• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 729 Views, 6 Comments

The Generals Sister - Shizuo35

Ryder is called off to war in Steurope to run a military base and has to leave his little sister behind with Celestia.

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Month 2: Day: 3: A 'Loving' Return (Celestia's POV)

Well that was a big old few weeks of nothing. Scootaloo had made a full recovery, got to see her friends and her cousin and with her friends. I was happy to see everyone doing... okay I guess? Big Mac and Applejack were stressed out of their minds worrying about Ryder, Dash didn't sleep for a night and I sent her home with Big Mac and AJ. Fluttershy stayed an extra day to help with Scootaloo and do a little yoga with me. Scootaloo and Luna even joined in. This was good for me just the same as Scootaloo. I was feeling good after that.... maybe relaxed a bit too much during a nap with Scootaloo but we were both padded up. She had a nightmare that Luna almost stopped. When she did it was too late and Scootaloo had an accident. She was lucky enough to be changed by my sister and put in bed with me. After that it was just boring plain days. Now it is a new month, a new day and... maybe I have a plan or two. I got up this morning and to a surprise Scootaloo wasnt even in my bed or in the room for that matter. You'd think I'd be frightened but I knew she had her phone on her. She usually keeps it on her little desk charging. I got out of my bed wearing nothing but my bra and panties because... well I've actually grown used to sleeping like this. Of course I had to take everything I had near my chest and put them away. Gun went into my drawer and locked it, headphones were on top of a nightstand, the royal card somewhere in the mess but I do have my own little storage area with my magic. Anywho I got up and got into some waiting clothes. A dress, my heels and sprayed a bit of perfume on me. I didn't really want to dress this way but I had to. Today is the return of Princess Cadence. She was away for a month helping with... maybe a few busted marriages. She came back last night and I invited her here with Shining Armor but I didn't know when. I stretched my wings and made sure my mane was in good condition. As I left the room I was greeted by my guard. He knelt down and bowed in respect as I shot him a smile stretching. "Good morning Princess!" He said. "Did you sleep well? No early awakenings?"

I shook my head. "Not one for a few days." I said. "Has the general sent news on the warfront?" He shook his head. "Ah... Well then... Have you seen Scootaloo? She's out and about I'm sure but I have no clue where she is." The guard gave a smile.

"Oh she had me walk her to Princess Luna. They should be playing games in the computer room. Shall i have them prepare for the morning meal?" I had thought for a moment. Should I grab both of them myself and walk with them to the morning meal or have a guard do it while I wait for Cadence.

"Perhaps I should fetch them. Have you heard anything from Shining Armor? His wife is supposed to be back home soon." The guard gave a quick nod.

"Yes I have! Luna had gotten a call just about ten minutes ago from the captain saying he was on his way. He should be arriving very soon."

"Just what I like to hear! Perhaps we shall go up to the helipad and wait so we could possibly dine with Twilight." He huffed.

"Sorry Princess but I already have word Princess Twilight is on her way here. She should arrive any minute as well. She insisted on coming to meet her brother and sister in law instead of you going all the way out to Ponyville. She only does this because of a few problems she shall discuss upon her arrival."

"Very well then. Be on the look out for Princess Twilight and Cadence. Send them to the dining hall. I'll get Luna and Scootaloo some food to tie them over until Cadence and Twilight arrive." He saluted me and allowed me to walk away. He ran off in the other direction. Once he was far enough down the hall I stopped and hurried back to my room. I didn't want to leave him in the middle of explaining something. What kind of princess do you think I am? I'm not Twilight when I'm pissed off. I'm serious about that. She was ticked off at Shining one time and Dash was trying to explain why he was late to something and she walks away not even wanting to hear an 'excuse'. I snatched up my phone and everything keeping my gun where it was because knowing four princess's guards will be doubled around the castle.

After that I was on my way to the computer room. Nothing but guards until I had gotten there. I was at the door and I saw Scootaloo and Luna sitting at computers side by side playing little point and click games placing homes and stuff here and there. Luna wore her 'classic controller' shirt and basketball shorts and Scootaloo was still in her pajamas. Cute little pink ones I had bought her because her other pajamas were smelling of fermenting urine but the laundry room is doing a good job on getting weird smells from all the clothing out. Anyways Luna completely bought up all the land on the game and made her won empire.... I'm glad she did it in a computer game and not real life. War would be waged between us. The thought of that actually plagues me every time she and I argue. She could take her guards and push half of Equestria here while she took over the southern half of Equestria and we'd get things between us destroyed. I notice Scootaloo look back at Luna who was at the computer I talk with Ryder on. "Luna? How do you get more yellow shells? I've been clicking my houses and shops and cant find any!" She said.

Luna looked away from her computer. "Have you set down that little well I gave you?" She asked. "It should be in your inventory. Check and maybe place it near your starting home." I gave a smile as Scootaloo looked back at her computer screen.

"Oh! Forgot about that! Stupid quests!"

I laughed a bit and entered. "Are you two having fun together?" I asked. Luna turned around as Scootaloo hopped from her seat and rushed up hugging me.

"Morning Princess!" I gave a little sigh picking her up.

"You seem to be happy being up so early! Why are you up so early?"

Luna sighed as she went and logged off of the computers. "She feels like she and I don't spend as much time together since she's been here." She said. "I mean I've been so nice to her outside of the castle but inside I've only visited in her dreams and on her birthday but when else have I spent time with her?" I gave it a moment of thought. She really hadn't gone and done much with Scootaloo ever since she was brought in. A few days give or take.

"Well... I guess you're right but today you and Scootaloo will have more time to spend with each other. Did you hear we have guests coming?" Luna shook her head. Scootaloo did as well. "Oh then I'm sure you'll enjoy hearing we're going to have a certain family come together right here!" My sister gasped.

"Shut thy mouth! Do you mean Cadence is back?" I gave a nod and we hugged sandwiching Scootaloo between us. "Oh sister this is wonderful news! Wouldst thy mind waiting for me while I get dressed?" I gave a smile and nodded. As she rushed out I looked to Scootaloo who also looked a bit surprised.

"Well you and I must get you ready, get you washed and presentable. Since Cadence has been away I think she'll be expecting you to be dressed like you belong here and not like a little city child. Would you be a good girl and get into the cute dress I bought you?"

Scootaloo gave a little groan. "...why cant I wear my normal clothes?" She asked. "I don't like wearing that dress... It makes me feel weird..." I turned around and left the room with her in my arms.

"I understand you don't want to feel like your friend Sweetie Belle all the time but this is for Cadence. I do hear she has a gift for you. I say if you want that gift you are going to put that dress on and fix that attitude! I don't want to put you on time out with Shining watching you the whole time!" Scootaloo sighed.

