• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 729 Views, 6 Comments

The Generals Sister - Shizuo35

Ryder is called off to war in Steurope to run a military base and has to leave his little sister behind with Celestia.

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Month 1: Day 14: Blame... (Celestia's POV)

Goodness... two weeks of taking care of a filly and... I must say she's been pretty good this week. Not much trouble and not really going anywhere. I woke up to no crying, with no padding and no one but me in my bed. I actually sat in my bed looking at Scootaloo as she cuddled with her stuffed wolf. She had her little sleeping area decorated with pictures she had drawn for me. She had three pictures over her bed. One drawing of me and her playing with a ball, one of me and Luna holding her hands and walking with her and another one of her and Dash flying together with me there with her. I got out of bed wearing a tank top and sweat pants. I've become accustomed to sleeping in such things because it's actually comfortable. I gave a sigh and stretched going to the door of my room. I left my room only to be met by a unicorn guard bowing to me. "Good morning Princess!" He said. "I trust you slept well?" I gave a nod as he rose to his feet. "Ah that's really good. Your sister asked me to ask of something from you."

I gave a sigh. "And that is?" I asked. He hesitated trying to think of what he was saying. "Does it have to do with me, Luna or the guards?"

"Well... You and that filly you're caring for... Is uh... Is that filly doing okay health wise? Have you noticed any sickness at all?" I actually thought for a moment. Was there any sniffles, sneezing, coughing or anything that I noticed happening to Scootaloo?

"Well... She did vomit a few nights ago due to too much ice cream... Now I know a banana split should be shared... but other than that I didn't notice anything. Why? Should I take her in to the hospital wing for a check up?" The guard gave a hesitant nod.

"...Princess Luna said it might help to determine if there's anything that filly is allergic to, if her diet needs changing and if she needs any booster shots... you both are healthy and we wish you both to stay that way!" I thought for a moment. She's been living the life of luxury but we haven't done much in the form of exercise.

"...It may be a good idea... Might need to start a few work out days for her and I to do a bit of self defense training. Do you think it might be a good idea to get her some suitable work out clothing?" The guard gave a nod. "Good. Now you run out to the store and buy her a set of work out clothes. Wonderbolts theme if possible. If not just plain grey. I'll repay you once the job is done alright?" He bowed in respect to me and gave a nod.

"Yes Princess! Right away!" He got back up and rushed off. I started to think of where to start her off on as I went back inside my room but I got a little side tracked. My horn glowed and delivered unto me a letter from Ryder. He actually didn't write to us for a while. Last time I heard from him was the day after Scootaloo's birthday when I had to deliver a custom made gift from my mother and a picture Luna had found. In that letter he sent was a few war updates and I sent him a picture of a guitar I had signed for him from the other night. Scootaloo's bass is in a safe. She's worried about someone breaking in to the castle and stealing it. It isn't here in my castle but it's somewhere near home. Same with Ryder's. I sort of wondered if it was a good idea to read the note with Scootaloo or if it was best to read this for myself. Time for some reason stands still when I get letters from Ryder... Not the good type. Not the 'I don't want to lose this moment' type. The 'I hope this isn't a letter of resignation or from being KIA' type. I was just so worried I figured I just read it on my own. I sat on my bed and opened up the letter to see a little pencil sketch of Ryder in the corner.

'Dear Princess Celestia and my sweet little sister,

I'm actually doing well at the moment. Things have been going in my favor with war and mood. War wise we've been pushing the enemy back. Mortar attacks work wonders when you know where to place and at what angle. I've tweaked some of the mortars so they fired farther. I took a little bit of time and had a little friendly competition with one of the other stallions here and some of the mares. Don't worry I didn't take them into bed at all I promise! Those dog tags make it impossible for me to get any tail but I'm happy for it. I want to make sure AJ knows I still love her. Thank you again for these... I send my thanks to your mother... And to Luna for my sister's drawing... If you have Scootaloo with you please hug her for me. And... Luna if you can. I'd ask for you to kiss AJ but... too far me thinks. Anyways at the moment I'm in my quarters with a guard who did sketch's for the Manehattan Guard. After I'm done writing this he's gonna make a little sketch of me... Get it to have a little personal touch to it as well as make it a little gift for Scootaloo to make it for her to see my face every day... Maybe let me know how Dash and AJ are doing ever once in a while. I miss them both... Aj because... reasons and Dash because her big mouth always calling me up seeing if I wanted to take a ride with her somewhere stupid but... hey I kinda miss it. Anyways... I think I should get to planning on some things to keep moral up and see if I can tweak some sights on the guns to make them more accurate. Already tweaked a few ACOG scopes to show a different reticle and have it having a different color but I'm just testing it out see if it's okay for everyone else to use but... may charge for the work on it. You guys stay good over there. I'll send a few pictures back with another letter if I can.


