and fought against their enemies.

Fearing time was running out, Tailtech activated his smoke gas bombs before rolling them to his enemies. BOOM! As the smoke emerged from the bombs, it covered the large factory as everyone went in blind while coughing out painfully from the attacks.

Tailtech turned to Shadow Dragon, "Shadow Dragon, go!"

"What?!" Shadow Dragon asked in shock and worry.

"Time is running out! You have to go and save Twilight and her friends! You have to go! Don't let everyone's effort go to waste for nothing! Go now!" Tailtech screamed in concern.

Knew his friends were right, Shadow Dragon and Flare Tiger quickly guided Yeagar Family, Flash, Two Minicons, Crusaders, Lance and Spike to the next area; leaving Tailtech, Icy, Bumblebee and the remaining 12 NEST Team in staying behind to fight and battle against Kishin Akuma, the demonic version of Longblade dressed in demonic armored Samurai, Stinger and their minions.

Bumblebee and Stinger charged in and wrestled each other hard and quick for few times. Tailtech fired his Typhoon Blaster at Kishin Akuma who blocked and deflected the blasts from him. Icy wielded both her Icy Sword and Frozen Shield in battling against Longblade.

Icy thrust her Icy Sowrd at Longblade's chest but blocked before he jumped and kicked her off. She quickly blocked the kick while pushing him off. As both Icy and Longblade swung their blades against each other on their heads, bodies and limbs for five times. They then clashed their blades at each other's for the moment before departed. She then unleashed her powerful Diamond Hails at him. He quickly blocked and deflected the attacks while running and charging straight at her. As she tried to slash on his head, he dodged and jumped up high as he gave her a slash. Pushed back, Icy was forced in unleashing the Ice Beam Blasts at Longblade who blocked and dodged the attacks from her.

As Icy was about to fire her Icy Storm to blew him off, Longblade struck and stabbed his Gauntlet Blades at her chest to the ground. As she was pinned to the ground, he laughed maniacally while glaring at her.

"It looks like you've lost. There's nothing you can do now. And when our master is done with your 'magic' friends, this world will died..." Longblade said darkly and sinsiterly.

Icy screamed in anger as she opened her mouth and fired her Freezing Breathe on Longblade's face. She then launched her Frozen Rising Shard at his chest hard to the walls. Longblade screamed in pain as he felt the shard piercing through his guts.

Icy breathed heavily, "Not if we stop him first..."

Bumblebee and Stinger continued punching and kicking at each other's heads, bodies and limbs for few times. Their battles damaged and destroyed the Factory's Assembly Lines, Transformers' Bodies and products to pieces. Bumblebee also had to deal with the Decepticon Troopers as they all came and charged at him. They were blasted and defeated by him when he dodged and avoided the attacks for few times.

Bumblebee swung his kick on Stinger's head while striking at the first Decepticon Trooper's face, but the latter dodged down and swiped on the former's leg hard. Bumblebee fell to the ground. Decepticon Troopers came in and thrust their blades on him; Bumblebee rolled over and away from his enemies. He got up and fired their chests and heads off. As he turned to Stinger, the latter jumped and punched on his head hard before punching on his body for five times before kicked him off. Bumblebee was thrown off to Assembly Machine Lines hard. Another squadron charged in as they punched and kicked on him but he jumped up. He kicked two of them off before punching third one's to the ground. He fired his canon on the fourth one's face before struck his blade on the fifth one's chest. As he turned to Stinger, three Decepticon Troopers fired their blasters at him back to the wall.

Stinger charged in and struck his blade-gun at Bumblebee's guts hard while firing on him for three times. With Bumblebee groaned in pain, Stinger removed his Blade-Gun as the latter thrown the former to the ground. Stinger stepped his right foot on Bumblebee's back.

"You've lost, you inferior Original," Stinger mocked sinisterly; making Bumblebee groaned in anger. The former continued as he brought the latter up and glared at him, "Now you are down, Bumblebee. Just admit one thing that this cheap knockoff just kicked your ass. Admit it. I'm the best..."

Bumblebee huffed as he radioed as The Rock's, "Doesn't matter how! EAT MY GUTS, $%#!"

