• Published 19th Aug 2015
  • 449 Views, 0 Comments

Adventures with the Son of Chaos and Harmony. - Godmutt

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The Awakening, Part Two.

She yelled as she sank into the water. It was freezing cold. Icy, more like it. More than that. She sank in, and the water reached her neck.

Which was pretty deep, considering she was nearly twice the size of the average pony.

Even though it was deep, she was still able to walk. Slowly, but enough to cross the ten foot ring.

As she want to climb onto the narrow strip of rock between her and the next ring, which had magma, she felt something on her neck. The water was rising.. She frantically pulled herself back to the edge. The water was up to her snout. She was struggling now to keep her head above water. Then she felt something!

"GAAH!!" She yelled out. There was something in that water and t was biting her tail! She was trying to shake it off, but it had it's teeth sunken into her tail. She roared into the silent cavern, causing an echo. The stone shook, but very slightly.

Brush was still clinging heavily to the edge as the creature sunk it's sharpened teeth deeper into her tail. Tears coming to her eyes, she was being pulled under the surface by some unknown creature. "I'm not that weak.. I'm stronger than this beast. I've got this." She thought to herself.

She reached over the edge of the ring, and dug her claws into the cracks in the rock. Pulling herself up, the water below was now swirling with her blood. She could hardly feel the tip of her tail now. She pulled herself over to find that her tail was trapped in some bear-claw mechanism!

She yelled out as she pulled the trap off of her tail. She lost a chunk of her muscle, but she wrapped it in the monster pony's jacket. She slowed the bleeding, but it still flowed from the wound. She sat on the edge of the ring, tears coming to her eyes. She looked over the next ring, which was filled to the brim with hot magma. Though she was only a few inches away, she couldn't feel the heat.. She reached over to dip her claw into the boiling hot lava. As she reached over, she realized that it was cold! She tapped the surface, to find out that it was merely ice, which was tinted to look like boiling rock. She started tapping the ice, to find it wasn't very thin, but easily chipped. This was going to give her very bad vertigo.

She stepped onto the surface, slowly but surely. The blood fell to the ice, and for the slightest moment, she was afraid the heat from the blood would melt the ice. It didn't. But she was still scared. Slowly, she stepped forward.


She stepped out of the cavern holding the stone. It was warm, and it had a pattern. Spots, it looked like.

It started shaking!! It.. Formed a crack.. This wasn't a stone. This is an egg..

A small head poked out. It was a boy.

A baby dragon. It looked like her, but with bright green scales.
Hers was blue. Like mother.

It had the eyes of a dragon. His were bright purple.

Brush knew that she was now the one to take care of him.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long to upload!! I couldn't figure out my password for a week! Heh heh heh.. I'll keep updates coming!