The Nightmares Fear

by LunarGaurd

First published

What happens when a unicorn with no magic by birth, gets possessed?

So you wanna know more about me eh'? Well strap in, it's gonna be a wild ride. After all, I'm a Unicorn with no magic, who made a wish to the full moon. What could possibly go wrong?


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Another dreamless sleep. That's all I ever have though, so I'm used to it.

"Sweetie?" That must be my mother. "Sweetie it's time to get up." Better do what she says.

"Alright mother, I'm up. You can stop pestering me." I heard her giggle in that soft voice of hers.

"Okay hun, just come and get some breakfast before it gets cold." She told me as she trotted away.

Once I heard my door close I got out of bed and let loos a yawn as I stretched. When I was done with that I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. There is no mirror in there do to specific things about me that I don't like being reminded about. But that's not the point, so I brushed my teeth and then went down stairs to eat breakfast. I could smell what it was long before I could see it.

"Mmmmm. Hay-bacon and eggs with Prench toast." Apparently, my mother and father both heard me as they both chuckled.

When I walked into the kitchen with a smile on my face my father decided to speak up. "Well, our little Unicorn sure looks happy. Good nights sleep I take it?" Then his eyes widened in realization at what he said, and I got a sinking in my stomach and instantly got depressed. "Oh my Celestia. Son I'm so sorry, I just-"

"Don't," I interrupted him. "*sigh* I need to get ready for school."

"But what about your breakfast?" My mother asked with a slight hint of concern.

My stomach growled at the thought of food. "Not hungry." I said as I made my way back up the stairs.

When I got to the top of the stairs I did't go to my room to pack, after all, I still had an hour before I need to start walking in order to get there on time. Instead, I when to my parents Master Bedroom's restroom, the only room in the house that has a mirror. I often do this when I'm reminded that I'm a Unicorn. Why, you ask?

Because I have no magic.

No really I'm not joking, I don't even have enough magic to give me a cutie mark. So not only am I a Unicorn that cant use magic, but I'm also a blank-flank for life. So yeah, that's just awesome. This of course leads me to be bullied a lot, both in and out of school. In all honesty the only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because of what it would to to my parents. It would destroy them. I'm an only child so it would be that much worse on them, and that is the last thing they deserve.

My mother and father are the best ponies on Equis. My mother is kind and gentle, but not afraid to stand up and speak her mind if she needs to. My father is bold, confident, courageous, and caring. he would gladly die himself if it meant his family could live. So I guess you could say I'm to much of a pussy to kill myself on top of everything else.

And back on the subject of not getting a cutie mark, this also means that I'm not especially great at anything. Just average at everything.

Well, I've been siting hear thinking to my self for long enough. I should probably get ready for school now. So I got up and left for my room to pack the things I need, but I can't help but fell like I'm forgetting something... "Eh, I'm sure it'll come to me eventually, it can't be that important if I forgot it." I say to myself as I leave my room and and head to the door with my saddle bags hiding my blank-flank. "Bye mom, bye dad! I'm off to school!"

"Oh! Would you like one of us to walk you there, sweetie?" My mother called.

"No thanks!" I replied as I walked out of the house and closed the door behind me.


After walking for about 20 minutes, I finally arrived at the school house and I almost immediately spotted my only two friends. "Hey guys! Over here!" I called to them. They turned and there face lit up in surprise.

"SPECTRAL?!" they yelled as they galloped over to me. "What are you doing here!?" Midnight Star shouted at me once she reached me.

"I'm going to school...?" I replied curiously. "Is there any reason why I shouldn't?"

"YES!" Thunderbolt whisper-shouted at me.

"And that would be...?" I said, getting a little impatient.

They shot each other worried looks and then turned to me and spoke in union. "It's cutie-mark show and tell day."

With that news, (Witch was what I was forgetting earlier) my demeanor changed from semi-cheery, to chronically depressed. And as I turned to make a run for it, the bell rang signalling the start of class. "Oh no."

"Come on, Spectral." Midnight Star said, "We'll hide you in the back of the class so you will have less of a chance to be picked." Thunderbolt nodded his agreement.

"Alright, lets go before we're late for class." I said glumly.


After we got through the main lesson plan for the day, we had enough time for three show and tells. I was in the back right corner of the room, with the teachers view of me blocked by my friends.

"Alright class," Mr.Stein said. "we have enough time left to finish off our cutie-mark show and tell with are final three students, Midnight Star, Thunderbolt, and Spectral Nightmare. Midnight, your up first."

As she got up she whispered "Sorry" back at me and I scooted over to the side to hide fully behind Thunder.

And as Midnight reached the front of the class to tell us how... I'm sorry, I just realized that I haven't told you what me and my friends look like. Well, Midnight Star is a unicorn and has a midnight purple (imagine that) coat and a dark blue mane with golden eyes. Her cutie mark is a star with the full moon above it, this means that when she puts on a performance for entertainment (things like song, dance or a play) at night she will be a star. Of course my perverted male mind immediately thought "Strip dance" when I herd that.

Thunderbolt is a Pegasus and has a sort of faded shadow-black coat and an unkempt windswept stormy-gray mane with electric blue eyes. His cutie mark is a circle of electricity with a lightning bolt in the center. He got it when he did a variation of the mythical 'Sonic Rainboom'. Essentially he wanted to know his limits, as in just how fast he can go. So he started flying faster and faster, a mach cone started to form and he kept on flying when it broke there was an extreme explosive sound and a ring of crackling electricity expanding in all directions. Thunderbolt himself looked as though he was a living lightning bolt. When he landed and looked back at what he made, he decided to call it a Thunder Blast.

Me on the other hoof, unlike them, I don't really have a theme in my color scheme besides bland. I have a tan coat and a bleached white mane with brown eyes. And as you know I'm a unicorn without magic and a black-flank for life. Not much else to say about me.

So, after Midnight and Thunder did there cutie mark show and tell it was my turn, but thankfully Mr.Stein hadn't seen me yet so it looked like I was home free. That is, until Hockey Puck spoke up, (He's the class bully along side his pals who's names I can never remember, so I just call them Bitch 1 and Bitch 2.) "Spectral is in the back corner Mr.Stein!"

"Ah, thank you Hockey. Spectral, would you please come up and show us your cutie mark?" That's it, I officially HATE Hockey. He has bullied and beaten me in the past, but at least back then It was just him and his goons. Now the entire class will probably be bullying me.

"Do I have to?" I asked pathetically.

"Yes. Why? Is there any specific reason why you don't want to?"

I was about to answer but Midnight and Thunder beat me to it, "I'll have you know know that there IS a reason why, but his reasons are his own!" Midnight started.

"And if he doesn't want to share then he doesn't have to!" Thunder finished.

Did I mention I have two amazing friends?

"I'm sorry but he does." Mr.stein persisted.

Apparently Hockey got impatient, "Ya, you two. Let the Blank show us his Flank!" I could feel myself getting mad. Very mad. And my anger just kept growing.

"Oh please, Hockey. Do you honestly expect us to believe he's a Blank Flank at his age?" (I'm 15 btw) Said Mr.Stein. "So, Spectral. Will you please get up here and tell us about your cutie mark?"

My anger had reached a boiling point so I did as asked and went up to the front of the class. But rather then get in front of everypony, I stopped at the front row next to Hockey's desk and quickly wiped the smug smile of his face when I turned, bucked, and with a sharp CRACK, knocked him unconscious and left him with a split skull bleeding on the floor. As I exited the class, I made sure everypony had a good view of my blank flank.

The students were to shocked to do anything, but the teacher barley got his wits together in time to stop me from leaving the class.

"Hey! Spectral wait!" He called out, "You can't just do something like this and leave! You have to-" I wasn't having any of it.

I turned around, with fury burning in my eyes and stomped up to him, forcing him to back into a corner and tremble slightly in fear, "NO! I WILL leave! You will NOT try and stop me, and if you DO!? You will end up JUST. LIKE. HIM! I am tired of the BULLSHIT that is my life and for once I WILL get what I want! So leave...



With my message... Clearly, instilled in there minds, I left without any further interruptions.

