• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 729 Views, 6 Comments

The Generals Sister - Shizuo35

Ryder is called off to war in Steurope to run a military base and has to leave his little sister behind with Celestia.

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Month 2: Day 13: Special Guest on a Special Day

Well today's the day. The day Scootaloo and I move into the new 'summer home' that is safe from any attackers. I've actually gone on a drive while Scootaloo was playing with her friends at Sweet Apple Acres. There's a eight to ten foot wall outside painted with a mural of Equestria from a horizontal view. It's quite beautiful. One side is my sunny mountains, Manehattan, and Ponyville and Luna had Las Pegasus, Appleoosa and Fillydelphia where it met in the middle (the gate) with an iron work of Canterlot's skyline in amazing gold painted steel. At the moment I'm up at about.... Oh four in the morning. I went to sleep at eight last night and was just out of it. I went on a run all around Ponyville yesterday and I mean ALL around Ponyville. Sixteen streets, two breaks each third street just to get my breath and a drink from my hydration bottle. I had it strapped to me and only had to refill it two times. I bought an electrolyte drink from a store when I was out but only took a few sips throughout my run. But anyways I was alone in the kitchen having myself a cup of tea since I had nothing better to do. A warm tea with honey and ginseng. Delicious. I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt and sweat pants with a pair of bunny slippers I bought a few days ago. As I sat there I got a bit disturbed by the silence. I'd've called for a guard to come in and talk with me but Twilight doesn't have any guards other than the ones training down below the castle. The training is done at nine at night so everyone can go home and sleep while any night guards are on call. I decided to conjure up my phone and give a call out to Luna. I sighed as I put my phone on speaker listening to the buzzing. "...Come on Luna... You better not be playing your games again...." I said.

The phone buzzed about a second more and a click was heard. "Sister?" I heard Luna say a bit confused. "What the hell are you doing up this time? Is Scootaloo keeping you up? Let me speak with her!" I sighed as I stirred my tea with one finger.

"Scootaloo is sleeping just fine sister... I have Dash over here just because I feel she needs a bit more time with her cousin. Don't worry I've got a guard posted at the exit just so she doesn't run. I'm just wide awake right now... Even before I raise the sun. How about that?" She gave a grunt as I hear something just get smashed.

"DAMMIT! Yeah... that is something.... I NEED A NEW CONTROLLER! THIS MORON MADE ME BUST MINE!" I rolled my eyes as I sipped my tea as she swore up and down about how someone was 'hacking' using something that tracks enemy movement through walls or some stupid crap like that.

"Luna maybe you should get off that game before you end up locating the poor kid and have guards bust down his door... Again..." Yes... Again... Maybe about two months before the war started I heard she sent guards to some stallion's home who happened to be part of a gaming group online and he was livestreaming some game which Luna was apparently playing. He shot her one too many times and there was a guard coming in rifle drawn. He was all over the news and Luna had sent a gift under an unknown name telling him to stay quiet about it and it was a pretty big one... Custom console with a one terabyte hard drive and a few money cards for games and downloadable content. Luna sighed.

"Perhaps you're right sister... That's the second controller this week and I've been playing every night... I should break for a bit and do a little work. I've been sensing a few little problems ponies are worried about and I cant be bothered about the little stuff. I'm waiting for something big like.... Like..."

"Like checking on Ryder seeing if he's alright and check on the war efforts. Put your time towards him for now... If he's asleep right now...." I got up and brought my tea cup to the kitchen and set it in the sink. The teapot was just off the stove cooling off and there's no use in keeping tea having it cold. But Twilight knows Spike can warm things up just right with his fire breath. "Use your magic and if you sense Ryder is asleep go check with him and visit with him to take a bit of the edge off. Make sure he isn't messed up at all." Just as I left the kitchen going into the hallway I heard a little bit of crying. "You give me a call back soon or text me about how things are okay? I've gotta go!" I didn't give her any time to answer before hanging up my phone and rushing down the hall. The crying got a bit louder as I neared Scootaloo's room. When I arrived all I saw was Scootaloo sitting in the hall clutching her wolf toy and her door half way open. I glared inside and saw nobody in there, smelling nothing at all and not seeing any bit of creepy crawly or anything of a creepy shadow anywhere. I knelt down and picked Scootaloo up making her scream a bit scared. "Hey hey it's only me... I got you.... Where'd Dash go?"

Scootaloo looked up at me sniffling. "...I... I don't know..." She said. "...I woke up from a nightmare... and... she wasn't there...." I wiped her eyes away walking down the hall again.

"Aw sweetie... she probably got up to go to the bathroom and got lost somewhere... don't worry we'll find her." I put her on my shoulders carefully just walking around making sure she stayed balanced. Probably should've changed her into a fresh diaper because this one seemed a bit wet... Lucky no leaks here.

As we walked I passed through each restroom looking for Rainbow Dash I gave a yawn as Scootaloo hugged my neck sliding down to a piggy backing position. I guess she was feeling a bit too uncomfortable there. I gave her a little blanket with my wings as she gripped me tightly with her arms and legs. I could tell she got really tired even if she was crying for who knows how long. I didn't bother to ask for how long but she was very tired. Surprised Luna didn't sense the nightmare. I looked up ahead thinking of somewhere to lie her down so I can find Dash myself. She needed her sleep and maybe in an hour or two I could take a nap. But that was when I saw a flickering light in the TV room. I only peered inside seeing the TV on and hearing snoring over a little end credit music. I took Scootaloo off my back and sat her on who I thought was Dash but they let out a yelp that made me snatch Scootaloo right off holding her close. The mystery pony sat up and looked around. "THE HELL!?" They yelled. I couldn't put my finger on it but their voice sounded quite familiar.... I jumped back to the door and turned the lights in the room on so I could get a good look at the intruder and to my surprise it was Sparkplug from Gems and Tulips! Her mane was a mess, she looked tired and... I guess a bit frightened. Oopsie. She looked to me and Scootaloo and sighed standing up. "....Its... Its you two..." She bowed in respect to me really quick before standing straight again balancing herself with her wings. "Is everything alright? Why's this little one crying?" I sighed handing Scootaloo over to her. She didn't have any trouble going to her favorite band mate.

