• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 729 Views, 6 Comments

The Generals Sister - Shizuo35

Ryder is called off to war in Steurope to run a military base and has to leave his little sister behind with Celestia.

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Month 2: Day 23: Discord and a Filly's fright (Celestia's POV)

It's late at night and Scootaloo is back where she needs to be with me. She's asleep in her bed in some nice and warm PJ's that Spitfire dropped off just for Scoot being such a sweet little filly. Soarin tucked Scootaloo away as I watched. I was wearing sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt, Soarin in his track suit and Scootaloo wearing dark blue feetie PJ's. It was cold in here and my heater is on the fritz from the earthquake my father had created... Honestly I'm still pissed off at him...... Anyways Scootaloo was passed out and this was because she had a full day of running around. Soarin and I took her out to Canterlot to walk around the mall and visit with Luna. I've missed my sister and she's missed me. And apparently my guards around there slacked off slightly. It was something about a party, a few getting drunk and not cleaning up the mess OR inviting my sister... She's so picky with parties and even unauthorized ones. Dont worry. I've looked the other way on this one. They'll have this one but next one they invite me and Luna to it and if any alcohol is involved we might as well invite Twilight and her friends. Big Mac can watch Scootaloo. Even said so once school comes around. Anyways Soarin looked up at me after giving Scootaloo her stuffed wolf. "There... all tucked in...." He said standing back up. I shushed him as we left the room. "Today was fun.... Glad she's back in her own bed?"

I nodded as we walked down the hall towards his room. I looked out towards the foyer looking at everything BUT my chandelier fixed. It was beyond repair so now I'm just getting something better... Just one of those festival lanterns made up to look like the sun. I sighed. "Yeah... She's been in my bed since she got back from her stay with her cousin." I said as we stopped at his door. I looked to him. "What happened there? I ask her and she wont tell me anything!" Soarin sighed.

"Dunno. She was cuddling with her cousin and her friends a lot during naps but other than that I dont know." I hummed.

"...Perhaps we should either go to the source or have Luna pick her brains... She can get anything from her since she trusts her a lot... I still remember how she told me about Scootaloo's dream of being frightened about Dash not liking her... I know that is screwy but she didnt even know about them being cousins...." Yeah... Both Dash and Ryder told me about this. They said their families were fighting for a while. Scootaloo was born, didnt know until after Dash took Scootaloo camping and Ryder came back from Manehattan. Used to live out there before he became a mechanic in Ponyville. That's when he told them about them being cousins and he could swear Scootaloo was gonna get a cutie mark in having a loud voice. Anyways I huffed. "You just go to bed... thank you again for watching her today... You're a good stallion for wanting to stay with her... She needed someone like you...." He smiled at me.

"For you princess I will pay any price for someone's happiness." He bowed in respect to me. "....Thank you for allowing me to stay...." I smiled standing him up with my magic.

"You're welcome. Now go to bed unless you wanna stay up for a little longer. I dont want to act like someponys mother....Especially if its for a grown stallion!" He chuckled a bit with me and shook his head as he went into his room. I did end up going back to my room but I didnt do much other than stare out my window overlooking the garden. I saw a lamp lit sitting area where Scootaloo and I sat just yesterday enjoying a nice sunset of mine. We even ate a little pizza with Soarin and a guard there. I had a bad feeling for some reason. That some sort of trouble was coming.... I couldnt put my finger on what but... I do have that bad feeling in my stomach and I know it wasnt dinner. Somepony would've gotten sick before I did. My stomach really is strong until later in the next day but... hopefully it doesnt come to that....

After a while I went to bed falling asleep really hard. But... Luna popped in to my dreamrealm just with a worried look on her face. "Sister...." She said. "I'm sorry for this intrusion but... Father has requested our presence in his realm... He... He had a guard possessed to send me a message... Nothing demonic happened but that guard was really frightened afterwards...Why he couldnt send a letter like mother I have no clue...." I remember father doing something like that for me after I had sent Luna to the moon. He had a citizen I was talking with possessed and I nearly pissed myself when he did. He told me not to panic, told me not to tell anyone and told me that the pony would be okay. He just ordered me to bring my sister back but I explained she wouldnt come back for a thousand years. He said it was BS but my next words rang true... Those words meant the elements I used and my anger fueled me to send her there for that long, wanting me to find someone who could possibly stop my sisters rampage. I had nearly ran out of time until Twilight came into my school to come under my wing where I cared for her, taught her everything i could and more.Then she just left her old friends in Canterlot and I just.... I wanted to call her back after she brought my sister but she wanted to stay in Ponyville. I felt bad when I saw poor Moondancer crying under the tree she usually reads by. I can say I felt bad enough to give a gift but... I needed the time with my sister more.

"Sister.... I know he wishes to talk to us but.... I'm still mad at him... he told lie after lie about Scootaloo and made us both cry! How could even you forgive father?" Sister averted her gaze.

"....He just.... he gave me a toy he kept from me since he had gone to take control of it from grandma and grandpa...." I gasped a bit.

"Little Dashmirva?" She gave a nod. Explaining time. Dashmirva was my sisters favorite toy when she was Scootaloo's age. It was just a little dress up cloth doll that she always played with, even when she was playing with me. Sure she had her focus on me she just didnt wanna let her go at all until that night they left us.... I gave my mother my favorite golden hair ribbon that i tied my mane up with to represent my golden rays of the sun while Luna gave father her doll saying she was gonna be a big girl for him..... I had to pry her away from father and had her guards take her to calm her. I just wanted to pray to mother to give us safety for years to come. She has kept that prayer going for a while but what i think it didnt work for was me getting shot by Scootaloo.... That one father probably distracted her with.... Even he wont let me get hurt that bad! Yet somehow I did.... "Of course it was Little Dashmirva! If he gave it back I dont think an apology is in order.... He probably just gave that to you thinking you dont love him anymore because of how he hurt us emotionally. Do you wish to still see him?" I could see her face drain with the words I spoke. Then she grabbed my hands shoving them to my side.

"NO! That cant be true he still has to love us! Even if he hurt us that bad!" I sighed.

"Father has hurt me more than he has you! He told lies right to my face and told me I was spoiling Scootaloo too much! Who cares if he wants us to see him? I dont want to face him now!" My sister looked into my eyes as hers got a bit misty.

"Please sister.... He says he isnt himself.... He just... He wants to see us.... Please... Wont thou aid thy father and help thy loving sister?" I just... She made a face that even I couldnt say no to.... you think I'd blame me caring for Scootaloo just for this moment but... she's been doing this since she came back... if i didnt let her have anything that i thought she didnt need (but the night i made slightly longer just because I felt sorry about her imprisonment.) she made her sad face and I ended up buying four video game consoles. This was before I let her have any control over the wealth. I was afraid she would blow it on anything she though would give her more power to actually take me down and make an eternal night. Anyways I broke hard.

