• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,048 Views, 13 Comments

Rainbow Spark Rocks - Shadow Master

The Dazzling takes control of the Canterlot High School. Twilight and her friends teamed up with Autobots to defeat them. But a true sinister plot is about unfold...

  • ...

Chapter 11: Fate of Humanity I - Age of Extinction Begins

Within the meditation chamber, pony Shadow Dragon gasped in shock and feared as he awakened from something frightened and scared him. He panted heavily. He knew something was wrong. As he got up from his bed sheet, he headed off to the Library Chamber. He stared at Magic Mirror, with his feared and concerned face.

"Twilight... No..." Pony Shadow Dragon said in fear. He hissed in anger. Tempted to go to the world and wanted to vent his anger, he decided not to. As he feared that his Human Form will be useless to him to help his family, instead he chose to meditated, "I hope I can reach him. He was the only I can rely on for her and children..."

At her home, Human Twilight looked at the monitor. She saw everything during the 'Battle of the Band' competition. She held her mouth up while showing her concern and pained expression. She was worried and concerned about Shadow Dragon's PTDS and the others.

"No... Not again..." Human Twilight said in pain while hissed before she prayed, "Be strong, Shadow Dragon... It's not over now. Our friends need you now. Don't give up now..."

At the Canterlot High's Night Stage, Dragon Strike Force and the remaining allies of their were gathered at the area. They were in pained, saddened and scarred by Twilight and her six Human Friends were kidnapped and captured by their enemies. They thought they had won the battle, but found out that the Dazzlings had really help from not only Decepticons but also Dark Terrorists.

"Not again..." Shadow Dragon said painfully as he was reminded by his dark past. Even though Twilight was a pony from the realm but if it happen to his Twilight, he could not forgive himself. He looked down, "It's all my fault. Why didn't I see it?"

Shadow Dragon groaned in anger as he started pounding and hitting on the floor for three times while cried in anger and pain, "No! NO! It should've been me, It should've been me, It should've been me!!!!" He then slammed his hard punch on the floor as it cracked and blown up to pieces, "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!"

Shadow Dragon panted heavily as he slowly sat up while looking down. Some looked away and other looked down as they can feel his pain, sadness and scarred for losing their friends, even though they came from another world.

Reminded by their pony Shadow Dragon's pain; Lance, Nyx and Spike looked at each other before giving a nod. They approached to Human Shadow Dragon. Both Lance and Nyx gave him a hug while Spike nuzzled his legs. Knowing they cared for him, he hugged them back for caring for him.

"You know I'm not really your father. I'm his Human Counterpart," Shadow Dragon said calmly.

Lance nodded, "We know. But we've seen this before. We wanted to make you comfort. We can still save them, Shadow Dragon."

"Lance's right. It's not over," Nyx said calmly.

Shadow Dragon shook his head, "How? We failed. Everything we did is for nothing... If one fails, Dark Curse went to another to perform. And I didn't see it. It's over. "

Before any of his friends and allies could speak to him, the white light appeared and surrounded Shadow Dragon. They looked surprise and shock by it. Before they could do or speak, the light slowly glowed brightly and blinded most of his friends...

As the light dispersed and disappeared, Shadow Dragon was still sitting down while looking down as he waited for the answers from his allies. Nothing. As he looked up, he found himself lost and trapped in the empty white world. He slowly got up as he looked around of the area. Empty. And not a sign of life. Shadow Dragon sighed in worry as he was all alone.

"Hello, Shadow Dragon," The voice called attracted Shadow Dragon's attention. As the latter turned and found someone unexpected. His pony self spoke, "Don't be alarmed. I mean you no harm."

"Shadow Dragon..." Human Shadow Dragon greeted calmly as he bowed before his pony-self.

"Is everything alright? Are Twilight and others alright? I sense great disturbance here."

Human Shadow Dragon sighed, "I'm sorry... I'm very sorry..." Pony Shadow Dragon looked concern and worry. His Human-Self looked pain and feared. He continued, "I couldn't save her. I couldn't save your loved one. And I'm sorry what I did to yours before today."

Pony Shadow Dragon sighed in worry, "It was I feared." He then looked at the guilty Human Shadow Dragon, "It's alright. Twilight told me, but I suspect someone had drugged you and her both to be disillusioned when you were both alone."


"Possibly... Tell me, what happen?"

Human Shadow Dragon explained how today's event went to Pony Shadow Dragon. The latter looked worry yet showing firm and serious expression. He turned and looked back at his Human-Self.

"This isn't good," Pony Shadow Dragon said in concern, "If what you said is true, Dark Curse could be after their powers for something dangerous. You have to save her and others before it's too late."

