• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,058 Views, 13 Comments

Rainbow Spark Rocks - Shadow Master

The Dazzling takes control of the Canterlot High School. Twilight and her friends teamed up with Autobots to defeat them. But a true sinister plot is about unfold...

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Rescue and The Capture

Twilight Sparkle used her levitation spell in taking the brownish book called Equestria's Encyclopedia from Southern Book Shelf. She placed the book in front of her family and friends.

"The way Sunset Shimmer described them, I think these new girls sound an awful lot like..." Twilight gulped in concern, "the sirens."

Shadow Dragon and Lance Justicestrike gasped in worry. They knew about the Sirens before...

Pinkie then gasped in worry, "Not the sirens!" She turned to Fluttershy as she whispered softly, "I don't actually know what that is!"

Nyx had her eyes rolled over, "Oh Pinkie... You're so random as always..."

Twilight Sparkle cleared her throat as she opened the book.

The page revealed three half-horse and half-fishes' tails-like: The Sirens. They chanted and sung a song across the Equestria. Most of Equestrian Ponies: Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi battled, fought and argued with each other through the sense of hate, anger, rage, violence and heartless. The greenish mists emerged from the ponies as they were absorbed by the sirens. The latter floated in midair and across the land of Equestria as they continued singing darkly and evilly in making ponies to fight and battled against each other while the greenish mists and fogs of negative emerged and absorbed by the Sirens.

Twilight narrated, "The sirens were three beautiful but dangerous creatures who had the power to charm ponies with their music. But to maintain this power, they had to feed on the negativity and distrust of others. The more of this negative energy they consumed, the stronger their voices became, and the farther they could spread their dark magic."

Main Five, Nyx and Spike looked worry and scared about the story Twilight was narrating. Twilight was about to explain as she was about to turn the page. The page revealed Star Swirl the Bearded and Mystic Tao unleashed their Ancient Banishment Spell on three Sirens into the black portal.

Shadow Dragon continued, "The Sirens would have divided and conquered all of Equestria until a brave wizard Star Swirl the Bearded and my father Mystic Tao came. Thanks to my father's powerful spell, he cursed the Siren's powers. If their powers ever be harmed, their singing voices shall be smiten. But for safety measures, Star Swirl found a way to banish them to another world – one where he believed their magic power would be lost."

Twilight thought for the moment before gasped in worry, "That world the Sirens were banished to was where the Canterlot High friends and Humans live. But why that world?"

"Because Twilight... Humans don't believe in Magic. So, they thought of it as a make-up story, myth, legend, folktale and fairy-tale. And for example, there was no such thing called Alicorns, Pegasus, Unicorn, Griffin, Chimera, Hydra and many mythological creatures to exist."

"That must be the reason why it was the perfect place to weaken their strengths."

"But Star Swirl must have sent them there ages ago," Applejack said in concern, "How come they're just surfacin' now?"

Twilight sighed in concern, "I don't know."

"I do," Shadow Dragon spoke, "even though the Human Realm may not have much of Magic, that doesn't stop them from feeding on Humans' negative emotions. Because with that much negative, they were able to live and survive over the thousand years. And today proves it..."

Twilight nodded her head in agreeing with her loved one as she continued in concern, "If my hunch is right and it is the sirens who have come to Canterlot High, this spell they've cast is just the beginning. My friends need me. I have to get back to them."

Twilight turned as she prepared to leave but Rainbow Dash flew over and block her as she explained, "I hate to burst your bubble, Twilight, but the connection between their world and Equestria will still be totally cut off for a super long time."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "I'm afraid Rainbow Dash is right, Twilight. I can sense the connection between here and that world's had been cut off." Everyone looked at him. He continued, "Mystic Ponies can sense the magic and even through the use of dimension's magic."

Nyx sighed in concern, "But we can't just do nothing. Our friends need us!"

"Okay, first of all, if there was bubble-blowing going on, why wasn't I told about it?!" Pinkie complained as she ran in between Twilight and Rainbow Dash, "And secondly, if the connection is totally cut off, how was Sunset Shimmer able to get a message to Twilight?"

Twilight thought of what Pinkie Pie had said before gasped in surprise and happy, "Pinkie, you're a genius!"

Pinkie smiled, "Yeah, I get that a lot." She turned and glared at Rainbow Dash, "Now about those bubbles..."

Twilight trotted off. The smiling princess had her levitation on some metallic stuffs, woods and materials as she trotting towards the Magic Mirror. She started to built them up. Shadow Dragon, Mane Five, Nyx, Spike and Lance looked concern and worry yet surprise of Twilight's action.