"Fine..... I'll go with you..." I said shrugging my sister off me. "But if he even mocks me OR Scootaloo I will personally slap him and run straight to mother for his punishment.... She will do something most vile despite her nature... I know it..." Sister sniffled.

"But... What will you do if he doesnt mock you or thine caring foalsat filly?" I grumbled a bit.

"...I shall forgive his atrocities for the first time but will still expect him to fix it somehow other than just an apology.... And what ever he says just take note please... I want a code to decipher just in case..." She nodded slightly and made a notebook appear before us and she took it and closed her eyes just before I closed mine.

We felt the world shift around us until the crackle of fire was heard. Lucky us there were no screams in it. Just eternal brimstone set ablaze. As we opened our eyes we found ourselves in the underworld. Mainly in our fathers den, with a pool table that had crystal balls and burning wood pool cues, a fire place where we saw him standing there staring into it and two chairs separated by a table with a bottle of alcohol in the middle of it. He wore a suit and tie looking as if it belonged to someone he had brought down here. Ragged but not torn. Like he had dug it out of his closet or something. He looked back at us and then to the fire again. "Sit daughters..." He said. We hesitantly sat down but we obeyed. Luna in her own chair and I in mine. We sat there for maybe a few minutes in silence as we listened to the fire crackle. I looked to my sister and then back to father.

Luna sighed. "Father? Why did you request us to be here in your domain?" She asked. "And... Why did thy give me Dashmirva again? I gave her to you as a gift to remember us by..." Father sighed.

"First off... I feel like you need Dashmirva.... I cant forget my own daughters for any reason at all... Not even for something as silly as a foalsitting job...." He looked back at us. Me mostly. "Celestia... I wish to apologize for saying those things... After being chewed out by your mother, my mind running amok and not even with my job to do around here with crazy ponies and endless torture and nothing here gives me my mood back...." He walked over to me and sighed. "...Celestia... I may have misjudged you and the little filly.... I have been busy here making sure things were working as usual but every time i checked up on you I've seen you with that filly.... not once have i seen her thank you and not once has she gotten disciplined for wrong doings...." He fell to his knees looking defeated. I didnt believe a word. Not until he folded his hands a bit. He opened them revealing something just.... cute but untrustworthy. "...Made from my own hands... Two golden necklaces showing your bond between you and that filly...." As he said it was two golden necklaces with my cutie mark and a little wing emblem for Scootaloo's. The wing Emblem is of Cloudsdale's flag. Proud of both flight and weather they are. Even had little interlocking parts for us to put together. Honestly it seemed childish but.... They do say the handmade things have the most love put into them but.... With mother and father who knows..... they can just conjure things up. Me and my sister have to buy handmade or machine made things.

Anyways I took them both and looked to my father confused and sort of untrustworthy of his gift. "This better not be cursed to keep us apart or make us hate each other...." I said. "....If she needs a hug and I cant get to her I wont be happy and neither will she or even her own brother...." He gave me a worried look.

"...I promise this is no trick.... your mother gave me the idea for this.... Besides you even have a spell of some sort to detect evil energy and protect yourself from it.... if you wish I can give these to Luna to bring to your mother for a quick check... if we arent in the same realm my creations will burn her slightly if i have cursed something with demonic energy but... these are legitimate and hand made. I had Luna deliver these materials to me! Even ask her!"

I looked to my dear sister and saw her just staring at me. "Tis true sister!" She said as she cuddled Dashmirva. "When father possessed thy guard he asked me to bring things for a necklace and double it. I did as I was told and brought what he asked. Even I taught him before coming to your dream scape."

I looked to father. "Fine... I'll take your gift but Luna must give mine to mother for the test before I take it...." I said. "Do you want that offer or do you not want me to take it at all?"

Father huffed. "Fine..." He said. He looked to Luna as he approached her. "Take these to your mother and verify for your sister that this is no trick! Once she sees it I want her to return to me posthaste!" He looked to me again. "Understood girls?"

My sister and I nodded, me more hateful than my sister. Before me and my sister were even starting to disappear he looked at me giving me a saddened look like I had ripped his heart out of his chest. As I woke up I felt a warm body next to mine. Honestly my mind went to Scootaloo but it seemed too big to be Scootaloo. Then there's Soarin... probably crawled into my bed after a nightmare like a foal... But it was still too large even for him. I didnt wanna open my eyes or feel around fearing I'd grab something unholy but I barely could move. I was just pinned under the covers... Well... just a bit. I crawled out a bit from the covers rubbing my eyes only to hear a little sigh.... an all too familiar sigh. "Wakey wakey Celestia!" The voice that breathed the sigh. I wanted to scream but.... my guards wouldnt have done anything... not only that I dont wanna scare Scootaloo. I hesitantly opened my eyes and there he was. Discord. This mashed up chaos starter was in MY bed.... in MY 'summer' home! I growled pushing his long winding body off me.... He giggled a bit as he twisted and contorted his body into the air without flapping those wings of his. The worst part of it was it wasnt even sunrise yet so I was still tired as hell.

I growled a bit. "Discord!" I snapped whispering. "What are you doing here?! I thought you didnt want to be anywhere near me since you caught that cold!" He sighed as he put his hind hoof and talons onto the ground.

"Sorry for busting in here. I was bored and that cold incapacitated me for a good long while! Sadly I dont have TV in my dimension so when I heard via a visit from Luna I thought I'd drop by as soon as i could but considering I couldnt get up a few weeks ago I've been busy doing my chores tidying up my home." I huffed curling back up in my bed.

"Just go downstairs and let me go back to sleep dammit...... I just-"

Suddenly I was caught off guard by the cries of a little filly in the other room. I looked to Discord as I sat up and snapped my fingers and pointed to my door leading to the hall. He just snapped his paw and off he went teleporting away. As I sighed getting up I couldnt help but mutter something about Discord under my breath. Something I dont wanna say out loud let alone have it ruin my mood because of a crying filly being present. I hurried over to Scootaloo's door and opened it only to find her sitting on the floor with a large stain on her bed and on her pants. She clutched her toy wolf close as she rubbed her teary eyes. She looked up at me and sniffled. "....I-I'm sorry Princess..." She said. I knelt down giving a slight aw wiping her tears away.

"What happened sweetie? Are you okay?" She sobbed slightly and shrugged.

"...I.... I had a bad dream..... and... I had an a-a-accident in bed....." I held her close and shushed her being careful of the stain.

"...there there sweetie... its okay.... I have you..." I released her for a moment standing her up before walking over to the door to the hall poking my head out and looking to a guard who looked as if he was just coming back from the restroom. No wonder Discord got into my room... and why I was in here alone without a guard at my side to aide me with her..... Now where was I...? Oh right I looked to my guard looking as if he was coming from the restroom. "You there! I need your services for a moment!"

The guard smiled and approached the door only to stop a few feet away and salute. "What can I do for you on this fine morning ma'am?" He asked. I sighed.

