• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,058 Views, 13 Comments

Rainbow Spark Rocks - Shadow Master

The Dazzling takes control of the Canterlot High School. Twilight and her friends teamed up with Autobots to defeat them. But a true sinister plot is about unfold...

  • ...

Chapter 9: Betrayal

At the Large Main Hall of Dark Terrorists' Secret Operation Base, Dark Curse and Galvatron were having an important announcements to their powerful military army including the Demon Generals and Decepticon Officers were gathered as well. Five each group lines of two large group army lined up as they readied for their next missions or announcement. They chatted and whispered softly and quietly as they all wondered of what their leaders were up to.

"Gentlemen and Decepticons," Dark Curse announced seriously and darkly, "As you all wondered why you've been summoned by us. Because it is time to rid these Humans' so-called 'authority' and 'freedom'. It is time to take control of this world as our own domain!"

Everyone cheered wildly and loudly as most were proud, happy, and obliged of it while some were concerned yet anxious and excited about it. They chatted and whispered about it.

Galvatron nodded his head, "As soon as the Dazzlings had everything they needed to take control of these Canterlot High Students, we shall launched the Operation: Control across this world's with their power. And everyone shall fall into our grasps."

"Everything we had work for can finally come true!" Dark Curse exclaimed wildly.

"The Earth won't be the only world we must conquer, but the rest as well. They shall know our might, our strength, our intellect, our wrath, our dominance and our powers! The Universe shall trembled into the might of Dark Terrorists and Decepticons."

"And if those who dared to defy us shall meet their If they dared to challenge us; defy us; insult us and escape us, show them no one mercy!"

"Remember who you are! And why you're fighting for! And let no one dared to stand in your way!" Dark Curse and Shadow Dragon exclaimed wildly.

The army of Decepticons and Dark Terrorists cried and cheered wildly and loudly. They raised their right-hands up and down for few times while cheering for their leaders' names and empires. Both Dark Curse and Galvatron smirked darkly and proudly in seeing that all of their minions remained loyal to them.

Starscream and MechaStahl the grayish man with white gentle haired dressed in military coat approached to their leaders. They bowed down.

"Lord Galvatron, what of the Autobots, Human Resistance and Ponies? What should we do with them?" Starscream questioned in concern.

MechaStahl nodded his head, "Commander Starscream spoke of the truth. And we must be cautious of them. They won't be easy to deal with."

Crimson Skull nodded, "The only way we can achieve our victory is eliminate the threat that stands in our way for too long."

Shockwave nodded his head as his first head spoke, "Indeed. It is quite logical that even though we had won, they will continue to resist us. They will not stop until all of us have fallen before them." His second head roared in anger, "If they tried to attack us, smash them to their deaths!"

The robotic humanoid dragon with powerful machine blaster on his right, his left was armed-claws and had large wings: Machine Dragoon roared, "I couldn't agree more. I shall pummeled my enemies to the ground. We must not show the enemies mercy! As Lord Galvatron had spoken before, 'The Strong Survives, The Weak Perish'. We shall defeat them."

The humanoid pale skinned-skeleton dressed Guildenstern nodded his head, "We must calculate the situation. We must not make a mistake as before. After all, they will not give up easily."

Kishin Akuma, identical of demonic Azure Phoenix but dressed in his blackish and reddish demonic Japanese armor with his cape, nodded his head, "For once we agree. We cannot give them a chance to escape. They will rebuilt their forces or send more reinforcement to come and stop us."

Sauron tallest black figure dressed in his western demonic knight's armor with cape breathed heavily, "Do not forget of the consequences, my liege. If those Dazzlings failed us to take control of Humanity while we failed to bring Subjects to our location, the enemies will interrogate them and get the information of us."

Shredkiller the silver Japanese Armored Samurai Warrior with their demonic sharped-claws huffed, "If we will not, we will not retreat until we accomplish our missions and destroy our enemies. These Humans shall learn that their time of weakling is over, the time of true Humanity has come to take its rightful place!"

"And we shall, Demon Generals," Dark Curse said calmly, "Rest assured - if anything went wrong, then we shall us our backup plan."

Galvatron chuckled evilly, "Indeed, old friend. Our secondary plan has been prepared. Soundwave nad his drones were waiting for the next phase."

"Shall we know of it, my liege?" Stinger questioned.

Breakdown chuckled evilly, "Yeah! I'm ready for the payback from the Autobots. I'm gonna blast them and outrun them like never before!"

"You and me both, Breakdown! Lord Galvatron shall be the true Lord and Master of all Decepticons. Please tell us, master! Then, we shall be prepared for our battles," Lugnut exclaimed wildly and loudly.

Galvatron smirked, "Rest assured. This plan will be perfect but we go with Dazzlings' plan first. Let us see of how they'll able to handle it."

"Yes, Galvatron. But we should tell them the plan, after all; we cannot be certain of Dazzlings' loyalties. They're questionable. And we also know that our enemies will do anything to achieve their victory," Dark Curse said thoughtfully.

With Galvatron's agreement of nodded, both him and Dark Curse explained their master plans to their trusted and loyal soldiers and army of Decepticons and Dark Terrorists. The whole army smiled in proud, please and interest. They all nodded their heads.

