• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 729 Views, 6 Comments

The Generals Sister - Shizuo35

Ryder is called off to war in Steurope to run a military base and has to leave his little sister behind with Celestia.

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Month 3: Day 4: Homecoming Hell (Luna's POV) (Part one)

Today... Oh my today is what I thought was going to be the best day in a long while. For me the day started out with a little dream walking with Scootaloo. Scootaloo and I were walking in a park in her dream. It was a quaint park though I was just reassuring her mind. "...Do you think everyone will still think of me as me at school Princess...?" She asked. "I mean... I know Sweetie Belle and Applebloom are gonna tell everypony about me being with you and Princess Celestia... I dont want anyone to try to push me to meet you two or try to form a sleepover i said nothing about."

I sighed as we turned towards a swing set in a sand box. "Just tell them no any time they ask. I'll even give word to tell your teacher not to have anyone pressure you." I said sitting her on a swing. "If they keep asking and your teacher doesnt catch it please let her know. If you cant find her please wait until Celestia comes for you and tell her. I'm sure she will help you." I got behind her and just nudged her a bit as she kicked her legs. I stepped away getting a strange feeling like... like something was wrong with someone else. I looked to Scootaloo. "Cease that at once and come here. Dream emergency here and I'm not leaving you alone!" She jumped from the swing and just flew towards me only to stumble and land next to me. I helped her stay on her feet but she had a knee on the ground.

"Who's in trouble Princess?" She asked as I opened another dream door. This one was a bit fancy but waaaaaay too out of canterlot taste. I looked to her.

"Well... by the look of the door its one of the wealthy families outside of Canterlot.... A mimicry of sorts...." I traced a pattern with my finger. Just a little swirly bit. I looked to her. "You gonna be okay going in with me? Sorry if it takes away from us time but i need to do my job here...." She smiled taking my hand.

"It's fine.... Any time with you is enough for me." She actually averted her gaze a moment as i grasped the knob. "... Hey Princess...?" I sighed turning the knob slightly.

"For you sweetie... you can just call me Luna.... You've earned it for being strong the whole time you've been with us." She hugged me. I opened the door slightly and lifted her into my arms.

"...Luna... after I go back with Ryder... can... can we still spend a bit of time together....? I'd really appreciate it if we could..." I kissed her cheek.

"Of course Scootaloo... i'll ask Ryder and he might say yes.... Well... if he needs a sitter for a little bit. I could even give thy friends a little sleepover room with its very own game console, DVD player and auto shut down at a certain time. Not to be naggy but staying up past a bed time isnt something I'd enjoy seeing despite being thousands of years old." I looked back to the door. "Come on we cant dilly dally." We pushed the door open and entered. As we walked in it turned to a little park inside of Ponyville. This wasnt Ryder's dream but Scootaloo recognized this place. "Hello? Is anypony there? You can come out now! Everything will be fine now!"

I set Scootaloo down and she ran over to the swing set but stopped about half way there. She looked around and just stared at a nearby bush. I hesitantly walked over to the bush and parted the leaves only to see a certain little fillies face, teary and scared. Silver Spoon. She looked up at me and yelped a bit, cowering back into the bush but she shot out having her torso outside while her lower half was still hidden. She wore what looked to be a tattered dress. Grey but elegant. "...P-princess Luna..." She said scared. I shushed her.

"You're going to be okay Miss Spoon.... I have you...." I picked her up carefully but she pushed away having me drop her back in the bush.

"N-NO! Dont! I-I dont want you to see me like this!" I looked to her kneeling down a bit.

"...Why?" She averted her gaze whimpering. Just looked to Scootaloo who just swung away on the swings.

"....B-because she's here.... Sh-she's... she's gonna laugh at me..."

"No she isnt.... I'd send her away but... I'm helping her with something... She needs me just as much as you do.... I can ask her to either look away or just not say anything... would that be okay...?" Silver Spoon whimpered a bit looking at Scootaloo as she slowed down on the swing starting to look our way. She looked back to me.

"...Just... make her stay quiet... please.... I... I dont want Diamond Tiara knowing about this... Especially through her!"

I looked over to Scootaloo as she came over to us. "Silver? You're who needs help?" She asked. Silver Spoon whimpered hiding in the bush a bit.

I sighed leaving Silver for a bit. I grasped Scootaloo's shoulders. "Listen... she's going through a little something right now..." I said. "...Now... what happens here stays between us three... nothing mentioned to ANYONE! Got me?" Scootaloo nodded. "Pinkie promise to me that this wont leave us. Please?" Scootaloo sighed.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." I looked back to Silver.

"Is that going to be enough for you Miss Spoon?" Silver Spoon nodded. "Alright... what is happening here...?"

Silver Spoon sniffled a bit. "Well... For the past few days i've been... um..." She looked to Scootaloo. "...Um... Please dont laugh here..." She looked back to me. "....I've been having accidents both while walking around with my dad and while sleeping... And... half way through day two he made me wear these...." She slowly climbed out of the bushes revealing her dress ripped from the waist down revealing a diaper with Cadence's cutie mark almost stomach level. She blushed whimpering. "...H-he... he even wants me to wear them to school tomorrow... He's even giving my teacher some to change me with.... I... I dont want to be embarrassed if i have an accident in class...." She hid her face and sobbed slightly.