"I want you to go out and get protective sheets for the generals sister's bed. And get someone else in here to clean her sheets. Somepony had a little accident worrying about someone." He didnt question it (like any guard questions orders... unless its Ryder who wants a clear and descriptive set of instructions for something fairly simple.... I swear i wish i never had him join the guard but... hey comic relief is comic relief no matter what form.) and he just ran off. I turned back inside and closed the door seeing Scootaloo hold her wolf close. "Alright missy. Just get out of those PJ's and leave them on the bed. Just let me get a towel so I can get you all dried up here.... You'd be okay with wearing a diaper after that wont you?"

Scootaloo sniffled wiping her nose on her sleeve. "....Wh-why....?" She asked. "D-do... Do I have to...?"

"Well unless you want to have another accident I would strongly advise it but... its your call... I wont make you if you dont want to..." She thought for a moment holding her toy close again.

"....Um... O-okay....if you need me to...." I smiled a bit going over to the door to my room.

"...Thank you for not fighting me on this.... I just dont want you to have another accident if you fall asleep while we're out today...." I opened the door a bit. "Here I'll give you a little privacy so you can change out of that and get you ready for a little shower. One moment!" I dipped into my room shutting the door but froze only to see Discord again in my bed plucking little petals off of a drawing of a flower.

"Discord! I thought I told you to get out!" I snapped.

Discord huffed a bit as he plucked the last flower petal and collected the pieces putting them into a crayon shape. "Come now Celestia you have to be bored here!" He said. "Besides i havent visited you for so long I was beginning to miss you!" I huffed.

"Okay yes yes it is good to see you but you need to leave now! I have a filly who just had an accident and I dont have time to deal with you!" He looked to me curiously as I went towards my bathroom.

"A filly? At your side? How long have I been out of commission? When did you get a little filly in here? And since when did you let a little filly near you?"

"Look Discord I havent had a filly here since Twilight was a little cutiemarkless unicorn. And this filly is my newly appointed General's sister and I could swear I texted you during her birthday!"

"Seems I've forgotten about that text.... But what else is a chaos embodiment supposed to do? Lie around his dimension until inevitable boredom takes over and he makes cotton candy clouds to rain all over Ponyville?" Yeah... that was WAAAAAAY long ago.... Way before even Luna was sent off to the moon.

"Do that again and I swear your stone statue is going to be imbedded into the moon at high speed! I dont even care if you're crying under it!" I went into my bathroom and dug under the sink grabbing a few towels lying one onto the ground and having one off the side for me and one to carry Scootaloo with.

"Okay okay fine i wont! I'm still sorry I did that in the first place. If i had seen the error of my ways then I would've done something then but since you decided to encase me in stone then I didnt get a chance to be reformed! I probably would've stopped your sister from becoming nightmare moon!" I looked back at him as I folded Scootaloo's towel over my arm.

"Please! Your version of help left me burping bubbles for a year after I had encased you in that stone!" Story time here: I was getting sick that time and he put a little spell on me to a form of aide for a stomach virus that had ravaged me and citizens across Equestria... Many lost their lives but those bubbles and a bit of aide from Starswirl The Bearded saved my life... I had wished to save theirs as well but family wouldnt allow it.

"It's better than vomiting the whole time isnt it?" I sighed. I can give him that but I needed to take care of something.

"Can you just leave the room? I'll meet you outside in a little while! I need to clean up a filly!"

Discord huffed and twisted around me a bit before just disappearing like a spirit as he went right through a wall. Anyways after I got Scootaloo from her room I cleaned her up in the shower and just consoled her. Apparently her bad dream was of Ryder slamming hard when she was trying to fly with him.... Told me that he couldnt use his legs or his wings anymore and that he'd become some freak of an earth pony.... I was shocked and slightly hurt hearing that. I told her he would be fine for when he comes back and tries teaching her. That dream didnt end where he was hurt but... she ended up falling off a cloud and tried to catch herself with her wings but they werent strong enough before she hit a lake. After that shower I had Scootaloo sitting on my bed all padded up and in some baggy clothing to hide her diaper. "....Who were you talking to in here after you left my room Princess?" She asked as I put her socks on. I sighed a bit looking her in the eye as I stretched her sock over her foot.

"Okay... I dont mean to scare you but... Discord is here to visit me... You do know who he is right?" Scootaloo nodded.

"Yeah. He's that weird floaty dragon thing that does magic right?" I nodded a bit.

"In a nutshell yes but... You've seen him up close havent you?" She shook her head and averted her gaze.

"Well.... no... When he took over Ponyville a while ago I was hiding with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle in our treehouse trying to hide from the clouds that rained chocolate milk.... I didnt like those at all. A few of them even had random candy cane lightning!" Oh I remember that.... some citizens were struck by that candy cane lightning and some had a few stuck inside their arms and legs and even one case a few in the torso dangerously close to lungs. Their wounds did burn a bit but doctors know a thing or two for small lacerations and penetrative wounds. Healed them right up after washing peppermint residue out with sterilizing fluids and numbing fluids so they could stitch them up without further injuries. Anywho I sighed.

"Well he's here... if he gives you any problems, does anything you dont like or just downright scares you please tell me, a guard and or Soarin but.... if you need to try texting me or screaming for help... I know how he works... he's gonna put everything away before I go and show up but I want you to tell me any way you can what he's doing.... I dont want him hurting you or scarring you mentally..." She sighed.

"Princess I'll be fine! If he does anything I'll do everything i can. Just... Please stay close to me?" I sighed taking her hands in mine.

"Sweetie... I would but I have to see my mother for a little bit... Luna should be waiting for me there and I dont want to be late... I'm late so is her talking to me for a while... Trust me... last time I needed to talk with her after I made her mad was last nightmare night... I said i would be there for a birthday party for her but I was late and lost my phone somewhere and when I showed up with a gift the party was almost over and Luna was alone in her game room dying over and over in an arcade game... She wouldnt talk for me for a few weeks no matter how many gifts I bought her...." She huffed.

"Well...cant you take me with you? I.... I kinda wanna see my mommy and daddy.... if... thats okay..." She blushed a bit looking a bit sad. I gave a little thought. It would help her slightly after she had that accident.... Not to mention she has been slightly depressed lately. Nothing fun to do since my father forbid me to make things fun for her... sure I may have let that clog my mind but at least i didnt take any hate for him out on her... She's been through a lot and having me yell at her isnt gonna go over well with Ryder. I sighed.

"Alright.... But only for a little bit. I dont know if Luna wants you to hear what we have to talk about there.... if you hear anything you dont like just see if you can go somewhere else in the house with your parents.... But... tell me if you uh.... go.... okay?"

Scootaloo nodded and hugged me as I stood up putting my special sunglasses on. Slowly I traced the door out hiding Scootaloo's eyes behind my hand. Honestly when ever I do these doors I pray no guard, citizen or in this case filly look directly at the door being made and blind themselves accidentally. When I finished the door to my mothers realm I set Scootaloo down having her knock on he door. I thought it was cute having her run back to my side taking my hand as we waited for someone to answer. It felt like forever but was only a minute or so until my mother answered. I gave a slight bow to my mother as she giggled a bit. "Ah Celestia... Come to speak with me and Luna have we?" She asked. I smiled.