I tore the little sketch carefully off and pinned it to the wall with a tack right at Scootaloo's eye level. I managed to roll the letter back up and put it somewhere else but not before tearing off the little ribbon and tying it into the sleeping filly's mane as I always do. She's a tomboy and I'm not changing that but I at least want her to look like a young lady when we're out. Sometimes we end up taking a walk with a few guards and rarely get little looks. Some of the ones we get are a mixture of smiles and judgement of Scootaloo. Wondering why she dresses the way she does. I order the guards to expand the perimeter around me but only if Scootaloo gets all scared or something. Anyways I nudged Scootaloo a bit enough to just get her to wake up and not startle her. She stretched a bit before her eyes just fluttered open. She rubbed her eyes and sat up just staring at the wall where I pinned Ryder's little picture. I even sat down on her bed and hugged her from behind. She looked up at me and gave me a smile. "Morning Princess!" She said grasping my hands against her. "You got a letter from Ryder?" I gave a slight sigh.

"Yeah and you got a hug from him right here!" I squeezed her and held her close tickling her a bit making her laugh. I picked her up and set her on the ground. "Here. You just get to the bathroom. You've been doing a great job on keeping your bed dry lately." She blushed a bit looking up at me.

"...Princess Luna helped me with that but... thanks anyways.... Before I go can I ask something...?" I gave a smile.

"Of course! But you remember what I told you about questions right?" She sighed and nodded because I had told her so many times about it.

"I cant ask anything if it has anything to do with Ryder coming back, me going home or special things."

"And does it have to do with any of those things?" She shook her head. "Then ask it." She looked a bit hesitant on asking. It was either I intimidated her or something else.

"...Well... I don't know if this is a special thing or not but... can you maybe let Rainbow Dash come over....? I wanna spend some time with her!" She gave me a little frown as I walked her over to the bathroom door.

"I would say no but... Just for staying dry I'll invite her for a little thing we're gonna do just to keep you nice and healthy okay?" She gave a nod. "Alright now I'm gonna go get dressed and use the bathroom myself... Three sodas last night is not good to hold when you're asleep." She gave a little giggle making me blush as she went into the bathroom. I walked out of my room and into the hallway seeing a plain clothes guard walking down the hall with Princess Luna. The guard was a Night guard if you will. Luna looked like hell because... well she didn't sleep well after the party. "Sister why do you not rest under mothers word?"

Luna gave a yawn and hobbled over to me as the guard released her. "...I... I'm just worried.... One day I just... I don't think we might wake up... one of us shall be with mother and the other with father..." She said. I sighed.

"Luna everything is going to be fine, no pony here is going to get hurt, no ones going to die, the world will not come to an end! What ever thou hast heard is false and thy can get some rest." ....Yeah... I slip in and out of ye olde tongue when speaking with my sister sometimes. It helps calm us sometimes.

"...B-but.... no... I cant... my... no...." She started nodding off in my arms. I shook her a bit having her snap back awake. "I'M UP!"

"Sister tell me.... what has you scared like this? Thou hasn't been this frightened since four years before your sentence!" Four years before her trip to the moon I pranked her to think I was going to kill everyone starting with her and she spent each night in her safe room. Just to screw with her I'd 'talk with a guard' and say the whole world was going up in flames when I slammed the sun into it and I swear she came out of the safe room liking like she needed to be put back in diapers. I felt so bad I sat with her for a few days calming her down. Anyways my sister looked up at me.

"....I just... I think an alternate reality I had showed Ryder and Scootaloo scared me.... Ryder was.... he just..." She obviously wanted to hold her tongue about this subject. I had an idea about what she was going to say and shushed her.

"...Sister... it was only an alternate reality... don't worry.... those things aren't real... things are fine.... why don't thy just go rest up in my bed, use Scootaloo's wolf for comfort if you must...." I looked to her guard. "You there! Make sure my sister sleeps fine! If thy must... get close to her but no bad moves! You know what I mean!"

The plain clothes guard gave a nod and saluted. "Yes princess!" He said. "I do know my job is at stake with this.... plus uh...." He averted his gaze feeling hesitant. "...My uh... my partner... wouldn't like it knowing I.... I just lost a job due to sexually harassing a princess...." Oh right... this guy was gay. I gave him a smile.

"Well your partner keeps you in check! Oh and.... Be careful upon entering. There's a little filly we're caring for in my toilet." He gave a nod and helped the almost sleeping sister of mine into my room.

Not long later Scootaloo and I were both dressed. Me in a martial arts uniform and her inside just basketball shorts and a tank top. She just sat in my arms with her hand on her stomach. She looked up at me. "...Where are we going?" She asked. "...Are we going to eat something for breakfast or are we going to wait till lunch....?" I just sighed and looked down at her feeling hungry.

"We may wait till lunch but... This isn't going to take long. Luna suggested I take you to our doctor and see if you're healthy. I don't want to wake up to you vomiting and end up giving you some medicine that makes you even more sick."

"...are you sure it wont take long....? I really want something to eat. I wanted to eat last night but... I don't know why I wasn't hungry...."