Scootaloo didnt hesitate before hugging Silver Spoon consoling her. "...Hey... its okay..." She said. Silver sobbed.

"...N-no it's not! I cant go to school like this! Everyone's gonna see it and... LAUGH AT ME!" I can tell Scootaloo was trying her hardest to console the filly. I do remember this filly bullying Scootaloo. I saw it when I took Scootaloo and Ryder on that dark dream walk of the different route. You know the one. I still wish i hadnt shown him that....

"Come on Silver listen to me! Please! I just want to help you!" She held the filly close. "...I know how you feel because... well... after my mommy and daddy were killed... my big brother or my cousin would put me in a diaper before school knowing how scared i was... nobody knew I was diapered but Miss Cheerilee... I was only like that because I was scared of being cornered in the bathroom by Miss Berrie.... my brother told me that she was the one who killed my parents and... that was about it but..."

"...H-how is that g-g-going to help me...?" Scootaloo sighed and sat Silver Spoon on her padded flank, sitting with her.

"...It wont but... just understand I know how you feel... I was scared to be in diapers at school... I was actually afraid of you or Diamond Tiara pushing me over just seeing me wearing one.... Why do you think I always avoided you two the way i did...?"

I sighed kneeling down. Silver looked a tad better but... it wasnt enough. "Scootaloo I dont want to do this but... why dont you wear one to make her feel better tomorrow?" I asked. "...Would you two be okay with that? I can sense a bond that can be tied here... maybe that can be the first step. Sound like something you can do?" They both averted their gazes in thought. Scootaloo looked to me first.

"I... guess I can do that.... if it makes her feel better..." We looked to Silver. "...I can do that if you can..."

Silver looked to us after about a minute, sighing as she turned her head blushing. "...Well... I can't believe I'm saying this but... after all i've done to you, all the names i've called you... I think I can trust you with this..." She said. "...I'll do it.... Just... please make sure Diamond Tiara doesnt see us together... I dont want her to yell at me for even being near a b-" She stopped herself. I knew what she was about to say but i was kinda proud she stopped herself. "...I just dont want to have Diamond see us together... let alone do I want to do our sugarlump bump thing..."

I smiled. "Good... Now I think my job is done for the night..." I said picking Scootaloo up. "I'm gonna let you two rest." I looked to Scootaloo. "And you missy I expect you to be prepared and alert tomorrow. Make your big brother proud!" I put her on my shoulder piggy backing her but stopped about half way towards the door back to Scootaloo's dreamscape. I turned back for a moment only to see Silver standing there with her arms crossed. "Oh and Silver?" She looked to me. "...Not everypony is immune to accidents here..." I wiggled my flank a bit having a crinkle sound off but that wasnt me. It was Scootaloo's. Hers was just hidden so well by her outfit Silver didnt notice.

Anywho a while after that I let Scootaloo sleep, I texted my sister and Soarin both to have Scootaloo diapered and to make it some pull on training pants. I know they have some because I had bought some absorbent yet alertive ones to both my sister and Scootaloo. Lately Scootaloo has gone to the bathroom at night but she hasnt quite been able to use my sisters.... You see my sister has the door to Scootaloo's room between hers locked and broken since the key she uses broke in the lock. Something arose and Celestia didnt have time to get it fixed at all. Nor have Soarin or her guards known about it. So either Scootaloo doesnt wake up in time or she just rushes down the hall only to have a guard mop up a little puddle. Anyways I decided to roam about the castle for a few hours just prancing about getting a good workout and just showing all the guards at their posts my excitement. Why? Because Ryder was on his way home. Yes... or he would have been.... When the morning meal came around I walked around by the windows talking with my sister. "Oh Luna...." Celestia said over the phone. "...to think since Scootaloo came into our care she changed the way we feel and think about our subjects... and... thank mother Scootaloo just got dropped off but... I cant help but say I wish I could keep Scootaloo in our care... she's so sweet and caring... but her brother is nearing home as we speak and he wouldnt accept it.... sure it would give her the care that is needed at her age but... her brother is doing well as a guardian..." I sighed looking out the window as I swallowed a piece of bread.

"...Yeah... Perhaps we should at least ask if we can give Scootaloo a grand 'farewell for now' party? Or possibly have her stay but a few more days just to give Ryder some alone time with Applejack?" My sister sighed.

"...I hope he does.... Though Ryder would wish to see his sister more than Applejack at the moment... I dont know..." I hummed a bit.

"Best to ask once he lands. For now I shall have a room set up for him and Scootaloo to sleep in here in Canterlot before rushing back home. And... for now... I must be off. The morning meal can only be put off for so long here."

"Alright sister you have a good one. Try and stay up as long as you can today. Nap if you must. I want you to be there when Ryder returns if he gets there early. See you soon."

"Surely I will sister. I shall see you soon." As I hung my phone up a unicorn guard clad in his silver armor came to my side with some grilled cheese with a little hot sauce sprinkled in. Even had a chair brought over for me to enjoy my sisters glamorous day. I sat down having the guard just put a little tray onto my lap before putting my food down as well as a drink. I always had a soda with my grilled cheese. But this time it was an energy drink. I needed this to just spike my energy until Ryder got here.