"Yes mother but a certain filly is wanting to visit with her parents and I cant just leave her here alone now can I?" Mother couldnt help but pick Scootaloo up and nuzzle her.

"Well thy guards are good but they can be too strict with her..... I dont want her being barred from anything she enjoys or be in trouble for anything small!" I sighed thinking back to when she hit me and the guard pinned her by the neck.... I should've waited outside the room for the drinks or something.... Oh well... what's done is done.

"Yeah they can be a bit strict even with a princess but I guess they just dont want me doing or saying anything I might regret." Yeah... there was this one time I was a bit late on having a speech addressing the citizens of Saddle Arabia for an alliance for a war long ago and when I tried speaking their dialect I may have mixed up similar sounding words and nearly started a war between our countries. I was lucky to have their leaders translator save me but I wanted to try speaking their language myself. Their leaders admired me trying and studying and they forgave me because they too have to pronounce their words carefully with that certain word and mess that up a lot. Anyways I sighed taking Scootaloo from my mothers arms. "Come here.... Lets go see mommy and daddy..."

Scootaloo blushed. "Princess! Can I please not be treated like a foal?" She asked. I dont know if she forgot but... she's in a diaper after she wet her bed.... and she asked for that.... I giggled slightly letting that detail slide.

"Sorry. Just trying to make you smile somehow." I could see her blush hard just letting her down and taking her hand.

Anyways we walked inside the door and out onto the cloudy floor. I heard my mother sigh. "Luna was actually a tad bit scared when she came to me earlier..." She said. "...I had to put her down for a nap to calm her... Says she's been awake for a while since yesterday...." I looked to my mother as we stopped in the middle of the open as she started to swipe through a few doors.

"She told me yesterday in the afternoon that she would be in a tournament to get a rare item in one of her video games but I keep telling her to either wait or just have them implement it into hers before giving one out as a prize... Never listens..." My mother stopped at a door and enlarged it right in front of us which was kinda weird. We heard a little bit of crying from the otherside.... A crying that I've heard once before... I heard her sigh yet again.

"Oh no.... something tells me i might have a stallion to console..." My mother wasted no time and opened the door rushing in. We walked in after but stopped seeing Ryder curled up on the couch with their mother and father on either side. Ryder was wearing the Solar Empire fatigues with the sleeves ripped or cut off the shirt. I dont mind that the uniform is torn or damaged in a way but I do mind if that wearer of the uniform is hurting. If its emotional they're gonna be fine. Physical is urgent for care and Psychological.... Luna gets called in to take out a few bad memories... This was just some emotional pain mixed with physical. My mother approached him and stood him up with her magic hugging him. "Hey now.... what's wrong here? I thought you were good when Luna brought you...." Of course Luna brought him....

Ryder sniffled squeezing my mother tight. Scootaloo broke away from me and ran to him. "....S-sorry.... I just.... I got so choked up...." He said. "...I've been.... b-bottling up my emotions in front of the troops.... I just.... I needed a place to hide away..... and just... cry it out.... I'm just so...so st-st-stressed... Not to mention.... no familiar faces from home... no... no easy way for communication without Luna's help...." Mother sighed and shushed him.

"Its gonna be fine... go ahead and cry as much as you need.... Just make sure you calm down soon... I dont want you tweaking something in thy injured area when you wake." I approached smiling a bit not being able to help myself bringing him to me and have his sister at our side.

"....P-princess.... Scootaloo.... God I miss you two.... I just.... I want to come home..... sleep in my own bed, having my own little sister to cuddle with and.... I... I just...."

I covered his mouth shushing him. "...It's alright... we know you miss us and want to come home..." I said. "...You're missed by everyone at home.... even Princess Twilight misses seeing your face around the castle." And honestly I've seen Shining Armor cry a bit about Ryder. Cadence showed me a picture of Shining curled up with his game controller on Ryder's gaming profile. Did you know he has a cute puppy as an avatar? It's adorable!

Scootaloo tugged at her brothers shirt. He broke the embrace and looked down at her. "...Please dont cry big brother!" She said. He picked her and she kissed him on his cheek which their parents gave a little loving 'awww'.

I watched as Scootaloo reached towards her brothers eyes and wiped those tears away. He smiled a bit. "...O-okay sis...." He said. "....I just gotta... I gotta know I'll be home soon.... I'll be home to be with you, AJ and everyone.... maybe.... just maybe.... I can get you, your friends, AJ and her friends, Shining and Big Mac and we can all do something together... I'd even go as far as getting a few princesses in on it just to make things even better." I knew what that meant. Something we would have to pay for.... But... Hey... its a good idea. And... I owe him for being strong enough to leave his sister to fight for us....

I smiled slightly and sighed nudging them towards the couch. "Here you two... You wait here... I still need to speak with Luna..." I said. "Enjoy your time here... I dont know how long this is gonna be but... enjoy it while it lasts..." Ryder nodded hugging his sister before going back to sit on the couch. I then looked to my mother. "Alright. Lets get Luna up and have our chat before I make a decision..."

Mother nodded and took my hand walking me towards the stairs of the heavenly home. I glanced back at Ryder and Scootaloo who were just sitting their between their parents cuddling just as one big happy family. Photo op much? Anywho my mother and I walked into what is Ryder's room in the realm of the living. There Luna was just asleep on his bed. Mother sat down near her gently and nudged her. "Luna? Thy sister has arrived." She said. "Come on wake up..... Thou can rest after you leave and let Ryder back into his mind..."

My sister mumbled a bit and groaned. "...mother.... just five more minutes...." She said.

I sighed. "Luna come on get up! Nap time is over! We're very busy!" I said. "If you dont get up I will have the guards block entrance to the game room and have your access denied for a month!" Luna snorted sitting up flinging a bit of her mane in her face.

"Tia no!" She snapped breathing a bit heavily. She sighed hugging me a bit shivering. "...P-please dont take my gaming privileges away...." I sighed hugging her as mother sat next to her.

"I wont.... I just said that to wake you... I need to speak with you about a few things.... First off why do you have Ryder here when it was supposed to be just us?"

Mother huffed. "She could ask the same about Scootaloo but I can clarify for your sister." She said. "She noticed Ryder's dreams have been a little dark and his mentality going to a regressive state, yearning for his parents and she brought him here to speak with them and spend some time with them. I assume you brought Scootaloo to visit them too?" I nodded a bit. "Ah... Well its good to see this... I know many years ago I forbid it but... with this family I will allow... Others arent fortunate enough to have such a bond with my daughters..." Luna gasped a tad before going to my mothers ear whispering something into her ear. I couldnt make out what it was but my mother gave her a curious look. "Really Luna? You wait till now to ask me this?"

