• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 812 Views, 12 Comments

The Nightmares Fear - LunarGaurd

What happens when a unicorn with no magic by birth, gets possessed?

  • ...

The Product of a Nightmare

"Impressive." A female voice said behind me.



I turned around, expecting to see an.. unfortunate witness, but luckily it's just Princess Luna.

"Oh, hello there Princess." I said with a bow.

As I rise I notice the sad look on Luna's face. "Please Spectral," She says in a sad tone. "There is no need for such formalities between us. Not after what I did to you."

Huh? "After what you did to me?" I said confused. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

Luna sighed "I-I possessed you, I used you to and your body to kill your parents. Not to mention that I also cursed you with dark magic." Luna looks like she's on the verge of tears right now... Lowering her head in shame. That is admittedly quite pathetic.

I smiled. "Luna look at me." She raised her head. "While it is true that you gave me dark magic, which is an illegal practice, and you used my body to kill my parents and make me fugitive in my home town, but you gave me exactly what I wanted. For once in my life I'm powerful. I don't get bullied and I don't really have to worry about anything. So all-in-all it's a dream come true. If your looking for forgiveness than consider yourself forgiven."

Luna looked at me and smiled as a couple of dears ran down her cheeks. She than surprised me by jumping foreword and wrapping her hooves around my neck in a hug. "Thank you." She said in a quivering voice.

"Hey! Whats going on?" I heard Rainbow Dash say from behind me.

Luna broke away from her hugging me with a blush. "O-o-o-oh, um well. Yo-you see-"

"Luna got here just after I killed the Ursa Minor and she was checking me to make sure I'm uninjured." Ha! I just saved her purple ass.

"Oh yes, that's exactly it." Well, at leased she went along with it.

"You- you killed him?" Fluttershy stuttered, teary eyed and all.

God damn, how much of a pussy can you be? "Of course I killed him! It was him or me after all." They all nodded in understanding at my reasoning. "Oh, it was also fun." I stated with a smile. I think I just scared all of them exempt Luna judging by the look on there faces.

"Rrrrraaaaaaooorrrrr" My ear twitched to the left, in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

I smiled. "Sounds like mama bear's on her way."

"Mama bear?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Yup." I replied. "Ursa Major."

Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie looked worried, while Luna and Twilight looked scared shitless, but I just kept on smiling sadistically.

"We need to call Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Hell no!" I shouted. "You call Celestia and I'l punch you into next month!"

"WHAT?! You expect us to fight an Ursa Major without her!?"

"No I don't Twilight." I told her. "I expect you 7 to leave and let me deal with this."

"Just what does that mean?" Rainbow asked. "Are you saying you don't think we can handle ourselves?"

"Rrrraaaaaaaoooooorrrr!" My ears twitched again.

That's not what I'm saying at all. You six are the Spirits of the Elements of Harmony. I know you can hold your own in most situations." I told the headstrong Pegasus. "What I'm saying is that you'll just get in my way."

That triggered her. "WHAT? Get in your way? Like hell! If anything you'll just get in OUR way!" Oh you silly silly little Rainbow. You just don't understand do you?

"No Rainbow." Luna said. "He's right. If we were to join him when he engages the Ursa Major in combat than we would just be forcing him to hold back."

This astonished all of them. "What? But, he doesn't even have any magic!"

"What?" I said in confusion.

"You told me that you were born without magic!"


"Aghhh!" I shouted agitated. "Look. I don't have time to explain so I'll make you deal with you."

Twilight stepped forward. "Okay. What's your proposal?"

I growled, hating myself for what I'm about to offer. "You all can either stay or go, it's your choice. But if you stay you have to keep out of my way while I make the star bear go supernova."

I got curious looks from all but Luna, who also noticed the others faces. "A Supernova is what the death cycle of a star is called."

Looks of realization dawned on all there poor, innocent little faces. Fluttershy started to cry though, "What a fucking pussy!" I thought.

"Y-You can't kill it! That's horrible to even think about."

"Well get the FUCK over it! If you don't like it than leave!" I am thoroughly tired of this shit.

"B-b-but, that's murder! It's not right to take another life!" Fuck it, this pink maned bitch is pissing me off!

I turned to her, my pupils nothing but a thin streak of black in a sea of blood red rage. Approaching her menacingly, I talk, "Listen to me you yellow furred pussy, you haven't the strength courage or conviction to stand up to me, so I'm telling you now. You can either do the smart thing and run like a cowered, or you can stay and watch my slaughter that over grown rug like the animal it is. Or, you can keep pissing me off, and join my parents as a pool of giblets and blood!" She is now a shivering mess of fear so thick i could taste it, and looking back at her friends I give them the same options, "All of you have that choice," Snarling, and giving them a good look at the razor like teeth in my mouth. "now I highly recommend, that all of you run!" To emphasize my point, I slam my hoof into the ground, creating a lowed CRACK. Turning around, I expect them to imitate the timberwolfs from before and run, however...

"Buck no!" Of course the rainbow would be like this. "You think that we would just up and leave after you threatened one of our dearest friends! Wel-"

Interrupting her, I say emotionless, "I was hoping."

"Well yah can forget it!" And the apple is with her, fan fucking tastic! "Im sure i speak for all of us when I say, We're staying!"

A chorus of cheers follows her, exempt for one. Without turning around I say, "Sounds like the cowered doesn't agree with the group."

"Please," Fluttershy whispers, "I don't care what you do to me. Just don't kill the Ursa."

"Shut the fuck up. I already told you the deal, if you don't stay out of my way, than you better be prepared to die, because I don't know if I will be able to control my anger."

"You're a monster..." Twilight whispered in horror.

"And you can blow me. I don't give a shit."

"Your birth was a mistake!" ... What? "Your parents must be ashamed of you!" H-...How did she...? "You entire family probably wants to forget the day you were conceived!"

"I don't have any family..." I stated wistfully.

Twilight was unrelenting. "I'm not surprised, you probably just killed them like you did your parents! You must have been hated from the day you were born." Huh, I guess i don't like all pain after all. Because all thous words she just spoke, all thous cold, truthful words hurt. and they hurt deep.

"Twilight Sparkle! You need to apologize, RIGHT NOW!"

"What!? Why should I apolo-"

"No Luna." I interrupted. "She doesn't need to apologize, all she did was speak the truth."

"But she doesn't know you, or what you've been through!"

"So? All she did was speak the truth." I can hear the Ursas foot steps now. "She did, however miss one little detail." With my eyes closed, I turn my head so that one eye is facing them, "She forgot to add, that I was the product..." Opening my eyes I say, "of a NIGHTMARE!" I tun my head towards where the Ursa is coming from, just in time to see it stomp its way over the trees and release a mighty roar.

"And now its time I spread some despair!"