Making a Wish

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After the fiasco at school I went straight home, fuming in anger the entire time. My parents were concerned when they saw me come in and stomp my way up the stairs and go to my room. While in there all I did was pace around, trying to think of some way to get magic as every unicorn should have.

Then it hit me.

Tonight is the 'Longest Day of the Thousandth Year'. The day that Nightmare Moon was supposed to escape from her prison on the moon with the stars aid. If I make a wish to the moon, asking for magic as she is escaping, then she might hear me. If she does than she will probably try and strike a deal with me in exchange for granting me magic, and if that's the case than I'll improvise. "Ya, that's it. I will get magic TONIGHT. I'll do anything..."


I waited the rest of the day, never once leaving my room. Not even to eat or use the restroom. My parent came in at some point to talk to me but I ignored them. They eventually left but I don't know exactly when.


Finally, the sun has gone down and the moon has risen. As the moon rises into the sky my eyes never once leave it.

Now that the moon as reached it's peek, I see four stars start to slowly make there way towards it. As time passes they start to move faster until they reach the moon and the craters that makeup the mare in the moon flash, then disappear. This is it. I think to my self, She's escaping, it's now or never.

Then, I start to try and project my thoughts to the moon. Nightmare Moon! I know you can here me, and I have a request for you! I waited for a hole ten seconds, but it felt like a couple of minutes. My anticipation altering my perception of time. I almost gave up hope until I heard her.

Oh? And what might that be, hm? She spoke to me in my head.

I wish for you to give me magic. I thought to her.

Oh? And do you think I'm just going to give you magic without asking for something in return?

No, I fully expected you to ask something of me. And I'm fully prepared to give you anything you may ask for.

Really? Well, I do suppose I could use a right-hoof pony. So, you wish to make a deal with the devil, so to speak?

Yes. I said confidently.

Well then, I'll tell you what. You become my right-hoof pony after I defeat the Elements of Harmony, and give me control over your body for ten minutes, and i'll give you more magic then you could ever imagine.

Serving as her right-hoof? Better then being a slave. Getting more magic then I could ever imagine? Hell ya. But giving her control over my body? Not so sure about that. She apparently noticed my hesitation.

Come on, you know you want to. I've seen into your past, Spectral. How you've been bullied, made fun of. Beaten. If you take my deal, you'll never have to deal with any of that ever again. And your friends? They are only your friends because they don't want to seem like horrible ponies by 'ditching' you. When they really only crave that, and have nothing do do with you ever, again.

My only two friends want to ditch me? I, suppose it makes sense, nopony would want to be associated with a runt like me... You have yourself a deal Nightmare Moon. Take my body for ten minutes and give me the magic you've promised me.

Hmhmhmhmhm. Excellent. She said from directly behind me.

I yelped and turned around with blinding speed, only to see purple smoke surround me. Then the only thing I new was pain, I screemed so loud that the entire town probably heard me.

Then... Nothing.

I lost consciousness and my world went black.

I heard nothing.

I felt nothing.

I smelled nothing.

I tasted nothing.

I saw nothing......


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bang. What?

Bang. What was that?

Bang. What was that? Whats going on?

CRASH!!! I woke with a start and sat up. My eyes had a panicked look in them with adrenaline flowing through my veins. Because of the adrenaline I was able to quickly asses my surroundings to figure out ware I am.

What I found disturbed me.

I was in MY room. But not my room. All my furniture was nothing but piles of ashes, and the walls, floor and ceiling were burned and charred. The door was also nothing but splinters. My window was just scattered shards of glass.

On either side of the door-way, there was a large splatter of blood. Both had... chunks of pony.

Then there was the most disturbing part.

When I saw this, I didn't cringe, I didn't gag or puke.

I smiled. It brought me joy to see this. I don't know why but I felt like I had accomplished something, even though I would never do something like this.

"Hello?" That sounded like the guards. "Is anypony here?" Shit, if they see me like this then they will surly blame me and I would have no way to defend myself. I gotta get out of here! I quickly take another look around the room to try and find a quick exit. That's when my eyes land on my window. ...

Fuck it, it's my best bet. With that thought in mind I jumped out of my 2nd story window and fell 20 feet, right onto a bunch of shattered glass. "GAH!" Damn this hurts, and because of that I naturally smiled. Wha- Whats wrong with me? I like pain now?

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!" Shit, the guards. Gotta run NOW! I looked around. GHA! Where can I go that the guards wont follow me? Then it dawned on me. The Everfree. I looked over to the Forests trees on the horizon. Shit. It's my best bet. Fuck my life man fuck it. With that happy thought, I took of running in the direction of the forest, hoping that once I reach it the guards wont follow me in.

And before you ask. Yes. It hurts like hell running with a bunch of glass in your side. But I liked it, a lot. As I was running, the pain got to a breaking point ware as I was running I couldn't stop laughing.

I'm not sure how long I was running for, but I know it was at least half an hour, and that just got me TO the forest. I kept running for another half hour after that, so now I was deep in the forest.

I have no supplies.

No food.

No water.

I'm a fugitive in my own town.

And I'm lost in the Everfree...

At night...

"What could go wrong?"

Two Years.... Damn, I should be dead.

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Two years.

I've wandered through the Everfree for two years strait.

Now your probably wondering how I'm still alive. Right? With all those Timberwolfs, Manticores and Celestia knows what else that's out here.


I never encountered anything. Not another living soul. There were no monsters, animals or abominations.

Never a single sound after the only thing I encountered ran of with its wooden tail between. That's right, I found a Timberwolf on my second day here.

It took one look at me and got ready to pounce...

Until it sniffed the air. Then it got a panicked look in its beady yellow eyes, whimpered and turned tail and ran as fast as it could. I also saw a puddle of tree sap where it was a second ago. "Okaaayyyyy... stepping around that." I thought to myself.

But after that, nothing. The only sounds I heard were the ones I made myself.

Not much happened besides that, not anything worth mentioning anyway. That lasted for about one and a half years...


I've been walking for a year and a half and still nothing. The only weird thing that happened sense that Timberwolf is that I seem to never be getting tired, scared, nervous, or really feeling anything.

That is, until this day.

Today I felt a sort of, tugging. It started out small but steadily grew and I drew closer to the source. I tried to ignore it at first but after five minutes I couldn't stand it any more, I took off running in the direction the pulling sensation was telling me to.

My speed was impossible, everything was a blur of color blending together so I couldn't describe my surroundings if I tried. But I also wasn't paying very much attention to my surroundings either.

After sprinting for a solid five minutes, the pulling just suddenly stopped. When it did I also tried to immediately stop, but do to my speed I was unable to do so and was sent as a fumbling ball of pony into something solid.

I was dazed for a second after that, but when I got my bearings again I looked up at what I ran into, and was amazed that I wasn't unconscious or dead.

It was a decayed stone wall. I don't know how fast I was running, but it was fast. Very fast. And I also know that running into a stone wall at that speed, and staying conscious, was impossible. Or so I thought.

Well, regardless of that, the pulling sensation stopped and now I need to find out where I am and what it was leading me to. Do do this I backed up a little bit till I could see over the wall. What I saw caused me to gasp.

They were castle ruins. I don't believe it. I thought to myself. IT'S A DAMN CASTLE FOR LUNAS SAKE!!! HOW DID IT GET IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST!? This is just insane. Well my entire life has become the very definition of insane by now so I might as well explore it.


Well, that was uneventful. I explored the entire castle, exempt this last door, and that's because I can't open it. I've examined every detail of the door before when I first found it but discovered nothing that could open the door. After that lost cause I looked through the rest of the castle and found nothing of interest.

So here I am, back at the door to see if I missed something before. After another ten minutes of searching, I finally found something. There is a whole in the middle of the door, about head height. It looks to be about the perfect circumference for a horn as well... Wait a minute, I thought I read somewhere about a magical signal lock enchantment to create a door that takes a certain type of magic to open. Could this be one of thous locks? Then I remembered something, DAMN IT! I can't use magic. Again, my birth disability is keeping me from doing something. Why does this always happen?! As I turned and walked away, I remembered something that Nightmare Moon said, I will give you more magic then you can possibly imagine. Well, now is a good a time as any to see if she was telling the truth.