The guard smiled at me as i cracked the drink open and sipped. "Must feel a bit lonely here without that filly or Princess Celestia here..." He said. "Would you like me to accompany you as you eat? Maybe have a chat along with it?" Honestly that sounded nice. Lately I've gone off and talked with Cadence and Twilight to check on them. Even went out to the Crystal Empire to visit because i've been so lonely since Scootaloo and Celestia left.... I've even slept in my sisters room without her knowing. It felt nice for a while but.... It still left me empty. I looked to him.

"That sounds lovely. Why dont you go pull up a chair and have a meal cooked up for yourself? Maybe even have a little cart rolled out for us to set our meals on. I do hear the Generals plane could come around at any moment." The guard smiled.

"Thank you Princess. I will place my order and return with the cart. Perhaps a little soup to go with your grilled cheese Princess? Just a suggestion but... it does feel a tad cold in here." He was right about that. My feet, my legs, my hands and arms were all freezing. Since Celestia isnt here and i've been out of the castle for a while nopony has been asked to prepare for the colder months. I looked to him.

"Veggie stew with a pinch of salt and some cayenne pepper. And.... maybe some saltines to even out my stomach. Waiting for this day has made my stomach very weird...." He gave a nod and started away towards the kitchen. In that time I looked out the window. I loved the daylight knowing my sister was out there controlling its movement across the sky. And you know what? I actually thought I felt mother and father both put their hands on my shoulders as they stood next to me. They werent really there but... I felt as if they were there enjoying the daylight with me. Maybe about a minute of waiting passed and I had my plate of grilled cheese in hand as I stood mid room staring out. Wondering which way Ryder's plane was coming. Multiple thoughts of that actually. Was I in the right place? Was he going to pass over? Could I see it even better from the roof? Should I meet him where he's landing? All these thoughts came to my mind. As the moments passed I couldnt help but feel a sort of... dark energy flow through me... No it wasnt Nightmare Moon taking control again. It was something much more evil.... I paid no mind to it but I should've.... About a few minutes later i see a plane off in the distance. The guard came back wheeling the cart with a few more plates on it, one with chopped fruit, a salad and my soup. They always have some soup whether canned or fresh from scratch its always good. This stuff looked to be canned soup with some stew veggies tossed in.

"Here we are Princess! I had them prepare your soup quickly if that is alright. You being lonely like this isnt a good thing!" I glanced back at him for a second.

"It's completely fine! Now come here! I think I see General Ryder's plane!" He came over to the window giving a slight laugh as he gazed at the plane in the distance.

"That is an amazing plane... four engines, two on each wing.... Takes some skilled pilot to fly those things around...." I gave a sigh nodding. I was at a loss for words. It was such a glorious sight, brightening my sisters day. The guard suddenly looked back at the cart. "Oh... Um.... I gotta run back into the kitchen Princess...." I looked to him.

"What ever for? We have everything dont we?" He shook his head.

"I seem to have forgotten your saltine crackers.... Would oyster crackers do if there arent any saltines?" I sighed rolling my eyes gazing back at the aircraft.

"Yes its fine now go!" I didnt get an answer from him before he ran off. After he left I got that chill again feeling dark energy flow through me.... This one was more powerful. Something was definitely wrong. I can sense storms, dream troubles and even the rarest of real trouble and this was something unlike anything before. The guard was away for a few minutes and I watched as the plane drifted behind the Foal Mountains.... Here's the part I just.... I can barely bring myself to even say it... I heard an explosion ring out in the distance. My heart dropped seeing a large plume of black smoke and fire come from right where I saw the plane fly. Behind the Foal Mountains. I stopped half way of biting down onto my sandwich only to drop it and the plate just standing in awe of what I had just witnessed. The plate fell crashing onto the floor and I just dropped to my knees narrowly missing a few shards of glass both around each knee. Same with my hands.

"PRINCESS!" I hear the very same guard yell as he dropped what ever he had in his hands making a loud 'thunk' as it hit the floor. He rushed to my side kneeling down at my side checking my body for any injuries and any change in temperature which I actually think must've been drastic. "Are you injured? What's going on? Are you okay?!" I suddenly extended my wings just pushing him away before I just vomited all over the floor under me. I just watched a plane crash... with EVERYONE THAT RYDER LED AND RYDER HIMSELF ON IT! I was so panicked I started to hyperventilate and passed out.

I just heard her.... I heard Scootaloo crying.... screaming for anyone.... her mother, father and even her brother... She was even screaming at me thinking this was a cruel joke I was playing on her... This was the worst part.... I had the worst nightmare ever.... I was just wandering the wreckage of the plane.... no body parts anywhere thankfully but... Everything around me burned but I heard nothing but fire crackling and screams.... these werent Scootaloo's... they were the troops screams... I dont mean to be grim here but... I heard Ryder's most of all.... "HELP ME! FUCKING HELP ME!" He yelled. His screams just faded away just as a glowing door opened. This door was part of the plane leading into the cockpit i think... I rushed towards it hearing crying. As I entered I couldnt help but notice it turned into Scootaloo's room... all ransacked and broken with Scootaloo in the middle of it all dressed in rags crying her eyes out.

I approached slowly just choking up myself. "....Sc-scootaloo..." I said softly. "....I'm... I'm sorry...."