I gave a nod assuring her it wouldn't take long. My doctor is fast. He does my check ups fast and I make sure every doctor I had was the best at what they do. Otherwise poor me would be sicker than a dog. Same with Luna. Oh and why was Scootaloo not hungry last night? She had a large lunch and to her it seemed normal but the damn meal was a medium combo at McHoovians! A MEDIUM COMBO! That's something I've seen my guards eat and maybe even Twilight at one time but that thing was huge and she finished it all! Not even one sign of wanting to lose it! I was shocked but I was actually kinda proud of her not wasting a meal. Anyways we came into the medical wing maybe about ten minutes later. Had a few guards there in the waiting room, two just guarding the place there and one sitting and waiting for the doctor to call him in. He had a black eye and a bloody nose. I just walked past him keeping Scootaloo from looking at him. I don't know how she would react to blood even after what I heard from Ryder when Shining brought him to the castle for a drink. We started through a door going down a hallway. Each room we had passed had sick guards or busted up guards. Most injured getting in fights or eating bad food while on the job. Maybe a few more for surgery and I give them a suitable environment to be in whilst they heal. Anyways I went into my little personal doctor's area only to see him sitting on his computer doing something. What I don't know but he looked as if he was enjoying himself. He looked up at me giving a smile. Grey mane, white coat. Unicorn stallion. Had him since he just graduated from med school top of his class. He's felt like a son to me and Luna I guess. He got up and bowed to me just as I set Scootaloo down on the table. He came back up and smiled at me. "Good morning Princess Celestia!" He said, his accent almost peaking through. He's from Steurope just a few countries away from the war. "Here for a check up or you lookin' ta get yourself cleaned out?"

I gasped a bit. "Hey! Not in front of our guest here!" I said blushing a bit. NOT GOING INTO DETAIL! "Doctor Suture I'd like you to meet Scootaloo. She's the Generals little sister and I'm taking care of her while her brother is aiding the troops. I'm actually bringing her here for a check up just to check for health, determine some allergies and get an estimated dosage of medicine if she ever needs it. So what's gonna happen? Big girls gotta eat soon." He grabbed Scootaloo's arm and hummed looking at it.

"I may have ta take a blood sample just to test a few common allergies out but maybe a few questions. Do you eat any peanut products such as peanut butter?" Scootaloo nodded. I would've answered because I've seen her eat a sundae with peanuts on it and not even peanuts at all. Almonds. Why? Dunno but... hey cant judge. I've seen Ryder drink a bottle of hot sauce. He did not care and I don't think Scootaloo did either. "Okay... Do you sneeze when smelling flowers or puff up when you're stung by bees?" She shook her head. "Any rashes when using hand soap, lotion or make up?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "I don't even wear make up." She said. "Right before my mom died... She told me I'm too young for make up but I always see some of the girls at my school wearing make up." I was expecting to see a tear but this is definitely Ryder's little sister. Little toughy. Reminds me of my sister. She actually thinks she can handle any little filly or little colts dreams no matter how screwy it was. She once found out a little colt was being beaten by his drunk of a mother. She stayed up to confront the mother and threatened to have the guards take the child to another family if she didn't change her drinking while I order my guards to just take em. Hence Scootaloo and Ryder's ordeal. Ryder punching my guard ring a bell? Anyways Dr. Suture pulled out a needle from a drawer and Scootaloo screamed a bit pulling away from him jumping towards me. "NO NEEDLES!" Well... Yeah drug tests come around and Twilight told me the same thing happened to Ryder.

I sat down on the table with Scootaloo. If Luna told you about my fat ass don't listen to her. My ass is a normal size for a princess of my age. She gets back from the moon after a thousand years and she thinks I got more chubby but I work out every week in some way whether it be me doing my combat training, taking a walk with guards amongst common folk, lifting some weights in the gym where some of the guards buff up and sometimes if I'm bored and if Pinkie Pie is up for it I join her, Fluttershy, Twilight and a few guards Twilight see's stressed we basically have ourselves a time of aerobics and I pay for massages just to relieve us of any cramping that could occur. Wait what...? OH THE STORY! Sorry I got off track! Anyways I looked Scootaloo in the eye as she whimpered and shuttered scared. "Scootaloo don't worry!" I said. "You don't need to be afraid! It hurts but just for a second! This is only one time!" She hugged me frightened.

"....P-please.... don't make me do this... I don't like needles..." I sighed and pried her off of me. As I look her in the eye the doctor was getting stuff ready to take her blood. That needle to him was a joke but holy smokes a bad one for her!

"Scootaloo... Look at me. This is only a one time thing! There's a guard around here that does this and cries. You wanna hold my hand while you get it done? Squeeze as much as you want if it hurts but be strong." She gave a nod and took my hand as I caressed her cheek keeping her looking up at my while the doctor took her other arm. I looked to him. "...Butterfly needle. Make it hurt as little as possible okay?" He gave a nod and went digging in his drawers again. The Butterfly Needle is a syringe needle just smaller than the regular blood taking needle. Anyways I watched as the doctor pulled out the needle and wrapped a band around her arm squeezing it. She squeezed my hand already bracing for the needle. I even watched the needle puncture her skin. She gasped and whimpered squeezing my hand harder. I looked away from her arm as the blood started to drain out into a vial he had waiting already and looked to the little filly's face. She had tears going down her cheeks and an in pain look on her face. Not even a minute after the needle was in it was out and the doctor bandaged her up. Just as she hears the snap of the rubber band thing and the pinch of a bandage on her arm she instantly hugged me and sobbed into my shirt. I hugged her and calmed her. "...There. It's all done you don't have to cry! We're all done here and you were pretty brave about it!" She sniffled.

