• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 500 Views, 8 Comments

Bored On A School Night - MLRNitevision

The story of a young Bat Pony, reunited with an old love of his from many years ago, in the most unlikely place... College.

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Love Poison Is No Joke!

Sweetie Belle walked through the halls. It was late at night, but the full moon provided enough light for her to be able to see. Every few steps she took, she crossed through the light casting shadows through the window. She smiled as the shadows crossed her body, on the way to the Chemistry Lab. Twist had agreed to meet with her there, for a little after hours...study session, as Twist had called it. Sweetie Belle flashed a private grin, as she went over the plan in her head once more. "Every time I want to have a little fun, he passes out! I feel so awkward discussing this with another mare...but I need your help!" The other mare smiled. Sweetie Belle observed the grin, feeling a little worried about the...evil...nature it had to it. No matter. Her plan...had to be put in action, no matter the cost...or the risk. The result would be worth the consequence. The snow white Unicorn stopped in front of the door, and removed her hood. She knocked three times, paused, knocked two more times, then paused, then knocked three times once more. The door creaked open, a small shaft of light slicing through the darkness in the hall. "Come in." Said a voice in a hushed whisper. Sweetie Belle did as she was told, her midnight blue cloak sliding across the floor. The door closed silently behind her, the room illuminated by a single candle, in the middle of the room. "Brace yourself." Twist warned. Sweetie Belle barely had time to close her eyes before the lights were turned on. Although she couldn't see, she could tell that there were more than two mares in the room. "Are we ready to begin the experiment?" Pumpkin Cake asked. Sweetie Belle gasped. "Wh-what are YOU doing here? You were a newborn back when I was a filly! How are you possibly-"
"In college?" Pumpkin Cake asked. "Simple. I'm here on an internship with Twist here. She's a chemistry genius. I was hoping to learn a few things to make my baking more...resistible. Baked goods are evil, and a stop should be put to their production, at any cost!"
"You're drugging your customers?" Sweetie Belle asked in horror.
"You're drugging your mate?" Pumpkin Cake shot back. Sweetie Belle closed her mouth. The Earth Pony had a point.
"Now. Before we begin, do you both have what I told you to bring?" Sweetie Belle used her magic to produce a brown burlap sack from beneath her cloak, and tossed it in front of the mare. Twist grinned as the sack fell open, revealing a pile of gold coins. Her eyes flashed with greed.
"And yours?" She asked, turning to Pumpkin Cake. The Earth Pony stroke her mane with a hoof, gently stroking the silk bow she wore at the base, before sliding the object from her mane and unfolded it, placing the blue cloth, and the key wrapped inside it, before Twist.
"What's that?" Sweetie Belle asked, looking at the key.
"It's a key to mom and dad's vault," Twist explained. "Pumpkin pie here's promised me the money from her family's shop! She's such a little rebel!" The white Earth Pony brushed a hoof underneath the cream coated Earth Pony's chin, causing her to blush.
"They don't understand that...baked goods are wrong!" Pumpkin Cake said, a tear and her eye. "They need to learn..." Twist took the cloth that only moments before served as a bow, and tossed it in to the flame beneath a beaker. The room brightened for a while, then returned to it's natural light. Twist smiled.
"Now that we've gotten that settled, let's get to work, shall we ladies?" Twist gave a lopsided smile. Sweetie Belle and Pumpkin Cake looked at each other, then nodded solemnly.
"Wonderful!" Twist laughed like an evil genius. "This is going to be FUN!"
Sweetie Belle swallowed hard, then looked around the room.
"Now." Twist began. "For a love poison, you'll just need a couple of things." The white Earth Pony bounced around the room. "Like this, and this and this!" Twist cackled. "Now, we mix all of these ingredients together like so..."
Sweetie Belle watched, horrified as Twist dumped all of the liquids into a vial, and let it simmer.
"Perfect...." The Earth Pony cooed as the mixture began to change color. "All we need to do now, is test it!"
A flash of silver caught the snow white unicorn's attention, only moments too late. Twist revealed her needle, and without warning, jammed it into Pumpkin Cake's flank. The mare didn't see it coming, and collapsed onto the floor.
"Nighty night!" Twist said, with an evil laugh.
"Wh-why did you do that?" Sweetie Belle asked in shock.
"Well, I had to test the love poison before you slip it to your bat friend, but I couldn't risk Pumpkin Cake falling in love with one of us, now could I. Let's just say it's gonna be a good night for her roommate, if she's in to that kind of thing." Twist winked.
"So...now what happens?" The Unicorn asked, trying hard to keep the fear from her voice.
"Well, assuming our passed out friend here is still breathing, we just put some of this under her nose. When she wakes up, she won't remember a thing." The Earth Pony replied. Sweetie Belle drew in a breath, and then visibly panicked as a flash of lightning illuminated the spot where Twist had been just moments before - was empty. The Unicorn readied a blast of magic, and looked around. Suddenly, something tapped Sweetie Belle on the shoulder. The mare let out a shriek, and magic flew from her horn, deflected off of a beaker, and came right back at her. She realized what was going to happen, moments too late. The paralysis magic she had intended to use on Twist instead caused the Unicorn to collapse. Twist grinned, and advanced on her.
"What was that about? Get up, will you."
Sweetie Belle groaned. She couldn't move, and she assumed Twist knew that. The Earth Pony cackled.
"You foolish little foal. Did you REALLY think you could take me down?" She shook her head. "No no. Think you've learned your lesson?"
The frozen Unicorn blinked twice. Hopefully, Twist would understand that would mean yes.
"Good girl." Twist said. "Now, if you promise to be good, I'll help you reverse your little paralysis magic. It was cute, but..."
Twist grabbed a vial of liquid and placed it under Sweetie Belle's muzzle. She took a deep breath in through her nose, and felt the effects wear off.
"Here." Twist offered a hoof to Sweetie Belle, who immediately accepted her help.
"You scared me. I'm sorry..." The Unicorn apologized.
Twist shook her head. "Forget about it," Twist replied. "Your love poison should be finished with the testing phase by tomorrow. At least...I hope so...unless it..." Twist's voice trailed off, then she muttered "Kills her..."
Sweetie Belle paled. "W-what did you say?"
"Hm? Oh, nothing...Pumpkin Cake SHOULD be fine...eventually...hopefully....possibly?"
The Unicorn shook her head. "How are you going to get her back to her room?" She asked.
"I'll have Snips and Snails carry her back. Why do something yourself when you can have a brain dead muscle do it for you, ya know what I mean? Of course you do. You're dating Nitevision!"
Sweetie Belle bit her tongue and swallowed hard. Twist was making her very angry...but she couldn't do anything...she couldn't risk losing control of the poison. Twist laughed, the sound infuriating Sweetie Belle more and more, memories of what had happened to the LAST mare that had made her angry. Silver Spoon had recovered...but she never looked at Sweetie Belle the same....
"I'm going to get Pumpkin here back to her dorm. Meet me here tomorrow night. I'll have your poison ready for you then." Twist explained impatiently.
Sweetie Belle nodded, walked over to the door, then stepped out of the room, and into the hall. A stallion tripped over Sweetie Belle's hoof, and fell to the ground, the camera around his neck skittering down the hall.
"My camera!" Featherweight shouted. Sweetie Belle grimaced. She knew what the camera meant to the Campus Reporter. The Unicorn frowned, having remembered how vicious the reporter had been, when a pony by the name of Rose Thorn had accidentally stepped on his camera...Featherweight had written a front page report, criticizing the mare. as a result, she left the college. Nobody noticed her absence for a full month and a half.
"I-is it alright?" Sweetie Belle asked. Featherweight looked up.
"Yeah...it's fine...but then again...so are you!" The stallion glanced at her.
"I-I'm sorry?" She asked.
"You heard me." Featherweight grinned. Wanna go out some time?"
Sweetie Belle shook her head. She had to be careful about how she answered this...because if she said anything about her relationship with Nitevision...there was no telling WHAT he would do with the information...on the other hoof, if she dated Featherweight, and Nitevision found out....What could she do? Well...she had recently proven that she had access to a sort of Paralysis magic...but would it work on Featherweight? Also...would it drain her magical energy...and possibly sap her strength? Which effect would wear off first? The Paralysis...or her weakness? She had to take that chance. Sweetie Belle's horn illuminated the darkness with a green glow. Featherweight took a threatening step towards her, and grinned. It was obvious that his intentions were malicious. Sweetie Belle didn't even consider the consequences of her actions, letting the blast leap from her horn. It crashed into the stallion, who shrieked in pain. Sweetie Belle was confused by this, as the paralysis magic wasn't supposed to hurt...it hadn't hurt her...the mare could feel the energy draining from her body, and she collapsed onto the floor. The last feeling the mare had, was being dragged by the hooves further into the hall...