Human Shadow Dragon looked stun and feared as he spoke, "I can't. Why can't you?"

"Because it will take too long for me to get used to Human's two legs and two hands. You had to be the one to save her, with friends of yours and my children. I'm depending on you to save and bring them home. They're too important to me."

"I can't... I'm sorry. I can't. Because of my hatred and anger for the aliens, I didn't put my faith and trust on her and her friends. I blamed them for ruining my life, killed my first love and some of my friends and turned most of innocents into Mutants. I can't do it. I'm very sorry, Shadow Dragon."

Pony Shadow Dragon sensed something else in his Human-Self as he spoke, "Not only that. You were afraid of something else."

Human Shadow Dragon sighed in defeat, "Yes... Yes, I am. I was afraid to lose my Twilight or any of my friends and family again since that day. I couldn't bare to take it. That's why I drifted away from them to get bad memories off me, but it got worsened. There was nothing I can do about it."

"There is," Pony Shadow Dragon spoke calmly and firmly. Human Shadow Dragon looked up and looked at his pony self as the latter continued, "I was like you. I questioned and doubted myself of having second chance until Twilight came to my life. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have make this far and especially having my own family and friends while reuniting with my old ones. I vowed to protect everyone from danger, even the cost of my life."

"That's... That's..." Human Shadow Dragon said in stun, "Incredible... Do you think I can do it?"

"Yes... Have faith. Have hope. And most important of all: don't give up. The enemies may tried to harm them again, but we're not going give them the chance. We will fight. We will defend them with our lives. We will keep the world safe. That's all you need to do."

"Yes. You're right about it. We will defend our important people in our lives."

Pony Shadow Dragon smiled in relief, "That's good to hear. And my friend, spend more time with your Twilight. She needs you more than you need her."

Human Shadow Dragon smiled, "Thanks. I will."

With everything settled, both Human and Pony Shadow Dragons smiled in relief. The former gave the latter a hand as the pony smiled and raised his up. They both gave each other a friendly hand-or-hoofshakes. The world slowly disappeared as they were both...

Shadow Dragon moaned while mumbling. He opened his eyes and found the rest of his friends and allies looking at him. They questioned him whether he's okay or not. He smiled calmly.

"Yes. I'm fine. Someone had help me to get on my feet," Shadow Dragon said calmly. As he stood up, he spoke firmly, "Come on, everyone. We've got friends to save. It's not over until we get everyone back home!"

His team and his allies cheered wildly and happily in relief of hearing Shadow Dragon spoke and willingly to go and fight his enemies to save his friends.

"Hate to inform you, Shadow Dragon. We've got major problem," Laxtinct said in worry and feared.

Tailtech nodded his head, "Yeah. Soundwave must have found a way to shut our Black Ops satellites down before Shorty and I could start our search. Man, I hate that Decepticon."

"Our KSI and Military Intel found nothing too. Dark Terrorists and Decepticons knocked almost all of the satellites and networks," Blazefist said firmly.

"Let's not forget about this guy," Aquastroke said firmly as she held the painful Tech's collar up. She continued, "I beat some sense to him, and he still doesn't know anything. I think he's lying."

Flare Tiger nodded her head, "Me too, partner. I knew that too."

Tech yelped before screamed in fear, "I told you - I don't know anything! I don't even know where Dark Curse's Headquarter was! He just informed and told me what to do! I swear! Honest!"

Spike groaned in annoyance, "This is getting ridiculous. Guess Dark Curse never let any clues behind for us to find out. This is difficult for us to deal with it."

"No.... This can't be over. It can't be..." Bumblebee radioed painfully.

Drift patted on Bumblebee's right shoulder gently, "I am sorry, Bee-san. The enemies are one step ahead of us again. We were too occupied in dealing with intruders. We were so foolish..."

"So, what are we gonna do? Give up? Game Over?" Shane asked in fear and worry.

Tessa shook her head before punched her left hand on Shane's right shoulder, "Knock it off, Shane. It can't be over. We have to find them before those monsters could do anything to our friends. We owe everything to them. We're not giving up."

Cade smiled as he held Tessa closed to him, "Nice one, Tess. I'm proud of you." He turned to his allies and friends, "We're not giving up. There has to be a clue for us to find out; anything and even small one for us to search."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Dragon Strike Force, Yeagar Family and Autobots looked around of the stage's area as they sought for the clues. Aquastroke and Blazefist continued interrogating Tech; though the former continued torturing the whinny boy while making the latter to calm her down. Shadow Dragon, Simmons, Crusaders, Spike and Lance thought of how they can solve the problem.