"...Alright... I'll wear the dress..." I gave her a smile and patted her on the back just hugging her. I was very excited to see Cadence, Shining and Twilight all in the same room with me, Luna and Scootaloo. It would be the first time in months I've had everypony - minus scootaloo- together. Normally its just me and Luna or Twilight and I because Cadence doesn't come around often and when she does Twilight is busy and Shining is sick or something. Either that or he nodded off before they could go because he had gone and drank all night with that one guard friend Flash Sentry. He and Ryder don't get along surprisingly. Shining introduced them and immediately regrets it because Ryder was waiting on Applejack to meet him and Flash hits on her starting a fight between them. Why AJ let it go on instead of yelling at Flash that she was taken I don't know but since then Flash has stayed away from Ponyville and Ryder. Doesn't even know he went off to war... at least I hope so. Don't want Applejack to be brought in for nailing him in the crystal jewels. Little fun fact about the Crystal Empire any pony inside the empire who experiences true happiness will shine like a crystal just as if it were polished. Anyone who finds their happiness will want to experience it all the time. That celebration for the crystal heart? That thing sends out a glow giving everypony within the Crystal Empire that one happy memory that gave them that glow. I did that once before it went missing. My happiest memory was... Luna... all the good times she and I spent together before her enragement and becoming Nightmare Moon.

Anyways about twenty minutes later Luna, Scootaloo and I were all dressed up. I swear we had a radiant glow to us as we walked down the hall towards the entrance. Luna had Scootaloo in her arms and she took a quick glance at her. I looked to her as well just as Luna spoke up seeing Scootaloo's sad face. "Scootaloo? Is everything okay?" Luna asked. Scootaloo shrugged and shook her head. "...Sounds to me like somepony's a bit worried about something... Do you want to talk about it?" Scootaloo latched onto my sister whimpering slightly.

"...I... I feel like you're going to have me go with Princess Cadence when she leaves... I like it here.... it's closer to my friends..."

I gave a caring 'aw' as Luna handed her over to me for a hug. She was trembling. Her wings were twitching with a slight sadness. I found out she expresses most of her emotions through her wings. "Scootaloo we aren't going to do that!" I said. "No matter what we are going to keep you by our sides. Sure Cadence has her magic to calm you but she would charge your brother for watching you until he returns... What I do is way different than what she does." Finally something we could agree on. First few weeks she was complaining about being here but that's because she wasn't comfortable. She sobbed slightly as we reached the stairs. "...Come now Scootaloo... No crying please! You wanted to spend more time with Luna and I don't think a nap will help you with that."

Luna rested a hand on Scootaloo's back. "Scootaloo come now let's take a few deep breaths and calm down." She said. "On three... one, two aaand three...." At the same time me, Scootaloo and Luna all took a deep breath. Within moments Scootaloo stopped crying and gave us a smile giving us both a kiss on the cheek. It was cute enough for us to sandwich her in a hug again. When we broke the hug we hear the front door open.

The clang of armor entering only meant one thing Twilight was here! I gave Scootaloo to Luna and hurried down the steps just as I see Twilight walk in with a bag over her shoulder wearing her blue coronation dress. She saw me and gave a slight squee as she hugged me. "Oh Celestia! Thank you for letting me come see Cadence and Shining!" She said.

I gave a smile. "Wouldn't leave you out of this my faithful student!" I said. We broke the hug and I looked to her just as Luna came to my side. "I hope you will be fine with waiting a while. Cadence and Shining aren't here just yet but they will be soon. I was everyone to be eating at the same time." Twilight went and hugged Luna and Scootaloo.

"There's my favorite little crusader! How are you today Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo gave a little smile and climbed into my faithful students arms. "...I'm okay... Just a bit hungry right now." She said.

"No accidents?" Scootaloo blushed and shook her head. "Good girl! You've been sleeping in your bed too haven't you?" She nodded again. "Good girl! Maybe later I can take you to get some ice cream outside of the castle! I would get your friends but last time I checked Applebloom was sick and Sweetie Belle was grounded... Maybe you and I can make a get well card for Applebloom though! Would you want to do that later?"

Scootaloo gave a nod just as I looked to a guard. "Take Princess Twilight's bag to a room near mine." I said. The guard nodded and took Twilight's bag leaving us. I looked back to Twilight and my sister. "Until Cadence arrives we may as well have a little bread and butter to hold us over until then. No use in leaving our stomachs empty."

Everyone gave a nod and not long later we were inside the dining hall. Sun was shining through the large windows illuminating the entire room. I couldn't help but stand and look over all of eastern Equestria while the others were sitting at the table. I saw everything from Fillydelphia to the Foal Mountains and a few forests. Luna gave a sigh as she took a little piece of a baguette and spreading some butter on it. "To think this used to be common folk eatery long ago..." She said. "Though it was long ago it's still unheard of.... Why would someone not give them better food?" I gave a sigh and turned to the table. Luna sat at the head, Twilight and Scootaloo sat at the corner.

"Father forbid giving anything more to the common folk just in case of an uprising! He thought the unicorn and alicorn were more worthy than the earth pony and pegasai greater than them as well. If mother hadn't stepped in poor Scootaloo here wouldn't exist." I rested my hand on Scootaloo's shoulder as she ate her piece of bread. "If mother and father hadn't made an agreement to spread all food around equally the elements of harmony wouldn't have formed. Do you forget Applejack and Pinkie Pie?" Luna huffed a bit and drank a bit of water we had. Saving better stuff for Cadence.

"Yes I do understand what might've happened. The food now is much better and we have those earth ponies and pegasai giving us all those recipes for our meals. Tastes way better." I was about to say I agree but something out in the halls gave us a scare. Gunfire.

Not even a second after that guards rush in and close the doors to the dining hall both armed with rifles. Scootaloo screamed and latched onto Twilight who was also scared. A guard looked back at us. "PRINCESSES! GET SOMEWHERE SAFE!" He yelled. We gave a nod and got up from the table running into the kitchen. To be honest the kitchen is the second safest place in this castle other than the saferoom. As we entered the kitchen all the workers in there looked at us as we rushed in. Twilight went to the food storage with Scootaloo and set her inside.

"EVERYPONY TAKE COVER! ASSASSINS!" Just as Luna yelled that everypony took food off the burners, off the counter and made a protective wall around us getting frying pans, cookie sheets and what not.