"Yeah... Things are fine... She's just wondering where her cousin went. We cant really find her anywhere." The bat mare gave a sad aw hugging her. "Why are you here exactly?" She sighed sitting on the couch with Scootaloo.

"The band is supposed to be playing Manehattan but the concert was pushed back a couple of weeks. The venue we were supposed to play burned down before we got there and now Gash and Jax are just scouting somewhere around there away from the damage to set up a stage. Could take a while so they said I could do what ever so I came out here. Had to call Princess Twilight to let me in."

"Ah... Well I apologize for waking you. I thought you were Scootaloo's cousin." I sat down on the arm of the couch just as she shut the TV off. "Would you be okay watching her so I can locate her cousin? She has to be somewhere in the castle." I heard Sparkplug hum as I got up and walked to the door.

"Wait... Does her cousin have a rainbow mane?" I looked back to her a bit surprised and nodded. "Oh yeah... Apparently she went with one of her friends on a late night munchy run. That happened.... I don't know a half hour ago?" She lied down on the couch holding Scootaloo as she just gave a big yawn. "...Maybe she could just stay next to me until breakfast... Looks like she could fall asleep listening to my heart beat..." I looked closer at Scootaloo and she was just struggling to stay awake before just losing the battle with a little huff. I cave a silent aw.

"Alright. Keep an eye on her. If she runs into a little uh... 'problem' I apologize in advance. If she's scared nightmares might juice her if you get what I'm saying..." She nodded and sighed.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been pissed on by a kid like her. Got a nephew back with my brother in Steurope. Had him sitting on my lap a day after he was done potty training or so we thought and yeah... You just get on with finding that Rainbow mare while I catch some Z's..."

I gave a nod and turned the light off walking out of the room. I ended up walking downstairs and outside. The guards at the door gave me a smile and bowed in respect. "Ah greetings princess!" The left bat guard said. "I apologize if you aren't willing to answer but aren't you supposed to be sleeping at the moment?"

I sighed stretching my wings in the cool night air. Sister has done such a good one with this. Moon bright and stars just beautiful in their constellations. "Yes but I'm just too excited about today!" I said turning to them. "Today is the big day I move in to the safehouse just out of Ponyville so the filly I'm caring for feels close to home without having to get lost somewhere as big as Canterlot Castle or Twilight's. So many hallways and so many different rooms it's just hard to keep track of." I sat down on the path crossing my legs and looking up at the night sky as if I were looking into mothers domain. "This place has many rooms. My room, the fillies room, a few guest rooms for anyone who wants to visit to stay in, a TV room with added games for the guests to play, a room for Luna if she wants to stay a day or so and a few beds for the help we have and just so we can relax or what not I've had a little study slash artsy area with an array of paint and crayons and colored pencils for her. As we speak furniture should be being installed. I really just hope the filly I'm taking care of will like it the way it is. Her room was made custom just so she can feel at home without being at home."

"Well I really hope everything goes well. Would you like to go for a walk around for a bit until you can get back to sleep? I can accompany you if you'd like." I sighed getting back up seeing a cars headlights on the road in front of us.

"That wont be necessary. I was just waiting for Princess Twilight's friend to return. She needs a bit of scolding but nothing too bad. Who can say no to a midnight snack? I can admit I've had a late night craving for something really good when I missed dinner due to an incompetent guard and a very busy meeting... God what I'd've done for some food that day..." That day I had only small snacks and when dinner came around I didn't get bothered because I had to deal with a foreign diplomat who was pissed off beyond belief at an Equestrian guard base that apparently didn't let him pass on a road to another country to provide a meeting which was scheduled. I gave the guards there what for but apparently nobody gave word on his passage and on that day they were doing training on the road doing land mine drills. All they do is put flags in the ground and try and weave large trucks through them without knocking them down. They failed four times.

Anyways I stood ready just as the car made a very illegal turn going out of the mouth of the road leading to the castle. It basically went from the lane it was in crossing over into the oncoming lane and whipped around to the curb. Just getting out of the car was Dash dressed in a wonderbolts hoodie and baggy sweat pants. She had sandals on instead of slippers but she looked happy and tired. Could swear she was high or drunk just by looking at her. She walked up to me as the car just drove off. "...Oh hey there Celestia... Thought ya woulda been sleepeh..." She said. Yeah. She was almost out of it. "...Uh... Aneh chance I can get a handeh up stairs.... I feel like I math pass oouut...." She leaned onto me just doing as she said. Passing out. I sighed and looked back at the guards.

"You two! Give me a hand with her and put her in her bed upstairs. I'm thinking about turning in again for a few hour nap after a little bathroom break... Tea goes right through me these days." Yeah especially if you drank five cups. And water. And haven't peed since an hour before you went to bed. Cutting this short because it got a bit hard with the bringing her upstairs. I had to throw her over my shoulder and I nearly wet my pants trying to make it to the bathroom but I did get into bed after I did pee.