Remembered the talking and chatting with his friend, Shadow Dragon pressed the right com-link's button in contacting someone he can depend on. Lance, Nyx and Spike looked surprise and shock by Shadow Dragon's attempt.

"Hey, who are you calling?" Spike asked in worry, "I thought Tailtech said that the satellites went down."

Lance nodded his head in agreement, "But you know what you're doing?"

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Yes, I know. Soundwave only knocked on 'Search and Locate' and 'Communication' Satellites, but I have someone own a satellite for emergency and important mission if anything goes wrong."

"By 'Her' means..." Nyx asked in surprise before gasped, "You don't mean-!"

"Yes. She's our chance to help and save your mother. Don't worry, she'll help us. She's a friend can be trusted, just like your mother," Shadow Dragon answered as he patted on Nyx's hair gently. Received the response from his girlfriend, he spoke, "Twilight, I need your help."

"One step ahead of you. I saw everything from my home," Human Twilight answered calmly before sighed, "Are you alright? Did those monsters hurt you?"

"I'm okay. But I've got a friend of mine's promise to fulfill. And I'm gonna make sure of that."

"Friend? You mean your pony counterpart?"

"Yes. I promised that bring his family back. And I promised you that I'll be back for you. Can you help me with that?"

"Alright, I'll help you. The Decepticons and Dark Terrorists may had shut most of the military satellites down, but mine is not down yet since it's not really for military. I have their coordinates now. Checking up now."

"Good," Shadow Dragon said calmly, "So, what's their location?"

Twilight gasped in shock, "Oh no..."


"Shadow Dragon... It's the very same place where we had terrible incident before."

Shadow Dragon gasped, "Don't tell me-!"

Twilight sighed, "I'm afraid so, Shadow Dragon. It's Ellis Island..."

Shadow Dragon's eyes widened in shock and fear. Lance, Spike and Nyx looked worry and concern when they saw feared and worried Shadow Dragon. They had the feeling that he had some kind of connection to that area.

Flare Tiger's eyes narrowed in determination, "I've got the bad feeling about it. We need some big guns to help us win this fight." She smirked, "And I know who can help us."

("Whispers of Wonder" Theme by Audiomachine)

On Cybertron's Iacon Council, Alpha Trion brought Optimus Prime into the ruined council's chamber. Seeing the chamber like this had brought Optimus Prime reminded by his past of how Autobots' Government work by his former mentor: Sentinel Prime.

Optimus Prime looked worry and concern, "Why have you brought me here, Alpha Trion?"

"Because there is someone wish to speak with you, Optimus," Alpha Trion spoke calmly and firmly, "He holds the key to your past and origins of why we Dynasty of Primes betrayed our Creators and gained our own freedom. Do you wish to know"


"Allow me to present our benevolent Creator who gave us the spark and freewill: Primus..."

The white light slowly appeared and formed a large yet sparkling bluish spark-like on the Council's table. Optimus Prime gasped in shock and surprise as he and Alpha Trion quickly bowed down before it.

"Rise, Optimus Prime..." Primus spoke calmly and humbly. As Optimus Prime stood up, he continued, "It was great honor to see you return to Cybertron. And I was proud of what you had done for your thousand years of journey."

Optimus Prime looked down while sighed, "I wish I could be..."

"Why gloom, Prime? You saved thousands of lives from Decepticons for over the times."

"But I sacrificed so many of my kind and even Cybertron to stop the Decepticons. It's a terrible price to pay for to save Humanity. But in return, they attacked and killed us and especially to any of my Human Friends. They were all gone because of me."

"Yet you firmly remained not to kill or betray them. It proves that... you still had faith for the Humans. It proves that you're better than what the Creators attempted to create. You had the Spark of the Life. This is something I had hope to achieve it."

"There's something I want to ask. Why? Why did you do it? This could mean you betrayed them."

As Primus's ball glowed brightly, the chamber slowly transformed and turned into darkness where it revealed the holographic form of blurred yet familiar metallic creatures mixed with pale skinned and the holographic forms of metallic yet humanoid robots. They were chatting for the moment about creating and building the Cybertronian Robots. One of them who was in bluish armored: Primus had his eyes narrowed in anger and determination.

In his own laboratory, Primus built and created Cybertronian Dynasty of Primes and Legendary Knights for some decades. As years had passed, one of Prime blinked of bluish eyes while made his fingers flinched twice. Primus smiled proudly.

Dynasty of Primes and Legendary Knights charged and battled against the menace yet mindless drones in the heat of battle at Cybertron while driving and chasing all of Creators out of their home. They cheered wildly as they had won the battle. As years had passed, Dynasty of Primes led and guide most of matured and serious yet new Cybertronians from the Allspark's power, in building and creating their own kingdom and home of Cybertron.