I know I keep saying this but believe it or not those pans are bullet proof. Next minute I hear the loud creak of the food storage door and the rush of heels coming towards us. The kitchen workers let Twilight into the barricade and formed back up. "Twilight what the hell are you doing?! You could get yourself killed!" I snapped frightened.

Twilight hugged me. "I-I put Scootaloo in the food storage! She should be safe in there if the uh... assassins come and find us...." She said.

"What makes you think that place is safe?! That could be the first place they look if we have to run for it!" Twilight averted her gaze to Luna and then back up to me getting teary eyed.

"...Well I uh... It was just a thought upon our situation but.... I gave her the gun Shining had me carry! It's small sh-she might not even have to use it!" She huffed and looked through the ponies around us. "...Maybe I should get it back from her..." Just as she tried to pull away I held her close.

"No Twilight let her be! She should be fine just.... Just stay calm and keep your head down!" She nodded into my chest and we crouched down together. Luna did the same and joined in our huddle. We stayed there for maybe about an hour. There was no telling where the assassins were. All I could tell was they were here somewhere. I still heard the gunshots burst out every now and again. Thoughts rushed through my head of the assassins. I thought they would rush in and waste us all. I thought they would bust in waste the workers and take Scootaloo for ransom. I even thought of the worst having to do with Scootaloo and Twilight... That was maybe about a half hour in. After a while the gunfire stopped. "....Is it over...?" I looked to Luna who shrugged. "...Give me your gun sister. I want to go and see if they caught the assassins!" Luna didn't even hesitate on taking her snub nosed out and handing it over to me. I grabbed it and readied it. Twilight went and leaned on Luna as I stood up and pushed my way through the workers. I stopped outside and looked back at them. "What ever happens do not let them go until we get the all clear! Understood?" One of the workers gave a nod while the others kept their eyes on their surroundings.

I readied the gun and made my way carefully towards the dining hall opening the doors carefully aiming the gun out ready to fire. I saw the doors to the hall were open and the guards were gone but my guard didn't go down. I kept low as to not have a sniper get my head in the scope sight. As I got to the door I just got against it out of sight from anyone hearing footsteps coming my way. My wings wanted to extend and help my escape but that knocked the door handle against the wall causing the footsteps to stop with the slight squeak of rubber against the linoleum. I took a deep breath and cocked my gun before turning around the corner to aim it only to aim it in the face of Shining Armor wearing his red suit he got married in and also in turn aiming a gun in my face. We both sighed and dropped our guns before hugging each other. "...Oh shit Princess... You scared the crap out of me..." He said. "Is everyone okay? Where's Twily?!"

"She's hiding. Don't worry she's safe! Where's Cadence?"

"In the chopper getting away from Canterlot until I call it back... I got word of the shooting just as we landed... I think they caught the assassins...Think being the key word... Give me a second." I watched as he put his hand to his side pushing a button on the wireless communication device. "Shining Armor. Have the assassins been captured?" I couldn't hear what guard on the other side was saying but I saw it in Shining's face. He gave me the face that meant yeah but what the heck. Basically a mixture of surprise and confusion. "Really now? Didn't even know which way to go eh? Bring the main one to the foyer and send the other two to the prison. Feel free to Taze the main guy if he gets unruly!" He looked to me releasing the button. "Princess the assassins have been caught and the ones who caught them want you to see the main one. Apparently he worked here before you fired him." I huffed and holstered Luna's gun in my bra.

"Take me to him! I must see him immediately!" Shining nodded and he started to hurry down the hall to the front entrance. I followed as closely as I could without losing sight. We got to the stairs and rushed down them and you know what I see kneeling down in a bullet proof vest, combat pants and work boots? The guard I kicked the crap out of when he had Scootaloo pinned down after she slapped me. His face looked like hell. Exactly the way I wanted it to look during but after? "YOU!? WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?! DO YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SECURITY IS LIKE AROUND HERE?!"

The ex guard looked up at me the guard next to him with a tazer ready and waiting. "...My wife left me after I lost my job... I'm scarred from your beating!" He snapped. "YOU ARE MY DAMN PROBLEM YOU BITCH! I thought today I was going to get my revenge! I was going to beat you with the butt of my gun and give that little filly the punishment she deserved!" I held my tongue and my strong urge to slap the crap out of him again.

"....You are the lowest of the low... The common folk in lower Equestria have better lives than you do! Your sentence is death for attempting to assassinate... Rushing the castle with weapons firing wildly with the intent to kill..." I huffed and turned around starting for the stairs. "Get him out of here and have someone survey the damages and if any are injured inform me at once!" I didn't even waste my time walking upstairs. Just teleported upstairs and rushed back towards the dining hall just fast enough to where I wasn't tripping over my own dress. I've gotta say if I had anything in me it would be on the floor or in my underwear. Once I got back in the kitchen I saw the chefs still in place. "Alright everyone! Crisis averted! Everyone go and rest!" The workers sighed and dispersed putting their cooking supplies on the counters. Luna was still on the floor with Twilight who was just asleep from all the panic she had undergone. I knelt down next to them. "Luna take Twilight to her brother... I'll get Scootaloo." Luna gave a nod as I got up to my feet. I took Luna's gun from my bra and rested it on the counter before hurrying over to the food storage. I took hold of the heavy metal handle and pulled it open just enough to go inside but just as I was about to walk in I hear Scootaloo scream, a loud pop and a sharp pain in my leg causing me to drop to my knee and yell out in pain. It hurt bad. I looked in gripping my leg only to see Scootaloo with her eyes closed shut and Twilight's gun smoking from the barrel and on the floor. She shot me. Scootaloo shot me in my leg. I looked at my wound and saw blood starting to come out of it and run down my leg. I teared up and fell to my side. I only stayed awake long enough to see Twilight up on her feet rushing in to grab Scootaloo before blacking out.

I woke up about an hour or so later finding myself in my hospital room just as Shining was walking in. He saw me and gave a sigh. "...Good you're awake... Are you alright princess?" He asked. I nodded sitting up in my bed. "That's good... I am so sorry Scootaloo did that to you... I just came to the door before hearing the shot.... I saw you on the ground and Scootaloo with Twily just bawling... I gave Twily the gun so I'm taking the heat for this princess so... punish me instead of Scootaloo or Twilight!" I huffed.

"...N-no... I'm not going to punish anyone... It was an accident and we know it... Scootaloo was scared and that storage door is just too thick to hear through..." I gasped feeling a sharp pain go through my leg. "....By any chance did that gun have any power to kill...?" Shining shook his head.

"No princess... It's just to scare or injure. The bullet was found easily but the pain from it made you black out... Do you want me to have the doctors administer the pill?" The pill... A physical form of a spell Luna and I use to heal ourselves and keep us living longer. We take the pills every year and I didn't dose up this year.