After I fell asleep I dreamt I was back in my room at Canterlot. No Scootaloo items anywhere which kinda got me a bit worried but I knew this was a dream because my door opened and when I looked I see my sister walk in dressed in a costume she had made. It was from a game she voiced someone in. She wore a custom deep red duster with a slashed Equestrian Empire logo on the back, combat boots and pants in black, and a tank top. I think there was supposed to be a mask with it but she must've left it off. "Sister I tried calling you but I got no answer and I guess I was right about you being asleep again." She said giving a hug as I approached her. "I do have good news and bad news from Ryder. Which would you like to hear first?" She broke the hug and we walked through a door that appeared in the wall next to my window and that lead out into a quite city park. It looked beautiful.

"Let's hear the bad news first. Couldn't be that bad can it? I mean he is in good health right?" She averted her gaze as we sat down on a bench.

"Well... He's healthy in the sense of bacteria and viruses but some idiot shot him in the leg while he was having a little wing stretching routine. It didn't hit too bad but it grazed him. He got it sewn up and he's on painkillers until he can go and lead. His second in command has actually given a suggestion to him that made a twenty mile advancement towards a target town." I cringed having my heart drop. The park around us started to go into a dilapidated state because I was freaking out.

"Well... The advancement is good... If you see Ryder again anytime soon please tell him I wish him a quick recovery and to give out a notice when he's in the air stretching his wings. Should I let Scootaloo know that her brother is bedridden?" Luna shook her head.

"No sister you don't need to do that. We don't want Scootaloo to worry about her brother and I'm certain you don't want a filly who's wetting herself all day and crying about any mention of him! Do you want that?" I shook my head. "Then keep quiet about that. He's going to be fine. He told me his next in command has punished the one who has fired the shot by making him clean dishes for the next week or so and they are having some sloppy foods all this week. Ryder might even have some help if he needs to use the restroom or for other uses if he needs it which he will." I actually just got the thought of Ryder making a stallion dressed in a maids outfit just do what ever his wishes are. It was just funny. I started to giggle a bit. Luna put a stop to my giggling by covering my mouth.

"Uh... Sister... Doth thy want to accompany me to Sweetie Belle's dream for a moment? I sense trouble between her and Scootaloo. Has Scootaloo told of any fights between her and her friend?" I thought for a moment. Scootaloo was with her friends the other day but she came back in good spirits. I looked to my sister as we stood up.

"Not quite... Perhaps we should investigate?" Sister gave a nod and opened a new door looking like a door in Rarity's home just with a 'keep out' sign on it written in crayon.

Luna entered first and I just followed. Instantly I hear sobbing in what looked to be a burned version of the carousel boutique living room and I just felt a bit sad. Luna whistled a bit and instantly from behind the charred couch came Sweetie Belle looking scared and having soot all over her clothes and her face and even in her mane. She hugged my sister sniffling. "...I... I burned down my house.... and... Rarity's shop...." She said.

Luna sighed a bit. "Don't cry now Sweetie this is only a bad dream...." She said cleaning the dream scape with her magic. One hell of a difference. We sat down on the couch. "...You tried to help Rarity with dinner didn't you?" The still dirty filly nodded wiping her eyes away.

"...All I was trying to do was stir the noodles as she asked but I accidentally left the spoon next to the burner and it caught fire...."

"And Rarity caught it before it did any damage?" She nodded hesitantly.

"...She... burned her hand a bit trying to throw the spoon into the sink..."

I sighed a bit and sat her on my lap. "Alright.... Enough about that... I'm sure Rarity knows there's something else on your mind right?" I asked. She just shook her head honestly. "Well.... You wanna tell us what has you like this? Hm?" She sniffled a bit leaning on me.

"...Well.... When I was over at A-Applebloom's.... Scootaloo and I were just playing ball when she threw the ball too high making me run into a tree trying to grab it and we just start arguing.... She said it was my fault for not seeing it and I was saying it was her fault for throwing it so high and she just didn't apologize at all..."

"Well did you apologize at all?" She shook her head. "Well... How about this... I can drop by and pick you up and have you and Scootaloo spend some time together... perhaps you both need to apologize for blaming each other... Scootaloo might've thrown it too high on accident and didn't realize it and you always need to watch where you're going when you're running. If Rarity is looking at you when on a walk around town do you think she could see another pony who isn't paying attention?" Sweetie Belle shook her head. "Well you should apologize to her... I'll be there to make sure you both do so alright?" She nodded. "Good. Maybe you and Applebloom can sleep over at the new summer home tonight!"

Sweetie's face lit up like the sun with a smile. Luna gave a laugh. "Perhaps I can join you too sister? I want to at least make your new summer home feel like Canterlot with me there at least." She said. "I did say to you it feels empty here didn't I?" I gave a hesitant nod not actually being sure if she had or not. "Well expect me around noon. I'm going to nap before the drive there so don't be surprised if I'm late."

She actually took Sweetie Belle from me and carried on with her after I went back to my own dream scape and woke up. I didn't wake up on my own but I did have a little help. "Princess? Princess rise and shine!" I hear my faithful students voice say. My eyes fluttered open and there at my bedside was Twilight. She wore what looked to be a nightgown I had given her after she had became a princess. She had to have most of her clothes altered by Rarity just to wear them in the future and not wear pegasai clothes. She doesn't like certain fabrics pegasai clothes makers use. I gave a smile as I sat up. "There we are.... I heard we have a special guest joining us for breakfast this morning. Scootaloo apparently found her on the couch in the TV room last night looking for Dash with you. I take it you were surprised when you found her?"

I nodded as I yawned sitting up. "....I thought Dash couldn't sleep and decided to go watch TV...." I said. "Scared me as well as her when we woke Sparkplug up. I guess Scootaloo felt comfortable with her because she fell asleep right on her." Twilight gave a little giggle as she helped me out of my bed. She used her magic to even bring me a dress I had brought with me.