Luna sighed. "Sorry... I just... I wanted it to be a surprise but i didnt mean it to be under these circumstances..." She said. I looked to her curious.

I hummed a bit confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked. She looked to mother and back to me.

"Do you not remember the surprise?" Surprise? What surprise was she talking about? Then it donned on me. It was the dinner that Luna agreed to do for Ryder upon his return. I facepalmed knowing my idiocy.

"....Apologies sister i had forgotten about it...." I leaned to her fearing someone would hear. "...I approve of this dinner... Only those who are affected may know. Tell the affected parties about the dinner but not what happens..." If you do not remember like i did Luna spoke with Ryder and he requested that his parents, Applejack's family and have them back for one last dinner. "Please... do not spoil anything that happens... just let them know upon Ryder's return they are welcome to come for a formal dinner party in Ryder's honor... We should find time to plan out how its going to be executed but... we can do that when the time comes." My sister smiled and hugged me.

"...Thank you sister..." She said. She looked to mother and held a hand out. My mother took her hand, snapped her fingers and then placed the necklace father made for me in my sisters hand. My sister then put it around my neck. "...See? Father did mean well... He loves you and apologizes for what he did...." I sighed getting up with my sister.

"....I owe him an apology..." Mother stood up as we opened the door and walked out. "...Here... have Scootaloo say goodbye to her brother and take him back to his dream realm... I must take Scootaloo back post haste... I'll send you a text on something I want you to tell father... Tell him I'd be there myself but I need to watch Scootaloo since somebody decided to drop by... I dont trust him if i leave Scootaloo with him and a few guards... Hopefully he hasnt turned my summer home into a little chaos wonderland..."

My sister nodded and left the room leaving me and my mother to talk, having myself vent some things and when I left with Scootaloo she started to cry knowing she had to depart from the visit with her brother and her parents. It wasnt a hard cry but it was enough for me to have her family wipe her tears away before watching us depart. I actually had to walk her down to Soarin's room, Soarin surprisingly was still asleep despite the time he went to sleep. As I lied her down I shushed her, stroking her cheek carefully. It was only but a few minutes before she nodded off cuddling up to Soarin. I could tell she had gotten up at least once during the night and stayed up for a while. When or why I dont know but... I was slightly worried. Soarin shifted a bit and opened his eyes a bit, too looking tired. He looked up at me and yawned. "....Why's she here....? She okay?" He asked. I sighed.

"...A little emotional trouble and a wet bed happened.... You mind keeping her in your bed for a while and watch over her?" He smiled a bit.

"Yeah.... I'm glad to.... if she wakes up I'll be right here...." I smiled and kissed Scootaloo on her forehead before just leaving the room.

I gave a sigh leaving the room but as I looked up I froze seeing Discord just lying back in midair with a TV on his stomach and a drink in one paw. He laughed a bit as he looked at me. "aaaand that filly is down for the count again!" He said. I couldnt help but give him a stink eye as an imaginary crowd cheered and a boxing bell chimed. It slowly died as he sipped on what I hope was ginger ale.

I huffed approaching him slowly. "You stay away from her!" I snapped. "I dont want you scaring her or doing ANYTHING that messes up her mind worse than what she has already been through!" He honestly looked a bit frightened as he dropped his glass... on the... ceiling... the liquid inside broke while the glass melted all having to fall back to the floor. At least he made it easy for clean up.... Kinda.

"What? What do you mean by that?" I sighed just walking past him towards the stairs. He followed me while he levitated just feet above the ground.

"...That filly walked in on her parents just after they were murdered... Her brother was almost too late to save her from my guards... Still cant believe I had to let Ryder be a guard after he punched the other... He's just lucky Luna saw his potential... even after a mental breakdown.... I wasnt having any of him because of said breakdown..." I teared up a bit. Ryder is my best guard and losing him would be hard to endure... not only for me but his sister, his marefriend, her family, their friends and so forth... I actually made a plan in case Ryder went KIA... If he goes then I take Scootaloo back to Canterlot and put her in her own room.... All with her things and such... When the time is right Luna and I shall tell her.... we would even have guards raid her home to spread their possessions to other friends and family.... AJ getting first pick as well as Scootaloo... Where Scootaloo goes... its either with Dash, her friends or... she just stays with us... It all depends on what happens. Discord gasped a bit. I assumed he was acting surprised but he wasnt. He flew in front of me.

"Surely she had to have had some mental trauma for even seeing that! Have you even sent her to a psychologist?" I shook my head.

"No I havent and I doubt her brother has either...." A thought occurred to me. Has anyone noticed some sort of sign that she is in some mental pain? I stopped about half way down the stairs.

"Something I said Celestia?" I gave Discord no answer as I turned around. I hurried up the stairs and back down the hall. Once I started nearing Soarin's door I slowed almost to a tiptoe. Discord couldnt help but follow me and uh... dress up like one of those spies in a movie... Even had a toy gun... He readied up by the door like the idiot he was looking as if he were about to bust in.

I shushed him and slowly opened the door seeing Scootaloo cuddled closely to Soarin looking a little scared. She shifted a bit even with no noise anywhere just whimpering. "....M-mommy no.... please.... let...let me see hihh...." She said just slurring her words as she slept. I stepped a bit closer a bit worried and nudged her. She shot up screaming like a banshee which made Discord and I back away as Soarin fell out of bed howling himself. The stallion shot up as Scootaloo started bawling her eyes out and when he looked to Discord he screamed just diving under the bed.

I quickly sat on the bed and Scootaloo wasted no time hugging me scared. I shushed her. "....Hey... I gotcha..." I said. She sobbed hard into my shoulder and looked up at me, tears running down her face. "...You were talking in your sleep sweetie... Are you alright...?" She nodded hesitantly but went and shook her head. "....You wanna tell me what's wrong...?" I looked to Discord and Soarin as they stared each other down nervously. "You two. Go into another room! Soarin just... I dont know if you can get back to sleep go sleep downstairs!" They didnt even answer as they both went out of the room, Discord snapped his claw and teleported and Soarin ran out with his tail between his legs. I looked back to Scootaloo who just... wet herself again... And she was shaking so much. "...You gonna be okay to tell me now....?" I had a feeling what ever it was she wasnt gonna want anyone else to hear.

"....I... I just.... I keep having dreams... bad dreams...." She let a few more sobs escape.

"...about your parents....?" I asked. She nodded. "...And... how long has this been happening....?" She didnt respond. Just cried. "....Do you wanna talk with somepony about it other than me....?" She nodded a bit as she sobbed. "....You wanna talk to Luna about it....? I can get her here fast.... Otherwise someone might need a little therapy for this... Do you have an idea for what you want to do?" She sniffled and climbed into my lap hugging me.

"....I.... I just wanna stop these nightmares.... and... and wetting my bed...." Well... at least we know the cause of her night time leaks. I sighed just stroking her shaking wings.