Scootaloo looked to me... Her eyes were redder than blood could be.... Some of it even streamed down her cheeks. "....LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed just sending me back against the wall. I wanted to answer but I couldnt help but just sob. Next thing I know some mysterious force is holding me against the wall. I look closely and see Scootaloo's hand glowing as if she were using magic. "....You dont get it do you...? Everyone wanted me to be alone.... and now... I SEE WHAT THEY MEAN!" She slammed me against the wall shooting up from her position. Her eyes glowed with demonic presence and she came over. "....First my parents... then Ryder... and then my friends... Then i thought... why not rid myself of everypony in Equestria.... Starting with you... Foolish Princess...." She slammed me from the floor to the ceiling a few times before tossing me at the window breaking it. But that was when I woke up screaming.

I screamed for about a second before being tackled back into wherever I was only to have whoever was on top of me shushing me. I slowly started to calm down from my screams but they went into crying yet again. I even went to hug the pony a top me for comfort. The room around me was dark except for light coming through a drawn shade. I heard machines around me beeping and maybe slight pain in my right arm. Then a light came from the pony on top of me as they got off of me and I was kinda feeling better from what I saw. I saw my sister illuminated slightly by her own horn. "....Sisster... you're okay...." She said kneeling down at my bedside. "....I was so scared when a guard called me telling me to rush here... Told me you just collapsed and got sick... They think one of the chef's poisoned you but... I know they would never do that... But there's obviously something terribly wrong for you to do that..."

I sniffled wiping tears from my eyes. "...I... I just...." I stammered. She sighed.

"Alright... lets take this one step at a time.... Maybe just tell me why you woke up screaming.... does that sound okay?" I hesitantly nodded. "Okay... what happened...?" I sniffled.

"...Well... I... I was walking through a plane wreckage.... I heard screams... and yelling..." I curled up hugging my legs. The IV in my arm hurt a bit but Celestia straightened my arm up and took it out for me, even putting a bandage on it. ".... Next thing you know... i found Scootaloo... c-c-crying... and... she was just.... evil... blood red eyes... and... she could use magic to.... try and kill me...." Celestia hummed as she drew the curtains slowly. I saw to the outside only seeing the mountains, smoke still in the distance she looked out and hummed.

"...Must be a wildfire in the mountains...." She looked back at me. "Do you wish to continue to what triggered that...?" I swallowed still staring out at the mountains. I was just... I was afraid to even say anything. Need I remind you that either of us need to break horrible news to Scootaloo? Neither of us have gotten so attached to a guard and their family in years! Celestia and i will break harder than several glass plates! "Sister? What are you staring at?" She looked out the window. "What? That fire on the mountain?" She looked back to me. I nodded. "Why? Does it have something to do with that?" I nodded again... "Take a deep breath and just... tell me what happened.... is that something that can cleanse your mind?" I shrugged hesitantly. "But... you'll still tell me right...?" I nodded. "Then stop stalling please! I want to help you here!" I took a deep breath and sighed just getting myself ready for hell to pay....

"....I was... I was watching the plane Ryder was on... as good as it was seeing his flight coming in I just felt something was wrong.... Yes at the time I was eating but it wasnt anything I ate... it felt... evil... not Nightmare Moon evil... worse..."

"...Father?" She asked curiously.

"...I dont know... signs point to that most likely.... but... as I ate and watched his plane... it disappeared behind the mountain and..." I stopped myself hoping Celestia would get it. And she did... She gasped now staring out the window.

"....N-no... this must be some sort of joke... But... you arent the joking type if you're injured..." She leaned against the wall just thinking. "...No.... I just..." She turned quickly to me. "What the hell are we gonna tell Scootaloo?! She's gonna freak out, she's gonna go out and... And.... Mother help us she doesnt do anything harsh.... And... What are we going to tell Rainbow Dash and Applejack?! They're gonna just fall hard... Applejack will just..." She started to hyperventilate badly. I got up as shaky as I was weak but I hugged her and dragged her down onto the floor slowly.

"Sister steady thy breath! Dont pass out please!" I sat with her for maybe a few minutes just calming her down. She then just started to cry softly into my shoulder. "...Hey hey.... its okay.... I... I gotcha..." I may have said it was okay but... we both knew it wasnt. Anyways Celestia sniffled and stood back up with me. She walked me over to the bed and sat me down again.

"Stay... here... You need to build your strength back up.... You've lost so much and... you... your muscles are so stiff from that wake up..." I admit i was sore, stiff and just all around feeling sick.

"Just... Hurry with something... I feel like i've been throwing up nothing but bile...." And that i was. After Celestia ran out i took a look at my charts. Unexpected convulsing, vomiting, sleep talking (Oh dear....), possible poisoning since her temperature rose and she's sweating.... I was basically a basket case.

When Celestia came back she had a drink in her hands as well as some bread. A guard was behind her holding a clipboard. The guard was a unicorn but he was plain clothed. Red mane, greyish coat, with a black button up shirt and jeans. "Great mother of Celestia.... You're alright Princess!" He said coming to my side. I smiled taking the drink from my sister slowly sipping it. "Guess we can let those cooks off the hook.... No toxins were found in the food nor in your system but you really gave us a scare... Now tell me are you in pain at all?"