The masters and leaders smirked as they gave the loud evil laughing that echoed across the large hall. The army cheered wildly and loudly for their leaders. The plan will work...

For nearly two days had passed, Optimus Prime continued flying and scouring across the sky of darkness. He looked around of his area, and found nothing and not even the sign of Cybertronian or enemies of his. He sighed in defeat and concern as he had his battle mask opened. He had the sadness, pained and feared expression like something had bothered him.

'Have I made the right decision?' Optimus Prime thought in concern, 'Each time we fight, I have to make a hard decision to save the nature's lives while hoping them not to make mistake as mine. But nothing comes true and the price I paid is the Autobots' deaths and Human Allies. Megatron was right. This is my fault. Have I not become the Prime, none of this wouldn't had happen...'

Optimus Prime sighed in defeat, "I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, my Autobot Friends and Brothers. I've let you all down. I should never have discover my legacy of Prime. All of you would have been here alive and Cybertron should have been nourished."

"Blame the one from the past of your life cannot bring the death..."

Optimus Prime gasped in concern, "Who- Who said that?"

"Optimus Prime... One who bring faith, unity and alliance of all Autobots and Nature as one... Why must you deny and blame yourself? Your effort and will had brought them overcome their difficulties and their darkness. Why?"

"Who are you? Why questioned my decision? I've sacrificed so many brothers. And I couldn't forgive any of them who was willing to betray my trust and my spark. I destroyed my own home. Cybertron is destroyed. And... I was angered and raged by the betrayals and my Autobot comrades' deaths."

"It is nature. And sometimes they were doing the right thing for not you alone, but to the ones they called 'brothers' and 'friends'."

"Tell me... Why? Why did you bring this?"

"To seek answers. Follow the Light. It shall guide you to the answers you seek..."

Unable to understand the stranger's voice, Optimus Prime spotted the pure white light line which shot straight to somewhere deep in space.

Concern yet anxious of the voice's riddles, Optimus took the chance as he flew and followed the light to the end of space. For the moment had passed, he came across of the giant yet familiar planet he had not seen since the beginning of Great War.

Optimus Prime's eyes widened in shock while gasped, "It... It cannot be... Cybertron?!"

Optimus Prime's quest for answers continued on his former and ruined planet Cybertron. What will he find?

The Rainbooms and their allies were gathered at the Canterlot High's soccer field for further discussion. They were all anxious, excited and happy that they all had made to the semi-finals. If they can passed it, then they were ready to face the Dazzlings.

Sunset smiled, "This is it! Last round and you're in the finals!" She turned and smiled at nervous Twilight, "Unless you think the counter-spell is ready to be played now."

Everyone turned and looked at Twilight as they waited for the answer. All she gave was the worry and scared face. She looked down in fear while shaking her head gently.

"Don't worry, Twilight," said Applejack, "Finals aren't until tonight. We'll get in a little more practice before we're supposed to hit the stage. We won't let you down!"

Everyone smiled and nodded their heads in agreement with Applejack's statement.

Twilight looked away from her friends and sighed in defeat. She muttered softly, "You won't let me down..."

Twilight's children, Cade, Sunset and Shadow Dragon noticed and heard what Twilight had said. They knew something was wrong with Twilight again when she was in despair and feared. They decided to keep it to themselves until they can speak with her.

"We can't wait that long. Those Dazzlings are gonna win and taking control of this school and then the world. Those Decepticons would have won by now," Shane said in concern.

Crosshairs groaned in anger, "I'm getting itchy of waiting now! All we did is wait and wait and wait! This is getting frustrating mate! I'm not gonna wait for that long! I say we killed them!"

"Hell yeah! I'm with you!" Hound exclaimed in agreement, "I'm getting sick of waiting! Those freaking girls are getting stronger if we don't do something! Let's go and blast them NOW!"

"No, we can't!" Cade disagreed, "There're some students and staffs there! If we do it now, they could get hurt! We have to wait a little longer."

Tessa nodded, "Dad's right. Twilight and her friends are the only ones can do it. Their magic can save them."

"We've gotta stick to the plans. We can't ignore it," Bumblebee radioed in concern.

Drift nodded his head, "There is nothing we can do but wait patiently. If we act rash, our plan would have fail. We must remained patient until the right time to strike."

Shane, Hound and Crosshair groaned in annoyance and upset that they had to wait until Twilight and her friends were ready to use their Counterspell Song. This was getting frustrating and annoying. They can't wait that long.

"No one is allow to attack until Commander gave the word, understand?!" Blazefist ordered angrily. Everyone nodded their heads. He sighed, "Alright. Better get ready. Back to your position."

As everyone gathered their belongings and readied for the next step, Fluttershy approached to Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy asked shyly, "Um, I was just wondering. We haven't played any of my songs yet, and..."

"It's the semifinals. We gotta do 'Awesome As I Wanna Be'," Rainbow cut Fluttershy's question while patted on her shoulder.

Flutteshy sighed in upset, "Don't know why I even asked..."

Rainbow was about to move but stopped by Aquastroke, Tailtech and Terrorcreep. She looked annoy and upset by their blockade.