Sweetie Belle was awoken the next morning, a shaft of sunlight grazing her fur. The mare squeezed her eyes shut tight, before opening them slowly. On first sight, this was NOT her room. Sweetie Belle sat bolt upright, and looked around the room. Test tubes, beakers, and coloured vials lined the shelves around the room. She panicked, as she suddenly realized where she was. The Unicorn swallowed hard, then looked to the left. As she suspected, none other than Twist was laying next to her. She screamed.
"Morning Sweetie..." The Earth Pony mare said groggily. "I'm glad your awake. Looks like you have your energy back..."
"Slow down Sweetie Belle! You zapped your energy when you laid Featherweight out. That was amazing, by the way."
Sweetie Belle shook her head.
"You're in my dorm, because you needed to recover," Twist explained.
This was all too much for Sweetie Belle to handle. "Was my paralysis magic...too powerful? It's not supposed to hurt...his scream..." She trailed off.
"Oh. that? I took a look at Featherweight after I took you to the dorm. Turns out, you didn't use Paralysis...you used a fury spell. It gives a burning sensation from the inside out. Takes a lot more magical energy than Paralysis, and....well, in large doses can be...lethal."
Sweetie Belle gasped. Had she...killed him?
"Don't worry," Twist said, as if reading the mare's mind. "He survived, although he wasn't entirely happy about it." The Earth Pony cackled.
The Unicorn glanced towards the door. She had to get out of here...maybe she could use a memory erasing spell on Twist...
"No need to plot and plan, Sweetie Belle. You're free to leave whenever you wish. Don't worry, I already wiped Featherweight's memory, so there's nothing to worry about there. Besides the fact that the reporter probably won't WANT to remember you, since you rejected him so bad."
Sweetie Belle smiled. This was true. A thought came into the mare's mind.
"How's Pumpkin Cake?" Sweetie Belle asked.
"Oh, she's fine...well, more than fine...then again, so's her roommate. Anyways, the Love Poison worked REALLY well." Twist grabbed a flask from beneath the bed. "I don't suppose you'll want to use this now, will you?"
The Unicorn reached for the glass bottle in the Earth Pony's hoof. Twist retracted it from the Unicorn's reach.
"Not so fast," she said. "This is a dangerous liquid, and if you mess up with it, there could be serious, and somewhat tragic consequences."
Sweetie Belle wasn't paying attention, her gaze was fixated on the vial.
"...now you're going to need to be VERY careful, understand? You only have ONE shot with this."