"No pain... Other than the slight one in my stomach...." He wrote something down.

"Well you've been out for hours. Every time you threw up we thought you were awake as much as you could. Do you remember anyone talking with you as you slept?" I had a flash of that demonic Scootaloo but it only stayed but a moment.

"No... Has anyone tried to speak with me?" The guard nodded.

"Several guards, two doctors and a few nurses tried but you never answered." I sighed taking some bread.

"....my apologies here.... I just... I think I might've been lacking on my sleep.... I've had a lot of things on my mind lately and just stayed up now and then.... I just... I thought something was wrong... my mind just went to some dream I had encountered with someone not too long ago..." I looked to Celestia and winked a bit. She knew we needed to keep it secret that Ryder's plane crashed... though word probably is spreading like the fire consuming the woods there. The guard came over and rested his hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright there.... You'll be fine as long as you take it easy. You think you can do that for us here?" I gave a nod washing down a bit of bread crusts stuck in my throat. "Thank you princess. You just relax. I'll get you a wheelchair to take you back to your room so you can get comfy." Well at least they're nice... Not keeping me here for mental evaluation but they'd only do that if i were ever mad enough to show signs of bringing nightmare moon back. They'll know when my mane gets darker. I've caught it before but i've stopped it with a deep breathing regiment. And... a bit of meditation for hours on end.

Anyways not long later Celestia put me in some padding just in case i couldnt hold my bladder. As we left the medic wing of the castle we both hung our heads. Scootaloo was orphaned and left with us which... was a good idea to keep her happy but... it was our faults for sending him out there. He was Urban Force Royal... Not some military guard.... If it werent for his mouth and Shining's screw up he would still be a recruit, most likely pinned under four thumbs at once. Mine, Celestia's, Shining's and his own. Celestia sighed looking to me, dressed only in a long medical gown just to keep me cool. They took my temperature and said it was very high. They even gave Celestia a bag to hold my clothes. Anyways... to what Celestia said. "....Good thinking there.... I dont want ANY guard to know about the crash.... They'll report it to any and every other guard and news station out there." She said. "This is a heavy blow to the mind after what we've done here... We've taken a filly in, having the greatest love for her brother and her cousin.... telling her is going to destroy her more than when her parents were murdered...."

I sighed looking up at her as she watched out for any guards. We actually asked for the shortest route to my room be cleared of any guards for a while. Celestia gave a set time of a half hour but my room is only fifteen minutes away from the medical wing. This was just in case of anything that shouldnt reach listening ears. "..Celestia... I wish we could keep this secret forever but... she's gonna keep asking for him.... where he is, when he's coming home...... even to chat with him over the computer but... she'll catch on if we make things up as we go..." She didnt want to admit it but I was right. Scootaloo, if not given something or if she was gonna go somewhere that was promised she would know something is wrong and that she couldnt get what she wanted or go where she wanted. I could already see it. Scootaloo asked multiple times to speak with Ryder because she misses him and we keep saying no because he's either is busy or something but... either she would find out or one of us would break hard... Celestia grunted as we turned down the hall.

"...We need Cadence and Shining Armor here... NOW.... I'm not having them take Scootaloo dont worry but... We're going to have to tell them and have them promise not to tell Scootaloo and take her out for a while just getting ourselves prepared for the inevitable... Does that sound good...?" I just nodded looking at the passing tiles. I counted each passing orangish tile. From where I started to my room i counted forty five. As we reached the door I put the breaks to the wheel chair on and just struggled to stand. I didnt care how much pain i was in or how weak i was. "Sister what are you doing! You must stay in the chair until we get by your bed!" Celestia forced me back into the chair with her magic.

"...Release me! I just... I want to be alone right now!" She grunted and released my breaks just using her magic to keep my arms at the chair. She didnt open the door to my room but... she just turned the chair towards open hall.

"No! You are not going to be alone sister! I sense a pain in you that is just too much for you to bear! We are going to my room for Sister Secrets and I swear if you struggle, lock the breaks, or even try to flash away I'm sending guards after you to restrain you. Sure they might hesitate but I dont want you running!" I sighed just having just failing. To be honest I think I know what she meant by not wanting me alone.... She thought I was just so hurt I'd... perform a rash action.... I'm not denying it.... the way I felt could've meant anything.... Anyways Celestia wheeled me past guards who were looking at us a bit worried about me. Again i counted the tiles between my room and hers. One hundred and two. May have missed a few here and there but.... Oh well. When we got into her room she lifted me out of the chair and put me in her bed. The sheets felt cool from the long time of no use. The air felt cool as well. Even though they had been out of the castle for a while Scootaloo's bed was still set up with the drawings that she did and a few notes pinned to the wall as well as a few of the medical machines were still here from when she passed out from the workout after blood loss. Why they were still here I dont know. Honestly this just felt like we lost Scootaloo instead of Ryder.... Anyways my sister sat next to me on the bed and looked me in the face pained and almost about to cry. "Sister... what's on your mind...? Why did you just want to be alone...?" I sighed looking to the window barely covered by curtains.