"Here. Just for your special day today.... I must say it has been an honor to have you stay with me here in my castle princess." She hugged me tight. I can tell she was hurting knowing my departure was imminent. I hugged her back and I could swear this was Deja Vu. I remember this happening long ago when Twilight was being sent to Ponyville to find her friends. She hated leaving my side, her parents side and even her own brothers. I know her pain. I hated leaving Luna back in Canterlot. She set my dress on my bed and broke the hug. "Be quick about getting dressed. Spike is making a specialized breakfast for everyone."

And that he did. I had a stack of waffles with chocolate chips in them, Scootaloo had a sandwich made from waffles, tofu bacon, syrup and fresh cooked hashbrowns, Twilight just poked at her hayburger that she took a few bites from. Dash and Sparkplug were just eating bowls of cereal while Spike finished his own up. Scootaloo wore the very same dress she came to Canterlot in. The blue and white flowery one. Dash didn't bother changing out of what she had on last night coming back in to the castle and neither did Sparkplug for that matter. Dash looked to me as she swallowed. "Thanks for helping me up to my room this morning.... " She said. "Early wake up plus a large McHoovians combo is a very sleepy and heavy mare..."

I gave a little laugh. "Don't worry it's alright." I said. "Just... Please if you're going somewhere while Scootaloo is sleeping please have somebody on standby just for her. I don't want her freaking out like that." I rested my hand on Scootaloo's shoulder making her blush. I looked to Sparkplug. "Speaking of which... How did Scootaloo sleep last night Sparkplug?"

Sparkplug looked up from her cereal and smiled. "She slept alright. I woke up once or twice seeing if she was okay and she just had one little freak out moment." She said. "She was still a bit embarrassed when she woke up but hey I understand what she's going through." I glanced at Scootaloo and saw her smile a bit taking a bite of her food.

"Well I'm glad she was with someone she idolizes. I'd hate to have a mess on my hands and delay the move. I'd rather get there for when she's in good health and not be bed ridden with an upset tummy." Scootaloo gave a little groan as we just kept on eating.

Twilight gave a sigh and looked up at me. "Princess... If its too much to ask... May I come with you to the new home for just one last night?" She asked tearing up slightly. "...I feel like your time here was so short..." I sighed letting Scootaloo keep eating and got up from my chair going to my faithful student. I hugged her from behind.

"Oh of course Twilight... I want you to know I'm thankful for you putting me and Scootaloo up in your castle after the attack... Without you doing this I probably would've fled towards The Crystal Empire or have nightmare after nightmare of... Of..." I started to tear up stopping myself from saying something I would regret. I was about to say 'nightmare after nightmare of being gunned down over Scootaloo's bleeding body' but... you see why I stopped. It hurt too much to say. I only say this very specifically because Luna showed me something from there. In an alternate reality I dreamt (yes we went inside a dream in a dream don't freak out but I did for a moment) I was running through the halls of Canterlot looking for Scootaloo who was screaming her head off. I just got to my room where I see a trail of blood and.... I'm just gonna stop there.... too much for me.

Dash sprang up and hugged me as well as everyone else. Spike actually rushed in with a hot stack of pancakes and set it down on the table before joining in on the hug. "Princess don't cry..." I heard Scootaloo say. "...You don't want me ruining today with my crying and I don't want you ruining your own day!" I wanted to hug Scootaloo after saying that but I just did cry.

I wanna say this crying didn't ruin my day because it pretty much didn't. Not long later I was put inside of a transport truck with my things, Scootaloo's things and Dash's them coming along as well of course. Twilight and Sparkplug followed in Twilight's car. I actually felt excited to move. Dash had Scootaloo in her arms while I was having a cider that Twilight had given to me before leaving the castle. It was a celebratory drink and safe as well. Dash looked to me as she hugged her little cousin sighing. "...I'm glad you're letting me stay the night as well Princess." She said. "I really want Scoot safe and close to home. Driving out to Canterlot was hell even with someone driving me out there."

Scootaloo hugged Dash as I sighed setting my drink down gripping it in my shaking hands. "Well I feel she can be close to her friends and attend her school while still being able to come back to me." I said. "If I'm busy at all I can send you or Twilight to pick her up and drop her off when I'm done." I sipped my cider again. "That is if you are both willing for that to happen. If not I can send a guard to the school to take her back to my summer home. He could just come right to the place, help her with homework and possibly have her playing some sort of game with her board or if Luna decides to get a new console to keep here." I could see Dash ponder while Scootaloo climbed out of her lap and over to mine just laying down. Late night and she could still be a bit tired. I'll let her see everything before she can be put down for a nap. Dash gave me a smile.

"Just call me up and I'll be right down at the school for her. I'll even swing for a bike helmet for her to wear!" Oh right... Dash has a motorbike....

"Well... I'll think about it. For now why don't we think about something for lunch? Maybe wait till dinner for my chef to whip something up and let him prepare a little menu." Dash had given a nod and so did Scootaloo.

Not long later we pulled up right near the gate. I wanted Scootaloo and Dash to walk in and see it. But where this home was it was obvious but still a fortress for an attack. I had this place enchanted with a dome over us. Natural elements can get in but bullets, mortars, anyone who climbs the walls and what not are all expelled without damage anywhere. We can still have birds get in but any idiot dumb enough to try and have them divebomb my home with a grenade strapped to them is not going to work. Anyways we had a guard at the gate greet us. "Ah princess! Are you ready to see your new dwelling?" He asked as I brought Scootaloo into my arms from Dash's. We had the driver get our bags and I guess we had a little help from Twilight and Sparkplug. Spark had Scootaloo's things while Twilight had Dash's. They came up to our sides and I gave a nod. "Well then Princess and guests... I welcome you to the new summer home of the sun!" The name needs a tweak but it works for now. The gates rumbled and opened rolling behind the mural on each side. We walked through and saw my enormous mansion. Two floors and so much packed in to it. Scootaloo looked at the topiary and the shiny new building before her. I wanted to stand right at the gates for a while but I know we had things to do and ponies to see. "This has been worked on since you had requested it Princess! If anything happens at Canterlot and you need to hide away this is your safehouse that is IMPENITRABLE! Guards here are trained in close combat and there are security cameras aimed at every inch of the outside!" I looked to my guard as we walked towards the door.