Sweetie Belle groaned with pleasure. "Oh, Nite...that's the spot!" she complimented, and stretched out further on the bed. The Bat Pony sat next to her, massaging her back. Sweetie Belle stretched out so that he would rub a more optimal location on her back. "That feels so good..." The Unicorn had imagined the love poison would make her life a lot better, but this was even more amazing than she had imagined! The mare rolled over. Nitevision, being under the influence of the poison, simply did not notice and continued to rub the mare's stomach. She had not given him an order to stop, so naturally, he was going to keep going until she told him to stop.
"That tickles!" The mare giggled. "But don't stop!"
Nitevision did as he was told, since naturally, it was all he COULD do. The love poison had a hold of his brain, and would not let him go. Not until Sweetie Belle gave him the antidote, which she most likely would not do for a long, long time. Not if she could keep him under her control. At least this way, she COULD teach an old dog new tricks. Or in this case, she could teach a young Bat to do her bidding. It would never occur to Sweetie Belle that she didn't NEED the love poison to keep Nitevision doing what she wanted. The Unicorn rolled over once more, and moaned once again. Nitevision had finally found her weak spot. There was a certain spot at the base of her spine. When the bat applied pressure to that part of her back, chills ran up and down her spine. This made her very happy, and she shivered in pleasure.
"Oh Nitevision....why didn't I teach you to do this earlier..." She sighed. "I haven't felt this loose in years..."
Nitevision didn't respond. He was too busy doing his best to pleasure his mare. Every moan and sigh reminded Nitevision of why he was doing what he was doing. Making Sweetie Belle happy was his number one priority. Her soft vanilla coat felt like silk on his hooves. He knew how good this felt for her, and as a bonus, it felt good for him as well. Her coat...it felt so silky smooth...he just wanted to bury himself in it, and stay there. Nitevision continued running his hooves through the mare's coat, and began to lay down on top of her. Sweetie Belle giggled.
"Having fun are we Nite?" The mare asked. Nitevision was too busy curling up in her soft, vanilla fur. She was so soft...and warm. Nitevision could feel himself falling asleep slowly. He gave up trying to fight it, and allowed his eyes to close.

Nitevision woke up hours later, the effect of the Love Poison still holding his mind captive. Sweetie Belle recalled a time long ago, when she had used a Love Poison on her filly-hood teacher. Twilight had warned her, if the affected pony was not kept from his or her love for an hour, the spell would be unbreakable. The Unicorn remembered this, and asked Twist to make a safeguard within the potion. That way, she could get her stallion back when she needed to. She smiled. "Come along, Nitevision. Let's go show you off to Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle wandered over to the door. "Get your leash boy!" She teased. Nitevision did as he was told immediately. The mare opened the door, then stopped immediately.
"F-featherweight?" She asked. "Wh-what are you doing here?"
"Looking for a front page story." The stallion explained.
"Nitevision, we have a guest..." Sweetie Belle stammered.
Nitevision raced to the door in an attempt to greet the new arrival, and accidentally knocked him over. In doing so, two things happened that would change the future of the mare and stallion, possibly forever. The camera fell to the ground, and Nitevision's goggles slid to a cockeyed position on his face. When Featherweight's camera hit the ground, a picture was taken, catching the corner of Nitevision's eyes.
"Are you alright?" Sweetie Belle asked Nitevision. He nodded and readjusted his goggles.
"How about you?" She asked Featherweight. The stallion nodded slowly. He was lost in thought, staring at the picture the camera had taken. If he wasn't mistaken...Nitevision's eyes were showing signs of...love poison!

Comments ( 3 )

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