"Rainbow, there's been change of plan," Aqua said in concern and regret.

"What do you mean by that?" Rainbow asked in suspicious.

Aqua sighed in concern as she explained, "Your band are not going to play 'Awesome As I Wanna be'."

"WHAT?! Why?!" Rainbow asked angrily and upset.

Everyone turned and looked at conversation between Rainbow Dash and three members of Dragon Strike Force. They approached to the latter and find out of what was going on.

Tailtech spoke, "I checked on my monitor in scanning the possible of how good the songs are. But that song is highly possibility of taking risks in letting our enemies to know our plan and bringing us to our failures." Everyone looked confuse of what he said. He groaned in annoyance, "Your song is too dangerous to play. Because it is full of arrogant and egotistical. If that happens, you will reveal your Pony Form and put our mission at risk!"

"I promise you it won't happen! We can do it! It's too important and awesome of not to play with! My band can play that song! It's gonna be awesome!"

Rainbooms but Twilight shouted in anger, "OUR BAND!"

Rainbow groaned in annoyance while ignoring her band, "The point is I promise you that it won't happen!"

"No," Shadow Dragon denied, "I'm afraid Tailtech's right. His genius, schematic and monitor never failed. It's too risky and dangerous. Therefor we're gonna play Fluttershy's song."

Everyone gasped in surprise that Shadow Dragon was letting Fluttershy's song to be played, instead of Rainbow Dash. Then again, the Rainbooms but Twilight were pleased and relieved of it so much. Rainbow Dash looked annoy and upset by his demand.

As Rainbow was about to protest, Terrorcreep grabbed her throat and held her up. Everyone but Shadow Dragon gasped in fear and concern. He glared at her, "You want to make Fluttershy happy?"

"Of course! She's my friend. I would never want to hurt her," Rainbow said frantically.

Terrorcreep gave the glare at her, "Then, do it. Play her song! Fool me or harm her again, I will have your blood as the dessert!"

Rainbow gulped in concern, "Sure. No problem!"

Terrorcreep put Rainbow Dash down. Everyone sighed in relief from the situation. He turned and looked at the frightened and worried Fluttershy.

Fluttersy gasped, "Terrorcreep, you shouldn't scare my friend! I know she didn't mean to do that. I don't mind of waiting. It's no big deal."

Terrorcreep sighed in concern as he hugged Fluttershy and spoke gently, "I assure you, Fluttershy. I have no intention of harming her. I want to make sure that your happiness is my priority. That's what boyfriends are for."

Fluttershy sighed, "I know. But thank you."

Terrorcreep and Fluttershy kissed on each other's lips passionately and happily. Everyone awed happily while Rainbow looked disappointed and upset by declining her best song she wanted to sing on the stage.

Rainbow Dash looked away while having her arms crossed as she remarked, "He was right again... They still think of me a loser. I can't believe it."

"Look at them; they treat you like a loser, not awesome... Everyone wanted Twilight because she is special and better than you while Fluttershy's song was so much cuter and beautiful than yours too. They hate you so much..." The voice said darkly and eerily as Rainbow's eyes narrowed in anger and upset. He chuckled a bit, "Rest assured, my dear Rainbow Dash; you will had the chance to play that song. It's time to show them of whom is truly the awesome of the band."

'How am I gonna do that?!' Rainbow thought angrily.

The voice chuckled darkly, "Simple. It's like this..."

As the voice explained to her of his plan, Rainbow smirked proudly. Fluttershy and Aquastroke looked at her, who turned and looked at her friends. She then smiled happily and proudly while nodded. They both smiled in relief that their friend is very kind to play other song than playing her risked song.

As everyone but Autobots turned and headed to the Canterlot High's entrance, Rainbow Dash smirked darkly and proudly like she was about to do something unexpected and unpleasant...

As Twilight was about to enter, but stopped by Shadow Dragon, Cade, Sunset and her three children.

"We need to talk, Twilight," Shadow Dragon said firmly. Twilight remained silent while looking at him and her friends. He asked, "Twilight... Please tell me that your counterspell song is completed."

Pressured and scared by everyone's worry looks, Twilight looked down while giving a large sigh, "No... I tried everything. I still can't get the right note. I don't think we can perform it. It's over..."

"Don't say that, mom! We can still win it," Lance said in upset.

Spike nodded his head, "Yeah! The song may not be the best, you still got us to help you."

"But do any of you know a song that is very harmonic and peaceful?" Twilight asked in worry. Everyone remained silent and quiet. She sighed, "That's my point. I've got nothing. Like I said, it's over."

"No... It's not," Shadow Dragon denied Twilight's thinking. She was surprised as everyone else. He continued, "Look, I know it's hard and difficult for you to handle it, but that doesn't mean you should give up. You had everyone behind you back to help you. It's not over, Twilight. We can win it. You had to believe in it."

"Shadow Dragon..." Twilight said in surprise.

Cade nodded, "He's right, Twilight. We're not perfect, but we can still improve it until we get it right. Don't worry, you had us to help you to get the right song."

Sunset smiled, "You're not alone, Twilight; everyone is there for you to help. We can do this. If we can't do it now, we can until night. And I'm sure you will get it."