"...I just... I had a connection with Ryder.... It was strong... i had someone else to confide in other than you.... Twilight cant keep secrets, Applejack and Rarity are just too busy, Dash would blab as well and Fluttershy... she just wont listen to anypony's secrets. And Pinkie? She'll think I'm asking for a party or something...." I started to tear up. "...r-right before he left... he just... I found him in his dream crying.... It was about Applejack yelling at him and forcing him off Sweet Apple Acres after burning that apple.... He apologized over and over but... she just didnt forgive him... She even told him to either pay double his salary for said apple or get back home before she 'drove her boot where the hospital wont even be able to pry it out...'" Celestia lied down perpendicular to me.

"...Anything else there...?" I nodded.

"....There was even a time before that where.... I... I found him... thinking of abandoning Scootaloo and.... just hide away thinking the guard would come for him again after he punched that guard... He was a mental mess but... I reassured him... I sat with him for hours and hours of my own time... talking with him about that guard.... what happened after he was released, what happens if he does try to do anything and where that guard is even if he did decide to come back and do something... and well...." I averted my gaze blushing hard. My sister gasped.

"You didnt!" I nodded hiding my face. "Oh sweet mother of me.... you did! How did you do that in a dream?" ....Yes... I did sleep with Ryder in his dream but the good part about that, dream sex isnt able to get me pregnant. I know TMI there but.... It's my story here. To cut this part short I told her and she felt like teasing Shining Armor. After that we ended up cuddling before I just fell asleep on how weak i was. Yet i started to dream again.

This dream was just screwy. Though I just stopped it before it even started. I did however find myself in Ryder's bedroom all broken and run down. It looked ransacked and looted even with a broken window. I didnt look out the broken window but it didnt seem good. I got up out of the bed carefully and knocked on the door in a certain way. I just made sure it was stable and that it wasnt going to fall apart around me. Seemed alright. But then my magic kicked in and I used it on the door. I just stared at the door as it now glowed from behind starting to tear up. When I opened it up it revealed my mothers dimension and I just ran in crying. I didnt even waste time by putting the door further from my mothers throne but she knows when I enter... especially when I'm crying. I suddenly ran into someone- that someone being my mother- having them hug me. "....Luna? Luna look at me sweetie! Why are you crying...?" She asked worried.

I looked up at her. "...G-give him backk.... please... I just.... i jus...." I mumbled. I even may have wet myself but I think it was just me getting scared during my weakness. She hummed.

"What? Give who back?" She wiped the tears out of my eyes and knelt down to the cloud flooring below us. "...Who ever it is I would give back but.... you know I cant... it just.... I know some can be given back within reason but others... they cant..." I started to cry a bit harder. "Oh honey.... please dont... your sister will probably see you like this... I dont want her to see you like this..." I couldnt... I couldnt stop crying no matter what... I couldnt even tell her about Ryder... Guess his soul hasnt reached either place yet... still stuck in between... Mother huffed. "Okaay... I'm sorry I have to do this but... you need to go and wake up.... momma cant help right now... come back to me later with your sister...." I couldnt help but nod and just get up and run back into the dream realm slamming the door behind me screaming. I couldnt help but just pound at the door a few times.

As I pounded at it my dreamscape shook and started to fall apart. I pounded at the door about three more times before something comes out of nowhere and hits me in the face. That's when I wake up only to find myself panting heavily, sweating profusely and pinned under Celestia with a red mark on her cheek looking as if she were about to slap me. She must've slapped me one time already just being ready for another swat. I sniffled and sat up hugging her carefully. "....There there sister... I'm sorry to do that to you but... you were struggling very badly..." She said. "...I left for just a half hour to let you rest but a guard had me rush back only for you to just hit me in the face in your struggle.... are you okay...?" I just shook my head holding my sister tight. She sighed getting off of me and pulling the covers of her bed off of me. "...Here... why dont you just go shower up... Cadence is here with Shining... Apparently they were already enroute because Twilight asked them to come here... Probably to welcome Ryder back home later... He told them in a letter that he was going to surprise Scootaloo after being dropped in Fillydelphia...." She looked to the door. "...I can barely muster the strength to even tell them... and Shining is one of his closest friends...."

Friends... that rang out in my head during my shower. I thought of everyone Ryder has made friends with... Big Mac, Shining... Celestia and I, Twilight.... Twilight's friends minus Dash... I could hear each one crying out.... Applejack and Dash being the loudest... Twilight would think its her fault for not fighting it.... She actually did want to protest to Celestia about Ryder's war time but she bit her tongue well. Remember the first day Scootaloo was dropped off? I found Twilight in the backyard maze, no guards around with her just screaming her head off about how stupid she was and such. Anyways after my well needed shower I dried off, got myself into a fresh diaper (needed to resize due to my sisters fat flank) and got into a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeve gaming shirt. I did feel strong but I did see the wheel chair still ready in case I needed to move around. I just sat down in it and went for the door opening it for my magic. Immediately I was met by Shining Armor who was in jeans and a t-shirt. He did wear boots just in case of a quick foot chase but I dont think it would've come to that. He smiled and knelt down bowing in respect to me almost being eye level. He rose and sighed. "Glad to see you up and wheeling around princess." He said. "The guards around have been telling me you had a little accident in the dining hall. Are you hurt at all?"