Primus explained, "Optimus, freedom is right to all sentient beings. While the rest of Creators wanted to build and create your kind as the slaves and war machines, but for me; I wanted them to have their own freewill and sparks. So, I secretly created the powerful and strong warriors called Legendary Knights and Dynasty of Primes. I told them what they needed to do. And thus, they rebelled and betrayed the Creators while rebuilding and protecting Cybertron from danger at all cost."

The next hologram revealed from one of Optimus Prime's memory. It shown The Fallen waged the war against his own brothers in attempt to destroy the Earth by absorbing the Sun's energy through his Energon Harvester with the help of Matrix of Leadership.

The second memory of his shown and revealed the battle and fight between Autobots and Decepticons during 'Cybertronian Great War' at Cybertron.

Optimus Prime sighed, "But The Fallen betrayed us when we found a world that filled with Sun's Powerful Energy to powered Cybertron and Allspark's energy source. And soon, the war began between Autobots and Decepticons. And so many of our kind had been destroyed. I failed as the Prime."

Primus shook his head in denial before revealing third memory of all the events that Optimus Prime and his Autobots allied with the Humans and battled against the Decepticons on Earth for nearly seven years. It also included the happiness and celebration times during their seven years in staying on Earth. Optimus Prime looked shock as Primus firmly nodded.

"That maybe the truth, Optimus. But it never meant for you to give your hope for two worlds united as one up. You and your friends kept on fighting till the very end, even the odds against you. You have proven yourself a worthy Prime. Your ideals had won so many hearts of both Cybertronians and Humans. But the battle will never till the evil lives on."

Alpha Trion nodded his head, "Indeed. There will always be a conflict for you to face, but at the very end, you define how it goes. You can change the world's fate, Optimus. Do what you have to do. Know what you truly meant to be, Prime..."

Optimus Prime gave some thoughts for the moment before showing his firm expression, "I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. I know what my purpose is now. I will do what I can to defend peace and justice for both Humans and Autobots. No matter the cost, I will relinquish the Evil. I will put an end to the war..."

Both Primus and Alpha Trion smiled proudly. Optimus Prime knew what he had to do. Before anyone could do anything, Alpha Trion gasped in shock as he felt something hitting on his head. He quickly closed his eyes as he was sensing something or someone...

"Good... But I've brought some disturbing news from a friend of yours," Alpha Trion said in concern. Optimus Prime looked at him as he continued, "The Earth is in danger. They need your help now."

"Go, Optimus Prime. The Earth and Autobots need you now. Do what you always had to do. Defeat your enemy and make them fail their mission," Primus spoke humbly and firmly

Optimus Prime's eyes narrowed in determination, "I need Space Bridge. And I will need all the help I can get to stop Galvatron and his accomplices..."

Twilight and her six Human Friends groaned and moaned painfully as they slowly opened their eyes up. They gasped in shock and feared. They found themselves tied by the cables-like on their limbs and trapped in the large glass cases while having more injection cables injecting on their shoulders, hands, legs and even necks. They also found themselves in the large modernized yet dark laboratory.

The Rainbooms groaned and moaned angrily as they struggled in getting out from the ropes, but too tight for them to handle.

"Give it up, little girls," The dark and cruel voice spoke calmly. Twilight and her friends stopped as they turned and found Dark Curse and his accomplices (Galvatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave, Swipestrike, Guildenstern, Crimson Skull and Kishin Akuma) standing before them. They gasped in shock and feared. He continued, "There is no escape for you all..."

"Dark Curse..." Twilight snarled in anger.

"Quite an honor to meet a counterpart of Twilight Sparkle," Dark Curse mocked calmly before chuckled, "It was quite an honor. If I do say so to myself."

Swipestrike chuckled evilly, "What's up, ladies? Happy to listen to my voice's advice? It was quite a fun and interesting."

"You?!" Sunset exclaimed in anger, "I can't believe someone like you, who would able to turn our friends against each other! You won't get away with it!"

Rainbow was speechless before smirked in impress, "Awesome, Sunset.

"Uh... Actually, you did the same thing to us before," Pinkie reminded Sunset about the situation, causing the latter looked down while making the former yelped in shock, "Eh, no offense, Sunny!"

"Like before, none taken," Sunset sighed.

"Here's one thing I don't understand," Rarity said in concern, "How did you manage to manipulate us?! And I meant about the voice in our heads!"

"You've got some nerve of tricking us to fight with our friends!" Applejack said angrily.

