• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 728 Views, 6 Comments

The Generals Sister - Shizuo35

Ryder is called off to war in Steurope to run a military base and has to leave his little sister behind with Celestia.

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Month 1: Day 1: The Drop (Part 1)

I wasn't expecting anything like this... the fact that Ryder deems me trustworthy after I've treated him the past few months. First month I sent Twilight a letter to play a tiny prank on him via a request from Shining Armor. The next I came to Ponyville and threatened to fire him if he accidentally messed up a meal I had him personally make for me. Just think of that as a teeny bit of a revenge prank after he had Luna stick my hand in warm water while I slept. But this month I was planning on pranking him but a war sparked up between Equestria and Steurope. I had Shining Armor personally deliver a notice to him to fight in the name of Equestria. At the time Ryder wasn't doing so well. I had gotten letters from Twilight, my faithful student who tried fixing a relationship problem with him and Applejack, a humble pony from the country side who occasionally sends me and my sister a care package filled with her products. Apparently Ryder and AJ were having a camp out in the clearing of an orchard and he thought it'd be funny to set a few leaves on fire... Turns out a few embers caught a tree on fire and a prized apple was destroyed. He claims to have put the entire fire out but she claims some smoldering embers were missed and the tree caught. But why Ryder deems me trustworthy isn't just because I'm a princess. It's because Cadence is off in Griffonstone. Since Shining is a prince he cant fight for our land yet instead keeps watch over the Crystal Empire. He would've lead our army if it wasn't for that marriage... Such a sucker for cute foal sitters... Cadence at one time actually told me a little colt- Shining Armor- actually tried to get her to go on a date with her. Apparently being a thousand year old Princess didn't stop her from taking him out to a little dinner each year until they officially started dating. When Ryder approached dressed in the war uniform with the Equestrian mark on it (A gold and blue camouflage and a patch of my cutie mark split in half with my sisters right on the shoulder.) he had his sister dressed all neatly in a blue skirt and a white floral print shirt. They both bowed in respect to me but the little filly Ryder had next to him fell to her knees and gripped to her brothers leg. "...Please Ryder don't go... I don't wanna stay here..." She said starting to cry.

Ryder sighed as he knelt down with a sad look on his face as he pried his sister off. "Scoot I'm sorry but... Princess Twilight told me that any guard is chosen to be drafted for war..." He said. "...I'll still be doing my job but instead of just protecting the princess and the town I'm protecting the entire Equestrian Empire... I cant leave you in Ponyville... Not with Dash in the hospital. Princess Twilight will just make you cry somehow by talking about things she shouldn't.... Fluttershy and Pinkie cant do anything either. Not enough room with The Cakes and Fluttershy has too many animals that could hurt you... Just please.... Stay with Princess Celestia... I'll be back in a few months... I promise..." He hugged her tearing up. I almost felt sorry for him having to leave. But that would've cost Equestria a lot. A strong army needs a strong leader. In my years of ruling Equestira I've seen armies fall due to lack of leadership... Ever hear of uh.... Hoofenburg? I think that's the name but it's been so long since it fell. Cant really remember. Anyways I keep getting off track... Stupid long life. Scootaloo looked up at her brother.

"...C-can you please let me know you're okay....? Somehow?"

I sighed standing up from my throne. The guards I had at my side knelt as I approached Ryder and his sister. "I'll send him out with a supply of writing implements and paper so he can send me letters to check on how you're doing." I said. "His phone wont do him any good in the tide of war. We want him to get back in good spirits and not with a hole in his phone." Scootaloo looked up at me giving me a look of surprise. I was lucky to censor myself that much. "You'll be taken care of here... I'll be sure of it. You shall have a nice soft bed, three meals and no worries about your brother with me to talk with if you ever feel alone." I knelt down and came to around her eye level. "You will come to me if you have any problems wont you? I promise I can keep a secret." Scootaloo whimpered a bit.

"...Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie Promise.... Apparently the HIGHEST of promises... Believe it or not I actually told my guard that if I broke a Pinkie Promise to let Pinkie Pie give me a slap to the flank... Did that once and she brought a fucking paddle. A paddle! Not a ping pong paddle but a cricket paddle. It had holes drilled inside of it! It hurt like HELL! I gave a sigh knowing I had to answer the little filly.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Scootaloo sniffled.