"....Let me get Luna here quickly.... She can help you better than any therapist or psychologist...." ...Yeah my sister took a quick crash course on minds and what dreams mean. Most dreams she has encountered are about cutie mark worries and the worst was a little colt who happened upon a gruesome scene, worse than what Scootaloo saw with her parents. Nothing descriptive there but... Luna said his mind was driving him to insanity... Anywho Scootaloo nodded into my shoulder. I picked her up just holding her close as I used my magic to make my phone appear. I used one hand to tap at the screen pulling up my sisters contact.

My call didnt last long. She answered, tired as anything, asked what was wrong and what she could do to help. I just said for her to come here and talk with Scootaloo. As we waited I had breakfast made. Soarin sat with Scootaloo in his lap both still looking a bit frightened from when I woke them. Discord was at the other end of the table just staring down at us as we ate a bit of cereal. Discord doesnt really eat unless it has some comedic effect. Doesnt even need the stuff anyways. I sighed and looked to Soarin. Soarin just looked to me. "....Are you okay Princess?" He asked. I just looked at the filly in his arms blushing a bit as she ate her cereal. She was still embarrassed about wetting herself about that nightmare. I just stared at her as she whimpered. He looked down at her. "...Hey... everything's gonna be okay... I gotcha.... " I honestly wanted to ask Scootaloo if she was okay.... I knew the answer would still be no. But it plagued my mind. I knew she wasnt. She knew she wasnt.... Soarin looked back at me. "...You're worried about her arent you...?" I nodded. He looked down at Scootaloo. "....Hey... we all are..." He got up setting Scootaloo on the seat. "Here... stay here... I'll be right back...." He looked to me. "Princess? Can I have a word with you elsewhere....?" I set my spoon aside nodding before getting up and walking towards the door. I looked to Discord just as I was about to go out into the hall.

"...Discord... Go talk with her but.... remember what I said about scaring her...." Discord nodded and hesitantly floated over there. I sighed before leaving the room. Even shut the door behind me fearing something would go wrong with our words. "You need to vent Soarin?" Soarin sniffled a bit feeling choked up. He nodded. "...Well... just go on and tell me what's wrong..."

"...Princess... if I know inner pain.... this is it... she is hurting insanely bad by what ever is giving her pain... I dont want to see her scared... I dont think she wants to keep wearing her diapers at night and hell I wouldnt want her to wake up in a wet bed or even wake up to wet pants on a long car trip!" I huffed.

"...I know.... we both dont want to see her like that.... I've seen how bad she can get.... she can wander off, cry endlessly and just scream her head off if its worse than a scraped knee. Her brother has gone through something similar but his mind was fixed..." For the most part.... sometimes I think he's still messed up when he's chatting with Shining... "... If you can, please help me with Scootaloo... It doesnt matter if we have to dive deep inside her brain to fix things but.... I know we can make her happy again..." I honestly was upset. Upset enough to just start crying. Which.... I did... Soarin saw me weaken fast and then just break like... Like my chandelier during that earthquake father made.

I only sobbed slightly as not to alert any guards or Scootaloo but... Soarin just rushed up and hugged me. I just ADORED this filly.... I would hate for something to happen to her mind permanently.... At least... I hope this isnt permanent... As I cried I closed my eyes. Didnt fall asleep but I felt Soarin pass me off to someone. Somepony taller, familiar feeling and just... just warm to hold close. I opened my eyes just revealing my sisters mane in my face. I didnt care if it was her ass or something.... I just needed her comfort.... "...There there sister... Thy sister is here for thy comfort...." She said. I sniffled a bit and squeezed her tight. She even sang mothers tune to calm me.... I wont take time by saying the lyrics again but they were soothing.... As she finished I sniffled and sighed one last time before straightening myself.

"....th-thank you sister... I owe you...." I replied. "...Thank you for coming.... I must ask you... help us pick at Scootaloo's mind... She is hurting from some trauma about her parents.... I dont know how but... Discord actually had me go check back on her just.... talking in her sleep... troubled by her parents... Please.... just... help me here...." My sister hummed thinking to herself as she wiped a few tears from my eyes.

"I shall give an answer... but before I do I must say I've seen a few things with her dreams.... She has been dreaming of her parents a lot.. Even Ryder but after her brothers departure its been occurring more and more.... I've even studied the little visits and those have made things a bit better.... though she is still traumatized at this moment..." She looked to Soarin. "Soarin listen to me and listen well.... I need you to go in there and pull Scootaloo out of there... bring her upstairs to my sisters room.... if Discord follows I shall have him stay at the door. Understood?" The stallion nodded before running into the doors as nervous as he was before just opening one of them blushing and rushed in.

After he did that me and my sister rushed up to my room. Me to change into something a bit more comfortable, put a few eye drops in my eyes and wipe away the dry tear marks away and such just to get myself ready. I didnt put makeup on fearing I would just look like a clown if i cried again. It wasnt long after I came out of my restroom that Soarin came into the room with Scootaloo riding on his back. She didnt look happy but... she looked a bit better than when she was at the table. "Here..." He said setting Scootaloo on the ground. He looked to her. "Go on... I'll be right here...." Scootaloo nodded and walked over to my sister who was sitting on my bed. I couldnt help but sit right next to her as she lifted the filly up onto her lap.

"....Hey you... its been a while.... I'd ask how you are doing but... Celestia tells me about an accident you had and a little sleep talking that revealed something.... do you want to tell me what happened here....?"

Scootaloo took a moment only to breath in deep and sigh. "....Well... I... I did wet my bed... but... only because I had a nightmare about my mommy and daddy again...." She said.

"...Is it something bad?" Scootaloo nodded. "...Just tell us what happened when ever you're ready...." The filly took a moment. Took a few more deep breaths and cuddled up to us.

"....well.... I remember.... just sitting in my living room with.... Ryder and my mom and dad.... mommy just made cookies and we were just about to watch a movie.... But something happens making mommy take me upstairs to hide in her room... She hides me under the bed and I just get scared hearing g-g-g-gunshots.... I got so scared...." She started to tear up. "Then... someone kicked the door in just as mommy came from under the bed and.... they grab her just to hit her....I covered my eyes but was dragged out.... screaming.... I didnt know who it was when they grabbed me but... I was tied to a chair in my bathroom... they... they tried drowning me while asking me questions..."

"...Do you remember what their voice sounded like....?" She shook her head hesitantly. She was hiding it. "...Did they sound like a stallion? A mare?" She thought for a moment looking almost as if she were gonna start bawling. But she looked to the corner like somepony was watching her and she was staring back.

"....They... they sounded like a mare..."

"And did you recognize the voice at all....? She nodded. "...Do you know who's voice it was?" Scootaloo hesitated but nodded. "...Do you want to tell us or do we need to put you to sleep and see for ourselves. She gasped and screamed a bit hugging both of us.

"NO DONT! SHE'LL KILL YOU TOO!" She immediately started to cry burying her face into my sisters shoulder. I got up as Soarin rushed us. Scootaloo was talking about the murder....