Fluttershy squealed in upset, "That was very mean, Mr. Swipestrike."

Swipestrike chuckled evilly, "Who cares about it, kid? I just loved to torture my preys. As for the 'voice of your conscience', I'm not only a Mutant with Stealth, Speed, Super Strength and some Killer Ninja's moves, I absorbed people's powers and abilities. And I meant pretty Iris's Psychic Powers. That was so awesome. Too bad for her..."

The Rainbooms gasped in shock before they groaned in anger. They all gave their angry and hateful glare at Swipestrike. It was very despicable and unacceptable for not only making them to turn and fight against each other but also killing Iris.

Galvatron approached to the front as he gave Twilight a suspicious glare, "It's so hard to believe that this one was actually an extraterrestrial being from another realm is in the flesh of Human. She and others always looked the same; weak and pathetic."

Rainbooms and Sunset gave Galvatron a glare for insulting and mocking at them.

Twilight gave Galvatron a glare, "And you must be Galvatron... or maybe your true name - Megatron, leader of the Decepticons."

Galvatron chuckled evilly, "And you must have studied me very well... I can see why Dark Curse considered Twilight Sparkle as the brightest and magnificent student for scoring As in her test and studies, even she had her own 'pony' counterpart."

Twilight's eyes narrowed in anger, "Let's say I had a teacher who taught me about Autobots and Decepticons. And it's so hard to believed that someone like you had actually survived the attack and especially having your own head to be rid off from your body."

Galvatron chuckled evilly, "While that is true, but the Allspark Shard that granted me a life has given me a power of God-like. And now... I am both Immortal and Invincible. I cannot died easily..."

Twilight had her eyes narrowed in anger and determination, "What do you want with us?! What are you hoping to achieve it?!"

Dark Curse smirked darkly, "Your powers..." Twilight gasped in shock as she feared of what he was really after. She gulped in worry. He continued sinisterly, "I've seen everything. They're magnificent and perfect. It will be perfect use to destroy this pathetic world, along with its Human Kind. They're completely disorder and weak to accept the change. And thus, Galvatron and his Decepticons will have his own planet to rule while I shall recreate and lead the order for Humans to another realm as its true worthy leader..."

"You're insane," Twilight said in fear ad anger, reminded by the event of how her powers stripped and taken by her enemies for destruction. She groaned in anger, "I can't believe a Human like you was willing to sacrifice lives of thousands because of their weakness and reluctance!"

"I'm not a Human, little girl." Twilight and her friends looked in shock and feared as they heard of what Dark Curse had said. Dark Curse chuckled evilly, "Allow me to explain of my history."

"I'm a Sozo-zhe, a powerful race who were designed to create anything that they desired such as inhabitants, nature, sources, elements, orders and more. I was the Creator of the Earth. When I first create the Earth, I had hope to create a perfect kingdom for all of species to work as one. And so far, these creatures did nothing but bringing destruction from one to another. First, the dinosaurs and then these Humans. They are completely failure experiments. All they did was destroyed each other all for the sake of powers and authority."

"You destroyed the Dinosaurs?!" Twilight asked in shock.

"Not by me, by my colleague: Creators of Transformers. They helped me to deal with it for their projects. And thus, they did. As for today, I was hoping the Humanity meets their end when they tried to use the Seed."

Rainbow scoffed, "Too bad for you. Yeagar Family and Autobots had stopped and won the battlefield! Decepticons lost the fight and the Seed."

"Too bad. So sad," Pinkie giggled happily.

Applejack nodded, "Rainbow and Pinkie's right. Galvatron and his minions lost the fight and the Seed. We're safe from danger."

The Rainbooms cheered wildly, loudly and happily, though Twilight looked worry and concerned when she looked at Dark Curse's pleased and amused expression before he chuckled. She knew he was after something else or expected something else too.

"Not this time," Dark Curse said calmly. Twilight and her friends looked worry and scared. As the large monitor shown the scene of multiple modernized and advanced satellites with blasters across the Earth, He continued, "Now that seven of you are here, I can begin my E.H.D - Extinction of Humanity and Disorder. And there is nothing you or Autobots can do about it. It's over now."

"How are you gonna do that?!" Twilight demanded angrily yet fearful.

"Look at the cables that attached to you, my girls," Dark Curse spoke darkly.

The Rainbooms looked at the cables and injection wiring that attached and injected to their bodies. They then looked up. On the middle of the science lab, the large reactor tower-like with seven large batteries-like was surrounded by multiple computers and laptops which connected and attached to the tower. Both sides shown more of military computers for the soldiers, scientists and workers to work on. They then looked up at the monitor as they slowly shown their feared and scared looks.