For the moment had passed since Twilight built something, it was ready. It revealed itself to be a booth with Magic Mirror placed on the middle while its top was the battery connector which connects to the bolt pillars and machinery box-like. She smiled happily. Her friends were gathered before her as they stared and looked at the machinery.

Lance looked surprise and shock, "Mom... What-is-this?"

Twilight smiled as she explained about the theory and function of the mechanism she worked on, "...And the interval between the two points is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the separation between the points along three spatial dimensions."

Her friends and even Shadow Dragon looked confuse and tried to think of what Twilight had said. They shrugged in worry and concern, with their puzzle and confused looks. No idea what she had said about the machine.

Pinkie's eyes rolled over, "Duh! I'll explain."

"She's gonna take the magic in here-" Pinkie explained as she pointed at Celestia's Book and then pointed at the Magic Mirror, "- and put it in there. That'll make the portal open up so that whenever she wants to, she can go from here to there."

Pinkie then randomly pointed between the book and the Magic Mirror while blabbering, "There to here. Here to there. Here there! Here there! Here-!"

Got annoyed by Pinkie's continuous pointing and talking about the portal, her friends looked dizzy and having some headaches.

Applejack quickly spoke, "We get the idea!"

Pinkie smiled happily before she trotted off. Twilight then took over Pinkie's place as she glanced at the Magic Mirror, "Now to see if it actually works."

Twilight smiled as she levitated Celestia's Book and placed it on top of battery connector. With the book been placed, it glowed brightly before shot the powerful purple lightning-like out at both the bolt connectors. It then slowly transferred the electrical energies through other machinery parts such as battery powered-up box, then through the hose; they entered another bolt connectors with sphere. Reaching its full powers, the bolt connectors blasted the powerful magic on midair. It created the portal. The portal fired right on the Magic Mirror hard. With it been hit by the blast, it blinked in the eye.

For the moment had passed, the Magic Mirror slowly revealed the swirling form of Magic Mirror. Twilight and her friends awed in surprise and relief.

"Don't suppose we could join you this time around?" Applejack asked in concern.

Twilight shook her head, "Better not. It could make things pretty confusing if Canterlot High all of a sudden had two of all of you."

Main Five thought for the moment about what Twilight had said. Realized and understood her meaning, they nodded their heads in agreeing with her opinion and reasons.

Spike waved his claws at Twilight as he exclaimed, "But I still get to go, right? There isn't another one of me at Canterlot High. And you never know if you might need your trusty assistant."

"Me too! I'm going too! I can't wait to see my friends again," Nyx raised her hand up.

Twilight nodded her head calmly in allowing both of them to go with her. Nyx and Spike gasped happily as they turned and gave each other high-hoof. She turned to Shadow Dragon who looked concern and reluctant, and her adopted/step son Lance looked excited and nervous about it.

Twilight smiled, "You can follow us if you want. Besides, I haven't met your Human Version. That means no one knows about you. So, you don't have to worry or reluctant about following with me."

Shadow Dragon shook his head gently, "It's not going to that world makes me reluctant. It's the Humans." Twilight looked confuse and worry, as well as her friends and the children. He sighed, "Twilight... Humans and Ponies don't mix very well."

"What do you mean?"

"When Equestria and Mystic were united and before birth of Royal Sisters, the settlements of hairless creatures with two legs and two hands in their uniforms and dresses called Humans came to Equestria. They claimed that they had come for peace with us. And we did lived in peace together for nearly hundred years, but a group of evil Humans wanted to conquer our land and used us as the weapons. So, we have no choice but to battle and attack them. After we apprehended them, we Mystic Ponies executed the traitors and presented as warning to them for trying to take our lands, relics and artifacts for their own uses. As for the good Humans, we told them to return to their homeland and never come to our land again. So over thousand years had passed, we have not seen any sign of them."

Twilight, Main Five, Nyx, Lance and Spike were in great shock and concern yet surprise of what Shadow Dragon had said.

"So... Is that why you're worry about me going back to the Human Realm?" Twilight asked in worry.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "Yes, Twilight. I'm not saying that I don't believe in you. Some can be good and friendly as you had said. But most had some difficulties to accept us as friends, unless you shown them you mean no harm. Others treated and abused the poor creatures like tools, weapons and products. I just want you to be careful of whom you can trust."

"I understand. Don't worry, I'll be careful."

"Good... But be very careful of anything because that realm is filled with dangers and fears of extraterrestrial beings than before you remembered. They caused the wars. I don't know how, but I can sense some unbalance on that world a lot. The Darkness is looming over the world."

"Alright... But aren't you coming with me? It would be great time to spend together with our children?"