"...O-okay... I'll talk with you...." I gave her a warm smile which still felt cold to what I had to say next.

"...Alright now... I hate to say this but you have to say goodbye to your brother..."

Ryder sniffled tearing up a bit as Scootaloo looked into his eyes. They stared at each other for a few minutes. I almost thought they were saying their farewells without speaking a word. Not close. Ryder spoke up. "...Scoot... You be good for Princess Celestia..." He said. "...I'll be back soon.... You just.... just keep being yourself... Don't let anyone change you... listen to the princess and the guards... I promise you'll be safe... I..... I love you sis...." Scootaloo cried harder holding her brother close. I looked back at my guards.

"You two! One of you prepare a bed in my room for the filly. The other one start gathering things to cheer her up!"

My guards got back to their feet. "YES PRINCESS!" They yelled before starting to run off. I used my magic and stopped one of the guards.

"Uh... Take the filly with you... Have her pick stuff out." The guard nodded and I let him go. He pried Scootaloo off of Ryder and held her close as he walked out with her just struggling and screaming. I almost called him out and let Ryder stay but... That would mean I would look like a huge failure in my subjects eyes. Not only that but pulling the general from war would mean no strong leadership. Not only would my good name be ruined but Ryder would be cast out of the guard, thrown into hiding and possibly killed... Ryder stood up wiping his eyes. "Ryder... I'm sorry I had them take your sister... Must bring back nightmare memories.... It was for the best... We need you to fight for Equestria. You wont only be fighting but you'll be organizing attacks. You have thought up raids to drug houses that have never gone awry. No injuries, deaths and a one hundred percent arrest rate. I'm sure that you can bring a victory to Equestria fast. General. Your family is in good hands. Now get out there and fight for the Equestrain Army and all the citizens of Equestria!"

Ryder stamped his foot standing in attention as his wings extended fully. "YES PRINCESS!" He yelled saluting. "I WILL FIGHT AND I WILL WIN! HOOAH EQUESTRIA!" I shot Ryder a bright smile.

"Good! Now go! I'll have a supply drop marked just for you that will include the paper and everything you need to keep your mind at ease about your sister." He gave a nod relaxing his wings and his stance. I thought he was going to walk away but he sprang back and hugged me full on. I was just about to throw him off but... I haven't known something like this since I got my sister back from the dark forces that had taken over her mind. I let him embrace me but only until I pried him off sticking his arms at his side. "...Go on. You're good."

"Thank you princess... I promise I will bring home a victory for Equestria. If you need any tips on anything just write me, call Twilight or something... Farewell and... please be nice to Scoot... she's sensitive." I gave a nod and watched him walk out. He whistled a tune I recognized around the last war we had... Up Around The Corner by RCR (Aka Revival on Clearwater River). That song gave many of my soldiers hope. I gave a sigh after he was out of sight. I knew almost nothing about childcare let alone one of my highest ranked members sisters.

Lucky me I always kept my cellular close to my heart. Literally this thing is just sitting in my bra. I have it specially made to hold different things in case I need them. Have it made in triple D. Long live my chest y'kno? This bra has pockets for my phone, my hidden semi-auto revolver- always on safety- I've got lipstick, blush, and not kidding here I've got some of Vinyl Scratch's headphone wrapping my breast. Didn't mean to go into detail but my bra is amazing. Anyways I took my phone from my bra and called my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Speed dial number one. I put the phone up to my ear and not even a second later I hear my name be called. "Princess Celestia! What a surprise!" I hear Twilight say. "I owe you BIG TIME! Princess Luna said I should start finding someone to mate with but Shining is giving me a ton of crap about it! I don't want to do this! Every date I've had this week has been terrible and they all end with the same question: Can we have sex?"

I gave a grunt. "Twilight I really need some help right now." I said. "Ryder just dropped his sister off, she cried hard and I'm not sure what the hell to do! I haven't taken care of you for years and I am just WAY out of practice!" Twilight sighed. I think she was trying to cover the receiver up.