I shook my head as he joined me as we went down the hall together. "...I'm fine... I just... I just feel a bit weak is all..." I said hesitating on telling him about the plane crash. "....Stomach gave out and I lost everything I ate... Then I just... i just collapsed.... Just the sudden shock made me pass out." He sighed.

"I'm gonna say its those energy drinks you're always drinking. The guard that found you said you were drinking an energy drink to meet with Ryder today but since there were no toxins in the food you were eating I'm going to blame that on the energy drink... So please just sleep when needed or power through it. Okay?" I didnt want to play with the story but i had to.

"...Fine... I'll just game until I pass out.... No energy drinks for a while... i wont quit with the energy drinks but I will have one every once in a while to be with Celestia during the day. Does that seem okay?" I looked to him. He looked a bit disappointed but he also looked like he didnt want to fight like he had something on his mind. "Something wrong?"

"....That obvious huh?" I nodded. "How could you tell?"

"Well for one you're walking around the castle alone, you've criticized my energy drink habit which I actually agree to cut back on and you wont snap at me or anything like you normally do." He huffed.

"....Look yes there is something on my mind and no i dont want Cadence to know..." He hesitated. I stopped. He stopped as well.

"Know what?" He looked around and beckoned me into a nearby room. I followed him into an empty room that we always keep to fool attackers who dont know the area. Either that or sometimes the guards would use these rooms as a little hide away to do what ever and we let them get away with it as long as it isnt illegal. He looked to me as he leaned against the wall just as the door shut. Most of these doors shut on their own just in case a silent assassin wants in to a room.

"...Okay... I just... I'm worried about Ryder.... Since he left I've honestly had no contact with him... I've had a bit of screen time with him on Scootaloo's birthday but.... Even with him being away from the front lines i fear his mind might be messed up... doing something like that takes away nights of sleep, it keeps you on edge not knowing if the enemy is sneaking up to kill you or if one of your closest friends is plotting against you..." He pulled his phone from his pocket revealing a waistband of a diaper. I didnt snicker, smile or anything. "...I know about what happened there... A damn good soldier was executed by our military... Just because he was a spy.... a reporter sent out an article about this online and... I've seen it manipulated.... Making Ryder look like the bad guy.... I feel he's gonna have somepony after him for shooting someone that deserved it...." He just kept talking and talking about Ryder. About how trouble was going to arise about the killing of a spy dressed in our uniforms. My heart started to race. My breathing became heavy as 'Ryder' began to scream out in my head. My vision started to go dark but i knew i was still awake. I was just losing my vision because of hyperventilation. "Princess? Princess? Are you alright?" I looked up to see Shining in my face looking worried but my vision was getting clouded with tears and just as i hear the door open behind me i snapped pushing Shining to the floor and wheeling my chair over him to the point i can make this thing disappear and i land on his chest.


Shining looked shocked as he backed up going against the wall curling up as Cadence, dressed in a vibrant pink dress came to his side looking shocked as well. I wheeled back suddenly and stopped at a wall only to have Celestia come into my view looking a bit disappointed and sad as well. I broke hard and dove out of my chair tackling her to the floor. She knew how much pain i was in. She hugged me. "...Sister... I..." She said hesitating... She stopped herself just hugging me. I knew she was hurting but... I felt her resist the urge to backhand me.

Shining, Cadence and I cried for about an hour. I apologized to Shining for being so harsh with him but... he understood... I was withholding vital information that needed out... But he ended up passing out. Cadence even had a few guards just watch over him as judgement day approached.... judgement day being having to tell Scootaloo this news. I had Celestia help me change into a dress just so I'd look presentable. Both Cadence and Celestia had to calm themselves, fix their make up and for Celestia to call Soarin to have a guard take him to pick Scootaloo from school and bring her up here to Canterlot. After a while Cadence, Celestia and I were waiting in the grand foyer right at the steps. Cadence sat at my side sighing. "...I just... I cant believe it.... that was the plane crash that we saw... not a raging wild fire..." She said.

I sighed. "...well... you arent wrong there... the plane started it..." I said. "....I just... I hope they can recover something from the wreckage when they clear the fire...." I rested a hand on Cadence's shoulder as she stared at the door. "....Cadence... I dont know what you want to do but... if you wish to take Scootaloo and care for her I wont stop you... though... that is only my suggestion... Celestia might say otherwise but... we know we cant look her in the eye and see the same filly ever again...."

Celestia sighed coming to the other side of Cadence and sat down next to her. "...I agree with Luna..." She said. "My heart was hesitant on this and after a while she grew on me but... it all came crashing down once I saw the wreckage and smoke in the distance.... I could barely take it even after i heard it was Ryder's plane...." My sister's phone gave a notification and she used her magic to take it out of her bra. She looked at it closely and sighed. "...That was Soarin.... They're pulling into the gate now..." She stood up and helped Cadence up before going to the other side of me resting her hand on my shoulder. "...Brace yourselves.... Cadence be ready for a calming spell and Luna.... if needed please just... put her to sleep... Nothing too deep please but... just enough to keep her out before we have a chance to move her to somewhere safe... Somewhere where she cant wander or hurt herself..." I looked to her. She had a tear in her eye.

"Sister... we are not putting Scootaloo in an asylum... she just needs someone to love and care for her... not drugs to make her forget..." We quickly fixed ourselves. Celestia wiped her eyes, I took a deep breath and Cadence gave a false smile just as the door opened slightly.