I closed my eyes and focused, I never used magic before but I've read multiple books on different techniques to access your magic. My personal favorite is the 'star' technique. It's where you look inside of yourself and feel for source of power, that when found will 'look' like a star made of magic. The larger the star the more magic you have.

I decided to try this, so I focused my mind to searching my inner self. Looking for the star of magic.

I don't know how long I was searching, but I do know that I was about to give up. But then I found it.

I was only expecting my star to be nothing but a spark if it was even there.

Boy, was I wrong.

A Supernova would be a more accurate description of how much magic I have at my disposal. Seeing this, I felt powerful. For once in my life, I was unstoppable, untouchable even!

And a perfect test of my new found power will be busting the lock on this damn door that has caused me so much trouble. With that thought in mind, I turned around and shoved my horn in the hole and activated my magic.

Big mistake.

As I reached out to 'touch' my magic, it felt cold. It's supposed to be warm, not cold as ice. But that was only a minor thing, the door did open thankfully, but the next and final thing that happened was a flashback, to two and a half years ago. Right after I got possessed...

(Third person view)

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Spectral screamed, alerting his parents that something is wrong. As they ran to there son, hoping to help him through whatever is causing him pain, his scream turned into a dark and almost demonic laugh. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!" This only caused them to run faster, and as they called his name again they saw the door to his room explode outwards into splinters.

As they entered Spectrals room, they didn't see there son. Instead they saw.... somepony, but it wasn't anypony they or there son knew. This new Unicorn had a Jet-Black coat that was cut off at the fetlock in a spiky fashion, exposing his Blood-Red hooves. His teeth were pointy and looked ready to shred his pray into a bloody mess, his horn was a longer then average six inches and has a tip that would be more befitting that of a spear than a horn, it also had an eerie crimson glow. His mane is a mohawk that starts with a Midnight-Blue color and grew into a Blood-Red, and his tail was in a flowing spiky style with the same colors as his mane. His eyes were the most frighting.

Oh sweet merciful Celestia, thous eyes.

For starters they have slit pupils. Then there was the corneas, witch are a piercing Blood-Red that seemed to stare into your vary soul. But the whites of the eye are the worst, because they weren't white. They are the same Blood-Red as the cornea, giving the illusion of a soulless being that would strike you down in cold blood and smile, watching as the life drains from your eyes, then make the last thing you hear his dark laugh.

No, this isn't a pony. This is a monster.

"What have you done with our son you monster!?" Spectrals mother yelled.

"Monster? Mother you hurt me! Don't you recognize your own son?" The pony mocked.

"NO! You're not my son! Where is he?!"

"Why, he's right here. Well, not here per say as much as this is his new and improved body. Courtesy of me of course. He needed something a bit more sturdy then what he had previously in order to hold all the dark magic I gave him."

"What are you talking about?" Spectrals dad said. "Our son has no magic. And who are you anyway?"

"Who? Little old me? Why, if you took a little more interest in your child's personal studies then perhaps you would know that wouldn't you?"

"Who. Are. You."

"Fine, I suppose I could tell you. I'm Nightmare Moon!" Both parents gasped.

"Wha-? But your just an old ponies tail! How did you get into our son!?" Spectrals mother shouted.

"Well, it's quite simple really. He knew about the legend and thought he'ed take a chance. So when I was escaping he prayed for me to come to him and I did. I was his last resort after all. So we made a deal. I get control of his body for ten minutes, and his complete loyalty when I take over Equestria as my right hoof pony, and I give him unimaginable magical power!"

Both parents were shocked into silence with there mouths wide open.

There was a slight ringing in the background.

"Well, it would seem our time together is at an end! I would tell you to enjoy the eternal night but you'll be to dead to do that. So I guess this is farewell! With that Spectrals horn grew a layer of black along with the crimson glow surrounding his horn, and with little effort through out a bubble of black magic. When this bubble hit Spectrals parents they were pushed up against the wall, flattening them till they popped in a bloody pulp.

And then Spectral blacked out.

(Spectrals POV)

When my vision returned to normal, I was on the floor crying. I killed my parents? I thought. Is that why I felt satisfaction and accomplishment when I saw what was left of there bodies? I cried harder with that thought, and I continued to cry for an hour.

Once I was done, I made myself a promise. A promise that I hope I will never have to break for any reason. Why do I get the feeling that I wont be able to keep it? It was a disturbing thought but true. I did get that feeling and I don't like it. This promise is that I'll never use my magic as long as I live. Ever.

After I made the promise I decided to see what I got for my trouble.



"THREE BOOKS!?!?!?!?!" I shouted, infuriated. I was forced to watch myself kill my parents for a few books. Three damn books. These better be some DAMN good books. I thought as I approached them.

The room was perfectly preserved. The walls were made of Sun-Stone, a jewel that emits warmth and a little bit of yellow light. The roof and floor were made of Moon-Stone, this is a gem that emits a slight cold and seems to absorb light. With these to gems mixed to create one room, it made for quite an interesting affect. The glow from the Sun-Stone is being absorbed by the Moon-Stone, created the affect of a dimming light that's brightest on the outside and dimmest on the inside. It looked quite beautiful.

The books are on three pedestals. The pedestals seemed to be made up of an alloy of Moon-Stone and Sun-Stone, causing light to pulse out of them every few seconds. Well, I might as well read them. I went through hell to get here after all.

The first book is bound in black leather with stars doting the surface, the book is also about six inches thick. The title is on the side the binding and is as follows, Dark Magic Compendium - Starswirl the Bearded.

I suppose that might be useful. When I went to open it I found that it was written in some strange foreign language that I cant understand. Or not...

The second book is made of magic metal. This is a black metal that will only move for somepony with a certain magical signature and can be grouped with multiple magical signatures, but if it isn't aligned with at least one signature it will move for anypony. The title of this book is The Alicorn Handbook - Everything known about Alicorns. I didn't even try to open this book because of the material it's made of.

The final book is made of iron. The title of the book is Equestrian to old Equestrian language guide. When I opened this book I realized something... This is the same language that the first book is written in. That's convenient.

I took a few steps black and examined the books again. after a cupple of minutes I sighed, "Well, might as well start reading...." So I went towards the dictionary and began memorizing it.

I did that for about a month and finally got it entirely in my head, so now I can fluently speak, read, and translate old Equestrian. Well, now I can read the dark magic book. I thought.

Four months. FOR MONTHS it took me to memorize that book, but it was worth it. I got some valuable insight. For example, I found out that I have dark magic. So now I know what I can do with my magic if I ever need to use it as a LAST RESORT!!!! Emphasis on last. I haven't forgotten my promise to myself.

After an hour or so of wondering what to do, I figure I'll try and open the Alicorn book. Well, I thought, Here goes nothing... I put my hoof on the book and griped the cover...

Holy shit it opened! Well, Now I have something else to read. It's about the same size as the language book so it should take about the same amount of time to memorize as well.

I was right about that btw. After one month of reading I had the books' information stuck in my long term memory.

And now we're where we were before that not-so-little recap of the two years I spent in the Everfree.

So here I am...

In the library of a decaying castle...


Alone with nothing but my though-"Are ya sure we should be here twi?"

"Of course! I've read every book in the castle library. The only books I haven't read are in here."

"Hold on girls! My Pinkie Sense is telling me something!"


Five Ponies and a Fake Princess

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"Hold on girls! My Pinkie Sense is telling me something!"


"Aghhhh! What is it now Pinkie?"

"Oooohhhhh! It's a combo! Twitchy tail, ear flop, shivering spine, dwy tong!"

"And whats that one?"

"It means we're near something or somepony super duper powerful and creepy!"

"So what? It doesn't matter how powerful they are! We can take em'! Right AJ?"

"You know it!"

"Okay girls, lets just go get the books and get back to Ponyville before the Timberwolfs come back."

What the hell? I thought. Who are they? I can here hoofsteps getting closer now. Shit! Gotta hide! Before I could find a suitable spot slink into they said more.