"Thank you sir. I can take a look at the inside on my own." He laughed a bit as we were just feet away from the door but stopped us.

"Just as a warning Princess there are a few rooms still being worked on and have been blocked off for yours and everyone else's safety. The construction workers are trying to make sure the gas lines work and that the water pipes give you the full power in the showers, in your baths and for when you need to wash your hands. Gardeners will be by every other week to trim the hedges and water your garden. There is a zen meditation garden in the back corner if you ever need some quiet time or even if you just want to take a walk with your little filly companion here." Scootaloo gave a slight yawn.

"Well alright I'll be sure to steer clear of the construction areas and I'm sure everyone else will as well." My guard gave a nod and opened the door to the mansion. The main corridor was just freshly polished on the white marble floor with a carpet rolled out for gripping purpouses. I went with a deep purple carpet for most of the halls and rooms. The only different rooms would be my room, Scootaloo's and the recreation room. There's a T shaped rug in the TV room and just no special things in there other than the games and the large screen television. Yes there may or may not be a little fridge stocked with drinks and snacks if we ever want a movie night so what. I don't like getting up during a movie. Don't worry. Bathroom nearby if things get a bit freaky. Or if Scootaloo needs to go before and during the movie.

Anyways I let Scootaloo down onto the floor as Sparkplug gave a whistle. I could tell she was admiring the inside. "Damn.... this place looks so awesome compared to the hotels I stay at..." Sparkplug said. I looked to Sparkplug as Dash took Scootaloo's bags.

"Why don't you take Scootaloo and walk around? I'm going to take Dash and Twilight to my bedroom so we can put everything away. If you find something you want to do just do it. Alright?" Sparkplug gave a nod and hurried over to Scootaloo just taking her hand and I guess she had no trouble going with her. It gave me a bit of a break but I knew i'd have to show Scootaloo her room later. Anyways I sighed looking to Twilight and Dash. "You two... I want you to follow me. I want you two to see her room. I've gotten a lot of things just for her to feel comfortable and I want you two to be the first ones who see it." They both gave a nod and followed me towards the stairs. I saw Sparkplug and Scootaloo go right and that was the best thing to probably happen. Our rooms are on the left. The right is where the guest rooms are The entire downstairs is fun, relaxing and nourishment.

Twilight sighed as she looked around climbing the stairs as Dash powered her way up with her cousins things. Stubborn. Really stubborn. As we reached the top steps Twilight threw Dash's bag over her shoulder grabbing my hand. "...I swear this place looks like Canterlot." She said sounding down. "If I got knocked out on the road and woke up here I'd swear I was at Canterlot." I gave a little giggle throwing my arm around Twilight.

"Well with me here and Luna on her way I would say so. At least if you need to leave in the morning you might be able to get Luna to at least visit you sometimes. I actually might send you a gift for aiding us the way you did. I wont take no for an answer!" She glanced over at me and smiled as we stopped at two doors both my size. One was marked with my cutie mark and the other just plain. I stood in front of the plain door and took a deep breath. "Dash. If you wish to help make Scootaloo feel at home tonight you may rest on the floor. I have a blanket and a few pillows to make your rest more comfortable."

Just then Dash's phone rang and she fished it from her pocket. She looked at it and sighed answering it. "Gil' this isn't a good time!" She said. Of course Gilda was calling. She stayed silent for a moment. "Well... why cant you do it yourself? ....Really... you lost your...." She grunted a bit. "Fine fine just... just wait... I have my keys with me, my bikes in the garage... I'll be back in a bit." She hung up and looked to me as she handed Scootaloo's bags over to Twilight. "Sorry Princess I'm gonna have to pass on spending the night. Gilda locked herself out by locking her keys in the car. Any chance you can have a guard jimmy the lock after giving me a ride back to my house?" I sighed.

"Its a shame you have to leave. Ask the guard in the front if he can unlock a car for you and take you home. I'll tell Scootaloo you had to leave alright?" She gave a nod and hugged Twilight taking her things back. I got in a quick hug before she ran off. I sighed again as I turned back to Twilight. "Well... Hope things go well there. Anyways... where were we?" I thought for a second a bit saddened by Dash's departure. I was actually enjoying her company. Then I just got it back I guess. "Ah yes Scootaloo's room. Do not tell her this but Big Mac let a guard in to Ryder's home and take note of the contents of Scootaloo's room. What I did was had them make a replica of her room and leave it as if it were clean and preset furniture. Go on and take a peak! Tell me what you think!" Twilight allowed me to step aside and she went in and opened the door a bit. She looked inside for a moment and gave an adoring aw.

Twilight turned back to me with a smile on her face. "Princess that is just the best thing you can do for her! I can see its connected right to your room as well! Are there any bathrooms in range of here?" She asked. I nodded and pointed just to my door.

"As my room is in Canterlot I have a restroom connected to it with her own toilet just a few feet away. I don't like degrading her by having her use steps to get up to the seat or even with me having to lift her. It's as demeaning to me having to use a step stool in order to reach a book on a higher shelf in the Canterlot Library. It's why I have a librarian for a reason!" Twilight gave a little laugh.