"...B-but... it hurt... real bad..." I gave an aw and got up holding her still.

"...It's alright. I know it hurt but it's over now... We can go get something to eat now! Just for being a big girl and not fighting me about it you get to have Dash stay over for the night so you can spend some time with her! I promise you can share a room with her but I want a guard to be there with you if you need anything but... I just want Ryder to check in and hear you're happy.... He still expects you here with me when he returns you know... He still has his camera and I could let you talk with him soon if I can find the time to get him. You wanna talk with your big brother soon...?" She nodded into my shoulder and sniffled.

Well... Things went well thus far. She ate her breakfast but ordered something smaller than her usual. She had a little bowl of cereal and I mean little little. She ate an ice cream dish, a teeny size for me but seemingly the right size for her just for a small bowl of cereal. Cinnamon squares. She told me this a few days ago that she and her brother would sometimes eat this for breakfast before she had to go to school or before he had to go to work when she was off with him. I just had a salad to keep my wits about me during our little combat training. I didn't want to push her to eat something other than cereal but if I were in her mood I wouldn't want to eat much either. I even gave her a glass of juice to drink to maybe get her perky. That was when my guard I had sent out earlier came in with a bag from a local store. He stopped at the door looking a bit winded. I got up leaving Scootaloo at the table leaving her to finish her meal. The guard knelt down bowing in respect to me. "Princess I bring you a few sets of clothes for the filly!" He said. "I couldn't choose what style she wanted but I had to ask Princess Luna if she could get the size of the filly's clothing so I wouldn't accidentally get the wrong size."

"It's fine. I wouldn't interrupt her again. She needs her rest. Maybe you should take a break, have a bit of food. Looks like you didn't eat this morning." He looked to me as if he were a child just caught doing something he shouldn't.

"...Is it really that obvious?" I gave a nod.

"Just go on and order a hayburger while we're here. You gotta get something inside you if you wanna make it through the day!" He gave a smile as I grabbed the bag. He walked past me going to the end of the table. I brought the bag back only looking in it. Three pairs of sweat pants, two work out shirts and one tank top. Camo sweat pants, black tank top, guard training outfit (jet black sweat pants and a grey tee), and just a standard pair of grey sweat pants and a unique little colts 'Alley Brawler' Text tee. I sat down at my seat and looked to Scootaloo who looked a bit better. "Scootaloo I've got some presents for you!" She perked up more and looked at me. I actually held it up a bit still. "Granted they're clothes they're still gifts from me and this guard here!" I set it in her lap and she dug into it. She pulled out the camo sweats and the grey tee.

Scootaloo looked up at me and the guard. "Thank you!" She said. I smiled at her.

"You can wear one of those today for our little work out session later just to keep you from getting chubby! I want you to be at the top of your game so you might be able to take your brother down when he gets back. Give him a little surprise he wont be expecting?" We both gave a little laugh thinking about what can be done. For my thought I actually saw her with Ryder and she ends up doing a jump kick and dropping him on his ass. I don't know what she saw but it had to be something good. Anyways I had a little bit of pudding just to get a sweet taste in my mouth. We left my guard to enjoy himself a good hayburger. Can say I know what I might be having tonight. Anywho I ended up taking Scootaloo to my personal closet and got into my work out clothing. All it is for me is a MMA outfit. Sports bra holding down my milk makers and some shorts hugging my tail. Even had tape on my hands going around my knuckles. My wings had to be tied together. Natural reaction for pegasai believe it or not have a reaction to use their wings to protect themselves for debris in the air. Sure they drop a few times but they can always manage to catch themselves. Its like how unicorn are born knowing how to use magic. I helped Scootaloo get into her little outfit she had picked out. The tank top and camo sweats. I thought it was cute on how tough she looked. I taped her knuckles up and had a guard take a picture of us. I had her sitting in my arms as she just looked all ready for a scrap.

Anyways we took a few guards into the training room. It was just a big gym with treadmills, a boxing ring with training dummies, sand bags and stuff. Even had an area with weights. I got in the ring while another guard went off with Scootaloo towards some of the wing weights. She wanted to do the wing weights because Dash always says to keep building wing strength and she'll be flying in no time. I knew the reason why she isn't flying yet and its because of a bad foalsitter. Well... I guess wing strength might be a part of it. Don't really know actually. I actually had to put a hands free device in my ear when I had to call Twilight and have her tell Rainbow Dash her cousin needs her here in Canterlot for the night. "Are you sure its wise to have Dash spend the night with Scootaloo?" Twilight asked. "When Scootaloo had her birthday here I found Dash at the foot of my bed curled up like a dog or something. When I asked why she was there all she said is that she was sleep walking but something told me it was something bigger. I think she really misses Scootaloo." I huffed as I hit the sand bag in front of me.