"No no get the fuck out of here you piece of crap I don't want you anywhere near my castle!" A muffling was heard. "I apologize princess my so called 'date' tried to get me in bed with that same question abbreviated. 'wanna fuck?' NO! HELL NO! So... What did you want?"

"Twilight, Ryder dropped Scootaloo off and I have no clue what I'm doing! I haven't had you that age since... Well when you were that age!" My faithful student gave a hum.

"Scootaloo... That poor little filly. My advice is do things that she would want to do. Oh and... If she's crying or something I'd have some guards pick up some diapers.... She wets her bed when she's scared... I had her and Ryder here while their home was getting fumigated and she came across a little problem with a door that wouldn't unlock after she went inside.... Ryder found her and since they didn't have any of their own I took the risk of her wetting the bed and well... I took the worst possible risk ever... She has an eighty percent chance of a wet wake up call. And... Just so you know... That's way more than what I did at her age...."

"So... I have to put her in nappies putting her to sleep... No big deal..."

"Not so fast there Celestia. Not only does she have to keep herself from wetting her bed someone has to be in bed with her and they also has to be diapered. Unless you have a female guard or an on call foalsitter I would honestly suggest finding some diapers for you to wear as well. It's either she's in bed with someone else who's diapered or she isn't diapered." I gave a sigh and blushed.

"...Well.... If that's what I need to do..." I looked around to see if there was a guard or someone who could hear me. Lucky nopony around. "...I... hearby diaper myself for Scootaloo... and uh... Do you uh... Do you think you can take maybe a day and help me? I know of a shop in a strip mall that sells foal supplies to any age... I'll pick some diapers up for... What age is Scootaloo?"

"Scootaloo is... ten or twelve.... I think... Just try and ask to have diapers her size and yours... You don't have to use them but... Do what ever you feel is right. I've gotta go and take a shower... My date 'accidentally' just spilled a drink on me. YOU'RE SO FUCKING ARRESTED IF YOU TRY ONE MORE THING! MY BROTHER IS PRINCE FUCKING SHINING ARMOR! I WILL HAVE HIM COME DOWN HERE AND ARREST YOU PERSONALLY!" Twilight hung the phone up and I huffed blushing embarrassed as all hell. I walked out into the hall and looked up and down it for a few guards. Nothing. I basically went and scoured the lower level for a few but what I run into is the guard who had ran out with Scootaloo.

Scootaloo looked tired as she walked holding the guards hand. The guard saluted me. "Princess good news and bad news..." He said. "Good news is I had her things taken up to your room. I found a suitcase filled with her things by the door. Bad news is I took a few steps outside of the castle and ponies passing by were thinking I was throwing her out she was crying so much. We have to think of a better option!"

I huffed covering my face. "...Get a motorcade together... I need to go shopping for a few things and I swear anyone makes a wise remark I'm serving some swift justice!" I snapped. "For now I'll take the filly. I need to speak with her about something." The guard nodded releasing Scootaloo's hand. She walked towards me hesitantly. I went and picked her up holding her in my arms. Compared to me she's almost a year old foal. I waited till the guard ran off again before I could say anything. "...Okay... So... I just had a talk with Princess Twilight and she might be coming over here to help me with you... Honestly I haven't taken care of a filly your age for a while... You gonna be okay for a while?" Scootaloo sniffled and nodded. "Well that's good. Twilight informed me of... A few things I might have to do for you..." I blushed looking away for a moment. "...They are things Ryder would've done but... If I have to do them to keep you happy I will."

Scootaloo clung onto me hugging me. "...Thank you...." She said. "...Um... is it possible to um.... Maybe make a quick bathroom stop please? ...My breakfast isn't sitting well..." I gave a moment of thought. The bathrooms of the castle are scattered rather far from every room except for mine and my sisters. We have our own personal toilets we use say during our sleeping hours. Good thing is our toilets always are in top shape. The day I use my sisters toilet is the day I wet myself uncontrollably at her door. She has a terrarium as a home for spiders! Not just any spiders. Her spiders are freaking Tarantulas! She had each of them defanged so they wouldn't bite anypony.... Especially me since I am what the kids call nowadays, a pussy. I looked to Scootaloo.