Shadow Dragon sighed, "No, I can't." Everyone looked confuse and wonder of why he refused. He explained, "I need to do more research about the Sirens. I'm afraid they won't be easy to deal with, Twilight. If I consult with my father, he might have the answer of dealing with them. And I will contact you through my mental-links if I found anything interesting to help you deal with the situation. Or you can contact me for any question and need."

Twilight smiled happily as she hugged Shadow Dragon gently, "Thanks, Shadow Dragon. You're the best boyfriend I could ask for."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "I did for you and my family." They departed, he turned and looked at Lance, "Lance, I want you to follow your mother, sister and brother to the Human Realm."

Lance gasped, "You're letting me to go with them?"

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Yes. This will be your first mission to do. Besides, I need a good and brave pony to keep his family together, plus you can have some fun with your sister. Can I count on you?"

Lance saluted to his own father, "Yes, dad. You can count on me."

Shadow Dragon nodded his head. Lance quickly gave his father a hug before the latter return him a favor. Twilight, Nyx and Spike joined in hugging. Mane Five joined as well, as they chatted happily and praying Twilight, Nyx, Spike and Lance a luck.

Shadow Dragon and Main Five departed from hugging. Twilight, Nyx, Spike and Lance readied themselves for running towards the portal.

"Ready, everyone?" Twilight asked.

Nyx, Spike and Lance smirked, "Ready!"

Twilight, Nyx, Spike and Lance charged straight to the portal before they disappeared from sights. Shadow Dragon and Mane Five can do was watch them go in. They sighed in concern and worry.

"Good luck, Twilight," Shadow Dragon spoke calmly.

As the Human Version of Twilight's Friends were waiting; Rarity helped Fluttershy in painting her fingernails, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were playing the poker, Crusaders chatted and dicussed happily, Sunset Shimmer checked on her book and Rainbow Dash was playing her football. Rainbow took a peek on the horse statue and found nothing happening...

Rainbow sighed in upset, "I'm starting to think she's not coming...

With the bright light shined from the Horse Statue's box, four people thrown out from it before hitting on the ground. The tricks had surprised Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset. Spotting two familiar girls and a puppy. They smiled happily.

"TWILIGHT!" Main Five and Sunset exclaimed happily.

"NYX and SPIKE!" Crusaders exclaimed happily.

The group quickly headed towards them. Twilight moaned and groaned painfully as she slowly got up. She smiled, "We're back."

Spotting yellowish hand in front of her, Twilight looked up and found Sunset Shimmer in front of her. She glared at her former enemy as she had not forgotten of what the latter had done before. Seeing Sunset smiled, she reluctantly yet concerned in accepting her. After some thoughts through, Twilight gave a smile to Sunset as she let her hand touched by the latter to get up. Nyx got up as well.

Main Five and Crusaders gathered and surrounded Twilight, Nyx and Spike as they greeted happily to them for coming back to Canterlot High.

Twilight's happy face turned into frown and concern, "And I've got some bad news about those girls."

Main Five, Sunset and Crusaders looked upset, scared and worried of what Twilight Sparkle had said. They looked down to both Nyx and Spike, who also nodded their heads in agreement. Things were about to get ugly...

"Ow... That really hurts a lot..." Male's voice grunted painfully yet sickly.

Everyone got shocked and surprised by the male's voice. Twilight's eyes shrunken in shock and worry as she had forgotten about someone else.

"Lance!" Twilight exclaimed as she turned to her back and found some was down. She, Nyx and Spike helped Lance up. As soon as they did, they met a light black 15-years-old teenage boy with his spiky golden hair with stripes of crimson and blue dressed in his grayish T-Shirt with golden dragon within white jacket, white pants, had the black and white wristband and gray sneakers. Three of them had their mouth wide-opened in surprise, "Lance? Is that you?"

"Yeah..." Lance hissed in pain as he slowly and gently rubbed his head before looking on his right hand. He yelped in surprise. He then looked around of his body as he awed in surprise and shock about it. He whistled, "I'm... I'm Human... Wow... This is so cool and awesome!"

"Twilight... Who is this kid?" Rainbow asked in surprise.

Twilight giggled uneasily as she turned to her friends and answered, "Everybody, this is Lance Justicestrike. And he's my... son."

"YOUR SON?!" Main Five, Sunset and Crusaders exclaimed in shock.

They turned and looked at both Nyx and Spike for answer. They nodded their heads in confirmation. Main Five, Sunset and Crusaders' eyes were widened in shock and surprise about the event. First Spike can talk and Nyx was Twilight's daughter, and now Lance was her son now yet older than Nyx? Surprisingly and shocking as well about the event...

Lance smiled nervously, "Yup, that was very true."

"How?" Sunset asked in surprise and shock.