"No no... Don't... I don't want Twilight knowing about it... I want her to live her life as normally as she can and be with you when her time comes... Speaking of Twilight and Scootaloo... Where are they... I want to see them... I need to make sure they're okay." He nodded.

"Right away princess."

Shining left me alone in my room to deal with my pain. I started to think about how predictable my guards schedule is. I even thought about my daily routine. That too is predictable but not as predictable as the guard schedule. The thoughts still sat in my head as I see Twilight coming in with a sad look on her face and Scootaloo whimpering and holding a folded up paper in her hands. She was wearing sweat pants and a teeshirt. "....Glad to see you awake Princess..." Twilight said. "...Are you gonna punish anyone...?" I shook my head. "Good... well... I had Scootaloo make you a little sorry card... I helped if that's okay..." She looked to Scootaloo and sat her in the bed next to my hip but she crawled right onto my chest and hugged me.

I took the card from her and took a look at it only to see a little drawing of her crying and the word 'Sorry' written on the top. I looked down at Scootaloo and hugged her as she started to cry again. "...Scootaloo don't cry please..." I said. "...I know you didn't mean to shoot me like that... it was an accident... you were scared... we all were...." I patted her flank and heard the crinkle of her diapers.

Scootaloo sniffled and gripped me tighter. "...I--I'm sorry..." She said. "...Please... D-don't tell Ryder..."

"I wont... did you have a little accident after what happened...?" She nodded into my shoulder. I gave a sad aw and shifted slightly feeling my own bladder tighten. I might've been out for an hour but it felt like I hadn't used the toilet for six hours. I looked to Twilight. "...Is there any chance I can get someone to help me to the restroom? I don't want to get up myself for a chance of falling and hurting myself." Twilight gave a nod and reached for Scootaloo. "No no leave her... I've got her... I wanted to speak with her more..." Twilight nodded again and teleported out of the room. I looked to Scootaloo feeling her shutter.

"....I-I am in trouble aren't I...? ...just say it..."

"...You aren't Scootaloo... I'm just.... I cant help but think it might not be safe here after that... I know I told you this place was safe but..... you remember that guard that pinned you down don't you....?" She nodded. "...I don't mean to scare you but... he was part of that attack... he wanted to hurt us both... He isn't going to try it again but... what's stopping others from trying the same?" She whimpered as I felt her flank grow warm. I shushed her and nuzzled her. "...Don't worry... I wont let anyone hurt you if it does... Now if you want to crawl in bed with me or somepony else I wont stop you.... I... might not even object to you wanting to leave and wait for your brother elsewhere..." ...I said that.... I actually put that up as an option... Why should I put her life in jeopardy when I'm in the crosshair? "...I can give you time to think about it but... I want an answer.... I wont be mad if you choose to go... I wont put you in timeout or in a cell because you shot me... Your brother wont even know about what you did... I'll just tell him about the choice you made and-"

"I WANNA STAY WITH YOU!" My heart nearly stopped hearing her yell that. "I DONT WANNA GO WITH TWILIGHT OR CADENCE! I WANNA BE WITH YOU! PLEASE! DONT MAKE ME GO!" She cried harder. I started to tear up looking at her. She chose to stay with me amongst the danger. I sniffled as my lip quivered and just broke down holding her close.

Just then I had Shining and Luna rush in. Both looking a bit worried. Shining and Luna got to each side of me and helped me sit up but... not before I let loose my bladder... I felt so bad for Scootaloo I just didn't want her to be alone through this.... She decided to stay with me... I decided to just wet myself... Luna gave a gasp seeing a wet stain on my dress. "Oh no we're too late!" She said. "The pain must be too great for her to handle Shining! Get some sedatives for her and I'll see to it she gets changed!" Shining nodded as he let me go and teleported out. Luna lied me back down and looked to me trying to take Scootaloo from me. "Sister give Scootaloo to me, we need to get you into dry clothing!" As much as I didn't want to give her up I had to. She took Scootaloo and set her on a couch I have in here just in case I had to undergo surgery and Luna wanted to stay here. "Sister I'm glad you're awake but thy must take the pill! Seeing you in this condition isn't good for Scootaloo! She wanted me to spank her but I couldn't bring myself to it! None of us could! Cadence tried calming her but no one could hold Scootaloo down long enough! She kept struggling and escaping before we just had to have Twilight sit her down and make you that card!" She came back to my bedside and wiped the tears away from my eyes. "Celestia please calm down! We don't want you staying in here because you're sick. You still haven't eaten anything!"

I sniffled and sat up just enough to hug her. "...Sister....." I said through my tears. "...I-I'm sorry sister I'm just... I'm scared..." She looked to me.

"Did thy assassins say others are coming to finish the job?" I shook my head. "Is it about Twilight and the pill?" Again I shook my head. "...Doth thy need sister secrets time...?" I gave a hesitant nod just as Shining came back in with Cadence. Shining held a hospital gown while Cadence rolled in a wheelchair for me. Luna looked to Cadence. "Take Scootaloo and leave us!" Cadence gave a nod and hurried over to the crying filly. Shining tossed the gown over the back of the wheel chair before following Cadence out. Luna waited a moment before having me swing my legs out to hang off the bed. "...Alright Celestia what is thy problem? What are you crying about?" I sniffled giving a little gag.

"...The assassin... I-it was a guard... he was fired after he choked Scootaloo... He... He just... he wanted to hurt me and Scootaloo... I told her she could leave with Twilight or Cadence but... she just doesn't wanna go... but... I don't know how I would keep her safe if it happened... I don't want her to stay here but... she just wants to stay with me and... I don't know what to do..." Luna helped me get on the ground only to have me balance on my non injured leg as she helped me pull my soiled dress off.

"...Well... if she wants to stay at your side yet you think Canterlot is still unsafe for her... maybe we can make a compromise..." I looked to her after she pulled the dress over my head and tossing it aside.

"What do you mean compromise....? Do you mean... bring Ryder home and give up the war...?"

"No sister he needs to stay and fight! What I'm suggesting is have a home built a ways outside of Ponyville! Make it a little outpost for guards, both night and day guards near Ponyville to stay in to protect you! Once the war is done and over with we can use it as a little home for if we want to take time away from Canterlot! I could even put some of my old consoles there and make room for any of the newer gen consoles! Sintendo tells me they might come out with a new motion controlled gaming system that includes a workout game for you!" I gave it a tiny bit of thought as Luna helped me wiggle out of my underwear. I had to lean on the bed a bit just to have them come off from around my leg. I took a deep breath calming myself.