"Well I'm sure she'll like it! I can even help if you want me to!" I smiled as I brought my faithful student into the room with Scootaloo's bags. I know my bags will get to my room soon so I need not worry. This room had been stripped bare the way it was compared to her room at her own home. Wonderbolts sheets, a fresh clean Wonderbolts poster on her wall since I have the one she had signed and framed at Twilight's castle for safe keeping, and all of her furniture is the exact same way give or take a few inches. It cant be perfect. We set the bags down just standing in the room looking at everything.

"Twilight as much as you would like to help I'm going to have you relax. I want to have Scootaloo sleep in her room on her own. I know I offered it to Dash but she and Scootaloo are related and she's used to it. Not once have I seen you sleep on the floor somewhere. You've slept on a couch but have never been on the floor. I'll have a guard posted between our rooms and if she ever needs something she can get it through him but I will set rules so she wont do anything I wouldn't like. That basically means no late night snacks, no staying up past a certain time, no fooling around after lights go out but if she does have an accident or nightmare she can always come get me." I took a deep breath and sighed just walking over to the door to my room. "She has direct access to me and I have a little alterations to my room to make it a tad different from Canterlot," I opened the door and walked right on in. Twilight left Scootaloo's bags in her room and came in my room. "My bed is placed between the two windows where Scootaloo's bed would be in Canterlot. I have my clothes in a door right across the hall, and..." I walked towards a cabinet that was set up in my room right near the door to the hallway but out of the way of everything. On the other side of the door I had a desk set up with many scrolls for Ryder's communications. I stopped feet short of the cabinet and looked back at Twilight beckoning her. She hurried over and well... I just grew a little nervous fearing I would be judged for what I was about to reveal. "...I want you to open it up for me... What's in there is... well embarrassing even after the scare of my life and a little fillies a while ago..." I turned away blushing and my head hung and heard the creak of the wooden doors open. "...Yes they are still for Scootaloo but.... I still fear my mind might not be right even with this protective safehouse here... I still cannot stop thinking about the attack... I still fear of being in another. That convention had me paranoid but I had suppressed it for Scootaloo's sake.... I didn't want to make it seem like there is something wrong with Ryder and just.... just...." I put my arm up against the wall closing my eyes as I started to tear up. So much wrong today I just... I could just vomit everything I'd ever eat up even if I hadn't eaten it for years or if I hadn't even eaten it yet. I let a sob escape and that brought more of my sobs.... My faithful student came behind me and hugged me.

"...Princess you know you can always tell me anything... I'd help you get your mind off this attack even if I had to use a spell to do it! You've seemed so stressed out since Dash snagged Scootaloo at the Convention... you've snapped at me and my friends a few times back at my castle and even Scootaloo was scared of you when you yelled at Spike for your overcooked hayburger.... Even Spike was hurt by it...." I dropped down to my knees slowly not even hesitating to cry more. There was so much wrong lately. My mind, Ryder, my actions and possibly even Scootaloo's mood. She was a tad snippy at me but I thought it was her being tired or something so I enforced an earlier bed time which she didn't mind and I even made her take a nap that same day Dash came and apologized.

Twilight helped me back up but then I hear my door open. I turned about thinking I'd see a guard but there at the door was Sparkplug with Scootaloo in her arms. Scootaloo had her phone gripped in her hand tight with a sad look on her face. Sparkplug walked over to me looking a bit down and handed Scootaloo over to me sighing. "....Princess Luna apparently texted her and.... I feel so bad...." She said.

I looked to Scootaloo and took her phone only to see a text saying 'I'm sorry about this Scootaloo but... it was eating me up too much to even keep it in.... Your brother was hurt in a shooting range accident but I wouldn't worry. He's still going on strong just for you.' I sighed handing the fillies phone over to Twilight. "Scootaloo... I am so sorry you had to hear that..." I said wiping a tear from her eye. "....We didn't want this day ruined by crying but.... look at us... crying our eyes out for our different reasons... Me for... for all the stress I've been undergoing.... between you, the attack, worrying about your brother and... you just about if your brother's going to be alright... I'm sorry if I ever yelled at you or yell at you in the future but... just know what's going on with me... please...."

Scootaloo sniffled. "....I... I wanna see Ryder... I just... I wanna make sure he's alright...." She said. I kissed her forehead as we walked back across the room, me just ignoring my diaper cabinet that Sparkplug was looking at a bit surprised but Twilight was trying to close it up. We walked into Scootaloo's room and I just set her down on her bed.

"...Don't worry... He's fine... just a scrape...." I sniffled wiping my eyes away. "Look.... I know how much home means to you and I know how much Ryder means to you as well... I don't want you to feel like you're somewhere that you don't recognize so I made your room look like yours at your house...." She looked around as I sat next to her on her bed. "....You can have anything you want to be in here... I can hang any pictures or posters you like up here... I wont even hesitate to have Luna get a copy of a picture of your brother to hang somewhere." She sniffled and looked up at me. She gave a little smile and hugged me.

"Thank you princess... its... its...." She couldn't even find the words to describe her room. I could tell she liked it but her wings told a different story.

"...I knew you'd like it but.... I feel its making you miss your brother a bit more isn't it?" She gave a nod and crawled into my lap. "My apologies Scoot.... For this I guess I could get Luna to open up a door to see your brother when she gets here... Could probably pad you up and go grab something to eat.... Maybe put you down for a nap too... You were up a bit late last night...." She had no opinion about that but.... Something made her really embarrassed there.