Twilight sighed, "I'll explain to you later. But first, we need to find a place for our discussion."

Main Five, Crusaders, Sunset, Nyx, Spike and Lance nodded their heads in agreement. Twilight and all of her friends exited the Canterlot High's Area. Stinger's Car Mode was still parking near to the house. His eyes narrowed down in determination and anger as he contacted his master.

"Lord Galvatron. Target has been sighted. I found them. They're on the move," Stinger said firmly.

"Excellent; Stinger," Galvatron's voice spoke, "Keep an eye on her and her friends. And bring them to me and my contact. She is the key to both mine and Dark Curse's plans. She may had something we need..."

"Understood, Lord Galvatron. Stinger out," Stinger spoke firmly.

As soon as Twilight and her friends headed off from Canterlot High's Front Lawn, Stinger's car mode moved out and followed them. Far away from Canterlot High, the familiar yellowish Camaro came out from the house's narrowed alley. It then followed Stinger from the back. thing were about to get intense...

Twilight and her friends continued walking and heading straight to the Sugarcube Corner. Lance groaned and moaned in annoyance and panicked as he struggled in walking with his two legs. He had tried to walk but fell to the ground for three times. He was about to fall again. Twilight quickly grabbed his chest before holding him up.

"Easy, Lance... You need to calm down and walk... slowly and gently," Twilight advised Lance, "The last thing I want was a son with broken legs."

Lance sighed, "Yes, mom..." He grunted painfully as he tried to stand his legs up gently yet wiggled and struggled, "Being Human is sure not easy to do. I wonder how dad handles it."

Nyx shrugged while patted on her brother's back, "I bet it's not easy for him to do when he transformed into a Human." She smirked as she whacked on his back hard, "Besides, me and Mummy had the hard time in getting use to two legs. But we've got it right. Just give it time."

Lance was nearly fall down, but quickly moved his right leg to hold up. He turned and glared at the giggling Nyx and chuckling Spike. He sighed in annoyance. Crusaders looked at each other before shrugged while giggling with their pony friend since they loved to make fun on their older siblings.

Main Five and Sunset looked worry and shock yet surprised about Twilight's having another child among her family. They were very used to Nyx as her daughter but now having an older son was new to them. But they knew that Twilight will explain to them about this.

Twilight and her friends were sitting on their seats with table. Applejack, Fluttershy who was holding Spike and Rainbow Dash were sitting on the chairs. Twilight, Rarity and Sunset were sitting on the sofa. Crusaders, Nyx and Lance sat on the small cushion chairs. They were drinking their shakes and drinks.

"Oh, I do hate that you had to return at a time of crisis," Rarity said in concern before smiling, "There's so much catching up to do."

Applejack nodded her head, "For starters, a certain blue-haired guitar player was just askin' about you."

Twilight gasped, "Flash Sentry was asking about me?! Was he checking on me?!" The girls gave the smirk looking at her. She blushed in nervous and excited as she wiggled her left small flinch's hair before cleared her throat, "Isn't that nice? I'm glad that both him and I are good friends."

Twilight then quickly took a large sip through her straw on her chocolate shakes while leaving her friends smirked slyly.

Rarity smiled before taking a sip of her tea, "Perhaps you would give us just the slightest bit of gossip from your world?"

Spike smirked, "She's got an official tittle now." He imitated in playing his fanfare with his crunchy dog bone food before bowed, "The Princess of Friendship!"

Impressed and surprised by Twilight's tittle, Sunset smiled and nodded, "Wow, that's really impressive. Guess you really were Princess Celestia's prized pupil."

Nyx giggled happily, "Mommy's even got her own castle!"

Lance nodded his head, "And mom is in love with my dad. They're the official couples and parents to us!"

Rarity gasped in surprise as she grabbed Twilight's arms while looking at her, "A Castle?! You have your own castle?!"

"And you have your own boyfriend or husband?!" Applejack asked in surprise.

"Whoa..." Crusaders spoke in amazement.

Twilight gulped while blushed in embarrassed, "Yes. And it happen during the Third Mystic War." Her Human Friends looked surprise and concern. Twilight then explained how the event went and especially what Mystic Ponies were, how Twilight and Shadow Dragon met, having Lance as her son and won the war. They were in shock and surprise by her story. She smiled as she asked, "What's new here? I mean, besides your school becoming the target of dangerous magical creatures from Equestria?"

Rainbow Dash nodded her head as she took her cell-phone out and shown her video of herself being transformed into her Anthro Form, "Yeah, so, that isn't exactly the only strange thing that's happened since you left." Twilight, Nyx, Spike and Lance were looked surprise and shock about the event. Rainbow smirked, "Pretty sweet, huh? It happens to all of us when we play."