Bumblebee fired his Canon on Stinger's guts as the latter was thrown over to the factory's main gate hard. He then quickly fired his canon at three Decepticons' heads but dodged down kicked on the fourth one from his back. He jumped kicked on the fifth and sixth ones off. He then punched on the seventh one's chest to the ground. He grabbed the seventh one's as he swung him on three Decepticons before thrown on the ninth and tenth ones to the ground before got blasted by him.

As Stinger got up and was about to punch on Bumblebee, but the latter dodged down and punched on the former's chest for three times. He then kicked Stinger off before firing his Canon at the latter off in slamming the doors hard.

Bumblebee whistled happily, "Oh yeah! Don't mess with the wrong man, alright!"

Tailtech continued firing his Typhoon Blaster at the charging and attacking Dark Terrorist Samurais. Closed to him, they swung and struck their blades and spears at him, who quickly rolled over to the front. He fired his Typhoon Blaster at them off one-by-one. As more continued charging and striking him down, Tailtech dodged and avoided the attacks and away from his enemies before firing his gun off while punching them one-by-one. As he was able to kill most of monsters off, he turned and encountered the Grand General himself.

Tailtech was about to fire his Typhoon Blaster, Kishin Akuma fired his greenish aura blasts at him off. As Tailtech recovered, he quickly fired his Typhoon Blaster at Kishin who was charging straight at him. Kishin jumped and avoided the blasts from him. Upon reaching him, Kishin swung and struck his sword at the dodging and avoiding Tailtech who was firing his Typhoon Blaster at him. For the past 15 times both Kishin and Tailtech continued battling with each other, both looked exhausted and tired from the battles. As Tailtech was about to fire his gun, Kishin deflected the blasts back to him to the ground.

As Tailtech struggled in recovering, he was lifted and brought before Kishin Akuma. The latter wielded his Demonic Sword while smirking at the former.

"The game is over, boy..." Kishin Akuma said darkly, "There was nothing you and your Human Friends can do. Your friends had served their purpose to our cause. It's over now, Tailtech. Why must you continued to fight?"

Tailtech groaned in anger, "There won't be anyone to stop you! Go to hell!"

Tailtech took his Stun Gun and shocked on Kishin Akuma's neck electrically and shocked for a long moment. He then quickly fired his Typhoon Blaster on Kishin's head off. Kishin was thrown to the ground hard while Tailtech dropped to the ground. As Tailtech and Kishin Akuma recovered from the attacks, the latter had a big hole of his left side of face. It slowly regenerated back to its proper structure. He turned and glared at Tailtech.

"Well done, warrior. You may had won. But your victory is nothing but short as you face greatest yet dangerous fate ahead of you now..." Kishin Akuma said darkly.

He teleported in the blink of an eye, followed by Longblade and the rest of his minions. Tailtech, Bumblebee, Icy and six remaining troops reunited together at once. They were in relief that they survived the battles before the rest of their friends and allies barged into the factory area in meeting up.

Everyone were in relief as they were able to survive the attacks. They soon showed their firm, determined and serious expression. They all knew what they had to do...

Shadow Dragon and his remaining team continued walking through the long hallway of the base while battling and fighting with some of Dark Terrorist Troopers.

During their journey, Shadow Dragon groaned and moaned in pain as he received a headache on his head. He stopped before he screamed in pain. Everyone stopped their tracks as they turned and looked worry about their friend. As Shadow Dragon continued struggling and screaming in pain, he went through his darkest yet painful memory from his past...


A year ago...

Shadow Dragon screamed in pain and agony as he was trapped within the tub-like with the glass case. The cables and injection injected and transferring more of blackish ooze and liquid into his blood. He saw his enemies; Dark Curse, Crimson Skull and Swipestrike, were in pleased and relief with the results while the rest of Dark Terrorist Scientists were working on his progress. He turned and found more of his friends; trapped in their glass cases of tubs-like, were suffering the same fate and especially Twilight Sparkle.

For the moment had passed, Shadow Dragon screamed in anger as he broke through the glass cases while his body slowly transformed into humanoid mutant serpent-like with spikier hair, sharp claws and long tail. He attacked the Dark Terrorist Scientists and Troopers to their deaths while breaking the glass cases in freeing all of his friends.