Autobots nodded their heads in agreeing with their Human Friends' encouragement and supports. Twilight looked at everyone who smiled happily at her. She knew her Shadow Dragon was right, she wasn't about to give up until the fight was over. She can do it. She then smiled back, "You're right. It's not over. Thank you, everyone."

"What are we waiting for? We've got a Semi-Final to perform!" Nyx exclaimed happily.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. They but Autobots turned and entered the Canterlot High's entrance at once. The Semi-Final was about to start...

At the gymnasium, Trixie and her Illusion Band were performing their song during the Semi-Final. Trixie held her guitar in playing while her two members played the music buttonbox as they were finishing up their finale song.

Trixie: ...I got tricks up my sleeve
See me dominate
'Cause I'm powerful and grea-ea-eat!

The Illusion Band made the magician's amazing pose. The crowd went wild as they cheered and gave the applauds to the band. Vice-Principal Luna, Autobots and Yeagar Family also found Trixie's performance interesting and amazing to watch, though Simmons found her annoying and irritating because of her egotistical attitude.

Principal Celestia gave the applaud while laughed and remarked, "Fantastic!"

Trixie and her band gave a bow to their audience. They turned to their left side and exited the backstage where they found Rainbooms, Crusaders, Sunset, Spike and Lance standing and waiting for their turn to go.

"Hmph. You're never gonna top that performance, "Rain-goons"," Trixie bragged arrogantly, "You shouldn't be allowed to when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us."

Rainboom, Crusaders, Sunset, Lance and Spike gave the annoying and irritating looks at Trixie.

Rainbow gave a sly smirk as she asked arrogantly, "My superior guitar playing and off-the-charts awesome singing voice?"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. I mean her!" Trixie said in annoyance as she pointed at Twilight Sparkle who looked shock, nervous and concern. She turned and glared at Rainbow, "If you were really all that, Rainbow Dash, you wouldn't have needed to bring in some magical ringer to have half a chance. Everyone's talking about it."

Rainbow smirked, "Ha! Puh-leeze! I could win this thing as a solo act and everybody knows it!"

Most of Rainbooms looked upset, annoyed and irritated by Rainbow's usual arrogance and bragging. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle turned and glared at nervous and concerned Scootaloo. It was getting irritating and annoying before...

Trixie scoffed, "Sure you could. Good luck..."

Trixie walked off to the backstage. Rainbooms looked concern yet they remained firm and serious that they had the mission to overcome while Rainbow Dash remained calm yet smirked devilishly like she was expecting it and wanted to prove something.

Principal Celestia called, "Next up, the Rainbooms."

"It looks like we're next," Twilight said as she turned and looked at her friends, "Let's play Fluttershy's good song."

Rainbow cleared her throat, "Yeah about that. We're gonna play 'Awesome As I Wanna Be'." Everyone looked surprise and shock yet concern of what Rainbow Dash had said. They questioned her of how was she able to convince Shadow Dragon to let them play it. She answered calmly, "I somehow convince them to go through my soundtrack. Tailtech checked on it, and it's A-Okay. So, no worries."

Applejack looked suspicious, "Are you sure, Rainbow Dash? This is very unlikely Shadow Dragon and Tailtech. They never check up on it again."

Rarity nodded her head, "Indeed. This is... too surprisingly and too suspiciously..."

"Hey! I've got Aqua to support me. She believed in me! She and I are cool team. And she and her team say is okay, then it's okay. Nothing to worry about," Rainbow said slyly.

"Hmm... If you say so. Okey Dookie Lookie," Pinkie said calmly, "I was hoping that we can sing together than solo..."

Fluttershy sighed, "Me too. I was hoping that we can play my song. It's very special."

Rainbow patted on Fluttershy's shoulder gently and said, "We will, I promise. So, come on. We don't want to be late for our Semi-Finals."

The Rainbooms headed straight to the stage as they prepared themselves for their next song while leaving their supporters behind to cheer and support them.

"Knock 'em dead, Rainbooms!" Spike cheered wildly.

Lance reminded the Rainbooms, "Remember! Don't play too good, just play good enough to get it through!"

"I'll be here..." Sunset sighed in concern, "just... watching."

Despite being made and angry at each other, Wheelie and Brains had suspicious in their minds, as well as the Crusaders. They wore the suspicious and concern looks as they can't help but wonder and suspected that Rainbow Dash was up to something like how did she managed to convince Shadow Dragon and his team to let her sang that song? And why?

"How did you do that, Rainbow Dash," Nyx asked suspiciously, "Or better word... Did you tell the truth?"

Wheelie asked, "You're thinking of what I'm thinkig?"

Brains smirked, "Watch and screw this shit up. Me like it."

Landed on Cybertron, Optimus Prime continued walking and journeying across the ruined and destruction sights of Cybertron. He looked around of his surroundings. All he saw was nothing but destructions and deaths.

Why? Why was he summoned to come to his lost yet gone planet Cybertron? Why?

Optimus Prime came across the large and big building with dome on its top. It remained stable and looked clean, not a sign of hole or anything. For an hour had passed, Optimus Prime came across the mysterious crimson Cybertronian with long white metallic mustache and beard while had the long purplish cape. The latter was sitting on his chair before looked at the former.