"Twilight I'm going to have guards outside of the door I'm going to have Dash stay in with Scootaloo. Scootaloo knows not to ask to go back home with Rainbow Dash because Ryder expects her here! I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself there but I want it to stick. Yes I have the things to write to Ryder but if I say Dash took her home I've failed. If I look like a failure in the eyes of my guards by not taking good care of their superiors younger sibling they could just out secrets to the media and the way everyone would see me would drastically change! If you send Dash here and maybe inform her about some trouble she would be in if she even tries to get away from here with Scootaloo. Hold on a second would you Twilight?"

"Yeah sure." I grunted and gave a little battle cry as I threw a few quick strikes into a training dummy before just launching it back with a strong kick.

"Sorry there. Just doing a little work out regiment. Scootaloo is doing something with a guard to get her starting off with something small and slow. Well... Wing wise I guess. She told me back when we went to see her parents for their anniversary she has been trying to fly but was unable to. Do you remember that?" Twilight sighed.

"How could I forget? She looked really shocked at the answer of why she couldn't.... You think her feathers will come in soon? I'm sure Ryder would love to fly around with Scoot... Same with Dash. You get anything from Ryder lately? Think he's okay?" I did a few quick punches to the dummy before getting him into a headlock and flipping him over my shoulder.

"Luna checked on him in his dreams and he seems pretty good. Luna however is kinda on the twitchy freak out side. Lack of sleep, fear kicking in and possibly too many energy drinks. I'm gonna have to tell the guards around to not give her those energy drinks. Keep her heart rate down."

Just then the guard that was helping Scootaloo hopped into the ring looking panicked. "PRINCESS! PRINCESS COME QUICK!" He yelled. He jumped back out and I rushed after him.

"Twilight just get Dash out here and I don't care if you have to send a guard truck with sirens blaring! I gotta go!" I hit the end call button on my earpiece and followed the guard closely. We went into the room with weights. Arms, legs and even the weighted wing covers. I froze just two feet into the door seeing Scootaloo on the ground next to a puddle of vomit passed out.

"Sh-she just collapsed! I turn my head for one second and she- she just goes down and pukes! I tried to get her up but nothing's working!" I rushed in and got on my knees at the filly's side and put my index and middle finger up to her neck where an artery is. She had a pulse still. I looked to the guard.

"Call in a medic and get a mop! I'll stay here with her!" He gave a nod and rushed out. I just sat there just looking over every part of her body. I carefully picked her up with my magic and four pound wing weights fell off onto the ground. I kept her in the same position like she was still lying in the same place. I lied her away from the pool of vomit and just looked at her face. She was flushed and breathing weakly. "Scootaloo! Come on answer me!" All I got was just a little groan and she just... well... she just needed a change of pants... She wet herself and messed herself because of how weak she was.

About an hour later I was just inside of my room sitting on the bed just looking at Scootaloo hooked up to all these machines. A breathing mask, an IV, a heart monitor and such. I had almost forgotten I had given her a desk to sit at while drawing. She had her phone there just vibrating. I knew Dash was calling but... I just didn't want to pick up... I had checked Scootaloo's texts as the guard who told me about her padded her up. Luna and her guard had to be moved from my room but... she was sleeping well. Hell she basically slept while they loaded her onto the gurney they brought Scoot in on. Anyways I checked Scootaloo's texts. All from Dash. She sent three of em before the calls. 'Hey squirt I'm on my way to spend the night with you! I hope Celestia knows I'm bringing Fluttershy. She's bringing you a little gift!' The first said. Second: 'Squiiiiiirrrrt! Answer me! I can tell when you're screwing with me and it definitely feels like it!' Third: 'Alright squirty mcsquirtington I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You coulda lost this thing somewhere! Maybe you left it in your room or under your bed! I'll help you find this thing but if you see this text me!'

A medic came in just as I curled up onto my bed. I didn't even bother changing out of my work out clothes I was so worried... He came in and looked at everything Scootaloo was hooked up to. "...Alright... Vitals are normal... She's breathing fine...." He said before looking back to me. "You have nothing to worry about Princess. She's going to be fine. Just some fatigue setting in from the blood draw." Of course... The blood draw... It was the first one she had undergone and I didn't think letting her rest was a good idea! Luna wanted her to work out! The Doctor wanted to take blood! I didn't know what the hell I was thinking except blame someone. That's how I avert trouble for my choices! "Princess why don't you just leave me here with her and go for a walk? Go on and do something for yourself. I'll contact you if I see any changes with her but know I will try to keep her at the stable line!" I almost didn't want to get up. I wanted to just lie there in my bed. I felt like crap. I didn't even call Twilight back after Scootaloo went down. That's how afraid I was. I wanted Dash to come but not under these circumstances. No stopping that. I want her to come still... I just... I know I need a slap to the face.