"Perhaps a little elaboration, my little students," Dark Curse said calmly before he cleared his throat, "In order to make sure E.H.D.s are prepared for the operation, I required a special yet effective powers like yours. Once I extracted all of your powers within the blood via the cables, I transferred them to the Power Core's Batteries. It is the connection to all of E.H.D. Satellites. When they're in full-powered, they are ready to turn this pathetic world into Neo Cybertron for Galvatron and his new Decepticon Empire."

Twilight gasped, "No... You can't! You can't do that! There're living being in this planet! Everyone deserve the second chance!"

"May I remind you of what they had done to you? They suspected you. They didn't trust you. They even tried to kill you. Most Humans wanted the power to be their abilities and strengths, but feared and wanted them to be contained. They don't deserve this kind of gifts." Dark Curse reminded.

Twilight looked down in defeat while Rainbooms looked worry and scared. Everything Dark Curse had said was true.

Twilight groaned in anger as she slowly looked and gave Dark Curse a glare, "Yes, it's true that there were some Humans are bad. But..." Her eyes slowly narrowed in determination as she spoke, "That doesn't mean they were not given second chance. You may think Humans are weak, coward and primitives; but deep in them - they have hearts. When they have one, it proves that they make their choice for their own destinies, not by the gods! If you're really the Creator of this World, you should give them a chance!"

The Rainbooms cheered wildly and happily for Twilight's firm speech while most of the villains looked annoy and irritated by it.

Galvatron groaned in anger, "Your speech... It reminds me of Optimus Prime."

"And so as Shadow Dragon. Boring!" Swipestrike exclaimed in annoyance.

Dark Curse chuckled evilly, "It doesn't matter. At the very end, Humans are still excuse and pathetic specimen. None of them will not have their freedom to destroy their own kind and nation. Never again!" He turned to Crimson Skull, Mechastahl, Guildenstern and Kishin Akuma, "Crimson Skull and Swipestrike shall remain here. Mechastahl, Guildenstern, it's time! Grand General Akuma, gathered some of your soldiers and deal with the intruders! Shadow Dragon and his team will be here soon!"

"Yes sir!" Guildenstern and Kishin Akuma saluted.

Galvatron turned to Shockwave, Soundwave and Starscream, "We shall assist them as well. Soundwave and Shockwave, assist Guildenstern for E.H.D.s! Starscream, take Stinger, Breakdown and Lugnut to the battlefield! The Autobots will definitely assist their allies."

"Yes, Lord Galvatron," Three Decepticon Officers saluted.

"Is there something we can do?" Adagio asked happily.

Dark Curse huffed angrily as he glared at her and her Dazzlings, "Be glad that I did not left any of you behind to be extinct. You will just sit by and think of your failures. You better hope that the next time when you're on the mission, expect that I won't kill you. No funny business."

Adagio yelped in fear, along with Sonata and Aria. They nodded their heads in agreement. As they looked worry and scared of what happen next if Dark Curse and his minions were doing when they completed the mission. Even their allies did manage to bring extinction to Humanity, what kind of fate happen to them next. Their rubies were destroyed and they had no hope in getting their magic and singing abilities. All they can do was pray that everything was fine for them.

Kishin Akuma and Starscream exited the Science Laboratory at once. Guildenstern, Soundwave, Shockwave and the remaining Dark Terrorist's Scientists turned to their computers as they pressed the buttons in activating the operation.

Swipestrike turned and looked at the frightened and shocked Rainbooms as he grinned, "I'm so gonna enjoy this. I'm gonna make the Deja Vu for Shadow Dragon. Even though you're not his Human Girlfriend, Twilight; but losing you will make him disillusioned in protecting Human Twilight and never bother to be with her or any of his family again. And best of all - Humans goes bye-bye and new breeds are taking over! Age of Extinction starts today!"

"No..." Twilight said in shock and feared. She knew if she died - Human Shadow Dragon will blame himself than forgive himself. It reminded her of her Shadow Dragon. She had to do something. She denied in anger, "You can't! You can't do this! I won't let you!"

"Oh... We do, Twilight..." Dark Curse said darkly, "Begin the operation!"

(Hurt Theme - Thomas Bergersen)

With Dark Curse given the word, the Dark Terrorists' and Decepticon Scientists began their progress on the computers. Within the Rainbooms' glass cases, the wiring cables and injection gave them a powerful yet electrical shock. They screamed in pain and agony.

The injection needles injected and slowly extracted most of the bloods out from the Rainbooms. They screamed in pain and agony. Their bloods slowly transferred through the long cables-like to the Power Core system. As they entered and poured into Power Core's seven batteries, the bloods were filling them up while magically sparkled in rainbow colors like electrical electrified, surged and shocked.