"Well... I'll make this quick. I'll give you a quick tour of my room and show where you will be sleeping after you're done using my own personal toilet. After we'll be out doing a little shopping for us both. Sound alright?" The filly gave me a nod and held me close. Again thank goodness for a hidden firearm always having the safety on. I actually only have that just in case a country invades and I am so pressured to make choices of what we should do... Yep... I'd shoot myself if it meant to choose either to retreat or lose more men in a frontal assault if Equestria was invaded. Just about a few minutes later we were in my bedroom. A sanctuary to her, just normal life for me. Her bed sat against the wall covered in white sheets with a golden thread design. Similar to my bedding. Although my bed is about three times the size of a king size mattress. My room is quite big. If I had everything emptied out of it I could build three floors just for my guards if they needed a hang out or something. I just gave them a big old house out back to take breaks in. Since the guard is always changing every six to eight hours some get to rest there if they have a double shift. Anyways I let Scootaloo look at my room.

"...Wow... Your room can fit my house inside of it..." She said as I set her down just outside of my bathroom door. "...You're letting me stay in here? I thought Ryder said I was getting my own room..." I gave a smile.

"I do remember things from when Twilight was your age. I had done this the first night I had her. She was excited to learn her magic but she was so scared to sleep away from her home. She was actually so scared she actually crawled into bed with me and... Well I guess I can grant you the same liberties. Now... About the bathroom?" She turned around and looked at my personal bathroom. She hesitated on going inside. This one wasn't as big as Luna's. Hers is actually taking up a few rooms. She has one of those showers smack dab in the middle of the room. Scootaloo looked up at me blushing a bit.

"...Can I have some help getting onto the toilet please? I don't think I can do it myself...." Well... That was a sucker punch to my height. Small stature filly just shorter than my toilet. I sighed and helped her on and off the toilet and helped her wash her hands and... For such a little filly she eats stuff that makes the worst smell... Not long after that we were walking down the steps together into the castle courtyard.

"Well I know something else to buy so I don't have to degrade you like that..." I said as we walked towards our motorcade. A guard held the door open to the middle car and I put the filly in the truck before I stepped in. "You know you're the first Pegasus filly to ever ride along with me." She looked to me surprised as I sat down.

"I am??" I nodded and a big smile came to her face. "Wow! Thank you princess!" I gave a laugh seeing her little wings flutter a bit.

"Yes yes it is very exciting but you really haven't seen anything yet!" I scooted her over and pounded the seat with my fist having part of the floor pop up. I nudged it open with my foot revealing a little cooler filled with bags of chips, granola bars, mini cans of sodas and some aspirin just in case I get head aches. I went and grabbed her a bag of chips. These were the healthy kind. They were ranch flavored but REALLY good. Trust me I could live on these things if I wanted to. All I have to do is put in a call to that chip company and I get a good shipment every week.

That filly loved those chips. I didn't hear a peep out of her until we got out of the car. We walked with six guards around us. Two in front, two in back and two at our side. Three Pegasai and three unicorn. Everypony there saw me with her and the noises they made had her scared. She yelped a bit grabbing my hand with both of hers. As I pull her up to carry her one of my guards looked up at us. "Princess is she okay?" He asked. "Shall I make the citizens give us some space?"

"Make it so but... do so in such a manner that doesn't frighten them." He gave a nod and whistled a bit to the other guards.

"Dispersal pattern alpha! Go!" At that moment the guards around us made a bigger perimeter. They walked at our sides just having the citizens looking on me in awe back up. I looked to Scootaloo who was just covering her face.

"...You aren't used to all the attention are you?" She shook her head. I lowered her hands away from her face seeing a red embarrassed and teary gaze. "...From what I've seen before you must be used to not having this much attention or negative attention... Right?"

Scootaloo gave a nod and wiped her eyes away. "...I always got beat up at home... Not by Ryder but... By bullies..." She said.

"...I know Ryder and he's too good to do anything bad to anyone else other than the bad guys. What do these bullies do?" She whimpered hugging me resting her head on my shoulder. It was kinda cute actually.

"...They... they beat me up, call me names and take my things.... All because I don't have my cutie mark or know how to fly...." I gave a sigh. I wanted to show sympathy but I didn't know how she felt.

