• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 501 Views, 8 Comments

Bored On A School Night - MLRNitevision

The story of a young Bat Pony, reunited with an old love of his from many years ago, in the most unlikely place... College.

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Chapter 3: A Nite At The Bar

When Apple Bloom woke the next morning, something felt off. The bed beneath her felt a little more firm than usual. She looked to the side, and realized that Fire Alloy was lying next to her on a strange, green surface. She sat up, and crashed her head into a low hanging light. She fell back, kicking out one of her hooves. The sound of a bottle breaking on the floor caused the pony next to her to wake up.
"Apple Bloom?" The red Unicorn asked in a groggy tone. "What did I do last night?" Apple Bloom shook her head.
"I have no idea." She explained.
Beside them, another pony stirred, then sat up, with a pony on either side of him. The stallion's mane was messy, and his tail wasn't much better.
"Nitevision? What are YOU doing here?" Apple Bloom cried in surprise. The pony laying on his left sat up, a lampshade over her head.
"Wow! Now, THAT was a party!" It was Babs Seed.
If the one near him was Babs Seed...who's the other one? Apple Bloom wondered, as she watched Scootaloo stand up off of the floor, a bottle falling from her hoof.
"Where's Sweetie Belle?" She asked.
"Right here." Sweetie Belle sat up on Nitevision's right. "What happened last night?" The sound of two mare's laughter echoed through the building. Sweetie Belle looked down at the object beneath her.
"Why am I sitting on a...pool table?" She asked.
"I'm not sure, but I think that THEY can explain a bit." Scootaloo pointed to a pair of mares, flat on their backs, laughing uncontrollably. Cherry Berry and Berry Punch.
"Man, you guys were amazing last night! I didn't know a pony could possibly drink so much!" Cherry Berry said between fits of laughter. "Seriously! You there, with the lampshade as a hat, you were incredible!"
Babs grinned. She naturally loved to be the center of attention.
"Why thank you!" The orange mare shot back.
"Wait..." Apple Bloom said. "How much do we owe you guys?" The Earth Pony asked.
Berry Punch looked at Cherry Berry, then they both looked back at the group.
"We were thinking....since you made us laugh so hard last night..." Cherry Berry began.
"The drinks you ordered last night are on the house." Berry Punch finished with a grin.
"So..." Babs asked. "What exactly happened last night?" Although the mare was used to waking up with no memories of the events of the night before, she liked to hear about what she had done. Babs Seed intended to write a book on the subject, when she wasn't passed out drunk, or just drunk in general, both of which took up most of her time.
"Well, it all started when YOU walked in the door." The hot pink mare with the yellow mane began.
The door to the bar flew inward, as a burnt orange Earth Pony entered the room. "Hey yo bar tender!" She shouted. "Line up enough bottles to last us the entire night!" Cherry Berry laughed. She knew Babs Seed well. "How many we looking at tonight Ms. Seed?" The yellow maned Earth Pony inquired. She was used to Babs Seed bringing a group with her, and tonight was no exception. "Six of us. I can knock about sixteen bottles of cider in an hour, and I'm thinking we'll be here all night." If only the mare knew how much truth was behind those words... Cherry Berry nodded. "What will we be drinking tonight then?" She asked.
Cider. Lots and lots of cider." Berry Punch appeared from a back room, three bottles in one hoof, balancing a tray with three more on her back. She as well knew Babs Seed and her drinking habits. Tonight was going to be a long night. Then again, Babs Seed DID have a habit of making the mares laugh...
"How about for the Bat Pony there? He doesn't look old enough for this kind of drinking." Cherry Berry observed.
"He looks fine to me," Berry Punch replied.
"He's mine. Back off." Sweetie Belle growled.
"Take it easy," Babs retorted, stepping in for the purple Earth Pony. "Practically every pony in the school knows about your relationship. But even you have to admit, he 's pretty good looking for a bat!" Sweetie Belle shrugged, then nodded.
"I suppose you're right."
"Now. Let's get to our drinking, shall we Sweets?" Babs winked. Sweetie Belle was starting to regret accepting her invitation more and more each minute.
"Still, if I can't get an ID from the Bat there, I can't get him any hard cider." Cherry Berry explained.
"That's fine, I don't need anything to-" Nitevision started.
"You guys got apple juice?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Nitevision absolutely LOVES apple juice." The Bat Pony nodded excitedly.
"We sure do!" Berry Punch winked. Nitevision smiled at the mare, and she smiled back.
"I suppose...apple juice will be fine..." Nitevision replied, not wanting to stand out from the group at all. 'Maybe a few juice boxes...wouldn't hurt any pony at all...' Nitevision thought.
"You got another bottle of cider?" Babs asked. "Or did we drink it all?"
"Nah, we got one more...somewhere...I think..." Cherry Berry replied. She fished around under the bar for a moment, then produced a bottle of the liquid and placed in on the counter in front of the mare. "How about an apple juice for the lovely Bat?"