"Huh? I don't remember this door being here before." Oh no... "And it..." They can't be talking about.... "Wont..." Don't say it, DON'T SAY IT!!! "Move!" DAMN IT!!

"Here, let us help."

"Thanks girls."

I will not let them open that door. I thought as I made my way towards the door that put me through hell.

As I rounded the last corner I came up beside and about 15 feet away from the ponies trying to get into the room that has been my home for the 6 months.

There is one Unicorn, two Pegasi, two earth ponies, and one alicorn. I don't recognize the Alicorn so she must not be a princess.

The Unicorn mare has a pristine white coat and a lavishly styled royal purple mane and tail. Her cutie mark is three crystal blue diamonds. Looks like a noble. I thought.

The first of the Pegasi is a butter yellow color with a long rose ping mane and tail. Her cutie mark is three blue butterflies with rose pink wings.

The second Pegasus is a sky blue with a rainbow mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a cloud with a multicolored lighting bolt.

The first Earth Pony has a Bubble Gum pink coat with a darker pink mane. Her cutie mark is three balloons, two blue and one yellow with vise versa on the strings.

The second Earth Pony mare is orange with a blond mane and tail put up in a ponytail with red elastic bands and a stetson cowgirl hat.

The Alicorn is lavender in color with a dark purple mane and tail, each with a stripe of pink and another shade of purple. Her cutie mark is a six point star with another, smaller white six point star behind it and sparkles doted around that.

"Gah!" The blue pegasus started. "Dumb door! Why wont it move?!"

"I don't know." The alicorn said, "It's strange, The door isn't even made up of a heavy material!"

I decided to step in now. "It wont open because I'm the only one that can move it!" My voice echoed around making the source unknown to the six ponies

They all gasped at once and turned around, "Who said that!?" The rainbow one shouted, "Come on show yourself!"

"I'm over here." I said, this time quiet enough that it didn't echo. Immediately all six heads snapped towards my direction. But I was to far for them to make out any details.

"Oh ya?" The blue pegasus said snidely, "And why's that huh!?"

"Because it's made up of magic metal." I said.

"Magic metal? I've never heard of that. What is it?" The alicorn spoke.

"Magic metal is a material that is as light as a feather but is impossible to move unless you have the right amount of magic as well as the right magical signature." I informed them.

"Well, now that I know what it is." The alicorn spoke again. "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Inquisitive one ain't you?" Its slightly annoying. "Probably because it hasn't been used sense the pre-classical era."

"Ya ya ya. Enough chit chat!" I'm beginning to think the blue pegasus is a bit impatient. "Lets get to the point here. Who are you?!"


"Irrelevant?!" Ya, definitely not liking the rainbow. "You better tel us your name punk! Or-"

"Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow Dash huh. Well, the name suits her. "Will ya'll calm yourself?!" The orange earth pony turned towards me. "Now, will ya kindly tell us you name?"

"Will you stop trying to break into my home?"

It's clear they were all a little shocked by my question. The alicorn regained her wits quickest. "What do you mean, 'Your home'?"

"That door you were trying to open has been my home for the last six months." I closed my eyes and approached them, stopping five feet away. "And I'll ask you nicely only once to leave me be before I force you to."

"Oh ya!?" This sounds like Rainbow Dash. "Is that a challenge?" I nod. "HA! I could beat you with both my wings tied behind my back!"

"If you believe that then you're a fool." I told her. "You should never over-estimate your own abilities. That could cause the downfall of the best of warriors."

"Well, even if I couldn't take you on my own. I got my friends to back me up! There's no way you could take all six of us at once!" Okay, that's it. I'm fed up with her egotistic attitude and boasting personality.

"Wanna bet?" I challenged. I heard a chorus of, "YA!"s in reply. "Fine. I'll make you a deal. If the combined power of all six of you can get me in my back in sixty seconds, I'll let one of you into my room and I'll tell you my name. If you fail then you leave without a fight. Agreed?"

"You bet!"

"Darn toot'n!"

"You're on!"

"Yes indeedilly!"

"Of course Darling."


"Okay than. Your time starts now!"

Instantly I felt two hooves slam into my chest with a surprising amount of force, causing me no pain but I did lean back slightly. "Huh?" Apparently it was Rainbow Dash that hit me.

"You sound confused." I snidely replied. Ten seconds.

Rainbow Dash retreated and I soon felt two more hooves hit me in the chest with much more force than before, forcing me back a cupple feet but not onto my back. I chuckled, "Ha! That tickled!"

"How in tarnation?" 30 seconds.

I than felt magic encompass my body, lifting me of the ground. "Try and get out of this!"

"Okay." I activated my trap card, the last trick up my sleeve, and opened my eyes.

This shocked all of them and cut the levitation spells connection to the caster, dropping me back on my hooves. "Well ladies, that's sixty seconds. It appears you've lost, so get lost."

They just stood there staring in a state of shock.

This lasted about five minutes before they snapped out of it. "What are you?" The alicorn said with no small amount of fear.

"A unicorn who went through hell." I replied.

Rainbow Dash spoke next. "We- we lost."

The orange pony is the new speaker. "Well, a deal's a deal. We'll leave you alone."

I decided to give them a little treat. "Hold it." I said as they started to walk away, stopping them in there tracks. "I'll be nice and at least let us get introductions out of the way before you leave." They brightened up at that. "You start."

"Okay, well, I'm AppleJack. I manage Sweet apple acurs, home of Equestrias best apples!"

"I'm Rainbow Dash! Fastest pegasus, future wonderbolt, and only pony capable of a Sonic-Rainboom!"

"I'm Rarity. Ponyvilles best fashionista and designer extraordinaire."

"I'm Pinkie Pie! Super-duper-party-pony!"

"I'm Fluttershy."

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestias star protege, Ponyvilles librarian, and Princess of Magic."

Well Twilight's a liar. "Liar."

Everypony was shocked again, until Twilight spoke. "WHAT!?"

"I said you're a liar. There are only three princesses and you are not one of them." I calmly replied.

"Who are you to say? You don't know who I am!" She angrily retorted.

"Exactly." This got a confused look from all of them. "*Sigh* If you were a princess then my book would have said so."

"Huh? What book." Twilight asked.

"*Sigh* Let me just show you." I walked into my room, leaving the door open so the others can look in.

For a minute I just stood there, basking in the cool feeling thrum from the floor while listening to the light hum coming from the pedestals. After a minute I grabbed the alicorn book from the middle pedestal and left the room, closing the door behind me.

All eyes are on me now, exempt Twilights who is staring intently at the book clenched in my jaws. Her gaze followed it all the way to the ground.

" 'The Alicorn Handbook - Everything known about Alicorns'? What's this?" Twilight asked.

"It's just as the title says. It is an enchanted book with every known bit of knowledge on all six existing alicorns." I told her. "Oh, and don't try and open it. The cover is made of magic metal."

"Well, what does it say!?" She shouted, slightly panicking.

"The six ponies it talks about is Sunburst, Guardian of the living. Moonshine, Guardian of the dead. Together those two are the Guardians of fate. Then there is Princess Celestia, Goddess of the sun, Queen of the day, and Master of Diplomacy. Princess Luna, Goddess of the moon, Queen of dreams, and Master of Combat. Princess Mi Amora Cadenza, The Crystal Princess, Queen of Riches, and Master of Love."

"Then then there's you. Twilight Sparkle, Spirit of the Element of Magic and Master of Magic. The book says nothing about you being a princess."

"Wha- Hu- Bu-"

"So, nice try but you can't fool me into thinking your a princess."

And once again, the six are staring at me in shock. I looked out the window near by to see that it's dark out. "Well, you six should probably be leaving about now. It's dark and I'm sure you have family that's worried about you and/or jobs to do in the morning. With that I bid you all farewell."

"Wait, what!?" Damn it Twilight, "We are not gonna travel through the forest at night! We'll get killed!"

"Oh for the love of- *Sigh* Fine if I escort you out a here will you go?" I asked them.

"What makes you think you'll survive the night out there? Huh!?" STFU Rainbow.

"Because I walked through the forest for three and a half years and only came across one lone Timberwolf who ran with it's tail between it's legs when it saw me."

