• Published 19th Aug 2015
  • 449 Views, 0 Comments

Adventures with the Son of Chaos and Harmony. - Godmutt

  • ...

The Screams.

Brush was frozen in terror. The monster stopped in front of her.

She could smell it's breath. It smelled of rotting flesh.

It screeched again. She flinched slightly. It had milky white eyes, and red teeth. It had a slight pony-esque look to it. It had no mane or tail, and it's ribs stuck out, stretching skin tautly.

There was a second screeching down the hall. This one sounded different. Like somepony was dragging a knife down the stone floor. The monster in front of her screeched again, and turned around. Brush could see the spine of the thing, sticking out against the creature's taut skin. She remained frozen until the thing was gone. She collapsed on the floor, beads of sweat on her scales.

"What.. Was that??" She sat in one spot for a few moments. Shaking, she could feel her heart racing. Her wings were twitching from the rush of blood. "Where's Soma?.." She thought to herself. She jumped up. The screeching was still down the hall, both of the noises mingling together.


Soma looked at her with pure terror in his eyes. She gently pressed the knife to his stomach, pressing down against his furry abdomen. He twitched, and tried as hard as he could to hold his stomach in. She smiled.

"Relax, Soma." She said with a glint in her eyes. He slowly allowed his muscles to relax.

She pulled her knife away when he relaxed. He twitched, and whispered "Who are you?.. " She chuckled and showed him her cutie mark. It was four black berries. She said in her relaxing voice "My name is Nightshade. And you are Soma."

"How did you know that?"

"I know more than you think. Including the fact that your friend is dead."

He looked at her, shaking violently.

"She isn't dead. She isn't. She wouldn't die. Brush is stronger than that."

Nightshade laughed again. Her laugh made Soma feel calm.

"Soma, dear, THEY have her. They'll tear her scales off bit by bit. Keep her alive and aware the entire time. Then they'll eat her."

He could feel his heart beating quicker. There was a long screeching noise somewhere off in the catacombs. The vicious mare looked off to the entrance into the stone maze. She grinned. "She's been caught."

He struggled against the leather straps holding him back. She stepped behind him, and he could no longer see nor hear her. He heard a noise. It was similar to the screeching he'd heard. It was almost more like.. metal on metal, but amplified by 1000.

He flinched at the noise.

It hurt his highly trained ears to hear something at such a frequency.

He heard the mare's voice behind him. "Your friend will be here soon. You won't see her though."

"What do you mean?"

"Say goodnight, Soma."

He felt a needle poke through the skin in his back.

Everything faded, and he heard her screech one last time, her voice mingling with another..


Brush looked down the hall. It was dark. Very dark. She had no choice but to go in, though, as a thick, heavy fog was rolling in. She blew a small flame into her claw. She held the fire close.

Slowly, she stepped into the maze of granite.

The darkness surrounded her like a blanket. She gradually added fire to her claws. A feeling crept over her, almost like there was someone watching her.

She spun around, straining her eyes to see through the fog. Nobody was there.

The screeching was gone.

Trembling, she kept moving.

She spread her wings out to gauge how wide the tunnel was.

She hit something.

It screamed. Like the milky white monster.