Nitevision nodded slowly, then a grin spread across his face when the object was placed before him. He grabbed the straw, and fought with it for a few seconds, before Sweetie Belle gently grabbed his hooves, and using her magic, placed the straw into the juice box. Nitevision smiled, then began to suck the liquid from within the container. Cherry Berry continued her story.
"This the best you got?" Babs asked. "Thisishardlyciderletalonealcohol..." The mare's words slurred. Sweetie Belle had slipped into a drunken state after polishing off a single bottle of the drink. Normally, Sweetie Belle didn't drink, but tonight...she had been pressured into this. Though her vision was distorted, a result of the alcohol on her eyesight, but she could see him there...apple juice was dripping from his face, a result of his squeezing the box in an attempt to get more of the liquid from it, and he had never looked more adorable to him. She smiled to herself. Now would be the perfect time to take advantage of him...Perhaps if she slipped him a bit of alcohol, he wouldn't be able to handle it...maybe...
The mare's thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash. Sweetie Belle took one look at Nitevision, and immediately realized what had happened. In an effort to get the last drop of the juice from its container, he had leaned back a little to far.
"I'm alright!" He called from the floor." Sweetie Belle laughed, then laid down next to him.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Just enjoying the scenery!" The mare replied. "Great view from down here." She extended a hoof, which Nitevision immediately wrapped in his, and both the Bat and the Unicorn smiled. Life was so much simpler down here...A stray dust bunny brushed the tip of Nitevision's nose, causing him to sneeze rather violently. Sweetie Belle sat up. "Bless you bumble bee!" She said with a smile. Nitevision panicked.
"Where? I hate bees!" He shouted. Sweetie Belle laughed out loud.
"It's an expression." She explained.
"You have got to be the dumbest pony of the face of the planet!" Fire Alloy said.
"The planet has a face?" Nitevision asked, a look of confusion spreading across his face. "Is it smiling or frowning? I'd imagine it would be frowning, seeing as we're standing on it's face and all..."
Fire Alloy frowned, and knocked back another drink. It was going to be a long night...
Out of the corner of his eye, the red Unicorn could see Babs Seed. She had placed a lampshade on her head, and was dancing on the bar. The first thought that crossed his mind, was 'where in the hay did she get a lampshade?' the second thought that occurred to him was much more logical. 'My glass is empty...I should refill it...but then again, that would be work, and I hate working before the weekend...' A glass dropped and shattered. Fire Alloy automatically assumed it was Nitevision. Usually, when something went wrong, it was the Bat Pony's fault. This time, however, it was not. It was Apple Bloom, who had made a bet with Cherry Berry that she could balance six glasses on her nose at one time. Upon succeeding in her goal, the bartender had challenged the mare to stack a third, fourth, then fifth on top of the original six. Cherry Berry did NOT want to lose the bed, so she 'accidentally' bumped the mare's hoof when she went to stack the final glass, which caused it to crash down onto the floor and shatter. He sighed. It looked like it was just going to be one of those nights.
"Hey Sweetie Belle...." Babs said with a strange, lopsided grin on her face. "Have you ever slept with two ponies at once?" The unicorn shook her head. The only pony she had slept with besides Nitevision, was Rarity, and that was only when she was a filly, after she had had a nightmare.
"You wanna try it?" Babs offered. "It'll be fun, I promise!" Sweetie Belle thought about it for a moment. She had had too much to drink... it was too late to walk back to the dorm...where would they sleep? More importantly, who would she be sleeping WITH? Perhaps Scootaloo? It had been obvious to Sweetie Belle that the Pegasus had been in love with her for a long time...but would she go so far as to sleep with her? Maybe Fire Alloy? But he was in love with Apple Bloom...besides. She didn't want to sleep with any other stallion but her Nitevision.
"C'mon, are you scared or somethin'?" Babs taunted. Maybe the Earth Pony was right...it WOULD be fun...
"Who were you thinking for the third pony?" Sweetie Belle asked, fearing the answer.
"Rumor has it, you're in love with that Bat Pony, and seeing as he's not so bad in the looks department, what say you?" It occurred to Sweetie Belle that perhaps Babs had only wanted to sleep with her stallion so that SHE could become active with him as well. Then the Unicorn remembered the Bat's habit of falling asleep every time a sexual situation developed. She grinned as she pictured Babs' reaction to this.
"Alright Babs, if you can convince Nite to do it, then I'm all for it."
"Hey Nitevision, we're gonna play a game!" Babs Seed said. Nitevision jumped up. He loved games!
"What game?" He asked.
"You get the choice between Doctor and Sleepover!" Babs winked. "If you choose Doctor, then Sweetie Belle and I dress up as sexy nurses." She explained. Naturally, this meant nothing to the Bat Pony.