In comes Sparkplug holding one of Scootaloo's diapers. Scootaloo hid her face curling up as she approached. "....I'm guessing this is what you meant with last night for her?" She asked me. I gave a hesitant nod. Sparkplug looked at Scootaloo and knelt down taking her hands away from her now red face. "...hey... look at me... are you having little accidents....?" Scootaloo hesitantly nodded. She sighed. "....Well please don't be embarrassed. I know what its like to have them.... Every time I preform I'm just a bit terrified of seeing everyone looking at me.... One day during a concert I managed to get a bottle of water thrown at me which kinda scared me more to just piss my pants and to hide it I grabbed the bottle and dumped it all over me to hide my accident... Now every concert I just wear something like this just in case it happens again and it really has.... At your birthday I was still a bit frightened even with the small number of ponies there.... What made me pull through with that was seeing the smile on your face and doing something special that we actually haven't done before... That was the first time we've had a camera set up to have your brother talk with you...."

I saw tears come to Sparkplugs eyes. She set the little filly diaper aside and picked Scootaloo up who immediately hugged her. "...its... it's okay...." She said. "... I'm sorry that happens..." Scootaloo looked back at me and sniffled. "...can... can she come with us when we see Ryder...? Please?"

I looked to Sparkplug who looked just out of it. She was tired, crying and... well what else would I do? Say no and go the hell back to Manehattan? No! "Sparkplug... Today you will come with us when my sister allows us in the dream realm and if you'd like you shall be able to stay in this room with Scootaloo. And any time you have opened up either between tour dates or when you aren't on tour you are welcomed to return with or without your bandmates." I got up and stepped aside getting both Scootaloo and Sparkplug onto the bed. "For now... Why don't you both take a nap? You were both up late last night and you both could use some rest but... perhaps you want to wait for lunch or no?" Scootaloo rubbed her eyes as Sparkplug sniffled.

"...No... I'll take that nap now... I don't know how long I was crying last night...."

Sparkplug yawned and sighed. "I guess I'll join her... I drove for a good chunk of the night...." She said nuzzling the little filly. "And... Maybe I can get a bit of padding my size? I'm feeling too tired to even get up to find the bathroom...."

Cutting this a bit short because I don't need to describe this stuff. They managed to sleep for a good few hours just silently. Twilight joined me for a little lunch but she had to go back because Rarity had a little problem with Spike snacking on a few important gems for a dress for one of her clients. Well I resided to the dining hall and apparently a few guards were playing with a deck of cards. I actually didn't mind since I joined in with them. Back when settling was going on and I helped Appleoosa gain its first citizens they had casinos there and I always used to play blackjack. Lucky we weren't betting. I'd have everything they owned including their underwear. I did that once and... yeah those guards were not happy. Yet they did get a good job stripping for me when I was bored. Anyways I flopped for a few hands and they just got back to work after a quick snack which I actually bet on. Yeah I lost it on purpose. When I left the dining hall they were all having a little bit of chips and nacho cheese. Eh... why not. When I came out into the main foyer of my home the doors opened and in came my sister! She was wearing her royal blue dress with a guard carrying a bag for her. She rushed up to me smiling and hugged me. "Oh sister! This place looks marvelous from outside!" She said. "Ohhh and it feels so good to feel thy embrace.... I hated the long silences inside the dining hall... I was so used to seeing you during the morning and evening meals it just... it pains me to not see you around.... I can honestly say I've had a nightmare about the attack going a different way....."

I could hear the pain she was experiencing. I sighed a bit. "Luna... I too have missed your embrace." I said. "I would spend time with you right now but I think we have a job to do upstairs. We have just one more to account for when you do the mind linking spell." I broke the hug and took my sisters hand. We started to the stairs but I stopped at the bottom looking back at the guard with Luna's things. "Bring my sisters things to the guest rooms down the hall from my room. I wish to give her a better room but I can only account for me and the filly I'm caring for." I looked to Luna as we started up stairs again. "I am sorry sister. You understand don't you?" Luna shot me a smile my way.

"I'll take anything I can get as long as you and I are together like this... I even wouldn't mind a metal shack that can only hold both of us with the door welded shut." Yeah... I think she's been playing that apocalyptic racing game with that car she made.... Yet I still was moved by her words and went from hand holding to kissing her cheek with my arm around her.

We walked down the hall for what felt like miles yet was only a few feet or so. As we stopped at Scootaloo's door I shushed her as I silently opened the door. Scootaloo and Sparkplug were both wearing night gowns, Sparkplugs I had to have shrunk to her size by Twilight before she left and it was one I brought along but never had worn. I guess the same with a diaper for her to wear so Scootaloo didn't feel embarrassed. Anyways Luna used her magic to connect their minds and open a doorway for both of us to go through. Once we entered I saw Scootaloo in the middle of a park playing with what looked to be a kid version of Ryder. He was wearing his militant uniform but it looked way cuter. Sparkplug was sitting off to the side on a bench playing a little sitar which... I really didn't think she would touch at all but it sounded nice the way she was playing it. Scootaloo was wearing the same exact outfit Sparkplug was wearing in the opposite color though. Sparkplug wore my military colors as pants and a white tank top with work boots. Scootaloo wore Luna's military colored pants and a black tank top with work boots. Anyways the young Ryder faded away as the sitar did and Scootaloo looks up at me just glad to see me. Sparkplug just got up and bowed to me and my sister. "Is it time to see my big brother Princess?" Scootaloo asked. Luna picked her up smiling.

"Yes Scoot. Why else would I be here along with your favorite band member?" She pointed over at Sparkplug who just waved a bit admiring the blueish sky above us. I admit it was nice but my sister caused it to fade away as well as everything else. Spark go up from the fading bench and walked over. I grabbed Scootaloo from my sister as she looked to the bat pony mare. "Now Sparkplug when we enter her brothers dreamscape please bear with him. He's very relaxed and loopy from his medication and possibly going to freak out seeing you. If I ask you to step away from him or something you might need to listen to me and distance yourself. If we must we fly up to avoid things. Understand?"