"...Double whammy huh...? Well... Those bullies must have some flaws don't they? I mean... Everypony has their flaws. Even I do. You'd think after many many years of what I've been doing I'd have it down. Probably about..... Maybe seven hundred years ago I tried setting the sun and raise the moon at the same time. I wont say much but we have a stallion made mountain in the foal mountains. Rock farmers, sculptors and miners worked day and night to give the mountain a peak worth seeing." She relaxed her grip on me as I slowed my walking looking for the store. "Anyways... We need to dip into a shop so... I want you to be a big girl about it please... And... well... it has to do with something I have to do for you tonight.... Something that... Ryder does and... I just don't want a crying filly on my hands... You understand where I'm going with this right?" She nodded looking forward having an embarrassed look on her face. As we walked on I continued to look for that store. Nothing. But... I swear this filly was amazing. You wanna know what she did? She goes and points it out to me. Silly Filly Foal Care.

"Is that the shop Princess?" The shop was to our left and the shop sign was flat against the wall in red, blue, green and yellow text. I gave a nod and looked to my guard.

"Double the perimeter. I need two guards at the door now!" The guards saluted. Four guards darted pushing the perimeter outwards as two other guards walked with us towards the shop.

As we entered I set Scootaloo down and blushed. I never thought I'd be caught in a place like this. The filly clung to my leg as a mare dressed in a white apron, a blue tshirt and green pants knelt down bowing in respect to me. She was an earth pony mare with a curly red mane. "Princess Celestia!" She said. "This is such an honor! You being in my shop will skyrocket my business!" She shot up standing on her feet. "N-not like I need it or anything but... If I may ask what are you doing here in my shop?" I sighed getting down on my knees.

"Well... This filly I have here was dropped off by her brother the newly appointed General. He just got called off to war and left me with a list of things I need to do for her just so she feels alright sleeping inside my castle... what I need are uh... Diapers for her and well... for me..." I could feel myself flare up embarrassed as hell. I just admitted I need nappies to fit my huge flank... Cake, hayburgers and all this stuff is gonna come back to bite me almost like I bit it. The mare looked at Scootaloo kneeling down.

"Excuse me uh.... May I measure you real quick little filly? I promise it will only take a moment!" I pried Scootaloo off of me and looked into her eyes.

"...Be brave for your brother.... I can vouch this place is good. Please don't be afraid. She's a nice mare."

Scootaloo whimpered. "...D-do I have to...?" She asked. I had to give her a nod and a warming smile.

"Yes... you really do... I don't want to get the wrong type of diapers for you and have them be too tight or too lose."

"...C-can you... Be there with me....?" I thought for a moment.

"...Why not...? I might need to be measured too..." Me and my fat flank need something.... Scootaloo gave a smile wiping her eyes. I stood up taking her hand again. "Miss if you wouldn't mind she wants me to be with her. I trust the royal flank needs measuring as well?"

The mare nodded. "Yes ma'am!" She said. "I've got exact sizes of diapers for the small and for extremely large! I've actually got an account here for Princess Cadence and her husband. I know you guys are close so I can see you can keep a secret."

"Yes I can... Pretty much have to keep our little secret a secret. Is there any way we could go into the back and get measured? I don't want a sharp eye seeing me in the same room with a filly just in my underwear...."

"Oh no no I will not have you do that princess! I can fit anypony to the nearest millimeter without them having to remove their clothing! But I will have you come into the back away from prying eyes. Just give me a moment if you please!" I watched as the mare snuck around me and Scootaloo to locked the front door. I gave my guards who were looking in the hand signal for not a hostage situation. Sometimes my guards see things out of context. A few years back I was in a meeting with a diplomat in my meeting room about exports for the country and he shows me a few assault rifles my military desperately needed. No clip in the guns. My guards bust through a window and he's on the floor being arrested. I had to send a shipment of one of the rifles back as an apology so my men were punished not getting their incendiary capable rifles. The other rifles weren't capable of lighting fires on enemy clothing but they were very powerful with the damage. They know not to do that unless I give a scream, a derogatory hand gesture or I sick them on who ever. Anyways the mare looked back at me. "Alright you go on ahead. I have books that include different prints and some you may like!" I gave a nod and walked with Scootaloo into the back of the shop. It was a nice storage area somewhere I could stand up in without stabbing the ceiling or breaking my horn clean off.