Yet I got up anyways and went out of my room without saying a word. Guards I passed in the hall greeted me like normal but I just ignored each of them. All I saw with them was Ryder. I don't know what his reaction would be to all of this. I know last time he was nice about it but he's a ways away. I couldn't tell if he actually was glad I owned up to it but I didn't want to say anything. Luna probably would've told me if he was. Either that or she wanted me to be up close to slap me for him. Anyways as I walked all the way until I reached the front door where I stepped outside gazing at the front gates. I was lucky no one was walking past because there was a truck coming in. As I hear Luna always quoting: The bell's ring signifies trouble to come. That's a lyric from a Metallicolt song. I'm not sure which but I heard the bell. There was no clock tower, no churches praising my mother and not even a little chiming sound. I was hearing this all myself just as the truck stopped and the back doors opened. Out stepped Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Dash was wearing a jean jacket with Wonderbolts pins all over it. She also wore a pair of skinny jeans and combat boots like her 'friend' Gilda. Fluttershy was wearing a green heart hoodie and a pair of bell bottom jeans. They both had packs slung over their shoulders filled with extra clothes and stuff. I walked down the steps meeting them at the bottom. Fluttershy bowed in respect while I just hugged Dash afraid. "Woah there Princess! I know you wanted me to come here for Scoot but are you sure I'm not here for you?" She asked.

Fluttershy stood up and pried me away from Dash. "Is everything okay Princess?" She asked. "You don't normally hug anypony unless you've got a bit of a problem!" She's so right about that. She knows because one day I had a little fight with Luna quite physically I might add. I had given her quite a scar on her stomach when I accidentally knocked her with my horn getting up. I talked with Twilight and had to hug her because I just wanted someone to hug and talk to. It helped when Fluttershy came in and meditated with me. I just grabbed their arms and pulled them inside.

"Uh... Alright... Not trying to be mean here but you're acting like Ryder when one of us is either drunk, if he needs a sitter for Scoot or if he has company coming over and he needs help cleaning up a little 'mess'... You didn't make that kind of mess did you?" I shook my head stopping at the stairs. I just sat down on the steps and broke down. I heard Fluttershy give a sad aw just before she sat down and hugged me. I latched onto her and hugged her... I was hurt deeply by what had happened.... "Princess? Come on talk with us! There isn't anything to cry about is there?" I gave a nod into Fluttershy's shoulder. "Well tell us what's up! Cant help if you cant talk!" Fluttershy got my head up off of her shoulder.

"Can you please just tell us what's wrong? Is it Ryder? Did he..... go...?" I shook my head. Both Dash and Fluttershy sighed relieved. "...Good... I don't think anyone would be able to tell Scootaloo..." Dash sat down on the other side of me and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon Princess.... You wanna just show us what happened or has the damage already been cleaned up?"

I just pushed them away from me gently just before getting up. They both got up and followed me up the stairs. I looked to a guard as we went up and had him get us some drinks. Just a few bottles of soda. Nothing too much but we just stopped outside of my bedroom. We waited for the guard to come back and I didn't hesitate on cracking my soda open and chugged it. I chugged about half of it and took a deep breath as I recapped it. "....Dash... Fluttershy.... Th-thank you for coming...." I said. "...I'm sorry you had to be seeing me like this.... I just.... I'm just confused right now.... I was thinking whether or not to show you what happened... I'm just scared and worried... I just... I don't know if this is something I should even tell Ryder...." I turned to my door and grasped the knob hesitating on opening it. I took a deep breath. "...Brace yourselves.... it isn't pretty...." I glanced back at them seeing them take each other's hand.

I opened the door and walked inside. Dash and Fluttershy followed but I just grabbed Dash's hand. Fluttershy saw Scootaloo in her bed with the machines around her and froze. "....Oh... Oh my...." She said covering her mouth. "....wh-what happened...?"

"I just... Luna had me take her to the doctor to see about her health... The doctor had to take blood from her and... I thought she was okay to exercise... She never said anything... I would've understood if she had said she didn't feel good but... Right now I just... I want to blame.... Blame...." There I broke harder than a glass pane when a rock was thrown into it. I released Dash's arm and just sat down in my bed just hiding my face. Fluttershy came over to the bed and lied me down in it lying with me.

I could only turn over to see Rainbow Dash go to her cousins side. "...Scoot?" She said giving a whimper. "Scoot? Come on... wake up! It isn't funny! Don't play tricks on us!" She didn't answer... She wasn't going to answer her, she wasn't going to answer me or even Fluttershy! Fluttershy didn't even try...

As I lied there Fluttershy looked over my hardly clothed flank. "Dash! Get away from her!" She snapped. "It doesn't look like a joke! Go get a guard and get a room for us! I'll stay here with the Princess!" Dash nodded and hurried out leaving me there... Fluttershy lulled me to sleep with a little lullaby. I didn't realize how tired I was after what I had gone through. They must've woken Luna up to help me because during my sleep she had visited me.

Luna rarely visited my dream space. She only did it when she wanted to screw with me or of there was a topic too sensitive or embarrassing to talk about in front of guards. I refer to that one time I had Cadence grab me a new pair of underwear after I had messed myself. That was when she told me about an accident she hid from the guards and myself. Anyways I had sat in my dreamscape which Luna had set to a cabana on the beach. The water was always still and blocked by an invisible wall so nopony had an accident. I sat just behind the bar looking out to the water. She came and sat next to me. "...Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are telling me you had an incident with Scootaloo causing her to be bedridden...." She said. "...Sister tell me what went wrong... I want to help her and you."