I huffed looking at Luna. "Sister... Calm her, change her and meet me downstairs in a minute...." I said. I got a thumbs up from Luna as she shushed our sniveling filly. As I left the room I pulled out my phone and instantly called the Ponyville Guard station. Before they even had said anything I huffed. "This is Princess Celestia, clearance code Alpha kappa charlie. I need you to pull the file on the murder of The General's family. Read me the report NOW!"

I could hear what ever guard on the other end fumble with the phone and rifle through files, ordering other guards to check the cabinets. It took just a minute to get an answer about said file but I got almost an immediate response. "S-sorry Princess but we have it right here!" The stallion on the other end said. "We always have it on hand if y-you ever want to strip the General's rank and convict him of said assault...."

"JUST READ THE DAMN FILE! AND DONT YOU DARE SPEAK ILL OF THE GENERAL OR YOU'RE GONE!" I heard him yelp as I descended the steps of my summer home.

The rustle of the phone and a faint voice meant he had given everything to a fellow guard and went off to go clean his soiled pants. "S-s-sorry about that interruption princess... a Mr.... Shield has informed me that I need to read you the murder file report on General Ryder's family." The new mare said. "On the night of August twentieth, a mare called in reports of a few shootings. One at The Generals home and one at Sweet Apple Acres. Once investigated at both locations it was determined that the murderer was killed at Sweet Apple Acres in self defense by the General. Upon arriving at his home he had found his own parents, Mr and Mrs. Wheeler both shot once in the chest. Both victims were unresponsive and presumed dead at the scene. One arrest was made and one injury of another guard. Charges there were dropped and the arrested set free." I huffed.

"Good... Thank you for reading me that.... Is there a name on the murderer that killed the General's parents?" I heard a few papers rustle.

"Uh.... no... no not there... AH! Here!" The mare exclaimed. "The first killer's name is Very Berrie... She was a substitute teacher for a school here in Ponyville. Students reported multiple accounts of unruly detentions for a certain filly.... She was fired upon the day of the normal teachers return to teach and they are thinking it could've been a factor in her killings but are not confirmed since she was killed. Is there anything else you wish for me to read Princess? I have other names and side reports." I hummed thinking a bit but not about the other reports.

"Nothing more. Thank you for that... I needed a little info for a little psychological emergency. Make sure you clean any mess that is there if there is one of the files."

"Yes ma'am! Is that all you needed?"

"Yes. Thank you. Have a nice day!" I hung up before she had a chance to answer. As I put my phone away i opened a door behind me using my hand to trace it onto a wall. This door led straight to my father.

I knocked and waited a moment only to have father answer looking a bit unhappy. Not mad or anything.... just depressed. He was wearing his dark suit with his tie all... untied. He sighed looking to me. "...oh... its you..." He said. "...what now? You here to tell daddy that he's not fit enough to rule over the underworld?" I sighed pulling him in for a hug.

"No... I'm... I'm sorry I said I didnt trust your gift earlier... it didnt help when you said something was made by your own hands... I thought it was cursed or something.... But... I just need a quick favor right now..." I broke the hug and looked into his eyes now filled with tears. "...Father... that mare that my general dealt with... I need her in non revealing clothes and in an environment that doesnt scare a little filly... And no torture for the moment. I dont want her bleeding at all. I want her sat down, cuffed maybe but i want these rules followed to the T.... Please?" He looked to me and smiled.

"...Normally I'd say no but... Something tells me you have a little problem that needs correcting with that little filly you're caring for... so I'll make an exception just... Give me a few minutes." I nodded and let him disappear in his own domain, closing the door behind him. Those things stay open unless I close the door with my magic. I waited there say.... ten minutes- plenty of time for father to get things ready- and in that time my sister came downstairs with Scootaloo in her arms, change into the guard training outfit that was bought for her. I could see her diaper poking up a little over her sweat pants. Poor girl shivered a bit.

"Come here....." I said taking her from my sisters arms. I kissed her forehead and looked to Luna. "What took so long?"

Luna sighed. "Sorry. She threw up half way through the change." She said. "She should be fine now as long as we keep her close to us."

"Thank you for changing her and cleaning her up.... I actually have a little something I want to do that involves father's help." She looked to me as if i were crazy. "Don't worry.... He's setting something up so it doesnt scare her..." I looked to Scootaloo. "Before I even say what it is... do you think you can stay calm through this..? I understand if not but.... this needs your cooperation... understand?" Scootaloo nodded. "Okay.... so... I remember a little while ago when your brother was becoming a guard he was having trouble getting... that mare... off his mind. I'm wanting you to do something similar.... I dont want you to keep having accidents or waking up in the middle of the night crying.... I just want to see you happy and so does your brother... if we do this well I'll let you speak with your brother so you can tell him what was happening... otherwise we may have to take drastic measures and Luna might have to go inside your mind and pull some memories and.. we dont want to mess up anything important now do we...?" She shook her head. "...Good... Now hold on to me.... hide your eyes if you dont like what you see..." She nodded just before we turned to the door. She clung to me tight as I opened it.

Luna, Scootaloo and I entered my father's castle. No screams, no cries, no demonic chanting. Just how I wanted it somewhat. We waited at the door for a second. He returned almost immediately just tying up his tie neatly. "Ah hello there daughters!" He said. "Apologies for my late arrival. Just setting something up for this little one right here... And what might your name be?" Scootaloo gripped me tighter hiding from my father a bit scared. I looked to her.

"Hey.... its okay its only my father... he's nice... just tell him your name please...."

Scootaloo whimpered. "....S-scootaloo..." She said just a bit hesitantly.

Father just smiled a bit. "Well Scootaloo... I hear you've been having a little nightmares scaring you..." He said resting his hand on her back. Her wings were shaking scared. "...I'm sorry that has been happening but... my daughters have arranged this to happen so those nightmares can soon stop..."

Scootaloo looked to me a bit confused. I set her down on the ground and knelt down. "...Look... it may be something you dont want to do but... its better than having me keep diapering you and you end up wetting your bed when not diapered..." I said. "...Your brother did something like this... he took his anger out with someone who wronged him and you know who that is right...?"

She whimpered a bit. "...B-berrie...?" She asked. I nodded.

"...Yes... and she took your mommy and daddy away from you horribly right...?" She nodded. "...Okay... I'll let you do anything here so you can get your anger out with her. Just... try and keep it in here okay?" She nodded again and I took her hand. I looked to father as I stood up. Luna took Scootaloo's other hand as i sighed. "Alright. Lead on father."

Father gave a nod and smiled before turning about and walking. We followed and not long later we walked into a rundown house. It wasnt bloody, burnt or even destroyed. Just discolored wallpaper, floor boards just a bit filthy and cobwebs here and there. As we entered we saw the mare in question- Berrie - sitting at a table looking like hell. She was dressed in a filthy wedding dress that had patches of dirt everywhere on it. At least it wasnt a dress with a gunshot wound in it. She looked to us, her vision all clouded with lack of food and sleep. "...Wh-who's there....?" She asked trying to move her wrists from the clamps at her side. Me and Luna stayed silent as we set Scootaloo in a chair across from the mare. Scootaloo looked a bit frightened but strong enough to get through this.