Dark Curse, Galvatron and Swipestrike smirked in impressed. The plans for Humans' Extinction had finally come true.

The Dazzlings were in great scared, feared, shock and traumatized by the Rainbooms having their bloods extracted out. While they hated Humans or anyone for treating them like monsters so much, but they never experienced or seen death because of their magic in controlling their victims for giving our much of negative feelings for them to feed..

Adagio looked feared and concerned about killing while both Sonata and Aria looked at each other as they recalled of what their boyfriends had told them about controlling the Humans won't make them better. Understand what they meant, they sighed in defeat. Killing the Humans was beyond their controls because they needed their negative to maintain their youths, strengths and magic for long.

As the Rainbooms struggled in overcoming the injection and electrified by the cables, they screamed and cried in pain and despair. They turned and looked at each other while showing pain, desperate and despaired.

Rainbow groaned painfully, "Guys... I'm sorry for everything I did, and especially saying 'my' band, instead of 'ours'. Always know... I still care and always be loyal to you."

"I'm sorry too, Rainbow Dash and Rraity," Applejack apologized, "I'm sorry for being harsh and overreacting to you all!"

Rarity nodded her head, "I'm sorry for being ignorant, selfish and easily sidetracked! I really wish I could have been more reliable!"

"Me too! I'm sorry for not being brave and confident during the stage!" Fluttershy said in pain.

Pinkie cried and sobbed in pain and despair, "I don't know why I'm crying! I just do! I really do! I didn't do anything wrong! But all I want is having fun! I really want everyone to be fun and happy! I really do! I'm sorry for not being supportive!"

Sunset groaned and moaned, "No... I'm the one who should apologized! I'm sorry for not helping out much! I'm really sorry!"

"NO!" Twilight screamed in pain, "I'm the one who should be sorry for everything! I've let you all down! I should have seen it! I should have! I have let the world down! I'm sorry!"

The Rainbooms continued screaming and crying in pain and despair as their bloods continued sucking out by the cables and transferring to the Power Core's Batteries. The Dazzlings did nothing but watched and looked at the event. They had never seen of how much pain and despaired Twilight and her friends had, despite it was what they wanted but never been this before in their lives.

"What have we done," The Dazzlings asked in shock and feared. They feared that everything Dark Curse had said to them may not come true...

Upon receiving news from Human Twilight, Shadow Dragon set the sails to the Ellis Island, along with his friends and allies. They attempt to rescue and save Twilight and her captured friends from the clutches of Dark Curse, Galavatron and their minions. They also hoped that they can end the battles before it was too late.

They used Dragon Strike Battleship in sailing straight to the Ellis Island. The Autobots were on the edge of the ship as they guarded it while keeping an eye on any enemies. They were joined by Terrorcreep, Blazefist, Aquastroke and Saber Dragoon. Shorty piloted the battleship while Tailtech and Icy navigated the ship's movement and any sign of their enemies. Laxtinct, Tessa and Shane were keeping the Crusaders in company by chatting and encouraging them not to give up their hopes when they reached to their targeted destination.

On the back of the ships, Shadow Dragon was sitting on the chair as he had some thoughts. Cade, Bumblebee, Lance, Spike, Nyx, Flash and Flare Tiger joined with him on the back.

"Are you sure it's good idea of leaving Azure Phoenix's Military Units behind," Cade asked in concern, "They could be waiting for us and may prepared to fight against us. We need all the help we can get to fight off our enemies. We'll be outnumbered against them."

"And don't forget, we could have wait for more reinforcement from Azure Phoenix. That could be helpful too," Flash added.

Shadow Dragon firmly nodded his head, "Yes. I'm sure of it. Don't worry, Cade. We'll overcome it." He sighed, "If we charged in together with Azure's units, Dark Curse could divide and crush us from working and joining together to fight our enemies. If his first plan did not meet his expectation, then he would go for the next one. We have to be alert and prepare for it. If that happens, we'll push it back."

Flare Tiger smiled, "Glad to hear the real Shadow Dragon. I've miss that a lot." She sighed, "I just hope that you won't get distracted by your PTDS. The last thing we want is you to get paranoid and traumatized during the fight."

"Don't worry about me, Flare," Shadow Dragon assured, "I'll be fine. I'll overcome my PTDS. We won't give up the fight."

Spike smirked, "That's the spirit. We'll keep on fighting until we get our friends back home safe." He sighed, "I just hope we're not too late to save Twilight and the rest. I don't want this to be reminded like before."