"Can I help you, young warrior?" The old Cybertronian asked curiously.

Optimus Prime turned and looked at the building, "What is this place? Why wasn't it in ruined? I remember clearly since the very day that Megatron started the war against the Autobots."

The old Cybertronian smiled gently, "It should be... Or maybe, it didn't want to."

Optimus turned and looked at him with his suspicious and concern looks, "Do you guard this place?"

"No, my boy... I'm merely a watcher..."

"You won't mind of letting me enter?"

"If that is what your wish, I do not see other reason of letting you in."

"You know what I'm looking for?"

"Something question your decision. Something questioned your identity. Something to let go from the past. You kept it within you too long while letting it haunt you down till you're gone. And above all, are you worthy of the Light?"

Optimus remained skeptical and concern. He turned and looked at the building again. Was he truly came here to find something that question his doubts?

"What you seek... can be found within the building, dear boy..." Old man said wisely and calmly.

Uncertain if he can do it or not, but Optimus decided to march inside the building. Whatever he was looking for, it was worthwhile to find...

With the Rainbooms prepared and settled their instruments in position, Pinkie started banging and hitting on the drums.

Rainbooms: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

One-by-one as the spotlight turned on and shot on the Rainbooms from Applejack to Fluttershy to Rarity and finally to Twilight. And lastly, Rainbow Dash emerged and charged to the last spotlight.

Rainbow: Awesome as I wanna be

As the Rainbooms continued playing their own instruments, Fluttershy gave her annoying and upset glare at Rainbow Dash. The latter sang.

The Rainbooms: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Rainbow: Awesome as I wanna be

Rainbow turned to her right and charged straight for the moment. She jumped and slided on the ground right before surprised Twilight. Rainbow turned back and continued playing her guitar.

Rainbow: First you see me riding on a sonic boom
Got my guitar shreddin' up my latest tune

Rainbow continued singing while playing her guitar before jumped on her band members one-by-one from Applejack to Rarity to Pinkie Pie to Twilight and then to Fluttershy. They gave the annoying and upset looks at her. It was unacceptable and annoying for them to handle.

Rainbow: There is nothin' you can do to beat me
I'm so good that you can't defeat me

Rainbow then made some posses in playing her guitar. First was she jumped up while playing it. Second one was she sat down while playing it. Third was having her guitar placed back of hers in playing. And finally and fourth was flipping her rainbow hair up while playing it.

Dragon Strike Force from the audience while Yeagar Family, Simmons and Autobots as the judges looked shock, surprised and concern of what they were seeing. The rest of staffs and students remained calm and quiet as they continued watching and listening to Rainbow Dash's song.

Shadow Dragon groaned in anger. Both him and Tailtech turned and glared at the nervous and worried Aquastroke. What just happened?!

Rainbow: Yeah, I'm awesome, take caution
Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be
(Yeah!) I'm awesome, take caution
Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be

The spotlight turned and aimed on Rainbow Dash as she continued playing her guitar; leaving the rest of her friends looked in anger and upset while playing their instruments and singing.

Rainbooms: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

As Rainbow Dash continued playing her guitar, her top head was showing the sparkling form of pony's ears. Sunset, Crusaders, Spike, Lance and two Minicons gasped in shock and concern. Dragon Strike Force, Autobots, Yeagar Family and Simmons were in concern as well.

As Sunset turned and asked Crusaders of how they shut down the musical tracks, Wheelie and Brains screamed wildly. They jumped right on Rainbow Dash's legs. They gave her a bite on her legs. She screamed in pain.

Rainbow Dash hopped back for three times. She knocked Twilight, causing the latter pulled Rarity's keytar down. It made her to fell down while kicking Applejack's Bass up. The latter's bass thrown right on Pinkie's drum hard!

The lights turned on and revealed everyone including Wheelie and Brains. Fluttershy gasped and screamed in fear. She turned and headed to the backstage.

Everyone gasped in shock and concern, including Sunset, Crusaders, Spike and Lance. Dragon Strike Force, Yeagar Family and Autobots sighed in relief. As Rainbow slowly got up, she glared at both Wheelie and Brains as they were the ones biting her legs. She groaned in anger while they chuckled uneasily. They quickly let go from biting on her legs.

The Rainbooms looked at both Minicons while Sunset, Crusaders, Spike and Lance looked worry and shocked of what Brains and Wheelie had did.

Seeing what had happen, Vice-Principal Luna gave the disappointed and annoying look while Principal Celestia wrote the report down from what she saw and heard.

"WHO ARE THEY?! Decepticons?! Mini-FREAKS! They've got some nerve of showing on stage! Get them OUT! They're not Autobots! They're even worse than SUNSET SHIMMER! STUPID MACHINES!" The students cried in anger.

Wheelie and Brains groaned in anger as they were about to attack but stopped. They were grabbed and hold by someone. They turned and were about to attack someone but stopped as they saw the frightened and worried Sunset. They looked at each other but sighed in defeat. They stopped from being aggressive as Sunset and angry and upset Rainbooms headed to the backstage.