Father laughed. "It's just me... and i brought a few guests to this dinner party you..." He said looking at us. He lead on a bit trying to think of a way to censor himself for the filly.

Before my father could even finish Scootaloo stood on her chair slamming her hands down on the table. "MURDERER!" She screamed. Nobody corrected her nor sat her back down when she got onto the table. "...Wh-why did you kill my mommy and daddy?! WHY DID YOU TAKE THEM FROM ME LIKE THAT?! WHY WHY WHY?!"

Berrie looked blankly in Scootaloo's direction. "...Scootaloo... is that you...?" She asked. Scootaloo kicked her in the face causing the chair to fall backwards. She didnt even waste time before jumping right onto the mare's stomach.

"WELL WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE?! DIAMOND TIARA?!" She spat on the mares now bleeding nose. I knew Scootaloo had a hook but.... Holy mother of me she must've broken her nose! "Just tell me WHY you did what you did!" Father lifted Scootaloo up laughing and sat her on the table edge at the same time he sat Berrie up.

Father sighed approaching the end of the table. "Just like her brother... pissed off and feisty!" He said. He looked to me. "Forget EVERYTHING I've said about them but these two are worth meeting like this!"

I huffed. "Give her a gift of darkness and there's a holy staff shoved where the sun doesnt shine!" I snapped. He grumbled a bit. I knew his game.

"Fine fine..." He looked to Berrie. "...You know you deserved that... taking her parents away from her like that.... a student you taught... a student that looked to you for safety when needed..." I saw Berrie choke up a bit.

She whimpered. "...I... I didnt want to do it but... I... I did..." She said looking down. "...Y-your mother... she wasnt really fond of me... even if i knew your brother since he was your age... She caught me one day smoking some cigars that i stole from my dad... she took me home and had me grounded... Each time she caught him hanging out with me he was yanked back like a dog on a leash... and your father... he was... He actually was nice to me... but... he was just... weird... He saw me and Ryder alone together in his room and thought we were... doing bad things to each others bodies when he saw a mark on my cheek... All we were doing was coloring with markers and Ryder got his favorite little toy knife taken away thinking he managed to hurt me with a little rubber thing..." She whimpered. "...All i wanted to do was just hang out with your brother but... your parents just pushed us apart not even letting us see each other... we had our time in school but that ended when my parents took me to a new school.... they had me playing tennis, doing some water polo and it just stressed me out... I only ran into your brother just about two to three years after we finished school... that's when we started to go out... your mom made us break up when she saw us eating out one night and I just hated it.... Yeah i started to do bad things to try and pull him back but that ended up losing him his job and... when I asked him out for coffee one night i really wanted to see if we could stay friends or something but... he never showed up... I went to look for him and when i saw him kissing Applejack which kinda made me think he blew me off... that's when your mom found my number in Ryder's phone and told me to stay away from him... I just... I couldnt take it... I just..." She hesitated before hanging her head. "....I'm sorry... I cant take back what I did but... I'm sorry..."

Scootaloo looked to me. "...Can i not be punished for what I'm about to say?" She asked. Oh mother help me but i nodded. She looked to Berrie getting off the table. "I hope you enjoy your stay down here you bitch!" She went and punched her again giving father a laugh.

Father looked to me as Luna took Scootaloo into her arms hugging her. I actually feel this was the right thing to do... anywho father sighed. "That filly is just ADORABLE!" He said. "Please tell me i get to see her when your mother and i visit next!"

I thought for a moment. "As long as no foul play or hypnotism goes on I'll allow it." I said. "But... thank you for this time. Expect me to visit with you a little more often than i do." He smiled.

"...I'd enjoy it my little ray of sunshine...." He nudged me a long as my sister walked out of the room with Scootaloo. "Now go. The underworld is no place for a filly like that. Now her brother on the other hand..." I turned and just punched my father in the gut. He groaned doubling over. "FINE FINE OKAY! Okay! I deserved that.... I was just joking though.. yeesh... One hell of a punch...." I chuckled slightly.

"Sorry daddy but no time for joking about that!" I gave him a kiss on his cheek before rushing out after my sister and Scootaloo. Luna sighed nuzzling Scootaloo as she giggled. "Those are my happy two there... you feeling better Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah I feel MUCH better." She said. Basically acted as if she never cried. "Sorry if I said bad things there Princess... I just felt so mad at her..." I smiled.

"Its fine... at least you asked me first...... Just doing it without consulting me would've left me to ground you after this. Not only would I ground you but I'd add what ever punishment your brother had for you... Uh... speaking of Ryder would you like to talk to him? I'm sure he would like to know what you did but... I would keep out the part about you saying the B word... I really dont want you to get in trouble for that..." Scootaloo reached to me and I took her into my arms as she sighed.

"Well... he was always calling her that... In front of me even... I didnt want to say it but... that was better than shooting her the way she did my mommy and daddy..." Like hell I'd let her hold a gun again. Glad i didnt say that out loud either.

Luna huffed. "After the accident at the castle I'd say you made the right choice." She said. After a while we talked to Ryder, he said he was proud of facing her and hitting her like that. I did say she knocked her out of a chair with one hit and stuff but... Ryder actually didnt look good. I had Scootaloo leave with Luna and I found out that Ryder had a spy in his midst. One of his top soldiers too. Had to execute him... I would've said something against it but this guy was a known escape artist as well as a spy. He has escaped from whoever captured him, steal info and use it against them. Ryder did the right thing. Maybe not the right way but.... it was right to do. Ryder said he himself was a monster. I think I remember him only killing Berrie when Applejack was in danger. Ryder just looked messed up. But this was better than when we had him jailed. They had a camera trained on him the entire time just in case someone stepped away from their post. He was puking every five minutes and slept only to freak out and wake up crying. I had that tape destroyed to protect him. Same with the tape of the shooting range that he's banned from. What I did then was just tell him to sleep, Luna would be there to help him and he could take a day or two to calm down. He did however bring me good news other than that traitor getting plugged. War efforts are close to being done. Their dictator was assassinated by a militia that was put together. Now all that is needed is to either get the enemy to surrender or wipe the rebels out. Not the 'our side' rebels. The dictator rebels going against their true leader who was on our side of the border. We protected them and things are looking up. For the next few days Ryder is handing over control to somepony else and hopefully they get it done quickly. I want to see Scootaloo's face when he gets back. After I let Ryder go I had already seen Luna opened an interdimentional 'dream' door while Scootaloo, Soarin and Discord were all playing a video game together. It was nice seeing this. I actually could go and relax but... I decided to opt in and play with them. I stunk but it was fun nonetheless.