"...Sister... your mind is greater than even my own... C-can you bring my wheelchair around and cover my flank please...? I want to have Scootaloo know of this wonderful idea..." Luna gave a nod and covered me with the hospital gown even tying it to where my ass wasn't showing even when I sat down. She balled up my things to where I didn't even feel the wetness. I still cant believe I had just gone and wet myself like that. It was a noble gesture for Scootaloo if anyone asks.

Not long later I got dressed in something different from what I had on. New pair of panties... well.. extra absorbent panties as it were because of my condition... A pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt and jacket to cover the waistband of the 'panties'. Scootaloo passed out and Luna had to change her into a pair of baggy pants and a hoodie. I had to be wheeled to the elevators we rarely use on the complete other side of the castle. Not long I was helped into a waiting limo I had to share with everyone. I sat at the very back near the doors, Twilight and her brother sat more towards the front having a little drink while Cadencce and my sister were sitting across from each other having a quiet conversation. Cadence actually took hold of Scootaloo since she had a little diaper bag containing the extras for both Scootaloo and I to change into if we don't quite make it. I gave a sigh and looked to Cadence. She saw me and handed Scootaloo off to Luna before moving over to me. "Is everything alright Celestia?" She asked. I shrugged. "Does someone need a bit of my magic to cheer up?"

"....Wouldn't hurt but... Might not help the pain in my leg..." I averted my gaze to look out the window.

"Then why not take the pill? I'm sure Twilight would understand if you just take it to be back on your feet."

"...It isn't that easy... Twilight cant take it because if she lives to see even one of her friends pass she could go and lose all sense in friendship and turn against equestria..." I looked to Cadence. "...Yes the pill goes and nullifies any damage made to my body but... I've been taking that pill for a while to keep me at a constant for the age I look... For all she knows I'm born immortal... Starswirl wanted to use the spell to cure all ailments but mother wouldn't have let him and it is understood why... if he hadn't made the spell into a supplement form this world would've been long forgotten being half frozen and half burning... If everyone had actually gotten a hold of this spell we might have a tyrannical dictator still ruling the Crystal Empire... An eternal war would've been waged. Nothing would've gone right until either I or Luna crushed or burned everything..." Yep. Luna and I would end the world if a war was in Equestria and went on for longer than 20 years. It was a bit of a contingency plan a long time ago but now it just seems foolish.

"...Twilight should just know about the pill you have to take but say it heals and keeps your magic from deteriorating but a mare at her age might just have her magic go out of control. I could even verify that for you if you'd like." I glanced over at Twilight just seeing her lying down on her brothers lap looking up at him.

"...No she's too smart for that... She'll find me out in a second..." I sighed. ".... You think you can maybe ask Twilight for a little letter to write to Ryder...? I don't think news travels out that far that fast..." Cadence gave a nod before moving back over almost crawling towards Twilight. She had a quick word with her sister in law and gave me a thumbs up. I motioned to her if I could get something to drink and then I just see them talking again including Shining in on it. I couldn't hear much other than music from a speaker next to me and my own freaking thoughts. God how I wanted a beer to drink away my sorrow and my worries... It would probably take a few brews (like six twelve packs) to turn the pain in my leg into a numb feeling. Without the pill I'm as normal as anyone else unicorn or Pegasus... leaving out earth pony because my magic and wings. I did end up getting a drink but nothing inebriating or plain. I got a bottle of soda. Senor Salt. Don't care much for it but it does help keep my whistle wet.

Not long later I was in my wheelchair rolling myself towards the elevator in Twilight's castle with everyone. Scootaloo was still asleep in Luna's arms and even Luna was looking tired as well. The soda I had was keeping me awake. Cadence, Shining and Twilight were just right behind me, Twilight with her arms around my neck giving me a hug. She still trembled a bit from earlier but not by much. I was shuttering a bit fearing Ryder being updated to the news but... Somehow I'm actually compelled to say something about his sister... yet... I'm still afraid of Scootaloo thinking she's going away for a while... But the thoughts stopped once Twilight sighed. "...Princess I uh... I'll be glad to let you and Scootaloo spend your time here until your 'summer home' is built..." She said. "...I'm... actually glad to have somepony in this castle with me... I might need someone to go to just in case I uh... don't make it to my bathroom... and about the letter I'm wheeling you right to my study and Shining is taking Luna and Scootaloo to take a nap and sleep for the rest of the day.... Cadence will be here for a few days to help you and Scootaloo until you get back on your feet and until the nightmares go away...." She shuttered more. I sighed.

"...Thank you Twilight... I'll try keeping myself from interrupting anything you're doing but uh..."

"Dont worry... I talked with Shining on the way over here and I'll have my guards be vigilant with shorter breaks. Anyone tries getting in without authorization from me will be turned away immediately."

"Good good... I want every entrance and exit heavily guarded j-just in case of something like that happening... again..." That was actual fear. That and I felt a bit queasy. Nothing to eat and a carbonated drink... Just hope everything stays down. I looked back at Twilight. "...I realized we actually haven't eaten yet and... my appetite isn't fully gone and I really think we could eat something soon."

"Pizza sound good? Two large pizzas can do us good for a while. If you want I can probably get my friends over here and Scootaloo's friends to help make the stay more comfortable."

I gave my faithful student an actual warm smile and a nod. Once we reached the top of the elevator Twilight wheeled me out past the room I stayed in last time and towards her study. Just before we went in I heard Scootaloo start crying but I didn't worry. Cadence was here to calm her down, I was.... I MADE a call to a guard to get Scootaloo's things delivered here along with a suitcase with clothes for me to wear as well and after that call I started writing.


I regret telling you this but... Scootaloo and I were targets in an assassination attempt by a former guard who I fired for laying his hands on your sister on your parents anniversary. He blamed me for tipping the first domino in the wake that followed his job termination. He was dealt with by Shining taking him down and... this is the confusing part that I hope you wont be mad about... Scootaloo uh.... injured me by a gunshot. I'm fine, it hit me just enough to draw blood and not go all the way through or damage me horribly. I wont say who gave her the gun all I'm saying is she's gonna be away from Canterlot with me. If you are mad... I'll punish Scootaloo in a way that doesn't anger you or Dash... If you don't want me to punish her I'll send a gift for your forgiveness... I'll send Luna to talk it over tonight... Just know everyone and everything will be good from here on out... I promise... Cross my heart, hope to fly and stick a cupcake in my eye... Luna and I agreed that Scootaloo would feel safe in a compound with a room for friends when they come but I'm willing to let Scootaloo go and sleep at her friends places if needed... Again I'm sorry your sister was put in jeopardy and I'm sorry someone gave her the gun but.... Just please don't be mad, worried or pass out on me...