Dragon Strike Force looked at each other as they nodded their heads. Yeagar Family and Simmons nodded as well. Autobots from the screen gave a big sighs from what they had seen. Even though Wheelie and Brains didn't get along, but they harbored more hatred and anger for the Humans since the latter were the responsible of killing and hurting their allies...

As soon as everyone gathered at the backstage, mostly Rainbooms were very angry but Twilight and Fluttershy. However, Dragon Strike Force were more furious and angry than before and even Rainbow Dash. Blazefist and Saber Dragoon held Rainbow's shoulders tightly.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Rainbow demanded angrily.

"Answers! I wanted to know..." Shadow Dragon said angrily before asked angrily, "What the hell was that?!"

Everyone looked worry and scared of what happen next.

Rainbow gulped in fear before shaking her head. She shown her angry face, "If it weren't for Wheelie and Brains -!"

"Don't change subjects, Rainbow Dash! I want to know why did you disobeyed the order?!"

"Look! I didn't know it would happen! Honest. I thought I can handle it!"

"Yes... Tailtech, Terrorcreep and Aquastroke had specifically told you not to play that song! But instead, you decided to play that song than Fluttershy's! You disobeyed it!"

Rainbooms, Sunset, Crusaders, Lance and Spike gasped in shock. Aquastroke looked away from looking at Rainbow Dash as she was completely upset and disappointed by latter's disobedience. They turned and glared at the nervous and worried Rainbow Dash. They all commented and remarked angrily for her to lied on them so much as well as putting their mission at risk.

Brains chuckled happily and crazily, "It looks like we've got Backstabbing Attinger in the house!"

"Nice going, Rainbow Crash!" Wheelie remarked angrily.

"I can't believe you lied to all of us!" Fluttershy said in upset.

As Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle comforted their friend, Scootaloo sniffed and sobbed in despair and pain: "Rainbow Dash, how could you do this to us?!"

Applejack groaned in anger as she glared at Rainbow, "None of this would've happened if you weren't tryin' to show off – as usual."

Rainbow looked away from her friends as she refused to admit or think about it. Everyone turned and looked at the arrival of Trixie who giggled happily. They gave her an angry yet annoying glare.

"Good show, 'Rain-brooms'," Trixie commented, "I especially liked the part where two stupid Machines Sidekicks, in a fit of anger rage, knocked out Rainbow Dash mid-guitar solo!"

Wheelie and Brains groaned in groaned in anger as they were about to argue. Sunset glared at Trixie as she scolded the latter, "They're not my stupid Machines! They're my best friends! I will not let you insult them!"

Trixie gulped in worry. Rainbooms, Crusaders, Lance and Spike looked surprise and shock of how closed Sunset had for two Minicons. Dragon Strike Force, Yeagar Family and Simmons smiled proudly. Sunset huffed angrily.

"If you say so," Trixie had her eyes rolled up. She turned and spotted Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were discussing together. She smiled, "Ooh! Looks like they've already decided who'll be moving on to the finals! I'm guessing it wasn't too difficult a decision."

As the door opened in two, the Dazzlings sang and vocalized gently and passionately as both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna looked shock as they fell under their spell. Sunset and her Minicon Friends looked surprise and shock of the Dazzlings' doing. Shadow Dragon looked suspicious of their doing as well as he had his eyes narrowed in suspicious and concern.

"What can we do," Rarity asked in fear, "There isn't gonna be another opportunity for us to play. And I had the most gorgeous outfit for the finals!"

Applejack groaned in annoyance, "Yup, 'cause that's the real tragedy here, Rarity – that you won't get to play dress-up!"

Rarity groaned in anger, "You know perfectly well that is not what I meant!"

Rainbow shushed both Applejack and Rarity, "You guys wanna keep it down? They're about to announce who's moving on."

"Who are you kidding? You know it isn't gonna be us," Fluttershy said in upset.

Both principles headed to the stages as Principal Celestia made the announcement, "The band that will be joining the Dazzlings in tonight's finals... The Rainbooms!"

Everyone gasped in shock and surprise while Trixie looked upset and angry. She turned and stomped off and away from them. As the Rainbooms headed to the stage, two principals turned and looked at them.

Principal Celestia smiled in please, "Congratulations, girls. You deserve it."

Rainbooms nodded their heads while smiled in please. The Dazzlings came to the front as Adagio smirked darkly and evilly. This had made both Dragon Strike Force and Yeagar Family uneasy to think and feel about them.

Adagio commented, "See you at tonight's big show, Rainbooms. We are really looking forward to it."

Adagio and her Dazzlings turned and walked away from the Rainbooms. Rainbow groaned in annoyance, "Yeah, well... not as much as we are!"

The students booed and jeered angrily at the Rainbooms. The latter; along with Crusaders, Spike and Lance, was forced to leave the gymnasium in fear, shame, concern and doubtful of what they had cried in anger for.

"This is a travesty! A travesty," Trixie cried in anger.

Adagio patted Trixie's shoulder and commented, "It really is! The Rainbooms don't deserve to be in the finals." She smiled darkly, "Not when your band was so much better in the semis."

Aria sighed in defeat, "And wanted it so much more."

Adagio said in pain, "Alas, this is the way it's going to be. Dazzlings vs. Rainbooms."