Twilight hummed softly as she make some thoughts about it, "My crown was returned to Equestria, but some of its magic must have remained here at Canterlot High. Now that we're all back together, we can use that magic on the sirens. Just like when we were able to use it on Sunset Shimmer when she turned into that horrifyingly awful winged monster!"

Main Five and Crusaders gasped in shock. Nyx poked on Twilight's left hand before pointing at Sunset. Twilight gasped in shock as she turned to Sunset, "No offense."

"None taken," Sunset sighed, "Heh. I'm used to it..."

"Anything else?" Twilight asked.

"About Shadow Dragon - he's your boyfriend right," Sunset asked in concern. Twilight nodded. She sighed, "We did met him before but as in Human. He's kinda different from what you had described on him. He's the new student at Canterlot High."

"Shadow Dragon is at Canterlot High as the student?! Wow! That's some surprise." Twilight sighed happily, "I can't wait to meet him again. He was brave, kind, smart and most important of all: amazing warrior I ever met and had in my life."

Lance smiled and nodded his head, "Wow... This is so awesome. I can't believe that we're working together again, just like before."

Nyx nodded her head, "But in this world, we'd better stick to the siblings again. The last thing we want is to confuse and freak people out about us."

"You said it," Crusaders remarked and agreed.

Spike nodded, "No kidding about it."

"That's not just it, Twilight," Applejack said in concern, "this Shadow Dragon is way different than yours. He's a loner, trust no one and wanted to be alone because of his painful past, though he met up with some of his own friends than others. Principal Celestia told us not to bother, question or stress him since he has PTSD from the past."

"As in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?" Twilight asked in concern. Applejack nodded her head. She sighed in concern as she muttered, "Iris Crystal... She must have been killed by Drake Blackstar again. And I bet he blamed himself for the mistakes he made. He must have had hard time to get over it."

"Forget about S.D," Rainbow Dash exclaimed wildly, "We've gotta focus on the Dazzlings! They'll never even know what hit 'em!"

Rainbow Dash showed off her karate moves. Applejack nodded, "We've got nothin' to worry about now that Twilight's back."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I could find something to worry about." Fluttershy said in concern before smiling, "But it won't be the sirens."

Twilight nodded, "The sooner we do this, the better. Any idea where the Dazzlings might be?"

Pinkie poked on Twilight's shoulder in gaining her attention while drinking and finishing up her milkshake. She sighed in relief before explained, "There's a big party tonight for all the bands who signed up to be in the showcase! That would include the Dazzlings."

Heard of Pinkie's information, everyone in the cafe smiled in agreement with her. Twilight spoke and smiled, "Looks like we've got a party to crash. So let's move on."

Her friends and children cheered happily and wildly. Twilight and her friends got up and exited the cafe. Unknown to them, Shadow Dragon; worn his shades, was sitting on his seat while having his chair leaned and legs crossed on the table. He turned and glanced at them exiting the cafe. Shadow Dragon placed his com-link on.

"All units... Be prepared. Get ready to capture Subject Twilight."

Twilight and her friends exited the cafe as they were preparing to go to Canterlot High. VROOM! Heard by that noise, Twilight and her friends quickly headed to the front. They spotted the crimson and black mixed Pagani Huayra was charging up its wheels for few times.

"What- What's the carriage doing?" Twilight asked in worry.

"Technically, it's called car," Rainbow corrected yet looked worry as she and her friends looked at the charging car, "But yeah... What's it doing?!"

Pagani Huayra charged up as it charged straight at the girls, Rarity gulped in worry, "Hopefully, it doesn't crush us! DUCK!"

The girls screamed in fear and worry as Twilight, Sunset and Main Five jumped on the right side while Crusaders, Nyx, Spike and Lance jumped on the left side. As the crimson car transformed into the upgraded version of Stinger and slammed on the ground hard. They gasped in shock and worry as they encountered and found the giant crimson robot. He growled in anger.

"Can cars do that magically?!" Twilight asked in shock.

Nyx yelped, "What is that thing?!"

"Is it a Metal Colossal?!" Spike asked in fear.

Lance gulped, "Guess I understand why dad is worry about the Humans. More crazy monsters!"

"Technically, they're called Transformers! And it's not magic, Twilight. It's technology," Rainbow corrected Twilight. Stinger growled in anger. She yelped in fear, "And he's no friend of ours! RUN!"

The girls and two boys screamed in fear and worry as they quickly got up and started to ran away from Stinger. They ran through the main road. He growled in anger as he went after them. Being tall and bigger than any Humans, he can outrun his enemies.