Celestia's guard stepped in before Soarin came to the door with Scootaloo holding his hand while he carried her school bag over his other shoulder. Scootaloo was wearing a cute dress but waddled slightly as she walked. Soarin wore jeans and a sports jersey almost as if he heard about what happened and wanted to make it seem like Ryder was still there... Scootaloo smiled brightly and rushed us breaking away from Soarin. Celestia couldnt help but go and hug her just feet from me. "Princess Celestia!" She said. Celestia giggled slightly feigning her knowledge of ANYTHING. Scootaloo looked over my sister's shoulder at me and gasped as she was released. I could tell Celestia wanted to hold on because she stayed low to the ground even after the filly ran over to me and hopped into my lap. "Princess Luna? What happened to you?" I sighed hugging her.

"I just... I'm not feeling too well at the moment Scoot... Took a little spill and the doctor advised me to stay here in my wheel chair... What about you? Are you and Silver getting off on the right foot?" She blushed a bit.

"I'm not sure... but... She told me she had an accident and I uh... may have gone too just to make her feel better...." I smiled a bit.

"...Well its not a perfect way to start something like that out but.... at least you showed you're a good sport about it.... did she say anything to you?" She nodded as I saw Celestia make her way over to Soarin probably just to tell him the news.... But I had to keep my focus on Scootaloo.

"Before class she said anything she said to me that was mean was just to play along with Diamond Tiara.... I did have to act like i was hurt but...." She averted her gaze a bit.

"But... before what sweetie?"

"Before.... Before Snips and Snails pushed me when I wasnt looking and saw my diaper under my dress..." She whimpered a bit as I sighed.

"....Such naughty stallions.... They shouldnt be peaking up someponies skirt like that even if the one who had it done to them has a princess and a guard on standby... did you at least tell the teacher?" She shook her head.

"...S-silver spoon did after helping me clean the dirt off my dress.... They really hurt me... I scraped my knee and elbow but... I'll be okay...." Oh how it hurt inside my heart.

Cadence picked Scootaloo up from my arms. "Those little colts need a lesson in what happens to them for something like that..." She said. "I'll send Shining down with you to school and you can point them out to him so he can lay down the law for that!" Scootaloo held on to Cadence tight.

"...Th-thank you Cadence..." The little filly held back every one of her tears. I could see Cadence tear up a bit but hold her own. She even looked to me making sure I wasnt going to snap like i did to Shining... that poor poor stallion....

Just then we heard a sigh. I looked back only to see Celestia with her head hung and Soarin sitting back against the front door covering his face. The news shattered him... I could feel it.... "Cadence... please... please set Scootaloo down...." She said. "I'd go and help Soarin right now..." Cadence set Scootaloo into my lap and I hugged her from behind. I knew what was coming. Celestia knelt down and looked me in the eye. "....Scootaloo... sweet sweet Scootaloo.... I... I fear we may be watching you for a long while...." I felt Scootaloo's heart jump and sink. Her temperature spiked and her coat turned a bit pale.

"....Why....?" She so innocently asked.

My sisters lip quivered. She looked to me and nodded before coming to her feet and just walking off to the side. I spun around and sat Scootaloo on the steps facing me. "...Scootaloo.... We may have to take care of you for a while...." I said. "...You see.... things have gone off the original plan.... Ryder was going to come to your school and surprise you along with us... we were gonna have him hide behind a heavily window tinted truck, he was gonna climb in the drivers seat and once we pulled up to Celestia's summer home he was going to open the door and let us out only to surprise you.... But now he's.... he's...." I started to choke up. I just couldnt take the stress. Just as I was about to just scream it out and get it over with, Scootaloo screamed as she peeked over my shoulder.

"RYDER!" I sat up straight as I heard groans and gasps coming from everypony behind us. I turned my chair and I thought I had rolled right through the gates of heaven with my sister, Cadence and Scootaloo at my side... There he was... Ryder.... He was alive.... His uniform (the Celestian uniform) was ripped, tattered and a bit bloody here and there as he limped in with the help of a few other militants. One mare, two other stallions. They all looked injured but not as injured as Ryder was. He was all filthy with ashes and he only had one wing. His left wing was missing but was covered up with balled up and tied up parts of a shirt. The other wing was folded mostly but twitching a bit. He was about a yard from the door before Scootaloo tried rushing past me. Well... she did since I missed catching her but Celestia caught her holding her tight. I rolled along side her and looked to her.

"GET SCOOTALOO OUT OF HERE AND GET A MEDIC! NOW!" Celestia nodded holding the struggling and screaming filly close.... As she ran off I saw Ryder collapse falling to his side gently with the help of his team helping him. I dove from my chair knocking it over and myself onto the floor. One of the stallion militants rushed me. The one that helped me was wearing my uniform. The dark blue one but he had the sleeves ripped off. I didnt mind. None of us do because they earned the right to do something like that. He helped me up but only to my knees. I looked to him. "Get my chair and put the general in it NOW!... Just... just be careful with him!" The stallion nodded before going for my wheel chair. I slowly stood up feeling a bit stronger than earlier. I watched relieved and shocked that he survived the wreck.... How he survived I dont know but... He's here and that's all that matters...