"I don't like doctors..." He explained. "They have sharp pointy things that they stab me with...and that hurts." Sweetie Belle giggled, and Babs Seed crashed her hoof into her forehead.
"Man you weren't kidding when you said this guy was innocent..." Clearly she had not made the latter option enticing enough. "What's the matter Nite? Didn't you play dress up as a foal?" The Bat Pony simply shook his head.
"I didn't have any friends to play with." Babs Seed shook her head.
"So you want to play sleepover then?" She asked. The Bat Pony nodded happily. He had never spent the night with another pony, let alone a mare!
"Alright, here's how you play sleepover." Babs explained. "You go lay down on the pool table there. Sweets and I will come lay down with you. I'll explain the rest of the rules in a minute." Nitevision did as he was told. But upon lying down on the pool table, he noticed a white, smooth sphere. His eyes widened. He wanted to play with it. It looked like fun! Nitevision readied himself, then pounced on the object, which then rolled over to the other side of the table. He was puzzled, and clearly this was not supposed to happen. He turned around, then noticed there was a black sphere closer to him. Once more, he pounced on the object, and it also rolled away from him. He sat down in order to contemplate what kept happening when he tried to touch one of the nice little toys. Upon sitting, Nitevision noticed that a group of the shiny objects spreading out across the table. He immediately gave chase, only to notice that an orange ball shooting past on the other side. He raced after it, then a white ball racing past caught his attention. So captured was he by the coloured objects, that he didn't notice the two mares that were rolling them back and forth, watching as he chased them, and laughing the entire time.
"I suppose you're right sweets," Babs commented as she rolled the cue ball past Nitevision for the sixth time in two minutes. "This is a lot more entertaining than going to work on this kid!"
Sweetie Belle chuckled as she rolled the number 5 ball past the Bat's hoof. "Let's just hope he doesn't wise up too quickly, because this is just too funny!" Secretly, she just wanted to go home, to her own bed, with her own Bat, and just forget this ever happened.
"It took over three hours for your companion there to figure out what was going on." Berry Punch explained. "You guys were dying of laughter. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen!" Cherry Berry nodded in agreement.
"After quite a while, you guys managed to get the Bat there to fall lay down on the table, but when you tried to 'go to work on him' as you put it...well, let's just say it didn't exactly go as planned."
"Alright Nitevision, let's play sleepover!" Babs Seed said. "Here's how you play. Lay down, and close your eyes. Keep them closed, no matter what happens. Got it?" He used a hoof to trace the length of his body. Sweetie Belle snickered. She knew what would happen next. As soon as Nitevision laid down, and closed his eyes, Babs Seed kissed his throat, slowly moving up his body. The mare stopped, and waited for his reaction. Babs became very confused when he didn't react. She tried again, while Sweetie Belle watched, and giggled again.
"You're doing it wrong." Sweetie Belle explained. "You have to be more gentle. Like this." Sweetie Belle moved to Nitevision's side, then gently kissed him on the forehead. Nitevision didn't react.
"Is there something wrong with him?" Babs Seed asked, a little annoyed.
Sweetie Belle smiled. "You just have to do it right. Watch this." She said, as she produced a bit of corn syrup and placed it on her tail, sliding it gently across his muzzle. Nitevision's ears perked up, and he began to lick her tail. The mare grinned with pleasure.
"Let me try." Babs Seed said, jealous of Sweetie Belle for knowing the Bat pony so much more than she did. Babs reached a hoof into Sweetie Belle's bag, and them smeared the sweet syrup all over the Bat's face. Sweetie Belle laughed and laughed, then collapsed on the pool table. Babs sighed. "I give up. I can't get him to do anything. Clearly, you trained him better than I can." She sighed. Sweetie Belle didn't respond.
"Sweetie Belle?" She asked again. Her question was met by the sounds of snoring. She looked down, and saw Sweetie Belle's hoof crossing over Nitevision's body. She gave a sad smile. All she wanted was a stallion to call her own. Was that so much to ask? Maybe she should switch up her game plan, and go for a mare instead? She looked over at the bar, and saw Scootaloo sitting alone.
"What's up Scoots?" She asked.
"Oh. Hey Babs. You having a good night?"
"Yeah. But it doesn't look like YOU are." Babs Seed smiled. "Wanna see if I can't make it a little better?" Scootaloo grinned.
"What exactly are you thinking?"
Babs Seed wrapped a hoof around the mare's back, sliding closer and closer to the mare's flank. "Whatever makes you happy Scoots!" Babs kissed the mare on her cheek, then placed a hoof under Scootaloo's chin, and gently guided the mare's head to face the Earth pony, and kissed her on the lips, allowing her tongue to slide into the other mare's mouth.
"After you and the Pegasus there made out for a while, you both decided to go the bed, on our POOL TABLE!" Cherry Berry explained. It was at this point, that Sweetie Belle decided she was never going to drink again.