After I signed it my stomach started to churn fiercely. I looked around and ended up grabbing a trash can filled with crumpled bits of paper and vomited right into it. It hurt and tasted gross. The soda I had tasted good going down but coming back up... its a taste I wouldn't wish on the guard who I fired and am having executed. Of course he'll be in the jail longer before the execution but its known he will be executed. I wheeled myself out of the room and down the hall to look for Spike so he could send the letter off and so someone could wash and empty this trash can I had between my legs. I kept the letter in my magic as I wheeled myself because I don't want to vomit and end up dropping it in the trash. Rewriting it wont be good for me because I'd be forced to change my word because of the long await of my word about the incident. When I found Spike he was in Twilight's library in a beanbag chair reading his comic books. "Spike?" I said alerting him.

Spike looked up at me and dropped his comic. He was wearing a green and yellow soccer jersey and a pair of jeans with a pair of running shoes looking a bit dirty. He got up fast tossing his comic aside seeing my condition. "Princess?! What the hell happened to you?" He asked. Something tells me Twilight passed out before she had a chance to say anything about the attack. I sighed.

"...Canterlot was attacked.... We were scared and I was just shot by accident.... Can you just send this letter for me please? I just... Is there any way I can get a small bag of chips to get into my stomach? The adrenaline is dying down and I'm just panicked still..." Spike took the letter from my magic and burned it right up. The heat from his fire breath was intense but believe me the green flames can give off an odor if Spike hadn't brushed. I gave a sigh and carefully turned around. "Thanks Spike... Now about a little snack? Twilight said she'd call for pizza but not sure how long it'll be until it arrives." Spike nodded and led me to the kitchen where he made me a little sandwich to keep my stomach from completely losing myself to sickness. I managed to give the trash can to him and had him empty it out and clean it.

I ended up going to Twilight's TV room where I actually found Cadence sitting with Scootaloo watching cartoons together. Scootaloo gave me a bit of a smile as I wheeled up next to her chair allowing her to climb in my lap and hug me. Cadence laughed a bit. "...She got a bit scared when we split off. I changed her and told her her friends are stopping by." She said. "Luna just passed out in a bed and I had Shining go and bring everypony here. Twilight should be with him." I looked down at Scootaloo.

"...That's fine as long as Scootaloo is alright... Did you sleep well? No nightmare?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "No nightmares... yet I guess...." She said. "...Did you write to Ryder?" I gave a hesitant nod as I gave her a nervous smile. "...You told him what I did didn't you....?" Again a nod. This more certain but my smile disappeared. I grew worried as she stopped hugging me.

"...I'm sorry Scootaloo... I had to.... Your brother was okay with it when I was honest with him when you got lost at the mall... I don't know if he'll react the same way but no matter what he says I'm not going to punish you... I just hope he's writing back and not mad..." I hugged Scootaloo again hoping she would hug back and she did... No hesitancy. It felt warm. It let my smile return to normal. Even gave her a kiss on the forehead. Cadence gave an adoring aw and rested a hand on my shoulder.

About a half hour later Shining came back with Twilight and the others. Not saying what happened in the time before. Cadence may have needed to do a teeny bit of maintenance with me and my leak prevention. Well... that did say what happened... shit. Well right as Twilight entered the room immediately I'm rushed by her friends. In order it was Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity who was holding the hands of Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. Scootaloo got off my lap and rushed to her friends as they broke away from Rarity. They just hugged while Twilights friends crowded around me asking if I was okay, if Scootaloo was alright, if Luna was alright, if any guards are dead but Twilight held each of their mouths shut with her magic. "Girls stop!" She snapped. "Princess Celestia is trying to relax! Now it's either act civilized or go back home and I know you can be adults about this!"

Everyone sighed as Twilight released their muzzles. Everyone but Fluttershy left my side. Fluttershy knelt down next to me. "Princess Celestia if you want I can help you around." She said.

I gave her a smile. "It's nice of you to offer but I'll be fine doing things on my own." I said. Just then the letter I had been awaiting came. Ryder's letter. It fell right into my lap. I looked to Fluttershy after looking around seeing if anyone saw. "Fluttershy would you be a dear and push me around the halls please?" She gave a nod and got up with the use of her wings. I looked to Twilight who was looking at me a tad worried. "Don't worry I'm okay I just want to move around and make sure I don't get too bored staying in the same room. Fluttershy is going to push me around since she wants to help me out in my condition." Twilight gave me a smile and nodded just before the yellow Pegasus mare flipped me around starting to wheel me out. I looked up at Fluttershy when we left the room. "Thank you Fluttershy. You actually could be able to help me after all." She gave a smile.

"Oh um... thank you Princess but I thought you said you didn't need any help..."

"Well I did say that but everyone has their things that change their minds. What made me change my mind was this." I held up the letter. "...It's a letter from Ryder if you're wondering... I wrote to him about what happened but... I'm kind of afraid of what he's going to say.... It's best if you come. Even a princess might need someone to hug... You wouldn't mind if I read it would you?" She shook her head so I just took a deep breath and turned back to the letter before opening it.

'Dear Princess Celestia...

My name is Jet Stream. A Pegasus guard from Fillydelphia. I'm writing this on the Generals behalf because he fainted... Don't worry the medics checked him over and he's in his bed without an injury. We also took any and every weapon out of his room just in case of any mentality issues. We are going to have someone here to keep an eye on him. If I were him I'd thank you for keeping his sister safe and I'm just.... Well I don't know how to react about hearing the filly shot you... I know it's a don't ask kinda thing for the gun but it was the best bet in that case. Assassins attacking? Were they followers of the enemy we're fighting? I hope guards are doubled where ever you are so that doesn't happen again. I'm not sure what more I can write about this but I will have the general write to you when he wakes up. HOOAH EQUESTRIA!


I covered my face seeing this had been from an underling. That and I was hiding the embarrassment from the fact about my letter causing Ryder to faint. No wonder it took so long... I had Fluttershy wheel me to my room for a moment so I could hide the letter and collect myself. Fluttershy helped me calm down and cope with a possible and great screw up. It felt good but I hope to hear from Ryder without any angered words. I would be prepared though. Maybe not long later Fluttershy wheeled me back to the TV room where I instantly get the smell of pizza. I saw everyone having a slice or two, Cadence and Shining were feeding each other, Twilight was sitting with her friends with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom sitting in the middle of them and my sister trying to watch an action movie they made into a video game she loves. Fluttershy wheeled me up to my sisters side and went off to get me pizza. Luna looked to me. "There you are sister!" She said. "You got here just in time to see the stallion come from the swamp with the machete his father lost!" I gave a sigh.