"You and me both, Spike," Lance agreed before giving him a gently scratch. He turned to Shadow Dragon, "Shadow Dragon. Thanks for having faith on us during the competition. You're really a great counterpart to our dad. Seeing you here, it's like having our dad to be there for us to fight till the end."

Nyx smiled, "I know what you mean, Lance." She looked at Shadow Dragon, "Do you think we can rescue our friends? This fight won't be easy. And what happens next if he achieved of whatever he was after? It reminds me of Third Mystic War. I'm scared."

Shadow Dragon brought Nyx close to him as he gave her a gently pat, "Don't worry, Nyx. We'll rescue your mom and her friends. I promise. There's one thing we can do to stop him. We're going to keep on fighting until we defeat Dark Curse. I made a promise to your father and my Twilight that all os us will made it back safe. Have faith, Nyx."

Touched and inspired by Shadow Dragon's encouragement, Nyx smiled as she hugged her father's Human Form gently and passionately, "You're right! We'll keep on fighting until we rescue my mother. Thank you so much. You remind me so much of my father."

Shadow Dragon smiled as he hugged Nyx back, "I tend to do what I can to help my friends. It will be fine, I promised."

Cade, Flare Tiger, Flash and Bumblebee smiled in grateful and relief in seeing how gentle and generous Shadow Dragon had shown to three children from Equestria.

Lance chuckled, "It's amazing that our dad calmed and encouraged you to keep on moving and fight for someone you loved and cared. It would have been cool if our dad is here to help us."

"I know what you mean. We would not only have two Shadow Dragons, but also two Twilight if Shadow Dragon's is here," Spike joked.

"Now that's funny, dude," Bumblebee remarked before changing channel, "We're going do our best to win the fight."

Everyone smiled in relief and agreement with each other that they will win the fight and rescue Twilight and her friends.

"Shadow Dragon," Shorty's voice spoke through PSA, "We've reached our destination. Be prepare for landing."

Shadow Dragon and his seven friends headed to the front as they met up with the rest. They stood up as they spotted a squared building with two or three more attaching to main one on the large island in front of them. All of them had their eyes narrowed in determination, confidence and anger. They had reached to their destination. They knew what they had to do.

"Is that Ellis Island? Is that where Dark Terrorists and Decepticons held my mom and our friends there? Is that where you and your friends become Mutants?" Nyx asked in concern,

Everyone looked at Shadow Dragon as they wondered if he was traumatized or freaked out by the words or visual. Instead of getting a shock or traumatized, Shadow Dragon remained firm, strong and determined as he gave a determined speech.

"Yes Nyx; this is the one. We're ready. The reinforcement will come very late but no matter what happens, we'll overcome the fight. We'll rescue our friends. We will put Dark Curse's plan end here. We will win. I promised."

Dragon Strike Force, Autobots, Yeagar Family, Crusaders, Lance, Spike and Flash nodded their heads in agreement with Shadow Dragon. Their fight with their hatred enemies was about to begin. All they can hope was that they can win the fight and saved their friends before it was too late...

On the large rural area, the bluish swirling portal appeared. Optimus Prime came out from the portal. He looked around of the area as he was looking for someone or a group. Hearing a growling noise, Optimus Prime turned and looked at the large yet familiar four metallic warriors. The first spiky bulky yet muscular warrior approached to Optimus Prime as he growled softly.

"Old friend," Optimus Prime said firmly, "I need you and your friends' help. Will you help us, Grimlock?"

Grimlock growled softly before nodded his head, "Grimlock... Help... Friends..."

"Thank you," Optimus Prime bowed, "We'll gonna do what we can to save this planet from extinction. Let's roll!"

Grimlock roared wildly, along with his allies: Strafe, Slug and Scorn. They then transformed into their Dinosaur Modes. Optimus Prime got up and rode on Grimlock's back. As Optimus gave the 'moving out' gesture, the Legendary Knights roared wildly and loudly. They all charged straight to the swirling portal.

Optimus Prime and Legendary Knights were all headed straight to the battlefield in helping their allies in battling against their enemies...

To Be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1) This chapter was originally going to be second last chapter before the Epilogue Chapter. Due to having lots of ides I had for the fights between good and evil, it's gonna be or maybe three parts for Climax. And yes, this is the first chapter for climax. Two more to go.

2) This chapter was also part of JusSonic's Remake plot but dropped out because of the main villain is Fafnir, instead of these two groups, as well as putting E.H.D. in it to bring extinction on Humanity.

3) The origins of Transformers will be fanmade and based on 'Aligned/Prime Universe's Origins', not canon because Michael Bay was the only guy who started the film and knows how their origins goes in the Film Series.