Arriving on the downtown, the girls and two boys turned to the alley. Upon closed to his target, Stinger swoop his arm right on Twilight Sparkle up while she screamed in fear. The girls and boys stopped at once. They turned to their backs. They gasped in shock and worry. Stinger had Twilight Sparkle in his right grasp as she struggled to get his out.

"MOM!" Lance, Nyx and Spike exclaimed in fear and worry.

Twilight moaned in upset, "Somehow, I really wish I had wings and four hooves to outrun the giant metal monster!"

Stinger roared in anger, "Are you Subject Twilight?!"

"Subject what?! What are you talking about?!"

"Are you Subject Twilight?!"

Twilight gulped in worry, "Technically yes... I am Twilight Sparkle..."

Stinger roared, "What is your specialty behind the Energon Supply?! Where do you get them from?! Where do you come from?!"

"Hey Buddy! Let our friend go!" Applejack exclaimed in anger.

Main Five, Sunset, Crusaders, Lance, Nyx and Spike charged in as they punched and kicked on Stinger's foot and leg for few times. After some punches had passed, they all had their fists and legs pain and hurt a lot. They screamed and shouted in pain and fear.

Stinger growled in anger as he looked at his enemies. He gave them a hard stomp on the ground. The wave blew the Humans away from him. He turned and glared at nervous and worry Twilight.

Twilight gulped in worry, "What do you want from me?"

Stinger growled, "I want answers now?!"

"Hey buddy!" Tough man's voice shouted.

Stinger turned to his back but got his mask punched while letting Twilight off from his palm. She was about to fell to her death. Her friends and children gasped in worry and fear. But instead of that, she was rescued and held by the yellowish metallic hands. Twilight gasped in surprise. She turned and spotted the yellowish robot Bumblebee.

Twilight gasped, "Please, don't hurt me! I don't know anything!"

"Lady! You're safe from the troubles." Bumblebee radioed through the superhero's voice. ZAP! His voice changed into another advertising reporter, "Don't let the cheap knockoffs fool ya."

Twilight looked confuse and concern, "What?"

Bumblebee turned and lowered his hand down. Twilight got down from his palm. Her friends and children gathered up and surrounded her. They chatted happily and relief in seeing her safe from danger. She smiled in relief as well. She looked up and stared at Bumblebee who was looking at her and her friends.

"Who is he? What is he?" Twilight asked in surprise.

Applejack smiled, "That's Bumblebee. One of the Autobots and the good guys."

"We've got nothing to worry about," Rainbow remarked proudly.

BOOM! Bumblebee beeped in fear as he was thrown to the end of the alley. Rainbow looked worry and scared as she and her friends turned and saw Stinger armed with his Canon Blaster.

Rainbow Dash gulped again, "On second thought, we're got something to worry about! RUN NOW!"

Twilight and her friends quickly ran towards the end of the alley at once. Upon reaching to the end, Stinger was about to grab Twilight. Bumblebee jumped and slammed Stinger to the ground hard. They both got bounced each other to the ground on and off while punching on each other's faces hard and quick for seven times. They got slammed on the walls hard. Stinger punched on Bumblebee's face for three times before kicking on him, but the latter quickly kicked the former off to the walls.

Twilight and her friends hid behind the trash boxes as they watched and witnessed the battle between Bumblebee and Stinger. They were all looked worry and scared. Rainbow Dash was amazed as she imitating Bumblebee's moves in battling and fighting with Stinger.

As they continued watching the battles, Twilight's left shoulder was touched. She gasped in shock. She and her friends turned and found three Humans.

Tessa shushed softly, "It's okay. We're friends."

"Hey... I know you," Applejack said in surprise, "you're the Humans who helped Autobots stopped those Decepticons and Lockdown. Not to mention, you told the world about Cemetery Wind."

"Yes... We're truly thankful of you when NEST Team and the rest of heroes were gone," Rarity said in relief.

"Huh?" Twilight looked confuse and concern, "You know them?"

"Yes... Everything is from the net and news," Pinkie explained happily.

"Yeah, can we talk about us and Transformers later, mate?!" Shane asked in worry, "We can't stay here, mate. Otherwise, we get ourselves blasted and knocked off by those freaking Giant Bad Robos!" Shane exclaimed in worry.

Cade nodded, "Shane's right. Those Decepticons were after Twilight and her friends, we can't stay here. Just follow me and we'll get out of here."

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked in worry.

Cade nodded, "Trust me. It'll be okay. I promised."