"Fine." Thank Celestia, "But only if you tell us who you are first." My right eye twitched.

"Why are you so insistent on knowing my damn name!?" Seriously Rainbow, WTF?

"I'm not going to walk though the Everfree at night with somepony I don't know."

"*Sigh* Fine. My name is Spectral Nightmare. Happy?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

"Good, then lets get a move on. I want to get this done and over with."

With that I walked towards the exit, the others following shortly after.

As we approached the archway leading to the woods we started to hear the howls of a pack of Timberwolfs. The girls started shaking behind me and huddled together while I walked forward emotionless. When I crossed under the archway the howls instantly stopped and I found myself and the girls surrounded by a half-circle of Timberwolfs.

The girls are cowering like they expect the wolfs to pounce on them at any second, but walking firewood hadn't even noticed them yet. Instead they had there eyes locked on me with a slightly fearful expression while slowly backing away, as thou slow movements would keep me from noticing what there doing. "Scram!" I shouted in a commanding tone. The all at once the wolfs bolted, turning into brown blurs.

I looked back at the girls to judge there reaction, and they were staring at me in shock again. I'm beginning to sense a reoccurring theme here... "What are you all staring at? We need to move, now." I told them, and we continued our trek.

While we walked, the girls were talking behind me about various things. Rainbow was telling Fluttershy about some new tricks, Pinkie was telling AppleJack about parties she had planed, and Twilight was talking to Rarity about magic.

This continued for a while until Twilight thought I needed to join the conversation.

"So Spectral," She began, "How much do you know about magic?"

"*Sigh* Almost everything." I replied, short and sweet.

"Oh? And why is that?" Nosy fucker.

"I've spent all my free time sense I was 7 with my muzzle in a book."

"Oh great." Rainbow commented, "Another egghead." Everypony ignored her.

"Really!?" Damn Twilight, calm down. "What originally got you interested in magic?"

Should I tell her? Oh why not. "I was born without it."

There was silence among them. I don't even think there breathing. "WHAT!?" It seems Twilight has a nice pair of lungs. "But you're a unicorn! How could you have been born without magic?! Every unicorn has magic!"

"There are exceptions to every rule Twilight, exempt rule 34. Turns out I'm one of them." Did Rainbow and Pinkie just chuckle?

"Wha- bu- ho-" I think I broke her. "O- okay. Then what types of magic do you study?"

"Well, originally I studied whatever, but my research eventually led me to the pre-classical era, and from there I got interested in dark magic."

"WHAT!!?!?!?!??!" Twilight shut the fuck up!! My ears are fucking sensitive and I like using them! "B-B-But dark magic is forbidden! You could be executed!"

I stopped in my tracks, the world around me seemed to freeze as I let that process, until I started laughing my ass off at her ignorance. "BUAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Yo-haha-your a-ahah your an idiot!! Bahahhahah!" It became immensely clear that they had no idea where my mirth came from. "Who told you that Twilight?"

"Princess Celestia herself! How can you find all this funny?"

"Because that is total bullshit! It's not illegal to study dark magic!" I told her chuckling.

"Wha-what are you saying? That you know more than the Princess?!" Damn, Twilight sure can be demanding sometimes...

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all! What I am saying is that she lied to you!" Again they were all shacked at my accusation. "What? Did think that Celestia was some perfect goddess that could never do anything wrong?"

"Well, ya." Really Pinkie? Talk about idolization...

"Well your wrong. Hell, She and Luna are millions of years old, and I know for a fact that they have committed more wrong than every other pony combined." They gasped, I'm beginning to get used to shocking them 15 times an hour. "Come on, were almost out of the forest and I don't think ya'll want to stay in here longer then you need to."

We kept walking in silence. The ponies trailing me never said a word, probably thinking about what I said about the Princesses. After a while we left the forest and started saying our goodbyes.

"So, will we ever see you again?" Twilight, why would you want to?

"Depends," I started. "Will you ever visit the castle? If so then probably, if not then no, you wont."

"Oh, okay. See you some other time than!" Twilight ended with a smile.

"Twilight, why would you ever want to see me again?" After the way I acted then I didn't think anypony would. Guess I should have been more of a dick.

"Well, I always like making new friends!"

Now it is my turn to be shocked. Somepony wants to be my friend... I thought in disbelief, Ha, ya right. That would be the day...

"I don't have, want, nor need any friends." Twilight is officially dumbstruck. "And with that I bid you adue."

It's clear she wanted to say something, but before she could some bitch thought it would be fun to blow out my eardrums.



The Master of Combat and Fighting Stars

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When that pony shouted from directly behind me, my eyes flashed white with pain and I collapsed on the ground with my ears folding back against my head while I covered them with my hooves.

Once my ears stopped ringing and I could moderately hear again I finally opened my eyes, uncovered my ears, and stood back up again. The girls all have very concerned looks on there face while I'm just looking at them in rage.

"Who. The hell. Said that?" I asked with barley contained rage.

"Oh dear. Art thou-er, Are you okay?" A voice from behind me said.

That voice, I thought. It sounds familiar. I decided to turn around so I can look at the pony I'm gonna beat into the next millennium, but that mindset got exterminated with extreme prejudice when I saw Princess Luna herself standing there with a worried face.

I was dumbstruck. "P-P-P-Princess Luna!" I stammered, dipping into a deep bow. My mind instantly went back to what I read about the Royal Canterlot syntax as I remembered the Royal Canterlot Greeting for Princess Luna.

I walked forward silently wile still bowed. When I reached her hooves I grabbed one in mine and softly kissed it. Gently returning her hoof to the ground I backed up to a respectful distance and spoke in Old-Equestrian,"Your Highness, Goddess of the Moon, Queen of Dreams, and Master of Combat. It is my high honor to be in your presence." With that said I stayed silent and unmoving, even as I heard the whispers of the girls behind me, for it is forbidden to rise without the consent of the addressed Princess.

"Rise." She said in a slightly shocked tone.

After doing as she said, I speak in the humblest tone I can manage. "I'm very sorry for my disrespect, your highness. I wish to beg for your forgiveness."

She took a moment to respond. "What disrespect?"


I'm currently more than a little shocked here. "W-w-w-well..." I started but never finished.

"aaaaahhhhhh!" my ears started to twitch in the direction of the sound. Or in other words, to the right.

"aaaaaaahhhhhh!" Now I turned my head to look at the source of the noise. As I did, my vision sort of... Zoomed in, like a tunnel, and I clearly saw a white earth pony with a jet black mane and tail flying wildly through the air. The pony also appears to be a stallion with three baby blue quarter notes as a cutie mark. "AAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

"Shit." I whispered as my vision un-tunneled and I got confused looks from the others.

"Are you okay Spectral?" Twilight asked. The question gets an interesting reaction from Luna, because she becomes wide-eyed with horror.

"Y-y-y-you, your Spectral?" She asked while backing up a little bit. "I-,I'm sorry for-" She's tearing up now. "I must go!" With that she took of at lightning fast speeds before she teleports away. Presumably back to her chambers in the Canterlot Castle, leaving behind six stunned ponies with me.

Fluttershy was about to say something when the pony flying through the air from earlier decided to make himself known once again.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPP MMMMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" With the sound of him calling for help I took off running in his direction, finding his now descending body rather quickly.

Now almost at him, I jump into the air and catch him. I lock my body as we fall to the ground and slide/bounce for about 20 feet before stopping. I get up before him and ask him of he's alright, but he either didn't hear me or ignores me, because he just gets up and takes of running. He's still screaming but it's coherent words this time. "I JUST WANTED SOME ICE-CREEEEEAAAAAMMM!!!!!"


What the fuck? I think. I stand there for a second and watch him run confused before I hear hooves pounding on the ground approaching. I turn and see Twilight and the others running/flying towards me.

I'm about to call out to them before I hear a roar come from the horizon, where I can see a few houses in the glow of the dawn. I also see some smoke plumes rising into the sky. Somehow sensing that there are many ponies in danger I start sprinting towards the town, ignoring the cries from the ponies behind me.