Shadow Dragon's friends battled and fought against the Dark Terrorist Troopers while freeing more innocents from their prisons and stopping the canons from firing the M-Virus across the world in transforming Humans into Mutants. Though they had saved the lives of innocents from torture chambers, prisons and experimentation chamber; they had failed to stop the last canon while destroying the last two of them.

Through his martial arts and sword fighting skills, Shadow Dragon battled and fought against Swipestrike quick and hard while dodging and avoiding the attacks from his nemesis. As good in fighting skills; Shadow Dragon struggled in keeping up and fighting with his nemesis, though manage to scratched and scarred Swipestrike's good looking face in having more scars and scratches.

As both continued fighting with each other hard and quick, Swipestrike wounded and damaged on his face while Shadow Dragon's was more yet painful. Shadow Dragon jumped up high and struck his claws on Swipestrike to the ground hard.

Iris Crystal was injured and wounded painfully during the battles when she tried to help and save more innocents. Tailtech and Icy did their best in helping and healing her. Shadow Dragon held her up while looking painful yet despaired at dying Iris Crystal.

"Iris! Iris! Stay with me, Iris! Don't die!" Shadow Dragon shouted in pain and feared, "you'll be fine! I promise you! We'll be together! Iris, please!"

"My love... Live on... Please... Live on..." Iris Crystal said painfully, "don't let hate... destroy you..."

"Iris?! IRIS!!!" Shadow Dragon screamed in pain and fear as he looked at Iris Crystal stopped from breathing and closing her eyes. Everyone looked down in defeat and despair of what they had say. Shadow Dragon sobbed and cried in pain and despair as he shouted out loud across the whole area, "NOoooooooooooo!"

Flashback Ends


Shadow Dragon gasped in shock and fear as he fell to the ground. Lance and Nyx quickly held him tight. Yeagar Family, Flare Tiger and Crusaders came to him as they checked on him.

Shadow Dragon panted painfully, "I can't... I can't... I can't do it..."

"Dude! You still can do it!" Shane exclaimed in shock yet determined, "Come on! We're almost there! Don't let this PTDS suck you down!"

Tessa nodded her head, "Come on, Shadow Dragon! We can still do it! We're almost there!"

"I can't!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed in pain before he sobbed in pain and despair, "I'm sorry. I can't."

Everyone looked worry about Shadow Dragon's despair and PTDS state. All they can do was looked at him being down. Unable to stand in looking at Shadow Dragon's state, Lance punched right on Shadow Dragon's face hard. Everyone gasped in shock, and even Shadow Dragon.

"Don't you dare say that!" Lance exclaimed in anger, "So, you're just give up?! What happen the promise to my dad?! You said you promised that you will get our mom and us back to him! I'm not going back home without her. And are you willing to break that promise?!"

"No... It's just that-" Shadow Dragon was interrupted.

"Are you willing to give up the fight?!"

"Of course not! I would never-!"

"Are you willing to let the world down when it was in deep trouble?!"


"Are you going to give up on our mom's counterpart after what she had done for you?! My dad did everything he had for my mom, and are you going to stand down like an idiot?!"

"NO!!!" Shadow Dragon shouted at Lance's face before panted heavily, "Never... After I lost Iris, she told me to move on and get over her death. I couldn't forget it, but I had to accept it. My Twilight was right. There was nothing I can do about it but to move on. Twilight... She was very special to me. I can't give up..."

Lance smiled, "That's the spirit! And I'm sorry too for shouting and hurting you. It was the only way to snap you out."

Nyx sighed in concern before took Shadow Dragon's hand, "Lance's right. You can't let the past haunt you. My dad had the problem before, but that doesn't mean he was going to let it stop him from saving the ones he loved. And you're going to do the same thing. You're going to save our mom and the world, then you go back home with your Twilight. That's the plan of what we're going through."

"Yeah! That's what heroes do! We're going to knock Dark Curse's door to the ground! And we're going to get our girls back from them!" Spike exclaimed proudly.

Cade patted on Shadow Dragon's back, "The kids got the point. It's not over."

"So, let's go and rescue our friends! We're going to bring them back home. If they're gonna stop us, we're gonna make them un-stop us, partner!" Flare Tiger exclaimed determinedly.