Both of them continued punching and blocking on each other for ten times. Stinger gave the uppercut punch on Bumblebee's head before kicked his chest hard to the walls. The former charged in and punched on the latter's chest for three times before giving him another uppercut. Stinger was about to give another punch. Bumblebee slammed Stinger to the ground hard. Bumblebee gave the hard punches on the latter's head for five times, before grabbing his legs and swung Stinger around for three times. Bumblebee thrown Stinger to aside.

Bumblebee armed himself with his Canon Blaster; readied to finish Stinger off. Got instead, he got himself blasted to the walls hard. He then landed on the ground hard. He moaned and groaned painfully as he slowly got up. He spotted three more SUV Vans transformed into the whitish armored Vehicon Troopers while third one was purplish armored with two demonic heads. They armed with their blasters and guns.

Bumblebee gulped in worry, "Uh-Oh!"

Stinger and his Two Vehicon Troopers fired their blasters at Bumblebee, who quickly rolled over to the front. He quickly struck his bladed canon right on the first Vehicon's chest and fired the blast. Bumblebee turned to the second one as he gave the latter a hard punch. He turned and kicked on the third one's chest. He turned to Stinger as he kicked the latter to the ground. Upon landed on the ground, Stinger fired his grappling hook on Bumblebee's legs and pulled his back hard, causing the latter to fall down. Stinger and his two Vehicon Troopers gathered around and readied to fire at Bumblebee.

SLASH! The second Vehicon Trooper had his chest struck by the katana. Both Stinger and Vehicon Trooper turned to their back and found Drift armed with his single katana. They quickly fired their blasters while moving back and away from the former Decepticon. He swiftly blocked and deflected the crimson blasts from him with his katana while moving forward. He quickly helped Bumblebee to get up. He gave the latter a nod, which he return it. They both turned and charged straight at both Stinger and Vehicon Trooper.

Bumblebee and Stinger continued attacking and blocking at each other through punching and kicking while Drift swung his katanas at the angry purple Vehicorn Guard.

Vehicon Guard swung his punches at Drift for three times but making the latter to dodge them. He then thrust his first katana on the trooper's chest before swung his sword on the chest for three times. He then jumped and hovered over to the trooper's back. Drift swung his both katana on trooper's both arms and then slashed on the trooper's both heads and then his legs. The Vehicon Guard fell to pieces.

Bumblebee thrust his fist at Stinger's head, but the latter dodged down and swiped at the former's legs. Stinger then grabbed Bumblebee's neck as he held the latter up and aimed his left canon at his chest.

Stinger chuckled evilly, "Cheap knockoffs, huh? I'll show you who's knockoffs, old fashioned-bot!"

"SON OF THE-!" Bumblebee cursed as he was being insulted. He quickly blasted his Canon at Stinger's hand that was grabbing and grasping him. The latter screamed in pain while leaving the former to get down and radioed, "Talk to me like that one more time, dude. I'll show you my bad sides!"

"Accursed Autobot Scum!" Stinger cursed in anger while checking on his right damaged arm. He growled in anger, "I'm gonna rip you apart, original freak!"

Stinger charged at Bumblebee. He tried to punch on the latter's body for three times, but dodged down before swiped on the former's legs and then kicked him off. Stinger growled in anger as he got up and punched on Bumblebee's head and then on his chest before kicking him off. Drift jumped in and punched on Stinger's body for ten times before kicked him off.

Recovered from the fall, Stinger shook his head hard before charged in and battled with his enemies. He tried to punch Drift but blocked before allowing Bumblebee to punch. Stinger tried to attack the Bumblebee but blocked and let Drift to punch back. They both did the routine for three times while making Stinger injured and tired. Both Drift and Bumblebee gave the hard punch on his face.

Stinger growled in anger, "I'll get to you!"

Stinger transformed into his crimson Pagani Huarya and drove off. Bumblebee sighed in relief as he gave Drift a thumbs up. Drift nodded and bowed in Japanese Style of Respect to the former.

The Yaegar Family ran as fast as they can while keeping 12 teenagers in safe from danger through the downtown road. While running as fast as they can, they stopped at once. They spotted another group of 10 Decepticon Troopers were waiting neared to the large area. The latter group spotted the former as they charged in and armed with their blasters and guns.

"SHIT!" Cade exclaimed in fear, "Everyone, get back! Hid behind the walls! I'll hold them off! Tessa, Shane; keep them safe!"

"Got it!" Tessa and Shane exclaimed in agreement.

Tessa and Shane quickly guide Twilight and her friends to the eastern buildings and hid there. Cade took his Cybertronian Blaster and fired at the charging Decepticon Troopers. They quickly hid behind the pillars and walls while firing their blasters and guns at him. He hid behind the trash cans and some cars for cover before stood up and fired his blaster at them.