The storage area had foal supplies sectioned off in babies, colts and fillies ages seven to ten, teens, adults, over weight ponies skinny as heck ponies. You name a type of pony and it's all there. There was a desk just to the left of us with a few books on it. Each marked with the same thing the shelves were. I pulled out a stool and sat down on it. I grabbed the filly and colt prints book while I helped Scootaloo onto my lap and opened it up. The pages had different pictures on them. Lightning bolts, chili peppers, Cadence's cutie mark and even that comic hero Super Mare's logo. Scootaloo looked up at me. "...We have to pick from these patterns princess....?" She asked.

I sighed. "Yes... Because you didn't fight with me about coming here you can pick out what ever print you want and I'll see if she has my size in the same print." I said. "Now.... Help me find the filly section of this thing...." She put her hand on the book stopping me from turning the page.

"Um... Maybe we just look in the colts section...? I never get any dresses when I go shopping..." I looked down at her.

"Oh a little tomboy I see. I was used to seeing fillies dress like fillies and not have any colt clothes on but... I guess that's just Canterlot and everypony expects neatness. I take it your brother put you in that outfit because of that reason?" Scootaloo gave a nod. "Ah. Well... Maybe if we save some time by throwing out a theme you and I wont have to be bothered by anypony on our way to the toy store where I'll get you a few some things so you don't go crazy. Sound like a plan?" She nodded again giving a smile. "Atta girl! Now what theme do you want?"

"Can we do Wonderbolts theme please?" Wonderbolts... Something I can actually get behind.

"Sure sweetie just tell the nice mare that when she gets back in here."

Alright I'm gonna fast forward here. It was slow and boring here. After a couple hours of being out and about buying things for her entertainment she went out like a light when I put her down for a nap which she was okay being diapered alone which... Doesn't make sense but it's good she isn't taking any risks. Just seeing her curl up with a little stuffed bunny rabbit she made with me and a few of the guards just wanna cry. With the way she acts she nearly reminds me of Twilight whom when I went outside into the hall I saw walking towards me with Spike at her side. Twilight wore her sweat pants and a tank top. Her leisure clothes. Always relaxing like that. Spike just had a red button up on with a white tshirt underneath and a pair of shorts. His sneakers were less than clean but he wore them anyways. "I am so sorry I'm late Princess!" Twilight said. I shushed her.

"Don't worry it's fine just please be quiet. Scootaloo is napping!" My faithful student made a gasp of understandment.

"Understood princess." She looked down at Spike. "Spike I need you to go and keep an eye on Scootaloo and help her just in case she has an accident."

Spike gave a smile. "Right away Twi!" He said. I opened my door back up and let him in. Twilight looked back to me.

"So.... you need me here to aide you with Scootaloo and making sure you're doing things right?"

I gave a nod sighing starting to walk away. "...I bit my tongue knowing of her parents deaths..." I said. "...So many pep talks, so much crying from her and... I'm rusty from when I was caring for you... You were a little filly just about her age maybe even younger and ... She's a Pegasus not a unicorn filly... What can I do to help her?" Twilight hummed a bit thinking.

"Well.... The wonderbolts have a thing soon and if I remember right Scootaloo enjoys watching the Wonderbolts on TV."

"She did pick a wonderbolts print for the uh.... Nappies.... but I had no idea she liked that kind of stuff... That's something I'd think her brother would like. Not such a little filly!"

"Princess times have changed. What little fillies liked back in the day are different than what they like now. Some fillies such as Scootaloo rebel against authority saying what they have to wear, what they have to do and who they have to date as mares. You have to do things Scootaloo would do. Sometimes I see her dressed as a filly but doing stuff like kickball. Sometimes she's dressed like Ryder and playing with dolls. Do you understand where I'm going with this?" I gave a nod. Over the years I've been adapting to each and every style that there has been but my father and mother told me when I was younger to always dress like a lady would or no pony would listen to me.

"...Well... I have noticed you wearing what ever you want and ponies listen to you regardless... Do you really think I could try dressing the part of the world today? I mean... my parents aren't here but... They see everything... Do you think they would like it if I dressed like you instead of like them?"