"...Sister I... can you lean over for a second?" She gave a nod and leaned over not even breaking her gaze from the TV. I lean over as much as I can and whisper into her ear. "...Sister.... I just got a letter from who I thought was Ryder but turned out to be a stallion who found him after he fainted from hearing about the attack and Scootaloo... I just hope he gets up and sends his own letter soon..." Luna looked to me as Fluttershy handed me a paper plate with two slices of pizza which I quickly bit into. Tasted better than bread and butter. To be honest if it had to come to survival I'd eat meat if I had to. Serious. If Luna dies before me I'm slamming the sun into Equestria. I die before Luna she goes and fights to distract everyone to smash the moon and launch nukes. Action packed but... kinda wondering why the fights.

"Really? He went down?" She looked over at me and I gave a nod. "Wow... Wouldst thy mind coming with me to check on him and see if he's alright?" I shook my head.

"Dont mind but... At least let me finish the pizza before we get out of here." She gave a nod and allowed me to finish both slices which I ate pretty fast. I was that hungry considering I had just tossed up a drink. Anyways after I was done I had left my plate right on the chair and told Twilight that Luna and I were going to do something pertaining to my injury and... Well... Cadence ended up blabbing about the pill... little bitch... If I couldnt have a flashback to her cutie mark I'd smack her... but then I'd be crying, Shining would be blamed for the bruise I'd leave on her face or something and maybe I'd be scaring Scootaloo for getting rough... probably think I'd go for her next. Believe it or not Twilight was okay with the pills. She was okay with the pill usage to live long and speed up the healing process. She even promised Shining she wouldn't even touch that pill... Almost made me cry. After Luna had left the room wheeling me out she used her magic to give me a pill. She always has one just in case she gets injured like I did. She's all about the sneak attacks. She gets shot, bleeds a bit before popping the pill and firing back. I had to wait until we went into Twilight's kitchen to get myself a drink. I don't take pills lightly.

"There sister! I told you that your faithful student would be alright with it!" I popped the pill and swallowed it with a can of juice washing it down. "Doth thy feel better knowing that?" I gave a nod and a sigh.

"...That went down easier than that pill did... Feels like it's stuck..." It actually did feel that way and I took a swig again this time chugging the rest of the can. Definitely moved it down. I sighed. "There... These pills take a few minutes to kick in don't they?" Luna gave a nod. "Good... I kinda want to walk in there and not wheel in but.... Maybe you can go on ahead and wait for me?" She shook her head.

"Apologies sister but I don't think so. I feel as if you're trying to chicken out of this meeting with Ryder!" I'm not going to lie I was thinking about leaving my sister to check on Ryder but... Then again it was my fault he fainted. "Coming with me is something you wanted to do with me! Do you want Ryder to snap at you in a letter later or do you want him to be freaking out about it and wake up calm later?" I sighed and hung my head.

"Fine sister but... please try not to hint to my nappy.... I don't want to have Ryder talk in his sleep which you know he does! He says anything and guards will overhear and make fun of him and possibly me!" Luna gave a huff just as she started drawing out a door for me to roll my chair through.

"I promise not to but you promise me that I can give him one more game as a gift! I promised I would get us both copy's of Devils Grove to do the co op campaign on it! I even promised I wouldn't touch it until he got back from the war." I rolled my eyes. I should've known she would've done something like that for him... I looked up at her just as she finished the door.

"Yeah fine! Just get on with it!" Luna had given a nod and finished the door. This looked like a loading bay door fit for smaller trucks to transport cargo easily. She gave it a quick hit on the side and it opened right up. She got behind my wheel chair and pushed me into the empty dream scape. The air around me felt cold. She's in love with the cold but this wasn't arctic cold. Just enough for me to handle. As we proceeded through the vast blackness of Ryder's mind things started to appear. The ponyville schoolhouse and Ryder's car sitting in the mud on its side. It looked as if it were raining and he had a wreck. We wheeled right into the door of the school and heard crying seeing only debris everywhere. Luna used her magic to open up a door that was slightly ajar only to see Ryder in his war uniform looking all tattered as he sobbed over a hoodie I've seen Scootaloo wear once or twice. Luna gave a snap of her fingers and everything around us disappeared.

"....Ryder... You better not be going where I think you are going...."

Ryder looked back at us. His face looked a bit bruised probably from hitting his face somewhere. He got up and nearly tackled Luna as she came from behind my chair. I rested my hand on his side. "...Scootaloo.... she's... she just...." He stammered. Luna sighed.

"This is all a dream Ryder.... a dream caused by a living nightmare.... Scootaloo is fine.... She's with her friends right now and we have some news." He looked at my sister's face as she wiped his eyes. He whimpered a bit giving a little squeak saying something but I couldn't make out what it was. "Yes Ryder.... Everyone's alright..." She rested his head on her shoulder and looked to me. "Scootaloo is going on timeout after today for injuring Celestia but we all know it was an accident, she was scared, we all were... please... jus calm down.... We'll let you spend time with Scootaloo tonight while you sleep..."

I sighed as I see Ryder's wings just tremble. "....Ryder... I didn't want to tell you but... I didn't want Scootaloo to mention it to you and end up causing you to hold me accountable...." I said. "...The stallion who initiated the attack is going to be executed for it...." I teared up a bit just thinking about the trouble I'm causing Ryder and I don't think an apology is going to cut it. I gave a grunt and pulled him away from my sister forcing him to kneel down in front of me. "DAMMIT RYDER! YOU'RE MAD AT ME I JUST KNOW IT!" I was right there.... just as I said that he forced my arms away and gave me a hook to the face. The pill hadn't taken effect yet but it hurt. Luna grabbed him and forced him down. I forced myself to stand up from my chair, enduring the pain from my wounded leg and kicked her off. "NO LUNA! DONT! I DESERVE THIS!" Luna looked up at me shocked. "...I told him about the attack.... He deserves to work his emotions out on me by beating me... If he wasn't mad at me do you think he wouldn't have hit me when I called him out on it...?" She shook her head and stood up while Ryder just stayed on the ground crying. I stood him up with my magic and put my hands behind my back. "Do it Ryder! Hit me!" You might think I'm getting a sick kick out of this but I'm not! Taking a beating isn't my thing. Anyways Ryder reeled back and punched me in the stomach causing me to buckle over so he could quickly raise a knee into my face before dropping low and sweeping my legs out from under me, bad leg first. From there he climbed on top of me and started beating on my chest, each hit getting lighter and lighter until he stopped. Just as he stopped the pill healed everything that had happened. His beating pain, my aging by a few years and my gunshot wound. He broke down crying just lying on top of me. I sat up and shushed him. "...There we are.... No more rage.... Now I see where Scootaloo gets it from.... Ryder.... Scootaloo made me promise not to do this but I had to.... You coming to me when she let it slip isn't a good idea to have...."