"YEAH!" Crusaders cried and cheered proudly.

Hearing of what his friends and comrades had said, Shadow Dragon smiled in relief before nodded his head, "You're right. It's not over." He stood up and glared at the door, "Come on. Let's go and save our friends!"

With full of determination in their spirits, Shadow Dragon and his team charged out through the long hallway of the enemy's base while battling and fighting with Dark Terrorist Troopers and Decepticon Troopers.

Shadow Dragon and his remaining team rammed and burst through the Science Laboratory as they all determined to save Twilight and her friends. Upon arriving on the area, they looked shock and feared. They spotted Twilight and her friends laid on the ground and did not make a sudden move. They quickly approached to Twilight and her friends as they check on them. They were in great shock and concern while cried their names.

Twilight and her friends were in very skinny as if they had lost their pounds. They were also looked weakened, pained and hurt like something had sucked and took their energies and blood. And they did was moaning, groaning and wheezing in pain.

"No..." Shadow Dragon gasped in fear, "Not now! I can't let my counterpart see this! Pony Twilight!"

Shadow Dragon held Twilight's head up. Lance, Nyx and Spike came to her at once.

"Mom! Talk to us! Mom!" Lance begged in fear.

"Mommy..." Nyx asked in shock and fear.

"SISTERS!" Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo cried in pain and despair when they looked at the weakened and defeated forms of their fallen sisters and Rainbow Dash.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo held and hugged Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash tightly and gently to them. Wheelie and Brains cried and sobbed in pain and despair when they looked at her weakened state. Flash held Sunset's head while looking at her before cried in pain and shock. Flare Tiger held Pinkie's head on her lap. Jade checked on Fluttershy. Shadow Dragon held Twilight up while her children looked at her with their concerned, feared and painful looks. Yeagar Family groaned and growled in anger before glaring at their enemies.

"What happen to them," Spike asked in shock and worry.

Twilight did was pointing at the Power Core and its Six Batteries which contained the bloods of magical energies. The Power Core slowly lifted and taken up to the ceiling while leaving six batteries down. Dark Curse was standing before it, along with Galvatron, Crimson Skull and Swipestrike. Soundwave, Shockwave, MechaStahl and Guildenstern were checking through the computer in making sure that the system was ready to go. The Dazzlings remained silent and quiet as they were all looked worry and scared.

Shadow Dragon stood up and glared at Dark Curse while holding the weakened Twilight on his both arms. He asked angrily, "Dark Curse... What the hell did you do to my friends?!"

Dark Curse chuckled evilly as he slowly turned and glared at his former experiment, "Aw... You all have arrived just in time. I took all of your friends' blood and power for my E.H.D..."

"E.H.D.?!" Flare Tiger and Crusaders asked in shock.

"Neo Cybertron is upon on us now! The Decepticons shall be its true kingdom! Galvatron shall ruled them all! All those who dare to challenge us shall feel my wrath," Galvatron bragged proudly.

"The End of Humanity starts today," Dark Curse cried happily, "Begin the Operation!"

With Dark Curse's word given, bot Dark Terrorist and Decepticon Scientists pressed some buttons on the computer as Six Batteries fired its lasers at the Power Core. It slowly glowed brightly and darkly as it was reaching to its full powerful. As soon as the Power Core reached its full-power, they transferred the powers to the satellite ground dishes. They fired the powerful energies right to the E.H.D.s Satellites across the world. As the modernized and advanced satellites' power reached its full power from the large monitor, Dark Curse smirked darkly as he turned to MechaStahl a nod. MechaStahl smirked darkly as he gave a red button the push.

Shadow Dragon and his team looked worry and scared of what will happen next as they watched the large monitor...

In space, the E.H.D.s fired their dishes in unleashing the pure bluish metallic energy beams at the Earth. As the beams hit on the Earth's area of land and sea, it slowly unleashed the metallic forms from the beam. They slowly created, grew, multiplied and expanded the powers, patterns and paths of metallic across the world.

Everyone including Azure Phoenix and his army; who were on several Battleships, had witnessed the event. The innocents and citizens around the world screamed in fear and agony as they ran around and away from the attacks while they went in panicked. Azure Phoenix gave the order to all of his War Phoenix Military in heading straight to the Ellis Island at once while sending some Intelligence in finding out about the situation from space.