"Unless, of course, the Rainbooms don't manage to make it to their set or held up for some reason," Sonata suggested innocently and thoughtfully.

Adagio and Aria gave the smirk to Trixie, who gave some thoughts before smirked and laughed evilly.

At the backstage, Dragon Strike Force and Yeagar Family looked suspicious yet concern of what had happen during the event.

Shadow Dragon's eyes narrowed in suspicious and concern, "Something is going on. The Dazzlings are after something big."

"What should we do?" Blazefist asked in concern as Dragon Strike Force looked worry and concern of what Shadow Dragon was going to do.

Shadow Dragon spoke firmly, "We need to report to Secretary. This is getting out of hand..."

A moment had passed since the semifinals; Dragon Strike Force, Yeagar Family and Autobots were gathered at the soccer field. They informed to Secretary of United States: Azure Phoenix via the hologram pad. Shadow Dragon reported to him of what had happen during two days and especially involving Rainbow's insubordinate and disobedience.

Azure Phoenix sighed in anger, "Based on your report and Tailtech's readings of the students' negative energy, the Dazzlings are getting stronger. And for those Rainbooms, they're not taking the situation serious. I think they're helping them."

Shadow Dragon shook his head, "With all due respect, Commander; we saw everything with our own eyes. Decepticons are the ones who were helping the targets. And at the Semi-Finals, Celestia and Luna gave the Rainbooms the chance to proceed to the Finals. I have the strange feeling that the Dazzlings were behind it."

Azure sighed, "But question remains... Why? Why would they want with the Rainbooms?"

"I don't know, sir." Shadow Dragon sighed.

"I do, sir," Tailtech spoke as he shown his laptop of his in front of Azure Phoenix. It revealed the Rainbooms' Reading Charts. He continued, "I noticed something strange from the Rainbooms. The readings claimed that their negative energy is higher and stronger than positive."

"When did that happen?" Shadow Dragon asked in concern.

Tailtech gave him a serious face, "Since the first audition, Shadow Dragon."

Beginning to have some thoughts while putting the puzzle together, Azure's face of stern turned into realization and feared, "Magic... It's Rainboom's Magic the Dazzlings were after. And in order to do that, they need negative energies and magic from them."

"But turning them against each other," Shadow Dragon said in feared. His eyes widened in fear and worried. He spoke, "Oh no... We fell for it! Dam it! I have to warn Twilight-!"

"No!" Azure Phoenix denied. Shadow Dragon stopped and looked at him. He continued, "I've waited enough. It's time we deal with this situation once and for all. First, we deal with the Dazzlings. And the next, we invade the Equestria."

Dragon Strike Force and Autobots looked shock and concern as they argued and protested against Azure Phoenix's plan and even told him about how good the Rainbooms and Twilight and her Equestria Family were.

"Enough!" Azure Phoenix shouted in anger. Everyone was in silent as he continued, "Let me remind you again. They are aliens. Those who sided with unregistered and unknown aliens are traitors! And we will not let them do as they pleased. I had enough of letting more aliens to come and wage war on our home. No more!"

Azure turned to Shadow Dragon, "Shadow Dragon, prepare all of the units, including mine, NEST Team and Military Units. The time of waiting is over, it is time to strike! We cannot let our world fall into another extinction! Do I make myself clear?!"

Concerned and doubted of following the order, Shadow Dragon was forced to make decision of abandoning his girlfriend's counterpart and her friends. Yet... He also grew hatred and anger for his enemies. He wanted to get rid of them so badly, unless they were proven to be allies.

Shadow Dragon gave Azure a serious and firm eyes, "Yes, sir. It will be done..."

Everyone gasped in shock and worry. Azure Phoenix nodded his head before his hologram disappeared. Everyone argued and protested Shadow Dragon from performing it. They also reminded him about what they had time together with their allies as well.

Shadow Dragon groaned in anger before shouted fury, "ENOUGH!" He turned to his silent group as he gave the order, "Prepare the team! We're at war!"

Yeagar Family, Autobots and Dragon Strike Force looked worry, concern, regretful and doubts that they were preparing to attack not only the Dazzlings, but also Twilight and her friends. Shadow Dragon looked away as he gave a big yet deep sigh of concern...

At the stage, the Black Ops Armored Shadow Dragon was waiting for Twilight and her friends to arrive. He had to tell them before his mission could begin. And he hoped they listened to his reason. And they did arrive on the scene, along with their instruments.

"Shadow Dragon?" Twilight asked in surprise while looking at the regretful yet painful Shadow Dragon, "what is it?"

Shadow Dragon sighed in concern, "Twilight, go home. Go home now..."

"What?! Why?!"

"Your part for here is over... You've delayed us too long. We can't wait too long. The Dazzlings are getting stronger. It's our turn to deal with them now."

"No... You can't. My band and I are the only ones can handle it. I know of what we've been through wasn't really good. But this time... We're ready. We can do this! Please give us chance now. I beg of you."