I soon arrive at the center of town (I still don't know how fast I can run, but after my studies I know it is fast!). When I stopped to asses the situation I became quite surprised.

An Ursa Minor is destroying the town. I knew that they are real from the book, Not so Mythical Monsters, but to see one in-person is shocking. The thing is the size of a house on all fours, twice that when on two. It seemed to sense me like all animals apparently do, and it's eyes locked onto me while growling threateningly. I guess he's not running away like most other animals.

Knowing this I growled back and got ready to fight.

We both stood there, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Of course I had more patients after spending three and a half years isolated in a forest, so it made the first move.

It charged at me, quickly getting in front of me and trying to squish me with its front paws but I rolled to the side before bucking it in the ankle, knocking it over onto its side. This gave me the the opportunity to buck its knees and brake them, witch I took but only got one knee and forced a howl of pain from it before it smacked me with its other leg and scored a home run.

And by that I mean he sent me flying through one building and into another. When I landed I felt two things and thought another. The first feeling is of pain and the other is HOT (Temperature wise not sexy wise). I also thought one word, and that word is FUCKER!!!!

Opening my eyes I also understood why I'm so hot. THE FUCKING BUILDING IS ON FIRE!!!!

Now, I know that I probably can't be harmed by it but there is that instant sense of panic when you realize that your surrounded by fire, so I kinda screamed.

BIG mistake. My scream alerted the ursa to my position and the next thing I know is getting smacked by a big blue paw that sent me flying (again).

It felt like I was weightless forever until I had a very painful landing that sent me bouncing about ten times before I finally slid back first into a tree.

I stayed there for a minute. Savoring the pain before I tasted copper, putting a large smile on my face. The pain. The blood. This is wonderful. I think, But that damn ursa is gonna pay. I don't take to kindly to being bitch-slapped my an over-grown teddy.

As I try and stand, the pain flares in my right hind leg and left four leg, ans wall as my chest and back, implying that I have multiple broken bones in various places. I can already hear the ursa thundering towards me and I can barley see it approaching.

Alright you mother fucker. It's obvious I can't beat you in a battle of strength, and you're to resilient to out smart. So that leaves me with one option... I regretfully must resort to magic. But first..... I looked around, making sure nopony is near me, and sense there isn't....

I can finally let loose.

"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha!!! YOU HAVE MADE THE WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE!!!! AND IT WILL BE YOUR LAST YOU OVER GROWN TEDDY!!" I closed my eyes and looked inside myself. It's been six months sense I've done this but I still remember what it felt like. The power, the bone chilling cold, and how amazing I felt afterwards. My magic star has grown 50% larger.

I grew an evil smile as I feel the cold sensation spread throughout my body. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this.

I have an arsenal of spells at my disposal. I just need to decide witch one to cast.

First off, should I cast a Fire, Water, Ice, Lava, Ground, Air, Shadow, Hate, or Demonic, the most powerful of dark magic.

Shadow sounds fun.

I drew power from my star as I open my eyes. Time seems to slow down as I cast my spell.

The Tendrils of Fear.

A black runic circle appears in front of the ursa with an un-holy red glow, and as he steps into the circle, twelve jet black tentacles wrap around it holding him in place. Tendrils of shadow start to creep there way into the bear, plunging it into its worst fear.

Its screams of pure terror filled me with happiness. My cold smile burst into an evil grin, showing off my sharp teeth as I let out an evil cackle.

The fear being injected into the baby ursa became to much as its heart stopped beating.

Its screams died out and it fell limp. The Tendrils of fear receded back into the ground with there job done and the rune disappeared. Leaving the cold carcass of the Ursa-Minor so rot away.

I just sat there.

I sat there and relished in the lingering sent of fear in the air.

The fear that was born of my power.

Right now I couldn't feel more invincible.

I feel like I could take on all of Equestria at this moment.

My untamed abilities are full of potential.

After all, I was given this magic by Nightmare Moon herself for the sole purpose of killing Celestia.

Maby I shou-

"Impressive." A female voice said behind me.



The Product of a Nightmare

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"Impressive." A female voice said behind me.



I turned around, expecting to see an.. unfortunate witness, but luckily it's just Princess Luna.

"Oh, hello there Princess." I said with a bow.

As I rise I notice the sad look on Luna's face. "Please Spectral," She says in a sad tone. "There is no need for such formalities between us. Not after what I did to you."

Huh? "After what you did to me?" I said confused. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

Luna sighed "I-I possessed you, I used you to and your body to kill your parents. Not to mention that I also cursed you with dark magic." Luna looks like she's on the verge of tears right now... Lowering her head in shame. That is admittedly quite pathetic.

I smiled. "Luna look at me." She raised her head. "While it is true that you gave me dark magic, which is an illegal practice, and you used my body to kill my parents and make me fugitive in my home town, but you gave me exactly what I wanted. For once in my life I'm powerful. I don't get bullied and I don't really have to worry about anything. So all-in-all it's a dream come true. If your looking for forgiveness than consider yourself forgiven."

Luna looked at me and smiled as a couple of dears ran down her cheeks. She than surprised me by jumping foreword and wrapping her hooves around my neck in a hug. "Thank you." She said in a quivering voice.

"Hey! Whats going on?" I heard Rainbow Dash say from behind me.

Luna broke away from her hugging me with a blush. "O-o-o-oh, um well. Yo-you see-"

"Luna got here just after I killed the Ursa Minor and she was checking me to make sure I'm uninjured." Ha! I just saved her purple ass.

"Oh yes, that's exactly it." Well, at leased she went along with it.

"You- you killed him?" Fluttershy stuttered, teary eyed and all.

God damn, how much of a pussy can you be? "Of course I killed him! It was him or me after all." They all nodded in understanding at my reasoning. "Oh, it was also fun." I stated with a smile. I think I just scared all of them exempt Luna judging by the look on there faces.

"Rrrrraaaaaaooorrrrr" My ear twitched to the left, in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

I smiled. "Sounds like mama bear's on her way."

"Mama bear?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Yup." I replied. "Ursa Major."

Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie looked worried, while Luna and Twilight looked scared shitless, but I just kept on smiling sadistically.

"We need to call Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Hell no!" I shouted. "You call Celestia and I'l punch you into next month!"

"WHAT?! You expect us to fight an Ursa Major without her!?"

"No I don't Twilight." I told her. "I expect you 7 to leave and let me deal with this."

"Just what does that mean?" Rainbow asked. "Are you saying you don't think we can handle ourselves?"

"Rrrraaaaaaaoooooorrrr!" My ears twitched again.

That's not what I'm saying at all. You six are the Spirits of the Elements of Harmony. I know you can hold your own in most situations." I told the headstrong Pegasus. "What I'm saying is that you'll just get in my way."

That triggered her. "WHAT? Get in your way? Like hell! If anything you'll just get in OUR way!" Oh you silly silly little Rainbow. You just don't understand do you?

"No Rainbow." Luna said. "He's right. If we were to join him when he engages the Ursa Major in combat than we would just be forcing him to hold back."

This astonished all of them. "What? But, he doesn't even have any magic!"

"What?" I said in confusion.

"You told me that you were born without magic!"


"Aghhh!" I shouted agitated. "Look. I don't have time to explain so I'll make you deal with you."

Twilight stepped forward. "Okay. What's your proposal?"

I growled, hating myself for what I'm about to offer. "You all can either stay or go, it's your choice. But if you stay you have to keep out of my way while I make the star bear go supernova."

I got curious looks from all but Luna, who also noticed the others faces. "A Supernova is what the death cycle of a star is called."

Looks of realization dawned on all there poor, innocent little faces. Fluttershy started to cry though, "What a fucking pussy!" I thought.

"Y-You can't kill it! That's horrible to even think about."

"Well get the FUCK over it! If you don't like it than leave!" I am thoroughly tired of this shit.

"B-b-but, that's murder! It's not right to take another life!" Fuck it, this pink maned bitch is pissing me off!