I gave a sigh. "...Sister I don't know where I went wrong with this..." I said. "...She just... She never let me know if she was feeling alright.... I know I cant tell Ryder about this... He's off trying to keep his mind on the war efforts keeping the enemy at bay while we are here trying to find a solution to bring him home but we cant do it quite yet... I take Scootaloo to the doctor to get blood drawn to see of any abnormalities when exposed to different things, I give her something to eat to keep her strength up and I get her to work out with me only to have her pass out after vomiting..." Luna rested her wing on my back.

"...Sister... perhaps we both may be at fault here... Maybe I should've spoken with you personally and see if we can get a set schedule for her... we're just lucky she's alive... that doctor took any more blood Scootaloo's body would give out entirely... we might've had to fight with mother to get her back..." She moved my gaze to meet hers. "Does Ryder still have his computer you sent him for Scootaloo's birthday?" I gave a nod. "...Why don't you get up and maybe get something to eat...? I'll meet you outside the computer room so we can both take the heat from Ryder..." To be honest I was about to say 'screw off and let me sleep' but I felt compelled to do so.

"...Alright... You might want to have things ready for me so we can get this over with... And check on Scootaloo if you can... see if she's okay..." Luna gave me a nod and hugged me before having me wake up to a knock on my door. I sat up and looked to Scootaloo. She was still asleep in her bed. This time I saw her holding her little wolf toy with her free arm that didn't have an IV in it. I got up from my bed with my mouth feeling dry. I found the soda I was drinking right on the little desk with a note from Fluttershy.


Dash and I went to our room right down the hall after you fell asleep. Dash was so scared we had Princess Luna call who ever was helping Scootaloo and she brought us a medic and he said Scootaloo was fine. All she needs is rest. I basically did the same thing to Dash to calm her down. So sorry if you didn't want to sleep but I didn't want to wake you up! Sorry!


As short as the note was it was informative nonetheless. I walked outside of my room only to find a guard holding a tray with a bottle of water and a little sandwich on a tray. "Ah good afternoon Princess!" He said. I took the sandwich and bit into it before using my magic to crack open my water bottle. It was a little flower sandwich with a bit of salt. Just how I like it. "Princess Luna asked me to wake you up and give you a snack. I hope this is good enough. She told me you must speak with the general about his sister."

I huffed. "Yes... I want you to sit by her bedside and watch her!" I snapped. "If you hear anything from her cousin and her friend you are to let them see the filly but the rainbow one doesn't do anything but speak to her if she wants to hug the filly watch her closely! I still fear her running off with the filly... The general gave her to me to care for and I intend to keep her until he returns!"

"That is understood Princess! Shall I have a small meal prepared for the filly when she wakes up? Soup perhaps?" I gave him a nod. "Ah very well then. You should get on your way Princess. No use in keeping the general waiting!" He was right. Didn't want it but I didn't want to show up looking like I was in a fight club. I basically got into a dress, my normal attire, to speak with Ryder.

I walked to my computer room and saw Luna in her dress just standing with her head hung slightly. She gave me a warm smile.... It was warm but I would only warm up with Ryder's forgiveness... If he did forgive. "...Sister I do hope you are well rested... No leaking? No nightmare after I left?" She asked. I shook my head. She sighed. "Scootaloo was a bit unfortunate in that department. I had gotten into her dream and she wet herself. I went in and changed her personally but she's just wanting to wake up. She's all scared the way she is.... I even told her just in case she isn't ever feeling well to just tell you and you can take her to rest or something. She never said anything because by the time she had to it was already too late."

"....Sister may we stop talking of this? Each moment we keep talking of it the more guilty I feel that Ryder doesn't know of his sisters condition..." She gave a nod and we walked in to the waiting computer. I sat in the chair and started up the video call program. I saw Ryder was busy but I called him anyways.

Believe it or not he answered maybe two or three beeps. He was taking a screw driver to an old 'grease gun' to get an old stock off. He glanced up for a moment and set them aside giving a smile. "Greetings Princess Celestia, Luna." He said. "Surprise you guys are calling me right now. Everything going well?" I gave a sigh.

"....I wish I could say it was but we have a bit of bad news about Scootaloo..." He gasped.

"What's wrong with her?! Is she okay?!"

I looked to my sister. She took a deep breath and looked into the camera. "She'll be fine Ryder. Don't worry." She said. "We didn't mean for this to happen but I suggested she get an allergy test just in case we need to go somewhere or if she gets near something she isn't supposed to. The doctor had to draw blood and I didn't realize Scootaloo would've been going with Celestia to exercise... Apparently she failed to tell somepony and she fainted... She's been out for hours but she's getting fluids. I predict she'll wake up soon. We're sorry to bring that up the way we did. We felt a bit deterred by your answer to the news..."

Luna and I both hung our heads. "...We humbly apologize for our actions and wish for your forgiveness...." We both said. I didn't even look up. I just listened.