Something bad had happen...

Everyone but their enemies were in great shock and concern of what they were watching and seeing from the monitor. Dark Curse then chuckled evilly, sinisterly and darkly before Galvatron and the rest of both Dark Terrorists and Decepticons laughed and chuckled. Their victory was upon them...

"So, this was your plan..." Shadow Dragon asked in shock and feared, "You're repeating the Cretaceous–Paleogene Extinction event?! You've gone mad!"

"Wait?! You mean Dinosaurs' Extinction again," Apple Bloom asked in shock.

Shadow Dragon nodded his head in fearful. Sweetie Belle gasped, "I don't want to be extinct! Please! I don't want my family to be that!"

Scootaloo groaned in anger, "But what and how he's gonna do that?! What's with that beam?!"

Flare Tiger looked worry while looking at their weakened friends before spoke in fear and concern, "In order to unleash full powers of all Seeds, they required something powerful energy in expanding that power. Something with more powerful and a completely match with the Transformers' Energy powers..."

Wheelie and Brains gasped, "Their Magic?!"

Dark Curse smirked, "Indeed. The Humanity's Extinction has begun. All of you were too late to stop me now. There is nothing you can do now..."

Shadow Dragon and his team groaned and growled in anger as they were angered and upset by Dark Curse and his cruelty and sadistic ambition in destroying the Humanity...

STATIC! BANG! Everyone gasped in shock and surprise. They looked up and spotted Adagio and Aria were destroying and unplugging the wires and plugs that connected to the Power Cores while Sonata broke six containers as hard as she can. The former were in great shock yet surprise. The enemies angered and upset by the Dazzlings' attempt while the heroes looked surprised.

As the Dazzlings managed in shutting the computers down, the Power Core was stopped from receiving energies and powers from its six batteries while Sonata managed to broke all of Six Batteries' containers glasses. While the Power Core remained active with its remaining of energies in sending to the E.H.D.s, the freed blood magically transformed into the magical yet sparkling auras-like. They were all flying straight to the Rainbooms.

As soon as the magically energies and auras entered the Rainbooms', their skinny and weakened states slowly transformed into the form of healthy and strengthened states. Their friends gasped in shock and surprise as they chatted happily in seeing the Rainbooms survived. Everyone hugged each other happily.

The Dazzlings smiled in relief and happy. They gasped in shock as they felt the dark energies surrounded them. They were lifted up and turned to the angry Dark Curse, Galvatron and their angry army.

"I knew they can never be trusted!" Galvatron exclaimed in anger and dissatisfied, "What truly useless and weakling they truly are!"

"You imbeciles! You dare to betray us?!" Dark Curse said angrily as the Dazzlings remained firm and serious. He continued, "You will pay for this! BEGONE!"

Dark Curse unleashed the powerful Dark Force Push on the Dazzlings. They fell right on Shadow Dragon, Twilight Sparkle and their team. They got the Dazzlings as they helped the latter in standing up. They questioned and asked the Dazzlings of why they helped and saved the Rainbooms from Dark Curse and their minions. The Dazzlings looked shame and upset before they gave a long sigh.

Adagio spoke, "We... I was wrong..." Twilight and her friends looked surprise and concern of what she had said. She continued, "I thought working with Dark Curse would help us regain our lost energy and magic if there's anything gone wrong with out rubies. And we didn't think of the consequence when he plan to bring extinction to this world. We thought he was making a threat to the world to surrender to him."

Everyone looked unimpressed and not surprised by her answer. Aria continued, "Look. We didn't mean to do that! We just need negative energies for not only our powers, but also means of surviving. Without them, we're completely useless and will died like mortals..."

Sonata nodded her head in agreement, "But to be honest, I felt something... different in us. I felt like that what we did just now... It was right way to do."

Her Dazzlings nodded their heads in agreement. Twilight and her friends looked surprise and shock by their action. Noticed the difference from the Dazzlings, Twilight gave in some thoughts of what she was suspected.

