• Member Since 10th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2023


I'm a musician, artist, and aspiring writer. I'm bad at everything, and you won't like what you see.

Comments ( 45 )

And i'm guessing Twi don't look so go either.

6318585 Y'know, since she's y'know...dead and all.
In case you didn't get what i was getting at :p

Oh, yeah. I got that. :) I tried to come up with something funny to respond to it, but I'm not very funny.

6318698 It's 'kay.
I wonder what Dashie's reaction will be when the good ol' detective tells her her friend is dead.

Ooh. When they find out that Twi's kicked the bucket, dashie gets quite the suprise.

6318748 I shall wait and bide my time...

I look forward to it!


Or maybe Trixie?


Blueberry Muffin/Blue October? (Random BP)

6352276 There's a lot of ponies that match the description of 'blue fur and blue mane'. If it was Dash, there would've been reds, greens, yellows, oranges and purple mane hairs too.


True, but they feel like it all fits. Maybe this isn't explicated in the story, but the color of the mane hair isn't necessarily important, but the fact that Rainbow Dash has traces of candy-lion pollen on he body is the main connection that the investigators are making. Th color just fits the description while the pollen connects Rainbow to the crime.

6367992 I don't remember you mentioning Rainbow having pollen on her hooves... At all.


I'll have to edit that. I mention it a few times later, and the palynology report that Envoy talks about was supposed to mention that she found the pollen on Rainbow's profile. Sorry about that. (I need a proofreader)

6370951 You confused meh, your fault! :pinkiecrazy:


These passage were supposed to point toward Dash. I didn't want to explicate too much that they were thinking Rainbow Dash.

Envoy continued, "The palynology is going to be the major incriminating factor in this case. I think it's too early to start pointing hooves, but so far, candy-lion pollen is our biggest lead."

“I don't know if there's enough evidence against her. Until we find something concrete, something at a scene which doesn't have a revolving door of ponies, I don't think we should bring it up to anypony.”

And then Scroot concludes his summary:

the same hair that would be coated in candy-lion pollen.”

I can see how that could be too loose, but those were all the mentions of Dash being covered in the pollen. I'll try to make it a bit more obvious. I was trying to make the end of the chapter a bit of a flourish and not a WTF moment.

6371402 OOOh, i thought you meant that they discovered the pollen on Dash already.

At the beginning, I mentioned that Scroot gathered physical profiles, and then Envoy found the pollen in Rainbow Dash's fur and mane samples, but Envoy insisted that they keep the connection to themselves until they can find something that made the pollen less circumstantial. When they found Twi's Body where the Candy-Lions were, it was a solid connection to the crime. With a matching description and probable cause, the investigators felt they had it all figured out.

That's how they knew Rainbow Dash had pollen on her body, and why they figured Rainbow Dash for the murder. That all needs to be more explicit, I know, but that was the intended process in this chapter.

Additionally, I imagine this world to be without DNA testing. So, they can't find out what pony's hair it is without using the color alone.

6371804 Ahkay, that's all cleared up now :twilightblush:



6994001 just why Why would you do that to best pony also no trgety tag so holding out hope she is still alive and it is a changeling or something those green rocks could have been dried up mucus they use to trap ponies and the reason it didn't change back isbecause in this universe they don't revert back upon death

6994706 Sorry about that. I was busy recording an album. I would write on this now and then and realized that I was nearly finished with it and hadn't posted any of it.

6994754 No no, don't apologise, its given me something to do with my time!

6994347 Ooh, I'm sorry to disappoint, but she's not coming back. I love her, but she had to go in this story. :(

6994789 Oh, good then. Happy to be of service. ;)

6995159 Having just finished reading through the new chapters, I have concluded that they are friggin awesome!
I especially love the art at the end of (most of) the chapters, they look amaze and really help tie the story together.

I can't wait t see how this ends.

6995305 Thank you so much! It shouldn't be much longer before all I have left to do is the illustrations. :)

7049778 I just so did not want her to live! :D

7050256 Also the part where she's running away...dropping her bits :rainbowlaugh:

7050815 Lol, thanks. I was hoping someone would catch that. :)

Okay, so they're gonna send Celestia a letter. There's just one problem, Spike's also missing. So who's gonna send it?

No way, could the element of loyalt, emphysis on loyalty be the culprit?

Least now they can prove that Rainbowdash is innocent. Now they just need to find the real culprit.

calling it right now

This was a great story.
Great mystery and ending. It did feel a bit rushed but it closed the story nicely.
I need to check out more of your stories now.

On another note I really want to see a part 2 but at the same time it would take away the clean ending. Personally I just want to see what happens to everyone.

Thanks for the read. Sorry, I didn't respond sooner. I don't get on here often.

I had a part 2 worked up, but the premise of Twilight being dead appears to be so unpopular that I didn't feel it necessary to put any further effort into a sequel. I did however have a sequel drafted at one point, but ultimately, I decided against continuing this project and began other stories.

I appreciate that you read my story though. Thanks a lot for that, sincerely! :D

i know that feeling! lol
still great story :D


What the fuck do you mean Twilight's body is in the morgue? After her fucking closed casket funeral?!?!

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