Sparkplug nodded. "Yes Princess. I understand fully." She said standing in attention. I don't know why I think this but she could've been a guard who defected during a war. Either that or she knows of this by watching guards. I don't want to pry info out of her.

I looked to Luna just letting the filly I held onto my back. "Ready sister?" I asked. She nodded and closed her eyes before having her horn glow. The world around us churned into a chunk of Coudsdale's Rainbow Falls. We were all standing on a cloud gazing over everything. I saw a lone shadow sitting on a cloud in front of us right where the rainbow waters flowed down to the ground pools. That shadow was Ryder. I looked to Scootaloo getting her off my back. "Go surprise him. You can fly in the dream cant you?" Scootaloo gave me a nod and jumped from my arms fluttering her little wings. It was so cute the way she flew down. Luna followed her closely and then came me and Sparkplug. It's weird hearing a bat pony's wings flap compared to Pegasus or alicorn wings.

As we came down to Ryder's level I could see him wearing his Lunar Republic uniform. You know whether he wears my colors or Luna's he still fights for Equestria. I could tell he was happy to see Scootaloo because just as she flew around him once he jumped up and snagged her out of the air falling back onto the cloud laughing. Luna and I landed at his side helping them both up. "Holy crap guys... You don't know how lucky I am to see you guys.... I had the closest call that I never would've thought would happen even from my own men...." I chuckled a bit.

"We know Ryder... We all know." I said. "Why do you think we're all here? Scootaloo was worried more than I was when she found out. You are okay right?" Ryder gave a nod letting Scootaloo step onto the cloud.

"Yeah... Woke up for a moment because the doctor was giving me a shot for the pain. Told me I was all stitched and cleaned while I was out cold. I should only be laid up for a few days before they let me out to get back to work..." He looked back at Scootaloo and knelt down as Luna and I let him go. And well... He didn't notice Sparkplug sneaking up behind him so me and Luna never said anything let alone make a sound. "...Scootaloo... I really hope Dash is being nice to you after what I heard from the convention. When I said stick close to Celestia because of the kidnappers I guess I should've meant just watch out for Dash when she's around. You know how she was when mom and dad... you know..." Both Scootaloo and Ryder avoided each others gaze sighing a bit.

Sparkplug gave a sigh as she knelt down resting a hand on my General's shoulder. "I feel so sorry for both of you..." She said. Ryder looked like he tensed up and froze. "...Hurts even more to see such an awesome filly separated from her only brother like that... Kinda makes me want to cry..." Ryder stood up slowly before looking off into the distance where the sunset took place. Beautiful as always dream or real.

"...I'm going to ask this one time and one time only.... Is there someone in this dream who I know as a huge star and who I've seen many times on my computer screen....?" Sparkplug turned Ryder around and laughed seeing his expression. It was excited with the exact amount of idiocy I was planning on seeing.

"Why don't you just look at me then General? Then you'd know!" Ryder just busted up laughing before nearly falling into Scootaloo and knocking her off the cloud falls. She just flew up avoiding him.

"No way! SHUT UP! THE friggen Sparkplug! Am I dreaming this or is one of you princesses doing this?!" Luna couldn't help but open up a little window as I held his mouth shut with my magic. It was just at his eye level where he could look through and see his sister cuddling with the bass playing mare. Luna closed the window up and I released his mouth only to have him look up at Scootaloo. "YOU LUCKY LITTLE FILLY! I am so jealous of you right now! Getting to cuddle with her?! I couldn't even dream of cuddling with even Daring Do herself! I know she's a fictional character but I still couldn't dream of it!" Well... Shock coming to him I guess. A.K. Yearling contacted me via Twilight's phone a day after the kidnapping and right before Dash was brought in. She said maybe there was a very special thanks she wanted to give him once he returned and I'm not talking about a signed set of her books. Wink wink. Not saying much more than that.

Anyways we had stayed in that dream realm for hours for Ryder to spend time with his sister and to talk with her special friend. Wouldn't you know it Sparkplug wanted to stay a couple more days with us since her band still couldn't agree where to play at. Scootaloo was so excited she might've peed herself a bit... Oh who am I kidding she just full on wet herself. Luna and I spent some quality time in the recreational room just drawing pictures. We drew for each other just as Scootaloo drew for each of the mares around her. Anyways later that night around nine I had so much fun I passed out. Yet... I couldn't help but wake up to a door opening in my room. I looked around in the dark room only to see a light coming from Scootaloo's room. I used my magic to create a little light just to see Scootaloo come walking up in a pair of basket ball shorts and a shirt too large for her but probably perfect for her brother. She was carrying her stuffed wolf by one paw in one hand while rubbing her eyes with the other. "...Um... Princess...? Is it alright if I sleep in your room with you....?" She asked. "I cant sleep right in mine...."

I gave a sigh. A loving one. Not one that said 'I don't want to do this but i have to'. "Alright but just for tonight this week." I said. "Tomorrow night I want you to at least try and sleep in your own bed. I don't want to have that door locked during the night and I'm sure you don't want it to be done either. Okay?" Scootaloo took my hand and climbed up into my bed only to lay on my stomach.

"Okay princess..." She said just before a yawn. "...I love you princess...." I smiled in the darkness as I let my light fade. It warmed my heart knowing she was more than comfortable to say this thing which I do not hear often. I really don't.

"...I love you too sweet heart.... Goodnight Scootaloo...." I didn't even get an answer from her because she was out like a light. She has been raised right by both her parents and her brother. I might just allow a few special privilages to enjoy. Until next time.