Twilight explained, "Ever since your rubies were destroyed, the negative energies you had within you had turned into positive. This must be another spell placed by Tao. This one... It transformed the negative energies you held within into positive energies. This means... you girls have conscience for the right decision."

"You sure about it," Applejack asked in worry.

"I still don't trust them, not after what they had done to us," Rainbow remarked in anger.

Three members of Rainbooms and Crusaders, and even Lance, Nyx and Spike nodded their heads in agreement with both Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Shadow Dragon and his team looked doubtful and serious about the situation. Seeing how they think of the Dazzlings, the latter looked down in shame and upset as they knew that none could trust or believe in them.

Reminded by the event, Sunset knew what she had to do. She approached between her friends and former enemies.

Sunset spoke, "I know where this is going. Trust me, I felt that before." Everyone looked at her. She continued, "Ever since I did terrible things since last year, no one forgives me and still think of me a monster. But if you had friends like mine to help, I'm sure you'll be on the right path. The Dazzlings meant no harm to us. It's like what one of my friend had said - everyone deserve the second chance."

Everyone looked surprise and shock by Sunset's speech yet... they were in relief and agreement with her. They smiled proudly as they agreed that they should give the Dazzlings the chance since they were the ones saved the Rainbooms' lives.

The Dazzlings gasped in surprise and shock as they asked if Sunset and her friends meant it. Twilight and her friends nodded their heads in agreement. They shed the tears of relief and joy as they quickly hugged Sunset happily.

"Thank you, Sunset! And I'm sorry of how we treat you," Adagio apologized, along with the nodding Aria and Sonata.

Sunset nodded her head in agreement, "It's okay. I've been there before."

Wheelie huffed, "I really wish I could kick those Sirens' asses."

Brain nodded his head, "You and me both, Wheels."

Dark Curse chuckled evilly and darkly as the heroes turned and glared at him. He continued, "Fools... Do you honestly think that everything will be fine? Such foolishly... Do you think that I just lost Six Batteries, so my Power Core stopped? I always had the backup plans such as this."

With the snap of his fingers, six electrical batteries emerged from the ceiling as they launched electrically shocking energies to the Power Cores. The energy within sparkled brightly as the Power Core was powered up. The heroes gasped in fear and shock. With such powers, they could resupplied and re-energized E.H.D.s.

Dark Curse continued, "I expected something like this to happen. I never thought that the Dazzlings would have a conscience to use for these weaklings. Pathetic..." He smirked darkly, "Well... no matter, this is where it ends. You are too late. The Humanity's Extinction is upon us."

Galvatron nodded his head, "You may tried to stop us, but at the very end; all of your effort will be wasted. Ours can finally be realized! We are limitless!"

Starscream, Stinger, three Demon Generals entered the science laboratroy, along with the large numbers of both Dark Terrorists and Decepticons Army. They were blocking and defending the Power Core from their enemies.

Twilight and her friends gave them a glare. They refused to admit the defeat.

"No... you won't have that chance because we won't let you," Twilight denied determinedly.

Shadow Dragon nodded his head, "Agreed! We will overcome this till the end. We will not let our friends' efforts died in vain! We will win it for them!"

"Glad to hear that. And now, you've got all of us to help and support you," Blazefist's voice spoke firmly.

Twilight and her friends gasped in shock and surprise. They turned and found Blazefist and the remaining friends of theirs had arrived and joined the battlefield. They were in relief and surprise to see Blazefist and the rest of team's arrival to the battlefield.

Dark Curse and Galvatron narrowed their eyes in annoyance and anger. Twilight and her friends turned and gave the determined glare at their enemies.

"You see, Dark Curse," Twilight said firmly and proudly, "You may had the advantage in winning the war and defeating us, but that doesn't mean we're giving up. No matter how many odds may come, we'll overcome it because our Friendship is Magic. It overcome all kind of odd before, it can do it again!"

Shadow Dragon nodded his head, "Indeed. But there is something that helped our Friendship strong and magical - our Hope! As long as we had those, we're not going down."

"That's right. Everyone we know may had been gone, but their spirits and friendships are with us. We'll fight till the end. We promise you to that!" Cade exclaimed determinedly.

Everyone but their enemies cheered wildly and happily that they can win the fight.