"Princess I'm sure they'll understand if you feel... A little overdressed when you're out in public. Being in a dress the whole time might feel a tad uncomfortable. Why do you think I wear pants and tees the whole time I'm outside? The guards don't mind, Shining doesn't mind I wear this stuff and when your parents went to deal with the dead domains they didn't realize the changes that would happen over time. You change your clothing how ever you may. At least you're wearing a bra and panties right?"

"Uh... No bra but I am wearing my panties... They don't make a bra with my uh... milk makers size. I do realize I can have one ordered but.... Cant I tease the guards sometimes?" She sighed and got in front of me stopping me in my tracks. And YES I did lie to my faithful student. In my time waiting for her I had removed my brazier to let my chest breathe.

"You tease the guards but you cant change your clothing or have the decency to have a bra? Princess this is what I mean! Your parents see all! They see this and are wondering why you don't dress differently! They could be disappointed wondering why you haven't changed your ways!" My parents do communicate with me in odd ways... If I'm doing something wrong I get slightly hurt by my father and if I'm doing something right my mother does something for me like when I talk with a tyrannical dictator they calm down, actually speak and a war is avoided even if they already said they declared war. And lately I have been getting hurt. Sticking myself with needles whilst sewing my favorite dress, accidentally stabbing my tongue with a fork while feeding myself, I've even fallen off the toilet a few times but... I think one of those times I was drinking a bit but the other times I know I was sober and off balance. Maybe slightly sick I forget. I looked to my faithful student feeling my heart drop.

"...Twilight I... I think you're right... Perhaps I should change my ways in society... Make myself more presentable to the public eye.... Luna has adapted to modern life ever since you rid her mind of the corruption of Nightmare Moon... She's playing video games, speaking the dialect of said gamers almost perfectly and I've noticed she even sends gifts she deems worthy to quote 'game with any time' and she has managed to bring back a classic gaming console... Yet what have I done? I've addressed ponyfolk, I've raised and lowered the sun and moon at times, I've even been left with a filly to care for until her brothers return! Mother and father must want me to do this! Perhaps you can help me dress and adapt to the fashion of today. You must've picked up a few tips from Rarity haven't you?" Twilight looked at me surveying my body.

"Yes I have and.... No dark colors for you... Try for a lighter pastel color to go with your mane colors.... Cream colored pants suits, a nice light blue bra with some matching panties? You and I have some shopping to do but... We can probably wait a while to take Scootaloo.... Either that or we get Spike to watch Scootaloo, give her a little tour around the castle. I'm pretty sure I can get Rarity and Applejack to give up their sisters for maybe a day so she doesn't feel so lonely. That sound like a plan we can do?"

"But... Isnt Applejack mad at Ryder?" Twilight gave a nod.

"She is but I can have you talk with her. Nopony can EVER turn down a request from you! Not even Applejack!" I gave her a bright smile knowing I would have help with the little filly. I almost never did this but I went and hugged Twilight having a tear come to my eye.

"Oh thank you Twilight.... For this I owe you a great debt of gratitude! Anything you want name it and it's done! If you want I can give you an override on what your brother told you about dating!"

Twilight agreed to my deal and I called Shining Armor and told him what for. I even threatened him with his wife letting a few underlings double team him. Learned that one from Ryder. He apparently took that punishment because of a bet he and Big Mac made. Anyways he agreed to let Twilight date whomever she desires whether it be male or female. After that Twilight took me out to buy clothing. The first outfit I tried on felt nice. All I wore was a pair of blue jeans, some new underwear (matching white bra and panties. Apparently my breast size is normal. And my hips are really chubby from the cake but I'm sure I can exercise that away.), and a cute pink tank top. I would've gotten shoes but high tops? Low tops? I don't pull of sneakers well. I guess sandals are more my game. The rest of my clothing was kinda all the same except in color and what it was... I guess.... But anyways upon our return we found Scootaloo and Spike asleep in her bed but we couldn't help but decide to wake them up. Spike just stayed asleep but Scootaloo woke right up rubbing her eyes. Her little padded flank made a crinkling noise that made me blush still knowing I had to wear one tonight. "...Princess...?" She said getting up from her bed. I knelt down. "...How long was I out?"