"I can't, Twilight! I'm sorry! I can't! If we continued like this, then we're done for. The Humanity will fall. You and your family are no longer be part of it. So leave now!" Shadow Dragon ordered angrily. Twilight was in shock of what he had said. Her tears were coming out. As he was passing her by, he spoke darkly and firmly, "If you ever tried to come back here, I won't go easy on you again. Goodbye, Pony Twilight Sparkle..."

As Shadow Dragon headed off, Twilight looked down with her stun yet despaired and painful look. She sobbed and sniffed of what Shadow Dragon had said. Her friends came and comforted her from Shadow Dragon had said. Her three children came to the front and comforted her.

"Mom... That's not your Shadow Dragon. Our dad is waiting at home. He believed you can do it. So, go for it," Lance encouraged.

Nyx nodded her head, "Lance's right. Our fight with the Dazzlings are not over. We can do this."

Spike smiled, "Yeah. We'll show Shadow Dragon that we can win it. I promise you that."

Twilight thought for the moment before smiled happily, "You're right. I'm not going back until I finish my mission. And I'm going to end it."

Rainbooms cried and cheered happily of what Twilight had said. They still had the mission to deal with and they were going to end it...

As the Rainbooms headed to the middle in making some preparation, Fluttershy looked worry and concern as she asked, "This doesn't make any sense. We were awful. Doesn't anybody else think it's strange that we're the ones that made it to the finals?"

"Very strange," Trixie's voice remarked angrily.

The Rainbooms turned to their left and found the angry Trixie and her Illusion Band gathered in front of them.

What are you doing here, Trixie?" Rainbow smirked arrogantly, "Pretty sure the losers are supposed to be up there in the cheap seats."

The Great and Powerful Trixie is the most talented girl at Canterlot High. It is I who deserves to be in the finals. And I will not-" Trixie remarked angrily while giving a snapped fingers "-be denied!"

Trixie's two members of Illusion pulled the lever, causing both Rainbooms and Sunset Shimmer fell right on the trap door to the bottom; along with their instruments. The Rainbooms tried to recover while getting together as one. Trixie gave them a wink and evil smile. The trap door closed at once.

Lance, Crusaders and Spike gasped in shock and feared. They quickly escaped by walking down the stage's stairs as they tried to go to storeroom to help their friends. But instead of going to the storeroom, they rammed into the large metallic cage-like. They moaned and groaned painfully as the cage locked up. They protested angrily yet upset as they demanded to be released.

Blazefist, Saber Dragoon and Tailtech deactivated their stealth modes and approached to the cage. They looked at each other for the moment before they sighed in regret. As the Camaro approached to them, Cade emerged from the car. Bumblebee transformed from his Camaro as he grabbed and held the cage like humans holding a pet's cage-carrier.

Bumblebee radioed in upset, "This is so wrong. This is so mess up..."

Blazefist sighed, "You and me both, Bee. But orders are orders. Let's go!"

Blazefist, Saber Dragoon and Tailtech headed off while leaving Cade and Bumblebee behind as they looked at each other for the moment. They both sighed in concern and worry.

"It doesn't feel right. It's wrong..." Cade said in concern.

On the spectator's seats, the Dazzlings, Tech and Decepticon Minicons had seen the event. They smiled proudly and happily. Everything was under their favors.

"Told you someone would give them a shove," Adagio said proudly.

Sonata cleared her throat as she corrected her friend, "She didn't shove them. She pulled a lever."

With Adagio slapped on her forehead, Aria groaned in annoyance, "Go back to sleep, Sonata."

Adagio sighed in annoyance. She turned to four Minicons as she spoke calmly, "Tell your masters. It is time..."

Laserbeak chuckled evilly, "With pleasure, Lady Adagio. Now... we can begin..."

Laserbeak, Frenzy, Rumble and Ravage turned and immediately left the area as they returned to their masters while leaving Tech behind.

"It's time for the world to know the end is near..." Tech remarked proudly before chuckled evilly.

Deep within the mysterious building, Optimus Prime looked worry and concern as he continued walking through the hallway of darkness. He looked in concern and feared of what he was looking for while continued doubting himself about his decision and his action as well as the betrayals he had to deal with from his past till now.

He sighed, "What am I looking for? It's getting me nowhere. Who is that old Transformer? How does he know my thoughts and weakness? What he meant 'Am I worthy to Light'? Can this be More than Meets the Eye?"

"What you seek... can be found within the building, dear boy..." The old Cybertronian spoke.

As the light shined on his head, Optimus Prime turned and looked at it. He spotted the bright light of a star-shaped. He had his eyes narrowed in determination, "If this is the way to seek my answer, then so be it. Whatever lies there, I can hope I can find the answer I wanted to know of my past, decision and action. And hoping to end my quest..."

Optimus Prime headed straight for it. He was about to find what he wanted to know of his identity and purpose as 'Leader of the Autobots' and how he had to deal with his past...

To be continued...

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Author's Note:

1) From JusSonic's Rainbow Rocks Remake, it was originally for Shadow Dragon to spoke angrily and also emotionally to refuse Twilight and her friends from continuing to the Finals. And this was originally for Lance, Crusaders and Spike to convince Shadow Dragon and others to help them to get Rainbooms out from the storeroom, but this is better and good because Nyx and Lance knew how to open the door but got caught by their own allies for ignoring Shadow Dragon's order.