I turned to her, my pupils nothing but a thin streak of black in a sea of blood red rage. Approaching her menacingly, I talk, "Listen to me you yellow furred pussy, you haven't the strength courage or conviction to stand up to me, so I'm telling you now. You can either do the smart thing and run like a cowered, or you can stay and watch my slaughter that over grown rug like the animal it is. Or, you can keep pissing me off, and join my parents as a pool of giblets and blood!" She is now a shivering mess of fear so thick i could taste it, and looking back at her friends I give them the same options, "All of you have that choice," Snarling, and giving them a good look at the razor like teeth in my mouth. "now I highly recommend, that all of you run!" To emphasize my point, I slam my hoof into the ground, creating a lowed CRACK. Turning around, I expect them to imitate the timberwolfs from before and run, however...

"Buck no!" Of course the rainbow would be like this. "You think that we would just up and leave after you threatened one of our dearest friends! Wel-"

Interrupting her, I say emotionless, "I was hoping."

"Well yah can forget it!" And the apple is with her, fan fucking tastic! "Im sure i speak for all of us when I say, We're staying!"

A chorus of cheers follows her, exempt for one. Without turning around I say, "Sounds like the cowered doesn't agree with the group."

"Please," Fluttershy whispers, "I don't care what you do to me. Just don't kill the Ursa."

"Shut the fuck up. I already told you the deal, if you don't stay out of my way, than you better be prepared to die, because I don't know if I will be able to control my anger."

"You're a monster..." Twilight whispered in horror.

"And you can blow me. I don't give a shit."

"Your birth was a mistake!" ... What? "Your parents must be ashamed of you!" H-...How did she...? "You entire family probably wants to forget the day you were conceived!"

"I don't have any family..." I stated wistfully.

Twilight was unrelenting. "I'm not surprised, you probably just killed them like you did your parents! You must have been hated from the day you were born." Huh, I guess i don't like all pain after all. Because all thous words she just spoke, all thous cold, truthful words hurt. and they hurt deep.

"Twilight Sparkle! You need to apologize, RIGHT NOW!"

"What!? Why should I apolo-"

"No Luna." I interrupted. "She doesn't need to apologize, all she did was speak the truth."

"But she doesn't know you, or what you've been through!"

"So? All she did was speak the truth." I can hear the Ursas foot steps now. "She did, however miss one little detail." With my eyes closed, I turn my head so that one eye is facing them, "She forgot to add, that I was the product..." Opening my eyes I say, "of a NIGHTMARE!" I tun my head towards where the Ursa is coming from, just in time to see it stomp its way over the trees and release a mighty roar.

"And now its time I spread some despair!"

Black Magic Backlash

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With the ponies behind me in there place I focus all my attention onto the Ursa Major, and as he begins approaching I start analyzing him.

So he's bigger and undoubtedly stronger than the Ursa Minor, so that means I have to rely in my magic more. He might be faster to so I should watch out for that, he might be smarter so-OH SHIT!

I got knocked out of my state of thought by his paw bitch slapping me into the forest and through more trees than I could count. Teleporting back ready to fight, but I don't get the chance as before I can even move, the bear starts stomping on me and I swear I can hear Rainbow Dash laughing at me. And I am officialy tired of this bull shit.

As the bear prepares for another stomp, I cover myself in a spiky shield of darkness.

"ROOOOOAAAAAR!!!!!!" With a bellow of anguish, the Ursa stumbles back, leaving puddles of blood from the holes now in its paw.

Getting up from where I lay, I can feel the torturous agony of every bone in my body being broken, shattered, fragmented or cracked. I have blood flowing from various wounds all over my body, and the heavenly silver flavor as blood pools in my mouth. "HahahahahahaHA! You are one huge cunt Ursa! It's gunna be WEEKS before I'm back to full ability!" I begin charging my magic, just a basic beam attack, but with the shear amount of magic used it was destructive as can be as a laser as big as a house shot from my horn. The bear was fast enough to dodge it, mostly. He lunged to his left and I skinned his right front leg. It starts limping toward me, than releases a mighty houl of pain and charges at me, adrenaline overriding it suffering.

I just chuckle again as it lunges at me to tries and swallow me whole, but i just simply create another spiky shield, this time however, also combining it with a gravity spell so the Ursa unwillingly chomps on my shield all the harder and holds his mouth shut as it thrashes about in pain, making a futile effort to open it maw. This is a good time, however to test my affinity for fire magic. Remembering a spell that creates a powerful explosion centered on the caster, but leaving them unharmed I begin to cast it, over and over again. Ten times I cast it, containing the power of all the explosions within my shield. 'hehehe, open wide mother fucker!' I dispel my shield, the force of ten times the spell is released in an instant. Obliterating its maw, leaving not even a splinter of bone left. The heat cauterized the wound though, so much to my displeasure there was no blood. The fire flew down its throat as well, I asume melting its vocal cords as it wasn't screaming in agony. I was blown back as well, all the way to the whooves if the other ponies, about 50 feet away. I feel my splintered, shattered, and powdered bones grind against themselves, as well as my muscles and organs.

My muscles, being nearly cut to ribbons at this point, have me almost unable to stand, but I do so, and decide to end this. "Okay, time to die bear." I lightly mumble, as I stumble over to the lightly quivering body of the Ursa. It doesn't move or try and stop me so I stop about 10 feet away, I think it's given up on life. How cute. "I love this taste, absolute despair, a feeling of utter failure and a lack of any motivation to live." I laugh, charging a curse with shadow magic, it will kill it instantly but trap its soul. Plunging it into a nightmare of the highest caliber and storing the soul to be summoned later. "I hope you love your free will, it will make it that much better once you are a mindless servant to yours truly." I hear a light ghasp from behind me, but I pay it no mind, after all, while it may not have seemed like it, this IS my first time actually using my magic, so it takes a massive amount of focus to cast these high end spells.

Right as I am about to let loose my spell, and turn the fuckers soul into my unwilling servant bound to my will alone... "NOOOOOOOOO!" Fluttershy has just launched herself in front of me, between myself and the Ursa. Normally, I wouldn't bat an eye, but I have no quarrel with any ponies, and I do not like the idea of becoming a second time murderer.

But I cannot cancel the spell, I have not the experience nor knowledge on how to to that, I don't even know if dark magic can be canceled. This spell can only be cast on something alive and organic but not plant life, it must be an animal or a sentient being. and within eyesight. I can't see enough of the Ursa Major to target it, fluttershy is to close, so that means.... "FUCK!"

I quickly look down at my own hooves and release my spell, plunging myself into my worst nightmare, if I have one, and trapping my own soul. I have no idea on how this is going to work, but I do know that I'm sleepy.

Very sleepy,

The last thing I hear is someone shouting....


Void Realm Curiosity

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I'm not here, I feel empty.

I feel like there is nothing to contain me and there is nothing of me to contain.

I simply do not exist. Although, I know I'm here, existing somewhere that is empty with nothing to it.

A canvas that needs to be painted on.

I try to open my eyes to see if there really is nothing here, but I can't. I have no eyes and I have no body. I am just an essence, floating naked in nothing that could be everything if it was crafted to be so. "Weird..."

I will my essence to do a 360, grasping a view of the perfect blackness. Pure shadows encase me, and as cliche as it sounds, as I float there, gazing into the abyssal blackness, I feel the eyes of another staring back with intense curiosity and caution.

"And than there were two, hmmmm?" I'm slightly surprised to hear another voice, deep and gravely almost like a growl, and I would say I don't show it, but there is no way for me to in the first place.

"Who, or what are you?" I inquire. "I can sense another presence, but it feels far away, but the voice felt as though it was talking directly into my ear." I think to myself.

"My identity is none of your concern." The voice chuckles, "And as for your other curiosity, the concept of space does not exist here." As I'm about to ask how he heard that, he continues, "Before you ask, neither do thoughts, as there is nothing to contain them."

Closing my metaphorical mouth I ask, "And why is that? Where are we?"

"Interesting... Normally, ponies with enough power to enter this realm already know where they are going, but, seeing as we are one in the same I suppose I could... assist you." I feel his essence begin to circle me. "The space, or lack of space that you are currently in, and where I have resided for almost 6,000 years is known most commonly as the void realm, sometimes the shadow realm, or dark world. Tell me, what is the opposite of everything?"