Twilight knelt down next to me and hugged Scootaloo. "Well you were already asleep when I got here and.... I'd probably say about a couple hours." She said. "You need a change or are you all dry?"

"Um... would it be bad if I just used my diaper now...?" Someone feels a little lazy. Must get it from her brother.

I looked to Scootaloo resting my hand on her shoulder. "Now now Scootaloo I don't want you wasting that diaper now." I said. "You go with Twilight into the bathroom and change out of that into something else. It's around lunch time and you certainly must be hungry!" I was right about her being hungry but... I may have wasted precious time because just as I heard her stomach growl she yelped and whimpered as her legs buckled. As Pinkie would say she spilt her lemonade. Lucky me springing for the extra absorbent cloth diapers for her. I bought her about four of them so just in case one was wet we'd still have some more to put her in with that one in the wash. She whimpered tearing up.

"....Oops... Please don't be mad.... I'm sorry!" I sighed.

"Alright not to worry. Princess Twilight here will help you. I'll let this time slide but next time try going to the bathroom before you go to sleep... Accidents like this wont really be tolerated and not trying to be mean but I could have you padded up all day and you probably don't want that right?" Scootaloo gave a nod sniffling. "...Alright now go on with Twilight to clean yourself up. I'll be meeting you in the dining hall. Think about what you want to eat because you can get anything you want!"

I think she loved the fact you can order anything when you're with a princess. I've actually had a griffon leader in my dining hall and he ordered meat... Bleck! My chef didn't even hesitate to cook it and even the way he wanted it cooked! I had to sit four seats away but he understood. Anyways Scootaloo gave a bright smile wiping her own eyes. About a half hour later I was dining on a hayburger with tomato, lettuce, banana peppers, pickles , fries and a lemon wedge. What? Cant a princess eat something interesting? What's the point in eating something over and over again? It gets bland. I've eaten spicy food, sour food, bitter food, and salty foods but the ones that always seem interesting are the combo foods. I get the sourness from the pickles and a freshly squeezed lemon wedge with a quick bite of a banana pepper is a really good taste. Don't knock it till you try it. Anyways I was approached by Scootaloo and Twilight. The little filly embarrassed on having an accident in front of me was riding on Twilight's shoulders as if she hadn't even wet herself at all. Sorry I'm still kinda shocked she thought i'd be mad if she peed herself... kinda shocked he did. Twilight gave me a smile. "Here we are princess!" She said. "One filly cleaned, dried and ready to eat!" I smiled back as Twilight took Scootaloo off her shoulders. She had even put her in new clothes too. Shorts, a t-shirt and cute little red canvas sneakers.

"Thank you for doing that Twilight. I really appreciate your help!"

"Happy to help princess! I might just stay the night just to help with a night shift if Luna is doing her work."

"Perhaps my guards can give you a spot in my room to sleep while maybe I share my bed with her on the first night?"

Scootaloo smiled at me as she hopped in the chair right next to mine. "Really princess? I get to sleep in your bed with you tonight?" She asked. I gave a nod. She gave an excited screech that echoed off the walls. "Thank you Princess Celestia! Ooh I feel so special!" I laughed a bit.

"Yes. I want you to feel welcomed in the castle and not be intimidated by my stature or my title. A filly like you shouldn't be scared of me. I want to help ponies, not hurt them. Now get what ever you want to eat but please don't order what you know you cant finish I don't want to waste food."

Twilight sat next to me on the other side. "May I order some food too?" She asked. "My so-called date this morning got me so pissed off I couldn't even stomach what I ordered." I smiled at my faithful student as well.

"Well I would love it if you didn't pass out on a little walk out in town. It's a surprise nopony attacks you whilst out in Ponyville."

Scootaloo giggled a bit. "She's the princess of friendship!" The filly said. "Without her nopony would think of even being friends with each other because they wouldn't trust each other! She helps with everyones friendship problems in town!"

Twilight and I had a laugh. Too cute! "It is true princess!" Twilight said. "That and me and my friends are the most dangerous ponies in Equestria." Yeah... I hope she doesn't get brainwashed and fights against Equestria... We'd all be screwed. Anyways this is just all in the first half of the day. The next is interesting too. Just wait and see.