Twilight smiled before looked at Shadow Dragon, "We will overcome it no matter what. We will win it."

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Agreed. I promised you that I will bring you and your family back to your loved one."

With words of encouragement and hope given out, Twilight's body glowed brightly. She gasped in surprised as she wondered of how and what was going in her body. She realized something as she spoke three words: "Element of Light..."

Everyone gasped in surprise and shock. Her body shot six beams of lights at the Rainbooms and Sunset. The Rainbooms glowed brightly and sparkling. Instead of questioning how they had gained it, the Rainbooms smiled proudly as they embraced its power. They transformed into their Anthro Forms with their Rainbow Powers. They all soon wielded their own weapons: Twilight Sparkle - Star Sparkle Sword, Applejack - Mind Whiplash, Rainbow Dash - Mystic Magical Spear, Fluttershy - Animal Ruby, Rarity - Diamond Gatling Blaster, Pinkie Pie - Party Launchers and Sunset Shimmer - Wind War Fan.

As the Rainbooms armed themselves in the battlefield, rest of their allies and friends armed themselves for the battlefield. They were ready for the fight.

ZAP! The Space Bridge Portal opened as the familiar heroic Transformer came out from it. He landed on the ground, followed by the colossal metallic Gladiators. Everyone gasped in surprise and shock of what they were seeing.

"OPTIMUS," Everyone but their enemies and Twilight and her family cried happily.

Optimus looked up and glared at his enemies. He had his face covered in Battle Mask as he took both his Star Saber and Prime Shield out for the battle, "Megatron..."

"Optimus... Not you again..." Galvatron exclaimed in shock, "How is this possible?!"

Dark Curse snarled in anger, "How did you find your Space Bridge?! How did you find this location?! How did you get here in time?! This is Impossible!"

Optimus huffed in anger, "I was informed by my Human Friend. I was transported to this world by an old friend from Cybertron. And I sought help from the Legendary Knights. And now here we are. We are united! We will fight together as one."

Everyone looked surprise and shock by Optimus's answer. They turned and looked at the happy Flare Tiger. Grimlock roared wildly and loudly, followed by his three members of Legendary Knights as they held their weapons up high.

Optimus Prime turned and looked at the Anthro Twilight, "Are you Twilight Sparkle?"

Nervous and shocked by Optimus Prime's asking, Twilight gulped in worry. Shadow Dragon nudged her to answer. She shook her head and answered, "Yes..."

"My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Freedom Fighter Autobots," Optimus Prime introduced himself, "Would you be honor to fight alongside with me, my brothers and comrades and our allies in against our common enemies?"

Surprised and touched by his voice of determination and protective, Twilight nodded her head firmly, "Yes, sir. I will do anything to help and save my friends from danger and especially from our enemiesr, Optimus Prime."

Optimus Prime nodded his head firmly as he and Twilight turned to the front and glared at their enemies. Their allies and comrades came and joined the glaring at their enemies. They were ready to fight their enemies.

Dark Curse and Galvatron snarled in anger as their Dark Terrorist Army and Decepticon Army were ready to fight and battle with their enemies.

"Do not let them near to the Power Core! I will not let this be our failure," Dark Curse ordered angrily, "The Humanity must end today!"

Galvatron nodded his head, "We shall end the Autobots and their allies here once and for all! We will take this world as ours! I will not stop from achieving my ambition as the Ruler of thsi world!"

"Everyone, we must stop and defeat our enemies from cyberforming this world into Decepticons' Empire! Prepare for the battle, Autobots. Fight to the End," Optimus Prime ordered firmly.

Twilight nodded her head firmly, "Let show our enemies that our Magic of Friendship is Real. Humans, Autobots and Ponies can fight together to achieve both peace and friendship!"

Shadow Dragon nodded his head in agreement, "You have our help and supports to fight for your cause. We will not surrender or stop here. We will not give up. Earth will live up to another day! It will never end!"

Everyone but Dark Terrorists and Decepticons cried wildly and determinedly as they agreed with their leaders' order.

Optimus Prime waved his Star Saber in front of him, "ROLL OUT!"

The heroes cried wildly and determinedly as they all charged straight at their enemies. The Fate of Humanity was now on their hands to save it from the extinction...

To Be Continued...

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