"Interesting, this can't be a riddle, the answer is to obvious. The opposite of everything is nothing, and something at the same time."

"Hehehehe. You are an intelligent one. Please, continue."

I would have narrowed my eyes if I had any. "Everything is objectively incomprehensible, and so is its converse, nothing. This is do to everything comprising of absolutely everything, this includes nothing. And nothing is in itself a concept, so it is something and cannot truly exist. Everything is nothing and nothing is something."

"Well, you are without a doubt intellectually gifted. Tell me, how did you come across this knowledge?"

"I think it to be the obvious answer, that anyone with the patients to actually think about it would come across."

"Hahahah. That is so humorous. You and I are more alike than I initially thought. Pray tell, is Black Magic the force you were born with?" I couldn't help myself but to sigh, "I'll take that as a ye-"

"No." I reply, interrupting his incorrect assumption. "I was born with no magic whatsoever. Not even enough for a cutie mark."

"Than how are you here!? Only those with huge quantities of Black Magic are able to survive here! Others are just annihilated instantaneously!"

"I was fed up with the bullies, lies, and helplessness that came with that weakness. So I asked Nightmare Moon do give me a piece of her magic. She did so, on the condition that I will be her right hoof pony after she conquered Equestria, but she failed, and now I owe that debt to Princess Luna. So while I was born without magic, I now possess pure Black Magic."

"Nightmare Moon, I do not know, but I presume she is a piece of Princess Luna?" I try to nod out of habit, and even though I can't, this voice seems to understand. "So the seed I planted blossomed and she wasn't able to resist it. That is, slightly comforting." He let out a dark chuckle, "Tell me, little seed of darkness, what is your name?" Pausing at the title he gave me, I told him.

"My name is Spectral Nightmare."

"Well than, little Nightmare, I shall be watching you. It seems whatever sent you here is about to end, so I bid you adieu, I look forward to our next conversation." He's right, as he spoke his voice grew more quiet as time went on. Before I could respond my connection to that dark world broke, and I was waking up in the physical world, with a soft and agravating beeping next to me.


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*Luna's POV*

"FLUTTERSHY! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!???" I shouted at that foolish mare. "Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?!"

"No, but I don't care. I wasn't going to let that monster-" She pointed at Spectral. "Hurt this poor creature."

I stomped my way up to her face. "This 'creature' is an Ursa Major! An amalgamation of Nightmare Moon's raw magic and intent to kill! It would have been a service to the world destroying it!" I'm furious at this, foal. She acts without thinking and has no idea of the consequences of her actions.

Fluttershy glares at me. "She's still alive! I wasn't going to let it" She again, pointed at Spectral, who at this point is standing suspiciously still. "murder her!"

"Well, congratulations Fluttershy! The Ursa, who is about to die anyway, is currently alive, and instead YOU might be the Murderer!" She looked hurt, almost on the verge of tears.

"Wha-? I would never hurt anypony! How could I be a killer?" I heard a chorus of 'Yeah's from the other bearers behind me.

"You uneducated foal! It's because YOU are alive right now! The spell Spectral was about to cast was a Soul Entrapment spell! It destroys the body of the target and traps the soul in an alternate dimension to be summoned later, bound to the casters will."

Twilight then chimed in, "So Spectral had to unravel his spell, so what? That doesn't make Fluttershy a killer."

I turned, fuming and stomped up to Twilight. "Foal! That would work for an ordinary caster, with regular magic. But Spectral is no ordinary caster, and he uses dark magic! He was born without magic and never got an education on how to use it, so he likely doesn't even know how to unravel a spell, not to mention dark magic is meant to be used in war, and CAN'T be unraveled!"

She was stunned by that new knowledge. "Than what happened? How is Fluttershy not dead?"

"Use your head, Miss Star Pupil. The spell must be cast on something with a soul, lest it misfire, the seven of us and the Ursa are here. Who else could have been the target?"

She looked confused for a second, than rather smug. "So Spectral cast it on himself? HA! Good riddance I say. We don't need another monster like Sombra."

I froze. My previously enraged and fuming form, now stock still and unable to even breath. How could she be so thoughtless? I thought. I'm going to have to have a long chat with my sister about her choice in students if this is the kind of pupil she raises. Without even a moments hesitation, I slapped Twilight Sparkle with blinding speed, not with all my strength though, that would probably break her neck, and I'm not as okay with thoughtless killing as she seams to be. I may be taking this a little too personalty, but nopony here has any right to speak such things about anypony, least of all a user of black magic! The only ones that can truly grasp the mind of a user is another.

I took a deep breath. Nothing will come of needless hostility, time is of the essence now. "I am going to take him to Canterlot to hopefully save his life. You will all return home and speak no more of this night until you have had ampule time to clear your heads!" They were about to open their mouths to give a retort, but I teleported myself and Spectral back to my chambers before they could.

Arriving in my room I put Spectral on my bed, his form is already beginning to blur and fade from existence, however a localized time dilation spell was enough to slow the affects of the spell. Hopefully long enough to gather the material components of the necessary ritual. Most of what I need is simple enough for me to acquire given that I always have a stock of various spell components for emergencies and experiments, and the most difficult piece to acquire is already laying on my bed.

With a few frantic spells and some careful placement the only two things remain. First, the feather of a healthy Phoenix, Lucky that Philomina recently reincarnated and should be in my sisters room. A pop sounding off and I'm staring at Tia's pet and friend. "Sorry Philomina, I don't have time to ask!" I pull out a feather from her back and teleport back to my room.

Second, the symbol of the infinite and unity, the Oreboros encircling the materials. The Oreboros is a serpent consuming its own tail. For this spell I will need it to be a circle about 2 yards wide, or 6 feet. the only issue is that for this particular ritual, it needs to be painted in the casters blood. If I were a normal pony it would normally take a week to get the amount of blood I need, however, as an Alicorn I can be nearly entirely drained of blood and still live, although I will be very light headed. Grabbing a Kris, a ritualistic dagger and a large bowl I hold my neck over the bowl and slit my own throat. With a heavy pain racking my mind and a hint of nostalgic pleasure, my blood floods from my body and fills the bowl in less than a minute and I cauterize the wound with a flash of fire magic. My mind a haze in my blood loss I can barely see straight as I take a paint brush and form the serpent around Spectrals fading body and the spells components. Putting up a few barriers to disallow entry into my chambers by any means I begin to cast the ritual.

With my magic pulsing, almost tangible, the various items I have set around Spectral begin to shake and the very fundamental physics holding them together begin to break down. This ritual is not very difficult, but it is expensive in both magical power required and material components. The magic required would be equivalent to levitating the entirety of Canterlot off of the mountain for 24 hours. The material components, that are now disintegrating and weaving their essence into my own magic to cast this spell are mandrake root to focus the spell and enchant the other components, 20 carats of diamond, its purity ensuring the retrieved soul is intact and without corruption, one litre of void ink harvested from a cursed kraken to access the realm of nightmares, and a demons heart to corrupt the casters magic and shield it from detection by the dark forces of the void. I don't have the heart, however my time as Nightmare Moon makes it irrelevant, my magic is already corrupted by a dark creature of the void. Finally it the Phoenix feather, to sustain the body through the process of being rebound with a soul.

The components disintegrating, and their atoms weaving with my magic to bind with Spectrals body, and using it as a conduit to attach to and attract his soul the force of the ritual shattering my previous time dilation spell.

Its a long cast, having to channel my magic for an hour. Throughout the hour I am getting progressively more tired and lightheaded, about to pass out it finishes, all the materials combining and enacting the spell. With a flash of light and a loud boom of displaced air the ritual is finished.

My stamina expended and on the verge of unconsciousness I fall to the side. My focus no longer being occupied I can hear a pony pounding on my door, my sister's voicing calling out to me.

I open my mouth to try and call back but I have no voice, I thing I severed my vocal cords when I slit my throat, no matter. that can be healed.

I close my eyes and use the last of my consciousness to drop my barriers.

The last thing I hear is my door being thrown open and hoofstepes galloping over to me.

with everything muffled and quiet, I drift into the silent sleep of unconsciousness.