While hiding on the building's walls, Twilight and her friends breathed heavily and exhausted. Shane held his Cybertronian Gun as he prepared for any sign of his enemies' coming while Tessa kept an eye on her new friends.

Twilight breathed heavily, "Will someone tell me what the hay is going on?! What were those things?! How did they transformed from their- cars?!"

"Somethings tells me that the yellow and red robots weren't friendly. They're like enemies. This kinda reminds me of the Third Mystic War..." Lance remarked in concern.

"Yeah! We wanted to know what's going on! Why do they want with my mommy?!" Nyx demanded. Shane and Tessa gasped in shock as they turned and looked at her. She yelped in worry, "That came out wrong! That wasn't what I meant to say!"

Spike sighed, "Secret is out anyway."

"No worries, kids," Shane spoke calmly, "Besides, I've been on the weird stuffs before. I'm used to it like talking truck turned into a giant robot. And for the talking dog, that is so classic."

Tessa nodded, "And to be honest... We don't know. But if you're what I think you are, they may think you hold something they want."

"What's that?" Applejack asked in worry.

Rarity nodded her head, "Please tell us. And do quickly, we need to get back to school to deal with some group else."

"What is it that those Decepticons want with Twilight?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

Shane sighed in worry, "Let's say... It happens from the Canterlot High Incident from last year. Whatever happen from that time, it got those Decepticons and Autobots' attention in learning and researching about it." Everyone but Tessa gasped in shock and worry. BOOM! Shane hissed in anger, "SHIT! I hate those Cons! They're good in destroying lives! Not gonna happen, mate! Take this, buster!"

Shane fired his Cybertronian Gun at two Decepticon's heads twice. Cade quickly fired his Cybertronian Blaster back on the first Decepticon Trooper's chest hard before dodged down from the blast of Decepticon Troopers. Both Shane and Cade continued firing their blasters at them who hid while firing at them.

HONK! Cade and his friends turned to their backs. They found a charging Military Truck was heading straight to the Decepticon Troopers who kept on firing back at it. It then rammed on them hard before transforming into Hound. The Decepticon Troopers got up as they prepared to fight and battled with their enemies. Both Decepticon Troopers' heads got shot. They looked up and saw the diving Crosshairs was going straight for the Decepticon Troopers.

Five Decepticon Troopers were about to fire at both Crosshairs and Hound. The first one got the katana struck on his chest but his head got sliced while taking his katana back by Drift. Bumblebee blasted his Canon on the second one. Hound swung his Gatling Blaster on third one before firing at him to pieces. Crosshairs dived straight on the fourth one and kicked him straight to the ground hard.

Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Hound and Drift turned and glared at the last one who was frightened and scared by their attacks. Before he could do anything, four Autobots thrust and slammed their punches right on his head hard to pieces.

The battle was over. Yaegar Family and Canterlot High Teens came out from their hidings and met up with others. The latter was in impressed and awed by the Autobots' rescue and battles.

Bumblebee lowered himself down and looked at Twilight as he radioed like a woman, "You okay, hon?"

"Wow..." Twilight said in shock and surprised. She shook her head hard, "Thank you for rescuing us, but we had to get out of here now! Thank you and bye!"

Twilight and her friends turned to their back as they prepared to leave. But they got their faces sprayed by the mysterious smoke. It gave the them hard to breathe as they coughed out loud and sickly for the moment. They fell to the ground hard. As soon as the smoke dispersed, the Black Ops Soldier and his friends came out and looked at Twilight and her friends.

Cade approached to the Black Ops Soldier, "You know I could have talk to her than just hurting her, Shadow Dragon."

Shadow Dragon huffed, "Commander wants them back to KSI Headquarter at once. And I will bring them Time is of the essence. Let's go."

SUV Vans came and arrived at Shadow Dragon's location. Black Ops Soldiers took and carried Twilight and her friends into the van before entering the vehicles. Yaegar Family sighed in worry and concern, and even Autobots were worried as well. The Autobots transformed into their vehicles. Yaegaer Family entered Bumblebee's vehicle. As soon as everyone got on the vehicles, they drove off to the next location...

At his office, Azure Phoenix was reading the documents as well as signing them off. His office telephone rang. He took it up and listen.

"We have them, Mr.Secretary," Shadow Dragon spoke firmly and calmly.

Azure nodded his head firmly and seriously, "Understood. I'll be there soon..." He closed the office telephone before getting up, "Time to find out of who you really are, Twilight Sparkle and her intruders..."

Azure Phoenix exited his office as he headed straight to the location for answers...

To be continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1. Originally, I was going straight for kidnapping part by Shadow Dragon and his team, but as I went through the transcript and film of Rainbow Rocks again. I decided to against it and used differently...