I heard Ryder take a deep breath and sigh setting something aside and probably throw something aside. "....Okay... I forgive you..." He said sniffling. I looked up only to see him with tears in his eyes. "...Please.... Be careful with her.... She's fragile... If she sees blood she faints, if she's light headed she'll try and play it off and tough it out! IF YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS OFF ABOUT HER JUST DO SOMETHING!"

I glanced up at my sister just as he broke down. I ended up waving her off and looked at Ryder. "General... Calm yourself!" I said. "This is the reaction I didn't want! I don't want you to do anything harsh! Be strong for Scootaloo! She's going to be fine! She's just going to be in her bed for a while until she's full strength!" He wiped his eyes with a rag stained with grease and oil leaving a few streaks of black on his cheeks and right below his eyes.

"...No... I-I know... I wont... I'm just... I'm just tired... I haven't slept right last night... I was just scared about Scootaloo... Luna showed me something where Scootaloo lost her friends.... and... I just... I just sat in bed last night writing a log... made a plan before someone came in and talked me to sleep... I just... I'm sorry... I... I just need sleep..." I sighed.

After that I had Ryder send his next in command in. Earth Pony mare from Appleoosa with a real heavy accent. I told her to give Ryder a break but check on him periodically through out the day but immediately when something goes down he's back in command. She agreed to the terms and I just hung up letting her do her job and letting Ryder rest. I hung the call up letting them be on their way. Luna came back in as I turned my chair. "So? Is he going to be alright?" She asked. "Is he mad at you?"

I shook my head as I got up. I rested my hand on her shoulder. "Sister... Why don't you visit with Ryder in his dream and show him some good things?" I asked. "Perhaps get him a little time to visit with his sister and have him verify she's alright." Luna gave a nod and gave me a hug. 'Twas a warm hug shared between us. We honestly don't hug each other often but... when we do it feels as warm as a fire in the winter time. After that Luna had gotten back to bed to rest more before the night. I went back to my room where I saw Rainbow Dash just looking out my window at the redish sky of my sunset. Fluttershy was sitting next to Scootaloo's bed. The guard sat at the foot of my bed just looking over the mares. I went towards Dash and my guard just stood and saluted me. "Dash? Are... Are you alright?"

Dash just huffed and hung her head. "....It's hard seeing my cousin like this..." She said. "...I've been bedridden so much I actually prayed this wouldn't happen to someone like Scoot... Ryder I'd think he'd get in a fight and smash an arm or leg but... not Scoot before him...." I sighed and pulled her away from the window and sat with her on my bed.

"Dash I apologize for what happened to Scootaloo... I know it's hard to see her in this condition but be glad it isn't any worse. She could've picked up a weight that was too heavy and hurt herself. Possibly would've paralyzed her. If it weren't Scootaloo it could've been me or Ryder.... Even Fluttershy..." She looked at me confused. "...What I'm saying is she's going to be fine, don't worry about her. Think you can do that?"

Dash gave me a nod and at that moment Fluttershy gives us a gasp before she just gets up and snags Dash away from me. I got up following them to Scootaloo's bed only to see Scootaloo with a bit of distress on her face. Dash gave her a slight nudge and she jumped. Scootaloo groaned a bit and used her wolf cuddling arm to rub her eyes before having them flutter open. She looked at me, Dash and Fluttershy. "...D-dash...? Princess...? Where am I....?" She asked. "...Why does my arm hurt...?" I gave a sigh of relief seeing her finally wake up. A tear actually slid down my cheek as Dash dropped to her knees at her cousins bedside.

"...You're in your bed sweetie... You gave me quite a scare when you passed out... Tell me do you remember anything?" She shook her head hesitantly. "...Well you were in the wing weights area and you must've been too weak to do anything before it was too late... You're awake... but I wouldn't move if I were you alright?" She nodded as she looked to Dash.

"...Dash... Don't cry... I'm fine..."

Rainbow Dash rested her hand on Scootaloo's lap. "...Squirt... I almost thought you were joking about this but... you just wouldn't wake up..." She said. "...You need any help? I could getcha something to drink or something to eat!"

Fluttershy helped Dash up as I looked to my guard. "You there! Radio in to the kitchen and have a bowl of soup and a water bottle for the filly! And make sure the soup isn't anything that will disturb her stomach!" I said. He gave a nod. I basically spent the rest of the day inside my room helping Dash as she helped Scootaloo. I don't trust her with this still but I had her feed Scootaloo and stay in the room with her. Even had a bed put in the corner for Fluttershy and Dash to share because I caught them kissing just out of sight of Scootaloo. I figure I could keep them together and keep them close to Scootaloo just in case she needed a change which... She kinda did after she ate her soup. She had an accident when she had a little jolt of pain trying to lift her arm with the IV in it. I even found out Luna had gone and had her spend time with Sweetie Belle who was napping during a cold she was fighting. Poor filly. I guess while Scootaloo was out she was panicking on why she passed out and was hoping she wasn't dying... glad mother didn't take her... Okay I need a bit of time to myself... This was a day from the underworld.