Ryder looked up at me wiping his eyes. ".....I-it just scared me... I didn't get through the whole letter..." He said. "...All I saw was about the attack and... I just went down thinking the worst.... she... means the world to me... I don't want to lose her...."

"I understand.... That is why I tell you what's going on with her.... I don't want you to be like you were when you were arrested.... you nearly lost your sister that night.... There is a bit of good news here though..." I saw a little glimmer in his eye looking for some sort of hope. I appeased to that little glimmer. "...Good news is I'm having a mansion built just outside of Ponyville.... Guards are going to be there, Luna might have to look after Canterlot but visit a few nights out of the week... More for your sister because it will be easier for her to find things, her friends can be seen at any time as long as I let her see them and if Dash wants to see Scootaloo I can let her stay in a neutral area being Twilight's castle if I need a bit of alone time..." I stood up and helped Ryder to his feet. "You promise me you wont do anything harsh?" He gave a nod and hugged me. I looked to my sister and gave a smile. "Why don't you just wake him up? Tell him the gift you're promising not to touch until he returns."

I pushed Ryder over to Luna playfully and he hugged her with my sister returning the embrace. "Thy gift is Devils Grove which I wont play until your return." She said. His face lit up and his wings ruffled their feathers showing his surprise and excitement. "Co op campaign awaits and perhaps we could hold a stage swatting to scare the living hell out of everyone on a livestream with Sparkpliars!" His face lit up even more.

Ryder pushed away from my sister and a large stain grew on his pants. Yeah.... pissed himself.... He blushed looking at me and my sister. "...Hope whoever finds me knows anyone has accidents...." He said. He looked to my sister with his wings extended as if he hadn't just peed his pants. "But seriously SPARKPLIARS?! HE'S MY FAVORITE HOOF TV GAMER!" His wings set back and his surprise faded. "....But... Devils Grove is only two players...." My sister gave a smug grin.

"You and I will be at the castle WITH SparkPliars and he will be on his console in another room while you are in the computer room! You will have a chance to meet and play with him before and after a meal! Just try and be a good boy or else Sparkpliar goes away!" Oh like he doesn't get overexcited and carried away. We gotta baby talk him for that. Did that maybe about a few months in to him being a guard. Had an important movie star invited for dinner and apparently he was in a movie about the Alley Brawlers game. Cant remember what character he played but Ryder freaked out when we told him. The day came and we tried to embarrass the hell out of him so he wouldn't freak. Ended up getting into a sparring match using a few moves our father had taught him to take down the martial arts trained star. No killing blow but they both did get a bit injured. Healed them up with Luna's magic. The pill is for princesses only and you know which that is!

Anyways... We left having Ryder wake up. I didn't realize how long we were gone until we came out. A few hours. Scootaloo had gone down for a nap with Cadence next to her, Shining was still in the TV room with Twilight who fell asleep cuddling him and had me take a picture for their parents to see. Even had me help carry her to her bed. While I was carrying her to room she clung onto me and gave a little cute yawn Shining even recorded. After I lied her down and left her room he gave me a smile. "She seemed very tired since the ride here... I'm glad she went down easy." He said. "The attack must've panicked her a lot... She hasn't dealt with someone with a gun for a while..."

I gave a sigh starting off down the hall with him at my side. "This was scary for all of us... me even after a while." I said. "I was attacked when someone thought I was nightmare moon about sixty years ago. Next after Luna came back she apparently heard of anonymous threats of shooting and back then she didn't know what a firearm was. Thought it was a mechanical arm which shot fire like a flame thrower. As silly as it sounds it could be a weapon in the coming future. Has Cadence ever been attacked at gunpoint?" Shining thought for a moment.

"Well... Nothing I can think of. Something may have happened without any knowledge what so ever but this is the first report I've experienced with her. She doesn't seem too startled by it but I'm already prepared if she is. You think Ryder is okay?" I gave a slight nod.

"Oh he should be. I haven't gotten a letter saying he was pissed or scared yet but not too late..." And was I right! Right then and there a letter appears right in my face. He gave a laugh as I hesitantly plucked it from the air.

"What timing..." His laugh died down. "If he's mad tell him I'll be at Scootaloo's side the entire time." I gave a nod before we went back into the TV room where Luna was just laying back in one of the chairs sleeping. She needed the rest anyways. I sat down next to her and Shining on the arm of the chair just as I opened the letter.

'Dear Princess Celestia,

Thank you for informing me about the attack... I'm glad everyone is okay over there and that you have decided to move Scootaloo to a safer location. I think it's good for her to be closer to home to feel safer than where something happened with her as a target.... why she doesn't wanna move away from where the murders happened I don't know but I think it's because I'm there.... If you can have Dash with Scoot tonight. Maybe make her feel more safe. She always feels like she needs someone close to her to protect her even if there isn't any danger around. By the way the guard who sent a letter earlier is getting a little promotion with your approval. She has been a huge help while I was incapacitated due to a mortar going off somewhere nearby. I actually nailed my head pretty good knocking myself out before I got a chance to read the first letter and this was the fastest I could reply. Getting a painkiller soon but for now my head hurts and I gotta find a quiet place to make a few strategies to trap the enemy. Testing it with a city to the east and reports are looking good but we still need to find the warmonger who started this hell. Continue to be safe, keep making sure Scootaloo is happy and... I actually thought about this. I would agree to you punishing Scootaloo by a spanking... if you don't feel like you can bring yourself to it find something you can have her do that doesn't involve physical pain. Signing off now. Hope to bee home soon.


I was surprised he had hidden our interaction. Same with his accident. Both urinary and passing out. It actually took a lot off my back but... How I'm telling Scootaloo I told her brother is a different story... I'll probably have Luna explain it to her making it seem like she wanted someone to talk with about the attack... And here comes a two thousand bit game cabinet to pay her silence it was my idea. Alley Brawlers Nitro... She'll be able to best Ryder on that too. Anyways... seemed like a long day to me. I kinda need a nap and a little potty break aand not in my nappy.... well not yet anyways. Saving that for tonight for a nightmare I know Luna is going to ignore.... Until next time I guess.